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      8 //
      9 //
     10 //                        Intel License Agreement
     11 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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     13 // Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
     14 // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
     15 //
     16 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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     19 //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
     20 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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     39 //
     40 //M*/
     42 /************************************************************************************\
     43     This is improved variant of chessboard corner detection algorithm that
     44     uses a graph of connected quads. It is based on the code contributed
     45     by Vladimir Vezhnevets and Philip Gruebele.
     46     Here is the copyright notice from the original Vladimir's code:
     47     ===============================================================
     49     The algorithms developed and implemented by Vezhnevets Vldimir
     50     aka Dead Moroz (vvp (at) graphics.cs.msu.ru)
     51     See http://graphics.cs.msu.su/en/research/calibration/opencv.html
     52     for detailed information.
     54     Reliability additions and modifications made by Philip Gruebele.
     55     <a href="mailto:pgruebele (at) cox.net">pgruebele (at) cox.net</a>
     57     Some further improvements for detection of partially ocluded boards at non-ideal
     58     lighting conditions have been made by Alex Bovyrin and Kurt Kolonige
     60 \************************************************************************************/
     62 #include "_cv.h"
     63 #include <stdarg.h>
     65 //#define DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
     66 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
     67 static int PRINTF( const char* fmt, ... )
     68 {
     69     va_list args;
     70     va_start(args, fmt);
     71     return vprintf(fmt, args);
     72 }
     73 #include "..//..//otherlibs/highgui/highgui.h"
     74 #else
     75 static int PRINTF( const char*, ... )
     76 {
     77     return 0;
     78 }
     79 #endif
     82 //=====================================================================================
     83 // Implementation for the enhanced calibration object detection
     84 //=====================================================================================
     86 #define MAX_CONTOUR_APPROX  7
     88 typedef struct CvContourEx
     89 {
     90     CV_CONTOUR_FIELDS()
     91     int counter;
     92 }
     93 CvContourEx;
     95 //=====================================================================================
     97 /// Corner info structure
     98 /** This structure stores information about the chessboard corner.*/
     99 typedef struct CvCBCorner
    100 {
    101     CvPoint2D32f pt; // Coordinates of the corner
    102     int row;         // Board row index
    103     int count;       // Number of neighbor corners
    104     struct CvCBCorner* neighbors[4]; // Neighbor corners
    105 }
    106 CvCBCorner;
    108 //=====================================================================================
    109 /// Quadrangle contour info structure
    110 /** This structure stores information about the chessboard quadrange.*/
    111 typedef struct CvCBQuad
    112 {
    113     int count;      // Number of quad neighbors
    114     int group_idx;  // quad group ID
    115     int row, col;   // row and column of this quad
    116     bool ordered;   // true if corners/neighbors are ordered counter-clockwise
    117     float edge_len; // quad edge len, in pix^2
    118     // neighbors and corners are synced, i.e., neighbor 0 shares corner 0
    119     CvCBCorner *corners[4]; // Coordinates of quad corners
    120     struct CvCBQuad *neighbors[4]; // Pointers of quad neighbors
    121 }
    122 CvCBQuad;
    124 //=====================================================================================
    126 //static CvMat* debug_img = 0;
    128 static int icvGenerateQuads( CvCBQuad **quads, CvCBCorner **corners,
    129                              CvMemStorage *storage, CvMat *image, int flags );
    131 static int
    132 icvGenerateQuadsEx( CvCBQuad **out_quads, CvCBCorner **out_corners,
    133     CvMemStorage *storage, CvMat *image, CvMat *thresh_img, int dilation, int flags );
    135 static void icvFindQuadNeighbors( CvCBQuad *quads, int quad_count );
    137 static int icvFindConnectedQuads( CvCBQuad *quads, int quad_count,
    138                                   CvCBQuad **quad_group, int group_idx,
    139                                   CvMemStorage* storage );
    141 static int icvCheckQuadGroup( CvCBQuad **quad_group, int count,
    142                               CvCBCorner **out_corners, CvSize pattern_size );
    144 static int icvCleanFoundConnectedQuads( int quad_count,
    145                 CvCBQuad **quads, CvSize pattern_size );
    147 static int icvOrderFoundConnectedQuads( int quad_count, CvCBQuad **quads,
    148            int *all_count, CvCBQuad **all_quads, CvCBCorner **corners,
    149            CvSize pattern_size, CvMemStorage* storage );
    151 static void icvOrderQuad(CvCBQuad *quad, CvCBCorner *corner, int common);
    153 static int icvTrimCol(CvCBQuad **quads, int count, int col, int dir);
    155 static int icvTrimRow(CvCBQuad **quads, int count, int row, int dir);
    157 static int icvAddOuterQuad(CvCBQuad *quad, CvCBQuad **quads, int quad_count,
    158                     CvCBQuad **all_quads, int all_count, CvCBCorner **corners);
    160 static void icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(CvCBQuad **quads, int count, CvCBQuad *q0);
    162 static int icvCheckBoardMonotony( CvPoint2D32f* corners, CvSize pattern_size );
    164 #if 0
    165 static void
    166 icvCalcAffineTranf2D32f(CvPoint2D32f* pts1, CvPoint2D32f* pts2, int count, CvMat* affine_trans)
    167 {
    168     int i, j;
    169     int real_count = 0;
    170     for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )
    171     {
    172         if( pts1[j].x >= 0 ) real_count++;
    173     }
    174     if(real_count < 3) return;
    175     CvMat* xy = cvCreateMat( 2*real_count, 6, CV_32FC1 );
    176     CvMat* uv = cvCreateMat( 2*real_count, 1, CV_32FC1 );
    177     //estimate affine transfromation
    178     for( i = 0, j = 0; j < count; j++ )
    179     {
    180         if( pts1[j].x >= 0 )
    181         {
    182             CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2+1, 2 ) = CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2, 0 ) = pts2[j].x;
    183             CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2+1, 3 ) = CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2, 1 ) = pts2[j].y;
    184             CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2, 2 ) = CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2, 3 ) = CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2, 5 ) = \
    185                 CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2+1, 0 ) = CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2+1, 1 ) = CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2+1, 4 ) = 0;
    186             CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2, 4 ) = CV_MAT_ELEM( *xy, float, i*2+1, 5 ) = 1;
    187             CV_MAT_ELEM( *uv, float, i*2, 0 ) = pts1[j].x;
    188             CV_MAT_ELEM( *uv, float, i*2+1, 0 ) = pts1[j].y;
    189             i++;
    190         }
    191     }
    193     cvSolve( xy, uv, affine_trans, CV_SVD );
    194     cvReleaseMat(&xy);
    195     cvReleaseMat(&uv);
    196 }
    197 #endif
    199 CV_IMPL
    200 int cvFindChessboardCorners( const void* arr, CvSize pattern_size,
    201                              CvPoint2D32f* out_corners, int* out_corner_count,
    202                              int flags )
    203 {
    204     int k = 0;
    205     const int min_dilations = 0;
    206     const int max_dilations = 3;
    207     int found = 0;
    208     CvMat* norm_img = 0;
    209     CvMat* thresh_img = 0;
    210 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
    211     IplImage *dbg_img = 0;
    212     IplImage *dbg1_img = 0;
    213     IplImage *dbg2_img = 0;
    214 #endif
    215     CvMemStorage* storage = 0;
    217     CvCBQuad *quads = 0, **quad_group = 0;
    218     CvCBCorner *corners = 0, **corner_group = 0;
    220     int expected_corners_num = (pattern_size.width/2+1)*(pattern_size.height/2+1);
    222     if( out_corner_count )
    223         *out_corner_count = 0;
    225     CV_FUNCNAME( "cvFindChessBoardCornerGuesses2" );
    227     __BEGIN__;
    229     int quad_count = 0, group_idx = 0, i = 0, dilations = 0;
    230     CvMat stub, *img = (CvMat*)arr;
    232     CV_CALL( img = cvGetMat( img, &stub ));
    233     //debug_img = img;
    235     if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( img->type ) != CV_8U || CV_MAT_CN( img->type ) == 2 )
    236         CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only 8-bit grayscale or color images are supported" );
    238     if( pattern_size.width <= 2 || pattern_size.height <= 2 )
    239         CV_ERROR( CV_StsOutOfRange, "Both width and height of the pattern should have bigger than 2" );
    241     if( !out_corners )
    242         CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "Null pointer to corners" );
    244     CV_CALL( storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0) );
    245     CV_CALL( thresh_img = cvCreateMat( img->rows, img->cols, CV_8UC1 ));
    247 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
    248     CV_CALL( dbg_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ));
    249     CV_CALL( dbg1_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ));
    250     CV_CALL( dbg2_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ));
    251 #endif
    253     if( CV_MAT_CN(img->type) != 1 || (flags & CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE) )
    254     {
    255         // equalize the input image histogram -
    256         // that should make the contrast between "black" and "white" areas big enough
    257         CV_CALL( norm_img = cvCreateMat( img->rows, img->cols, CV_8UC1 ));
    259         if( CV_MAT_CN(img->type) != 1 )
    260         {
    261             CV_CALL( cvCvtColor( img, norm_img, CV_BGR2GRAY ));
    262             img = norm_img;
    263         }
    265         if( flags & CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE )
    266         {
    267             cvEqualizeHist( img, norm_img );
    268             img = norm_img;
    269         }
    270     }
    272     // Try our standard "1" dilation, but if the pattern is not found, iterate the whole procedure with higher dilations.
