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      1 # Wrapper module for _socket, providing some additional facilities
      2 # implemented in Python.
      4 """\
      5 This module provides socket operations and some related functions.
      6 On Unix, it supports IP (Internet Protocol) and Unix domain sockets.
      7 On other systems, it only supports IP. Functions specific for a
      8 socket are available as methods of the socket object.
     10 Functions:
     12 socket() -- create a new socket object
     13 socketpair() -- create a pair of new socket objects [*]
     14 fromfd() -- create a socket object from an open file descriptor [*]
     15 fromshare() -- create a socket object from data received from socket.share() [*]
     16 gethostname() -- return the current hostname
     17 gethostbyname() -- map a hostname to its IP number
     18 gethostbyaddr() -- map an IP number or hostname to DNS info
     19 getservbyname() -- map a service name and a protocol name to a port number
     20 getprotobyname() -- map a protocol name (e.g. 'tcp') to a number
     21 ntohs(), ntohl() -- convert 16, 32 bit int from network to host byte order
     22 htons(), htonl() -- convert 16, 32 bit int from host to network byte order
     23 inet_aton() -- convert IP addr string ( to 32-bit packed format
     24 inet_ntoa() -- convert 32-bit packed format IP to string (
     25 socket.getdefaulttimeout() -- get the default timeout value
     26 socket.setdefaulttimeout() -- set the default timeout value
     27 create_connection() -- connects to an address, with an optional timeout and
     28                        optional source address.
     30  [*] not available on all platforms!
     32 Special objects:
     34 SocketType -- type object for socket objects
     35 error -- exception raised for I/O errors
     36 has_ipv6 -- boolean value indicating if IPv6 is supported
     38 IntEnum constants:
     40 AF_INET, AF_UNIX -- socket domains (first argument to socket() call)
     41 SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW -- socket types (second argument)
     43 Integer constants:
     45 Many other constants may be defined; these may be used in calls to
     46 the setsockopt() and getsockopt() methods.
     47 """
     49 import _socket
     50 from _socket import *
     52 import os, sys, io, selectors
     53 from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag
     55 try:
     56     import errno
     57 except ImportError:
     58     errno = None
     59 EBADF = getattr(errno, 'EBADF', 9)
     60 EAGAIN = getattr(errno, 'EAGAIN', 11)
     61 EWOULDBLOCK = getattr(errno, 'EWOULDBLOCK', 11)
     63 __all__ = ["fromfd", "getfqdn", "create_connection",
     64         "AddressFamily", "SocketKind"]
     65 __all__.extend(os._get_exports_list(_socket))
     67 # Set up the socket.AF_* socket.SOCK_* constants as members of IntEnums for
     68 # nicer string representations.
     69 # Note that _socket only knows about the integer values. The public interface
     70 # in this module understands the enums and translates them back from integers
     71 # where needed (e.g. .family property of a socket object).
     73 IntEnum._convert(
     74         'AddressFamily',
     75         __name__,
     76         lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('AF_'))
     78 IntEnum._convert(
     79         'SocketKind',
     80         __name__,
     81         lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('SOCK_'))
     83 IntFlag._convert(
     84         'MsgFlag',
     85         __name__,
     86         lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('MSG_'))
     88 IntFlag._convert(
     89         'AddressInfo',
     90         __name__,
     91         lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('AI_'))
     93 _LOCALHOST    = ''
     94 _LOCALHOST_V6 = '::1'
     97 def _intenum_converter(value, enum_klass):
     98     """Convert a numeric family value to an IntEnum member.
    100     If it's not a known member, return the numeric value itself.
    101     """
    102     try:
    103         return enum_klass(value)
    104     except ValueError:
    105         return value
    107 _realsocket = socket
    109 # WSA error codes
    110 if sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"):
    111     errorTab = {}
    112     errorTab[10004] = "The operation was interrupted."
    113     errorTab[10009] = "A bad file handle was passed."
    114     errorTab[10013] = "Permission denied."
    115     errorTab[10014] = "A fault occurred on the network??" # WSAEFAULT
    116     errorTab[10022] = "An invalid operation was attempted."
    117     errorTab[10035] = "The socket operation would block"
    118     errorTab[10036] = "A blocking operation is already in progress."
    119     errorTab[10048] = "The network address is in use."
    120     errorTab[10054] = "The connection has been reset."
