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      1 import sys, itertools, unittest
      2 from test import test_support
      3 import ast
      5 def to_tuple(t):
      6     if t is None or isinstance(t, (basestring, int, long, complex)):
      7         return t
      8     elif isinstance(t, list):
      9         return [to_tuple(e) for e in t]
     10     result = [t.__class__.__name__]
     11     if hasattr(t, 'lineno') and hasattr(t, 'col_offset'):
     12         result.append((t.lineno, t.col_offset))
     13     if t._fields is None:
     14         return tuple(result)
     15     for f in t._fields:
     16         result.append(to_tuple(getattr(t, f)))
     17     return tuple(result)
     20 # These tests are compiled through "exec"
     21 # There should be at least one test per statement
     22 exec_tests = [
     23     # None
     24     "None",
     25     # FunctionDef
     26     "def f(): pass",
     27     # FunctionDef with arg
     28     "def f(a): pass",
     29     # FunctionDef with arg and default value
     30     "def f(a=0): pass",
     31     # FunctionDef with varargs
     32     "def f(*args): pass",
     33     # FunctionDef with kwargs
     34     "def f(**kwargs): pass",
     35     # FunctionDef with all kind of args
     36     "def f(a, b=1, c=None, d=[], e={}, *args, **kwargs): pass",
     37     # ClassDef
     38     "class C:pass",
     39     # ClassDef, new style class
     40     "class C(object): pass",
     41     # Return
     42     "def f():return 1",
     43     # Delete
     44     "del v",
     45     # Assign
     46     "v = 1",
     47     # AugAssign
     48     "v += 1",
     49     # Print
     50     "print >>f, 1, ",
     51     # For
     52     "for v in v:pass",
     53     # While
     54     "while v:pass",
     55     # If
     56     "if v:pass",
     57     # Raise
     58     "raise Exception, 'string'",
     59     # TryExcept
     60     "try:\n  pass\nexcept Exception:\n  pass",
     61     # TryFinally
     62     "try:\n  pass\nfinally:\n  pass",
     63     # Assert
     64     "assert v",
     65     # Import
     66     "import sys",
     67     # ImportFrom
     68     "from sys import v",
     69     # Exec
     70     "exec 'v'",
     71     # Global
     72     "global v",
     73     # Expr
     74     "1",
     75     # Pass,
     76     "pass",
     77     # Break
     78     "break",
     79     # Continue
     80     "continue",
     81     # for statements with naked tuples (see http://bugs.python.org/issue6704)
     82     "for a,b in c: pass",
     83     "[(a,b) for a,b in c]",
     84     "((a,b) for a,b in c)",
     85     "((a,b) for (a,b) in c)",
     86     # Multiline generator expression (test for .lineno & .col_offset)
     87     """(
     88     (
     89     Aa
     90     ,
     91        Bb
     92     )
     93     for
     94     Aa
     95     ,
     96     Bb in Cc
     97     )""",
     98     # dictcomp
     99     "{a : b for w in x for m in p if g}",
    100     # dictcomp with naked tuple
    101     "{a : b for v,w in x}",
    102     # setcomp
    103     "{r for l in x if g}",
    104     # setcomp with naked tuple
    105     "{r for l,m in x}",
    106 ]
    108 # These are compiled through "single"
    109 # because of overlap with "eval", it just tests what
    110 # can't be tested with "eval"
    111 single_tests = [
    112     "1+2"
    113 ]
    115 # These are compiled through "eval"
    116 # It should test all expressions
    117 eval_tests = [
    118   # None
    119   "None",
    120   # BoolOp
    121   "a and b",
    122   # BinOp
    123   "a + b",
    124   # UnaryOp
    125   "not v",
    126   # Lambda
    127   "lambda:None",
    128   # Dict
    129   "{ 1:2 }",
    130   # Empty dict
    131   "{}",
    132   # Set
    133   "{None,}",
    134   # Multiline dict (test for .lineno & .col_offset)
    135   """{
    136       1
    137         :
    138           2
    139      }""",
    140   # ListComp
    141   "[a for b in c if d]",
    142   # GeneratorExp
    143   "(a for b in c if d)",
    144   # Yield - yield expressions can't work outside a function
    145   #
    146   # Compare
    147   "1 < 2 < 3",
    148   # Call
    149   "f(1,2,c=3,*d,**e)",
    150   # Repr
    151   "`v`",
    152   # Num
    153   "10L",
    154   # Str
    155   "'string'",
    156   # Attribute
    157   "a.b",
    158   # Subscript
    159   "a[b:c]",
