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      1 // Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
      2 // Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
      3 // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
      4 //
      5 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      6 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
      7 // met:
      8 //
      9 //     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     10 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     11 //     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
     12 // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
     13 // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
     14 // distribution.
     15 //     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
     16 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
     17 // this software without specific prior written permission.
     18 //
     31 // Author: kenton (at) google.com (Kenton Varda)
     32 //  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
     33 //  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
     34 //
     35 // Defines Message, the abstract interface implemented by non-lite
     36 // protocol message objects.  Although it's possible to implement this
     37 // interface manually, most users will use the protocol compiler to
     38 // generate implementations.
     39 //
     40 // Example usage:
     41 //
     42 // Say you have a message defined as:
     43 //
     44 //   message Foo {
     45 //     optional string text = 1;
     46 //     repeated int32 numbers = 2;
     47 //   }
     48 //
     49 // Then, if you used the protocol compiler to generate a class from the above
     50 // definition, you could use it like so:
     51 //
     52 //   string data;  // Will store a serialized version of the message.
     53 //
     54 //   {
     55 //     // Create a message and serialize it.
     56 //     Foo foo;
     57 //     foo.set_text("Hello World!");
     58 //     foo.add_numbers(1);
     59 //     foo.add_numbers(5);
     60 //     foo.add_numbers(42);
     61 //
     62 //     foo.SerializeToString(&data);
     63 //   }
     64 //
     65 //   {
     66 //     // Parse the serialized message and check that it contains the
     67 //     // correct data.
     68 //     Foo foo;
     69 //     foo.ParseFromString(data);
     70 //
     71 //     assert(foo.text() == "Hello World!");
     72 //     assert(foo.numbers_size() == 3);
     73 //     assert(foo.numbers(0) == 1);
     74 //     assert(foo.numbers(1) == 5);
     75 //     assert(foo.numbers(2) == 42);
     76 //   }
     77 //
     78 //   {
     79 //     // Same as the last block, but do it dynamically via the Message
     80 //     // reflection interface.
     81 //     Message* foo = new Foo;
     82 //     const Descriptor* descriptor = foo->GetDescriptor();
     83 //
     84 //     // Get the descriptors for the fields we're interested in and verify
     85 //     // their types.
     86 //     const FieldDescriptor* text_field = descriptor->FindFieldByName("text");
     87 //     assert(text_field != NULL);
     88 //     assert(text_field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING);
     89 //     assert(text_field->label() == FieldDescriptor::LABEL_OPTIONAL);
     90 //     const FieldDescriptor* numbers_field = descriptor->
     91 //                                            FindFieldByName("numbers");
     92 //     assert(numbers_field != NULL);
     93 //     assert(numbers_field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32);
     94 //     assert(numbers_field->label() == FieldDescriptor::LABEL_REPEATED);
     95 //
     96 //     // Parse the message.
     97 //     foo->ParseFromString(data);
     98 //
     99 //     // Use the reflection interface to examine the contents.
    100 //     const Reflection* reflection = foo->GetReflection();
    101 //     assert(reflection->GetString(*foo, text_field) == "Hello World!");
    102 //     assert(reflection->FieldSize(*foo, numbers_field) == 3);
    103 //     assert(reflection->GetRepeatedInt32(*foo, numbers_field, 0) == 1);
    104 //     assert(reflection->GetRepeatedInt32(*foo, numbers_field, 1) == 5);
    105 //     assert(reflection->GetRepeatedInt32(*foo, numbers_field, 2) == 42);
    106 //
    107 //     delete foo;
    108 //   }
    113 #include <iosfwd>
    114 #include <string>
    115 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/type_traits.h>
    116 #include <vector>
    118 #include <google/protobuf/arena.h>
    119 #include <google/protobuf/message_lite.h>
    121 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
    122 #include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
    128 namespace google {
    129 namespace protobuf {
    131 // Defined in this file.
    132 class Message;
    133 class Reflection;
    134 class MessageFactory;
    136 // Defined in other files.
    137 class MapKey;
    138 class MapValueRef;
    139 class MapIterator;
    140 class MapReflectionTester;
    142 namespace internal {
    143 class MapFieldBase;
    144 }
    145 class UnknownFieldSet;         // unknown_field_set.h
    146 namespace io {
    147 class ZeroCopyInputStream;     // zero_copy_stream.h
    148 class ZeroCopyOutputStream;    // zero_copy_stream.h
    149 class CodedInputStream;        // coded_stream.h
    150 class CodedOutputStream;       // coded_stream.h
    151 }
    152 namespace python {
    153 class MapReflectionFriend;     // scalar_map_container.h
    154 }
    157 template<typename T>
    158 class RepeatedField;     // repeated_field.h
    160 template<typename T>
    161 class RepeatedPtrField;  // repeated_field.h
    163 // A container to hold message metadata.
    164 struct Metadata {
    165   const Descriptor* descriptor;
    166   const Reflection* reflection;
    167 };
    169 // Abstract interface for protocol messages.
    170 //
    171 // See also MessageLite, which contains most every-day operations.  Message
    172 // adds descriptors and reflection on top of that.
    173 //
    174 // The methods of this class that are virtual but not pure-virtual have
    175 // default implementations based on reflection.  Message classes which are
    176 // optimized for speed will want to override these with faster implementations,
    177 // but classes optimized for code size may be happy with keeping them.  See
    178 // the optimize_for option in descriptor.proto.
    179 class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT Message : public MessageLite {
    180  public:
    181   inline Message() {}
    182   virtual ~Message();
    184   // Basic Operations ------------------------------------------------
    186   // Construct a new instance of the same type.  Ownership is passed to the
    187   // caller.  (This is also defined in MessageLite, but is defined again here
    188   // for return-type covariance.)
    189   virtual Message* New() const = 0;
    191   // Construct a new instance on the arena. Ownership is passed to the caller
    192   // if arena is a NULL. Default implementation allows for API compatibility
    193   // during the Arena transition.