    121     errorTab[10058] = "The network has been shut down."
    122     errorTab[10060] = "The operation timed out."
    123     errorTab[10061] = "Connection refused."
    124     errorTab[10063] = "The name is too long."
    125     errorTab[10064] = "The host is down."
    126     errorTab[10065] = "The host is unreachable."
    127     __all__.append("errorTab")
    130 class _GiveupOnSendfile(Exception): pass
    133 class socket(_socket.socket):
    135     """A subclass of _socket.socket adding the makefile() method."""
    137     __slots__ = ["__weakref__", "_io_refs", "_closed"]
    139     def __init__(self, family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, fileno=None):
    140         # For user code address family and type values are IntEnum members, but
    141         # for the underlying _socket.socket they're just integers. The
    142         # constructor of _socket.socket converts the given argument to an
    143         # integer automatically.
    144         _socket.socket.__init__(self, family, type, proto, fileno)
    145         self._io_refs = 0
    146         self._closed = False
    148     def __enter__(self):
    149         return self
    151     def __exit__(self, *args):
    152         if not self._closed:
    153             self.close()
    155     def __repr__(self):
    156         """Wrap __repr__() to reveal the real class name and socket
    157         address(es).
    158         """
    159         closed = getattr(self, '_closed', False)
    160         s = "<%s.%s%s fd=%i, family=%s, type=%s, proto=%i" \
    161             % (self.__class__.__module__,
    162                self.__class__.__qualname__,
    163                " [closed]" if closed else "",
    164                self.fileno(),
    165                self.family,
    166                self.type,
    167                self.proto)
    168         if not closed:
    169             try:
    170                 laddr = self.getsockname()
    171                 if laddr:
    172                     s += ", laddr=%s" % str(laddr)
    173             except error:
    174                 pass
    175             try:
    176                 raddr = self.getpeername()
    177                 if raddr:
    178                     s += ", raddr=%s" % str(raddr)
    179             except error:
    180                 pass
    181         s += '>'
    182         return s
    184     def __getstate__(self):
    185         raise TypeError("Cannot serialize socket object")
    187     def dup(self):
    188         """dup() -> socket object
    190         Duplicate the socket. Return a new socket object connected to the same
    191         system resource. The new socket is non-inheritable.
    192         """
    193         fd = dup(self.fileno())
    194         sock = self.__class__(self.family, self.type, self.proto, fileno=fd)
    195         sock.settimeout(self.gettimeout())
    196         return sock
    198     def accept(self):
    199         """accept() -> (socket object, address info)
    201         Wait for an incoming connection.  Return a new socket
    202         representing the connection, and the address of the client.
    203         For IP sockets, the address info is a pair (hostaddr, port).
    204         """
    205         fd, addr = self._accept()
    206         # If our type has the SOCK_NONBLOCK flag, we shouldn't pass it onto the
    207         # new socket. We do not currently allow passing SOCK_NONBLOCK to
    208         # accept4, so the returned socket is always blocking.
    209         type = self.type & ~globals().get("SOCK_NONBLOCK", 0)
    210         sock = socket(self.family, type, self.proto, fileno=fd)
    211         # Issue #7995: if no default timeout is set and the listening
    212         # socket had a (non-zero) timeout, force the new socket in blocking
    213         # mode to override platform-specific socket flags inheritance.
    214         if getdefaulttimeout() is None and self.gettimeout():
    215             sock.setblocking(True)
    216         return sock, addr
    218     def makefile(self, mode="r", buffering=None, *,
    219                  encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None):
    220         """makefile(...) -> an I/O stream connected to the socket
    222         The arguments are as for io.open() after the filename, except the only
    223         supported mode values are 'r' (default), 'w' and 'b'.
    224         """
    225         # XXX refactor to share code?
