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      1 ; Test 64-bit atomic ANDs.
      2 ;
      3 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu -mcpu=z10 | FileCheck %s
      5 ; Check ANDs of a variable.
      6 define i64 @f1(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src, i64 %b) {
      7 ; CHECK-LABEL: f1:
      8 ; CHECK: lg %r2, 0(%r3)
      9 ; CHECK: [[LABEL:\.[^:]*]]:
     10 ; CHECK: lgr %r0, %r2
     11 ; CHECK: ngr %r0, %r4
     12 ; CHECK: csg %r2, %r0, 0(%r3)
     13 ; CHECK: jl [[LABEL]]
     14 ; CHECK: br %r14
     15   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 %b seq_cst
     16   ret i64 %res
     17 }
     19 ; Check ANDs of 1, which are done using a register.  (We could use RISBG
     20 ; instead, but that isn't implemented yet.)
     21 define i64 @f2(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     22 ; CHECK-LABEL: f2:
     23 ; CHECK: ngr
     24 ; CHECK: br %r14
     25   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 1 seq_cst
     26   ret i64 %res
     27 }
     29 ; Check the equivalent of NIHF with 1, which can use RISBG instead.
     30 define i64 @f3(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     31 ; CHECK-LABEL: f3:
     32 ; CHECK: lg %r2, 0(%r3)
     33 ; CHECK: [[LABEL:\.[^:]*]]:
     34 ; CHECK: risbg %r0, %r2, 31, 191, 0
     35 ; CHECK: csg %r2, %r0, 0(%r3)
     36 ; CHECK: jl [[LABEL]]
     37 ; CHECK: br %r14
     38   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 8589934591 seq_cst
     39   ret i64 %res
     40 }
     42 ; Check the lowest NIHF value outside the range of RISBG.
     43 define i64 @f4(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     44 ; CHECK-LABEL: f4:
     45 ; CHECK: lg %r2, 0(%r3)
     46 ; CHECK: [[LABEL:\.[^:]*]]:
     47 ; CHECK: lgr %r0, %r2
     48 ; CHECK: nihf %r0, 2
     49 ; CHECK: csg %r2, %r0, 0(%r3)
     50 ; CHECK: jl [[LABEL]]
     51 ; CHECK: br %r14
     52   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 12884901887 seq_cst
     53   ret i64 %res
     54 }
     56 ; Check the next value up, which must use a register.
     57 define i64 @f5(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     58 ; CHECK-LABEL: f5:
     59 ; CHECK: ngr
     60 ; CHECK: br %r14
     61   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 12884901888 seq_cst
     62   ret i64 %res
     63 }
     65 ; Check the lowest NIHH value outside the range of RISBG.
     66 define i64 @f6(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     67 ; CHECK-LABEL: f6:
     68 ; CHECK: nihh {{%r[0-5]}}, 2
     69 ; CHECK: br %r14
     70   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 844424930131967 seq_cst
     71   ret i64 %res
     72 }
     74 ; Check the next value up, which must use a register.
     75 define i64 @f7(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     76 ; CHECK-LABEL: f7:
     77 ; CHECK: ngr
     78 ; CHECK: br %r14
     79   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 281474976710656 seq_cst
     80   ret i64 %res
     81 }
     83 ; Check the highest NILL value outside the range of RISBG.
     84 define i64 @f8(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     85 ; CHECK-LABEL: f8:
     86 ; CHECK: nill {{%r[0-5]}}, 65530
     87 ; CHECK: br %r14
     88   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -6 seq_cst
     89   ret i64 %res
     90 }
     92 ; Check the lowest NILL value outside the range of RISBG.
     93 define i64 @f9(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
     94 ; CHECK-LABEL: f9:
     95 ; CHECK: nill {{%r[0-5]}}, 2
     96 ; CHECK: br %r14
     97   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -65534 seq_cst
     98   ret i64 %res
     99 }
    101 ; Check the highest useful NILF value.
    102 define i64 @f10(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    103 ; CHECK-LABEL: f10:
    104 ; CHECK: nilf {{%r[0-5]}}, 4294901758
    105 ; CHECK: br %r14
    106   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -65538 seq_cst
    107   ret i64 %res
    108 }
    110 ; Check the highest NILH value outside the range of RISBG.
    111 define i64 @f11(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    112 ; CHECK-LABEL: f11:
    113 ; CHECK: nilh {{%r[0-5]}}, 65530
    114 ; CHECK: br %r14
    115   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -327681 seq_cst
    116   ret i64 %res
    117 }
    119 ; Check the lowest NILH value outside the range of RISBG.
    120 define i64 @f12(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    121 ; CHECK-LABEL: f12:
    122 ; CHECK: nilh {{%r[0-5]}}, 2
    123 ; CHECK: br %r14
    124   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -4294770689 seq_cst
    125   ret i64 %res
    126 }
    128 ; Check the lowest NILF value outside the range of RISBG.
    129 define i64 @f13(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    130 ; CHECK-LABEL: f13:
    131 ; CHECK: nilf {{%r[0-5]}}, 2
    132 ; CHECK: br %r14
    133   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -4294967294 seq_cst
    134   ret i64 %res
    135 }
    137 ; Check the highest NIHL value outside the range of RISBG.
    138 define i64 @f14(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    139 ; CHECK-LABEL: f14:
    140 ; CHECK: nihl {{%r[0-5]}}, 65530
    141 ; CHECK: br %r14
    142   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -21474836481 seq_cst
    143   ret i64 %res
    144 }
    146 ; Check the lowest NIHL value outside the range of RISBG.
    147 define i64 @f15(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    148 ; CHECK-LABEL: f15:
    149 ; CHECK: nihl {{%r[0-5]}}, 2
    150 ; CHECK: br %r14
    151   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -281462091808769 seq_cst
    152   ret i64 %res
    153 }
    155 ; Check the highest NIHH value outside the range of RISBG.
    156 define i64 @f16(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    157 ; CHECK-LABEL: f16:
    158 ; CHECK: nihh {{%r[0-5]}}, 65530
    159 ; CHECK: br %r14
    160   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -1407374883553281 seq_cst
    161   ret i64 %res
    162 }
    164 ; Check the highest useful NIHF value.
    165 define i64 @f17(i64 %dummy, i64 *%src) {
    166 ; CHECK-LABEL: f17:
    167 ; CHECK: nihf {{%r[0-5]}}, 4294901758
    168 ; CHECK: br %r14
    169   %res = atomicrmw and i64 *%src, i64 -281479271677953 seq_cst
    170   ret i64 %res
    171 }