    273     // This is necessary because some squares simply do not separate properly with a single dilation.  However,
    274     // we want to use the minimum number of dilations possible since dilations cause the squares to become smaller,
    275     // making it difficult to detect smaller squares.
    276     for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
    277     {
    278         for( dilations = min_dilations; dilations <= max_dilations; dilations++ )
    279         {
    280             if (found) break;		// already found it
    282             if( k == 1 )
    283             {
    284                 //Pattern was not found using binarization
    285                 // Run multi-level quads extraction
    286                 // In case one-level binarization did not give enough number of quads
    287                 CV_CALL( quad_count = icvGenerateQuadsEx( &quads, &corners, storage, img, thresh_img, dilations, flags ));
    288                 PRINTF("EX quad count: %d/%d\n", quad_count, expected_corners_num);
    289             }
    290             else
    291             {
    292                 // convert the input grayscale image to binary (black-n-white)
    293                 if( flags & CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH )
    294                 {
    295                     int block_size = cvRound(MIN(img->cols,img->rows)*0.2)|1;
    297                     // convert to binary
    298                     cvAdaptiveThreshold( img, thresh_img, 255,
    299                         CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, CV_THRESH_BINARY, block_size, 0 );
    300                     if (dilations > 0)
    301                         cvDilate( thresh_img, thresh_img, 0, dilations-1 );
    302                 }
    303                 else
    304                 {
    305                     // Make dilation before the thresholding.
    306                     // It splits chessboard corners
    307                     //cvDilate( img, thresh_img, 0, 1 );
    309                     // empiric threshold level
    310                     double mean = cvMean( img );
    311                     int thresh_level = cvRound( mean - 10 );
    312                     thresh_level = MAX( thresh_level, 10 );
    314                     cvThreshold( img, thresh_img, thresh_level, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
    315                     cvDilate( thresh_img, thresh_img, 0, dilations );
    316                 }
    320 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
    321                 cvCvtColor(thresh_img,dbg_img,CV_GRAY2BGR);
    322 #endif
    324                 // So we can find rectangles that go to the edge, we draw a white line around the image edge.
    325                 // Otherwise FindContours will miss those clipped rectangle contours.
    326                 // The border color will be the image mean, because otherwise we risk screwing up filters like cvSmooth()...
    327                 cvRectangle( thresh_img, cvPoint(0,0), cvPoint(thresh_img->cols-1,
    328                     thresh_img->rows-1), CV_RGB(255,255,255), 3, 8);
    330                 CV_CALL( quad_count = icvGenerateQuads( &quads, &corners, storage, thresh_img, flags ));
    333                 PRINTF("Quad count: %d/%d\n", quad_count, expected_corners_num);
    334             }
    337 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
    338             cvCopy(dbg_img, dbg1_img);
    339             cvNamedWindow("all_quads", 1);
    340             // copy corners to temp array
    341             for( i = 0; i < quad_count; i++ )
    342             {
    343                 for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
    344                 {
    345                     CvPoint2D32f pt1, pt2;
    346                     CvScalar color = CV_RGB(30,255,30);
    347                     pt1 = quads[i].corners[k]->pt;
    348                     pt2 = quads[i].corners[(k+1)%4]->pt;
    349                     pt2.x = (pt1.x + pt2.x)/2;
    350                     pt2.y = (pt1.y + pt2.y)/2;
    351                     if (k>0)
    352                         color = CV_RGB(200,200,0);
    353                     cvLine( dbg1_img, cvPointFrom32f(pt1), cvPointFrom32f(pt2), color, 3, 8);
    354                 }
    355             }
    358 //            cvShowImage("all_quads", (IplImage*)dbg1_img);
    359             cvWaitKey();
    360 #endif
    363             if( quad_count <= 0 )
    364                 continue;
    366             // Find quad's neighbors
    367             CV_CALL( icvFindQuadNeighbors( quads, quad_count ));
    369             // allocate extra for adding in icvOrderFoundQuads
    370             CV_CALL( quad_group = (CvCBQuad**)cvAlloc( sizeof(quad_group[0]) * (quad_count+quad_count / 2)));
    371             CV_CALL( corner_group = (CvCBCorner**)cvAlloc( sizeof(corner_group[0]) * (quad_count+quad_count / 2)*4 ));
    373             for( group_idx = 0; ; group_idx++ )
    374             {
    375                 int count = 0;
    376                 CV_CALL( count = icvFindConnectedQuads( quads, quad_count, quad_group, group_idx, storage ));
    378                 int icount = count;
    379                 if( count == 0 )
    380                     break;
    382                 // order the quad corners globally
    383                 // maybe delete or add some
    384                 PRINTF("Starting ordering of inner quads\n");
    385                 count = icvOrderFoundConnectedQuads(count, quad_group, &quad_count, &quads, &corners,
    386                     pattern_size, storage );
    387                 PRINTF("Orig count: %d  After ordering: %d\n", icount, count);
    390 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
    391                 cvCopy(dbg_img,dbg2_img);
    392                 cvNamedWindow("connected_group", 1);
    393                 // copy corners to temp array
    394                 for( i = 0; i < quad_count; i++ )
    395                 {
    396                     if (quads[i].group_idx == group_idx)
    397                         for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
    398                         {
    399                             CvPoint2D32f pt1, pt2;
    400                             CvScalar color = CV_RGB(30,255,30);
    401                             if (quads[i].ordered)
    402                                 color = CV_RGB(255,30,30);
    403                             pt1 = quads[i].corners[k]->pt;
    404                             pt2 = quads[i].corners[(k+1)%4]->pt;
    405                             pt2.x = (pt1.x + pt2.x)/2;
    406                             pt2.y = (pt1.y + pt2.y)/2;
    407                             if (k>0)
    408                                 color = CV_RGB(200,200,0);
    409                             cvLine( dbg2_img, cvPointFrom32f(pt1), cvPointFrom32f(pt2), color, 3, 8);
    410                         }
    411                 }
    412 //                cvShowImage("connected_group", (IplImage*)dbg2_img);
    413                 cvWaitKey();
    414 #endif
    416                 if (count == 0)
    417                     continue;		// haven't found inner quads
    420                 // If count is more than it should be, this will remove those quads
    421                 // which cause maximum deviation from a nice square pattern.
    422                 CV_CALL( count = icvCleanFoundConnectedQuads( count, quad_group, pattern_size ));
    423                 PRINTF("Connected group: %d  orig count: %d cleaned: %d\n", group_idx, icount, count);
    425                 CV_CALL( count = icvCheckQuadGroup( quad_group, count, corner_group, pattern_size ));
    426                 PRINTF("Connected group: %d  count: %d  cleaned: %d\n", group_idx, icount, count);
    428                 if( count > 0 || (out_corner_count && -count > *out_corner_count) )
    429                 {
    430                     int n = count > 0 ? pattern_size.width * pattern_size.height : -count;
    431                     n = MIN( n, pattern_size.width * pattern_size.height );
    433                     // copy corners to output array
    434                     for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    435                         out_corners[i] = corner_group[i]->pt;
    437                     if( out_corner_count )
    438                         *out_corner_count = n;
    440                     if( count > 0 )
    441                     {
    442                         found = 1;
    443                         break;
    444                     }
    445                 }
    446             }
    448             cvFree( &quads );
    449             cvFree( &corners );
    450             cvFree( &quad_group );
    451             cvFree( &corner_group );
    452         }//dilations
    453     }//
    456     __END__;
    458     cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
    459     cvReleaseMat( &norm_img );
    460     cvReleaseMat( &thresh_img );
    461     cvFree( &quads );
    462     cvFree( &corners );
    464     if( found )
    465         found = icvCheckBoardMonotony( out_corners, pattern_size );
    467     if( found && pattern_size.height % 2 == 0 && pattern_size.width % 2 == 0 )
    468     {
    469         int last_row = (pattern_size.height-1)*pattern_size.width;
    470         double dy0 = out_corners[last_row].y - out_corners[0].y;
    471         if( dy0 < 0 )
    472         {
    473             int i, n = pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height;
    474             for( i = 0; i < n/2; i++ )
    475             {
    476                 CvPoint2D32f temp;
    477                 CV_SWAP(out_corners[i], out_corners[n-i-1], temp);
    478             }
    479         }
    480     }
    482     return found;
    483 }
    485 //
    486 // Checks that each board row and column is pretty much monotonous curve:
    487 // It analyzes each row and each column of the chessboard as following:
    488 //    for each corner c lying between end points in the same row/column it checks that
    489 //    the point projection to the line segment (a,b) is lying between projections
    490 //    of the neighbor corners in the same row/column.
    491 //
    492 // This function has been created as temporary workaround for the bug in current implementation
    493 // of cvFindChessboardCornes that produces absolutely unordered sets of corners.
