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      1 # Run the _testcapi module tests (tests for the Python/C API):  by defn,
      2 # these are all functions _testcapi exports whose name begins with 'test_'.
      4 import os
      5 import pickle
      6 import random
      7 import re
      8 import subprocess
      9 import sys
     10 import sysconfig
     11 import textwrap
     12 import time
     13 import unittest
     14 from test import support
     15 from test.support import MISSING_C_DOCSTRINGS
     16 from test.support.script_helper import assert_python_failure
     17 try:
     18     import _posixsubprocess
     19 except ImportError:
     20     _posixsubprocess = None
     21 try:
     22     import threading
     23 except ImportError:
     24     threading = None
     25 # Skip this test if the _testcapi module isn't available.
     26 _testcapi = support.import_module('_testcapi')
     28 # Were we compiled --with-pydebug or with #define Py_DEBUG?
     29 Py_DEBUG = hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount')
     32 def testfunction(self):
     33     """some doc"""
     34     return self
     36 class InstanceMethod:
     37     id = _testcapi.instancemethod(id)
     38     testfunction = _testcapi.instancemethod(testfunction)
     40 class CAPITest(unittest.TestCase):
     42     def test_instancemethod(self):
     43         inst = InstanceMethod()
     44         self.assertEqual(id(inst), inst.id())
     45         self.assertTrue(inst.testfunction() is inst)
     46         self.assertEqual(inst.testfunction.__doc__, testfunction.__doc__)
     47         self.assertEqual(InstanceMethod.testfunction.__doc__, testfunction.__doc__)
     49         InstanceMethod.testfunction.attribute = "test"
     50         self.assertEqual(testfunction.attribute, "test")
     51         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, inst.testfunction, "attribute", "test")
     53     @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
     54     def test_no_FatalError_infinite_loop(self):
     55         with support.SuppressCrashReport():
     56             p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-c",
     57                                   'import _testcapi;'
     58                                   '_testcapi.crash_no_current_thread()'],
     59                                  stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
     60                                  stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     61         (out, err) = p.communicate()
     62         self.assertEqual(out, b'')
     63         # This used to cause an infinite loop.
     64         self.assertTrue(err.rstrip().startswith(
     65                          b'Fatal Python error:'
     66                          b' PyThreadState_Get: no current thread'))
     68     def test_memoryview_from_NULL_pointer(self):
     69         self.assertRaises(ValueError, _testcapi.make_memoryview_from_NULL_pointer)
     71     def test_exc_info(self):
     72         raised_exception = ValueError("5")
     73         new_exc = TypeError("TEST")
     74         try:
     75             raise raised_exception
     76         except ValueError as e:
     77             tb = e.__traceback__
     78             orig_sys_exc_info = sys.exc_info()
     79             orig_exc_info = _testcapi.set_exc_info(new_exc.__class__, new_exc, None)
     80             new_sys_exc_info = sys.exc_info()
     81             new_exc_info = _testcapi.set_exc_info(*orig_exc_info)
     82             reset_sys_exc_info = sys.exc_info()
     84             self.assertEqual(orig_exc_info[1], e)
     86             self.assertSequenceEqual(orig_exc_info, (raised_exception.__class__, raised_exception, tb))
     87             self.assertSequenceEqual(orig_sys_exc_info, orig_exc_info)
     88             self.assertSequenceEqual(reset_sys_exc_info, orig_exc_info)
     89             self.assertSequenceEqual(new_exc_info, (new_exc.__class__, new_exc, None))
     90             self.assertSequenceEqual(new_sys_exc_info, new_exc_info)
     91         else:
     92             self.assertTrue(False)
     94     @unittest.skipUnless(_posixsubprocess, '_posixsubprocess required for this test.')
     95     def test_seq_bytes_to_charp_array(self):
     96         # Issue #15732: crash in _PySequence_BytesToCharpArray()
     97         class Z(object):
     98             def __len__(self):
     99                 return 1
    100         self.assertRaises(TypeError, _posixsubprocess.fork_exec,
    101                           1,Z(),3,[1, 2],5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)
    102         # Issue #15736: overflow in _PySequence_BytesToCharpArray()
    103         class Z(object):
    104             def __len__(self):
    105                 return sys.maxsize
    106             def __getitem__(self, i):
    107                 return b'x'
    108         self.assertRaises(MemoryError, _posixsubprocess.fork_exec,
    109                           1,Z(),3,[1, 2],5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)
    111     @unittest.skipUnless(_posixsubprocess, '_posixsubprocess required for this test.')
