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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the
      6  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
     11  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
     13  * express or implied. See the License for the specific language
     14  * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 #include "perfetto/tracing/core/shared_memory_abi.h"
     18 #include <sys/mman.h>
     20 #include "perfetto/base/utils.h"
     21 #include "perfetto/tracing/core/basic_types.h"
     23 namespace perfetto {
     25 namespace {
     27 constexpr int kRetryAttempts = 64;
     29 inline void WaitBeforeNextAttempt(int attempt) {
     30   if (attempt < kRetryAttempts / 2) {
     31     std::this_thread::yield();
     32   } else {
     33     usleep((useconds_t(attempt) / 10) * 1000);
     34   }
     35 }
     37 // Returns the largest 4-bytes aligned chunk size <= |page_size| / |divider|
     38 // for each divider in PageLayout.
     39 constexpr size_t GetChunkSize(size_t page_size, size_t divider) {
     40   return ((page_size - sizeof(SharedMemoryABI::PageHeader)) / divider) & ~3UL;
     41 }
     43 // Initializer for the const |chunk_sizes_| array.
     44 std::array<uint16_t, SharedMemoryABI::kNumPageLayouts> InitChunkSizes(
     45     size_t page_size) {
     46   static_assert(SharedMemoryABI::kNumPageLayouts ==
     47                     base::ArraySize(SharedMemoryABI::kNumChunksForLayout),
     48                 "kNumPageLayouts out of date");
     49   std::array<uint16_t, SharedMemoryABI::kNumPageLayouts> res = {};
     50   for (size_t i = 0; i < SharedMemoryABI::kNumPageLayouts; i++) {
     51     size_t num_chunks = SharedMemoryABI::kNumChunksForLayout[i];
     52     size_t size = num_chunks == 0 ? 0 : GetChunkSize(page_size, num_chunks);
     53     PERFETTO_CHECK(size <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
     54     res[i] = static_cast<uint16_t>(size);
     55   }
     56   return res;
     57 }
     59 }  // namespace
     61 // static
     62 constexpr uint32_t SharedMemoryABI::kNumChunksForLayout[];
     63 constexpr const char* SharedMemoryABI::kChunkStateStr[];
     64 constexpr const size_t SharedMemoryABI::kInvalidPageIdx;
     65 constexpr const size_t SharedMemoryABI::kMaxPageSize;
     67 SharedMemoryABI::SharedMemoryABI() = default;
     69 SharedMemoryABI::SharedMemoryABI(uint8_t* start,
     70                                  size_t size,
     71                                  size_t page_size) {
     72   Initialize(start, size, page_size);
     73 }
     75 void SharedMemoryABI::Initialize(uint8_t* start,
     76                                  size_t size,
     77                                  size_t page_size) {
     78   start_ = start;
     79   size_ = size;
     80   page_size_ = page_size;
     81   num_pages_ = size / page_size;
     82   chunk_sizes_ = InitChunkSizes(page_size);
     83   static_assert(sizeof(PageHeader) == 8, "PageHeader size");
     84   static_assert(sizeof(ChunkHeader) == 8, "ChunkHeader size");
     85   static_assert(sizeof(ChunkHeader::chunk_id) == sizeof(ChunkID),
     86                 "ChunkID size");
     88   static_assert(sizeof(ChunkHeader::Packets) == 2, "ChunkHeader::Packets size");
     89   static_assert(alignof(ChunkHeader) == kChunkAlignment,
     90                 "ChunkHeader alignment");
     92   // In theory std::atomic does not guarantee that the underlying type
     93   // consists only of the actual atomic word. Theoretically it could have
     94   // locks or other state. In practice most implementations just implement
     95   // them without extra state. The code below overlays the atomic into the
     96   // SMB, hence relies on this implementation detail. This should be fine
     97   // pragmatically (Chrome's base makes the same assumption), but let's have a
     98   // check for this.
     99   static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<uint32_t>) == sizeof(uint32_t) &&
    100                     sizeof(std::atomic<uint16_t>) == sizeof(uint16_t),
    101                 "Incompatible STL <atomic> implementation");
    103   // Chec that the kAllChunks(Complete,Free) are consistent with the
    104   // ChunkState enum values.