    494 //
    496 static int
    497 icvCheckBoardMonotony( CvPoint2D32f* corners, CvSize pattern_size )
    498 {
    499     int i, j, k;
    501     for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
    502     {
    503         for( i = 0; i < (k == 0 ? pattern_size.height : pattern_size.width); i++ )
    504         {
    505             CvPoint2D32f a = k == 0 ? corners[i*pattern_size.width] : corners[i];
    506             CvPoint2D32f b = k == 0 ? corners[(i+1)*pattern_size.width-1] :
    507                 corners[(pattern_size.height-1)*pattern_size.width + i];
    508             float prevt = 0, dx0 = b.x - a.x, dy0 = b.y - a.y;
    509             if( fabs(dx0) + fabs(dy0) < FLT_EPSILON )
    510                 return 0;
    511             for( j = 1; j < (k == 0 ? pattern_size.width : pattern_size.height) - 1; j++ )
    512             {
    513                 CvPoint2D32f c = k == 0 ? corners[i*pattern_size.width + j] :
    514                     corners[j*pattern_size.width + i];
    515                 float t = ((c.x - a.x)*dx0 + (c.y - a.y)*dy0)/(dx0*dx0 + dy0*dy0);
    516                 if( t < prevt || t > 1 )
    517                     return 0;
    518                 prevt = t;
    519             }
    520         }
    521     }
    523     return 1;
    524 }
    526 //
    527 // order a group of connected quads
    528 // order of corners:
    529 //   0 is top left
    530 //   clockwise from there
    531 // note: "top left" is nominal, depends on initial ordering of starting quad
    532 //   but all other quads are ordered consistently
    533 //
    534 // can change the number of quads in the group
    535 // can add quads, so we need to have quad/corner arrays passed in
    536 //
    538 static int
    539 icvOrderFoundConnectedQuads( int quad_count, CvCBQuad **quads,
    540         int *all_count, CvCBQuad **all_quads, CvCBCorner **corners,
    541         CvSize pattern_size, CvMemStorage* storage )
    542 {
    543     CvMemStorage* temp_storage = cvCreateChildMemStorage( storage );
    544     CvSeq* stack = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(*stack), sizeof(void*), temp_storage );
    545     int i;
    547     // first find an interior quad
    548     CvCBQuad *start = NULL;
    549     for (i=0; i<quad_count; i++)
    550     {
    551         if (quads[i]->count == 4)
    552         {
    553             start = quads[i];
    554             break;
    555         }
    556     }
    558     if (start == NULL)
    559     {
    560         cvReleaseMemStorage( &temp_storage );
    561         return 0;   // no 4-connected quad
    562     }
    564     // start with first one, assign rows/cols
    565     int row_min = 0, col_min = 0, row_max=0, col_max = 0;
    566 #define HSIZE 20
    567     int col_hist[HSIZE*2];
    568     int row_hist[HSIZE*2]; // bad programming, should allow variable size
    570     for (i=0; i<HSIZE*2; i++) // init to zero
    571         col_hist[i] = row_hist[i] = 0;
    572     cvSeqPush(stack, &start);
    573     start->row = 0;
    574     start->col = 0;
    575     start->ordered = true;
    577     // Recursively order the quads so that all position numbers (e.g.,
    578     // 0,1,2,3) are in the at the same relative corner (e.g., lower right).
    580     while( stack->total )
    581     {
    582         CvCBQuad* q;
    583         cvSeqPop( stack, &q );
    584         int col = q->col;
    585         int row = q->row;
    586         col_hist[col+HSIZE]++;
    587         row_hist[row+HSIZE]++;
    589         // check min/max
    590         if (row > row_max) row_max = row;
    591         if (row < row_min) row_min = row;
    592         if (col > col_max) col_max = col;
    593         if (col < col_min) col_min = col;
    595         for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
    596         {
    597             CvCBQuad *neighbor = q->neighbors[i];
    598             switch(i)   // adjust col, row for this quad
    599             {           // start at top left, go clockwise
    600             case 0:
    601                 row--; col--; break;
    602             case 1:
    603                 col += 2; break;
    604             case 2:
    605                 row += 2;	break;
    606             case 3:
    607                 col -= 2; break;
    608             }
    610             // just do inside quads
    611             if (neighbor && neighbor->ordered == false && neighbor->count == 4)
    612             {
    613                 PRINTF("col: %d  row: %d\n", col, row);
    614                 icvOrderQuad(neighbor, q->corners[i], (i+2)%4); // set in order
    615                 neighbor->ordered = true;
    616                 neighbor->row = row;
    617                 neighbor->col = col;
    618                 cvSeqPush( stack, &neighbor );
    619             }
    620         }
    621     }
    623     cvReleaseMemStorage( &temp_storage );
    625     for (i=col_min; i<=col_max; i++)
    626         PRINTF("HIST[%d] = %d\n", i, col_hist[i+HSIZE]);
    628     // analyze inner quad structure
    629     int w = pattern_size.width - 1;
    630     int h = pattern_size.height - 1;
    631     int drow = row_max - row_min + 1;
    632     int dcol = col_max - col_min + 1;
    634     // normalize pattern and found quad indices
    635     if ((w > h && dcol < drow) ||
    636         (w < h && drow < dcol))
    637     {
    638         h = pattern_size.width - 1;
    639         w = pattern_size.height - 1;
    640     }
    642     PRINTF("Size: %dx%d  Pattern: %dx%d\n", dcol, drow, w, h);
    644     // check if there are enough inner quads
    645     if (dcol < w || drow < h)   // found enough inner quads?
    646     {
    647         PRINTF("Too few inner quad rows/cols\n");
    648         return 0;   // no, return
    649     }
    651     // too many columns, not very common
    652     if (dcol == w+1)    // too many, trim
    653     {
    654         PRINTF("Trimming cols\n");
    655         if (col_hist[col_max+HSIZE] > col_hist[col_min+HSIZE])
    656         {
    657             PRINTF("Trimming left col\n");
    658             quad_count = icvTrimCol(quads,quad_count,col_min,-1);
    659         }
    660         else
    661         {
    662             PRINTF("Trimming right col\n");
    663             quad_count = icvTrimCol(quads,quad_count,col_max,+1);
    664         }
    665     }
    667     // too many rows, not very common
    668     if (drow == h+1)    // too many, trim
    669     {
    670         PRINTF("Trimming rows\n");
    671         if (row_hist[row_max+HSIZE] > row_hist[row_min+HSIZE])
    672         {
    673             PRINTF("Trimming top row\n");
    674             quad_count = icvTrimRow(quads,quad_count,row_min,-1);
    675         }
    676         else
    677         {
    678             PRINTF("Trimming bottom row\n");
    679             quad_count = icvTrimRow(quads,quad_count,row_max,+1);
    680         }
    681     }
    684     // check edges of inner quads
    685     // if there is an outer quad missing, fill it in
    686     // first order all inner quads
    687     int found = 0;
    688     for (i=0; i<quad_count; i++)
    689     {
    690         if (quads[i]->count == 4)
    691         {   // ok, look at neighbors
    692             int col = quads[i]->col;
    693             int row = quads[i]->row;
    694             for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
    695             {
    696                 switch(j)   // adjust col, row for this quad
    697                 {       // start at top left, go clockwise
    698                 case 0:
    699                     row--; col--; break;
    700                 case 1:
    701                     col += 2; break;
    702                 case 2:
    703                     row += 2;	break;
    704                 case 3:
    705                     col -= 2; break;
    706                 }
    707                 CvCBQuad *neighbor = quads[i]->neighbors[j];
    708                 if (neighbor && !neighbor->ordered && // is it an inner quad?
    709                     col <= col_max && col >= col_min &&
    710                     row <= row_max && row >= row_min)
    711                 {
    712                     // if so, set in order
    713                     PRINTF("Adding inner: col: %d  row: %d\n", col, row);
    714                     found++;
    715                     icvOrderQuad(neighbor, quads[i]->corners[j], (j+2)%4);
    716                     neighbor->ordered = true;
    717                     neighbor->row = row;
    718                     neighbor->col = col;
    719                 }
    720             }
    721         }
    722     }
    724     // if we have found inner quads, add corresponding outer quads,
    725     //   which are missing
    726     if (found > 0)
    727     {
    728         PRINTF("Found %d inner quads not connected to outer quads, repairing\n", found);
    729         for (int i=0; i<quad_count; i++)
    730         {
    731             if (quads[i]->count < 4 && quads[i]->ordered)
    732             {
    733                 int added = icvAddOuterQuad(quads[i],quads,quad_count,all_quads,*all_count,corners);
    734                 *all_count += added;
    735                 quad_count += added;
    736             }
    737         }
    738     }
    741     // final trimming of outer quads
    742     if (dcol == w && drow == h)	// found correct inner quads
    743     {
    744         PRINTF("Inner bounds ok, check outer quads\n");
    745         int rcount = quad_count;
    746         for (int i=quad_count-1; i>=0; i--) // eliminate any quad not connected to
    747             // an ordered quad
    748         {
    749             if (quads[i]->ordered == false)
    750             {
    751                 bool outer = false;
    752                 for (int j=0; j<4; j++) // any neighbors that are ordered?
    753                 {
    754                     if (quads[i]->neighbors[j] && quads[i]->neighbors[j]->ordered)
    755                         outer = true;
    756                 }
    757                 if (!outer)	// not an outer quad, eliminate
    758                 {
    759                     PRINTF("Removing quad %d\n", i);
    760                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]);
    761                     rcount--;
    762                 }
    763             }
    765         }
    766         return rcount;
    767     }
    769     return 0;
    770 }
    773 // add an outer quad
    774 // looks for the neighbor of <quad> that isn't present,
    775 //   tries to add it in.
