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      1 /*
      2  * version of copy command using async i/o
      3  * From:	Stephen Hemminger <shemminger (at) osdl.org>
      4  * Modified by Daniel McNeil <daniel (at) osdl.org> for testing aio.
      5  *	- added -a alignment
      6  *	- added -b blksize option
      7  *	_ added -s size	option
      8  *	- added -f open_flag option
      9  *	- added -w (no write) option (reads from source only)
     10  *	- added -n (num aio) option
     11  *	- added -z (zero dest) opton (writes zeros to dest only)
     12  *	- added -D delay_ms option
     13  *
     14  * Copy file by using a async I/O state machine.
     15  * 1. Start read request
     16  * 2. When read completes turn it into a write request
     17  * 3. When write completes decrement counter and free resources
     18  *
     19  *
     20  * Usage: aiocp [-b blksize] -n [num_aio] [-w] [-z] [-s filesize]
     21  *		[-f DIRECT|TRUNC|CREAT|SYNC|LARGEFILE] src dest
     22  */
     24 #define _GNU_SOURCE
     26 #include <unistd.h>
     27 #include <stdio.h>
     28 #include <sys/types.h>
     29 #include <sys/stat.h>
     30 #include <sys/param.h>
     31 #include <fcntl.h>
     32 #include <errno.h>
     33 #include <stdlib.h>
     34 #include <mntent.h>
     35 #include <sys/select.h>
     36 #include <sys/mount.h>
     38 #include "config.h"
     39 #include "tst_res_flags.h"
     41 #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO
     42 #include <libaio.h>
     44 #define AIO_BLKSIZE	(64*1024)
     45 #define AIO_MAXIO	32
     47 static int aio_blksize = AIO_BLKSIZE;
     48 static int aio_maxio = AIO_MAXIO;
     50 static int busy = 0;		// # of I/O's in flight
     51 static int tocopy = 0;		// # of blocks left to copy
     52 static int srcfd;		// source fd
     53 static int srcfd2;		// source fd - end of file non-sector
     54 static int dstfd = -1;		// destination file descriptor
     55 static int dstfd2 = -1;		// Handle end of file for non-sector size
     56 static const char *dstname = NULL;
     57 static const char *srcname = NULL;
     58 static int source_open_flag = O_RDONLY;	/* open flags on source file */
     59 static int dest_open_flag = O_WRONLY;	/* open flags on dest file */
     60 static int no_write;		/* do not write */
     61 static int zero;		/* write zero's only */
     63 static int debug;
     64 static int count_io_q_waits;	/* how many time io_queue_wait called */
     66 struct iocb **iocb_free;	/* array of pointers to iocb */
     67 int iocb_free_count;		/* current free count */
     68 int alignment = 512;		/* buffer alignment */
     70 struct timeval delay;		/* delay between i/o */
     72 static int dev_block_size_by_path(const char *path)
     73 {
     74 	FILE *f;
     75 	struct mntent *mnt;
     76 	size_t prefix_len, prefix_max = 0;
     77 	char dev_name[1024];
     78 	int fd, size;
     80 	if (!path)
     81 		return 0;
     83 	f = setmntent("/proc/mounts", "r");
     84 	if (!f) {
     85 		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open /proc/mounts\n");
     86 		return 0;
     87 	}
     89 	while ((mnt = getmntent(f))) {
     90 		/* Skip pseudo fs */
     91 		if (mnt->mnt_fsname[0] != '/')
     92 			continue;
     94 		prefix_len = strlen(mnt->mnt_dir);
     96 		if (prefix_len > prefix_max &&
     97 		    !strncmp(path, mnt->mnt_dir, prefix_len)) {
     98 			prefix_max = prefix_len;
     99 			strncpy(dev_name, mnt->mnt_fsname, sizeof(dev_name));
    100 			dev_name[sizeof(dev_name)-1] = '\0';
    101 		}
    102 	}
    104 	endmntent(f);
    106 	if (!prefix_max) {
    107 		fprintf(stderr, "Path '%s' not found in /proc/mounts\n", path);
    108 		return 0;
    109 	}
    111 	printf("Path '%s' is on device '%s'\n", path, dev_name);
    113 	fd = open(dev_name, O_RDONLY);
    114 	if (!fd) {
    115 		fprintf(stderr, "open('%s'): %s\n", dev_name, strerror(errno));
    116 		return 0;
    117 	}
    119 	if (ioctl(fd, BLKSSZGET, &size)) {
    120 		fprintf(stderr, "ioctl(BLKSSZGET): %s\n", strerror(errno));
    121 		close(fd);
    122 		return 0;
    123 	}
    125 	close(fd);
    126 	printf("'%s' has block size %i\n", dev_name, size);
    128 	return size;
    129 }
    131 int init_iocb(int n, int iosize)
    132 {
    133 	void *buf;
    134 	int i;
    136 	if ((iocb_free = malloc(n * sizeof(struct iocb *))) == 0) {
    137 		return -1;
    138 	}
    140 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    141 		if (!
