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     56 <td>
     57 <h1>FindBugs FAQ</h1>
     59 <p> This document contains answers to frequently asked questions about
     60 <a href="index.html">FindBugs</a>.&nbsp; If you just want general
     61 information about FindBugs, have a look at the
     62 <a href="factSheet.html">fact sheet</a> and the
     63 <a href="manual/index.html">manual</a>.
     65 <h2>Contents</h2>
     66 <ol>
     67 <li> <a href="#q1">I'm getting java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError when I try to run FindBugs</a>
     68 <li> <a href="#q2">When I click the "Find Bugs!" button, I get a NoSuchMethodError or VerifyError</a>
     69 <li> <a href="#q3">FindBugs is running out of memory, or is taking a long time to finish</a>
     70 <li> <a href="#q4">What is the "auxiliary classpath"?  Why should I specify it?</a>
     71 <li> <a href="#q5">The Eclipse plugin doesn't load</a>
     72 <li> <a href="#q6">I'm getting a lot of false "OS" and "ODR" warnings</a>
     73 <li> <a href="#q7">The Eclipse plugin loads, but doesn't work correctly</a>
     74 <li> <a href="#q8">Where is the Maven plugin for FindBugs?</a>
     75 <li> <a href="#q9">Where is the NetBeans plugin for FindBugs?</a>
     76 </ol>
     78 <h2><a name="q1">Q1: I'm getting java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError when I try to run FindBugs</a></h2>
     80 <p> FindBugs requires JRE 1.5.0 or later to run.&nbsp; If you use an earlier version,
     81 you will see an exception error message similar to the following:
     82 <pre>
     83 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
     84 edu/umd/cs/findbugs/gui/FindBugsFrame (Unsupported major.minor version 48.0)
     85 </pre>
     86 The solution is to upgrade to JRE 1.5.0 or later.
     88 <h2><a name="q2">Q2: When I click the "Find Bugs!" button, I get a NoSuchMethodError or VerifyError</a></h2>
     90 <p> The symptom of this bug is that when you start the FindBugs analysis,
     91 you see an exception similar to the following:
     92 <pre>
     93 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.bcel.Repository.setRepository(Lorg/apache/bcel/util/Repository;)V
     94         at edu.umd.cs.findbugs.FindBugs.clearRepository(FindBugs.java:483)
     95         ...
     96 </pre>
     98 or
    100 <pre>
    101 java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class
    102     at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    103     at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:537)
    104     ...
    105 </pre>
    107 <p> The problem here is that the wrong version of the
    108 <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/bcel/">Apache BCEL</a>
    109 library is being found.&nbsp; FindBugs requires its own
    110 version of BCEL, which normally will be used automatically
    111 when you invoke the <code>findbugs</code> or <code>findbugs.bat</code>
    112 scripts used to launch FindBugs.&nbsp; If an old version of BCEL is installed
    113 in a location, such as "lib/endorsed" in the JRE installation,
    114 where it overrides classes on the application classpath,
    115 FindBugs will not execute properly.&nbsp;
    116 We know of several reasons this could happen
    118 <ul>
    119 <li> If you install the
    120 <a href="http://java.sun.com/webservices/downloads/webservicespack.html">Java(TM) Web Services
    121 Developer Pack 1.2</a>
    122 in the <code>lib/endorsed</code> directory of your Java Runtime Environment (JRE).&nbsp;
    123 The file <code>xsltc.jar</code> contains an old version of BCEL that is incompatible with
    124 FindBugs.&nbsp;
    126 <li> Another possibility is that you are using the IBM JDK.&nbsp;
    127 Some versions include a version of BCEL which conflicts with the
    128 one required by FindBugs.&nbsp; This problem is fixed in version 1.4.1 SP1,
    129 so upgrading your JDK should allow FindBugs to run correctly.
    131 <li> Some versions of the Apache Xalan XSLT processor include
    132 an old version of BCEL in <code>xalan.jar</code>.
    134 </ul>
    136 <p> In all of these cases, you should be able to run FindBugs
    137 by either removing the offending version of BCEL from your JRE,
    138 or installing a clean JRE or JDK and using that to run FindBugs.
    140 <p> Many thanks to Peter Meulmeester, Michael Levi, and Thomas Klaeger
    141 for providing information on this problem.
    143 <h2><a name="q3">Q3: FindBugs is running out of memory, or is taking a long time to finish</a></h2>
    145 <p> In general, FindBugs requires lots of memory and a relatively
    146 fast CPU.  For large applications, 512M or more of heap space may be
    147 required.  By default, FindBugs allocates 256M of heap space.
    148 You can increase this using the <code>-maxHeap <i>n</i></code> option,
    149 where <i>n</i> is the number of megabytes of heap space to allocate.