    776 // <quad> is ordered
    778 static int
    779 icvAddOuterQuad( CvCBQuad *quad, CvCBQuad **quads, int quad_count,
    780         CvCBQuad **all_quads, int all_count, CvCBCorner **corners )
    782 {
    783     int added = 0;
    784     for (int i=0; i<4; i++) // find no-neighbor corners
    785     {
    786         if (!quad->neighbors[i])    // ok, create and add neighbor
    787         {
    788             int j = (i+2)%4;
    789             PRINTF("Adding quad as neighbor 2\n");
    790             CvCBQuad *q = &(*all_quads)[all_count];
    791             memset( q, 0, sizeof(*q) );
    792             added++;
    793             quads[quad_count] = q;
    794             quad_count++;
    796             // set neighbor and group id
    797             quad->neighbors[i] = q;
    798             quad->count += 1;
    799             q->neighbors[j] = quad;
    800             q->group_idx = quad->group_idx;
    801             q->count = 1;	// number of neighbors
    802             q->ordered = false;
    803             q->edge_len = quad->edge_len;
    805             // make corners of new quad
    806             // same as neighbor quad, but offset
    807             CvPoint2D32f pt = quad->corners[i]->pt;
    808             CvCBCorner* corner;
    809             float dx = pt.x - quad->corners[j]->pt.x;
    810             float dy = pt.y - quad->corners[j]->pt.y;
    811             for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
    812             {
    813                 corner = &(*corners)[all_count*4+k];
    814                 pt = quad->corners[k]->pt;
    815                 memset( corner, 0, sizeof(*corner) );
    816                 corner->pt = pt;
    817                 q->corners[k] = corner;
    818                 corner->pt.x += dx;
    819                 corner->pt.y += dy;
    820             }
    821             // have to set exact corner
    822             q->corners[j] = quad->corners[i];
    824             // now find other neighbor and add it, if possible
    825             if (quad->neighbors[(i+3)%4] &&
    826                 quad->neighbors[(i+3)%4]->ordered &&
    827                 quad->neighbors[(i+3)%4]->neighbors[i] &&
    828                 quad->neighbors[(i+3)%4]->neighbors[i]->ordered )
    829             {
    830                 CvCBQuad *qn = quad->neighbors[(i+3)%4]->neighbors[i];
    831                 q->count = 2;
    832                 q->neighbors[(j+1)%4] = qn;
    833                 qn->neighbors[(i+1)%4] = q;
    834                 qn->count += 1;
    835                 // have to set exact corner
    836                 q->corners[(j+1)%4] = qn->corners[(i+1)%4];
    837             }
    839             all_count++;
    840         }
    841     }
    842     return added;
    843 }
    846 // trimming routines
    848 static int
    849 icvTrimCol(CvCBQuad **quads, int count, int col, int dir)
    850 {
    851     int rcount = count;
    852     // find the right quad(s)
    853     for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
    854     {
    855 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
    856         if (quads[i]->ordered)
    857             PRINTF("index: %d  cur: %d\n", col, quads[i]->col);
    858 #endif
    859         if (quads[i]->ordered && quads[i]->col == col)
    860         {
    861             if (dir == 1)
    862             {
    863                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[1])
    864                 {
    865                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[1]);
    866                     rcount--;
    867                 }
    868                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[2])
    869                 {
    870                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[2]);
    871                     rcount--;
    872                 }
    873             }
    874             else
    875             {
    876                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[0])
    877                 {
    878                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[0]);
    879                     rcount--;
    880                 }
    881                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[3])
    882                 {
    883                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[3]);
    884                     rcount--;
    885                 }
    886             }
    888         }
    889     }
    890     return rcount;
    891 }
    893 static int
    894 icvTrimRow(CvCBQuad **quads, int count, int row, int dir)
    895 {
    896     int i, rcount = count;
    897     // find the right quad(s)
    898     for (i=0; i<count; i++)
    899     {
    900 #ifdef DEBUG_CHESSBOARD
    901         if (quads[i]->ordered)
    902             PRINTF("index: %d  cur: %d\n", row, quads[i]->row);
    903 #endif
    904         if (quads[i]->ordered && quads[i]->row == row)
    905         {
    906             if (dir == 1)   // remove from bottom
    907             {
    908                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[2])
    909                 {
    910                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[2]);
    911                     rcount--;
    912                 }
    913                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[3])
    914                 {
    915                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[3]);
    916                     rcount--;
    917                 }
    918             }
    919             else    // remove from top
    920             {
    921                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[0])
    922                 {
    923                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[0]);
    924                     rcount--;
    925                 }
    926                 if (quads[i]->neighbors[1])
    927                 {
    928                     icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(quads,rcount,quads[i]->neighbors[1]);
    929                     rcount--;
    930                 }
    931             }
    933         }
    934     }
    935     return rcount;
    936 }
    939 //
    940 // remove quad from quad group
    941 //
    943 static void
    944 icvRemoveQuadFromGroup(CvCBQuad **quads, int count, CvCBQuad *q0)
    945 {
    946     int i, j;
    947     // remove any references to this quad as a neighbor
    948     for(i = 0; i < count; i++ )
    949     {
    950         CvCBQuad *q = quads[i];
    951         for(j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
    952         {
    953             if( q->neighbors[j] == q0 )
    954             {
    955                 q->neighbors[j] = 0;
    956                 q->count--;
    957                 for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
    958                     if( q0->neighbors[k] == q )
    959                     {
    960                         q0->neighbors[k] = 0;
    961                         q0->count--;
    962                         break;
    963                     }
    964                     break;
    965             }
    966         }
    967     }
    969     // remove the quad
    970     for(i = 0; i < count; i++ )
    971     {
    972         CvCBQuad *q = quads[i];
    973         if (q == q0)
    974         {
    975             quads[i] = quads[count-1];
    976             break;
    977         }
    978     }
    979 }
    981 //
    982 // put quad into correct order, where <corner> has value <common>
    983 //
    985 static void
    986 icvOrderQuad(CvCBQuad *quad, CvCBCorner *corner, int common)
    987 {
    988     // find the corner
    989     int tc;
    990     for (tc=0; tc<4; tc++)
    991         if (quad->corners[tc]->pt.x == corner->pt.x &&
    992             quad->corners[tc]->pt.y == corner->pt.y)
    993             break;
    995     // set corner order
    996     // shift
    997     while (tc != common)
    998     {
    999         // shift by one
   1000         CvCBCorner *tempc;
   1001         CvCBQuad *tempq;
   1002         tempc = quad->corners[3];
   1003         tempq = quad->neighbors[3];
   1004         for (int i=3; i>0; i--)
   1005         {
   1006             quad->corners[i] = quad->corners[i-1];
   1007             quad->neighbors[i] = quad->neighbors[i-1];
   1008         }
   1009         quad->corners[0] = tempc;
   1010         quad->neighbors[0] = tempq;
   1011         tc++;
   1012         tc = tc%4;
   1013     }
   1014 }
   1017 // if we found too many connect quads, remove those which probably do not belong.
   1018 static int
   1019 icvCleanFoundConnectedQuads( int quad_count, CvCBQuad **quad_group, CvSize pattern_size )
   1020 {
   1021     CvMemStorage *temp_storage = 0;
   1022     CvPoint2D32f *centers = 0;
   1024     CV_FUNCNAME( "icvCleanFoundConnectedQuads" );
   1026     __BEGIN__;
   1028     CvPoint2D32f center = {0,0};
   1029     int i, j, k;
   1030     // number of quads this pattern should contain
   1031     int count = ((pattern_size.width + 1)*(pattern_size.height + 1) + 1)/2;
   1033     // if we have more quadrangles than we should,
   1034     // try to eliminate duplicates or ones which don't belong to the pattern rectangle...
   1035     if( quad_count <= count )
   1036         EXIT;
   1038     // create an array of quadrangle centers
   1039     CV_CALL( centers = (CvPoint2D32f *)cvAlloc( sizeof(centers[0])*quad_count ));
   1040     CV_CALL( temp_storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0));
   1042     for( i = 0; i < quad_count; i++ )
   1043     {
   1044         CvPoint2D32f ci = {0,0};
   1045         CvCBQuad* q = quad_group[i];
   1047         for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
   1048         {
   1049             CvPoint2D32f pt = q->corners[j]->pt;
   1050             ci.x += pt.x;
   1051             ci.y += pt.y;
   1052         }
   1054         ci.x *= 0.25f;
   1055         ci.y *= 0.25f;
   1057         centers[i] = ci;
   1058         center.x += ci.x;
   1059         center.y += ci.y;
   1060     }
   1061     center.x /= quad_count;
   1062     center.y /= quad_count;
   1064     // If we still have more quadrangles than we should,
   1065     // we try to eliminate bad ones based on minimizing the bounding box.