    160   # Name
    161   "v",
    162   # List
    163   "[1,2,3]",
    164   # Empty list
    165   "[]",
    166   # Tuple
    167   "1,2,3",
    168   # Tuple
    169   "(1,2,3)",
    170   # Empty tuple
    171   "()",
    172   # Combination
    173   "a.b.c.d(a.b[1:2])",
    175 ]
    177 # TODO: expr_context, slice, boolop, operator, unaryop, cmpop, comprehension
    178 # excepthandler, arguments, keywords, alias
    180 class AST_Tests(unittest.TestCase):
    182     def _assertTrueorder(self, ast_node, parent_pos):
    183         if not isinstance(ast_node, ast.AST) or ast_node._fields is None:
    184             return
    185         if isinstance(ast_node, (ast.expr, ast.stmt, ast.excepthandler)):
    186             node_pos = (ast_node.lineno, ast_node.col_offset)
    187             self.assertTrue(node_pos >= parent_pos)
    188             parent_pos = (ast_node.lineno, ast_node.col_offset)
    189         for name in ast_node._fields:
    190             value = getattr(ast_node, name)
    191             if isinstance(value, list):
    192                 for child in value:
    193                     self._assertTrueorder(child, parent_pos)
    194             elif value is not None:
    195                 self._assertTrueorder(value, parent_pos)
    197     def test_AST_objects(self):
    198         x = ast.AST()
    199         self.assertEqual(x._fields, ())
    201         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
    202             x.vararg
    204         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
    205             x.foobar = 21
    207         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
    208             ast.AST(lineno=2)
    210         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
    211             # "_ast.AST constructor takes 0 positional arguments"
    212             ast.AST(2)
    214     def test_snippets(self):
    215         for input, output, kind in ((exec_tests, exec_results, "exec"),
    216                                     (single_tests, single_results, "single"),
    217                                     (eval_tests, eval_results, "eval")):
    218             for i, o in itertools.izip(input, output):
    219                 ast_tree = compile(i, "?", kind, ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
    220                 self.assertEqual(to_tuple(ast_tree), o)
    221                 self._assertTrueorder(ast_tree, (0, 0))
    223     def test_slice(self):
    224         slc = ast.parse("x[::]").body[0].value.slice
    225         self.assertIsNone(slc.upper)
    226         self.assertIsNone(slc.lower)
    227         self.assertIsInstance(slc.step, ast.Name)
    228         self.assertEqual(slc.step.id, "None")
    230     def test_from_import(self):
    231         im = ast.parse("from . import y").body[0]
    232         self.assertIsNone(im.module)
    234     def test_non_interned_future_from_ast(self):
    235         mod = ast.parse("from __future__ import division")
    236         self.assertIsInstance(mod.body[0], ast.ImportFrom)
    237         mod.body[0].module = " __future__ ".strip()
    238         compile(mod, "<test>", "exec")
    240     def test_base_classes(self):
    241         self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.For, ast.stmt))
    242         self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.Name, ast.expr))
    243         self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.stmt, ast.AST))
    244         self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.expr, ast.AST))
    245         self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.comprehension, ast.AST))
    246         self.assertTrue(issubclass(ast.Gt, ast.AST))
    248     def test_field_attr_existence(self):
    249         for name, item in ast.__dict__.iteritems():
    250             if isinstance(item, type) and name != 'AST' and name[0].isupper():
    251                 x = item()
    252                 if isinstance(x, ast.AST):
    253                     self.assertEqual(type(x._fields), tuple)
    255     def test_arguments(self):
    256         x = ast.arguments()
    257         self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('args', 'vararg', 'kwarg', 'defaults'))
    259         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
    260             x.vararg
    262         x = ast.arguments(1, 2, 3, 4)