    112     def test_subprocess_fork_exec(self):
    113         class Z(object):
    114             def __len__(self):
    115                 return 1
    117         # Issue #15738: crash in subprocess_fork_exec()
    118         self.assertRaises(TypeError, _posixsubprocess.fork_exec,
    119                           Z(),[b'1'],3,[1, 2],5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)
    121     @unittest.skipIf(MISSING_C_DOCSTRINGS,
    122                      "Signature information for builtins requires docstrings")
    123     def test_docstring_signature_parsing(self):
    125         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.no_docstring.__doc__, None)
    126         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.no_docstring.__text_signature__, None)
    128         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_empty.__doc__, None)
    129         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_empty.__text_signature__, None)
    131         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_no_signature.__doc__,
    132             "This docstring has no signature.")
    133         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_no_signature.__text_signature__, None)
    135         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_invalid_signature.__doc__,
    136             "docstring_with_invalid_signature($module, /, boo)\n"
    137             "\n"
    138             "This docstring has an invalid signature."
    139             )
    140         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_invalid_signature.__text_signature__, None)
    142         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_invalid_signature2.__doc__,
    143             "docstring_with_invalid_signature2($module, /, boo)\n"
    144             "\n"
    145             "--\n"
    146             "\n"
    147             "This docstring also has an invalid signature."
    148             )
    149         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_invalid_signature2.__text_signature__, None)
    151         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_signature.__doc__,
    152             "This docstring has a valid signature.")
    153         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_signature.__text_signature__, "($module, /, sig)")
    155         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_signature_but_no_doc.__doc__, None)
    156         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_signature_but_no_doc.__text_signature__,
    157             "($module, /, sig)")
    159         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_signature_and_extra_newlines.__doc__,
    160             "\nThis docstring has a valid signature and some extra newlines.")
    161         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.docstring_with_signature_and_extra_newlines.__text_signature__,
    162             "($module, /, parameter)")
    164     def test_c_type_with_matrix_multiplication(self):
    165         M = _testcapi.matmulType
    166         m1 = M()
    167         m2 = M()
    168         self.assertEqual(m1 @ m2, ("matmul", m1, m2))
    169         self.assertEqual(m1 @ 42, ("matmul", m1, 42))
    170         self.assertEqual(42 @ m1, ("matmul", 42, m1))
    171         o = m1
    172         o @= m2
    173         self.assertEqual(o, ("imatmul", m1, m2))
    174         o = m1
    175         o @= 42
    176         self.assertEqual(o, ("imatmul", m1, 42))
    177         o = 42
    178         o @= m1
    179         self.assertEqual(o, ("matmul", 42, m1))
    181     def test_return_null_without_error(self):
    182         # Issue #23571: A function must not return NULL without setting an
    183         # error
    184         if Py_DEBUG:
    185             code = textwrap.dedent("""
    186                 import _testcapi
    187                 from test import support
    189                 with support.SuppressCrashReport():
    190                     _testcapi.return_null_without_error()
    191             """)
    192             rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-c', code)
    193             self.assertRegex(err.replace(b'\r', b''),
    194                              br'Fatal Python error: a function returned NULL '
    195                                 br'without setting an error\n'
    196                              br'SystemError: <built-in function '
    197                                  br'return_null_without_error> returned NULL '
    198                                  br'without setting an error\n'
    199                              br'\n'
    200                              br'Current thread.*:\n'
    201                              br'  File .*", line 6 in <module>')
    202         else:
    203             with self.assertRaises(SystemError) as cm:
    204                 _testcapi.return_null_without_error()
    205             self.assertRegex(str(cm.exception),
    206                              'return_null_without_error.* '
    207                              'returned NULL without setting an error')
    209     def test_return_result_with_error(self):
    210         # Issue #23571: A function must not return a result with an error set
    211         if Py_DEBUG:
    212             code = textwrap.dedent("""
    213                 import _testcapi
    214                 from test import support
    216                 with support.SuppressCrashReport():
    217                     _testcapi.return_result_with_error()
    218             """)
    219             rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-c', code)
    220             self.assertRegex(err.replace(b'\r', b''),
    221                              br'Fatal Python error: a function returned a '
    222                                 br'result with an error set\n'
    223                              br'ValueError\n'
    224                              br'\n'
    225                              br'The above exception was the direct cause '
    226                                 br'of the following exception:\n'
    227                              br'\n'
    228                              br'SystemError: <built-in '
    229                                 br'function return_result_with_error> '
    230                                 br'returned a result with an error set\n'
    231                              br'\n'
    232                              br'Current thread.*:\n'
    233                              br'  File .*, line 6 in <module>')
    234         else:
    235             with self.assertRaises(SystemError) as cm:
    236                 _testcapi.return_result_with_error()
    237             self.assertRegex(str(cm.exception),
    238                              'return_result_with_error.* '
    239                              'returned a result with an error set')
    241     def test_buildvalue_N(self):
    242         _testcapi.test_buildvalue_N()
    245 @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
    246 class TestPendingCalls(unittest.TestCase):
    248     def pendingcalls_submit(self, l, n):
    249         def callback():
    250             #this function can be interrupted by thread switching so let's
    251             #use an atomic operation
    252             l.append(None)
    254         for i in range(n):
    255             time.sleep(random.random()*0.02) #0.01 secs on average
    256             #try submitting callback until successful.