    142 		    (iocb_free[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct iocb))))
    143 			return -1;
    144 		if (posix_memalign(&buf, alignment, iosize))
    145 			return -1;
    146 		if (debug > 1) {
    147 			printf("buf allocated at 0x%p, align:%d\n",
    148 			       buf, alignment);
    149 		}
    150 		if (zero) {
    151 			/*
    152 			 * We are writing zero's to dstfd
    153 			 */
    154 			memset(buf, 0, iosize);
    155 		}
    156 		io_prep_pread(iocb_free[i], -1, buf, iosize, 0);
    157 	}
    158 	iocb_free_count = i;
    159 	return 0;
    160 }
    162 static struct iocb *alloc_iocb(void)
    163 {
    164 	if (!iocb_free_count)
    165 		return 0;
    166 	return iocb_free[--iocb_free_count];
    167 }
    169 void free_iocb(struct iocb *io)
    170 {
    171 	iocb_free[iocb_free_count++] = io;
    172 }
    174 /*
    175  * io_wait_run() - wait for an io_event and then call the callback.
    176  */
    177 int io_wait_run(io_context_t ctx, struct timespec *to)
    178 {
    179 	struct io_event events[aio_maxio];
    180 	struct io_event *ep;
    181 	int ret, n;
    183 	/*
    184 	 * get up to aio_maxio events at a time.
    185 	 */
    186 	ret = n = io_getevents(ctx, 1, aio_maxio, events, to);
    188 	/*
    189 	 * Call the callback functions for each event.
    190 	 */
    191 	for (ep = events; n-- > 0; ep++) {
    192 		io_callback_t cb = (io_callback_t) ep->data;
    193 		struct iocb *iocb = ep->obj;
    195 		if (debug > 1) {
    196 			fprintf(stderr, "ev:%p iocb:%p res:%ld res2:%ld\n",
    197 				ep, iocb, ep->res, ep->res2);
    198 		}
    199 		cb(ctx, iocb, ep->res, ep->res2);
    200 	}
    201 	return ret;
    202 }
    204 /* Fatal error handler */
    205 static void io_error(const char *func, int rc)
    206 {
    207 	if (rc == -ENOSYS)
    208 		fprintf(stderr, "AIO not in this kernel\n");
    209 	else if (rc < 0)
    210 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", func, strerror(-rc));
    211 	else
    212 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: error %d\n", func, rc);
    214 	if (dstfd > 0)
    215 		close(dstfd);
    216 	if (dstname && dest_open_flag & O_CREAT)
    217 		unlink(dstname);
    218 	exit(1);
    219 }
    221 /*
    222  * Write complete callback.
    223  * Adjust counts and free resources
    224  */
    225 static void wr_done(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb *iocb, long res, long res2)
    226 {
    227 	if (res2 != 0) {
    228 		io_error("aio write", res2);
    229 	}
    230 	if (res != iocb->u.c.nbytes) {
    231 		fprintf(stderr, "write missed bytes expect %lu got %ld\n",
    232 			iocb->u.c.nbytes, res);
    233 		exit(1);
    234 	}
    235 	--tocopy;
    236 	--busy;
    237 	free_iocb(iocb);
    238 	if (debug)
    239 		write(2, "w", 1);
    240 }
    242 /*
    243  * Read complete callback.
    244  * Change read iocb into a write iocb and start it.
