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      1 // Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
      2 // Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
      3 // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
      4 //
      5 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      6 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
      7 // met:
      8 //
      9 //     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     10 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     11 //     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
     12 // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
     13 // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
     14 // distribution.
     15 //     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
     16 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
     17 // this software without specific prior written permission.
     18 //
     31 //#PY25 compatible generated code for GAE.
     32 // Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     33 // Author: robinson (at) google.com (Will Robinson)
     34 //
     35 // This module outputs pure-Python protocol message classes that will
     36 // largely be constructed at runtime via the metaclass in reflection.py.
     37 // In other words, our job is basically to output a Python equivalent
     38 // of the C++ *Descriptor objects, and fix up all circular references
     39 // within these objects.
     40 //
     41 // Note that the runtime performance of protocol message classes created in
     42 // this way is expected to be lousy.  The plan is to create an alternate
     43 // generator that outputs a Python/C extension module that lets
     44 // performance-minded Python code leverage the fast C++ implementation
     45 // directly.
     47 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/hash.h>
     48 #include <limits>
     49 #include <map>
     50 #include <memory>
     51 #ifndef _SHARED_PTR_H
     52 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/shared_ptr.h>
     53 #endif
     54 #include <string>
     55 #include <utility>
     56 #include <vector>
     58 #include <google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.h>
     59 #include <google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h>
     61 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/logging.h>
     62 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
     63 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/stringprintf.h>
     64 #include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h>
     65 #include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
     66 #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
     67 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
     68 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/substitute.h>
     70 namespace google {
     71 namespace protobuf {
     72 namespace compiler {
     73 namespace python {
     75 namespace {
     77 // Returns a copy of |filename| with any trailing ".protodevel" or ".proto
     78 // suffix stripped.
     79 // TODO(robinson): Unify with copy in compiler/cpp/internal/helpers.cc.
     80 string StripProto(const string& filename) {
     81   const char* suffix = HasSuffixString(filename, ".protodevel")
     82       ? ".protodevel" : ".proto";
     83   return StripSuffixString(filename, suffix);
     84 }
     87 // Returns the Python module name expected for a given .proto filename.
     88 string ModuleName(const string& filename) {
     89   string basename = StripProto(filename);
     90   StripString(&basename, "-", '_');
     91   StripString(&basename, "/", '.');
     92   return basename + "_pb2";
     93 }
     96 // Returns the alias we assign to the module of the given .proto filename
     97 // when importing. See testPackageInitializationImport in
     98 // google/protobuf/python/reflection_test.py
     99 // to see why we need the alias.
    100 string ModuleAlias(const string& filename) {
    101   string module_name = ModuleName(filename);
    102   // We can't have dots in the module name, so we replace each with _dot_.
    103   // But that could lead to a collision between a.b and a_dot_b, so we also
    104   // duplicate each underscore.
    105   GlobalReplaceSubstring("_", "__", &module_name);
    106   GlobalReplaceSubstring(".", "_dot_", &module_name);
    107   return module_name;
    108 }
    111 // Returns an import statement of form "from X.Y.Z import T" for the given
    112 // .proto filename.
    113 string ModuleImportStatement(const string& filename) {
    114   string module_name = ModuleName(filename);
    115   int last_dot_pos = module_name.rfind('.');
    116   if (last_dot_pos == string::npos) {
    117     // NOTE(petya): this is not tested as it would require a protocol buffer
    118     // outside of any package, and I don't think that is easily achievable.
    119     return "import " + module_name;
    120   } else {
    121     return "from " + module_name.substr(0, last_dot_pos) + " import " +
    122         module_name.substr(last_dot_pos + 1);
    123   }
    124 }
    127 // Returns the name of all containing types for descriptor,
    128 // in order from outermost to innermost, followed by descriptor's
    129 // own name.  Each name is separated by |separator|.
    130 template <typename DescriptorT>
    131 string NamePrefixedWithNestedTypes(const DescriptorT& descriptor,
    132                                    const string& separator) {
    133   string name = descriptor.name();
    134   for (const Descriptor* current = descriptor.containing_type();
    135        current != NULL; current = current->containing_type()) {
    136     name = current->name() + separator + name;
    137   }
    138   return name;
    139 }
    142 // Name of the class attribute where we store the Python
    143 // descriptor.Descriptor instance for the generated class.
    144 // Must stay consistent with the _DESCRIPTOR_KEY constant
    145 // in proto2/public/reflection.py.
    146 const char kDescriptorKey[] = "DESCRIPTOR";
    149 // Does the file have top-level enums?
    150 inline bool HasTopLevelEnums(const FileDescriptor *file) {
    151   return file->enum_type_count() > 0;
    152 }
    155 // Should we generate generic services for this file?
    156 inline bool HasGenericServices(const FileDescriptor *file) {
    157   return file->service_count() > 0 &&
    158          file->options().py_generic_services();
    159 }
    162 // Prints the common boilerplate needed at the top of every .py
    163 // file output by this generator.
    164 void PrintTopBoilerplate(
    165     io::Printer* printer, const FileDescriptor* file, bool descriptor_proto) {
    166   // TODO(robinson): Allow parameterization of Python version?
    167   printer->Print(
    168       "# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!\n"
    169       "# source: $filename$\n"
    170       "\nimport sys\n_b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1'))"  //##PY25
    171       "\n",
    172       "filename", file->name());
    173   if (HasTopLevelEnums(file)) {
    174     printer->Print(
    175         "from google.protobuf.internal import enum_type_wrapper\n");
    176   }
    177   printer->Print(
    178       "from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor\n"
    179       "from google.protobuf import message as _message\n"
    180       "from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection\n"
    181       "from google.protobuf import symbol_database as "
    182       "_symbol_database\n");
    183   if (HasGenericServices(file)) {
    184     printer->Print(
    185         "from google.protobuf import service as _service\n"
    186         "from google.protobuf import service_reflection\n");
    187   }
    189   // Avoid circular imports if this module is descriptor_pb2.
    190   if (!descriptor_proto) {
    191     printer->Print(
    192         "from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2\n");
    193   }
    194   printer->Print(
    195       "# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)\n\n"
    196       "_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()\n");
    197   printer->Print("\n\n");
    198 }
    201 // Returns a Python literal giving the default value for a field.
    202 // If the field specifies no explicit default value, we'll return
    203 // the default default value for the field type (zero for numbers,
    204 // empty string for strings, empty list for repeated fields, and
    205 // None for non-repeated, composite fields).