    194   virtual Message* New(::google::protobuf::Arena* arena) const {
    195     Message* message = New();
    196     if (arena != NULL) {
    197       arena->Own(message);
    198     }
    199     return message;
    200   }
    202   // Make this message into a copy of the given message.  The given message
    203   // must have the same descriptor, but need not necessarily be the same class.
    204   // By default this is just implemented as "Clear(); MergeFrom(from);".
    205   virtual void CopyFrom(const Message& from);
    207   // Merge the fields from the given message into this message.  Singular
    208   // fields will be overwritten, if specified in from, except for embedded
    209   // messages which will be merged.  Repeated fields will be concatenated.
    210   // The given message must be of the same type as this message (i.e. the
    211   // exact same class).
    212   virtual void MergeFrom(const Message& from);
    214   // Verifies that IsInitialized() returns true.  GOOGLE_CHECK-fails otherwise, with
    215   // a nice error message.
    216   void CheckInitialized() const;
    218   // Slowly build a list of all required fields that are not set.
    219   // This is much, much slower than IsInitialized() as it is implemented
    220   // purely via reflection.  Generally, you should not call this unless you
    221   // have already determined that an error exists by calling IsInitialized().
    222   void FindInitializationErrors(std::vector<string>* errors) const;
    224   // Like FindInitializationErrors, but joins all the strings, delimited by
    225   // commas, and returns them.
    226   string InitializationErrorString() const;
    228   // Clears all unknown fields from this message and all embedded messages.
    229   // Normally, if unknown tag numbers are encountered when parsing a message,
    230   // the tag and value are stored in the message's UnknownFieldSet and
    231   // then written back out when the message is serialized.  This allows servers
    232   // which simply route messages to other servers to pass through messages
    233   // that have new field definitions which they don't yet know about.  However,
    234   // this behavior can have security implications.  To avoid it, call this
    235   // method after parsing.
    236   //
    237   // See Reflection::GetUnknownFields() for more on unknown fields.
    238   virtual void DiscardUnknownFields();
    240   // Computes (an estimate of) the total number of bytes currently used for
    241   // storing the message in memory.  The default implementation calls the
    242   // Reflection object's SpaceUsed() method.
    243   //
    244   // SpaceUsed() is noticeably slower than ByteSize(), as it is implemented
    245   // using reflection (rather than the generated code implementation for
    246   // ByteSize()). Like ByteSize(), its CPU time is linear in the number of
    247   // fields defined for the proto.
    248   virtual int SpaceUsed() const;
    250   // Debugging & Testing----------------------------------------------
    252   // Generates a human readable form of this message, useful for debugging
    253   // and other purposes.
    254   string DebugString() const;
    255   // Like DebugString(), but with less whitespace.
    256   string ShortDebugString() const;
    257   // Like DebugString(), but do not escape UTF-8 byte sequences.
    258   string Utf8DebugString() const;
    259   // Convenience function useful in GDB.  Prints DebugString() to stdout.
    260   void PrintDebugString() const;
    262   // Heavy I/O -------------------------------------------------------
    263   // Additional parsing and serialization methods not implemented by
    264   // MessageLite because they are not supported by the lite library.
    266   // Parse a protocol buffer from a file descriptor.  If successful, the entire
    267   // input will be consumed.
    268   bool ParseFromFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor);
    269   // Like ParseFromFileDescriptor(), but accepts messages that are missing
    270   // required fields.
    271   bool ParsePartialFromFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor);
    272   // Parse a protocol buffer from a C++ istream.  If successful, the entire
    273   // input will be consumed.
    274   bool ParseFromIstream(istream* input);
    275   // Like ParseFromIstream(), but accepts messages that are missing
    276   // required fields.
    277   bool ParsePartialFromIstream(istream* input);
    279   // Serialize the message and write it to the given file descriptor.  All
    280   // required fields must be set.
    281   bool SerializeToFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor) const;
    282   // Like SerializeToFileDescriptor(), but allows missing required fields.
    283   bool SerializePartialToFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor) const;
    284   // Serialize the message and write it to the given C++ ostream.  All
    285   // required fields must be set.
    286   bool SerializeToOstream(ostream* output) const;
    287   // Like SerializeToOstream(), but allows missing required fields.
    288   bool SerializePartialToOstream(ostream* output) const;
    291   // Reflection-based methods ----------------------------------------
    292   // These methods are pure-virtual in MessageLite, but Message provides
    293   // reflection-based default implementations.
    295   virtual string GetTypeName() const;
    296   virtual void Clear();
    297   virtual bool IsInitialized() const;
    298   virtual void CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(const MessageLite& other);
    299   virtual bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input);
    300   virtual int ByteSize() const;
    301   virtual void SerializeWithCachedSizes(io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
    303  private:
    304   // This is called only by the default implementation of ByteSize(), to
    305   // update the cached size.  If you override ByteSize(), you do not need
    306   // to override this.  If you do not override ByteSize(), you MUST override
    307   // this; the default implementation will crash.
    308   //
    309   // The method is private because subclasses should never call it; only
    310   // override it.  Yes, C++ lets you do that.  Crazy, huh?
    311   virtual void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
    313  public:
    315   // Introspection ---------------------------------------------------
    317   // Typedef for backwards-compatibility.
    318   typedef google::protobuf::Reflection Reflection;
    320   // Get a Descriptor for this message's type.  This describes what
    321   // fields the message contains, the types of those fields, etc.
    322   const Descriptor* GetDescriptor() const { return GetMetadata().descriptor; }
    324   // Get the Reflection interface for this Message, which can be used to
    325   // read and modify the fields of the Message dynamically (in other words,
    326   // without knowing the message type at compile time).  This object remains
    327   // property of the Message.
    328   //
    329   // This method remains virtual in case a subclass does not implement
    330   // reflection and wants to override the default behavior.