    106   // These must be zero because rely on zero-initialized memory being
    107   // interpreted as "free".
    108   static_assert(kChunkFree == 0 && kAllChunksFree == 0,
    109                 "kChunkFree/kAllChunksFree and must be 0");
    111   static_assert((kAllChunksComplete & kChunkMask) == kChunkComplete,
    112                 "kAllChunksComplete out of sync with kChunkComplete");
    114   // Sanity check the consistency of the kMax... constants.
    115   static_assert(sizeof(ChunkHeader::writer_id) == sizeof(WriterID),
    116                 "WriterID size");
    117   ChunkHeader chunk_header{};
    118   chunk_header.chunk_id.store(static_cast<uint32_t>(-1));
    119   PERFETTO_CHECK(chunk_header.chunk_id.load() == kMaxChunkID);
    121   chunk_header.writer_id.store(static_cast<uint16_t>(-1));
    122   PERFETTO_CHECK(kMaxWriterID <= chunk_header.writer_id.load());
    124   PERFETTO_CHECK(page_size >= base::kPageSize);
    125   PERFETTO_CHECK(page_size <= kMaxPageSize);
    126   PERFETTO_CHECK(page_size % base::kPageSize == 0);
    127   PERFETTO_CHECK(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(start) % base::kPageSize == 0);
    128   PERFETTO_CHECK(size % page_size == 0);
    129 }
    131 SharedMemoryABI::Chunk SharedMemoryABI::GetChunkUnchecked(size_t page_idx,
    132                                                           uint32_t page_layout,
    133                                                           size_t chunk_idx) {
    134   const size_t num_chunks = GetNumChunksForLayout(page_layout);
    135   PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunk_idx < num_chunks);
    136   // Compute the chunk virtual address and write it into |chunk|.
    137   const uint16_t chunk_size = GetChunkSizeForLayout(page_layout);
    138   size_t chunk_offset_in_page = sizeof(PageHeader) + chunk_idx * chunk_size;
    140   Chunk chunk(page_start(page_idx) + chunk_offset_in_page, chunk_size,
    141               static_cast<uint8_t>(chunk_idx));
    142   PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunk.end() <= end());
    143   return chunk;
    144 }
    146 SharedMemoryABI::Chunk SharedMemoryABI::TryAcquireChunk(
    147     size_t page_idx,
    148     size_t chunk_idx,
    149     ChunkState desired_chunk_state,
    150     const ChunkHeader* header) {
    151   PERFETTO_DCHECK(desired_chunk_state == kChunkBeingRead ||
    152                   desired_chunk_state == kChunkBeingWritten);
    153   PageHeader* phdr = page_header(page_idx);
    154   for (int attempt = 0; attempt < kRetryAttempts; attempt++) {
    155     uint32_t layout = phdr->layout.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    156     const size_t num_chunks = GetNumChunksForLayout(layout);
    158     // The page layout has changed (or the page is free).
    159     if (chunk_idx >= num_chunks)
    160       return Chunk();
    162     // Verify that the chunk is still in a state that allows the transition to
    163     // |desired_chunk_state|. The only allowed transitions are:
    164     // 1. kChunkFree -> kChunkBeingWritten (Producer).
    165     // 2. kChunkComplete -> kChunkBeingRead (Service).
    166     ChunkState expected_chunk_state =
    167         desired_chunk_state == kChunkBeingWritten ? kChunkFree : kChunkComplete;
    168     auto cur_chunk_state = (layout >> (chunk_idx * kChunkShift)) & kChunkMask;
    169     if (cur_chunk_state != expected_chunk_state)
    170       return Chunk();
    172     uint32_t next_layout = layout;
    173     next_layout &= ~(kChunkMask << (chunk_idx * kChunkShift));
    174     next_layout |= (desired_chunk_state << (chunk_idx * kChunkShift));
    175     if (phdr->layout.compare_exchange_strong(layout, next_layout,
    176                                              std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
    177       // Compute the chunk virtual address and write it into |chunk|.