    206 //
    207 // TODO(robinson): Unify with code from
    208 // //compiler/cpp/internal/primitive_field.cc
    209 // //compiler/cpp/internal/enum_field.cc
    210 // //compiler/cpp/internal/string_field.cc
    211 string StringifyDefaultValue(const FieldDescriptor& field) {
    212   if (field.is_repeated()) {
    213     return "[]";
    214   }
    216   switch (field.cpp_type()) {
    217     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32:
    218       return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_int32());
    219     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32:
    220       return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_uint32());
    221     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64:
    222       return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_int64());
    223     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64:
    224       return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_uint64());
    225     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE: {
    226       double value = field.default_value_double();
    227       if (value == numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
    228         // Python pre-2.6 on Windows does not parse "inf" correctly.  However,
    229         // a numeric literal that is too big for a double will become infinity.
    230         return "1e10000";
    231       } else if (value == -numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
    232         // See above.
    233         return "-1e10000";
    234       } else if (value != value) {
    235         // infinity * 0 = nan
    236         return "(1e10000 * 0)";
    237       } else {
    238         return "float(" + SimpleDtoa(value) + ")";
    239       }
    240     }
    241     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT: {
    242       float value = field.default_value_float();
    243       if (value == numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
    244         // Python pre-2.6 on Windows does not parse "inf" correctly.  However,
    245         // a numeric literal that is too big for a double will become infinity.
    246         return "1e10000";
    247       } else if (value == -numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
    248         // See above.
    249         return "-1e10000";
    250       } else if (value != value) {
    251         // infinity - infinity = nan
    252         return "(1e10000 * 0)";
    253       } else {
    254         return "float(" + SimpleFtoa(value) + ")";
    255       }
    256     }
    257     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL:
    258       return field.default_value_bool() ? "True" : "False";
    259     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM:
    260       return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_enum()->number());
    261     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING:
    262 //##!PY25      return "b\"" + CEscape(field.default_value_string()) +
    263 //##!PY25             (field.type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING ? "\"" :
    264 //##!PY25               "\".decode('utf-8')");
    265       return "_b(\"" + CEscape(field.default_value_string()) +  //##PY25
    266              (field.type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING ? "\")" :  //##PY25
    267                "\").decode('utf-8')");  //##PY25
    268     case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE:
    269       return "None";
    270   }
    271   // (We could add a default case above but then we wouldn't get the nice
    272   // compiler warning when a new type is added.)
    273   GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Not reached.";
    274   return "";
    275 }
    277 string StringifySyntax(FileDescriptor::Syntax syntax) {
    278   switch (syntax) {
    279     case FileDescriptor::SYNTAX_PROTO2:
    280       return "proto2";
    281     case FileDescriptor::SYNTAX_PROTO3:
    282       return "proto3";
    283     case FileDescriptor::SYNTAX_UNKNOWN:
    284     default:
    285       GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported syntax; this generator only supports proto2 "
    286                     "and proto3 syntax.";
    287       return "";
    288   }
    289 }
    292 }  // namespace
    295 Generator::Generator() : file_(NULL) {
    296 }
    298 Generator::~Generator() {
    299 }
    301 bool Generator::Generate(const FileDescriptor* file,
    302                          const string& parameter,
    303                          GeneratorContext* context,
    304                          string* error) const {
    306   // Completely serialize all Generate() calls on this instance.  The
    307   // thread-safety constraints of the CodeGenerator interface aren't clear so
    308   // just be as conservative as possible.  It's easier to relax this later if
    309   // we need to, but I doubt it will be an issue.
    310   // TODO(kenton):  The proper thing to do would be to allocate any state on
    311   //   the stack and use that, so that the Generator class itself does not need
    312   //   to have any mutable members.  Then it is implicitly thread-safe.
    313   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
    314   file_ = file;
    315   string module_name = ModuleName(file->name());
    316   string filename = module_name;
    317   StripString(&filename, ".", '/');
    318   filename += ".py";
    320   FileDescriptorProto fdp;
    321   file_->CopyTo(&fdp);
    322   fdp.SerializeToString(&file_descriptor_serialized_);
    325   google::protobuf::scoped_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(context->Open(filename));
    326   GOOGLE_CHECK(output.get());
    327   io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
    328   printer_ = &printer;
    330   PrintTopBoilerplate(printer_, file_, GeneratingDescriptorProto());
    331   PrintImports();
    332   PrintFileDescriptor();
    333   PrintTopLevelEnums();
    334   PrintTopLevelExtensions();
    335   PrintAllNestedEnumsInFile();
    336   PrintMessageDescriptors();
    337   FixForeignFieldsInDescriptors();
    338   PrintMessages();
    339   // We have to fix up the extensions after the message classes themselves,
    340   // since they need to call static RegisterExtension() methods on these
    341   // classes.
    342   FixForeignFieldsInExtensions();
    343   // Descriptor options may have custom extensions. These custom options
    344   // can only be successfully parsed after we register corresponding
    345   // extensions. Therefore we parse all options again here to recognize
    346   // custom options that may be unknown when we define the descriptors.
    347   FixAllDescriptorOptions();
    348   if (HasGenericServices(file)) {
    349     PrintServices();
    350   }
    352   printer.Print(
    353     "# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)\n");
    355   return !printer.failed();
    356 }
    358 // Prints Python imports for all modules imported by |file|.
    359 void Generator::PrintImports() const {
    360   for (int i = 0; i < file_->dependency_count(); ++i) {
    361     const string& filename = file_->dependency(i)->name();
    362     string import_statement = ModuleImportStatement(filename);
    363     string module_alias = ModuleAlias(filename);
    364     printer_->Print("$statement$ as $alias$\n", "statement",
    365                     import_statement, "alias", module_alias);
    366     CopyPublicDependenciesAliases(module_alias, file_->dependency(i));
    367   }
    368   printer_->Print("\n");
    370   // Print public imports.
    371   for (int i = 0; i < file_->public_dependency_count(); ++i) {
    372     string module_name = ModuleName(file_->public_dependency(i)->name());
    373     printer_->Print("from $module$ import *\n", "module", module_name);
    374   }
    375   printer_->Print("\n");
    376 }
    378 // Prints the single file descriptor for this file.
    379 void Generator::PrintFileDescriptor() const {
    380   map<string, string> m;
    381   m["descriptor_name"] = kDescriptorKey;
    382   m["name"] = file_->name();
    383   m["package"] = file_->package();
    384   m["syntax"] = StringifySyntax(file_->syntax());
    385   const char file_descriptor_template[] =
    386       "$descriptor_name$ = _descriptor.FileDescriptor(\n"
    387       "  name='$name$',\n"
    388       "  package='$package$',\n"
    389       "  syntax='$syntax$',\n";
    390   printer_->Print(m, file_descriptor_template);
    391   printer_->Indent();
    392   printer_->Print(
    393 //##!PY25      "serialized_pb=b'$value$'\n",
    394       "serialized_pb=_b('$value$')\n",  //##PY25
    395       "value", strings::CHexEscape(file_descriptor_serialized_));
    396   if (file_->dependency_count() != 0) {
    397     printer_->Print(",\ndependencies=[");
    398     for (int i = 0; i < file_->dependency_count(); ++i) {
    399       string module_alias = ModuleAlias(file_->dependency(i)->name());
    400       printer_->Print("$module_alias$.DESCRIPTOR,", "module_alias",
    401                       module_alias);
    402     }
    403     printer_->Print("]");
    404   }
    406   // TODO(falk): Also print options and fix the message_type, enum_type,
    407   //             service and extension later in the generation.