    257             #rely on regular interrupt to flush queue if we are
    258             #unsuccessful.
    259             while True:
    260                 if _testcapi._pending_threadfunc(callback):
    261                     break;
    263     def pendingcalls_wait(self, l, n, context = None):
    264         #now, stick around until l[0] has grown to 10
    265         count = 0;
    266         while len(l) != n:
    267             #this busy loop is where we expect to be interrupted to
    268             #run our callbacks.  Note that callbacks are only run on the
    269             #main thread
    270             if False and support.verbose:
    271                 print("(%i)"%(len(l),),)
    272             for i in range(1000):
    273                 a = i*i
    274             if context and not context.event.is_set():
    275                 continue
    276             count += 1
    277             self.assertTrue(count < 10000,
    278                 "timeout waiting for %i callbacks, got %i"%(n, len(l)))
    279         if False and support.verbose:
    280             print("(%i)"%(len(l),))
    282     def test_pendingcalls_threaded(self):
    284         #do every callback on a separate thread
    285         n = 32 #total callbacks
    286         threads = []
    287         class foo(object):pass
    288         context = foo()
    289         context.l = []
    290         context.n = 2 #submits per thread
    291         context.nThreads = n // context.n
    292         context.nFinished = 0
    293         context.lock = threading.Lock()
    294         context.event = threading.Event()
    296         threads = [threading.Thread(target=self.pendingcalls_thread,
    297                                     args=(context,))
    298                    for i in range(context.nThreads)]
    299         with support.start_threads(threads):
    300             self.pendingcalls_wait(context.l, n, context)
    302     def pendingcalls_thread(self, context):
    303         try:
    304             self.pendingcalls_submit(context.l, context.n)
    305         finally:
    306             with context.lock:
    307                 context.nFinished += 1
    308                 nFinished = context.nFinished
    309                 if False and support.verbose:
    310                     print("finished threads: ", nFinished)
    311             if nFinished == context.nThreads:
    312                 context.event.set()
    314     def test_pendingcalls_non_threaded(self):
    315         #again, just using the main thread, likely they will all be dispatched at
    316         #once.  It is ok to ask for too many, because we loop until we find a slot.
    317         #the loop can be interrupted to dispatch.
    318         #there are only 32 dispatch slots, so we go for twice that!
