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      1 :mod:`weakref` --- Weak references
      2 ==================================
      4 .. module:: weakref
      5    :synopsis: Support for weak references and weak dictionaries.
      7 .. moduleauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake (a] acm.org>
      8 .. moduleauthor:: Neil Schemenauer <nas (a] arctrix.com>
      9 .. moduleauthor:: Martin von Lwis <martin (a] loewis.home.cs.tu-berlin.de>
     10 .. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake (a] acm.org>
     12 **Source code:** :source:`Lib/weakref.py`
     14 --------------
     16 The :mod:`weakref` module allows the Python programmer to create :dfn:`weak
     17 references` to objects.
     19 .. When making changes to the examples in this file, be sure to update
     20    Lib/test/test_weakref.py::libreftest too!
     22 In the following, the term :dfn:`referent` means the object which is referred to
     23 by a weak reference.
     25 A weak reference to an object is not enough to keep the object alive: when the
     26 only remaining references to a referent are weak references,
     27 :term:`garbage collection` is free to destroy the referent and reuse its memory
     28 for something else.  However, until the object is actually destroyed the weak
     29 reference may return the object even if there are no strong references to it.
     31 A primary use for weak references is to implement caches or
     32 mappings holding large objects, where it's desired that a large object not be
     33 kept alive solely because it appears in a cache or mapping.
     35 For example, if you have a number of large binary image objects, you may wish to
     36 associate a name with each.  If you used a Python dictionary to map names to
     37 images, or images to names, the image objects would remain alive just because
     38 they appeared as values or keys in the dictionaries.  The
     39 :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` and :class:`WeakValueDictionary` classes supplied by
     40 the :mod:`weakref` module are an alternative, using weak references to construct
     41 mappings that don't keep objects alive solely because they appear in the mapping
     42 objects.  If, for example, an image object is a value in a
     43 :class:`WeakValueDictionary`, then when the last remaining references to that
     44 image object are the weak references held by weak mappings, garbage collection
     45 can reclaim the object, and its corresponding entries in weak mappings are
     46 simply deleted.
     48 :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` and :class:`WeakValueDictionary` use weak references
     49 in their implementation, setting up callback functions on the weak references
     50 that notify the weak dictionaries when a key or value has been reclaimed by
     51 garbage collection.  :class:`WeakSet` implements the :class:`set` interface,
     52 but keeps weak references to its elements, just like a
     53 :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` does.
     55 :class:`finalize` provides a straight forward way to register a
     56 cleanup function to be called when an object is garbage collected.
     57 This is simpler to use than setting up a callback function on a raw
     58 weak reference, since the module automatically ensures that the finalizer
     59 remains alive until the object is collected.
     61 Most programs should find that using one of these weak container types
     62 or :class:`finalize` is all they need -- it's not usually necessary to
     63 create your own weak references directly.  The low-level machinery is
     64 exposed by the :mod:`weakref` module for the benefit of advanced uses.
     66 Not all objects can be weakly referenced; those objects which can include class
     67 instances, functions written in Python (but not in C), instance methods, sets,
     68 frozensets, some :term:`file objects <file object>`, :term:`generator`\s, type
     69 objects, sockets, arrays, deques, regular expression pattern objects, and code
     70 objects.
     72 .. versionchanged:: 3.2
     73    Added support for thread.lock, threading.Lock, and code objects.
     75 Several built-in types such as :class:`list` and :class:`dict` do not directly
     76 support weak references but can add support through subclassing::
     78    class Dict(dict):
     79        pass
     81    obj = Dict(red=1, green=2, blue=3)   # this object is weak referenceable
     83 Other built-in types such as :class:`tuple` and :class:`int` do not support weak
     84 references even when subclassed (This is an implementation detail and may be
     85 different across various Python implementations.).
     87 Extension types can easily be made to support weak references; see
     88 :ref:`weakref-support`.
