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      1 ; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by update_test_checks.py
      2 ; RUN: opt < %s -instsimplify -S | FileCheck %s
      4 ; These tests choose arbitrarily between float and double,
      5 ; and between uge and olt, to give reasonble coverage
      6 ; without combinatorial explosion.
      8 declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)
      9 declare float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float)
     10 declare double @llvm.powi.f64(double,i32)
     11 declare float @llvm.exp.f32(float)
     12 declare float @llvm.minnum.f32(float, float)
     13 declare float @llvm.maxnum.f32(float, float)
     14 declare double @llvm.exp2.f64(double)
     15 declare float @llvm.fma.f32(float,float,float)
     17 declare void @expect_equal(i1,i1)
     19 define i1 @orderedLessZeroTree(float,float,float,float) {
     20 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroTree(
     21 ; CHECK:         ret i1 true
     22 ;
     23   %square = fmul float %0, %0
     24   %abs = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %1)
     25   %sqrt = call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %2)
     26   %fma = call float @llvm.fma.f32(float %3, float %3, float %sqrt)
     27   %div = fdiv float %square, %abs
     28   %rem = frem float %sqrt, %fma
     29   %add = fadd float %div, %rem
     30   %uge = fcmp uge float %add, 0.000000e+00
     31   ret i1 %uge
     32 }
     34 define i1 @orderedLessZeroExpExt(float) {
     35 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroExpExt(
     36 ; CHECK:         ret i1 true
     37 ;
     38   %a = call float @llvm.exp.f32(float %0)
     39   %b = fpext float %a to double
     40   %uge = fcmp uge double %b, 0.000000e+00
     41   ret i1 %uge
     42 }
     44 define i1 @orderedLessZeroExp2Trunc(double) {
     45 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroExp2Trunc(
     46 ; CHECK:         ret i1 false
     47 ;
     48   %a = call double @llvm.exp2.f64(double %0)
     49   %b = fptrunc double %a to float
     50   %olt = fcmp olt float %b, 0.000000e+00
     51   ret i1 %olt
     52 }
     54 define i1 @orderedLessZeroPowi(double,double) {
     55 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroPowi(
     56 ; CHECK:         ret i1 false
     57 ;
     58   ; Even constant exponent
     59   %a = call double @llvm.powi.f64(double %0, i32 2)
     60   %square = fmul double %1, %1
     61   ; Odd constant exponent with provably non-negative base
     62   %b = call double @llvm.powi.f64(double %square, i32 3)
     63   %c = fadd double %a, %b
     64   %olt = fcmp olt double %b, 0.000000e+00
     65   ret i1 %olt
     66 }
     68 define i1 @orderedLessZeroUIToFP(i32) {
     69 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroUIToFP(
     70 ; CHECK:         ret i1 true
     71 ;
     72   %a = uitofp i32 %0 to float
     73   %uge = fcmp uge float %a, 0.000000e+00
     74   ret i1 %uge
     75 }
     77 define i1 @orderedLessZeroSelect(float, float) {
     78 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroSelect(
     79 ; CHECK:         ret i1 true
     80 ;
     81   %a = call float @llvm.exp.f32(float %0)
     82   %b = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %1)
     83   %c = fcmp olt float %0, %1
     84   %d = select i1 %c, float %a, float %b
     85   %e = fadd float %d, 1.0
     86   %uge = fcmp uge float %e, 0.000000e+00
     87   ret i1 %uge
     88 }
     90 define i1 @orderedLessZeroMinNum(float, float) {
     91 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroMinNum(
     92 ; CHECK:         ret i1 true
     93 ;
     94   %a = call float @llvm.exp.f32(float %0)
     95   %b = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %1)
     96   %c = call float @llvm.minnum.f32(float %a, float %b)
     97   %uge = fcmp uge float %c, 0.000000e+00
     98   ret i1 %uge
     99 }
    101 define i1 @orderedLessZeroMaxNum(float, float) {
    102 ; CHECK-LABEL: @orderedLessZeroMaxNum(
    103 ; CHECK:         ret i1 true
    104 ;
    105   %a = call float @llvm.exp.f32(float %0)
    106   %b = call float @llvm.maxnum.f32(float %a, float %1)
    107   %uge = fcmp uge float %b, 0.000000e+00
    108   ret i1 %uge
    109 }
    111 define i1 @nonans1(double %in1, double %in2) {
    112 ; CHECK-LABEL: @nonans1(
    113 ; CHECK:         ret i1 false
    114 ;
    115   %cmp = fcmp nnan uno double %in1, %in2
    116   ret i1 %cmp
    117 }
    119 define i1 @nonans2(double %in1, double %in2) {
    120 ; CHECK-LABEL: @nonans2(
    121 ; CHECK:         ret i1 true
    122 ;
    123   %cmp = fcmp nnan ord double %in1, %in2
    124   ret i1 %cmp
    125 }