    152 <h2><a name="q4">Q4: What is the "auxiliary classpath"?  Why should I specify it?</a></h2>
    154 <p> Many important facts about a Java class require information about
    155 the classes that it references.&nbsp; For example:
    156 <ul>
    157 <li> What other classes and interfaces the class inherits from
    158 <li> What exceptions can be thrown by methods in external classes
    159 and interfaces
    160 </ul>
    162 <p> The "auxiliary classpath" is a list of Jar files, directories, and
    163 class files containing classes that are <em>used</em> by the code you
    164 want FindBugs to analyze, but should not themselves be analyzed
    165 by FindBugs.
    167 <p> If FindBugs doesn't have complete information about referenced classes,
    168 it will not be able to produce results that are as accurate as possible.&nbsp;
    169 For example, having a complete repository of referenced classes allows
    170 FindBugs to prune control flow information so it can concentrate on
    171 paths through methods that are most likely to be feasible at runtime.&nbsp;
    172 Also, some bug detectors (such as the suspicious reference comparison detector)
    173 rely on being able to perform type inference, which requires complete
    174 type hierarchy information.
    176 <p> For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you completely specify
    177 the auxiliary classpath when you run FindBugs.&nbsp; You can do this
    178 by using the <code>-auxclasspath</code> command line option, or the
    179 "Classpath entries" list in the GUI project editor dialog.
    181 <p> If FindBugs cannot find a class referenced by your application, it
    182 will print out a message when the analysis completes, specifying the
    183 classes that were missing.&nbsp; You should modify the auxiliary classpath
    184 to specify how to find the missing classes, and then run FindBugs again.
    186 <h2><a name="q5">Q5: The Eclipse plugin doesn't load</a></h2>
    188 <p> The symptom of this problem is that Eclipse fails to load
    189 the FindBugs UI plugin with the message:
    190 <blockquote>
    191 Plug-in "edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse" was disabled due to missing or disabled
    192 prerequisite plug-in "org.eclipse.ui.ide"
    193 </blockquote>
    195 <p> The reason for this problem is that the Eclipse
    196 plugin distributed with FindBugs
    197 does not work with older 3.x versions of Eclipse.
    198 Please use Eclipse version 3.6 (June 2010) or newer.
    200 <h2><a name="q6">Q6: I'm getting a lot of false "OS" and "ODR" warnings</a></h2>
    202 <p> By default, FindBugs assumes that any method invocation can
    203 throw an unchecked runtime exception.&nbsp; As a result,
    204 it may assume that an unchecked exception thrown out of the
    205 method could bypass a call to a <code>close()</code> method
    206 for a stream or database resource.
    208 <p> You can use the <code>-workHard</code> command line argument
    209 or the <code>findbugs.workHard</code> boolean analysis property
    210 to make FindBugs work harder to prune unlikely exception
    211 edges.&nbsp; This generally reduces the number of
    212 false warnings, at the expense of slowing down the
    213 analysis.
    215 <h2><a name="q7">Q7: The Eclipse plugin loads, but doesn't work correctly</a></h2>
    217 <p> Make sure the Java code you trying to analyze is built properly and has no
    218 classpath or compile errors.
    220 <p> Make sure the project and workspace FindBugs settings are valid - in doubt, revert them to defaults.
    222 <p> Make sure the Error log view does not show errors.
    224 <h2><a name="q8">Q8: Where is the Maven plugin for FindBugs?</a></h2>
    226 <p>
    227 The <a href="http://maven.apache.org/">Maven</a> Plugin for FindBugs
    228 may be found <a href="http://mojo.codehaus.org/findbugs-maven-plugin/">here</a>.&nbsp;
    229 Please note that the Maven plugin is not maintained by the FindBugs developers,
    230 so we can't answer questions about it.
    231 </p>
    233 <h2><a name="q9">Q9: Where is the NetBeans plugin for FindBugs?</a></h2>
    235 <p>We recommend <a href="http://kenai.com/projects/sqe/pages/Home">SQE: Software Quality Environment</a>
    236 which bundles FindBugs, PMD and CheckStyle. Use the following
    237 update site:
    238 <a href="http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/sqe/lastStableBuild/artifact/build/full-sqe-updatecenter/updates.xml
    239 ">http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/sqe/lastStableBuild/artifact/build/full-sqe-updatecenter/updates.xml</a>
    240 <p>Pease note that the SQE plugin is not maintained by the FindBugs developers,
    241 so we can't answer questions about it.
    242 </p>
    245 <hr> <p> 
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    251 <p> Send comments to <a class="sidebar" href="mailto:findbugs (a] cs.umd.edu">findbugs (a] cs.umd.edu</a> 
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