    409   printer_->Outdent();
    410   printer_->Print(")\n");
    411   printer_->Print("_sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor($name$)\n", "name",
    412                   kDescriptorKey);
    413   printer_->Print("\n");
    414 }
    416 // Prints descriptors and module-level constants for all top-level
    417 // enums defined in |file|.
    418 void Generator::PrintTopLevelEnums() const {
    419   vector<pair<string, int> > top_level_enum_values;
    420   for (int i = 0; i < file_->enum_type_count(); ++i) {
    421     const EnumDescriptor& enum_descriptor = *file_->enum_type(i);
    422     PrintEnum(enum_descriptor);
    423     printer_->Print("$name$ = "
    424                     "enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper($descriptor_name$)",
    425                     "name", enum_descriptor.name(),
    426                     "descriptor_name",
    427                     ModuleLevelDescriptorName(enum_descriptor));
    428     printer_->Print("\n");
    430     for (int j = 0; j < enum_descriptor.value_count(); ++j) {
    431       const EnumValueDescriptor& value_descriptor = *enum_descriptor.value(j);
    432       top_level_enum_values.push_back(
    433           std::make_pair(value_descriptor.name(), value_descriptor.number()));
    434     }
    435   }
    437   for (int i = 0; i < top_level_enum_values.size(); ++i) {
    438     printer_->Print("$name$ = $value$\n",
    439                     "name", top_level_enum_values[i].first,
    440                     "value", SimpleItoa(top_level_enum_values[i].second));
    441   }
    442   printer_->Print("\n");
    443 }
    445 // Prints all enums contained in all message types in |file|.
    446 void Generator::PrintAllNestedEnumsInFile() const {
    447   for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
    448     PrintNestedEnums(*file_->message_type(i));
    449   }
    450 }
    452 // Prints a Python statement assigning the appropriate module-level
    453 // enum name to a Python EnumDescriptor object equivalent to
    454 // enum_descriptor.
    455 void Generator::PrintEnum(const EnumDescriptor& enum_descriptor) const {
    456   map<string, string> m;
    457   string module_level_descriptor_name =
    458       ModuleLevelDescriptorName(enum_descriptor);
    459   m["descriptor_name"] = module_level_descriptor_name;
    460   m["name"] = enum_descriptor.name();
    461   m["full_name"] = enum_descriptor.full_name();
    462   m["file"] = kDescriptorKey;
    463   const char enum_descriptor_template[] =
    464       "$descriptor_name$ = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor(\n"
    465       "  name='$name$',\n"
    466       "  full_name='$full_name$',\n"
    467       "  filename=None,\n"
    468       "  file=$file$,\n"
    469       "  values=[\n";
    470   string options_string;
    471   enum_descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
    472   printer_->Print(m, enum_descriptor_template);
    473   printer_->Indent();
    474   printer_->Indent();
    475   for (int i = 0; i < enum_descriptor.value_count(); ++i) {
    476     PrintEnumValueDescriptor(*enum_descriptor.value(i));
    477     printer_->Print(",\n");
    478   }
    479   printer_->Outdent();
    480   printer_->Print("],\n");
    481   printer_->Print("containing_type=None,\n");
    482   printer_->Print("options=$options_value$,\n",
    483                   "options_value",
    484                   OptionsValue("EnumOptions", options_string));
    485   EnumDescriptorProto edp;
    486   PrintSerializedPbInterval(enum_descriptor, edp);
    487   printer_->Outdent();
    488   printer_->Print(")\n");
    489   printer_->Print("_sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor($name$)\n", "name",
    490                   module_level_descriptor_name);
    491   printer_->Print("\n");
    492 }
    494 // Recursively prints enums in nested types within descriptor, then
    495 // prints enums contained at the top level in descriptor.
    496 void Generator::PrintNestedEnums(const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
    497   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
    498     PrintNestedEnums(*descriptor.nested_type(i));
    499   }
    501   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.enum_type_count(); ++i) {
    502     PrintEnum(*descriptor.enum_type(i));
    503   }
    504 }
    506 void Generator::PrintTopLevelExtensions() const {
    507   const bool is_extension = true;
    508   for (int i = 0; i < file_->extension_count(); ++i) {
    509     const FieldDescriptor& extension_field = *file_->extension(i);
    510     string constant_name = extension_field.name() + "_FIELD_NUMBER";
    511     UpperString(&constant_name);
    512     printer_->Print("$constant_name$ = $number$\n",
    513       "constant_name", constant_name,
    514       "number", SimpleItoa(extension_field.number()));
    515     printer_->Print("$name$ = ", "name", extension_field.name());
    516     PrintFieldDescriptor(extension_field, is_extension);
    517     printer_->Print("\n");
    518   }
    519   printer_->Print("\n");
    520 }
    522 // Prints Python equivalents of all Descriptors in |file|.
