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      1 #-*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
      2 # pysqlite2/test/hooks.py: tests for various SQLite-specific hooks
      3 #
      4 # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Gerhard Hring <gh (at] ghaering.de>
      5 #
      6 # This file is part of pysqlite.
      7 #
      8 # This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
      9 # warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
     10 # arising from the use of this software.
     11 #
     12 # Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
     13 # including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
     14 # freely, subject to the following restrictions:
     15 #
     16 # 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
     17 #    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
     18 #    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
     19 #    appreciated but is not required.
     20 # 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
     21 #    misrepresented as being the original software.
     22 # 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
     24 import os, unittest
     25 import sqlite3 as sqlite
     27 class CollationTests(unittest.TestCase):
     28     def setUp(self):
     29         pass
     31     def tearDown(self):
     32         pass
     34     def CheckCreateCollationNotString(self):
     35         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
     36         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
     37             con.create_collation(None, lambda x, y: (x > y) - (x < y))
     39     def CheckCreateCollationNotCallable(self):
     40         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
     41         try:
     42             con.create_collation("X", 42)
     43             self.fail("should have raised a TypeError")
     44         except TypeError, e:
     45             self.assertEqual(e.args[0], "parameter must be callable")
     47     def CheckCreateCollationNotAscii(self):
     48         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
     49         try:
     50             con.create_collation("coll", cmp)
     51             self.fail("should have raised a ProgrammingError")
     52         except sqlite.ProgrammingError, e:
     53             pass
     55     def CheckCreateCollationBadUpper(self):
     56         class BadUpperStr(str):
     57             def upper(self):
     58                 return None
     59         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
     60         mycoll = lambda x, y: -((x > y) - (x < y))
     61         con.create_collation(BadUpperStr("mycoll"), mycoll)
     62         result = con.execute("""
     63             select x from (
     64             select 'a' as x
     65             union
     66             select 'b' as x
     67             ) order by x collate mycoll
     68             """).fetchall()
     69         self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'b')
     70         self.assertEqual(result[1][0], 'a')
     72     def CheckCollationIsUsed(self):
     73         if sqlite.version_info < (3, 2, 1):  # old SQLite versions crash on this test
     74             return
     75         def mycoll(x, y):
     76             # reverse order
     77             return -cmp(x, y)
     79         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
     80         con.create_collation("mycoll", mycoll)
     81         sql = """
     82             select x from (
     83             select 'a' as x
     84             union
     85             select 'b' as x
     86             union
     87             select 'c' as x
     88             ) order by x collate mycoll
     89             """
     90         result = con.execute(sql).fetchall()
     91         if result[0][0] != "c" or result[1][0] != "b" or result[2][0] != "a":
     92             self.fail("the expected order was not returned")
     94         con.create_collation("mycoll", None)
     95         try:
     96             result = con.execute(sql).fetchall()
     97             self.fail("should have raised an OperationalError")
     98         except sqlite.OperationalError, e:
     99             self.assertEqual(e.args[0].lower(), "no such collation sequence: mycoll")
    101     def CheckCollationReturnsLargeInteger(self):
    102         def mycoll(x, y):
    103             # reverse order
    104             return -((x > y) - (x < y)) * 2**32
    105         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
    106         con.create_collation("mycoll", mycoll)
    107         sql = """
    108             select x from (
    109             select 'a' as x
    110             union
    111             select 'b' as x
    112             union
    113             select 'c' as x
    114             ) order by x collate mycoll
    115             """
    116         result = con.execute(sql).fetchall()
    117         self.assertEqual(result, [('c',), ('b',), ('a',)],
    118                          msg="the expected order was not returned")
    120     def CheckCollationRegisterTwice(self):
    121         """
    122         Register two different collation functions under the same name.
    123         Verify that the last one is actually used.
    124         """
    125         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
    126         con.create_collation("mycoll", cmp)
    127         con.create_collation("mycoll", lambda x, y: -cmp(x, y))
    128         result = con.execute("""
    129             select x from (select 'a' as x union select 'b' as x) order by x collate mycoll
    130             """).fetchall()
    131         if result[0][0] != 'b' or result[1][0] != 'a':
    132             self.fail("wrong collation function is used")
    134     def CheckDeregisterCollation(self):
    135         """
    136         Register a collation, then deregister it. Make sure an error is raised if we try
    137         to use it.
    138         """
    139         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
    140         con.create_collation("mycoll", cmp)
    141         con.create_collation("mycoll", None)
    142         try:
    143             con.execute("select 'a' as x union select 'b' as x order by x collate mycoll")
    144             self.fail("should have raised an OperationalError")
    145         except sqlite.OperationalError, e:
    146             if not e.args[0].startswith("no such collation sequence"):
    147                 self.fail("wrong OperationalError raised")
    149 class ProgressTests(unittest.TestCase):
    150     def CheckProgressHandlerUsed(self):
    151         """
    152         Test that the progress handler is invoked once it is set.
    153         """
    154         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
    155         progress_calls = []
    156         def progress():
    157             progress_calls.append(None)
    158             return 0
    159         con.set_progress_handler(progress, 1)
    160         con.execute("""
    161             create table foo(a, b)
    162             """)
    163         self.assertTrue(progress_calls)
    166     def CheckOpcodeCount(self):
    167         """
    168         Test that the opcode argument is respected.
    169         """
    170         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
    171         progress_calls = []
    172         def progress():
    173             progress_calls.append(None)
    174             return 0
    175         con.set_progress_handler(progress, 1)
    176         curs = con.cursor()
    177         curs.execute("""
    178             create table foo (a, b)
    179             """)
    180         first_count = len(progress_calls)
    181         progress_calls = []
    182         con.set_progress_handler(progress, 2)
    183         curs.execute("""
    184             create table bar (a, b)
    185             """)
    186         second_count = len(progress_calls)
    187         self.assertGreaterEqual(first_count, second_count)
    189     def CheckCancelOperation(self):
    190         """
    191         Test that returning a non-zero value stops the operation in progress.
    192         """
    193         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
    194         progress_calls = []
    195         def progress():
    196             progress_calls.append(None)
    197             return 1
    198         con.set_progress_handler(progress, 1)
    199         curs = con.cursor()
    200         self.assertRaises(
    201             sqlite.OperationalError,
    202             curs.execute,
    203             "create table bar (a, b)")
    205     def CheckClearHandler(self):
    206         """
    207         Test that setting the progress handler to None clears the previously set handler.
    208         """
    209         con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
    210         action = []
    211         def progress():
    212             action.append(1)
    213             return 0
    214         con.set_progress_handler(progress, 1)
    215         con.set_progress_handler(None, 1)
    216         con.execute("select 1 union select 2 union select 3").fetchall()
    217         self.assertEqual(len(action), 0, "progress handler was not cleared")
    219 def suite():
    220     collation_suite = unittest.makeSuite(CollationTests, "Check")
    221     progress_suite = unittest.makeSuite(ProgressTests, "Check")
    222     return unittest.TestSuite((collation_suite, progress_suite))
    224 def test():
    225     runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
    226     runner.run(suite())
    228 if __name__ == "__main__":
    229     test()