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      1 {{header}}
      2 {{object 1 0}} <<
      3   /Type /Catalog
      4   /Pages 2 0 R
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      6 >>
      7 endobj
      8 {{object 2 0}} <<
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     12     3 0 R
     13   ]
     14 >>
     15 endobj
     16 % Page number 0.
     17 {{object 3 0}} <<
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     21     /Font <</F1 15 0 R>>
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     26 % OpenAction action
     27 {{object 10 0}} <<
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     29   /S /JavaScript
     30   /JS 11 0 R
     31 >>
     32 endobj
     33 % JS program to exexute
     34 {{object 11 0}} <<
     35 >>
     36 stream
     37 function TestOneFormat(str, d) {
     38   try {
     39     app.alert(str + ": " + util.printd(str, d));
     40   }
     41   catch (e) {
     42     app.alert(str + ": Caught error: " + e);
     43   }
     44 }
     45 function TestOneXFAFormat(str, d, flag) {
     46   try {
     47     app.alert(str + ": " + util.printd(str, d, flag));
     48   }
     49   catch (e) {
     50     app.alert(str + ": Caught error: " + e);
     51   }
     52 }
     53 // July 4th, 2014 11:59:59 AM local time.
     54 var d1 = new Date(2014, 06, 04, 15, 59, 58);
     55 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", d1);
     56 TestOneFormat(0, d1);
     57 TestOneFormat(1, d1);
     58 TestOneFormat(2, d1);
     59 TestOneFormat(3, d1);
     60 TestOneFormat("mmmm", d1);
     61 TestOneFormat("mmm", d1);
     62 TestOneFormat("mm", d1);
     63 TestOneFormat("m", d1);
     64 TestOneFormat("dddd", d1);
     65 TestOneFormat("ddd", d1);
     66 TestOneFormat("dd", d1);
     67 TestOneFormat("d", d1);
     68 TestOneFormat("yyyy", d1);
     69 TestOneFormat("yy", d1);
     70 TestOneFormat("HH", d1);
     71 TestOneFormat("H", d1);
     72 TestOneFormat("hh", d1);
     73 // "h" is inconsitent between platforms: " 3" vs. "3"
     74 TestOneFormat("MM", d1);
     75 TestOneFormat("M", d1);
     76 TestOneFormat("ss", d1);
     77 TestOneFormat("s", d1);
     78 // "tt" is inconsitent between platforms: "PM" vs, "pm" vs. "P"
     79 TestOneFormat("t", d1);
     80 TestOneFormat("abc.efg.i.kl.nopqr..uvwxyzABC.EFG.I.KL.NOPQR..UVWXYZ0123456780", d1);
     81 TestOneFormat("!@#$^&*()-_<>[];:~", d1);
     82 TestOneFormat("%z %d %%z %%d %%%z %%%d %%% hh:MM", d1);
     83 TestOneFormat("", d1);
     84 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy", d1);
     85 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy", new Date(1850, 0, 1));
     86 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy", new Date(2525, 11, 31));
     87 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy");
     88 TestOneFormat();
     89 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy", 42);
     90 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy", "clams");
     91 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy", {"clams": 3});
     92 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy", ["clams", 3]);
     93 TestOneFormat({"clams": 3}, d1);
     94 TestOneFormat(["clams", 3], d1);
     95 TestOneXFAFormat("mm", d1, false);
     96 TestOneXFAFormat("mm", d1, true);
     98 // Date with year 0.
     99 // TODO(thestig): Why is the output different from Acrobat?
    100 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(0, 06, 04, 15, 59, 58));
    101 // Date with month 20.
    102 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 20, 04, 15, 59, 58));
    103 // Date with day 100.
    104 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 20, 100, 15, 59, 58));
    105 // Date with hour 50
    106 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 06, 04, 50, 59, 58));
    107 // Date with minute 1234.
    108 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 06, 04, 15, 1234, 58));
    109 // Date with second 65.
    110 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 06, 04, 15, 59, 65));
    111 // Date with April 31th.
    112 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 03, 31, 15, 59, 58));
    113 // Date with February 30th.
    114 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 01, 30, 15, 59, 58));
    115 // Date with negative year.
    116 // Acrobat prints out "07/04/-001 15:59:58" but handling this rarely used case
    117 // outside of FXSYS_wcsftime() is a lot of work.
    118 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(-1, 06, 04, 15, 59, 58));
    119 // Date with negative month.
    120 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, -1, 30, 15, 59, 58));
    121 // Date with negative day.
    122 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 06, -1, 15, 59, 58));
    123 // Date with negative hour.
    124 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 06, 04, -1, 59, 58));
    125 // Date with negative minute.
    126 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 06, 04, 15, -1, 58));
    127 // Date with negative second.
    128 TestOneFormat("mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss", new Date(2014, 06, 04, 15, 59, -1));
    129 endstream
    130 endobj
    131 {{xref}}
    132 trailer <<
    133   /Root 1 0 R
    134 >>
    135 {{startxref}}
    136 %%EOF