   1066     // We iteratively remove the point which reduces the size of
   1067     // the bounding box of the blobs the most
   1068     // (since we want the rectangle to be as small as possible)
   1069     // remove the quadrange that causes the biggest reduction
   1070     // in pattern size until we have the correct number
   1071     for( ; quad_count > count; quad_count-- )
   1072     {
   1073         double min_box_area = DBL_MAX;
   1074         int skip, min_box_area_index = -1;
   1075         CvCBQuad *q0, *q;
   1077         // For each point, calculate box area without that point
   1078         for( skip = 0; skip < quad_count; skip++ )
   1079         {
   1080             // get bounding rectangle
   1081             CvPoint2D32f temp = centers[skip]; // temporarily make index 'skip' the same as
   1082             centers[skip] = center;            // pattern center (so it is not counted for convex hull)
   1083             CvMat pointMat = cvMat(1, quad_count, CV_32FC2, centers);
   1084             CvSeq *hull = cvConvexHull2( &pointMat, temp_storage, CV_CLOCKWISE, 1 );
   1085             centers[skip] = temp;
   1086             double hull_area = fabs(cvContourArea(hull, CV_WHOLE_SEQ));
   1088             // remember smallest box area
   1089             if( hull_area < min_box_area )
   1090             {
   1091                 min_box_area = hull_area;
   1092                 min_box_area_index = skip;
   1093             }
   1094             cvClearMemStorage( temp_storage );
   1095         }
   1097         q0 = quad_group[min_box_area_index];
   1099         // remove any references to this quad as a neighbor
   1100         for( i = 0; i < quad_count; i++ )
   1101         {
   1102             q = quad_group[i];
   1103             for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
   1104             {
   1105                 if( q->neighbors[j] == q0 )
   1106                 {
   1107                     q->neighbors[j] = 0;
   1108                     q->count--;
   1109                     for( k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
   1110                         if( q0->neighbors[k] == q )
   1111                         {
   1112                             q0->neighbors[k] = 0;
   1113                             q0->count--;
   1114                             break;
   1115                         }
   1116                     break;
   1117                 }
   1118             }
   1119         }
   1121         // remove the quad
   1122         quad_count--;
   1123         quad_group[min_box_area_index] = quad_group[quad_count];
   1124         centers[min_box_area_index] = centers[quad_count];
   1125     }
   1127     __END__;
   1129     cvReleaseMemStorage( &temp_storage );
   1130     cvFree( &centers );
   1132     return quad_count;
   1133 }
   1135 //=====================================================================================
   1137 static int
   1138 icvFindConnectedQuads( CvCBQuad *quad, int quad_count, CvCBQuad **out_group,
   1139                        int group_idx, CvMemStorage* storage )
   1140 {
   1141     CvMemStorage* temp_storage = cvCreateChildMemStorage( storage );
   1142     CvSeq* stack = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(*stack), sizeof(void*), temp_storage );
   1143     int i, count = 0;
   1145     // Scan the array for a first unlabeled quad
   1146     for( i = 0; i < quad_count; i++ )
   1147     {
   1148         if( quad[i].count > 0 && quad[i].group_idx < 0)
   1149             break;
   1150     }
   1152     // Recursively find a group of connected quads starting from the seed quad[i]
   1153     if( i < quad_count )
   1154     {
   1155         CvCBQuad* q = &quad[i];
   1156         cvSeqPush( stack, &q );
   1157         out_group[count++] = q;
   1158         q->group_idx = group_idx;
   1159         q->ordered = false;
   1161         while( stack->total )
   1162         {
   1163             cvSeqPop( stack, &q );
   1164             for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1165             {
   1166                 CvCBQuad *neighbor = q->neighbors[i];
   1167                 if( neighbor && neighbor->count > 0 && neighbor->group_idx < 0 )
   1168                 {
   1169                     cvSeqPush( stack, &neighbor );
   1170                     out_group[count++] = neighbor;
   1171                     neighbor->group_idx = group_idx;
   1172                     neighbor->ordered = false;
   1173                 }
   1174             }
   1175         }
   1176     }
   1178     cvReleaseMemStorage( &temp_storage );
   1179     return count;
   1180 }
   1183 //=====================================================================================
   1185 static int
   1186 icvCheckQuadGroup( CvCBQuad **quad_group, int quad_count,
   1187                    CvCBCorner **out_corners, CvSize pattern_size )
   1188 {
   1189     const int ROW1 = 1000000;
   1190     const int ROW2 = 2000000;
   1191     const int ROW_ = 3000000;
   1192     int result = 0;
   1193     int i, out_corner_count = 0, corner_count = 0;
   1194     CvCBCorner** corners = 0;
   1196     CV_FUNCNAME( "icvCheckQuadGroup" );
   1198     __BEGIN__;
   1200     int j, k, kk;
   1201     int width = 0, height = 0;
   1202     int hist[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
   1203     CvCBCorner* first = 0, *first2 = 0, *right, *cur, *below, *c;
   1204     CV_CALL( corners = (CvCBCorner**)cvAlloc( quad_count*4*sizeof(corners[0]) ));
   1206     // build dual graph, which vertices are internal quad corners
   1207     // and two vertices are connected iff they lie on the same quad edge
   1208     for( i = 0; i < quad_count; i++ )
   1209     {
   1210         CvCBQuad* q = quad_group[i];
   1211         /*CvScalar color = q->count == 0 ? cvScalar(0,255,255) :
   1212                          q->count == 1 ? cvScalar(0,0,255) :
   1213                          q->count == 2 ? cvScalar(0,255,0) :
   1214                          q->count == 3 ? cvScalar(255,255,0) :
   1215                                          cvScalar(255,0,0);*/
   1217         for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
   1218         {
   1219             //cvLine( debug_img, cvPointFrom32f(q->corners[j]->pt), cvPointFrom32f(q->corners[(j+1)&3]->pt), color, 1, CV_AA, 0 );
   1220             if( q->neighbors[j] )
   1221             {
   1222                 CvCBCorner *a = q->corners[j], *b = q->corners[(j+1)&3];
   1223                 // mark internal corners that belong to:
   1224                 //   - a quad with a single neighbor - with ROW1,
   1225                 //   - a quad with two neighbors     - with ROW2
   1226                 // make the rest of internal corners with ROW_
   1227                 int row_flag = q->count == 1 ? ROW1 : q->count == 2 ? ROW2 : ROW_;
   1229                 if( a->row == 0 )
   1230                 {
   1231                     corners[corner_count++] = a;
   1232                     a->row = row_flag;
   1233                 }
   1234                 else if( a->row > row_flag )
   1235                     a->row = row_flag;
   1237                 if( q->neighbors[(j+1)&3] )
   1238                 {
   1239                     if( a->count >= 4 || b->count >= 4 )
   1240                         EXIT;
   1241                     for( k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
   1242                     {
   1243                         if( a->neighbors[k] == b )
   1244                             EXIT;
   1245                         if( b->neighbors[k] == a )
   1246                             EXIT;
   1247                     }
   1248                     a->neighbors[a->count++] = b;
   1249                     b->neighbors[b->count++] = a;
   1250                 }
   1251             }
   1252         }
   1253     }
   1255     if( corner_count != pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height )
   1256         EXIT;
   1258     for( i = 0; i < corner_count; i++ )
   1259     {
   1260         int n = corners[i]->count;
   1261         assert( 0 <= n && n <= 4 );
   1262         hist[n]++;
   1263         if( !first && n == 2 )
   1264         {
   1265             if( corners[i]->row == ROW1 )
   1266                 first = corners[i];
   1267             else if( !first2 && corners[i]->row == ROW2 )
   1268                 first2 = corners[i];
   1269         }
   1270     }
   1272     // start with a corner that belongs to a quad with a signle neighbor.
   1273     // if we do not have such, start with a corner of a quad with two neighbors.