    523 void Generator::PrintMessageDescriptors() const {
    524   for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
    525     PrintDescriptor(*file_->message_type(i));
    526     printer_->Print("\n");
    527   }
    528 }
    530 void Generator::PrintServices() const {
    531   for (int i = 0; i < file_->service_count(); ++i) {
    532     PrintServiceDescriptor(*file_->service(i));
    533     PrintServiceClass(*file_->service(i));
    534     PrintServiceStub(*file_->service(i));
    535     printer_->Print("\n");
    536   }
    537 }
    539 void Generator::PrintServiceDescriptor(
    540     const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
    541   printer_->Print("\n");
    542   string service_name = ModuleLevelServiceDescriptorName(descriptor);
    543   string options_string;
    544   descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
    546   printer_->Print(
    547       "$service_name$ = _descriptor.ServiceDescriptor(\n",
    548       "service_name", service_name);
    549   printer_->Indent();
    550   map<string, string> m;
    551   m["name"] = descriptor.name();
    552   m["full_name"] = descriptor.full_name();
    553   m["file"] = kDescriptorKey;
    554   m["index"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor.index());
    555   m["options_value"] = OptionsValue("ServiceOptions", options_string);
    556   const char required_function_arguments[] =
    557       "name='$name$',\n"
    558       "full_name='$full_name$',\n"
    559       "file=$file$,\n"
    560       "index=$index$,\n"
    561       "options=$options_value$,\n";
    562   printer_->Print(m, required_function_arguments);
    564   ServiceDescriptorProto sdp;
    565   PrintSerializedPbInterval(descriptor, sdp);
    567   printer_->Print("methods=[\n");
    568   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.method_count(); ++i) {
    569     const MethodDescriptor* method = descriptor.method(i);
    570     method->options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
    572     m.clear();
    573     m["name"] = method->name();
    574     m["full_name"] = method->full_name();
    575     m["index"] = SimpleItoa(method->index());
    576     m["serialized_options"] = CEscape(options_string);
    577     m["input_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*(method->input_type()));
    578     m["output_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*(method->output_type()));
    579     m["options_value"] = OptionsValue("MethodOptions", options_string);
    580     printer_->Print("_descriptor.MethodDescriptor(\n");
    581     printer_->Indent();
    582     printer_->Print(
    583         m,
    584         "name='$name$',\n"
    585         "full_name='$full_name$',\n"
    586         "index=$index$,\n"
    587         "containing_service=None,\n"
    588         "input_type=$input_type$,\n"
    589         "output_type=$output_type$,\n"
    590         "options=$options_value$,\n");
    591     printer_->Outdent();
    592     printer_->Print("),\n");
    593   }
    595   printer_->Outdent();
    596   printer_->Print("])\n\n");
    597 }
    600 void Generator::PrintDescriptorKeyAndModuleName(
    601     const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
    602   printer_->Print(
    603       "$descriptor_key$ = $descriptor_name$,\n",
    604       "descriptor_key", kDescriptorKey,
    605       "descriptor_name", ModuleLevelServiceDescriptorName(descriptor));
    606   printer_->Print(
    607       "__module__ = '$module_name$'\n",
    608       "module_name", ModuleName(file_->name()));
    609 }
    611 void Generator::PrintServiceClass(const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
    612   // Print the service.
    613   printer_->Print("$class_name$ = service_reflection.GeneratedServiceType("
    614                   "'$class_name$', (_service.Service,), dict(\n",
    615                   "class_name", descriptor.name());
    616   printer_->Indent();
    617   Generator::PrintDescriptorKeyAndModuleName(descriptor);
    618   printer_->Print("))\n\n");
    619   printer_->Outdent();
    620 }
    622 void Generator::PrintServiceStub(const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
    623   // Print the service stub.
    624   printer_->Print("$class_name$_Stub = "
    625                   "service_reflection.GeneratedServiceStubType("
    626                   "'$class_name$_Stub', ($class_name$,), dict(\n",
    627                   "class_name", descriptor.name());
    628   printer_->Indent();
    629   Generator::PrintDescriptorKeyAndModuleName(descriptor);
    630   printer_->Print("))\n\n");
    631   printer_->Outdent();
    632 }
    634 // Prints statement assigning ModuleLevelDescriptorName(message_descriptor)
    635 // to a Python Descriptor object for message_descriptor.
    636 //
    637 // Mutually recursive with PrintNestedDescriptors().
    638 void Generator::PrintDescriptor(const Descriptor& message_descriptor) const {
    639   PrintNestedDescriptors(message_descriptor);
    641   printer_->Print("\n");
    642   printer_->Print("$descriptor_name$ = _descriptor.Descriptor(\n",
    643                   "descriptor_name",
    644                   ModuleLevelDescriptorName(message_descriptor));
    645   printer_->Indent();
    646   map<string, string> m;
    647   m["name"] = message_descriptor.name();
    648   m["full_name"] = message_descriptor.full_name();
    649   m["file"] = kDescriptorKey;
    650   const char required_function_arguments[] =
    651       "name='$name$',\n"
    652       "full_name='$full_name$',\n"
    653       "filename=None,\n"
    654       "file=$file$,\n"
    655       "containing_type=None,\n";
    656   printer_->Print(m, required_function_arguments);
    657   PrintFieldsInDescriptor(message_descriptor);
    658   PrintExtensionsInDescriptor(message_descriptor);
    660   // Nested types
    661   printer_->Print("nested_types=[");
    662   for (int i = 0; i < message_descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
    663     const string nested_name = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(
    664         *message_descriptor.nested_type(i));
    665     printer_->Print("$name$, ", "name", nested_name);
    666   }
    667   printer_->Print("],\n");
    669   // Enum types
    670   printer_->Print("enum_types=[\n");
    671   printer_->Indent();
    672   for (int i = 0; i < message_descriptor.enum_type_count(); ++i) {
    673     const string descriptor_name = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(
    674         *message_descriptor.enum_type(i));
    675     printer_->Print(descriptor_name.c_str());
    676     printer_->Print(",\n");
    677   }
    678   printer_->Outdent();
    679   printer_->Print("],\n");
    680   string options_string;
    681   message_descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
    682   printer_->Print(
    683       "options=$options_value$,\n"
    684       "is_extendable=$extendable$,\n"
    685       "syntax='$syntax$'",
    686       "options_value", OptionsValue("MessageOptions", options_string),
    687       "extendable", message_descriptor.extension_range_count() > 0 ?
    688                       "True" : "False",
    689       "syntax", StringifySyntax(message_descriptor.file()->syntax()));
    690   printer_->Print(",\n");
    692   // Extension ranges
    693   printer_->Print("extension_ranges=[");
    694   for (int i = 0; i < message_descriptor.extension_range_count(); ++i) {
    695     const Descriptor::ExtensionRange* range =
    696         message_descriptor.extension_range(i);
    697     printer_->Print("($start$, $end$), ",
    698                     "start", SimpleItoa(range->start),
    699                     "end", SimpleItoa(range->end));
    700   }
    701   printer_->Print("],\n");
    702   printer_->Print("oneofs=[\n");
    703   printer_->Indent();
    704   for (int i = 0; i < message_descriptor.oneof_decl_count(); ++i) {
    705     const OneofDescriptor* desc = message_descriptor.oneof_decl(i);
    706     map<string, string> m;
    707     m["name"] = desc->name();
    708     m["full_name"] = desc->full_name();
    709     m["index"] = SimpleItoa(desc->index());
    710     printer_->Print(
    711         m,
    712         "_descriptor.OneofDescriptor(\n"
    713         "  name='$name$', full_name='$full_name$',\n"
    714         "  index=$index$, containing_type=None, fields=[]),\n");
    715   }
    716   printer_->Outdent();
    717   printer_->Print("],\n");
    718   // Serialization of proto
    719   DescriptorProto edp;
    720   PrintSerializedPbInterval(message_descriptor, edp);
    722   printer_->Outdent();
    723   printer_->Print(")\n");
    724 }
    726 // Prints Python Descriptor objects for all nested types contained in
    727 // message_descriptor.
