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      1 # Tests invocation of the interpreter with various command line arguments
      2 # All tests are executed with environment variables ignored
      3 # See test_cmd_line_script.py for testing of script execution
      5 import test.test_support
      6 import sys
      7 import unittest
      8 from test.script_helper import (
      9     assert_python_ok, assert_python_failure, spawn_python, kill_python,
     10     python_exit_code
     11 )
     14 class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
     15     def start_python(self, *args):
     16         p = spawn_python(*args)
     17         return kill_python(p)
     19     def exit_code(self, *args):
     20         return python_exit_code(*args)
     22     def test_directories(self):
     23         self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('.'), 0)
     24         self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('< .'), 0)
     26     def verify_valid_flag(self, cmd_line):
     27         data = self.start_python(cmd_line)
     28         self.assertTrue(data == '' or data.endswith('\n'))
     29         self.assertNotIn('Traceback', data)
     31     def test_optimize(self):
     32         self.verify_valid_flag('-O')
     33         self.verify_valid_flag('-OO')
     35     def test_q(self):
     36         self.verify_valid_flag('-Qold')
     37         self.verify_valid_flag('-Qnew')
     38         self.verify_valid_flag('-Qwarn')
     39         self.verify_valid_flag('-Qwarnall')
     41     def test_site_flag(self):
     42         self.verify_valid_flag('-S')
     44     def test_usage(self):
     45         self.assertIn('usage', self.start_python('-h'))
     47     def test_version(self):
     48         version = 'Python %d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]
     49         self.assertTrue(self.start_python('-V').startswith(version))
     51     def test_run_module(self):
     52         # Test expected operation of the '-m' switch
     53         # Switch needs an argument
     54         self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('-m'), 0)
     55         # Check we get an error for a nonexistent module
     56         self.assertNotEqual(
     57             self.exit_code('-m', 'fnord43520xyz'),
     58             0)
     59         # Check the runpy module also gives an error for
     60         # a nonexistent module
     61         self.assertNotEqual(
     62             self.exit_code('-m', 'runpy', 'fnord43520xyz'),
     63             0)
     64         # All good if module is located and run successfully
     65         self.assertEqual(
     66             self.exit_code('-m', 'timeit', '-n', '1'),
     67             0)
     69     def test_run_module_bug1764407(self):
     70         # -m and -i need to play well together
     71         # Runs the timeit module and checks the __main__
     72         # namespace has been populated appropriately
     73         p = spawn_python('-i', '-m', 'timeit', '-n', '1')
     74         p.stdin.write('Timer\n')
     75         p.stdin.write('exit()\n')
     76         data = kill_python(p)
     77         self.assertTrue(data.startswith('1 loop'))
     78         self.assertIn('__main__.Timer', data)
     80     def test_run_code(self):
     81         # Test expected operation of the '-c' switch
     82         # Switch needs an argument
     83         self.assertNotEqual(self.exit_code('-c'), 0)
     84         # Check we get an error for an uncaught exception
     85         self.assertNotEqual(
     86             self.exit_code('-c', 'raise Exception'),
     87             0)
     88         # All good if execution is successful
     89         self.assertEqual(
     90             self.exit_code('-c', 'pass'),
     91             0)
     93     def test_hash_randomization(self):
     94         # Verify that -R enables hash randomization:
     95         self.verify_valid_flag('-R')
     96         hashes = []
     97         for i in range(2):
     98             code = 'print(hash("spam"))'
     99             data = self.start_python('-R', '-c', code)
    100             hashes.append(data)
    101         self.assertNotEqual(hashes[0], hashes[1])
    103         # Verify that sys.flags contains hash_randomization
    104         code = 'import sys; print sys.flags'
    105         data = self.start_python('-R', '-c', code)
    106         self.assertTrue('hash_randomization=1' in data)
    108     def test_del___main__(self):
    109         # Issue #15001: PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() did crash because it kept a
    110         # borrowed reference to the dict of __main__ module and later modify
    111         # the dict whereas the module was destroyed
    112         filename = test.test_support.TESTFN
    113         self.addCleanup(test.test_support.unlink, filename)
    114         with open(filename, "w") as script:
    115             print >>script, "import sys"
    116             print >>script, "del sys.modules['__main__']"
    117         assert_python_ok(filename)
    119     def test_unknown_options(self):
    120         rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-E', '-z')
    121         self.assertIn(b'Unknown option: -z', err)
    122         self.assertEqual(err.splitlines().count(b'Unknown option: -z'), 1)
    123         self.assertEqual(b'', out)
    124         # Add "without='-E'" to prevent _assert_python to append -E
    125         # to env_vars and change the output of stderr
    126         rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-z', without='-E')
    127         self.assertIn(b'Unknown option: -z', err)
    128         self.assertEqual(err.splitlines().count(b'Unknown option: -z'), 1)
    129         self.assertEqual(b'', out)
    130         rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-a', '-z', without='-E')
    131         self.assertIn(b'Unknown option: -a', err)
    132         # only the first unknown option is reported
    133         self.assertNotIn(b'Unknown option: -z', err)
    134         self.assertEqual(err.splitlines().count(b'Unknown option: -a'), 1)
    135         self.assertEqual(b'', out)
    138 def test_main():
    139     test.test_support.run_unittest(CmdLineTest)
    140     test.test_support.reap_children()
    142 if __name__ == "__main__":
    143     test_main()