   1274     if( !first )
   1275         first = first2;
   1277     if( !first || hist[0] != 0 || hist[1] != 0 || hist[2] != 4 ||
   1278         hist[3] != (pattern_size.width + pattern_size.height)*2 - 8 )
   1279         EXIT;
   1281     cur = first;
   1282     right = below = 0;
   1283     out_corners[out_corner_count++] = cur;
   1285     for( k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
   1286     {
   1287         c = cur->neighbors[k];
   1288         if( c )
   1289         {
   1290             if( !right )
   1291                 right = c;
   1292             else if( !below )
   1293                 below = c;
   1294         }
   1295     }
   1297     if( !right || (right->count != 2 && right->count != 3) ||
   1298         !below || (below->count != 2 && below->count != 3) )
   1299         EXIT;
   1301     cur->row = 0;
   1302     //cvCircle( debug_img, cvPointFrom32f(cur->pt), 3, cvScalar(0,255,0), -1, 8, 0 );
   1304     first = below; // remember the first corner in the next row
   1305     // find and store the first row (or column)
   1306     for(j=1;;j++)
   1307     {
   1308         right->row = 0;
   1309         out_corners[out_corner_count++] = right;
   1310         //cvCircle( debug_img, cvPointFrom32f(right->pt), 3, cvScalar(0,255-j*10,0), -1, 8, 0 );
   1311         if( right->count == 2 )
   1312             break;
   1313         if( right->count != 3 || out_corner_count >= MAX(pattern_size.width,pattern_size.height) )
   1314             EXIT;
   1315         cur = right;
   1316         for( k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
   1317         {
   1318             c = cur->neighbors[k];
   1319             if( c && c->row > 0 )
   1320             {
   1321                 for( kk = 0; kk < 4; kk++ )
   1322                 {
   1323                     if( c->neighbors[kk] == below )
   1324                         break;
   1325                 }
   1326                 if( kk < 4 )
   1327                     below = c;
   1328                 else
   1329                     right = c;
   1330             }
   1331         }
   1332     }
   1334     width = out_corner_count;
   1335     if( width == pattern_size.width )
   1336         height = pattern_size.height;
   1337     else if( width == pattern_size.height )
   1338         height = pattern_size.width;
   1339     else
   1340         EXIT;
   1342     // find and store all the other rows
   1343     for( i = 1; ; i++ )
   1344     {
   1345         if( !first )
   1346             break;
   1347         cur = first;
   1348         first = 0;
   1349         for( j = 0;; j++ )
   1350         {
   1351             cur->row = i;
   1352             out_corners[out_corner_count++] = cur;
   1353             //cvCircle( debug_img, cvPointFrom32f(cur->pt), 3, cvScalar(0,0,255-j*10), -1, 8, 0 );
   1354             if( cur->count == 2 + (i < height-1) && j > 0 )
   1355                 break;
   1357             right = 0;
   1359             // find a neighbor that has not been processed yet
   1360             // and that has a neighbor from the previous row
   1361             for( k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
   1362             {
   1363                 c = cur->neighbors[k];
   1364                 if( c && c->row > i )
   1365                 {
   1366                     for( kk = 0; kk < 4; kk++ )
   1367                     {
   1368                         if( c->neighbors[kk] && c->neighbors[kk]->row == i-1 )
   1369                             break;
   1370                     }
   1371                     if( kk < 4 )
   1372                     {
   1373                         right = c;
   1374                         if( j > 0 )
   1375                             break;
   1376                     }
   1377                     else if( j == 0 )
   1378                         first = c;
   1379                 }
   1380             }
   1381             if( !right )
   1382                 EXIT;
   1383             cur = right;
   1384         }
   1386         if( j != width - 1 )
   1387             EXIT;
   1388     }
   1390     if( out_corner_count != corner_count )
   1391         EXIT;
   1393     // check if we need to transpose the board
   1394     if( width != pattern_size.width )
   1395     {
   1396         CV_SWAP( width, height, k );
   1398         memcpy( corners, out_corners, corner_count*sizeof(corners[0]) );
   1399         for( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
   1400             for( j = 0; j < width; j++ )
   1401                 out_corners[i*width + j] = corners[j*height + i];
   1402     }
   1404     // check if we need to revert the order in each row
   1405     {
   1406         CvPoint2D32f p0 = out_corners[0]->pt, p1 = out_corners[pattern_size.width-1]->pt,
   1407                      p2 = out_corners[pattern_size.width]->pt;
   1408         if( (p1.x - p0.x)*(p2.y - p1.y) - (p1.y - p0.y)*(p2.x - p1.x) < 0 )
   1409         {
   1410             if( width % 2 == 0 )
   1411             {
   1412                 for( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
   1413                     for( j = 0; j < width/2; j++ )
   1414                         CV_SWAP( out_corners[i*width+j], out_corners[i*width+width-j-1], c );
   1415             }
   1416             else
   1417             {
   1418                 for( j = 0; j < width; j++ )
   1419                     for( i = 0; i < height/2; i++ )
   1420                         CV_SWAP( out_corners[i*width+j], out_corners[(height - i - 1)*width+j], c );
   1421             }
   1422         }
   1423     }
   1425     result = corner_count;
   1427     __END__;
   1429     if( result <= 0 && corners )
   1430     {
   1431         corner_count = MIN( corner_count, pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height );
   1432         for( i = 0; i < corner_count; i++ )
   1433             out_corners[i] = corners[i];
   1434         result = -corner_count;
   1436         if (result == -pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height)
   1437             result = -result;
   1438     }
   1440     cvFree( &corners );
   1442     return result;
   1443 }
   1448 //=====================================================================================
   1450 static void icvFindQuadNeighbors( CvCBQuad *quads, int quad_count )
   1451 {
   1452     const float thresh_scale = 1.f;
   1453     int idx, i, k, j;
   1454     float dx, dy, dist;
   1456     // find quad neighbors
   1457     for( idx = 0; idx < quad_count; idx++ )
   1458     {
   1459         CvCBQuad* cur_quad = &quads[idx];
   1461         // choose the points of the current quadrangle that are close to
   1462         // some points of the other quadrangles
   1463         // (it can happen for split corners (due to dilation) of the
   1464         // checker board). Search only in other quadrangles!
   1466         // for each corner of this quadrangle
   1467         for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1468         {
   1469             CvPoint2D32f pt;
   1470             float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
   1471             int closest_corner_idx = -1;
   1472             CvCBQuad *closest_quad = 0;
   1473             CvCBCorner *closest_corner = 0;
   1475             if( cur_quad->neighbors[i] )
   1476                 continue;
   1478             pt = cur_quad->corners[i]->pt;
   1480             // find the closest corner in all other quadrangles
   1481             for( k = 0; k < quad_count; k++ )
   1482             {
   1483                 if( k == idx )
   1484                     continue;
   1486                 for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
   1487                 {
   1488                     if( quads[k].neighbors[j] )
   1489                         continue;
   1491                     dx = pt.x - quads[k].corners[j]->pt.x;
   1492                     dy = pt.y - quads[k].corners[j]->pt.y;
   1493                     dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
   1495                     if( dist < min_dist &&
   1496                         dist <= cur_quad->edge_len*thresh_scale &&
   1497                         dist <= quads[k].edge_len*thresh_scale )
   1498                     {
   1499                         // check edge lengths, make sure they're compatible
   1500                         // edges that are different by more than 1:4 are rejected
   1501                         float ediff = cur_quad->edge_len - quads[k].edge_len;
   1502                         if (ediff > 32*cur_quad->edge_len ||
   1503                             ediff > 32*quads[k].edge_len)
   1504                         {
   1505                             PRINTF("Incompatible edge lengths\n");
   1506                             continue;
   1507                         }
   1508                         closest_corner_idx = j;
   1509                         closest_quad = &quads[k];
   1510                         min_dist = dist;
   1511                     }
   1512                 }
   1513             }
   1515             // we found a matching corner point?
   1516             if( closest_corner_idx >= 0 && min_dist < FLT_MAX )
   1517             {
   1518                 // If another point from our current quad is closer to the found corner
   1519                 // than the current one, then we don't count this one after all.
   1520                 // This is necessary to support small squares where otherwise the wrong
   1521                 // corner will get matched to closest_quad;
   1522                 closest_corner = closest_quad->corners[closest_corner_idx];
   1524                 for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
   1525                 {
   1526                     if( cur_quad->neighbors[j] == closest_quad )
   1527                         break;
   1529                     dx = closest_corner->pt.x - cur_quad->corners[j]->pt.x;
   1530                     dy = closest_corner->pt.y - cur_quad->corners[j]->pt.y;
   1532                     if( dx * dx + dy * dy < min_dist )
   1533                         break;
   1534                 }
   1536                 if( j < 4 || cur_quad->count >= 4 || closest_quad->count >= 4 )
   1537                     continue;
   1539                 // Check that each corner is a neighbor of different quads
   1540                 for( j = 0; j < closest_quad->count; j++ )
   1541                 {
   1542                     if( closest_quad->neighbors[j] == cur_quad )
   1543                         break;
   1544                 }
   1545                 if( j < closest_quad->count )
   1546                     continue;
   1548                 // check whether the closest corner to closest_corner
   1549                 // is different from cur_quad->corners[i]->pt
   1550                 for( k = 0; k < quad_count; k++ )
   1551                 {
   1552                     CvCBQuad* q = &quads[k];
   1553                     if( k == idx || q == closest_quad )
   1554                         continue;
   1556                     for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
   1557                         if( !q->neighbors[j] )
   1558                         {
   1559                             dx = closest_corner->pt.x - q->corners[j]->pt.x;
   1560                             dy = closest_corner->pt.y - q->corners[j]->pt.y;
   1561                             dist = dx*dx + dy*dy;
   1562                             if( dist < min_dist )
   1563                                 break;
   1564                         }
   1565                     if( j < 4 )
   1566                         break;
   1567                 }
   1569                 if( k < quad_count )
   1570                     continue;
   1572                 closest_corner->pt.x = (pt.x + closest_corner->pt.x) * 0.5f;
   1573                 closest_corner->pt.y = (pt.y + closest_corner->pt.y) * 0.5f;
   1575                 // We've found one more corner - remember it
   1576                 cur_quad->count++;
   1577                 cur_quad->neighbors[i] = closest_quad;
   1578                 cur_quad->corners[i] = closest_corner;
   1580                 closest_quad->count++;
   1581                 closest_quad->neighbors[closest_corner_idx] = cur_quad;
   1582             }
   1583         }
   1584     }
   1585 }
   1587 //=====================================================================================
   1589 // returns corners in clockwise order
   1590 // corners don't necessarily start at same position on quad (e.g.,
   1591 //   top left corner)
   1593 static int
   1594 icvGenerateQuads( CvCBQuad **out_quads, CvCBCorner **out_corners,
   1595                   CvMemStorage *storage, CvMat *image, int flags )
   1596 {
   1597     int quad_count = 0;
   1598     CvMemStorage *temp_storage = 0;
   1600     if( out_quads )
   1601         *out_quads = 0;
   1603     if( out_corners )
   1604         *out_corners = 0;
   1606     CV_FUNCNAME( "icvGenerateQuads" );
   1608     __BEGIN__;
   1610     CvSeq *src_contour = 0;
   1611     CvSeq *root;
   1612     CvContourEx* board = 0;
   1613     CvContourScanner scanner;
   1614     int i, idx, min_size;
   1616     CV_ASSERT( out_corners && out_quads );
   1618     // empiric bound for minimal allowed perimeter for squares
   1619     min_size = cvRound( image->cols * image->rows * .03 * 0.01 * 0.92 );
   1621     // create temporary storage for contours and the sequence of pointers to found quadrangles
   1622     CV_CALL( temp_storage = cvCreateChildMemStorage( storage ));
   1623     CV_CALL( root = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvSeq*), temp_storage ));
   1625     // initialize contour retrieving routine
   1626     CV_CALL( scanner = cvStartFindContours( image, temp_storage, sizeof(CvContourEx),
   1627                                             CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ));
   1629     // get all the contours one by one
   1630     while( (src_contour = cvFindNextContour( scanner )) != 0 )
   1631     {
   1632         CvSeq *dst_contour = 0;
   1633         CvRect rect = ((CvContour*)src_contour)->rect;
   1635         // reject contours with too small perimeter
   1636         if( CV_IS_SEQ_HOLE(src_contour) && rect.width*rect.height >= min_size )
   1637         {
   1638             const int min_approx_level = 2, max_approx_level = MAX_CONTOUR_APPROX;
   1639             int approx_level;
   1640             for( approx_level = min_approx_level; approx_level <= max_approx_level; approx_level++ )
   1641             {
   1642                 dst_contour = cvApproxPoly( src_contour, sizeof(CvContour), temp_storage,
   1643                                             CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, (float)approx_level );
   1644                 // we call this again on its own output, because sometimes
   1645                 // cvApproxPoly() does not simplify as much as it should.