    728 //
    729 // Mutually recursive with PrintDescriptor().
    730 void Generator::PrintNestedDescriptors(
    731     const Descriptor& containing_descriptor) const {
    732   for (int i = 0; i < containing_descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
    733     PrintDescriptor(*containing_descriptor.nested_type(i));
    734   }
    735 }
    737 // Prints all messages in |file|.
    738 void Generator::PrintMessages() const {
    739   for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
    740     vector<string> to_register;
    741     PrintMessage(*file_->message_type(i), "", &to_register);
    742     for (int j = 0; j < to_register.size(); ++j) {
    743       printer_->Print("_sym_db.RegisterMessage($name$)\n", "name",
    744                       to_register[j]);
    745     }
    746     printer_->Print("\n");
    747   }
    748 }
    750 // Prints a Python class for the given message descriptor.  We defer to the
    751 // metaclass to do almost all of the work of actually creating a useful class.
    752 // The purpose of this function and its many helper functions above is merely
    753 // to output a Python version of the descriptors, which the metaclass in
    754 // reflection.py will use to construct the meat of the class itself.
    755 //
    756 // Mutually recursive with PrintNestedMessages().
    757 // Collect nested message names to_register for the symbol_database.
    758 void Generator::PrintMessage(const Descriptor& message_descriptor,
    759                              const string& prefix,
    760                              vector<string>* to_register) const {
    761   string qualified_name(prefix + message_descriptor.name());
    762   to_register->push_back(qualified_name);
    763   printer_->Print(
    764       "$name$ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('$name$', "
    765       "(_message.Message,), dict(\n",
    766       "name", message_descriptor.name());
    767   printer_->Indent();
    769   PrintNestedMessages(message_descriptor, qualified_name + ".", to_register);
    770   map<string, string> m;
    771   m["descriptor_key"] = kDescriptorKey;
    772   m["descriptor_name"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(message_descriptor);
    773   printer_->Print(m, "$descriptor_key$ = $descriptor_name$,\n");
    774   printer_->Print("__module__ = '$module_name$'\n",
    775                   "module_name", ModuleName(file_->name()));
    776   printer_->Print("# @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:$full_name$)\n",
    777                   "full_name", message_descriptor.full_name());
    778   printer_->Print("))\n");
    779   printer_->Outdent();
    780 }
    782 // Prints all nested messages within |containing_descriptor|.
    783 // Mutually recursive with PrintMessage().
    784 void Generator::PrintNestedMessages(const Descriptor& containing_descriptor,
    785                                     const string& prefix,
    786                                     vector<string>* to_register) const {
    787   for (int i = 0; i < containing_descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
    788     printer_->Print("\n");
    789     PrintMessage(*containing_descriptor.nested_type(i), prefix, to_register);
    790     printer_->Print(",\n");
    791   }
    792 }
    794 // Recursively fixes foreign fields in all nested types in |descriptor|, then
    795 // sets the message_type and enum_type of all message and enum fields to point
    796 // to their respective descriptors.
    797 // Args:
    798 //   descriptor: descriptor to print fields for.
    799 //   containing_descriptor: if descriptor is a nested type, this is its
    800 //       containing type, or NULL if this is a root/top-level type.
    801 void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInDescriptor(
    802     const Descriptor& descriptor,
    803     const Descriptor* containing_descriptor) const {
    804   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
    805     FixForeignFieldsInDescriptor(*descriptor.nested_type(i), &descriptor);
    806   }
    808   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.field_count(); ++i) {
    809     const FieldDescriptor& field_descriptor = *descriptor.field(i);
    810     FixForeignFieldsInField(&descriptor, field_descriptor, "fields_by_name");
    811   }
    813   FixContainingTypeInDescriptor(descriptor, containing_descriptor);
    814   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.enum_type_count(); ++i) {
    815     const EnumDescriptor& enum_descriptor = *descriptor.enum_type(i);
    816     FixContainingTypeInDescriptor(enum_descriptor, &descriptor);
    817   }
    818   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.oneof_decl_count(); ++i) {
    819     map<string, string> m;
    820     const OneofDescriptor* oneof = descriptor.oneof_decl(i);
    821     m["descriptor_name"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(descriptor);
    822     m["oneof_name"] = oneof->name();
    823     for (int j = 0; j < oneof->field_count(); ++j) {
    824       m["field_name"] = oneof->field(j)->name();
    825       printer_->Print(
    826           m,
    827           "$descriptor_name$.oneofs_by_name['$oneof_name$'].fields.append(\n"
    828           "  $descriptor_name$.fields_by_name['$field_name$'])\n");
    829       printer_->Print(
    830           m,
    831           "$descriptor_name$.fields_by_name['$field_name$'].containing_oneof = "
    832           "$descriptor_name$.oneofs_by_name['$oneof_name$']\n");
    833     }
    834   }
    835 }
    837 void Generator::AddMessageToFileDescriptor(const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
    838   map<string, string> m;
    839   m["descriptor_name"] = kDescriptorKey;
    840   m["message_name"] = descriptor.name();
    841   m["message_descriptor_name"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(descriptor);
    842   const char file_descriptor_template[] =
    843       "$descriptor_name$.message_types_by_name['$message_name$'] = "
    844       "$message_descriptor_name$\n";
    845   printer_->Print(m, file_descriptor_template);
    846 }
    848 void Generator::AddEnumToFileDescriptor(
    849     const EnumDescriptor& descriptor) const {
    850   map<string, string> m;
    851   m["descriptor_name"] = kDescriptorKey;
    852   m["enum_name"] = descriptor.name();
    853   m["enum_descriptor_name"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(descriptor);
    854   const char file_descriptor_template[] =
    855       "$descriptor_name$.enum_types_by_name['$enum_name$'] = "
    856       "$enum_descriptor_name$\n";
    857   printer_->Print(m, file_descriptor_template);
    858 }
    860 void Generator::AddExtensionToFileDescriptor(
    861     const FieldDescriptor& descriptor) const {
    862   map<string, string> m;
    863   m["descriptor_name"] = kDescriptorKey;
    864   m["field_name"] = descriptor.name();
    865   const char file_descriptor_template[] =
    866       "$descriptor_name$.extensions_by_name['$field_name$'] = "
    867       "$field_name$\n";
    868   printer_->Print(m, file_descriptor_template);
    869 }
    871 // Sets any necessary message_type and enum_type attributes
    872 // for the Python version of |field|.
    873 //
    874 // containing_type may be NULL, in which case this is a module-level field.
    875 //
    876 // python_dict_name is the name of the Python dict where we should
    877 // look the field up in the containing type.  (e.g., fields_by_name
    878 // or extensions_by_name).  We ignore python_dict_name if containing_type
    879 // is NULL.