    263         self.assertEqual(x.vararg, 2)
    265     def test_field_attr_writable(self):
    266         x = ast.Num()
    267         # We can assign to _fields
    268         x._fields = 666
    269         self.assertEqual(x._fields, 666)
    271     def test_classattrs(self):
    272         x = ast.Num()
    273         self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('n',))
    275         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
    276             x.n
    278         x = ast.Num(42)
    279         self.assertEqual(x.n, 42)
    281         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
    282             x.lineno
    284         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
    285             x.foobar
    287         x = ast.Num(lineno=2)
    288         self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 2)
    290         x = ast.Num(42, lineno=0)
    291         self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 0)
    292         self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('n',))
    293         self.assertEqual(x.n, 42)
    295         self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.Num, 1, 2)
    296         self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.Num, 1, 2, lineno=0)
    298     def test_module(self):
    299         body = [ast.Num(42)]
    300         x = ast.Module(body)
    301         self.assertEqual(x.body, body)
    303     def test_nodeclasses(self):
    304         # Zero arguments constructor explicitely allowed
    305         x = ast.BinOp()
    306         self.assertEqual(x._fields, ('left', 'op', 'right'))
    308         # Random attribute allowed too
    309         x.foobarbaz = 5
    310         self.assertEqual(x.foobarbaz, 5)
    312         n1 = ast.Num(1)
    313         n3 = ast.Num(3)
    314         addop = ast.Add()
    315         x = ast.BinOp(n1, addop, n3)
    316         self.assertEqual(x.left, n1)
    317         self.assertEqual(x.op, addop)
    318         self.assertEqual(x.right, n3)
    320         x = ast.BinOp(1, 2, 3)
    321         self.assertEqual(x.left, 1)
    322         self.assertEqual(x.op, 2)
    323         self.assertEqual(x.right, 3)
    325         x = ast.BinOp(1, 2, 3, lineno=0)
    326         self.assertEqual(x.left, 1)
    327         self.assertEqual(x.op, 2)
    328         self.assertEqual(x.right, 3)
    329         self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 0)
    331         # node raises exception when not given enough arguments
    332         self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.BinOp, 1, 2)
    333         # node raises exception when given too many arguments
    334         self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.BinOp, 1, 2, 3, 4)
    335         # node raises exception when not given enough arguments
    336         self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.BinOp, 1, 2, lineno=0)
    337         # node raises exception when given too many arguments
    338         self.assertRaises(TypeError, ast.BinOp, 1, 2, 3, 4, lineno=0)
    340         # can set attributes through kwargs too
    341         x = ast.BinOp(left=1, op=2, right=3, lineno=0)
    342         self.assertEqual(x.left, 1)
    343         self.assertEqual(x.op, 2)
    344         self.assertEqual(x.right, 3)
    345         self.assertEqual(x.lineno, 0)
    347         # Random kwargs also allowed
    348         x = ast.BinOp(1, 2, 3, foobarbaz=42)
    349         self.assertEqual(x.foobarbaz, 42)
    351     def test_no_fields(self):
    352         # this used to fail because Sub._fields was None
    353         x = ast.Sub()
    354         self.assertEqual(x._fields, ())
    356     def test_pickling(self):
    357         import pickle
    358         mods = [pickle]
    359         try:
    360             import cPickle
    361             mods.append(cPickle)
    362         except ImportError:
    363             pass
    364         protocols = [0, 1, 2]
    365         for mod in mods:
    366             for protocol in protocols:
    367                 for ast in (compile(i, "?", "exec", 0x400) for i in exec_tests):
    368                     ast2 = mod.loads(mod.dumps(ast, protocol))
    369                     self.assertEqual(to_tuple(ast2), to_tuple(ast))
    371     def test_invalid_identitifer(self):
    372         m = ast.Module([ast.Expr(ast.Name(u"x", ast.Load()))])
