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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 # kernbench by Con Kolivas <kernbench (at] kolivas.org>
      3 # based on a benchmark by Martin J. Bligh
      4 trap 'echo "ABORTING";exit' 1 2 15
      6 VERSION=0.42
      8 num_runs=5
      9 single_runs=0
     10 half_runs=1
     11 opti_runs=1
     12 max_runs=1
     13 fast_run=0
     15 while getopts vsHOMn:o:hf i
     16 do
     17 	case $i in
     18 		 h) 	echo "kernbench v$VERSION by Con Kolivas <kernbench (at] kolivas.org>"
     19 				echo "Usage:"
     20 				echo "kernbench [-n runs] [-o jobs] [-s] [-H] [-O] [-M] [-h] [-v]"
     21 				echo "n : number of times to perform benchmark (default 5)"
     22 				echo "o : number of jobs for optimal run (default 4 * cpu)"
     23 				echo "s : perform single threaded runs (default don't)"
     24 				echo "H : don't perform half load runs (default do)"
     25 				echo "O : don't perform optimal load runs (default do)"
     26 				echo "M : don't perform maximal load runs (default do)"
     27 				echo "f : fast run"
     28 				echo "h : print this help"
     29 				echo "v : print version number"
     30 				exit ;;
     31 		 v) echo "kernbench Version $VERSION by Con Kolivas <kernbench (at] kolivas.org>" ; exit ;;
     32 		 n) nruns=$OPTARG ;;
     33 		 o) optijobs=$OPTARG ;;
     34 		 s) single_runs=1 ;;
     35 		 H) half_runs=0 ;;
     36 		 O) opti_runs=0 ;;
     37 		 M) max_runs=0 ;;
     38 		 f) fast_run=1 ;;
     39 	esac
     40 done
     42 if [[ ! -f include/linux/kernel.h ]] ; then
     43 	echo "No kernel source found; exiting"
     44 	exit
     45 fi
     47 for i in time awk yes date
     48 do
     49 	iname=`which $i`
     50 	if [[ ! -a $iname ]] ; then
     51 		echo "$i not found in path, please install it; exiting"
     52 		exit
     53 	fi
     54 done
     56 time=`which time`
     58 if [[ $nruns -gt 0 ]] ; then
     59 	num_runs=$nruns
     60 elif [[ $fast_run -eq 1 ]]; then
     61 	echo "Dropping to 3 runs for fast run"
     62 	num_runs=3
     63 fi
     65 if (($num_runs < 1)) ; then
     66 	echo "Nothing to do; exiting"
     67 	exit
     68 fi
     70 if (($num_runs > 10)) ; then
     71 	echo "Are you crazy? trimming number of runs to 10"
     72 	num_runs=10
     73 fi
     75 if [[ ! -d /proc ]] ; then
     76 	echo "Can't find proc filesystem; exiting"
     77 	exit
     78 fi
     80 mem=`awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo`
     81 if [[ $mem -lt 4000000 && $max_runs -gt 0 ]] ; then
     82 	echo Less than 4Gb ram detected!
     83 	echo Maximal loads will not measure cpu throughput and may cause a swapstorm!
     84 	echo If you did not plan this, -M flag is recommended to bypass maximal load.
     85 fi
     87 (( single_runs *= $num_runs ))
     88 (( half_runs *= $num_runs ))
     89 (( opti_runs *= $num_runs ))
     90 (( max_runs *= $num_runs ))
     92 cpus=`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo`
     93 echo $cpus cpus found
     94 echo Cleaning source tree...
     95 make clean > /dev/null 2>&1
     97 if [[ $fast_run -eq 0 ]] ; then
     98 	echo Caching kernel source in ram...
     99 	for i in `find -type f`
    100 	do
    101 		cat $i > /dev/null
    102 	done
    103 fi
    105 if [[ ! -f .config ]] ; then
    106 	echo No old config found, using defconfig
    107 	echo Making mrproper
    108 	make mrproper > /dev/null 2>&1
    109 	echo Making defconfig...
    110 	make defconfig > /dev/null 2>&1
    111 else
    112 	echo Making oldconfig...