    880 void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInField(const Descriptor* containing_type,
    881                                         const FieldDescriptor& field,
    882                                         const string& python_dict_name) const {
    883   const string field_referencing_expression = FieldReferencingExpression(
    884       containing_type, field, python_dict_name);
    885   map<string, string> m;
    886   m["field_ref"] = field_referencing_expression;
    887   const Descriptor* foreign_message_type = field.message_type();
    888   if (foreign_message_type) {
    889     m["foreign_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*foreign_message_type);
    890     printer_->Print(m, "$field_ref$.message_type = $foreign_type$\n");
    891   }
    892   const EnumDescriptor* enum_type = field.enum_type();
    893   if (enum_type) {
    894     m["enum_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*enum_type);
    895     printer_->Print(m, "$field_ref$.enum_type = $enum_type$\n");
    896   }
    897 }
    899 // Returns the module-level expression for the given FieldDescriptor.
    900 // Only works for fields in the .proto file this Generator is generating for.
    901 //
    902 // containing_type may be NULL, in which case this is a module-level field.
    903 //
    904 // python_dict_name is the name of the Python dict where we should
    905 // look the field up in the containing type.  (e.g., fields_by_name
    906 // or extensions_by_name).  We ignore python_dict_name if containing_type
    907 // is NULL.
    908 string Generator::FieldReferencingExpression(
    909     const Descriptor* containing_type,
    910     const FieldDescriptor& field,
    911     const string& python_dict_name) const {
    912   // We should only ever be looking up fields in the current file.
    913   // The only things we refer to from other files are message descriptors.
    914   GOOGLE_CHECK_EQ(field.file(), file_) << field.file()->name() << " vs. "
    915                                 << file_->name();
    916   if (!containing_type) {
    917     return field.name();
    918   }
    919   return strings::Substitute(
    920       "$0.$1['$2']",
    921       ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*containing_type),
    922       python_dict_name, field.name());
    923 }
    925 // Prints containing_type for nested descriptors or enum descriptors.
    926 template <typename DescriptorT>
    927 void Generator::FixContainingTypeInDescriptor(
    928     const DescriptorT& descriptor,
    929     const Descriptor* containing_descriptor) const {
    930   if (containing_descriptor != NULL) {
    931     const string nested_name = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(descriptor);
    932     const string parent_name = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(
    933         *containing_descriptor);
    934     printer_->Print(
    935         "$nested_name$.containing_type = $parent_name$\n",
    936         "nested_name", nested_name,
    937         "parent_name", parent_name);
    938   }
    939 }
    941 // Prints statements setting the message_type and enum_type fields in the
    942 // Python descriptor objects we've already output in ths file.  We must
    943 // do this in a separate step due to circular references (otherwise, we'd
    944 // just set everything in the initial assignment statements).
    945 void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInDescriptors() const {
    946   for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
    947     FixForeignFieldsInDescriptor(*file_->message_type(i), NULL);
    948   }
    949   for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
    950     AddMessageToFileDescriptor(*file_->message_type(i));
    951   }
    952   for (int i = 0; i < file_->enum_type_count(); ++i) {
    953     AddEnumToFileDescriptor(*file_->enum_type(i));
    954   }
    955   for (int i = 0; i < file_->extension_count(); ++i) {
    956     AddExtensionToFileDescriptor(*file_->extension(i));
    957   }
    958   printer_->Print("\n");
    959 }
    961 // We need to not only set any necessary message_type fields, but
    962 // also need to call RegisterExtension() on each message we're
    963 // extending.
    964 void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInExtensions() const {
    965   // Top-level extensions.
    966   for (int i = 0; i < file_->extension_count(); ++i) {
    967     FixForeignFieldsInExtension(*file_->extension(i));
    968   }
    969   // Nested extensions.
    970   for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
    971     FixForeignFieldsInNestedExtensions(*file_->message_type(i));
    972   }
    973   printer_->Print("\n");
    974 }
    976 void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInExtension(
    977     const FieldDescriptor& extension_field) const {
    978   GOOGLE_CHECK(extension_field.is_extension());
    979   // extension_scope() will be NULL for top-level extensions, which is
    980   // exactly what FixForeignFieldsInField() wants.
    981   FixForeignFieldsInField(extension_field.extension_scope(), extension_field,
    982                           "extensions_by_name");
    984   map<string, string> m;
    985   // Confusingly, for FieldDescriptors that happen to be extensions,
    986   // containing_type() means "extended type."
    987   // On the other hand, extension_scope() will give us what we normally
    988   // mean by containing_type().
    989   m["extended_message_class"] = ModuleLevelMessageName(
    990       *extension_field.containing_type());
    991   m["field"] = FieldReferencingExpression(extension_field.extension_scope(),
    992                                           extension_field,
    993                                           "extensions_by_name");
    994   printer_->Print(m, "$extended_message_class$.RegisterExtension($field$)\n");
    995 }
    997 void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInNestedExtensions(
    998     const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
    999   // Recursively fix up extensions in all nested types.
   1000   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
   1001     FixForeignFieldsInNestedExtensions(*descriptor.nested_type(i));
   1002   }
   1003   // Fix up extensions directly contained within this type.
   1004   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.extension_count(); ++i) {
   1005     FixForeignFieldsInExtension(*descriptor.extension(i));
   1006   }
   1007 }
   1009 // Returns a Python expression that instantiates a Python EnumValueDescriptor
   1010 // object for the given C++ descriptor.
   1011 void Generator::PrintEnumValueDescriptor(
   1012     const EnumValueDescriptor& descriptor) const {
   1013   // TODO(robinson): Fix up EnumValueDescriptor "type" fields.
   1014   // More circular references.  ::sigh::
   1015   string options_string;
   1016   descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
   1017   map<string, string> m;
   1018   m["name"] = descriptor.name();
   1019   m["index"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor.index());
   1020   m["number"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor.number());
   1021   m["options"] = OptionsValue("EnumValueOptions", options_string);
   1022   printer_->Print(
   1023       m,
   1024       "_descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(\n"
   1025       "  name='$name$', index=$index$, number=$number$,\n"
   1026       "  options=$options$,\n"
   1027       "  type=None)");
   1028 }
   1030 // Returns a Python expression that calls descriptor._ParseOptions using
   1031 // the given descriptor class name and serialized options protobuf string.
   1032 string Generator::OptionsValue(
   1033     const string& class_name, const string& serialized_options) const {
   1034   if (serialized_options.length() == 0 || GeneratingDescriptorProto()) {
   1035     return "None";
   1036   } else {
   1037     string full_class_name = "descriptor_pb2." + class_name;
   1038 //##!PY25    return "_descriptor._ParseOptions(" + full_class_name + "(), b'"
   1039 //##!PY25        + CEscape(serialized_options)+ "')";
   1040     return "_descriptor._ParseOptions(" + full_class_name + "(), _b('"  //##PY25
   1041         + CEscape(serialized_options)+ "'))";  //##PY25
   1042   }
   1043 }
   1045 // Prints an expression for a Python FieldDescriptor for |field|.
