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      1 import sys
      2 from types import MappingProxyType, DynamicClassAttribute
      3 from functools import reduce
      4 from operator import or_ as _or_
      6 # try _collections first to reduce startup cost
      7 try:
      8     from _collections import OrderedDict
      9 except ImportError:
     10     from collections import OrderedDict
     13 __all__ = [
     14         'EnumMeta',
     15         'Enum', 'IntEnum', 'Flag', 'IntFlag',
     16         'auto', 'unique',
     17         ]
     20 def _is_descriptor(obj):
     21     """Returns True if obj is a descriptor, False otherwise."""
     22     return (
     23             hasattr(obj, '__get__') or
     24             hasattr(obj, '__set__') or
     25             hasattr(obj, '__delete__'))
     28 def _is_dunder(name):
     29     """Returns True if a __dunder__ name, False otherwise."""
     30     return (name[:2] == name[-2:] == '__' and
     31             name[2:3] != '_' and
     32             name[-3:-2] != '_' and
     33             len(name) > 4)
     36 def _is_sunder(name):
     37     """Returns True if a _sunder_ name, False otherwise."""
     38     return (name[0] == name[-1] == '_' and
     39             name[1:2] != '_' and
     40             name[-2:-1] != '_' and
     41             len(name) > 2)
     43 def _make_class_unpicklable(cls):
     44     """Make the given class un-picklable."""
     45     def _break_on_call_reduce(self, proto):
     46         raise TypeError('%r cannot be pickled' % self)
     47     cls.__reduce_ex__ = _break_on_call_reduce
     48     cls.__module__ = '<unknown>'
     50 _auto_null = object()
     51 class auto:
     52     """
     53     Instances are replaced with an appropriate value in Enum class suites.
     54     """
     55     value = _auto_null
     58 class _EnumDict(dict):
     59     """Track enum member order and ensure member names are not reused.
     61     EnumMeta will use the names found in self._member_names as the
     62     enumeration member names.
     64     """
     65     def __init__(self):
     66         super().__init__()
     67         self._member_names = []
     68         self._last_values = []
     70     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     71         """Changes anything not dundered or not a descriptor.
     73         If an enum member name is used twice, an error is raised; duplicate
     74         values are not checked for.
     76         Single underscore (sunder) names are reserved.
     78         """
     79         if _is_sunder(key):
     80             if key not in (
     81                     '_order_', '_create_pseudo_member_',
     82                     '_generate_next_value_', '_missing_',
     83                     ):
     84                 raise ValueError('_names_ are reserved for future Enum use')
     85             if key == '_generate_next_value_':
     86                 setattr(self, '_generate_next_value', value)
     87         elif _is_dunder(key):
     88             if key == '__order__':
     89                 key = '_order_'
     90         elif key in self._member_names:
     91             # descriptor overwriting an enum?
     92             raise TypeError('Attempted to reuse key: %r' % key)
     93         elif not _is_descriptor(value):
     94             if key in self:
     95                 # enum overwriting a descriptor?
     96                 raise TypeError('%r already defined as: %r' % (key, self[key]))
     97             if isinstance(value, auto):
     98                 if value.value == _auto_null:
     99                     value.value = self._generate_next_value(key, 1, len(self._member_names), self._last_values[:])
    100                 value = value.value
    101             self._member_names.append(key)
    102             self._last_values.append(value)
    103         super().__setitem__(key, value)
    106 # Dummy value for Enum as EnumMeta explicitly checks for it, but of course
    107 # until EnumMeta finishes running the first time the Enum class doesn't exist.
    108 # This is also why there are checks in EnumMeta like `if Enum is not None`
    109 Enum = None
    112 class EnumMeta(type):
    113     """Metaclass for Enum"""
    114     @classmethod
    115     def __prepare__(metacls, cls, bases):
    116         # create the namespace dict
    117         enum_dict = _EnumDict()
    118         # inherit previous flags and _generate_next_value_ function
    119         member_type, first_enum = metacls._get_mixins_(bases)
    120         if first_enum is not None:
    121             enum_dict['_generate_next_value_'] = getattr(first_enum, '_generate_next_value_', None)
    122         return enum_dict
    124     def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict):
    125         # an Enum class is final once enumeration items have been defined; it
    126         # cannot be mixed with other types (int, float, etc.) if it has an
    127         # inherited __new__ unless a new __new__ is defined (or the resulting
    128         # class will fail).