     91 .. class:: ref(object[, callback])
     93    Return a weak reference to *object*.  The original object can be retrieved by
     94    calling the reference object if the referent is still alive; if the referent is
     95    no longer alive, calling the reference object will cause :const:`None` to be
     96    returned.  If *callback* is provided and not :const:`None`, and the returned
     97    weakref object is still alive, the callback will be called when the object is
     98    about to be finalized; the weak reference object will be passed as the only
     99    parameter to the callback; the referent will no longer be available.
    101    It is allowable for many weak references to be constructed for the same object.
    102    Callbacks registered for each weak reference will be called from the most
    103    recently registered callback to the oldest registered callback.
    105    Exceptions raised by the callback will be noted on the standard error output,
    106    but cannot be propagated; they are handled in exactly the same way as exceptions
    107    raised from an object's :meth:`__del__` method.
    109    Weak references are :term:`hashable` if the *object* is hashable.  They will
    110    maintain their hash value even after the *object* was deleted.  If
    111    :func:`hash` is called the first time only after the *object* was deleted,
    112    the call will raise :exc:`TypeError`.
    114    Weak references support tests for equality, but not ordering.  If the referents
    115    are still alive, two references have the same equality relationship as their
    116    referents (regardless of the *callback*).  If either referent has been deleted,
    117    the references are equal only if the reference objects are the same object.
    119    This is a subclassable type rather than a factory function.
    121    .. attribute:: __callback__
    123       This read-only attribute returns the callback currently associated to the
    124       weakref.  If there is no callback or if the referent of the weakref is
    125       no longer alive then this attribute will have value ``None``.
    127    .. versionchanged:: 3.4
    128       Added the :attr:`__callback__` attribute.
    131 .. function:: proxy(object[, callback])
    133    Return a proxy to *object* which uses a weak reference.  This supports use of
    134    the proxy in most contexts instead of requiring the explicit dereferencing used
    135    with weak reference objects.  The returned object will have a type of either
    136    ``ProxyType`` or ``CallableProxyType``, depending on whether *object* is
    137    callable.  Proxy objects are not :term:`hashable` regardless of the referent; this
    138    avoids a number of problems related to their fundamentally mutable nature, and
    139    prevent their use as dictionary keys.  *callback* is the same as the parameter
    140    of the same name to the :func:`ref` function.
    143 .. function:: getweakrefcount(object)
    145    Return the number of weak references and proxies which refer to *object*.
    148 .. function:: getweakrefs(object)
    150    Return a list of all weak reference and proxy objects which refer to *object*.
    153 .. class:: WeakKeyDictionary([dict])
    155    Mapping class that references keys weakly.  Entries in the dictionary will be
    156    discarded when there is no longer a strong reference to the key.  This can be
    157    used to associate additional data with an object owned by other parts of an
    158    application without adding attributes to those objects.  This can be especially
    159    useful with objects that override attribute accesses.
    161    .. note::
    163       Caution: Because a :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` is built on top of a Python
    164       dictionary, it must not change size when iterating over it.  This can be
    165       difficult to ensure for a :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` because actions
    166       performed by the program during iteration may cause items in the
    167       dictionary to vanish "by magic" (as a side effect of garbage collection).
    169 :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` objects have an additional method that
    170 exposes the internal references directly.  The references are not guaranteed to
    171 be "live" at the time they are used, so the result of calling the references
    172 needs to be checked before being used.  This can be used to avoid creating
    173 references that will cause the garbage collector to keep the keys around longer
    174 than needed.
    177 .. method:: WeakKeyDictionary.keyrefs()
    179    Return an iterable of the weak references to the keys.
    182 .. class:: WeakValueDictionary([dict])
    184    Mapping class that references values weakly.  Entries in the dictionary will be
    185    discarded when no strong reference to the value exists any more.
    187    .. note::
    189       Caution:  Because a :class:`WeakValueDictionary` is built on top of a Python
    190       dictionary, it must not change size when iterating over it.  This can be
    191       difficult to ensure for a :class:`WeakValueDictionary` because actions performed
    192       by the program during iteration may cause items in the dictionary to vanish "by
    193       magic" (as a side effect of garbage collection).