    373         ast.fix_missing_locations(m)
    374         with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
    375             compile(m, "<test>", "exec")
    376         self.assertIn("identifier must be of type str", str(cm.exception))
    378     def test_invalid_string(self):
    379         m = ast.Module([ast.Expr(ast.Str(43))])
    380         ast.fix_missing_locations(m)
    381         with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
    382             compile(m, "<test>", "exec")
    383         self.assertIn("string must be of type str or uni", str(cm.exception))
    386 class ASTHelpers_Test(unittest.TestCase):
    388     def test_parse(self):
    389         a = ast.parse('foo(1 + 1)')
    390         b = compile('foo(1 + 1)', '<unknown>', 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
    391         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(a), ast.dump(b))
    393     def test_dump(self):
    394         node = ast.parse('spam(eggs, "and cheese")')
    395         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node),
    396             "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load()), "
    397             "args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load()), Str(s='and cheese')], "
    398             "keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))])"
    399         )
    400         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False),
    401             "Module([Expr(Call(Name('spam', Load()), [Name('eggs', Load()), "
    402             "Str('and cheese')], [], None, None))])"
    403         )
    404         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True),
    405             "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), "
    406             "lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load(), "
    407             "lineno=1, col_offset=5), Str(s='and cheese', lineno=1, "
    408             "col_offset=11)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, "
    409             "lineno=1, col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0)])"
    410         )
    412     def test_copy_location(self):
    413         src = ast.parse('1 + 1', mode='eval')
    414         src.body.right = ast.copy_location(ast.Num(2), src.body.right)
    415         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True),
    416             'Expression(body=BinOp(left=Num(n=1, lineno=1, col_offset=0), '
    417             'op=Add(), right=Num(n=2, lineno=1, col_offset=4), lineno=1, '
    418             'col_offset=0))'
    419         )
    421     def test_fix_missing_locations(self):
    422         src = ast.parse('write("spam")')
    423         src.body.append(ast.Expr(ast.Call(ast.Name('spam', ast.Load()),
    424                                           [ast.Str('eggs')], [], None, None)))
    425         self.assertEqual(src, ast.fix_missing_locations(src))
    426         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True),
    427             "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='write', ctx=Load(), "
    428             "lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[Str(s='spam', lineno=1, "
    429             "col_offset=6)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, "
    430             "lineno=1, col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0), "
    431             "Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), lineno=1, "
    432             "col_offset=0), args=[Str(s='eggs', lineno=1, col_offset=0)], "
    433             "keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, lineno=1, "
    434             "col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0)])"
    435         )
    437     def test_increment_lineno(self):
    438         src = ast.parse('1 + 1', mode='eval')
    439         self.assertEqual(ast.increment_lineno(src, n=3), src)
    440         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True),
    441             'Expression(body=BinOp(left=Num(n=1, lineno=4, col_offset=0), '
    442             'op=Add(), right=Num(n=1, lineno=4, col_offset=4), lineno=4, '
    443             'col_offset=0))'
    444         )
    445         # issue10869: do not increment lineno of root twice
    446         src = ast.parse('1 + 1', mode='eval')
    447         self.assertEqual(ast.increment_lineno(src.body, n=3), src.body)