    245  */
    246 static void rd_done(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb *iocb, long res, long res2)
    247 {
    248 	/* library needs accessors to look at iocb? */
    249 	int iosize = iocb->u.c.nbytes;
    250 	char *buf = iocb->u.c.buf;
    251 	off_t offset = iocb->u.c.offset;
    253 	if (res2 != 0)
    254 		io_error("aio read", res2);
    255 	if (res != iosize) {
    256 		fprintf(stderr, "read missing bytes expect %lu got %ld\n",
    257 			iocb->u.c.nbytes, res);
    258 		exit(1);
    259 	}
    261 	/* turn read into write */
    262 	if (no_write) {
    263 		--tocopy;
    264 		--busy;
    265 		free_iocb(iocb);
    266 	} else {
    267 		int fd;
    268 		if (iocb->aio_fildes == srcfd)
    269 			fd = dstfd;
    270 		else
    271 			fd = dstfd2;
    272 		io_prep_pwrite(iocb, fd, buf, iosize, offset);
    273 		io_set_callback(iocb, wr_done);
    274 		if (1 != (res = io_submit(ctx, 1, &iocb)))
    275 			io_error("io_submit write", res);
    276 	}
    277 	if (debug)
    278 		write(2, "r", 1);
    279 	if (debug > 1)
    280 		printf("%d", iosize);
    281 }
    283 static void usage(void)
    284 {
    285 	fprintf(stderr,
    286 		"Usage: aiocp [-a align] [-s size] [-b blksize] [-n num_io]"
    287 		" [-f open_flag] SOURCE DEST\n"
    288 		"This copies from SOURCE to DEST using AIO.\n\n"
    289 		"Usage: aiocp [options] -w SOURCE\n"
    290 		"This does sequential AIO reads (no writes).\n\n"
    291 		"Usage: aiocp [options] -z DEST\n"
    292 		"This does sequential AIO writes of zeros.\n");
    294 	exit(1);
    295 }
    297 /*
    298  * Scale value by kilo, mega, or giga.
    299  */
    300 long long scale_by_kmg(long long value, char scale)
    301 {
    302 	switch (scale) {
    303 	case 'g':
    304 	case 'G':
    305 		value *= 1024;
    306 	case 'm':
    307 	case 'M':
    308 		value *= 1024;
    309 	case 'k':
    310 	case 'K':
    311 		value *= 1024;
    312 		break;
    313 	case '\0':
    314 		break;
    315 	default:
    316 		usage();
    317 		break;
    318 	}
    319 	return value;
    320 }
    322 int main(int argc, char *const *argv)
    323 {
    324 	struct stat st;
    325 	off_t length = 0, offset = 0;
    326 	off_t leftover = 0;
    327 	io_context_t myctx;
    328 	int c;
    329 	extern char *optarg;
    330 	extern int optind, opterr, optopt;
    332 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:df:n:s:wzD:")) != -1) {
    333 		char *endp;
    335 		switch (c) {
    336 		case 'a':	/* alignment of data buffer */
    337 			alignment = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
    338 			alignment = (long)scale_by_kmg((long long)alignment,
    339 						       *endp);
    340 			break;
    341 		case 'f':	/* use these open flags */
    342 			if (strcmp(optarg, "LARGEFILE") == 0 ||
    343 			    strcmp(optarg, "O_LARGEFILE") == 0) {
    344 				source_open_flag |= O_LARGEFILE;
    345 				dest_open_flag |= O_LARGEFILE;
    346 			} else if (strcmp(optarg, "TRUNC") == 0 ||
    347 				   strcmp(optarg, "O_TRUNC") == 0) {
    348 				dest_open_flag |= O_TRUNC;
    349 			} else if (strcmp(optarg, "SYNC") == 0 ||
    350 				   strcmp(optarg, "O_SYNC") == 0) {
    351 				dest_open_flag |= O_SYNC;
    352 			} else if (strcmp(optarg, "DIRECT") == 0 ||
    353 				   strcmp(optarg, "O_DIRECT") == 0) {
    354 				source_open_flag |= O_DIRECT;
    355 				dest_open_flag |= O_DIRECT;
    356 			} else if (strncmp(optarg, "CREAT", 5) == 0 ||
    357 				   strncmp(optarg, "O_CREAT", 5) == 0) {
    358 				dest_open_flag |= O_CREAT;
    359 			}
    360 			break;
    361 		case 'd':
    362 			debug++;
    363 			break;
    364 		case 'D':
    365 			delay.tv_usec = atoi(optarg);
    366 			break;
    367 		case 'b':	/* block size */
    368 			aio_blksize = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
    369 			aio_blksize =
    370 			    (long)scale_by_kmg((long long)aio_blksize, *endp);
    371 			break;
    373 		case 'n':	/* num io */
    374 			aio_maxio = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
    375 			break;
    376 		case 's':	/* size to transfer */
    377 			length = strtoll(optarg, &endp, 0);
    378 			length = scale_by_kmg(length, *endp);
    379 			break;
    380 		case 'w':	/* no write */
    381 			no_write = 1;
    382 			break;
    383 		case 'z':	/* write zero's */
    384 			zero = 1;
    385 			break;