    226         if not set(mode) <= {"r", "w", "b"}:
    227             raise ValueError("invalid mode %r (only r, w, b allowed)" % (mode,))
    228         writing = "w" in mode
    229         reading = "r" in mode or not writing
    230         assert reading or writing
    231         binary = "b" in mode
    232         rawmode = ""
    233         if reading:
    234             rawmode += "r"
    235         if writing:
    236             rawmode += "w"
    237         raw = SocketIO(self, rawmode)
    238         self._io_refs += 1
    239         if buffering is None:
    240             buffering = -1
    241         if buffering < 0:
    242             buffering = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
    243         if buffering == 0:
    244             if not binary:
    245                 raise ValueError("unbuffered streams must be binary")
    246             return raw
    247         if reading and writing:
    248             buffer = io.BufferedRWPair(raw, raw, buffering)
    249         elif reading:
    250             buffer = io.BufferedReader(raw, buffering)
    251         else:
    252             assert writing
    253             buffer = io.BufferedWriter(raw, buffering)
    254         if binary:
    255             return buffer
    256         text = io.TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding, errors, newline)
    257         text.mode = mode
    258         return text
    260     if hasattr(os, 'sendfile'):
    262         def _sendfile_use_sendfile(self, file, offset=0, count=None):
    263             self._check_sendfile_params(file, offset, count)
    264             sockno = self.fileno()
    265             try:
    266                 fileno = file.fileno()
    267             except (AttributeError, io.UnsupportedOperation) as err:
    268                 raise _GiveupOnSendfile(err)  # not a regular file
    269             try:
    270                 fsize = os.fstat(fileno).st_size
    271             except OSError as err:
    272                 raise _GiveupOnSendfile(err)  # not a regular file
    273             if not fsize:
    274                 return 0  # empty file
    275             blocksize = fsize if not count else count
    277             timeout = self.gettimeout()
    278             if timeout == 0:
    279                 raise ValueError("non-blocking sockets are not supported")
    280             # poll/select have the advantage of not requiring any
    281             # extra file descriptor, contrarily to epoll/kqueue
    282             # (also, they require a single syscall).
    283             if hasattr(selectors, 'PollSelector'):
    284                 selector = selectors.PollSelector()
    285             else:
    286                 selector = selectors.SelectSelector()
    287             selector.register(sockno, selectors.EVENT_WRITE)
    289             total_sent = 0
    290             # localize variable access to minimize overhead
    291             selector_select = selector.select
    292             os_sendfile = os.sendfile
    293             try:
    294                 while True:
    295                     if timeout and not selector_select(timeout):
    296                         raise _socket.timeout('timed out')
    297                     if count:
    298                         blocksize = count - total_sent
    299                         if blocksize <= 0:
    300                             break
    301                     try:
    302                         sent = os_sendfile(sockno, fileno, offset, blocksize)
    303                     except BlockingIOError:
    304                         if not timeout:
    305                             # Block until the socket is ready to send some
    306                             # data; avoids hogging CPU resources.
    307                             selector_select()
    308                         continue
    309                     except OSError as err:
    310                         if total_sent == 0:
    311                             # We can get here for different reasons, the main
    312                             # one being 'file' is not a regular mmap(2)-like
    313                             # file, in which case we'll fall back on using
    314                             # plain send().
    315                             raise _GiveupOnSendfile(err)
    316                         raise err from None
    317                     else:
    318                         if sent == 0:
    319                             break  # EOF
    320                         offset += sent
    321                         total_sent += sent
    322                 return total_sent
    323             finally:
    324                 if total_sent > 0 and hasattr(file, 'seek'):
    325                     file.seek(offset)
    326     else:
    327         def _sendfile_use_sendfile(self, file, offset=0, count=None):
    328             raise _GiveupOnSendfile(
    329                 "os.sendfile() not available on this platform")
    331     def _sendfile_use_send(self, file, offset=0, count=None):
    332         self._check_sendfile_params(file, offset, count)
    333         if self.gettimeout() == 0:
    334             raise ValueError("non-blocking sockets are not supported")
    335         if offset:
    336             file.seek(offset)
    337         blocksize = min(count, 8192) if count else 8192
    338         total_sent = 0
    339         # localize variable access to minimize overhead
    340         file_read = file.read
    341         sock_send = self.send
    342         try:
    343             while True:
    344                 if count:
    345                     blocksize = min(count - total_sent, blocksize)
    346                     if blocksize <= 0:
    347                         break
    348                 data = memoryview(file_read(blocksize))
    349                 if not data:
    350                     break  # EOF
    351                 while True:
    352                     try:
    353                         sent = sock_send(data)
    354                     except BlockingIOError:
    355                         continue
    356                     else:
    357                         total_sent += sent
    358                         if sent < len(data):
    359                             data = data[sent:]
    360                         else:
    361                             break
    362             return total_sent
    363         finally:
    364             if total_sent > 0 and hasattr(file, 'seek'):
    365                 file.seek(offset + total_sent)
    367     def _check_sendfile_params(self, file, offset, count):
    368         if 'b' not in getattr(file, 'mode', 'b'):
    369             raise ValueError("file should be opened in binary mode")
    370         if not self.type & SOCK_STREAM:
    371             raise ValueError("only SOCK_STREAM type sockets are supported")
    372         if count is not None:
    373             if not isinstance(count, int):
    374                 raise TypeError(
    375                     "count must be a positive integer (got {!r})".format(count))
    376             if count <= 0:
    377                 raise ValueError(
    378                     "count must be a positive integer (got {!r})".format(count))
    380     def sendfile(self, file, offset=0, count=None):
    381         """sendfile(file[, offset[, count]]) -> sent
    383         Send a file until EOF is reached by using high-performance
    384         os.sendfile() and return the total number of bytes which
    385         were sent.