    448         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(src, include_attributes=True),
    449             'Expression(body=BinOp(left=Num(n=1, lineno=4, col_offset=0), '
    450             'op=Add(), right=Num(n=1, lineno=4, col_offset=4), lineno=4, '
    451             'col_offset=0))'
    452         )
    454     def test_iter_fields(self):
    455         node = ast.parse('foo()', mode='eval')
    456         d = dict(ast.iter_fields(node.body))
    457         self.assertEqual(d.pop('func').id, 'foo')
    458         self.assertEqual(d, {'keywords': [], 'kwargs': None,
    459                              'args': [], 'starargs': None})
    461     def test_iter_child_nodes(self):
    462         node = ast.parse("spam(23, 42, eggs='leek')", mode='eval')
    463         self.assertEqual(len(list(ast.iter_child_nodes(node.body))), 4)
    464         iterator = ast.iter_child_nodes(node.body)
    465         self.assertEqual(next(iterator).id, 'spam')
    466         self.assertEqual(next(iterator).n, 23)
    467         self.assertEqual(next(iterator).n, 42)
    468         self.assertEqual(ast.dump(next(iterator)),
    469             "keyword(arg='eggs', value=Str(s='leek'))"
    470         )
    472     def test_get_docstring(self):
    473         node = ast.parse('def foo():\n  """line one\n  line two"""')
    474         self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(node.body[0]),
    475                          'line one\nline two')
    477     def test_literal_eval(self):
    478         self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('[1, 2, 3]'), [1, 2, 3])
    479         self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('{"foo": 42}'), {"foo": 42})
    480         self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('(True, False, None)'), (True, False, None))
    481         self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, 'foo()')
    483     def test_literal_eval_issue4907(self):
    484         self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('2j'), 2j)
    485         self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('10 + 2j'), 10 + 2j)
    486         self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval('1.5 - 2j'), 1.5 - 2j)
    487         self.assertRaises(ValueError, ast.literal_eval, '2 + (3 + 4j)')
    490 def test_main():
    491     with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(("backquote not supported",
    492                                              SyntaxWarning)):
    493         test_support.run_unittest(AST_Tests, ASTHelpers_Test)
    495 def main():
    496     if __name__ != '__main__':
    497         return
    498     if sys.argv[1:] == ['-g']:
    499         for statements, kind in ((exec_tests, "exec"), (single_tests, "single"),
    500                                  (eval_tests, "eval")):
    501             print kind+"_results = ["
    502             for s in statements:
    503                 print repr(to_tuple(compile(s, "?", kind, 0x400)))+","
    504             print "]"
    505         print "main()"
    506         raise SystemExit
    507     test_main()
    510 exec_results = [
    511 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 0), 'None', ('Load',)))]),
    512 ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0), 'f', ('arguments', [], None, None, []), [('Pass', (1, 9))], [])]),
    513 ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0), 'f', ('arguments', [('Name', (1, 6), 'a', ('Param',))], None, None, []), [('Pass', (1, 10))], [])]),
    514 ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0), 'f', ('arguments', [('Name', (1, 6), 'a', ('Param',))], None, None, [('Num', (1, 8), 0)]), [('Pass', (1, 12))], [])]),
    515 ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0), 'f', ('arguments', [], 'args', None, []), [('Pass', (1, 14))], [])]),
    516 ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0), 'f', ('arguments', [], None, 'kwargs', []), [('Pass', (1, 17))], [])]),
    517 ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0), 'f', ('arguments', [('Name', (1, 6), 'a', ('Param',)), ('Name', (1, 9), 'b', ('Param',)), ('Name', (1, 14), 'c', ('Param',)), ('Name', (1, 22), 'd', ('Param',)), ('Name', (1, 28), 'e', ('Param',))], 'args', 'kwargs', [('Num', (1, 11), 1), ('Name', (1, 16), 'None', ('Load',)), ('List', (1, 24), [], ('Load',)), ('Dict', (1, 30), [], [])]), [('Pass', (1, 52))], [])]),