    129         member_type, first_enum = metacls._get_mixins_(bases)
    130         __new__, save_new, use_args = metacls._find_new_(classdict, member_type,
    131                                                         first_enum)
    133         # save enum items into separate mapping so they don't get baked into
    134         # the new class
    135         enum_members = {k: classdict[k] for k in classdict._member_names}
    136         for name in classdict._member_names:
    137             del classdict[name]
    139         # adjust the sunders
    140         _order_ = classdict.pop('_order_', None)
    142         # check for illegal enum names (any others?)
    143         invalid_names = set(enum_members) & {'mro', }
    144         if invalid_names:
    145             raise ValueError('Invalid enum member name: {0}'.format(
    146                 ','.join(invalid_names)))
    148         # create a default docstring if one has not been provided
    149         if '__doc__' not in classdict:
    150             classdict['__doc__'] = 'An enumeration.'
    152         # create our new Enum type
    153         enum_class = super().__new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict)
    154         enum_class._member_names_ = []               # names in definition order
    155         enum_class._member_map_ = OrderedDict()      # name->value map
    156         enum_class._member_type_ = member_type
    158         # save attributes from super classes so we know if we can take
    159         # the shortcut of storing members in the class dict
    160         base_attributes = {a for b in enum_class.mro() for a in b.__dict__}
    162         # Reverse value->name map for hashable values.
    163         enum_class._value2member_map_ = {}
    165         # If a custom type is mixed into the Enum, and it does not know how
    166         # to pickle itself, pickle.dumps will succeed but pickle.loads will
    167         # fail.  Rather than have the error show up later and possibly far
    168         # from the source, sabotage the pickle protocol for this class so
    169         # that pickle.dumps also fails.
    170         #
    171         # However, if the new class implements its own __reduce_ex__, do not
    172         # sabotage -- it's on them to make sure it works correctly.  We use
    173         # __reduce_ex__ instead of any of the others as it is preferred by
    174         # pickle over __reduce__, and it handles all pickle protocols.
    175         if '__reduce_ex__' not in classdict:
    176             if member_type is not object:
    177                 methods = ('__getnewargs_ex__', '__getnewargs__',
    178                         '__reduce_ex__', '__reduce__')
    179                 if not any(m in member_type.__dict__ for m in methods):
    180                     _make_class_unpicklable(enum_class)
    182         # instantiate them, checking for duplicates as we go
    183         # we instantiate first instead of checking for duplicates first in case
    184         # a custom __new__ is doing something funky with the values -- such as
    185         # auto-numbering ;)
    186         for member_name in classdict._member_names:
    187             value = enum_members[member_name]
    188             if not isinstance(value, tuple):
    189                 args = (value, )
    190             else:
    191                 args = value
    192             if member_type is tuple:   # special case for tuple enums
    193                 args = (args, )     # wrap it one more time
    194             if not use_args:
    195                 enum_member = __new__(enum_class)
    196                 if not hasattr(enum_member, '_value_'):
    197                     enum_member._value_ = value
    198             else:
    199                 enum_member = __new__(enum_class, *args)
    200                 if not hasattr(enum_member, '_value_'):
    201                     if member_type is object:
    202                         enum_member._value_ = value
    203                     else:
    204                         enum_member._value_ = member_type(*args)
    205             value = enum_member._value_
    206             enum_member._name_ = member_name
    207             enum_member.__objclass__ = enum_class
    208             enum_member.__init__(*args)
    209             # If another member with the same value was already defined, the
    210             # new member becomes an alias to the existing one.
    211             for name, canonical_member in enum_class._member_map_.items():
    212                 if canonical_member._value_ == enum_member._value_:
    213                     enum_member = canonical_member
    214                     break
    215             else:
    216                 # Aliases don't appear in member names (only in __members__).
    217                 enum_class._member_names_.append(member_name)
    218             # performance boost for any member that would not shadow
    219             # a DynamicClassAttribute
    220             if member_name not in base_attributes:
    221                 setattr(enum_class, member_name, enum_member)
    222             # now add to _member_map_
    223             enum_class._member_map_[member_name] = enum_member
    224             try:
    225                 # This may fail if value is not hashable. We can't add the value
    226                 # to the map, and by-value lookups for this value will be
    227                 # linear.
