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      1 ; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin | FileCheck %s
      2 ; TLS function were wrongly model and after fixing that, shrink-wrapping
      3 ; cannot help here. To achieve the expected lowering, we need to playing
      4 ; tricks similar to AArch64 fast TLS calling convention (r255821).
      5 ; Applying tricks on x86-64 similar to r255821.
      6 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin -enable-shrink-wrap=true | FileCheck %s
      7 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin -O0 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-O0
      8 %struct.S = type { i8 }
     10 @sg = internal thread_local global %struct.S zeroinitializer, align 1
     11 @__dso_handle = external global i8
     12 @__tls_guard = internal thread_local unnamed_addr global i1 false
     13 @sum1 = internal thread_local global i32 0, align 4
     15 declare void @_ZN1SC1Ev(%struct.S*)
     16 declare void @_ZN1SD1Ev(%struct.S*)
     17 declare i32 @_tlv_atexit(void (i8*)*, i8*, i8*)
     19 ; Every GPR should be saved - except rdi, rax, and rsp
     20 ; CHECK-LABEL: _ZTW2sg
     21 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r11
     22 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r10
     23 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r9
     24 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r8
     25 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rsi
     26 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rdx
     27 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rcx
     28 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rbx
     29 ; CHECK: callq
     30 ; CHECK: jne
     31 ; CHECK: callq
     32 ; CHECK: tlv_atexit
     33 ; CHECK: callq
     34 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %rbx
     35 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %rcx
     36 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %rdx
     37 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %rsi
     38 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %r8
     39 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %r9
     40 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %r10
     41 ; CHECK-NOT: popq %r11
     43 ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: _ZTW2sg
     44 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %r11
     45 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %r10
     46 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %r9
     47 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %r8
     48 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %rsi
     49 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %rdx
     50 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %rcx
     51 ; CHECK-O0: callq
     52 ; CHECK-O0: jne
     53 ; CHECK-O0: callq
     54 ; CHECK-O0: tlv_atexit
     55 ; CHECK-O0: callq
     56 ; CHECK-O0: popq %rcx
     57 ; CHECK-O0: popq %rdx
     58 ; CHECK-O0: popq %rsi
     59 ; CHECK-O0: popq %r8
     60 ; CHECK-O0: popq %r9
     61 ; CHECK-O0: popq %r10
     62 ; CHECK-O0: popq %r11
     63 define cxx_fast_tlscc nonnull %struct.S* @_ZTW2sg() nounwind {
     64   %.b.i = load i1, i1* @__tls_guard, align 1
     65   br i1 %.b.i, label %__tls_init.exit, label %init.i
     67 init.i:
     68   store i1 true, i1* @__tls_guard, align 1
     69   tail call void @_ZN1SC1Ev(%struct.S* nonnull @sg) #2
     70   %1 = tail call i32 @_tlv_atexit(void (i8*)* nonnull bitcast (void (%struct.S*)* @_ZN1SD1Ev to void (i8*)*), i8* nonnull getelementptr inbounds (%struct.S, %struct.S* @sg, i64 0, i32 0), i8* nonnull @__dso_handle) #2
     71   br label %__tls_init.exit
     73 __tls_init.exit:
     74   ret %struct.S* @sg
     75 }
     77 ; CHECK-LABEL: _ZTW4sum1
     78 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r11
     79 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r10
     80 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r9
     81 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r8
     82 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rsi
     83 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rdx
     84 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rcx
     85 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rbx
     86 ; CHECK: callq
     87 ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: _ZTW4sum1
     88 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r11
     89 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r10
     90 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r9
     91 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r8
     92 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %rsi
     93 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %rdx
     94 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %rcx
     95 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %rbx
     96 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %r11
     97 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %r10
     98 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %r9
     99 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %r8
    100 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %rsi
    101 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %rdx
    102 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %rcx
    103 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %rbx
    104 ; CHECK-O0: callq
    105 define cxx_fast_tlscc nonnull i32* @_ZTW4sum1() nounwind {
    106   ret i32* @sum1
    107 }
    109 ; Make sure at O0 we don't overwrite RBP.
    110 ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: _ZTW4sum2
    111 ; CHECK-O0: pushq %rbp
    112 ; CHECK-O0: movq %rsp, %rbp
    113 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: movq %r{{.*}}, (%rbp) 
    114 define cxx_fast_tlscc i32* @_ZTW4sum2() #0 {
    115   ret i32* @sum1
    116 }
    118 ; Make sure at O0, we don't generate spilling/reloading of the CSRs.
    119 ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: tls_test2
    120 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r11
    121 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r10
    122 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r9
    123 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %r8
    124 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %rsi
    125 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: pushq %rdx
    126 ; CHECK-O0: callq {{.*}}tls_helper
    127 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: popq %rdx
    128 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: popq %rsi
    129 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: popq %r8
    130 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: popq %r9
    131 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: popq %r10
    132 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: popq %r11
    133 ; CHECK-O0: ret
    134 %class.C = type { i32 }
    135 @tC = internal thread_local global %class.C zeroinitializer, align 4
    136 declare cxx_fast_tlscc void @tls_helper()
    137 define cxx_fast_tlscc %class.C* @tls_test2() #1 {
    138   call cxx_fast_tlscc void @tls_helper()
    139   ret %class.C* @tC
    140 }
    142 ; Make sure we do not allow tail call when caller and callee have different
    143 ; calling conventions.
    144 declare %class.C* @_ZN1CD1Ev(%class.C* readnone returned %this)
    145 ; CHECK-LABEL: tls_test
    146 ; CHECK: callq {{.*}}tlv_atexit
    147 define cxx_fast_tlscc void @tls_test() {
    148 entry:
    149   store i32 0, i32* getelementptr inbounds (%class.C, %class.C* @tC, i64 0, i32 0), align 4
    150   %0 = tail call i32 @_tlv_atexit(void (i8*)* bitcast (%class.C* (%class.C*)* @_ZN1CD1Ev to void (i8*)*), i8* bitcast (%class.C* @tC to i8*), i8* nonnull @__dso_handle) #1
    151   ret void
    152 }
    154 @ssp_var = internal thread_local global i8 0, align 1
    156 ; CHECK-LABEL: test_ssp
    157 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r11
    158 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r10
    159 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r9
    160 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %r8
    161 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rsi
    162 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rdx
    163 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rcx
    164 ; CHECK-NOT: pushq %rbx
    165 ; CHECK: callq
    166 define cxx_fast_tlscc nonnull i8* @test_ssp() #2 {
    167   ret i8* @ssp_var
    168 }
    169 attributes #0 = { nounwind "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" }
    170 attributes #1 = { nounwind }
    171 attributes #2 = { nounwind sspreq }