    386         *file* must be a regular file object opened in binary mode.
    387         If os.sendfile() is not available (e.g. Windows) or file is
    388         not a regular file socket.send() will be used instead.
    389         *offset* tells from where to start reading the file.
    390         If specified, *count* is the total number of bytes to transmit
    391         as opposed to sending the file until EOF is reached.
    392         File position is updated on return or also in case of error in
    393         which case file.tell() can be used to figure out the number of
    394         bytes which were sent.
    395         The socket must be of SOCK_STREAM type.
    396         Non-blocking sockets are not supported.
    397         """
    398         try:
    399             return self._sendfile_use_sendfile(file, offset, count)
    400         except _GiveupOnSendfile:
    401             return self._sendfile_use_send(file, offset, count)
    403     def _decref_socketios(self):
    404         if self._io_refs > 0:
    405             self._io_refs -= 1
    406         if self._closed:
    407             self.close()
    409     def _real_close(self, _ss=_socket.socket):
    410         # This function should not reference any globals. See issue #808164.
    411         _ss.close(self)
    413     def close(self):
    414         # This function should not reference any globals. See issue #808164.
    415         self._closed = True
    416         if self._io_refs <= 0:
    417             self._real_close()
    419     def detach(self):
    420         """detach() -> file descriptor
    422         Close the socket object without closing the underlying file descriptor.
    423         The object cannot be used after this call, but the file descriptor
    424         can be reused for other purposes.  The file descriptor is returned.
    425         """
    426         self._closed = True
    427         return super().detach()
    429     @property
    430     def family(self):
    431         """Read-only access to the address family for this socket.
    432         """
    433         return _intenum_converter(super().family, AddressFamily)
    435     @property
    436     def type(self):
    437         """Read-only access to the socket type.
    438         """
    439         return _intenum_converter(super().type, SocketKind)
    441     if os.name == 'nt':
    442         def get_inheritable(self):
    443             return os.get_handle_inheritable(self.fileno())
    444         def set_inheritable(self, inheritable):
    445             os.set_handle_inheritable(self.fileno(), inheritable)
    446     else:
    447         def get_inheritable(self):
    448             return os.get_inheritable(self.fileno())
    449         def set_inheritable(self, inheritable):
    450             os.set_inheritable(self.fileno(), inheritable)
    451     get_inheritable.__doc__ = "Get the inheritable flag of the socket"
    452     set_inheritable.__doc__ = "Set the inheritable flag of the socket"
    454 def fromfd(fd, family, type, proto=0):
    455     """ fromfd(fd, family, type[, proto]) -> socket object
    457     Create a socket object from a duplicate of the given file
    458     descriptor.  The remaining arguments are the same as for socket().
    459     """
    460     nfd = dup(fd)
    461     return socket(family, type, proto, nfd)
    463 if hasattr(_socket.socket, "share"):
    464     def fromshare(info):
    465         """ fromshare(info) -> socket object
    467         Create a socket object from the bytes object returned by
    468         socket.share(pid).
    469         """
    470         return socket(0, 0, 0, info)
    471     __all__.append("fromshare")
    473 if hasattr(_socket, "socketpair"):
    475     def socketpair(family=None, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0):
    476         """socketpair([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> (socket object, socket object)
    478         Create a pair of socket objects from the sockets returned by the platform
    479         socketpair() function.