    195 :class:`WeakValueDictionary` objects have an additional method that has the
    196 same issues as the :meth:`keyrefs` method of :class:`WeakKeyDictionary`
    197 objects.
    200 .. method:: WeakValueDictionary.valuerefs()
    202    Return an iterable of the weak references to the values.
    205 .. class:: WeakSet([elements])
    207    Set class that keeps weak references to its elements.  An element will be
    208    discarded when no strong reference to it exists any more.
    211 .. class:: WeakMethod(method)
    213    A custom :class:`ref` subclass which simulates a weak reference to a bound
    214    method (i.e., a method defined on a class and looked up on an instance).
    215    Since a bound method is ephemeral, a standard weak reference cannot keep
    216    hold of it.  :class:`WeakMethod` has special code to recreate the bound
    217    method until either the object or the original function dies::
    219       >>> class C:
    220       ...     def method(self):
    221       ...         print("method called!")
    222       ...
    223       >>> c = C()
    224       >>> r = weakref.ref(c.method)
    225       >>> r()
    226       >>> r = weakref.WeakMethod(c.method)
    227       >>> r()
    228       <bound method C.method of <__main__.C object at 0x7fc859830220>>
    229       >>> r()()
    230       method called!
    231       >>> del c
    232       >>> gc.collect()
    233       0
    234       >>> r()
    235       >>>
    237    .. versionadded:: 3.4
    239 .. class:: finalize(obj, func, *args, **kwargs)
    241    Return a callable finalizer object which will be called when *obj*
    242    is garbage collected. Unlike an ordinary weak reference, a finalizer
    243    will always survive until the reference object is collected, greatly
    244    simplifying lifecycle management.
    246    A finalizer is considered *alive* until it is called (either explicitly
    247    or at garbage collection), and after that it is *dead*.  Calling a live
    248    finalizer returns the result of evaluating ``func(*arg, **kwargs)``,
    249    whereas calling a dead finalizer returns :const:`None`.
    251    Exceptions raised by finalizer callbacks during garbage collection
    252    will be shown on the standard error output, but cannot be
    253    propagated.  They are handled in the same way as exceptions raised
    254    from an object's :meth:`__del__` method or a weak reference's
    255    callback.
    257    When the program exits, each remaining live finalizer is called
    258    unless its :attr:`atexit` attribute has been set to false.  They
    259    are called in reverse order of creation.
    261    A finalizer will never invoke its callback during the later part of
    262    the :term:`interpreter shutdown` when module globals are liable to have
    263    been replaced by :const:`None`.
    265    .. method:: __call__()
    267       If *self* is alive then mark it as dead and return the result of
    268       calling ``func(*args, **kwargs)``.  If *self* is dead then return
    269       :const:`None`.
    271    .. method:: detach()
    273       If *self* is alive then mark it as dead and return the tuple
    274       ``(obj, func, args, kwargs)``.  If *self* is dead then return
    275       :const:`None`.
    277    .. method:: peek()
    279       If *self* is alive then return the tuple ``(obj, func, args,
    280       kwargs)``.  If *self* is dead then return :const:`None`.
    282    .. attribute:: alive
    284       Property which is true if the finalizer is alive, false otherwise.
    286    .. attribute:: atexit
    288       A writable boolean property which by default is true.  When the
    289       program exits, it calls all remaining live finalizers for which
    290       :attr:`.atexit` is true.  They are called in reverse order of
    291       creation.
    293    .. note::
    295       It is important to ensure that *func*, *args* and *kwargs* do
    296       not own any references to *obj*, either directly or indirectly,
    297       since otherwise *obj* will never be garbage collected.  In
    298       particular, *func* should not be a bound method of *obj*.
    300    .. versionadded:: 3.4
    303 .. data:: ReferenceType
    305    The type object for weak references objects.
    308 .. data:: ProxyType
    310    The type object for proxies of objects which are not callable.
    313 .. data:: CallableProxyType
    315    The type object for proxies of callable objects.
    318 .. data:: ProxyTypes
    320    Sequence containing all the type objects for proxies.  This can make it simpler
    321    to test if an object is a proxy without being dependent on naming both proxy
    322    types.