    178       Chunk chunk = GetChunkUnchecked(page_idx, layout, chunk_idx);
    179       if (desired_chunk_state == kChunkBeingWritten) {
    180         PERFETTO_DCHECK(header);
    181         ChunkHeader* new_header = chunk.header();
    182         new_header->packets.store(header->packets, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    183         new_header->writer_id.store(header->writer_id,
    184                                     std::memory_order_relaxed);
    185         new_header->chunk_id.store(header->chunk_id, std::memory_order_release);
    186       }
    187       return chunk;
    188     }
    189     WaitBeforeNextAttempt(attempt);
    190   }
    191   return Chunk();  // All our attempts failed.
    192 }
    194 bool SharedMemoryABI::TryPartitionPage(size_t page_idx, PageLayout layout) {
    195   PERFETTO_DCHECK(layout >= kPageDiv1 && layout <= kPageDiv14);
    196   uint32_t expected_layout = 0;  // Free page.
    197   uint32_t next_layout = (layout << kLayoutShift) & kLayoutMask;
    198   PageHeader* phdr = page_header(page_idx);
    199   if (!phdr->layout.compare_exchange_strong(expected_layout, next_layout,
    200                                             std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
    201     return false;
    202   }
    203   return true;
    204 }
    206 uint32_t SharedMemoryABI::GetFreeChunks(size_t page_idx) {
    207   uint32_t layout =
    208       page_header(page_idx)->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    209   const uint32_t num_chunks = GetNumChunksForLayout(layout);
    210   uint32_t res = 0;
    211   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
    212     res |= ((layout & kChunkMask) == kChunkFree) ? (1 << i) : 0;
    213     layout >>= kChunkShift;
    214   }
    215   return res;
    216 }
    218 size_t SharedMemoryABI::ReleaseChunk(Chunk chunk,
    219                                      ChunkState desired_chunk_state) {
    220   PERFETTO_DCHECK(desired_chunk_state == kChunkComplete ||
    221                   desired_chunk_state == kChunkFree);
    223   size_t page_idx;
    224   size_t chunk_idx;
    225   std::tie(page_idx, chunk_idx) = GetPageAndChunkIndex(chunk);
    227   for (int attempt = 0; attempt < kRetryAttempts; attempt++) {
    228     PageHeader* phdr = page_header(page_idx);
    229     uint32_t layout = phdr->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    230     const size_t page_chunk_size = GetChunkSizeForLayout(layout);
    232     // TODO(primiano): this should not be a CHECK, because a malicious producer
    233     // could crash us by putting the chunk in an invalid state. This should
    234     // gracefully fail. Keep a CHECK until then.
    235     PERFETTO_CHECK(chunk.size() == page_chunk_size);
    236     const uint32_t chunk_state =
    237         ((layout >> (chunk_idx * kChunkShift)) & kChunkMask);
    239     // Verify that the chunk is still in a state that allows the transition to
    240     // |desired_chunk_state|. The only allowed transitions are:
    241     // 1. kChunkBeingWritten -> kChunkComplete (Producer).
    242     // 2. kChunkBeingRead -> kChunkFree (Service).
    243     ChunkState expected_chunk_state;
    244     if (desired_chunk_state == kChunkComplete) {
    245       expected_chunk_state = kChunkBeingWritten;
    246     } else {
    247       expected_chunk_state = kChunkBeingRead;
    248     }
    250     // TODO(primiano): should not be a CHECK (same rationale of comment above).
    251     PERFETTO_CHECK(chunk_state == expected_chunk_state);
    252     uint32_t next_layout = layout;
    253     next_layout &= ~(kChunkMask << (chunk_idx * kChunkShift));
    254     next_layout |= (desired_chunk_state << (chunk_idx * kChunkShift));
    256     // If we are freeing a chunk and all the other chunks in the page are free
    257     // we should de-partition the page and mark it as clear.
    258     if ((next_layout & kAllChunksMask) == kAllChunksFree)
    259       next_layout = 0;
    261     if (phdr->layout.compare_exchange_strong(layout, next_layout,
    262                                              std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
    263       return page_idx;
    264     }
    265     WaitBeforeNextAttempt(attempt);
    266   }
    267   // Too much contention on this page. Give up. This page will be left pending
    268   // forever but there isn't much more we can do at this point.