    387 		default:
    388 			usage();
    389 		}
    390 	}
    392 	argc -= optind;
    393 	argv += optind;
    395 	if (argc < 1) {
    396 		usage();
    397 	}
    398 	if (!zero) {
    399 		if ((srcfd = open(srcname = *argv, source_open_flag)) < 0) {
    400 			perror(srcname);
    401 			exit(1);
    402 		}
    403 		argv++;
    404 		argc--;
    405 		if (fstat(srcfd, &st) < 0) {
    406 			perror("fstat");
    407 			exit(1);
    408 		}
    409 		if (length == 0)
    410 			length = st.st_size;
    411 	}
    413 	if (!no_write) {
    414 		/*
    415 		 * We are either copying or writing zeros to dstname
    416 		 */
    417 		if (argc < 1) {
    418 			usage();
    419 		}
    420 		if ((dstfd = open(dstname = *argv, dest_open_flag, 0666)) < 0) {
    421 			perror(dstname);
    422 			exit(1);
    423 		}
    424 		if (zero) {
    425 			/*
    426 			 * get size of dest, if we are zeroing it.
    427 			 * TODO: handle devices.
    428 			 */
    429 			if (fstat(dstfd, &st) < 0) {
    430 				perror("fstat");
    431 				exit(1);
    432 			}
    433 			if (length == 0)
    434 				length = st.st_size;
    435 		}
    436 	}
    437 	/*
    438 	 * O_DIRECT cannot handle non-sector sizes
    439 	 */
    440 	if (dest_open_flag & O_DIRECT) {
    441 		int src_alignment = dev_block_size_by_path(srcname);
    442 		int dst_alignment = dev_block_size_by_path(dstname);
    444 		/*
    445 		 * Given we expect the block sizes to be multiple of 2 the
    446 		 * larger is always divideable by the smaller, so we only need
    447 		 * to care about maximum.
    448 		 */
    449 		if (src_alignment > dst_alignment)
    450 			dst_alignment = src_alignment;
    452 		if (alignment < dst_alignment) {
    453 			alignment = dst_alignment;
    454 			printf("Forcing aligment to %i\n", alignment);
    455 		}
    457 		if (aio_blksize % alignment) {
    458 			printf("Block size is not multiple of drive block size\n");
    459 			printf("Skipping the test!\n");
    460 			exit(0);
    461 		}
    463 		leftover = length % alignment;
    464 		if (leftover) {
    465 			int flag;
    467 			length -= leftover;
    468 			if (!zero) {
    469 				flag = source_open_flag & ~O_DIRECT;
    470 				srcfd2 = open(srcname, flag);
    471 				if (srcfd2 < 0) {
    472 					perror(srcname);
    473 					exit(1);
    474 				}
    475 			}
    476 			if (!no_write) {
    477 				flag = (O_SYNC | dest_open_flag) &
    478 				    ~(O_DIRECT | O_CREAT);
    479 				dstfd2 = open(dstname, flag);
    480 				if (dstfd2 < 0) {
    481 					perror(dstname);
    482 					exit(1);
    483 				}
    484 			}
    485 		}
    486 	}
    488 	/* initialize state machine */
    489 	memset(&myctx, 0, sizeof(myctx));
    490 	io_queue_init(aio_maxio, &myctx);
    491 	tocopy = howmany(length, aio_blksize);
    493 	if (init_iocb(aio_maxio, aio_blksize) < 0) {
    494 		fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the i/o buffers\n");
    495 		exit(1);
    496 	}
    498 	while (tocopy > 0) {
    499 		int i, rc;
    500 		/* Submit as many reads as once as possible upto aio_maxio */
    501 		int n = MIN(MIN(aio_maxio - busy, aio_maxio),
    502 			    howmany(length - offset, aio_blksize));
    503 		if (n > 0) {
    504 			struct iocb *ioq[n];
    506 			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    507 				struct iocb *io = alloc_iocb();
    508 				int iosize = MIN(length - offset, aio_blksize);
    510 				if (zero) {
    511 					/*
    512 					 * We are writing zero's to dstfd
    513 					 */
    514 					io_prep_pwrite(io, dstfd, io->u.c.buf,
    515 						       iosize, offset);
    516 					io_set_callback(io, wr_done);
    517 				} else {
    518 					io_prep_pread(io, srcfd, io->u.c.buf,
    519 						      iosize, offset);
    520 					io_set_callback(io, rd_done);
    521 				}
    522 				ioq[i] = io;
    523 				offset += iosize;
    524 			}
    526 			rc = io_submit(myctx, n, ioq);
    527 			if (rc < 0)
    528 				io_error("io_submit", rc);
    530 			busy += n;
    531 			if (debug > 1)
    532 				printf("io_submit(%d) busy:%d\n", n, busy);
    533 			if (delay.tv_usec) {
    534 				struct timeval t = delay;
    535 				(void)select(0, 0, 0, 0, &t);
    536 			}
    537 		}
    539 		/*
    540 		 * We have submitted all the i/o requests. Wait for at least one to complete
    541 		 * and call the callbacks.