    228                 enum_class._value2member_map_[value] = enum_member
    229             except TypeError:
    230                 pass
    232         # double check that repr and friends are not the mixin's or various
    233         # things break (such as pickle)
    234         for name in ('__repr__', '__str__', '__format__', '__reduce_ex__'):
    235             class_method = getattr(enum_class, name)
    236             obj_method = getattr(member_type, name, None)
    237             enum_method = getattr(first_enum, name, None)
    238             if obj_method is not None and obj_method is class_method:
    239                 setattr(enum_class, name, enum_method)
    241         # replace any other __new__ with our own (as long as Enum is not None,
    242         # anyway) -- again, this is to support pickle
    243         if Enum is not None:
    244             # if the user defined their own __new__, save it before it gets
    245             # clobbered in case they subclass later
    246             if save_new:
    247                 enum_class.__new_member__ = __new__
    248             enum_class.__new__ = Enum.__new__
    250         # py3 support for definition order (helps keep py2/py3 code in sync)
    251         if _order_ is not None:
    252             if isinstance(_order_, str):
    253                 _order_ = _order_.replace(',', ' ').split()
    254             if _order_ != enum_class._member_names_:
    255                 raise TypeError('member order does not match _order_')
    257         return enum_class
    259     def __bool__(self):
    260         """
    261         classes/types should always be True.
    262         """
    263         return True
    265     def __call__(cls, value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1):
    266         """Either returns an existing member, or creates a new enum class.
    268         This method is used both when an enum class is given a value to match
    269         to an enumeration member (i.e. Color(3)) and for the functional API
    270         (i.e. Color = Enum('Color', names='RED GREEN BLUE')).
    272         When used for the functional API:
    274         `value` will be the name of the new class.
    276         `names` should be either a string of white-space/comma delimited names
    277         (values will start at `start`), or an iterator/mapping of name, value pairs.
    279         `module` should be set to the module this class is being created in;
    280         if it is not set, an attempt to find that module will be made, but if
    281         it fails the class will not be picklable.
    283         `qualname` should be set to the actual location this class can be found
    284         at in its module; by default it is set to the global scope.  If this is
    285         not correct, unpickling will fail in some circumstances.
    287         `type`, if set, will be mixed in as the first base class.
    289         """
    290         if names is None:  # simple value lookup
    291             return cls.__new__(cls, value)
    292         # otherwise, functional API: we're creating a new Enum type
    293         return cls._create_(value, names, module=module, qualname=qualname, type=type, start=start)
    295     def __contains__(cls, member):
    296         return isinstance(member, cls) and member._name_ in cls._member_map_
    298     def __delattr__(cls, attr):
    299         # nicer error message when someone tries to delete an attribute
    300         # (see issue19025).
    301         if attr in cls._member_map_:
    302             raise AttributeError(
    303                     "%s: cannot delete Enum member." % cls.__name__)
    304         super().__delattr__(attr)
    306     def __dir__(self):
    307         return (['__class__', '__doc__', '__members__', '__module__'] +
    308                 self._member_names_)
    310     def __getattr__(cls, name):
    311         """Return the enum member matching `name`
    313         We use __getattr__ instead of descriptors or inserting into the enum
    314         class' __dict__ in order to support `name` and `value` being both
    315         properties for enum members (which live in the class' __dict__) and
    316         enum members themselves.
    318         """
    319         if _is_dunder(name):
    320             raise AttributeError(name)
    321         try:
    322             return cls._member_map_[name]
    323         except KeyError:
    324             raise AttributeError(name) from None
    326     def __getitem__(cls, name):
    327         return cls._member_map_[name]
    329     def __iter__(cls):
    330         return (cls._member_map_[name] for name in cls._member_names_)
    332     def __len__(cls):
    333         return len(cls._member_names_)
    335     @property
    336     def __members__(cls):
    337         """Returns a mapping of member name->value.
    339         This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
    340         is a read-only view of the internal mapping.
    342         """
    343         return MappingProxyType(cls._member_map_)
    345     def __repr__(cls):
    346         return "<enum %r>" % cls.__name__
    348     def __reversed__(cls):
    349         return (cls._member_map_[name] for name in reversed(cls._member_names_))
    351     def __setattr__(cls, name, value):
    352         """Block attempts to reassign Enum members.
    354         A simple assignment to the class namespace only changes one of the
    355         several possible ways to get an Enum member from the Enum class,
    356         resulting in an inconsistent Enumeration.