   1646                 dst_contour = cvApproxPoly( dst_contour, sizeof(CvContour), temp_storage,
   1647                                             CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, (float)approx_level );
   1649                 if( dst_contour->total == 4 )
   1650                     break;
   1651             }
   1653             // reject non-quadrangles
   1654             if( dst_contour->total == 4 && cvCheckContourConvexity(dst_contour) )
   1655             {
   1656                 CvPoint pt[4];
   1657                 double d1, d2, p = cvContourPerimeter(dst_contour);
   1658                 double area = fabs(cvContourArea(dst_contour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ));
   1659                 double dx, dy;
   1661                 for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1662                     pt[i] = *(CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(dst_contour, i);
   1664                 dx = pt[0].x - pt[2].x;
   1665                 dy = pt[0].y - pt[2].y;
   1666                 d1 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1668                 dx = pt[1].x - pt[3].x;
   1669                 dy = pt[1].y - pt[3].y;
   1670                 d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1672                 // philipg.  Only accept those quadrangles which are more square
   1673                 // than rectangular and which are big enough
   1674                 double d3, d4;
   1675                 dx = pt[0].x - pt[1].x;
   1676                 dy = pt[0].y - pt[1].y;
   1677                 d3 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1678                 dx = pt[1].x - pt[2].x;
   1679                 dy = pt[1].y - pt[2].y;
   1680                 d4 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1681                 if( !(flags & CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS) ||
   1682                     (d3*4 > d4 && d4*4 > d3 && d3*d4 < area*1.5 && area > min_size &&
   1683                     d1 >= 0.15 * p && d2 >= 0.15 * p) )
   1684                 {
   1685                     CvContourEx* parent = (CvContourEx*)(src_contour->v_prev);
   1686                     parent->counter++;
   1687                     if( !board || board->counter < parent->counter )
   1688                         board = parent;
   1689                     dst_contour->v_prev = (CvSeq*)parent;
   1690                     //for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) cvLine( debug_img, pt[i], pt[(i+1)&3], cvScalar(200,255,255), 1, CV_AA, 0 );
   1691                     cvSeqPush( root, &dst_contour );
   1692                 }
   1693             }
   1694         }
   1695     }
   1697     // finish contour retrieving
   1698     cvEndFindContours( &scanner );
   1700     // allocate quad & corner buffers
   1701     CV_CALL( *out_quads = (CvCBQuad*)cvAlloc((root->total+root->total / 2) * sizeof((*out_quads)[0])));
   1702     CV_CALL( *out_corners = (CvCBCorner*)cvAlloc((root->total+root->total / 2) * 4 * sizeof((*out_corners)[0])));
   1704     // Create array of quads structures
   1705     for( idx = 0; idx < root->total; idx++ )
   1706     {
   1707         CvCBQuad* q = &(*out_quads)[quad_count];
   1708         src_contour = *(CvSeq**)cvGetSeqElem( root, idx );
   1709         if( (flags & CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS) && src_contour->v_prev != (CvSeq*)board )
   1710             continue;
   1712         // reset group ID
   1713         memset( q, 0, sizeof(*q) );
   1714         q->group_idx = -1;
   1715         assert( src_contour->total == 4 );
   1716         for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1717         {
   1718             CvPoint2D32f pt = cvPointTo32f(*(CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(src_contour, i));
   1719             CvCBCorner* corner = &(*out_corners)[quad_count*4 + i];
   1721             memset( corner, 0, sizeof(*corner) );
   1722             corner->pt = pt;
   1723             q->corners[i] = corner;
   1724         }
   1725         q->edge_len = FLT_MAX;
   1726         for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1727         {
   1728             float dx = q->corners[i]->pt.x - q->corners[(i+1)&3]->pt.x;
   1729             float dy = q->corners[i]->pt.y - q->corners[(i+1)&3]->pt.y;
   1730             float d = dx*dx + dy*dy;
   1731             if( q->edge_len > d )
   1732                 q->edge_len = d;
   1733         }
   1734         quad_count++;
   1735     }
   1737     __END__;
   1739     if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
   1740     {
   1741         if( out_quads )
   1742             cvFree( out_quads );
   1743         if( out_corners )
   1744             cvFree( out_corners );
   1745         quad_count = 0;
   1746     }
   1748     cvReleaseMemStorage( &temp_storage );
   1749     return quad_count;
   1750 }
   1753 //=====================================================================================
   1755 static int is_equal_quad( const void* _a, const void* _b, void* )
   1756 {
   1757     CvRect a = (*((CvContour**)_a))->rect;
   1758     CvRect b = (*((CvContour**)_b))->rect;
   1760     int dx =  MIN( b.x + b.width - 1, a.x + a.width - 1) - MAX( b.x, a.x);
   1761     int dy =  MIN( b.y + b.height - 1, a.y + a.height - 1) - MAX( b.y, a.y);
   1762     int w = (a.width + b.width)>>1;
   1763     int h = (a.height + b.height)>>1;
   1765     if( dx > w*0.75 && dy > h*0.75 && dx < w*1.25 && dy < h*1.25 ) return 1;
   1767     return 0;
   1768 }
   1770 static int
   1771 icvGenerateQuadsEx( CvCBQuad **out_quads, CvCBCorner **out_corners,
   1772                   CvMemStorage *storage, CvMat *image, CvMat *thresh_img, int dilations, int flags )
   1773 {
   1774     int l;
   1775     int quad_count = 0;
   1776     CvMemStorage *temp_storage = 0;
   1778     if( out_quads )
   1779       *out_quads = 0;
   1781     if( out_corners )
   1782       *out_corners = 0;
   1784     CV_FUNCNAME( "icvGenerateQuads" );
   1786     __BEGIN__;
   1788     CvSeq *src_contour = 0;
   1789     CvSeq *root, *root_tmp;
   1790     CvContourEx* board = 0;
   1791     CvContourScanner scanner;
   1792     int i, idx, min_size;
   1793     int step_level = 25;
   1795     CV_ASSERT( out_corners && out_quads );
   1797     // empiric bound for minimal allowed perimeter for squares
   1798     min_size = cvRound( image->cols * image->rows * .03 * 0.01 * 0.92 );
   1800     // create temporary storage for contours and the sequence of pointers to found quadrangles
   1801     CV_CALL( temp_storage = cvCreateChildMemStorage( storage ));
   1802     CV_CALL( root_tmp = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvSeq*), temp_storage ));
   1803     CV_CALL( root = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvSeq*), temp_storage ));
   1805     //perform contours slicing
   1806     cvEqualizeHist(image,image);
   1807     for(l = step_level; l < 256-step_level; l+= step_level)
   1808     {
   1809         cvThreshold( image, thresh_img, l, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
   1810         cvDilate( thresh_img, thresh_img, 0, dilations );
   1812         //draw frame to extract edge quads
   1813         cvRectangle( thresh_img, cvPoint(0,0), cvPoint(thresh_img->cols-1,
   1814             thresh_img->rows-1), CV_RGB(255,255,255), 3, 8);
   1816         // initialize contour retrieving routine
   1817         CV_CALL( scanner = cvStartFindContours( thresh_img, temp_storage, sizeof(CvContourEx),
   1818             CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ));
   1820         // get all the contours one by one
   1821         while( (src_contour = cvFindNextContour( scanner )) != 0 )
   1822         {
   1823             CvSeq *dst_contour = 0;
   1824             CvRect rect = ((CvContour*)src_contour)->rect;
   1826             // reject contours with too small perimeter
   1827             if( CV_IS_SEQ_HOLE(src_contour) && rect.width*rect.height >= min_size )
   1828             {
   1829                 const int min_approx_level = 2, max_approx_level = MAX_CONTOUR_APPROX;
   1830                 int approx_level;
   1831                 for( approx_level = min_approx_level; approx_level <= max_approx_level; approx_level++ )
   1832                 {
   1833                     dst_contour = cvApproxPoly( src_contour, sizeof(CvContour), temp_storage,
   1834                         CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, (float)approx_level );
   1835                     // we call this again on its own output, because sometimes
   1836                     // cvApproxPoly() does not simplify as much as it should.
