1 RUN: llvm-dwp %p/../Inputs/merge/notypes/c.dwo %p/../Inputs/merge/notypes/ab.dwp -o %t 2 RUN: llvm-dwarfdump %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=NOTYP %s 3 4 FIXME: For some reason, piping straight from llvm-dwp to llvm-dwarfdump doesn't behave well - looks like dwarfdump is reading/closes before dwp has finished. 5 6 DWP from a DWO (c.dwo) and a DWP (ab.dwp, created from a.dwo and b.dwo) 7 Make sure the entries for A and B are updated correctly when read/processed from ab.dwp 8 a.cpp: 9 struct foo { }; 10 foo a; 11 12 b.cpp: 13 struct bar { }; 14 void b(bar) { 15 } 16 17 c.cpp: 18 typedef int baz; 19 baz c() { 20 } 21 22 CHECK-LABEL: .debug_abbrev.dwo contents: 23 CHECK-LABEL: Abbrev table for offset: 24 CHECK: 0x0000[[CAOFF:.*]] 25 CHECK-LABEL: Abbrev table for offset: 26 CHECK: 0x0000[[AAOFF:.*]] 27 CHECK-LABEL: Abbrev table for offset: 28 CHECK: 0x0000[[BAOFF:.*]] 29 30 CHECK: .debug_info.dwo contents: 31 CHECK: [[COFF:0x[0-9a-f]*]]: 32 CHECK-LABEL: Compile Unit: length = {{.*}} version = 0x0004 abbr_offset = 33 CHECK: 0x[[CAOFF]] addr_size = 0x08 (next unit at [[AOFF:.*]]) 34 CHECK: DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id {{.*}} ([[DWOC:.*]]) 35 CHECK: [[AOFF]]: 36 CHECK-LABEL: Compile Unit: length = {{.*}} version = 0x0004 abbr_offset = 37 CHECK: 0x[[AAOFF]] addr_size = 0x08 (next unit at [[BOFF:.*]]) 38 CHECK: DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id {{.*}} ([[DWOA:.*]]) 39 CHECK: [[BOFF]]: 40 CHECK-LABEL: Compile Unit: length = {{.*}} version = 0x0004 abbr_offset = 41 CHECK: 0x[[BAOFF]] addr_size = 0x08 (next unit at [[XOFF:.*]]) 42 CHECK: DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id {{.*}} ([[DWOB:.*]]) 43 44 CHECK-LABEL: .debug_cu_index 45 CHECK: Index Signature INFO ABBREV LINE STR_OFFSETS 46 CHECK-DAG: [[DWOC]] {{\[}}[[COFF]], [[AOFF]]) [0x0000[[CAOFF]], 0x0000[[AAOFF]]) [0x00000000, 0x00000011) [0x00000000, 0x00000018) 47 CHECK-DAG: [[DWOA]] {{\[}}[[AOFF]], [[BOFF]]) [0x0000[[AAOFF]], 0x0000[[BAOFF]]) [0x00000011, 0x00000022) [0x00000018, 0x00000028) 48 CHECK-DAG: [[DWOB]] {{\[}}[[BOFF]], [[XOFF]]) [0x0000[[BAOFF]], 0x000000c3) [0x00000022, 0x00000033) [0x00000028, 0x0000003c) 49