    480         The arguments are the same as for socket() except the default family is
    481         AF_UNIX if defined on the platform; otherwise, the default is AF_INET.
    482         """
    483         if family is None:
    484             try:
    485                 family = AF_UNIX
    486             except NameError:
    487                 family = AF_INET
    488         a, b = _socket.socketpair(family, type, proto)
    489         a = socket(family, type, proto, a.detach())
    490         b = socket(family, type, proto, b.detach())
    491         return a, b
    493 else:
    495     # Origin: https://gist.github.com/4325783, by Geert Jansen.  Public domain.
    496     def socketpair(family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0):
    497         if family == AF_INET:
    498             host = _LOCALHOST
    499         elif family == AF_INET6:
    500             host = _LOCALHOST_V6
    501         else:
    502             raise ValueError("Only AF_INET and AF_INET6 socket address families "
    503                              "are supported")
    504         if type != SOCK_STREAM:
    505             raise ValueError("Only SOCK_STREAM socket type is supported")
    506         if proto != 0:
    507             raise ValueError("Only protocol zero is supported")
    509         # We create a connected TCP socket. Note the trick with
    510         # setblocking(False) that prevents us from having to create a thread.
    511         lsock = socket(family, type, proto)
    512         try:
    513             lsock.bind((host, 0))
    514             lsock.listen()
    515             # On IPv6, ignore flow_info and scope_id
    516             addr, port = lsock.getsockname()[:2]
    517             csock = socket(family, type, proto)
    518             try:
    519                 csock.setblocking(False)
    520                 try:
    521                     csock.connect((addr, port))
    522                 except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError):
    523                     pass
    524                 csock.setblocking(True)
    525                 ssock, _ = lsock.accept()
    526             except:
    527                 csock.close()
    528                 raise
    529         finally:
    530             lsock.close()
    531         return (ssock, csock)
    532     __all__.append("socketpair")
    534 socketpair.__doc__ = """socketpair([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> (socket object, socket object)
    535 Create a pair of socket objects from the sockets returned by the platform
    536 socketpair() function.
    537 The arguments are the same as for socket() except the default family is AF_UNIX
    538 if defined on the platform; otherwise, the default is AF_INET.
    539 """
    541 _blocking_errnos = { EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK }
    543 class SocketIO(io.RawIOBase):
    545     """Raw I/O implementation for stream sockets.
    547     This class supports the makefile() method on sockets.  It provides
    548     the raw I/O interface on top of a socket object.
    549     """
    551     # One might wonder why not let FileIO do the job instead.  There are two
    552     # main reasons why FileIO is not adapted:
    553     # - it wouldn't work under Windows (where you can't used read() and
    554     #   write() on a socket handle)
    555     # - it wouldn't work with socket timeouts (FileIO would ignore the
    556     #   timeout and consider the socket non-blocking)
    558     # XXX More docs
    560     def __init__(self, sock, mode):
    561         if mode not in ("r", "w", "rw", "rb", "wb", "rwb"):
    562             raise ValueError("invalid mode: %r" % mode)
    563         io.RawIOBase.__init__(self)
    564         self._sock = sock
    565         if "b" not in mode:
    566             mode += "b"
    567         self._mode = mode
    568         self._reading = "r" in mode
    569         self._writing = "w" in mode
    570         self._timeout_occurred = False
    572     def readinto(self, b):
    573         """Read up to len(b) bytes into the writable buffer *b* and return
    574         the number of bytes read.  If the socket is non-blocking and no bytes
    575         are available, None is returned.
    577         If *b* is non-empty, a 0 return value indicates that the connection
    578         was shutdown at the other end.
    579         """
    580         self._checkClosed()
    581         self._checkReadable()
    582         if self._timeout_occurred:
    583             raise OSError("cannot read from timed out object")
    584         while True:
    585             try:
    586                 return self._sock.recv_into(b)
    587             except timeout:
    588                 self._timeout_occurred = True
    589                 raise
    590             except error as e:
    591                 if e.args[0] in _blocking_errnos:
    592                     return None
    593                 raise
    595     def write(self, b):
    596         """Write the given bytes or bytearray object *b* to the socket
    597         and return the number of bytes written.  This can be less than
    598         len(b) if not all data could be written.  If the socket is
    599         non-blocking and no bytes could be written None is returned.