    331   virtual const Reflection* GetReflection() const {
    332     return GetMetadata().reflection;
    333   }
    335  protected:
    336   // Get a struct containing the metadata for the Message. Most subclasses only
    337   // need to implement this method, rather than the GetDescriptor() and
    338   // GetReflection() wrappers.
    339   virtual Metadata GetMetadata() const  = 0;
    342  private:
    344 };
    346 namespace internal {
    347 // Forward-declare interfaces used to implement RepeatedFieldRef.
    348 // These are protobuf internals that users shouldn't care about.
    349 class RepeatedFieldAccessor;
    350 }  // namespace internal
    352 // Forward-declare RepeatedFieldRef templates. The second type parameter is
    353 // used for SFINAE tricks. Users should ignore it.
    354 template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
    355 class RepeatedFieldRef;
    357 template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
    358 class MutableRepeatedFieldRef;
    360 // This interface contains methods that can be used to dynamically access
    361 // and modify the fields of a protocol message.  Their semantics are
    362 // similar to the accessors the protocol compiler generates.
    363 //
    364 // To get the Reflection for a given Message, call Message::GetReflection().
    365 //
    366 // This interface is separate from Message only for efficiency reasons;
    367 // the vast majority of implementations of Message will share the same
    368 // implementation of Reflection (GeneratedMessageReflection,
    369 // defined in generated_message.h), and all Messages of a particular class
    370 // should share the same Reflection object (though you should not rely on
    371 // the latter fact).
    372 //
    373 // There are several ways that these methods can be used incorrectly.  For
    374 // example, any of the following conditions will lead to undefined
    375 // results (probably assertion failures):
    376 // - The FieldDescriptor is not a field of this message type.
    377 // - The method called is not appropriate for the field's type.  For
    378 //   each field type in FieldDescriptor::TYPE_*, there is only one
    379 //   Get*() method, one Set*() method, and one Add*() method that is
    380 //   valid for that type.  It should be obvious which (except maybe
    381 //   for TYPE_BYTES, which are represented using strings in C++).
    382 // - A Get*() or Set*() method for singular fields is called on a repeated
    383 //   field.
    384 // - GetRepeated*(), SetRepeated*(), or Add*() is called on a non-repeated
    385 //   field.
    386 // - The Message object passed to any method is not of the right type for
    387 //   this Reflection object (i.e. message.GetReflection() != reflection).
    388 //
    389 // You might wonder why there is not any abstract representation for a field
    390 // of arbitrary type.  E.g., why isn't there just a "GetField()" method that
    391 // returns "const Field&", where "Field" is some class with accessors like
    392 // "GetInt32Value()".  The problem is that someone would have to deal with
    393 // allocating these Field objects.  For generated message classes, having to
    394 // allocate space for an additional object to wrap every field would at least
    395 // double the message's memory footprint, probably worse.  Allocating the
    396 // objects on-demand, on the other hand, would be expensive and prone to
    397 // memory leaks.  So, instead we ended up with this flat interface.
    398 //
    399 // TODO(kenton):  Create a utility class which callers can use to read and
    400 //   write fields from a Reflection without paying attention to the type.
    401 class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT Reflection {
    402  public:
    403   inline Reflection() {}
    404   virtual ~Reflection();
    406   // Get the UnknownFieldSet for the message.  This contains fields which
    407   // were seen when the Message was parsed but were not recognized according
    408   // to the Message's definition. For proto3 protos, this method will always
    409   // return an empty UnknownFieldSet.
    410   virtual const UnknownFieldSet& GetUnknownFields(
    411       const Message& message) const = 0;
    412   // Get a mutable pointer to the UnknownFieldSet for the message.  This
    413   // contains fields which were seen when the Message was parsed but were not
    414   // recognized according to the Message's definition. For proto3 protos, this
    415   // method will return a valid mutable UnknownFieldSet pointer but modifying
    416   // it won't affect the serialized bytes of the message.
    417   virtual UnknownFieldSet* MutableUnknownFields(Message* message) const = 0;
    419   // Estimate the amount of memory used by the message object.
    420   virtual int SpaceUsed(const Message& message) const = 0;
    422   // Check if the given non-repeated field is set.
    423   virtual bool HasField(const Message& message,
    424                         const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    426   // Get the number of elements of a repeated field.
    427   virtual int FieldSize(const Message& message,
    428                         const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    430   // Clear the value of a field, so that HasField() returns false or
    431   // FieldSize() returns zero.
    432   virtual void ClearField(Message* message,
    433                           const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    435   // Check if the oneof is set. Returns true if any field in oneof
    436   // is set, false otherwise.
    437   // TODO(jieluo) - make it pure virtual after updating all
    438   // the subclasses.
    439   virtual bool HasOneof(const Message& /*message*/,
    440                         const OneofDescriptor* /*oneof_descriptor*/) const {
    441     return false;
    442   }
    444   virtual void ClearOneof(Message* /*message*/,
    445                           const OneofDescriptor* /*oneof_descriptor*/) const {}
    447   // Returns the field descriptor if the oneof is set. NULL otherwise.
    448   // TODO(jieluo) - make it pure virtual.
    449   virtual const FieldDescriptor* GetOneofFieldDescriptor(
    450       const Message& /*message*/,
    451       const OneofDescriptor* /*oneof_descriptor*/) const {
    452     return NULL;
    453   }
    455   // Removes the last element of a repeated field.
    456   // We don't provide a way to remove any element other than the last
    457   // because it invites inefficient use, such as O(n^2) filtering loops
    458   // that should have been O(n).  If you want to remove an element other
    459   // than the last, the best way to do it is to re-arrange the elements
    460   // (using Swap()) so that the one you want removed is at the end, then
    461   // call RemoveLast().
    462   virtual void RemoveLast(Message* message,
    463                           const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    464   // Removes the last element of a repeated message field, and returns the
    465   // pointer to the caller.  Caller takes ownership of the returned pointer.