   1046 void Generator::PrintFieldDescriptor(
   1047     const FieldDescriptor& field, bool is_extension) const {
   1048   string options_string;
   1049   field.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
   1050   map<string, string> m;
   1051   m["name"] = field.name();
   1052   m["full_name"] = field.full_name();
   1053   m["index"] = SimpleItoa(field.index());
   1054   m["number"] = SimpleItoa(field.number());
   1055   m["type"] = SimpleItoa(field.type());
   1056   m["cpp_type"] = SimpleItoa(field.cpp_type());
   1057   m["label"] = SimpleItoa(field.label());
   1058   m["has_default_value"] = field.has_default_value() ? "True" : "False";
   1059   m["default_value"] = StringifyDefaultValue(field);
   1060   m["is_extension"] = is_extension ? "True" : "False";
   1061   m["options"] = OptionsValue("FieldOptions", options_string);
   1062   // We always set message_type and enum_type to None at this point, and then
   1063   // these fields in correctly after all referenced descriptors have been
   1064   // defined and/or imported (see FixForeignFieldsInDescriptors()).
   1065   const char field_descriptor_decl[] =
   1066     "_descriptor.FieldDescriptor(\n"
   1067     "  name='$name$', full_name='$full_name$', index=$index$,\n"
   1068     "  number=$number$, type=$type$, cpp_type=$cpp_type$, label=$label$,\n"
   1069     "  has_default_value=$has_default_value$, default_value=$default_value$,\n"
   1070     "  message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,\n"
   1071     "  is_extension=$is_extension$, extension_scope=None,\n"
   1072     "  options=$options$)";
   1073   printer_->Print(m, field_descriptor_decl);
   1074 }
   1076 // Helper for Print{Fields,Extensions}InDescriptor().
   1077 void Generator::PrintFieldDescriptorsInDescriptor(
   1078     const Descriptor& message_descriptor,
   1079     bool is_extension,
   1080     const string& list_variable_name,
   1081     int (Descriptor::*CountFn)() const,
   1082     const FieldDescriptor* (Descriptor::*GetterFn)(int) const) const {
   1083   printer_->Print("$list$=[\n", "list", list_variable_name);
   1084   printer_->Indent();
   1085   for (int i = 0; i < (message_descriptor.*CountFn)(); ++i) {
   1086     PrintFieldDescriptor(*(message_descriptor.*GetterFn)(i),
   1087                          is_extension);
   1088     printer_->Print(",\n");
   1089   }
   1090   printer_->Outdent();
   1091   printer_->Print("],\n");
   1092 }
   1094 // Prints a statement assigning "fields" to a list of Python FieldDescriptors,
   1095 // one for each field present in message_descriptor.
   1096 void Generator::PrintFieldsInDescriptor(
   1097     const Descriptor& message_descriptor) const {
   1098   const bool is_extension = false;
   1099   PrintFieldDescriptorsInDescriptor(
   1100       message_descriptor, is_extension, "fields",
   1101       &Descriptor::field_count, &Descriptor::field);
   1102 }
   1104 // Prints a statement assigning "extensions" to a list of Python
   1105 // FieldDescriptors, one for each extension present in message_descriptor.
   1106 void Generator::PrintExtensionsInDescriptor(
   1107     const Descriptor& message_descriptor) const {
   1108   const bool is_extension = true;
   1109   PrintFieldDescriptorsInDescriptor(
   1110       message_descriptor, is_extension, "extensions",
   1111       &Descriptor::extension_count, &Descriptor::extension);
   1112 }
   1114 bool Generator::GeneratingDescriptorProto() const {
   1115   return file_->name() == "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
   1116 }
   1118 // Returns the unique Python module-level identifier given to a descriptor.
   1119 // This name is module-qualified iff the given descriptor describes an
   1120 // entity that doesn't come from the current file.
   1121 template <typename DescriptorT>
   1122 string Generator::ModuleLevelDescriptorName(
   1123     const DescriptorT& descriptor) const {
   1124   // FIXME(robinson):
   1125   // We currently don't worry about collisions with underscores in the type
   1126   // names, so these would collide in nasty ways if found in the same file:
   1127   //   OuterProto.ProtoA.ProtoB
   1128   //   OuterProto_ProtoA.ProtoB  # Underscore instead of period.
   1129   // As would these:
   1130   //   OuterProto.ProtoA_.ProtoB
   1131   //   OuterProto.ProtoA._ProtoB  # Leading vs. trailing underscore.
   1132   // (Contrived, but certainly possible).
   1133   //
   1134   // The C++ implementation doesn't guard against this either.  Leaving
   1135   // it for now...
   1136   string name = NamePrefixedWithNestedTypes(descriptor, "_");
   1137   UpperString(&name);
   1138   // Module-private for now.  Easy to make public later; almost impossible
   1139   // to make private later.
   1140   name = "_" + name;
   1141   // We now have the name relative to its own module.  Also qualify with
   1142   // the module name iff this descriptor is from a different .proto file.
   1143   if (descriptor.file() != file_) {
   1144     name = ModuleAlias(descriptor.file()->name()) + "." + name;
   1145   }
   1146   return name;
   1147 }
   1149 // Returns the name of the message class itself, not the descriptor.
   1150 // Like ModuleLevelDescriptorName(), module-qualifies the name iff
   1151 // the given descriptor describes an entity that doesn't come from
   1152 // the current file.
   1153 string Generator::ModuleLevelMessageName(const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
   1154   string name = NamePrefixedWithNestedTypes(descriptor, ".");
   1155   if (descriptor.file() != file_) {
   1156     name = ModuleAlias(descriptor.file()->name()) + "." + name;
   1157   }
   1158   return name;
   1159 }
   1161 // Returns the unique Python module-level identifier given to a service
   1162 // descriptor.
   1163 string Generator::ModuleLevelServiceDescriptorName(
   1164     const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
   1165   string name = descriptor.name();
   1166   UpperString(&name);
   1167   name = "_" + name;
   1168   if (descriptor.file() != file_) {
   1169     name = ModuleAlias(descriptor.file()->name()) + "." + name;
   1170   }
   1171   return name;
   1172 }
   1174 // Prints standard constructor arguments serialized_start and serialized_end.
   1175 // Args:
   1176 //   descriptor: The cpp descriptor to have a serialized reference.