    325 .. exception:: ReferenceError
    327    Exception raised when a proxy object is used but the underlying object has been
    328    collected.  This is the same as the standard :exc:`ReferenceError` exception.
    331 .. seealso::
    333    :pep:`205` - Weak References
    334       The proposal and rationale for this feature, including links to earlier
    335       implementations and information about similar features in other languages.
    338 .. _weakref-objects:
    340 Weak Reference Objects
    341 ----------------------
    343 Weak reference objects have no methods and no attributes besides
    344 :attr:`ref.__callback__`. A weak reference object allows the referent to be
    345 obtained, if it still exists, by calling it:
    347    >>> import weakref
    348    >>> class Object:
    349    ...     pass
    350    ...
    351    >>> o = Object()
    352    >>> r = weakref.ref(o)
    353    >>> o2 = r()
    354    >>> o is o2
    355    True
    357 If the referent no longer exists, calling the reference object returns
    358 :const:`None`:
    360    >>> del o, o2
    361    >>> print(r())
    362    None
    364 Testing that a weak reference object is still live should be done using the
    365 expression ``ref() is not None``.  Normally, application code that needs to use
    366 a reference object should follow this pattern::
    368    # r is a weak reference object
    369    o = r()
    370    if o is None:
    371        # referent has been garbage collected
    372        print("Object has been deallocated; can't frobnicate.")
    373    else:
    374        print("Object is still live!")
    375        o.do_something_useful()
    377 Using a separate test for "liveness" creates race conditions in threaded
    378 applications; another thread can cause a weak reference to become invalidated
    379 before the weak reference is called; the idiom shown above is safe in threaded
    380 applications as well as single-threaded applications.
    382 Specialized versions of :class:`ref` objects can be created through subclassing.
    383 This is used in the implementation of the :class:`WeakValueDictionary` to reduce
    384 the memory overhead for each entry in the mapping.  This may be most useful to
    385 associate additional information with a reference, but could also be used to
    386 insert additional processing on calls to retrieve the referent.
    388 This example shows how a subclass of :class:`ref` can be used to store
    389 additional information about an object and affect the value that's returned when
    390 the referent is accessed::
    392    import weakref
    394    class ExtendedRef(weakref.ref):
    395        def __init__(self, ob, callback=None, **annotations):
    396            super(ExtendedRef, self).__init__(ob, callback)
    397            self.__counter = 0
    398            for k, v in annotations.items():
    399                setattr(self, k, v)
    401        def __call__(self):
    402            """Return a pair containing the referent and the number of
    403            times the reference has been called.
    404            """
    405            ob = super(ExtendedRef, self).__call__()
    406            if ob is not None:
    407                self.__counter += 1
    408                ob = (ob, self.__counter)
    409            return ob
    412 .. _weakref-example:
    414 Example
    415 -------
    417 This simple example shows how an application can use object IDs to retrieve
    418 objects that it has seen before.  The IDs of the objects can then be used in
    419 other data structures without forcing the objects to remain alive, but the
    420 objects can still be retrieved by ID if they do.
    422 .. Example contributed by Tim Peters.
    424 ::
    426    import weakref
    428    _id2obj_dict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
    430    def remember(obj):
    431        oid = id(obj)
    432        _id2obj_dict[oid] = obj
    433        return oid
    435    def id2obj(oid):
    436        return _id2obj_dict[oid]
    439 .. _finalize-examples:
    441 Finalizer Objects
    442 -----------------
    444 The main benefit of using :class:`finalize` is that it makes it simple
    445 to register a callback without needing to preserve the returned finalizer
    446 object.  For instance
    448     >>> import weakref
    449     >>> class Object:
    450     ...     pass
    451     ...
    452     >>> kenny = Object()
    453     >>> weakref.finalize(kenny, print, "You killed Kenny!")  #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    454     <finalize object at ...; for 'Object' at ...>
    455     >>> del kenny
    456     You killed Kenny!
    458 The finalizer can be called directly as well.  However the finalizer
    459 will invoke the callback at most once.