    466   virtual Message* ReleaseLast(Message* message,
    467                                const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    469   // Swap the complete contents of two messages.
    470   virtual void Swap(Message* message1, Message* message2) const = 0;
    472   // Swap fields listed in fields vector of two messages.
    473   virtual void SwapFields(Message* message1,
    474                           Message* message2,
    475                           const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& fields)
    476       const = 0;
    478   // Swap two elements of a repeated field.
    479   virtual void SwapElements(Message* message,
    480                             const FieldDescriptor* field,
    481                             int index1,
    482                             int index2) const = 0;
    484   // List all fields of the message which are currently set.  This includes
    485   // extensions.  Singular fields will only be listed if HasField(field) would
    486   // return true and repeated fields will only be listed if FieldSize(field)
    487   // would return non-zero.  Fields (both normal fields and extension fields)
    488   // will be listed ordered by field number.
    489   virtual void ListFields(
    490       const Message& message,
    491       std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>* output) const = 0;
    493   // Singular field getters ------------------------------------------
    494   // These get the value of a non-repeated field.  They return the default
    495   // value for fields that aren't set.
    497   virtual int32  GetInt32 (const Message& message,
    498                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    499   virtual int64  GetInt64 (const Message& message,
    500                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    501   virtual uint32 GetUInt32(const Message& message,
    502                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    503   virtual uint64 GetUInt64(const Message& message,
    504                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    505   virtual float  GetFloat (const Message& message,
    506                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    507   virtual double GetDouble(const Message& message,
    508                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    509   virtual bool   GetBool  (const Message& message,
    510                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    511   virtual string GetString(const Message& message,
    512                            const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    513   virtual const EnumValueDescriptor* GetEnum(
    514       const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    516   // GetEnumValue() returns an enum field's value as an integer rather than
    517   // an EnumValueDescriptor*. If the integer value does not correspond to a
    518   // known value descriptor, a new value descriptor is created. (Such a value
    519   // will only be present when the new unknown-enum-value semantics are enabled
    520   // for a message.)
    521   virtual int GetEnumValue(
    522       const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
    524   // See MutableMessage() for the meaning of the "factory" parameter.
    525   virtual const Message& GetMessage(const Message& message,
    526                                     const FieldDescriptor* field,
    527                                     MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const = 0;
    529   // Get a string value without copying, if possible.
    530   //
    531   // GetString() necessarily returns a copy of the string.  This can be
    532   // inefficient when the string is already stored in a string object in the
    533   // underlying message.  GetStringReference() will return a reference to the
    534   // underlying string in this case.  Otherwise, it will copy the string into
    535   // *scratch and return that.
    536   //
    537   // Note:  It is perfectly reasonable and useful to write code like:
    538   //     str = reflection->GetStringReference(field, &str);
    539   //   This line would ensure that only one copy of the string is made
    540   //   regardless of the field's underlying representation.  When initializing
    541   //   a newly-constructed string, though, it's just as fast and more readable
    542   //   to use code like:
    543   //     string str = reflection->GetString(message, field);
    544   virtual const string& GetStringReference(const Message& message,
    545                                            const FieldDescriptor* field,
    546                                            string* scratch) const = 0;
    549   // Singular field mutators -----------------------------------------
    550   // These mutate the value of a non-repeated field.
    552   virtual void SetInt32 (Message* message,
    553                          const FieldDescriptor* field, int32  value) const = 0;
    554   virtual void SetInt64 (Message* message,
    555                          const FieldDescriptor* field, int64  value) const = 0;
    556   virtual void SetUInt32(Message* message,
    557                          const FieldDescriptor* field, uint32 value) const = 0;
    558   virtual void SetUInt64(Message* message,
    559                          const FieldDescriptor* field, uint64 value) const = 0;
    560   virtual void SetFloat (Message* message,
    561                          const FieldDescriptor* field, float  value) const = 0;
    562   virtual void SetDouble(Message* message,
    563                          const FieldDescriptor* field, double value) const = 0;
    564   virtual void SetBool  (Message* message,
    565                          const FieldDescriptor* field, bool   value) const = 0;
    566   virtual void SetString(Message* message,
    567                          const FieldDescriptor* field,
    568                          const string& value) const = 0;
    569   virtual void SetEnum  (Message* message,
    570                          const FieldDescriptor* field,
    571                          const EnumValueDescriptor* value) const = 0;
    572   // Set an enum field's value with an integer rather than EnumValueDescriptor.
    573   // If the value does not correspond to a known enum value, either behavior is
    574   // undefined (for proto2 messages), or the value is accepted silently for
    575   // messages with new unknown-enum-value semantics.
    576   virtual void SetEnumValue(Message* message,
    577                             const FieldDescriptor* field,
    578                             int value) const;
    580   // Get a mutable pointer to a field with a message type.  If a MessageFactory
    581   // is provided, it will be used to construct instances of the sub-message;
    582   // otherwise, the default factory is used.  If the field is an extension that
    583   // does not live in the same pool as the containing message's descriptor (e.g.
    584   // it lives in an overlay pool), then a MessageFactory must be provided.
    585   // If you have no idea what that meant, then you probably don't need to worry
    586   // about it (don't provide a MessageFactory).  WARNING:  If the
    587   // FieldDescriptor is for a compiled-in extension, then
    588   // factory->GetPrototype(field->message_type() MUST return an instance of the
    589   // compiled-in class for this type, NOT DynamicMessage.
    590   virtual Message* MutableMessage(Message* message,
    591                                   const FieldDescriptor* field,
    592                                   MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const = 0;
    593   // Replaces the message specified by 'field' with the already-allocated object
    594   // sub_message, passing ownership to the message.  If the field contained a
    595   // message, that message is deleted.  If sub_message is NULL, the field is
    596   // cleared.
    597   virtual void SetAllocatedMessage(Message* message,
    598                                    Message* sub_message,
    599                                    const FieldDescriptor* field) const = 0;
    600   // Releases the message specified by 'field' and returns the pointer,
    601   // ReleaseMessage() will return the message the message object if it exists.