   1177 //   proto: A proto
   1178 // Example printer output:
   1179 // serialized_start=41,
   1180 // serialized_end=43,
   1181 //
   1182 template <typename DescriptorT, typename DescriptorProtoT>
   1183 void Generator::PrintSerializedPbInterval(
   1184     const DescriptorT& descriptor, DescriptorProtoT& proto) const {
   1185   descriptor.CopyTo(&proto);
   1186   string sp;
   1187   proto.SerializeToString(&sp);
   1188   int offset = file_descriptor_serialized_.find(sp);
   1189   GOOGLE_CHECK_GE(offset, 0);
   1191   printer_->Print("serialized_start=$serialized_start$,\n"
   1192                   "serialized_end=$serialized_end$,\n",
   1193                   "serialized_start", SimpleItoa(offset),
   1194                   "serialized_end", SimpleItoa(offset + sp.size()));
   1195 }
   1197 namespace {
   1198 void PrintDescriptorOptionsFixingCode(const string& descriptor,
   1199                                       const string& options,
   1200                                       io::Printer* printer) {
   1201   // TODO(xiaofeng): I have added a method _SetOptions() to DescriptorBase
   1202   // in proto2 python runtime but it couldn't be used here because appengine
   1203   // uses a snapshot version of the library in which the new method is not
   1204   // yet present. After appengine has synced their runtime library, the code
   1205   // below should be cleaned up to use _SetOptions().
   1206   printer->Print(
   1207       "$descriptor$.has_options = True\n"
   1208       "$descriptor$._options = $options$\n",
   1209       "descriptor", descriptor, "options", options);
   1210 }
   1211 }  // namespace
   1213 // Prints expressions that set the options field of all descriptors.
   1214 void Generator::FixAllDescriptorOptions() const {
   1215   // Prints an expression that sets the file descriptor's options.
   1216   string file_options = OptionsValue(
   1217       "FileOptions", file_->options().SerializeAsString());
   1218   if (file_options != "None") {
   1219     PrintDescriptorOptionsFixingCode(kDescriptorKey, file_options, printer_);
   1220   }
   1221   // Prints expressions that set the options for all top level enums.
   1222   for (int i = 0; i < file_->enum_type_count(); ++i) {
   1223     const EnumDescriptor& enum_descriptor = *file_->enum_type(i);
   1224     FixOptionsForEnum(enum_descriptor);
   1225   }
   1226   // Prints expressions that set the options for all top level extensions.
   1227   for (int i = 0; i < file_->extension_count(); ++i) {
   1228     const FieldDescriptor& field = *file_->extension(i);
   1229     FixOptionsForField(field);
   1230   }
   1231   // Prints expressions that set the options for all messages, nested enums,
   1232   // nested extensions and message fields.
   1233   for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
   1234     FixOptionsForMessage(*file_->message_type(i));
   1235   }
   1236 }
   1238 // Prints expressions that set the options for an enum descriptor and its
   1239 // value descriptors.
   1240 void Generator::FixOptionsForEnum(const EnumDescriptor& enum_descriptor) const {
   1241   string descriptor_name = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(enum_descriptor);
   1242   string enum_options = OptionsValue(
   1243       "EnumOptions", enum_descriptor.options().SerializeAsString());
   1244   if (enum_options != "None") {
   1245     PrintDescriptorOptionsFixingCode(descriptor_name, enum_options, printer_);
   1246   }
   1247   for (int i = 0; i < enum_descriptor.value_count(); ++i) {
   1248     const EnumValueDescriptor& value_descriptor = *enum_descriptor.value(i);
   1249     string value_options = OptionsValue(
   1250         "EnumValueOptions", value_descriptor.options().SerializeAsString());
   1251     if (value_options != "None") {
   1252       PrintDescriptorOptionsFixingCode(
   1253           StringPrintf("%s.values_by_name[\"%s\"]", descriptor_name.c_str(),
   1254                        value_descriptor.name().c_str()),
   1255           value_options, printer_);
   1256     }
   1257   }
   1258 }
   1260 // Prints expressions that set the options for field descriptors (including
   1261 // extensions).
   1262 void Generator::FixOptionsForField(
   1263     const FieldDescriptor& field) const {
   1264   string field_options = OptionsValue(
   1265       "FieldOptions", field.options().SerializeAsString());
   1266   if (field_options != "None") {
   1267     string field_name;
   1268     if (field.is_extension()) {
   1269       if (field.extension_scope() == NULL) {
   1270         // Top level extensions.
   1271         field_name = field.name();
   1272       } else {
   1273         field_name = FieldReferencingExpression(
   1274             field.extension_scope(), field, "extensions_by_name");
   1275       }
   1276     } else {
   1277       field_name = FieldReferencingExpression(
   1278           field.containing_type(), field, "fields_by_name");
   1279     }
   1280     PrintDescriptorOptionsFixingCode(field_name, field_options, printer_);
   1281   }
   1282 }
   1284 // Prints expressions that set the options for a message and all its inner
   1285 // types (nested messages, nested enums, extensions, fields).
   1286 void Generator::FixOptionsForMessage(const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
   1287   // Nested messages.
   1288   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
   1289     FixOptionsForMessage(*descriptor.nested_type(i));
   1290   }
   1291   // Enums.
   1292   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.enum_type_count(); ++i) {
   1293     FixOptionsForEnum(*descriptor.enum_type(i));
   1294   }
   1295   // Fields.
   1296   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.field_count(); ++i) {
   1297     const FieldDescriptor& field = *descriptor.field(i);
   1298     FixOptionsForField(field);
   1299   }
   1300   // Extensions.
   1301   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.extension_count(); ++i) {
   1302     const FieldDescriptor& field = *descriptor.extension(i);
   1303     FixOptionsForField(field);
   1304   }
   1305   // Message option for this message.
   1306   string message_options = OptionsValue(
   1307       "MessageOptions", descriptor.options().SerializeAsString());
   1308   if (message_options != "None") {
   1309     string descriptor_name = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(descriptor);
   1310     PrintDescriptorOptionsFixingCode(descriptor_name,
   1311                                      message_options,
   1312                                      printer_);
   1313   }
   1314 }
   1316 // If a dependency forwards other files through public dependencies, let's
   1317 // copy over the corresponding module aliases.
   1318 void Generator::CopyPublicDependenciesAliases(
   1319     const string& copy_from, const FileDescriptor* file) const {
   1320   for (int i = 0; i < file->public_dependency_count(); ++i) {
   1321     string module_alias = ModuleAlias(file->public_dependency(i)->name());
   1322     printer_->Print("$alias$ = $copy_from$.$alias$\n", "alias", module_alias,
   1323                     "copy_from", copy_from);
   1324     CopyPublicDependenciesAliases(copy_from, file->public_dependency(i));
   1325   }
   1326 }
   1328 }  // namespace python
   1329 }  // namespace compiler
   1330 }  // namespace protobuf
   1331 }  // namespace google