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      1 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu -filetype=obj %s | \
      2 # RUN: llvm-readobj -r | FileCheck %s
      4         .section .opd,"aw",@progbits
      5 access_int64:
      6         .quad .L.access_int64
      7         .quad .TOC.@tocbase
      8         .quad 0
      9         .text
     10 .L.access_int64:
     11         ld 4, .LC1@toc(2)
     12         bl sin
     14         .section .toc,"aw",@progbits
     15 .LC1:
     16         .tc number64[TC],number64
     17         .data
     18         .globl number64
     19 number64:
     20         .quad	10
     22 # CHECK:      Relocations [
     24 # The relocations in .rela.text are the 'number64' load using a
     25 # R_PPC64_TOC16_DS against the .toc and the 'sin' external function
     26 # address using a R_PPC64_REL24
     27 # CHECK:        Section ({{[0-9]+}}) .rela.text {
     28 # CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_PPC64_TOC16_DS .toc
     29 # CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_PPC64_REL24    sin
     30 # CHECK-NEXT:   }
     32 # The .opd entry for the 'access_int64' function creates 2 relocations:
     33 # 1. A R_PPC64_ADDR64 against the .text segment plus addend (the function
     34 #    address itself);
     35 # 2. And a R_PPC64_TOC against no symbol (the linker will replace for the
     36 #    module's TOC base).
     37 # CHECK:        Section ({{[0-9]+}}) .rela.opd {
     38 # CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_PPC64_ADDR64 .text 0x0
     39 # CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_PPC64_TOC - 0x0
     41 # Finally the TOC creates the relocation for the 'number64'.
     42 # CHECK:        Section ({{[0-9]+}}) .rela.toc {
     43 # CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_PPC64_ADDR64 number64 0x0
     44 # CHECK-NEXT:   }
     46 # CHECK-NEXT: ]