    602   // Otherwise, it may or may not return NULL.  In any case, if the return value
    603   // is non-NULL, the caller takes ownership of the pointer.
    604   // If the field existed (HasField() is true), then the returned pointer will
    605   // be the same as the pointer returned by MutableMessage().
    606   // This function has the same effect as ClearField().
    607   virtual Message* ReleaseMessage(Message* message,
    608                                   const FieldDescriptor* field,
    609                                   MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const = 0;
    612   // Repeated field getters ------------------------------------------
    613   // These get the value of one element of a repeated field.
    615   virtual int32  GetRepeatedInt32 (const Message& message,
    616                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    617                                    int index) const = 0;
    618   virtual int64  GetRepeatedInt64 (const Message& message,
    619                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    620                                    int index) const = 0;
    621   virtual uint32 GetRepeatedUInt32(const Message& message,
    622                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    623                                    int index) const = 0;
    624   virtual uint64 GetRepeatedUInt64(const Message& message,
    625                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    626                                    int index) const = 0;
    627   virtual float  GetRepeatedFloat (const Message& message,
    628                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    629                                    int index) const = 0;
    630   virtual double GetRepeatedDouble(const Message& message,
    631                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    632                                    int index) const = 0;
    633   virtual bool   GetRepeatedBool  (const Message& message,
    634                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    635                                    int index) const = 0;
    636   virtual string GetRepeatedString(const Message& message,
    637                                    const FieldDescriptor* field,
    638                                    int index) const = 0;
    639   virtual const EnumValueDescriptor* GetRepeatedEnum(
    640       const Message& message,
    641       const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const = 0;
    642   // GetRepeatedEnumValue() returns an enum field's value as an integer rather
    643   // than an EnumValueDescriptor*. If the integer value does not correspond to a
    644   // known value descriptor, a new value descriptor is created. (Such a value
    645   // will only be present when the new unknown-enum-value semantics are enabled
    646   // for a message.)
    647   virtual int GetRepeatedEnumValue(
    648       const Message& message,
    649       const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
    650   virtual const Message& GetRepeatedMessage(
    651       const Message& message,
    652       const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const = 0;
    654   // See GetStringReference(), above.
    655   virtual const string& GetRepeatedStringReference(
    656       const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
    657       int index, string* scratch) const = 0;
    660   // Repeated field mutators -----------------------------------------
    661   // These mutate the value of one element of a repeated field.
    663   virtual void SetRepeatedInt32 (Message* message,
    664                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    665                                  int index, int32  value) const = 0;
    666   virtual void SetRepeatedInt64 (Message* message,
    667                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    668                                  int index, int64  value) const = 0;
    669   virtual void SetRepeatedUInt32(Message* message,
    670                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    671                                  int index, uint32 value) const = 0;
    672   virtual void SetRepeatedUInt64(Message* message,
    673                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    674                                  int index, uint64 value) const = 0;
    675   virtual void SetRepeatedFloat (Message* message,
    676                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    677                                  int index, float  value) const = 0;
    678   virtual void SetRepeatedDouble(Message* message,
    679                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    680                                  int index, double value) const = 0;
    681   virtual void SetRepeatedBool  (Message* message,
    682                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    683                                  int index, bool   value) const = 0;
    684   virtual void SetRepeatedString(Message* message,
    685                                  const FieldDescriptor* field,
    686                                  int index, const string& value) const = 0;
    687   virtual void SetRepeatedEnum(Message* message,
    688                                const FieldDescriptor* field, int index,
    689                                const EnumValueDescriptor* value) const = 0;
    690   // Set an enum field's value with an integer rather than EnumValueDescriptor.
    691   // If the value does not correspond to a known enum value, either behavior is
    692   // undefined (for proto2 messages), or the value is accepted silently for
    693   // messages with new unknown-enum-value semantics.
    694   virtual void SetRepeatedEnumValue(Message* message,
    695                                     const FieldDescriptor* field, int index,
    696                                     int value) const;
    697   // Get a mutable pointer to an element of a repeated field with a message
    698   // type.
    699   virtual Message* MutableRepeatedMessage(
    700       Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const = 0;
    703   // Repeated field adders -------------------------------------------
    704   // These add an element to a repeated field.
    706   virtual void AddInt32 (Message* message,
    707                          const FieldDescriptor* field, int32  value) const = 0;
    708   virtual void AddInt64 (Message* message,
    709                          const FieldDescriptor* field, int64  value) const = 0;
    710   virtual void AddUInt32(Message* message,
    711                          const FieldDescriptor* field, uint32 value) const = 0;
    712   virtual void AddUInt64(Message* message,
    713                          const FieldDescriptor* field, uint64 value) const = 0;
    714   virtual void AddFloat (Message* message,
    715                          const FieldDescriptor* field, float  value) const = 0;
    716   virtual void AddDouble(Message* message,
    717                          const FieldDescriptor* field, double value) const = 0;
    718   virtual void AddBool  (Message* message,
    719                          const FieldDescriptor* field, bool   value) const = 0;
    720   virtual void AddString(Message* message,
    721                          const FieldDescriptor* field,
    722                          const string& value) const = 0;
    723   virtual void AddEnum  (Message* message,
    724                          const FieldDescriptor* field,
    725                          const EnumValueDescriptor* value) const = 0;
    726   // Set an enum field's value with an integer rather than EnumValueDescriptor.
    727   // If the value does not correspond to a known enum value, either behavior is
    728   // undefined (for proto2 messages), or the value is accepted silently for
    729   // messages with new unknown-enum-value semantics.
    730   virtual void AddEnumValue(Message* message,
    731                             const FieldDescriptor* field,
    732                             int value) const;
    733   // See MutableMessage() for comments on the "factory" parameter.