    518 ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0), 'C', [], [('Pass', (1, 8))], [])]),
    519 ('Module', [('ClassDef', (1, 0), 'C', [('Name', (1, 8), 'object', ('Load',))], [('Pass', (1, 17))], [])]),
    520 ('Module', [('FunctionDef', (1, 0), 'f', ('arguments', [], None, None, []), [('Return', (1, 8), ('Num', (1, 15), 1))], [])]),
    521 ('Module', [('Delete', (1, 0), [('Name', (1, 4), 'v', ('Del',))])]),
    522 ('Module', [('Assign', (1, 0), [('Name', (1, 0), 'v', ('Store',))], ('Num', (1, 4), 1))]),
    523 ('Module', [('AugAssign', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 0), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Add',), ('Num', (1, 5), 1))]),
    524 ('Module', [('Print', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 8), 'f', ('Load',)), [('Num', (1, 11), 1)], False)]),
    525 ('Module', [('For', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 4), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 9), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 11))], [])]),
    526 ('Module', [('While', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 6), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 8))], [])]),
    527 ('Module', [('If', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 3), 'v', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 5))], [])]),
    528 ('Module', [('Raise', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 6), 'Exception', ('Load',)), ('Str', (1, 17), 'string'), None)]),
    529 ('Module', [('TryExcept', (1, 0), [('Pass', (2, 2))], [('ExceptHandler', (3, 0), ('Name', (3, 7), 'Exception', ('Load',)), None, [('Pass', (4, 2))])], [])]),
    530 ('Module', [('TryFinally', (1, 0), [('Pass', (2, 2))], [('Pass', (4, 2))])]),
    531 ('Module', [('Assert', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 7), 'v', ('Load',)), None)]),
    532 ('Module', [('Import', (1, 0), [('alias', 'sys', None)])]),
    533 ('Module', [('ImportFrom', (1, 0), 'sys', [('alias', 'v', None)], 0)]),
    534 ('Module', [('Exec', (1, 0), ('Str', (1, 5), 'v'), None, None)]),
    535 ('Module', [('Global', (1, 0), ['v'])]),
    536 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('Num', (1, 0), 1))]),
    537 ('Module', [('Pass', (1, 0))]),
    538 ('Module', [('Break', (1, 0))]),
    539 ('Module', [('Continue', (1, 0))]),
    540 ('Module', [('For', (1, 0), ('Tuple', (1, 4), [('Name', (1, 4), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 6), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 11), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Pass', (1, 14))], [])]),
    541 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('ListComp', (1, 1), ('Tuple', (1, 2), [('Name', (1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11), [('Name', (1, 11), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 18), 'c', ('Load',)), [])]))]),
    542 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('GeneratorExp', (1, 1), ('Tuple', (1, 2), [('Name', (1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11), [('Name', (1, 11), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 18), 'c', ('Load',)), [])]))]),
    543 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('GeneratorExp', (1, 1), ('Tuple', (1, 2), [('Name', (1, 2), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4), 'b', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 12), [('Name', (1, 12), 'a', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14), 'b', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 20), 'c', ('Load',)), [])]))]),
    544 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('GeneratorExp', (2, 4), ('Tuple', (3, 4), [('Name', (3, 4), 'Aa', ('Load',)), ('Name', (5, 7), 'Bb', ('Load',))], ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (8, 4), [('Name', (8, 4), 'Aa', ('Store',)), ('Name', (10, 4), 'Bb', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (10, 10), 'Cc', ('Load',)), [])]))]),
    545 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('DictComp', (1, 1), ('Name', (1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 5), 'b', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 11), 'w', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 16), 'x', ('Load',)), []), ('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 22), 'm', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 27), 'p', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 32), 'g', ('Load',))])]))]),