    358         """
    359         member_map = cls.__dict__.get('_member_map_', {})
    360         if name in member_map:
    361             raise AttributeError('Cannot reassign members.')
    362         super().__setattr__(name, value)
    364     def _create_(cls, class_name, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1):
    365         """Convenience method to create a new Enum class.
    367         `names` can be:
    369         * A string containing member names, separated either with spaces or
    370           commas.  Values are incremented by 1 from `start`.
    371         * An iterable of member names.  Values are incremented by 1 from `start`.
    372         * An iterable of (member name, value) pairs.
    373         * A mapping of member name -> value pairs.
    375         """
    376         metacls = cls.__class__
    377         bases = (cls, ) if type is None else (type, cls)
    378         _, first_enum = cls._get_mixins_(bases)
    379         classdict = metacls.__prepare__(class_name, bases)
    381         # special processing needed for names?
    382         if isinstance(names, str):
    383             names = names.replace(',', ' ').split()
    384         if isinstance(names, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(names[0], str):
    385             original_names, names = names, []
    386             last_values = []
    387             for count, name in enumerate(original_names):
    388                 value = first_enum._generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values[:])
    389                 last_values.append(value)
    390                 names.append((name, value))
    392         # Here, names is either an iterable of (name, value) or a mapping.
    393         for item in names:
    394             if isinstance(item, str):
    395                 member_name, member_value = item, names[item]
    396             else:
    397                 member_name, member_value = item
    398             classdict[member_name] = member_value
    399         enum_class = metacls.__new__(metacls, class_name, bases, classdict)
    401         # TODO: replace the frame hack if a blessed way to know the calling
    402         # module is ever developed
    403         if module is None:
    404             try:
    405                 module = sys._getframe(2).f_globals['__name__']
    406             except (AttributeError, ValueError) as exc:
    407                 pass
    408         if module is None:
    409             _make_class_unpicklable(enum_class)
    410         else:
    411             enum_class.__module__ = module
    412         if qualname is not None:
    413             enum_class.__qualname__ = qualname
    415         return enum_class
    417     @staticmethod
    418     def _get_mixins_(bases):
    419         """Returns the type for creating enum members, and the first inherited
    420         enum class.
    422         bases: the tuple of bases that was given to __new__
    424         """
    425         if not bases:
    426             return object, Enum
    428         # double check that we are not subclassing a class with existing
    429         # enumeration members; while we're at it, see if any other data
    430         # type has been mixed in so we can use the correct __new__
    431         member_type = first_enum = None
    432         for base in bases:
    433             if  (base is not Enum and
    434                     issubclass(base, Enum) and
    435                     base._member_names_):
    436                 raise TypeError("Cannot extend enumerations")
    437         # base is now the last base in bases
    438         if not issubclass(base, Enum):
    439             raise TypeError("new enumerations must be created as "
    440                     "`ClassName([mixin_type,] enum_type)`")
    442         # get correct mix-in type (either mix-in type of Enum subclass, or
    443         # first base if last base is Enum)
    444         if not issubclass(bases[0], Enum):
    445             member_type = bases[0]     # first data type
    446             first_enum = bases[-1]  # enum type
    447         else:
    448             for base in bases[0].__mro__:
    449                 # most common: (IntEnum, int, Enum, object)
    450                 # possible:    (<Enum 'AutoIntEnum'>, <Enum 'IntEnum'>,
    451                 #               <class 'int'>, <Enum 'Enum'>,
    452                 #               <class 'object'>)
    453                 if issubclass(base, Enum):
    454                     if first_enum is None:
    455                         first_enum = base
    456                 else:
    457                     if member_type is None:
    458                         member_type = base
    460         return member_type, first_enum
    462     @staticmethod
    463     def _find_new_(classdict, member_type, first_enum):
    464         """Returns the __new__ to be used for creating the enum members.
    466         classdict: the class dictionary given to __new__
    467         member_type: the data type whose __new__ will be used by default
    468         first_enum: enumeration to check for an overriding __new__
    470         """
    471         # now find the correct __new__, checking to see of one was defined
    472         # by the user; also check earlier enum classes in case a __new__ was
    473         # saved as __new_member__
    474         __new__ = classdict.get('__new__', None)
    476         # should __new__ be saved as __new_member__ later?