    734   virtual Message* AddMessage(Message* message,
    735                               const FieldDescriptor* field,
    736                               MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const = 0;
    738   // Appends an already-allocated object 'new_entry' to the repeated field
    739   // specifyed by 'field' passing ownership to the message.
    740   // TODO(tmarek): Make virtual after all subclasses have been
    741   // updated.
    742   virtual void AddAllocatedMessage(Message* /* message */,
    743                                    const FieldDescriptor* /*field */,
    744                                    Message* /* new_entry */) const {}
    747   // Get a RepeatedFieldRef object that can be used to read the underlying
    748   // repeated field. The type parameter T must be set according to the
    749   // field's cpp type. The following table shows the mapping from cpp type
    750   // to acceptable T.
    751   //
    752   //   field->cpp_type()      T
    753   //   CPPTYPE_INT32        int32
    754   //   CPPTYPE_UINT32       uint32
    755   //   CPPTYPE_INT64        int64
    756   //   CPPTYPE_UINT64       uint64
    757   //   CPPTYPE_DOUBLE       double
    758   //   CPPTYPE_FLOAT        float
    759   //   CPPTYPE_BOOL         bool
    760   //   CPPTYPE_ENUM         generated enum type or int32
    761   //   CPPTYPE_STRING       string
    762   //   CPPTYPE_MESSAGE      generated message type or google::protobuf::Message
    763   //
    764   // A RepeatedFieldRef object can be copied and the resulted object will point
    765   // to the same repeated field in the same message. The object can be used as
    766   // long as the message is not destroyed.
    767   //
    768   // Note that to use this method users need to include the header file
    769   // "google/protobuf/reflection.h" (which defines the RepeatedFieldRef
    770   // class templates).
    771   template<typename T>
    772   RepeatedFieldRef<T> GetRepeatedFieldRef(
    773       const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
    775   // Like GetRepeatedFieldRef() but return an object that can also be used
    776   // manipulate the underlying repeated field.
    777   template<typename T>
    778   MutableRepeatedFieldRef<T> GetMutableRepeatedFieldRef(
    779       Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
    781   // DEPRECATED. Please use Get(Mutable)RepeatedFieldRef() for repeated field
    782   // access. The following repeated field accesors will be removed in the
    783   // future.
    784   //
    785   // Repeated field accessors  -------------------------------------------------
    786   // The methods above, e.g. GetRepeatedInt32(msg, fd, index), provide singular
    787   // access to the data in a RepeatedField.  The methods below provide aggregate
    788   // access by exposing the RepeatedField object itself with the Message.
    789   // Applying these templates to inappropriate types will lead to an undefined
    790   // reference at link time (e.g. GetRepeatedField<***double>), or possibly a
    791   // template matching error at compile time (e.g. GetRepeatedPtrField<File>).
    792   //
    793   // Usage example: my_doubs = refl->GetRepeatedField<double>(msg, fd);
    795   // DEPRECATED. Please use GetRepeatedFieldRef().
    796   //
    797   // for T = Cord and all protobuf scalar types except enums.
    798   template<typename T>
    799   const RepeatedField<T>& GetRepeatedField(
    800       const Message&, const FieldDescriptor*) const;
    802   // DEPRECATED. Please use GetMutableRepeatedFieldRef().
    803   //
    804   // for T = Cord and all protobuf scalar types except enums.
    805   template<typename T>
    806   RepeatedField<T>* MutableRepeatedField(
    807       Message*, const FieldDescriptor*) const;
    809   // DEPRECATED. Please use GetRepeatedFieldRef().
    810   //
    811   // for T = string, google::protobuf::internal::StringPieceField
    812   //         google::protobuf::Message & descendants.
    813   template<typename T>
    814   const RepeatedPtrField<T>& GetRepeatedPtrField(
    815       const Message&, const FieldDescriptor*) const;
    817   // DEPRECATED. Please use GetMutableRepeatedFieldRef().
    818   //
    819   // for T = string, google::protobuf::internal::StringPieceField
    820   //         google::protobuf::Message & descendants.
    821   template<typename T>
    822   RepeatedPtrField<T>* MutableRepeatedPtrField(
    823       Message*, const FieldDescriptor*) const;
    825   // Extensions ----------------------------------------------------------------
    827   // Try to find an extension of this message type by fully-qualified field
    828   // name.  Returns NULL if no extension is known for this name or number.
    829   virtual const FieldDescriptor* FindKnownExtensionByName(
    830       const string& name) const = 0;
    832   // Try to find an extension of this message type by field number.
    833   // Returns NULL if no extension is known for this name or number.
    834   virtual const FieldDescriptor* FindKnownExtensionByNumber(
    835       int number) const = 0;
    837   // Feature Flags -------------------------------------------------------------
    839   // Does this message support storing arbitrary integer values in enum fields?
    840   // If |true|, GetEnumValue/SetEnumValue and associated repeated-field versions
    841   // take arbitrary integer values, and the legacy GetEnum() getter will
    842   // dynamically create an EnumValueDescriptor for any integer value without
    843   // one. If |false|, setting an unknown enum value via the integer-based
    844   // setters results in undefined behavior (in practice, GOOGLE_DCHECK-fails).
    845   //
    846   // Generic code that uses reflection to handle messages with enum fields
    847   // should check this flag before using the integer-based setter, and either
    848   // downgrade to a compatible value or use the UnknownFieldSet if not. For
    849   // example:
    850   //
    851   // int new_value = GetValueFromApplicationLogic();
    852   // if (reflection->SupportsUnknownEnumValues()) {
    853   //     reflection->SetEnumValue(message, field, new_value);
    854   // } else {
    855   //     if (field_descriptor->enum_type()->
    856   //             FindValueByNumver(new_value) != NULL) {
    857   //         reflection->SetEnumValue(message, field, new_value);
    858   //     } else if (emit_unknown_enum_values) {
    859   //         reflection->MutableUnknownFields(message)->AddVarint(
    860   //             field->number(),
    861   //             new_value);
    862   //     } else {
    863   //         // convert value to a compatible/default value.