    542 		 */
    543 		count_io_q_waits++;
    544 		rc = io_wait_run(myctx, 0);
    545 		if (rc < 0)
    546 			io_error("io_wait_run", rc);
    548 		if (debug > 1) {
    549 			printf("io_wait_run: rc == %d\n", rc);
    550 			printf("busy:%d aio_maxio:%d tocopy:%d\n",
    551 			       busy, aio_maxio, tocopy);
    552 		}
    553 	}
    555 	if (leftover) {
    556 		/* non-sector size end of file */
    557 		struct iocb *io = alloc_iocb();
    558 		int rc;
    559 		if (zero) {
    560 			/*
    561 			 * We are writing zero's to dstfd2
    562 			 */
    563 			io_prep_pwrite(io, dstfd2, io->u.c.buf,
    564 				       leftover, offset);
    565 			io_set_callback(io, wr_done);
    566 		} else {
    567 			io_prep_pread(io, srcfd2, io->u.c.buf,
    568 				      leftover, offset);
    569 			io_set_callback(io, rd_done);
    570 		}
    571 		rc = io_submit(myctx, 1, &io);
    572 		if (rc < 0)
    573 			io_error("io_submit", rc);
    574 		count_io_q_waits++;
    575 		rc = io_wait_run(myctx, 0);
    576 		if (rc < 0)
    577 			io_error("io_wait_run", rc);
    578 	}
    580 	if (srcfd != -1)
    581 		close(srcfd);
    582 	if (dstfd != -1)
    583 		close(dstfd);
    584 	exit(0);
    585 }
    587 /*
    588  * Results look like:
    589  * [alanm@toolbox ~/MOT3]$ ../taio -d kernel-source-2.4.8-0.4g.ppc.rpm abc
    590  * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwwrwrrwwrrwrwwrrwrwrwwrrwrwrrrrwwrwwwrrwrrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    591  * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwwrrwrwrwrwrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwwwrwrwwrwrwrwr
    592  * wrrrrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrwrrrwrrwrwwwwwwwwwwrrrrwwrwrrrrrrrrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwrww
    593  * wwwrrrrrrrrwwrrrwwrwrwrwwwrrrrrrrwwwrrwwwrrwrwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrwwwrrrrrrrwwwwww
    594  * wwwwwwwrwrrrrrrrrwrrwrrwrrwrwrrrwrrrwrrrwrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrwwwrrrrrrrrrr
    595  * rrwrrrrrrwrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrwwwrrwrwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    596  * rrrrrwrrwrwrwrrwrrrwwwwwwwwrrrrwrrrwrwwrwrrrwrrwrrrrwwwwwwwrwrwwwwrwwrrrwrrr
    597  * rrrwwwwwwwrrrrwwrrrrrrrrrrrrwrwrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrwrrrrwwwwrwrrrrwrwwwrrrwww
    598  * rwwrrrrrrrwrrrrrrrrrrrrwwwwrrrwwwrwrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrwwwwwwwrw
    599  */
    601 #else
    602 int main(void)
    603 {
    604 	fprintf(stderr, "test requires libaio and it's development packages\n");
    605 	return TCONF;
    606 }
    607 #endif