    113 	yes "" | make oldconfig > /dev/null 2>&1
    114 fi
    116 halfjobs=$(( $cpus / 2 ))
    117 optijobs=${optijobs:=$(( $cpus * 4 ))}
    119 if [[ $halfjobs -lt 2 ]] ; then
    120 	echo "Half load is no greater than single; disabling"
    121 	half_runs=0
    122 elif [[ $halfjobs -eq 2 ]] ; then
    123 	echo "Half load is 2 jobs, changing to 3 as a kernel compile won't guarantee 2 jobs"
    124 	halfjobs=3
    125 fi
    127 echo Kernel `uname -r`
    128 echo Performing $num_runs runs of
    129 if [[ $single_runs -gt 0 ]] ; then
    130 	echo make
    131 fi
    132 if [[ $half_runs -gt 0 ]] ; then
    133 	echo make -j $halfjobs
    134 fi
    135 if [[ $opti_runs -gt 0 ]] ; then
    136 	echo make -j $optijobs
    137 fi
    138 if [[ $max_runs -gt 0 ]] ; then
    139 	echo make -j
    140 fi
    141 echo
    143 echo All data logged to kernbench.log
    145 if [[ $fast_run -eq 0 ]] ; then
    146 	echo Warmup run...
    147 	make -j $optijobs > /dev/null 2>&1
    148 fi
    150 date >> kernbench.log
    151 uname -r >> kernbench.log
    153 add_data_point()
    154 {
    155     echo $@ | awk '{printf "%.6f %.6f %d", $1 + $2, $1 * $1 + $3, $4 + 1}'
    156 }
    158 show_statistics()
    159 {
    160     case $3 in
    161 	0)
    162 	    echo "No data"
    163 	    ;;
    164 	1)
    165 	    echo $1
    166 	    ;;
    167 	*)
    168 	    avg=`echo $1 $3 | awk '{print $1 / $2}'`
    169 	    var=`echo $1 $2 $3 | awk '{print ($2 - ($1 * $1) / $3) / ($3 - 1)}'`
    170 	    sdev=`echo $var | awk '{print $1^0.5}'`
    171 	    echo "$avg ($sdev)"
    172 	    ;;
    173     esac
    174 }
    176 do_log()
    177 {
    178 	echo "Average $runname Run (std deviation):" > templog
    179 	echo Elapsed Time  `show_statistics $temp_elapsed` >> templog
    180 	echo User Time  `show_statistics $temp_user` >> templog
    181 	echo System Time  `show_statistics $temp_sys` >> templog
    182 	echo Percent CPU  `show_statistics $temp_percent` >> templog
    183 	echo Context Switches  `show_statistics $temp_ctx` >> templog
    184 	echo Sleeps  `show_statistics $temp_sleeps` >> templog
    185 	echo >> templog
    186 	cat templog
    187 	cat templog >> kernbench.log
    188 }
    190 do_runs()
    191 {
    192 	temp_elapsed="a"
    193 	for (( i=1 ; i <= temp_runs ; i++ ))
    194 	do
    195 		echo $runname run number $i...
    196 		make clean > /dev/null 2>&1
    197 		sync
    198 		if [[ $fast_run -eq 0 ]] ; then
    199 			sleep 5
    200 		fi
    201 		$time -f "%e %U %S %P %c %w" -o timelog make -j $tempjobs > /dev/null 2>&1
    202 		read elapsed_time user_time sys_time percent ctx sleeps <timelog
    203 		temp_elapsed=`add_data_point $elapsed_time $temp_elapsed`
    204 		temp_user=`add_data_point $user_time $temp_user`
    205 		temp_sys=`add_data_point $sys_time $temp_sys`
    206 		temp_percent=`add_data_point $percent $temp_percent`
    207 		temp_ctx=`add_data_point $ctx $temp_ctx`
    208 		temp_sleeps=`add_data_point $sleeps $temp_sleeps`
    209 	done
    210 	if [[ $temp_runs -ne 0 ]] ; then
    211 		do_log
    212 	fi
    213 }
    215 temp_runs=$single_runs
    216 tempjobs=1
    217 runname="Single threaded"
    218 do_runs
    220 temp_runs=$half_runs
    221 tempjobs=$halfjobs
    222 runname="Half load -j $halfjobs"
    223 do_runs
    225 temp_runs=$opti_runs
    226 tempjobs=$optijobs
    227 runname="Optimal load -j $optijobs"
    228 do_runs
    230 temp_runs=$max_runs
    231 tempjobs=""
    232 runname="Maximal load -j"
    233 do_runs