1 ; RUN: opt < %s -reassociate -S | FileCheck %s 2 ; CHECK-LABEL: main 3 ; This test is to make sure while processing a block, uses of instructions 4 ; from a different basic block don't get added to be re-optimized 5 define void @main() { 6 entry: 7 %0 = fadd fast float undef, undef 8 br i1 undef, label %bb1, label %bb2 9 10 bb1: 11 %1 = fmul fast float undef, -2.000000e+00 12 %2 = fmul fast float %1, 2.000000e+00 13 %3 = fadd fast float %2, 2.000000e+00 14 %4 = fadd fast float %3, %0 15 %mul351 = fmul fast float %4, 5.000000e-01 16 ret void 17 18 bb2: 19 ret void 20 } 21