    461     >>> def callback(x, y, z):
    462     ...     print("CALLBACK")
    463     ...     return x + y + z
    464     ...
    465     >>> obj = Object()
    466     >>> f = weakref.finalize(obj, callback, 1, 2, z=3)
    467     >>> assert f.alive
    468     >>> assert f() == 6
    469     CALLBACK
    470     >>> assert not f.alive
    471     >>> f()                     # callback not called because finalizer dead
    472     >>> del obj                 # callback not called because finalizer dead
    474 You can unregister a finalizer using its :meth:`~finalize.detach`
    475 method.  This kills the finalizer and returns the arguments passed to
    476 the constructor when it was created.
    478     >>> obj = Object()
    479     >>> f = weakref.finalize(obj, callback, 1, 2, z=3)
    480     >>> f.detach()                                           #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    481     (<__main__.Object object ...>, <function callback ...>, (1, 2), {'z': 3})
    482     >>> newobj, func, args, kwargs = _
    483     >>> assert not f.alive
    484     >>> assert newobj is obj
    485     >>> assert func(*args, **kwargs) == 6
    486     CALLBACK
    488 Unless you set the :attr:`~finalize.atexit` attribute to
    489 :const:`False`, a finalizer will be called when the program exits if it
    490 is still alive.  For instance
    492     >>> obj = Object()
    493     >>> weakref.finalize(obj, print, "obj dead or exiting")  #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    494     <finalize object at ...; for 'Object' at ...>
    495     >>> exit()                                               #doctest:+SKIP
    496     obj dead or exiting
    499 Comparing finalizers with :meth:`__del__` methods
    500 -------------------------------------------------
    502 Suppose we want to create a class whose instances represent temporary
    503 directories.  The directories should be deleted with their contents
    504 when the first of the following events occurs:
    506 * the object is garbage collected,
    507 * the object's :meth:`remove` method is called, or
    508 * the program exits.
    510 We might try to implement the class using a :meth:`__del__` method as
    511 follows::
    513     class TempDir:
    514         def __init__(self):
    515             self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    517         def remove(self):
    518             if self.name is not None:
    519                 shutil.rmtree(self.name)
    520                 self.name = None
    522         @property
    523         def removed(self):
    524             return self.name is None
    526         def __del__(self):
    527             self.remove()
    529 Starting with Python 3.4, :meth:`__del__` methods no longer prevent
    530 reference cycles from being garbage collected, and module globals are
    531 no longer forced to :const:`None` during :term:`interpreter shutdown`.
    532 So this code should work without any issues on CPython.
    534 However, handling of :meth:`__del__` methods is notoriously implementation
    535 specific, since it depends on internal details of the interpreter's garbage
    536 collector implementation.
    538 A more robust alternative can be to define a finalizer which only references
    539 the specific functions and objects that it needs, rather than having access
    540 to the full state of the object::
    542     class TempDir:
    543         def __init__(self):
    544             self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    545             self._finalizer = weakref.finalize(self, shutil.rmtree, self.name)
    547         def remove(self):
    548             self._finalizer()
    550         @property
    551         def removed(self):
    552             return not self._finalizer.alive
    554 Defined like this, our finalizer only receives a reference to the details
    555 it needs to clean up the directory appropriately. If the object never gets
    556 garbage collected the finalizer will still be called at exit.
    558 The other advantage of weakref based finalizers is that they can be used to
    559 register finalizers for classes where the definition is controlled by a
    560 third party, such as running code when a module is unloaded::
    562     import weakref, sys
    563     def unloading_module():
    564         # implicit reference to the module globals from the function body
    565     weakref.finalize(sys.modules[__name__], unloading_module)
    568 .. note::
    570    If you create a finalizer object in a daemonic thread just as the program
    571    exits then there is the possibility that the finalizer
    572    does not get called at exit.  However, in a daemonic thread
    573    :func:`atexit.register`, ``try: ... finally: ...`` and ``with: ...``
    574    do not guarantee that cleanup occurs either.