    600         """
    601         self._checkClosed()
    602         self._checkWritable()
    603         try:
    604             return self._sock.send(b)
    605         except error as e:
    606             # XXX what about EINTR?
    607             if e.args[0] in _blocking_errnos:
    608                 return None
    609             raise
    611     def readable(self):
    612         """True if the SocketIO is open for reading.
    613         """
    614         if self.closed:
    615             raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed socket.")
    616         return self._reading
    618     def writable(self):
    619         """True if the SocketIO is open for writing.
    620         """
    621         if self.closed:
    622             raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed socket.")
    623         return self._writing
    625     def seekable(self):
    626         """True if the SocketIO is open for seeking.
    627         """
    628         if self.closed:
    629             raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed socket.")
    630         return super().seekable()
    632     def fileno(self):
    633         """Return the file descriptor of the underlying socket.
    634         """
    635         self._checkClosed()
    636         return self._sock.fileno()
    638     @property
    639     def name(self):
    640         if not self.closed:
    641             return self.fileno()
    642         else:
    643             return -1
    645     @property
    646     def mode(self):
    647         return self._mode
    649     def close(self):
    650         """Close the SocketIO object.  This doesn't close the underlying
    651         socket, except if all references to it have disappeared.
    652         """
    653         if self.closed:
    654             return
    655         io.RawIOBase.close(self)
    656         self._sock._decref_socketios()
    657         self._sock = None
    660 def getfqdn(name=''):
    661     """Get fully qualified domain name from name.
    663     An empty argument is interpreted as meaning the local host.
    665     First the hostname returned by gethostbyaddr() is checked, then
    666     possibly existing aliases. In case no FQDN is available, hostname
    667     from gethostname() is returned.
    668     """
    669     name = name.strip()
    670     if not name or name == '':
    671         name = gethostname()
    672     try:
    673         hostname, aliases, ipaddrs = gethostbyaddr(name)
    674     except error:
    675         pass
    676     else:
    677         aliases.insert(0, hostname)
    678         for name in aliases:
    679             if '.' in name:
    680                 break
    681         else:
    682             name = hostname
    683     return name
    686 _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = object()
    688 def create_connection(address, timeout=_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
    689                       source_address=None):
    690     """Connect to *address* and return the socket object.
    692     Convenience function.  Connect to *address* (a 2-tuple ``(host,
    693     port)``) and return the socket object.  Passing the optional
    694     *timeout* parameter will set the timeout on the socket instance
    695     before attempting to connect.  If no *timeout* is supplied, the
    696     global default timeout setting returned by :func:`getdefaulttimeout`
    697     is used.  If *source_address* is set it must be a tuple of (host, port)
    698     for the socket to bind as a source address before making the connection.
    699     A host of '' or port 0 tells the OS to use the default.
    700     """
    702     host, port = address
    703     err = None
    704     for res in getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, SOCK_STREAM):
    705         af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
    706         sock = None
    707         try:
    708             sock = socket(af, socktype, proto)
    709             if timeout is not _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT:
    710                 sock.settimeout(timeout)
    711             if source_address:
    712                 sock.bind(source_address)
    713             sock.connect(sa)
    714             return sock
    716         except error as _:
    717             err = _
    718             if sock is not None:
    719                 sock.close()
    721     if err is not None:
    722         raise err
    723     else:
    724         raise error("getaddrinfo returns an empty list")
    726 def getaddrinfo(host, port, family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0):
    727     """Resolve host and port into list of address info entries.
    729     Translate the host/port argument into a sequence of 5-tuples that contain
    730     all the necessary arguments for creating a socket connected to that service.
    731     host is a domain name, a string representation of an IPv4/v6 address or
    732     None. port is a string service name such as 'http', a numeric port number or
    733     None. By passing None as the value of host and port, you can pass NULL to
    734     the underlying C API.
    736     The family, type and proto arguments can be optionally specified in order to
    737     narrow the list of addresses returned. Passing zero as a value for each of
    738     these arguments selects the full range of results.
    739     """
    740     # We override this function since we want to translate the numeric family
    741     # and socket type values to enum constants.
    742     addrlist = []
    743     for res in _socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags):
    744         af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
    745         addrlist.append((_intenum_converter(af, AddressFamily),
    746                          _intenum_converter(socktype, SocketKind),
    747                          proto, canonname, sa))
    748     return addrlist