    546 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('DictComp', (1, 1), ('Name', (1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 5), 'b', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 11), [('Name', (1, 11), 'v', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 13), 'w', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 18), 'x', ('Load',)), [])]))]),
    547 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('SetComp', (1, 1), ('Name', (1, 1), 'r', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 7), 'l', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 12), 'x', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 17), 'g', ('Load',))])]))]),
    548 ('Module', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('SetComp', (1, 1), ('Name', (1, 1), 'r', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Tuple', (1, 7), [('Name', (1, 7), 'l', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 9), 'm', ('Store',))], ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 14), 'x', ('Load',)), [])]))]),
    549 ]
    550 single_results = [
    551 ('Interactive', [('Expr', (1, 0), ('BinOp', (1, 0), ('Num', (1, 0), 1), ('Add',), ('Num', (1, 2), 2)))]),
    552 ]
    553 eval_results = [
    554 ('Expression', ('Name', (1, 0), 'None', ('Load',))),
    555 ('Expression', ('BoolOp', (1, 0), ('And',), [('Name', (1, 0), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 6), 'b', ('Load',))])),
    556 ('Expression', ('BinOp', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 0), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Add',), ('Name', (1, 4), 'b', ('Load',)))),
    557 ('Expression', ('UnaryOp', (1, 0), ('Not',), ('Name', (1, 4), 'v', ('Load',)))),
    558 ('Expression', ('Lambda', (1, 0), ('arguments', [], None, None, []), ('Name', (1, 7), 'None', ('Load',)))),
    559 ('Expression', ('Dict', (1, 0), [('Num', (1, 2), 1)], [('Num', (1, 4), 2)])),
    560 ('Expression', ('Dict', (1, 0), [], [])),
    561 ('Expression', ('Set', (1, 0), [('Name', (1, 1), 'None', ('Load',))])),
    562 ('Expression', ('Dict', (1, 0), [('Num', (2, 6), 1)], [('Num', (4, 10), 2)])),
    563 ('Expression', ('ListComp', (1, 1), ('Name', (1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 7), 'b', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 12), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 17), 'd', ('Load',))])])),
    564 ('Expression', ('GeneratorExp', (1, 1), ('Name', (1, 1), 'a', ('Load',)), [('comprehension', ('Name', (1, 7), 'b', ('Store',)), ('Name', (1, 12), 'c', ('Load',)), [('Name', (1, 17), 'd', ('Load',))])])),
    565 ('Expression', ('Compare', (1, 0), ('Num', (1, 0), 1), [('Lt',), ('Lt',)], [('Num', (1, 4), 2), ('Num', (1, 8), 3)])),
    566 ('Expression', ('Call', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 0), 'f', ('Load',)), [('Num', (1, 2), 1), ('Num', (1, 4), 2)], [('keyword', 'c', ('Num', (1, 8), 3))], ('Name', (1, 11), 'd', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 15), 'e', ('Load',)))),
    567 ('Expression', ('Repr', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 1), 'v', ('Load',)))),
    568 ('Expression', ('Num', (1, 0), 10L)),
    569 ('Expression', ('Str', (1, 0), 'string')),
    570 ('Expression', ('Attribute', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 0), 'a', ('Load',)), 'b', ('Load',))),
    571 ('Expression', ('Subscript', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 0), 'a', ('Load',)), ('Slice', ('Name', (1, 2), 'b', ('Load',)), ('Name', (1, 4), 'c', ('Load',)), None), ('Load',))),
    572 ('Expression', ('Name', (1, 0), 'v', ('Load',))),
    573 ('Expression', ('List', (1, 0), [('Num', (1, 1), 1), ('Num', (1, 3), 2), ('Num', (1, 5), 3)], ('Load',))),
    574 ('Expression', ('List', (1, 0), [], ('Load',))),
    575 ('Expression', ('Tuple', (1, 0), [('Num', (1, 0), 1), ('Num', (1, 2), 2), ('Num', (1, 4), 3)], ('Load',))),
    576 ('Expression', ('Tuple', (1, 1), [('Num', (1, 1), 1), ('Num', (1, 3), 2), ('Num', (1, 5), 3)], ('Load',))),
    577 ('Expression', ('Tuple', (1, 0), [], ('Load',))),
    578 ('Expression', ('Call', (1, 0), ('Attribute', (1, 0), ('Attribute', (1, 0), ('Attribute', (1, 0), ('Name', (1, 0), 'a', ('Load',)), 'b', ('Load',)), 'c', ('Load',)), 'd', ('Load',)), [('Subscript', (1, 8), ('Attribute', (1, 8), ('Name', (1, 8), 'a', ('Load',)), 'b', ('Load',)), ('Slice', ('Num', (1, 12), 1), ('Num', (1, 14), 2), None), ('Load',))], [], None, None)),
    579 ]
    580 main()