    477         save_new = __new__ is not None
    479         if __new__ is None:
    480             # check all possibles for __new_member__ before falling back to
    481             # __new__
    482             for method in ('__new_member__', '__new__'):
    483                 for possible in (member_type, first_enum):
    484                     target = getattr(possible, method, None)
    485                     if target not in {
    486                             None,
    487                             None.__new__,
    488                             object.__new__,
    489                             Enum.__new__,
    490                             }:
    491                         __new__ = target
    492                         break
    493                 if __new__ is not None:
    494                     break
    495             else:
    496                 __new__ = object.__new__
    498         # if a non-object.__new__ is used then whatever value/tuple was
    499         # assigned to the enum member name will be passed to __new__ and to the
    500         # new enum member's __init__
    501         if __new__ is object.__new__:
    502             use_args = False
    503         else:
    504             use_args = True
    506         return __new__, save_new, use_args
    509 class Enum(metaclass=EnumMeta):
    510     """Generic enumeration.
    512     Derive from this class to define new enumerations.
    514     """
    515     def __new__(cls, value):
    516         # all enum instances are actually created during class construction
    517         # without calling this method; this method is called by the metaclass'
    518         # __call__ (i.e. Color(3) ), and by pickle
    519         if type(value) is cls:
    520             # For lookups like Color(Color.RED)
    521             return value
    522         # by-value search for a matching enum member
    523         # see if it's in the reverse mapping (for hashable values)
    524         try:
    525             if value in cls._value2member_map_:
    526                 return cls._value2member_map_[value]
    527         except TypeError:
    528             # not there, now do long search -- O(n) behavior
    529             for member in cls._member_map_.values():
    530                 if member._value_ == value:
    531                     return member
    532         # still not found -- try _missing_ hook
    533         return cls._missing_(value)
    535     def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values):
    536         for last_value in reversed(last_values):
    537             try:
    538                 return last_value + 1
    539             except TypeError:
    540                 pass
    541         else:
    542             return start
    544     @classmethod
    545     def _missing_(cls, value):
    546         raise ValueError("%r is not a valid %s" % (value, cls.__name__))
    548     def __repr__(self):
    549         return "<%s.%s: %r>" % (
    550                 self.__class__.__name__, self._name_, self._value_)
    552     def __str__(self):
    553         return "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._name_)
    555     def __dir__(self):
    556         added_behavior = [
    557                 m
    558                 for cls in self.__class__.mro()
    559                 for m in cls.__dict__
    560                 if m[0] != '_' and m not in self._member_map_
    561                 ]
    562         return (['__class__', '__doc__', '__module__'] + added_behavior)
    564     def __format__(self, format_spec):
    565         # mixed-in Enums should use the mixed-in type's __format__, otherwise
    566         # we can get strange results with the Enum name showing up instead of
    567         # the value
    569         # pure Enum branch
    570         if self._member_type_ is object:
    571             cls = str
    572             val = str(self)
    573         # mix-in branch
    574         else:
    575             cls = self._member_type_
    576             val = self._value_
    577         return cls.__format__(val, format_spec)
    579     def __hash__(self):
    580         return hash(self._name_)
    582     def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
    583         return self.__class__, (self._value_, )
    585     # DynamicClassAttribute is used to provide access to the `name` and
    586     # `value` properties of enum members while keeping some measure of
    587     # protection from modification, while still allowing for an enumeration
    588     # to have members named `name` and `value`.  This works because enumeration
    589     # members are not set directly on the enum class -- __getattr__ is
    590     # used to look them up.
    592     @DynamicClassAttribute
    593     def name(self):
    594         """The name of the Enum member."""
    595         return self._name_
    597     @DynamicClassAttribute
    598     def value(self):
    599         """The value of the Enum member."""
    600         return self._value_
    602     @classmethod
    603     def _convert(cls, name, module, filter, source=None):
    604         """
    605         Create a new Enum subclass that replaces a collection of global constants
    606         """
    607         # convert all constants from source (or module) that pass filter() to
    608         # a new Enum called name, and export the enum and its members back to
    609         # module;
    610         # also, replace the __reduce_ex__ method so unpickling works in
    611         # previous Python versions
    612         module_globals = vars(sys.modules[module])
    613         if source:
    614             source = vars(source)
    615         else:
    616             source = module_globals
    617         # We use an OrderedDict of sorted source keys so that the
    618         # _value2member_map is populated in the same order every time
    619         # for a consistent reverse mapping of number to name when there
    620         # are multiple names for the same number rather than varying
    621         # between runs due to hash randomization of the module dictionary.