   1837                     dst_contour = cvApproxPoly( dst_contour, sizeof(CvContour), temp_storage,
   1838                         CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, (float)approx_level );
   1840                     if( dst_contour->total == 4 )
   1841                         break;
   1842                 }
   1844                 // reject non-quadrangles
   1845                 if( dst_contour->total == 4 && cvCheckContourConvexity(dst_contour) )
   1846                 {
   1847                     CvPoint pt[4];
   1848                     double d1, d2, p = cvContourPerimeter(dst_contour);
   1849                     double area = fabs(cvContourArea(dst_contour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ));
   1850                     double dx, dy;
   1852                     for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1853                         pt[i] = *(CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(dst_contour, i);
   1855                     //check border condition. if this is edge square we will add this as is
   1856                     int edge_flag = 0, eps = 2;
   1857                     for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1858                         if( pt[i].x <= eps || pt[i].y <= eps ||
   1859                             pt[i].x >= image->width - eps ||
   1860                             pt[i].y >= image->height - eps ) edge_flag = 1;
   1862                     dx = pt[0].x - pt[2].x;
   1863                     dy = pt[0].y - pt[2].y;
   1864                     d1 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1866                     dx = pt[1].x - pt[3].x;
   1867                     dy = pt[1].y - pt[3].y;
   1868                     d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1870                     // philipg.  Only accept those quadrangles which are more square
   1871                     // than rectangular and which are big enough
   1872                     double d3, d4;
   1873                     dx = pt[0].x - pt[1].x;
   1874                     dy = pt[0].y - pt[1].y;
   1875                     d3 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1876                     dx = pt[1].x - pt[2].x;
   1877                     dy = pt[1].y - pt[2].y;
   1878                     d4 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
   1879                     if( edge_flag ||
   1880                         (!(flags & CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS) ||
   1881                         (d3*4 > d4 && d4*4 > d3 && d3*d4 < area*1.5 && area > min_size &&
   1882                         d1 >= 0.15 * p && d2 >= 0.15 * p)) )
   1883                     {
   1884                         CvContourEx* parent = (CvContourEx*)(src_contour->v_prev);
   1885                         parent->counter++;
   1886                         if( !board || board->counter < parent->counter )
   1887                             board = parent;
   1888                         dst_contour->v_prev = (CvSeq*)parent;
   1889                         //for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) cvLine( debug_img, pt[i], pt[(i+1)&3], cvScalar(200,255,255), 1, CV_AA, 0 );
   1890                         cvSeqPush( root_tmp, &dst_contour );
   1891                     }
   1892                 }
   1893             }
   1894         }
   1895         // finish contour retrieving
   1896         cvEndFindContours( &scanner );
   1897     }
   1900     // Perform clustering of extracted quads
   1901     // Same quad can be extracted from different binarization levels
   1902     if( root_tmp->total )
   1903     {
   1904         CvSeq* idx_seq = 0;
   1905         int n_quads = cvSeqPartition( root_tmp, temp_storage, &idx_seq, is_equal_quad, 0 );
   1906         for( i = 0; i < n_quads; i++ )
   1907         {
   1908             //extract biggest quad in group
   1909             int max_size = 0;
   1910             CvSeq* max_seq = 0;
   1911             for( int j = 0; j < root_tmp->total; j++ )
   1912             {
   1913                 int index = *(int*)cvGetSeqElem(idx_seq, j);
   1914                 if(index!=i) continue;
   1915                 CvContour* cnt = *(CvContour**)cvGetSeqElem(root_tmp, j);
   1916                 if(cnt->rect.width > max_size)
   1917                 {
   1918                     max_size = cnt->rect.width;
   1919                     max_seq = (CvSeq*)cnt;
   1920                 }
   1921             }
   1922             cvSeqPush( root, &max_seq);
   1923         }
   1924     }
   1926     // allocate quad & corner buffers
   1927     CV_CALL( *out_quads = (CvCBQuad*)cvAlloc((root->total+root->total / 2) * sizeof((*out_quads)[0])));
   1928     CV_CALL( *out_corners = (CvCBCorner*)cvAlloc((root->total+root->total / 2) * 4 * sizeof((*out_corners)[0])));
   1930     // Create array of quads structures
   1931     for( idx = 0; idx < root->total; idx++ )
   1932     {
   1933         CvCBQuad* q = &(*out_quads)[quad_count];
   1934         src_contour = *(CvSeq**)cvGetSeqElem( root, idx );
   1935         if( (flags & CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS) && src_contour->v_prev != (CvSeq*)board )
   1936             continue;
   1938         // reset group ID
   1939         memset( q, 0, sizeof(*q) );
   1940         q->group_idx = -1;
   1941         assert( src_contour->total == 4 );
   1942         for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1943         {
   1944             CvPoint2D32f pt = cvPointTo32f(*(CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(src_contour, i));
   1945             CvCBCorner* corner = &(*out_corners)[quad_count*4 + i];
   1947             memset( corner, 0, sizeof(*corner) );
   1948             corner->pt = pt;
   1949             q->corners[i] = corner;
   1950         }
   1951         q->edge_len = FLT_MAX;
   1952         for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
   1953         {
   1954             float dx = q->corners[i]->pt.x - q->corners[(i+1)&3]->pt.x;
   1955             float dy = q->corners[i]->pt.y - q->corners[(i+1)&3]->pt.y;
   1956             float d = dx*dx + dy*dy;
   1957             if( q->edge_len > d )
   1958                 q->edge_len = d;
   1959         }
   1960         quad_count++;
   1961     }
   1963     __END__;
   1965     if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
   1966     {
   1967         if( out_quads )
   1968             cvFree( out_quads );
   1969         if( out_corners )
   1970             cvFree( out_corners );
   1971         quad_count = 0;
   1972     }
   1974     cvReleaseMemStorage( &temp_storage );
   1975     return quad_count;
   1976 }
   1979 CV_IMPL void
   1980 cvDrawChessboardCorners( CvArr* _image, CvSize pattern_size,
   1981                          CvPoint2D32f* corners, int count, int found )
   1982 {
   1983     CV_FUNCNAME( "cvDrawChessboardCorners" );
   1985     __BEGIN__;
   1987     const int shift = 0;
   1988     const int radius = 4;
   1989     const int r = radius*(1 << shift);
   1990     int i;
   1991     CvMat stub, *image;
   1992     double scale = 1;
   1993     int type, cn, line_type;
   1995     CV_CALL( image = cvGetMat( _image, &stub ));
   1997     type = CV_MAT_TYPE(image->type);
   1998     cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
   1999     if( cn != 1 && cn != 3 && cn != 4 )
   2000         CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Number of channels must be 1, 3 or 4" );
   2002     switch( CV_MAT_DEPTH(image->type) )
   2003     {
   2004     case CV_8U:
   2005         scale = 1;
   2006         break;
   2007     case CV_16U:
   2008         scale = 256;
   2009         break;
   2010     case CV_32F:
   2011         scale = 1./255;
   2012         break;
   2013     default:
   2014         CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
   2015             "Only 8-bit, 16-bit or floating-point 32-bit images are supported" );
   2016     }
   2018     line_type = type == CV_8UC1 || type == CV_8UC3 ? CV_AA : 8;
   2020     if( !found )
   2021     {
   2022         CvScalar color = {{0,0,255}};
   2023         if( cn == 1 )
   2024             color = cvScalarAll(200);
   2025         color.val[0] *= scale;
   2026         color.val[1] *= scale;
   2027         color.val[2] *= scale;
   2028         color.val[3] *= scale;
   2030         for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   2031         {
   2032             CvPoint pt;
   2033             pt.x = cvRound(corners[i].x*(1 << shift));
   2034             pt.y = cvRound(corners[i].y*(1 << shift));
   2035             cvLine( image, cvPoint( pt.x - r, pt.y - r ),
   2036                     cvPoint( pt.x + r, pt.y + r ), color, 1, line_type, shift );
   2037             cvLine( image, cvPoint( pt.x - r, pt.y + r),
   2038                     cvPoint( pt.x + r, pt.y - r), color, 1, line_type, shift );
   2039             cvCircle( image, pt, r+(1<<shift), color, 1, line_type, shift );
   2040         }
   2041     }
   2042     else
   2043     {
   2044         int x, y;
   2045         CvPoint prev_pt = {0, 0};
   2046         const int line_max = 7;
   2047         static const CvScalar line_colors[line_max] =
   2048         {
   2049             {{0,0,255}},
   2050             {{0,128,255}},
   2051             {{0,200,200}},
   2052             {{0,255,0}},
   2053             {{200,200,0}},
   2054             {{255,0,0}},
   2055             {{255,0,255}}
   2056         };
   2058         for( y = 0, i = 0; y < pattern_size.height; y++ )
   2059         {
   2060             CvScalar color = line_colors[y % line_max];
   2061             if( cn == 1 )
   2062                 color = cvScalarAll(200);
   2063             color.val[0] *= scale;
   2064             color.val[1] *= scale;
   2065             color.val[2] *= scale;
   2066             color.val[3] *= scale;
   2068             for( x = 0; x < pattern_size.width; x++, i++ )
   2069             {
   2070                 CvPoint pt;
   2071                 pt.x = cvRound(corners[i].x*(1 << shift));
   2072                 pt.y = cvRound(corners[i].y*(1 << shift));
   2074                 if( i != 0 )
   2075                     cvLine( image, prev_pt, pt, color, 1, line_type, shift );
   2077                 cvLine( image, cvPoint(pt.x - r, pt.y - r),
   2078                         cvPoint(pt.x + r, pt.y + r), color, 1, line_type, shift );
   2079                 cvLine( image, cvPoint(pt.x - r, pt.y + r),
   2080                         cvPoint(pt.x + r, pt.y - r), color, 1, line_type, shift );
   2081                 cvCircle( image, pt, r+(1<<shift), color, 1, line_type, shift );
   2082                 prev_pt = pt;
   2083             }
   2084         }
   2085     }
   2087     __END__;
   2088 }
   2091 /* End of file. */