    269   PERFETTO_DCHECK(false);
    270   return kInvalidPageIdx;
    271 }
    273 bool SharedMemoryABI::TryAcquireAllChunksForReading(size_t page_idx) {
    274   PageHeader* phdr = page_header(page_idx);
    275   uint32_t layout = phdr->layout.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    276   const uint32_t num_chunks = GetNumChunksForLayout(layout);
    277   if (num_chunks == 0)
    278     return false;
    279   uint32_t next_layout = layout & kLayoutMask;
    280   for (size_t chunk_idx = 0; chunk_idx < num_chunks; chunk_idx++) {
    281     const uint32_t chunk_state =
    282         ((layout >> (chunk_idx * kChunkShift)) & kChunkMask);
    283     switch (chunk_state) {
    284       case kChunkBeingWritten:
    285         return false;
    286       case kChunkBeingRead:
    287       case kChunkComplete:
    288         next_layout |= kChunkBeingRead << (chunk_idx * kChunkShift);
    289         break;
    290       case kChunkFree:
    291         next_layout |= kChunkFree << (chunk_idx * kChunkShift);
    292         break;
    293     }
    294   }
    295   return phdr->layout.compare_exchange_strong(layout, next_layout,
    296                                               std::memory_order_acq_rel);
    297 }
    299 void SharedMemoryABI::ReleaseAllChunksAsFree(size_t page_idx) {
    300   PageHeader* phdr = page_header(page_idx);
    301   phdr->layout.store(0, std::memory_order_release);
    302   uint8_t* page_start = start_ + page_idx * page_size_;
    303   // TODO(fmayer): On Linux/Android this should be MADV_REMOVE if we use
    304   // memfd_create() and tmpfs supports hole punching (need to consult kernel
    305   // sources).
    306   int ret = madvise(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(page_start), page_size_,
    307                     MADV_DONTNEED);
    308   PERFETTO_DCHECK(ret == 0);
    309 }
    311 SharedMemoryABI::Chunk::Chunk() = default;
    313 SharedMemoryABI::Chunk::Chunk(uint8_t* begin, uint16_t size, uint8_t chunk_idx)
    314     : begin_(begin), size_(size), chunk_idx_(chunk_idx) {
    315   PERFETTO_CHECK(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(begin) % kChunkAlignment == 0);
    316   PERFETTO_CHECK(size > 0);
    317 }
    319 SharedMemoryABI::Chunk::Chunk(Chunk&& o) noexcept {
    320   *this = std::move(o);
    321 }
    323 SharedMemoryABI::Chunk& SharedMemoryABI::Chunk::operator=(Chunk&& o) {
    324   begin_ = o.begin_;
    325   size_ = o.size_;
    326   chunk_idx_ = o.chunk_idx_;
    327   o.begin_ = nullptr;
    328   o.size_ = 0;
    329   o.chunk_idx_ = 0;
    330   return *this;
    331 }
    333 std::pair<size_t, size_t> SharedMemoryABI::GetPageAndChunkIndex(
    334     const Chunk& chunk) {
    335   PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunk.is_valid());
    336   PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunk.begin() >= start_);
    337   PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunk.end() <= start_ + size_);
    339   // TODO(primiano): The divisions below could be avoided if we cached
    340   // |page_shift_|.
    341   const uintptr_t rel_addr = static_cast<uintptr_t>(chunk.begin() - start_);
    342   const size_t page_idx = rel_addr / page_size_;
    343   const size_t offset = rel_addr % page_size_;
    344   PERFETTO_DCHECK(offset >= sizeof(PageHeader));
    345   PERFETTO_DCHECK(offset % kChunkAlignment == 0);
    346   PERFETTO_DCHECK((offset - sizeof(PageHeader)) % chunk.size() == 0);
    347   const size_t chunk_idx = (offset - sizeof(PageHeader)) / chunk.size();
    348   PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunk_idx < kMaxChunksPerPage);
    349   PERFETTO_DCHECK(chunk_idx < GetNumChunksForLayout(page_layout_dbg(page_idx)));
    350   return std::make_pair(page_idx, chunk_idx);
    351 }
    353 }  // namespace perfetto