    622         members = [
    623                 (name, source[name])
    624                 for name in source.keys()
    625                 if filter(name)]
    626         try:
    627             # sort by value
    628             members.sort(key=lambda t: (t[1], t[0]))
    629         except TypeError:
    630             # unless some values aren't comparable, in which case sort by name
    631             members.sort(key=lambda t: t[0])
    632         cls = cls(name, members, module=module)
    633         cls.__reduce_ex__ = _reduce_ex_by_name
    634         module_globals.update(cls.__members__)
    635         module_globals[name] = cls
    636         return cls
    639 class IntEnum(int, Enum):
    640     """Enum where members are also (and must be) ints"""
    643 def _reduce_ex_by_name(self, proto):
    644     return self.name
    646 class Flag(Enum):
    647     """Support for flags"""
    649     def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values):
    650         """
    651         Generate the next value when not given.
    653         name: the name of the member
    654         start: the initital start value or None
    655         count: the number of existing members
    656         last_value: the last value assigned or None
    657         """
    658         if not count:
    659             return start if start is not None else 1
    660         for last_value in reversed(last_values):
    661             try:
    662                 high_bit = _high_bit(last_value)
    663                 break
    664             except Exception:
    665                 raise TypeError('Invalid Flag value: %r' % last_value) from None
    666         return 2 ** (high_bit+1)
    668     @classmethod
    669     def _missing_(cls, value):
    670         original_value = value
    671         if value < 0:
    672             value = ~value
    673         possible_member = cls._create_pseudo_member_(value)
    674         if original_value < 0:
    675             possible_member = ~possible_member
    676         return possible_member
    678     @classmethod
    679     def _create_pseudo_member_(cls, value):
    680         """
    681         Create a composite member iff value contains only members.
    682         """
    683         pseudo_member = cls._value2member_map_.get(value, None)
    684         if pseudo_member is None:
    685             # verify all bits are accounted for
    686             _, extra_flags = _decompose(cls, value)
    687             if extra_flags:
    688                 raise ValueError("%r is not a valid %s" % (value, cls.__name__))
    689             # construct a singleton enum pseudo-member
    690             pseudo_member = object.__new__(cls)
    691             pseudo_member._name_ = None
    692             pseudo_member._value_ = value
    693             # use setdefault in case another thread already created a composite
    694             # with this value
    695             pseudo_member = cls._value2member_map_.setdefault(value, pseudo_member)
    696         return pseudo_member
    698     def __contains__(self, other):
    699         if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
    700             return NotImplemented
    701         return other._value_ & self._value_ == other._value_
    703     def __repr__(self):
    704         cls = self.__class__
    705         if self._name_ is not None:
    706             return '<%s.%s: %r>' % (cls.__name__, self._name_, self._value_)
    707         members, uncovered = _decompose(cls, self._value_)
    708         return '<%s.%s: %r>' % (
    709                 cls.__name__,
    710                 '|'.join([str(m._name_ or m._value_) for m in members]),
    711                 self._value_,
    712                 )
    714     def __str__(self):
    715         cls = self.__class__
    716         if self._name_ is not None:
    717             return '%s.%s' % (cls.__name__, self._name_)
    718         members, uncovered = _decompose(cls, self._value_)
    719         if len(members) == 1 and members[0]._name_ is None:
    720             return '%s.%r' % (cls.__name__, members[0]._value_)
    721         else:
    722             return '%s.%s' % (
    723                     cls.__name__,
    724                     '|'.join([str(m._name_ or m._value_) for m in members]),
    725                     )
    727     def __bool__(self):
    728         return bool(self._value_)
    730     def __or__(self, other):
    731         if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
    732             return NotImplemented
    733         return self.__class__(self._value_ | other._value_)
    735     def __and__(self, other):
    736         if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
    737             return NotImplemented
    738         return self.__class__(self._value_ & other._value_)
    740     def __xor__(self, other):
    741         if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
    742             return NotImplemented
    743         return self.__class__(self._value_ ^ other._value_)
    745     def __invert__(self):
    746         members, uncovered = _decompose(self.__class__, self._value_)
    747         inverted_members = [
    748                 m for m in self.__class__
    749                 if m not in members and not m._value_ & self._value_
    750                 ]