    864   //         new_value = CompatibleDowngrade(new_value);
    865   //         reflection->SetEnumValue(message, field, new_value);
    866   //     }
    867   // }
    868   virtual bool SupportsUnknownEnumValues() const { return false; }
    870   // Returns the MessageFactory associated with this message.  This can be
    871   // useful for determining if a message is a generated message or not, for
    872   // example:
    873   //
    874   // if (message->GetReflection()->GetMessageFactory() ==
    875   //     google::protobuf::MessageFactory::generated_factory()) {
    876   //   // This is a generated message.
    877   // }
    878   //
    879   // It can also be used to create more messages of this type, though
    880   // Message::New() is an easier way to accomplish this.
    881   virtual MessageFactory* GetMessageFactory() const;
    883   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    885  protected:
    886   // Obtain a pointer to a Repeated Field Structure and do some type checking:
    887   //   on field->cpp_type(),
    888   //   on field->field_option().ctype() (if ctype >= 0)
    889   //   of field->message_type() (if message_type != NULL).
    890   // We use 2 routine rather than 4 (const vs mutable) x (scalar vs pointer).
    891   virtual void* MutableRawRepeatedField(
    892       Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field, FieldDescriptor::CppType,
    893       int ctype, const Descriptor* message_type) const = 0;
    895   // TODO(jieluo) - make it pure virtual after updating all the subclasses.
    896   virtual const void* GetRawRepeatedField(
    897       const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
    898       FieldDescriptor::CppType cpptype, int ctype,
    899       const Descriptor* message_type) const {
    900     return MutableRawRepeatedField(
    901         const_cast<Message*>(&message), field, cpptype, ctype, message_type);
    902   }
    904   // The following methods are used to implement (Mutable)RepeatedFieldRef.
    905   // A Ref object will store a raw pointer to the repeated field data (obtained
    906   // from RepeatedFieldData()) and a pointer to a Accessor (obtained from
    907   // RepeatedFieldAccessor) which will be used to access the raw data.
    908   //
    909   // TODO(xiaofeng): Make these methods pure-virtual.
    911   // Returns a raw pointer to the repeated field
    912   //
    913   // "cpp_type" and "message_type" are decuded from the type parameter T passed
    914   // to Get(Mutable)RepeatedFieldRef. If T is a generated message type,
    915   // "message_type" should be set to its descriptor. Otherwise "message_type"
    916   // should be set to NULL. Implementations of this method should check whether
    917   // "cpp_type"/"message_type" is consistent with the actual type of the field.
    918   // We use 1 routine rather than 2 (const vs mutable) because it is protected
    919   // and it doesn't change the message.
    920   virtual void* RepeatedFieldData(
    921       Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
    922       FieldDescriptor::CppType cpp_type,
    923       const Descriptor* message_type) const;
    925   // The returned pointer should point to a singleton instance which implements
    926   // the RepeatedFieldAccessor interface.
    927   virtual const internal::RepeatedFieldAccessor* RepeatedFieldAccessor(
    928       const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
    930  private:
    931   template<typename T, typename Enable>
    932   friend class RepeatedFieldRef;
    933   template<typename T, typename Enable>
    934   friend class MutableRepeatedFieldRef;
    935   friend class ::google::protobuf::python::MapReflectionFriend;
    937   // Special version for specialized implementations of string.  We can't call
    938   // MutableRawRepeatedField directly here because we don't have access to
    939   // FieldOptions::* which are defined in descriptor.pb.h.  Including that
    940   // file here is not possible because it would cause a circular include cycle.
    941   // We use 1 routine rather than 2 (const vs mutable) because it is private
    942   // and mutable a repeated string field doesn't change the message.
    943   void* MutableRawRepeatedString(
    944       Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field, bool is_string) const;
    946   friend class MapReflectionTester;
    947   // TODO(jieluo) - make the map APIs pure virtual after updating
    948   // all the subclasses.
    949   // Returns true if key is in map. Returns false if key is not in map field.
    950   virtual bool ContainsMapKey(const Message& /* message*/,
    951                               const FieldDescriptor* /* field */,
    952                               const MapKey& /* key */) const {
    953     return false;
    954   }
    956   // If key is in map field: Saves the value pointer to val and returns
    957   // false. If key in not in map field: Insert the key into map, saves
    958   // value pointer to val and retuns true.
    959   virtual bool InsertOrLookupMapValue(Message* /* message */,
    960                                       const FieldDescriptor* /* field */,
    961                                       const MapKey& /* key */,
    962                                       MapValueRef* /* val */) const {
    963     return false;
    964   }
    966   // Delete and returns true if key is in the map field. Returns false
    967   // otherwise.
    968   virtual bool DeleteMapValue(Message* /* mesage */,
    969                               const FieldDescriptor* /* field */,
    970                               const MapKey& /* key */) const {
    971     return false;
    972   }
    974   // Returns a MapIterator referring to the first element in the map field.
    975   // If the map field is empty, this function returns the same as
    976   // reflection::MapEnd. Mutation to the field may invalidate the iterator.
    977   virtual MapIterator MapBegin(
    978       Message* message,
    979       const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
    981   // Returns a MapIterator referring to the theoretical element that would
    982   // follow the last element in the map field. It does not point to any
    983   // real element. Mutation to the field may invalidate the iterator.
    984   virtual MapIterator MapEnd(
    985       Message* message,
    986       const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
    988   // Get the number of <key, value> pair of a map field. The result may be
    989   // different from FieldSize which can have duplicate keys.
    990   virtual int MapSize(const Message& /* message */,
    991                       const FieldDescriptor* /* field */) const {
    992     return 0;
    993   }
    995   // Help method for MapIterator.
    996   friend class MapIterator;
    997   virtual internal::MapFieldBase* MapData(
    998       Message* /* message */, const FieldDescriptor* /* field */) const {
    999     return NULL;
   1000   }
   1003 };
   1005 // Abstract interface for a factory for message objects.