    751         inverted = reduce(_or_, inverted_members, self.__class__(0))
    752         return self.__class__(inverted)
    755 class IntFlag(int, Flag):
    756     """Support for integer-based Flags"""
    758     @classmethod
    759     def _missing_(cls, value):
    760         if not isinstance(value, int):
    761             raise ValueError("%r is not a valid %s" % (value, cls.__name__))
    762         new_member = cls._create_pseudo_member_(value)
    763         return new_member
    765     @classmethod
    766     def _create_pseudo_member_(cls, value):
    767         pseudo_member = cls._value2member_map_.get(value, None)
    768         if pseudo_member is None:
    769             need_to_create = [value]
    770             # get unaccounted for bits
    771             _, extra_flags = _decompose(cls, value)
    772             # timer = 10
    773             while extra_flags:
    774                 # timer -= 1
    775                 bit = _high_bit(extra_flags)
    776                 flag_value = 2 ** bit
    777                 if (flag_value not in cls._value2member_map_ and
    778                         flag_value not in need_to_create
    779                         ):
    780                     need_to_create.append(flag_value)
    781                 if extra_flags == -flag_value:
    782                     extra_flags = 0
    783                 else:
    784                     extra_flags ^= flag_value
    785             for value in reversed(need_to_create):
    786                 # construct singleton pseudo-members
    787                 pseudo_member = int.__new__(cls, value)
    788                 pseudo_member._name_ = None
    789                 pseudo_member._value_ = value
    790                 # use setdefault in case another thread already created a composite
    791                 # with this value
    792                 pseudo_member = cls._value2member_map_.setdefault(value, pseudo_member)
    793         return pseudo_member
    795     def __or__(self, other):
    796         if not isinstance(other, (self.__class__, int)):
    797             return NotImplemented
    798         result = self.__class__(self._value_ | self.__class__(other)._value_)
    799         return result
    801     def __and__(self, other):
    802         if not isinstance(other, (self.__class__, int)):
    803             return NotImplemented
    804         return self.__class__(self._value_ & self.__class__(other)._value_)
    806     def __xor__(self, other):
    807         if not isinstance(other, (self.__class__, int)):
    808             return NotImplemented
    809         return self.__class__(self._value_ ^ self.__class__(other)._value_)
    811     __ror__ = __or__
    812     __rand__ = __and__
    813     __rxor__ = __xor__
    815     def __invert__(self):
    816         result = self.__class__(~self._value_)
    817         return result
    820 def _high_bit(value):
    821     """returns index of highest bit, or -1 if value is zero or negative"""
    822     return value.bit_length() - 1
    824 def unique(enumeration):
    825     """Class decorator for enumerations ensuring unique member values."""
    826     duplicates = []
    827     for name, member in enumeration.__members__.items():
    828         if name != member.name:
    829             duplicates.append((name, member.name))
    830     if duplicates:
    831         alias_details = ', '.join(
    832                 ["%s -> %s" % (alias, name) for (alias, name) in duplicates])
    833         raise ValueError('duplicate values found in %r: %s' %
    834                 (enumeration, alias_details))
    835     return enumeration
    837 def _decompose(flag, value):
    838     """Extract all members from the value."""
    839     # _decompose is only called if the value is not named
    840     not_covered = value
    841     negative = value < 0
    842     # issue29167: wrap accesses to _value2member_map_ in a list to avoid race
    843     #             conditions between iterating over it and having more psuedo-
    844     #             members added to it
    845     if negative:
    846         # only check for named flags
    847         flags_to_check = [
    848                 (m, v)
    849                 for v, m in list(flag._value2member_map_.items())
    850                 if m.name is not None
    851                 ]
    852     else:
    853         # check for named flags and powers-of-two flags
    854         flags_to_check = [
    855                 (m, v)
    856                 for v, m in list(flag._value2member_map_.items())
    857                 if m.name is not None or _power_of_two(v)
    858                 ]
    859     members = []
    860     for member, member_value in flags_to_check:
    861         if member_value and member_value & value == member_value:
    862             members.append(member)
    863             not_covered &= ~member_value
    864     if not members and value in flag._value2member_map_:
    865         members.append(flag._value2member_map_[value])
    866     members.sort(key=lambda m: m._value_, reverse=True)
    867     if len(members) > 1 and members[0].value == value:
    868         # we have the breakdown, don't need the value member itself
    869         members.pop(0)
    870     return members, not_covered
    872 def _power_of_two(value):
    873     if value < 1:
    874         return False
    875     return value == 2 ** _high_bit(value)