   1006 class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT MessageFactory {
   1007  public:
   1008   inline MessageFactory() {}
   1009   virtual ~MessageFactory();
   1011   // Given a Descriptor, gets or constructs the default (prototype) Message
   1012   // of that type.  You can then call that message's New() method to construct
   1013   // a mutable message of that type.
   1014   //
   1015   // Calling this method twice with the same Descriptor returns the same
   1016   // object.  The returned object remains property of the factory.  Also, any
   1017   // objects created by calling the prototype's New() method share some data
   1018   // with the prototype, so these must be destroyed before the MessageFactory
   1019   // is destroyed.
   1020   //
   1021   // The given descriptor must outlive the returned message, and hence must
   1022   // outlive the MessageFactory.
   1023   //
   1024   // Some implementations do not support all types.  GetPrototype() will
   1025   // return NULL if the descriptor passed in is not supported.
   1026   //
   1027   // This method may or may not be thread-safe depending on the implementation.
   1028   // Each implementation should document its own degree thread-safety.
   1029   virtual const Message* GetPrototype(const Descriptor* type) = 0;
   1031   // Gets a MessageFactory which supports all generated, compiled-in messages.
   1032   // In other words, for any compiled-in type FooMessage, the following is true:
   1033   //   MessageFactory::generated_factory()->GetPrototype(
   1034   //     FooMessage::descriptor()) == FooMessage::default_instance()
   1035   // This factory supports all types which are found in
   1036   // DescriptorPool::generated_pool().  If given a descriptor from any other
   1037   // pool, GetPrototype() will return NULL.  (You can also check if a
   1038   // descriptor is for a generated message by checking if
   1039   // descriptor->file()->pool() == DescriptorPool::generated_pool().)
   1040   //
   1041   // This factory is 100% thread-safe; calling GetPrototype() does not modify
   1042   // any shared data.
   1043   //
   1044   // This factory is a singleton.  The caller must not delete the object.
   1045   static MessageFactory* generated_factory();
   1047   // For internal use only:  Registers a .proto file at static initialization
   1048   // time, to be placed in generated_factory.  The first time GetPrototype()
   1049   // is called with a descriptor from this file, |register_messages| will be
   1050   // called, with the file name as the parameter.  It must call
   1051   // InternalRegisterGeneratedMessage() (below) to register each message type
   1052   // in the file.  This strange mechanism is necessary because descriptors are
   1053   // built lazily, so we can't register types by their descriptor until we
   1054   // know that the descriptor exists.  |filename| must be a permanent string.
   1055   static void InternalRegisterGeneratedFile(
   1056       const char* filename, void (*register_messages)(const string&));
   1058   // For internal use only:  Registers a message type.  Called only by the
   1059   // functions which are registered with InternalRegisterGeneratedFile(),
   1060   // above.
   1061   static void InternalRegisterGeneratedMessage(const Descriptor* descriptor,
   1062                                                const Message* prototype);
   1065  private:
   1067 };
   1069 #define DECLARE_GET_REPEATED_FIELD(TYPE)                         \
   1070 template<>                                                       \
   1071 LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT                                               \
   1072 const RepeatedField<TYPE>& Reflection::GetRepeatedField<TYPE>(   \
   1073     const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const; \
   1074                                                                  \
   1075 template<>                                                       \
   1076 LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT                                               \
   1077 RepeatedField<TYPE>* Reflection::MutableRepeatedField<TYPE>(     \
   1078     Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
   1090 // =============================================================================
   1091 // Implementation details for {Get,Mutable}RawRepeatedPtrField.  We provide
   1092 // specializations for <string>, <StringPieceField> and <Message> and handle
   1093 // everything else with the default template which will match any type having
   1094 // a method with signature "static const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor()".
   1095 // Such a type presumably is a descendant of google::protobuf::Message.
   1097 template<>
   1098 inline const RepeatedPtrField<string>& Reflection::GetRepeatedPtrField<string>(
   1099     const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
   1100   return *static_cast<RepeatedPtrField<string>* >(
   1101       MutableRawRepeatedString(const_cast<Message*>(&message), field, true));
   1102 }
   1104 template<>
   1105 inline RepeatedPtrField<string>* Reflection::MutableRepeatedPtrField<string>(
   1106     Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
   1107   return static_cast<RepeatedPtrField<string>* >(
   1108       MutableRawRepeatedString(message, field, true));
   1109 }
   1112 // -----
   1114 template<>
   1115 inline const RepeatedPtrField<Message>& Reflection::GetRepeatedPtrField(
   1116     const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
   1117   return *static_cast<const RepeatedPtrField<Message>* >(
   1118       GetRawRepeatedField(message, field, FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE,
   1119                           -1, NULL));
   1120 }
   1122 template<>
   1123 inline RepeatedPtrField<Message>* Reflection::MutableRepeatedPtrField(
   1124     Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
   1125   return static_cast<RepeatedPtrField<Message>* >(
   1126       MutableRawRepeatedField(message, field,
   1127           FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE, -1,
   1128           NULL));
   1129 }
   1131 template<typename PB>
   1132 inline const RepeatedPtrField<PB>& Reflection::GetRepeatedPtrField(
   1133     const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
   1134   return *static_cast<const RepeatedPtrField<PB>* >(
   1135       GetRawRepeatedField(message, field, FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE,
   1136                           -1, PB::default_instance().GetDescriptor()));
   1137 }
   1139 template<typename PB>
   1140 inline RepeatedPtrField<PB>* Reflection::MutableRepeatedPtrField(
   1141     Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
   1142   return static_cast<RepeatedPtrField<PB>* >(
   1143       MutableRawRepeatedField(message, field,
   1144           FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE, -1,
   1145           PB::default_instance().GetDescriptor()));
   1146 }
   1147 }  // namespace protobuf
   1149 }  // namespace google
   1150 #endif  // GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_H__