    319         l = []
    320         n = 64
    321         self.pendingcalls_submit(l, n)
    322         self.pendingcalls_wait(l, n)
    325 class SubinterpreterTest(unittest.TestCase):
    327     def test_subinterps(self):
    328         import builtins
    329         r, w = os.pipe()
    330         code = """if 1:
    331             import sys, builtins, pickle
    332             with open({:d}, "wb") as f:
    333                 pickle.dump(id(sys.modules), f)
    334                 pickle.dump(id(builtins), f)
    335             """.format(w)
    336         with open(r, "rb") as f:
    337             ret = support.run_in_subinterp(code)
    338             self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
    339             self.assertNotEqual(pickle.load(f), id(sys.modules))
    340             self.assertNotEqual(pickle.load(f), id(builtins))
    343 # Bug #6012
    344 class Test6012(unittest.TestCase):
    345     def test(self):
    346         self.assertEqual(_testcapi.argparsing("Hello", "World"), 1)
    349 class EmbeddingTests(unittest.TestCase):
    350     def setUp(self):
    351         here = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    352         basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here)))
    353         exename = "_testembed"
    354         if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
    355             ext = ("_d" if "_d" in sys.executable else "") + ".exe"
    356             exename += ext
    357             exepath = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
    358         else:
    359             exepath = os.path.join(basepath, "Programs")
    360         self.test_exe = exe = os.path.join(exepath, exename)
    361         if not os.path.exists(exe):
    362             self.skipTest("%r doesn't exist" % exe)
    363         # This is needed otherwise we get a fatal error:
    364         # "Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
    365         # LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding"
    366         self.oldcwd = os.getcwd()
    367         os.chdir(basepath)
    369     def tearDown(self):
    370         os.chdir(self.oldcwd)
    372     def run_embedded_interpreter(self, *args):
    373         """Runs a test in the embedded interpreter"""
    374         cmd = [self.test_exe]
    375         cmd.extend(args)
    376         p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
    377                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    378                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    379                              universal_newlines=True)
    380         (out, err) = p.communicate()
    381         self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0,
    382                          "bad returncode %d, stderr is %r" %
    383                          (p.returncode, err))
    384         return out, err
    386     def test_subinterps(self):
    387         # This is just a "don't crash" test
    388         out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter()
    389         if support.verbose:
    390             print()
    391             print(out)
    392             print(err)
    394     @staticmethod
    395     def _get_default_pipe_encoding():
    396         rp, wp = os.pipe()
    397         try:
    398             with os.fdopen(wp, 'w') as w:
    399                 default_pipe_encoding = w.encoding
    400         finally:
    401             os.close(rp)
    402         return default_pipe_encoding
    404     def test_forced_io_encoding(self):
    405         # Checks forced configuration of embedded interpreter IO streams
    406         out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("forced_io_encoding")
    407         if support.verbose:
    408             print()
    409             print(out)
    410             print(err)
    411         expected_errors = sys.__stdout__.errors
    412         expected_stdin_encoding = sys.__stdin__.encoding
    413         expected_pipe_encoding = self._get_default_pipe_encoding()
    414         expected_output = '\n'.join([
    415         "--- Use defaults ---",
    416         "Expected encoding: default",
    417         "Expected errors: default",
    418         "stdin: {in_encoding}:{errors}",
    419         "stdout: {out_encoding}:{errors}",
    420         "stderr: {out_encoding}:backslashreplace",
    421         "--- Set errors only ---",
    422         "Expected encoding: default",
    423         "Expected errors: ignore",
    424         "stdin: {in_encoding}:ignore",
    425         "stdout: {out_encoding}:ignore",
    426         "stderr: {out_encoding}:backslashreplace",
    427         "--- Set encoding only ---",
    428         "Expected encoding: latin-1",
    429         "Expected errors: default",
    430         "stdin: latin-1:{errors}",
    431         "stdout: latin-1:{errors}",
    432         "stderr: latin-1:backslashreplace",
    433         "--- Set encoding and errors ---",
    434         "Expected encoding: latin-1",
    435         "Expected errors: replace",
    436         "stdin: latin-1:replace",
    437         "stdout: latin-1:replace",
    438         "stderr: latin-1:backslashreplace"])
    439         expected_output = expected_output.format(
    440                                 in_encoding=expected_stdin_encoding,
    441                                 out_encoding=expected_pipe_encoding,
    442                                 errors=expected_errors)
    443         # This is useful if we ever trip over odd platform behaviour
    444         self.maxDiff = None
    445         self.assertEqual(out.strip(), expected_output)
    448 class SkipitemTest(unittest.TestCase):
    450     def test_skipitem(self):
    451         """
    452         If this test failed, you probably added a new "format unit"
    453         in Python/getargs.c, but neglected to update our poor friend
    454         skipitem() in the same file.  (If so, shame on you!)
    456         With a few exceptions**, this function brute-force tests all
    457         printable ASCII*** characters (32 to 126 inclusive) as format units,
    458         checking to see that PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() return consistent
    459         errors both when the unit is attempted to be used and when it is
    460         skipped.  If the format unit doesn't exist, we'll get one of two
    461         specific error messages (one for used, one for skipped); if it does
    462         exist we *won't* get that error--we'll get either no error or some
    463         other error.  If we get the specific "does not exist" error for one
    464         test and not for the other, there's a mismatch, and the test fails.
    466            ** Some format units have special funny semantics and it would
    467               be difficult to accommodate them here.  Since these are all
    468               well-established and properly skipped in skipitem() we can
    469               get away with not testing them--this test is really intended
    470               to catch *new* format units.
    472           *** Python C source files must be ASCII.  Therefore it's impossible
    473               to have non-ASCII format units.
    475         """
    476         empty_tuple = ()
    477         tuple_1 = (0,)
    478         dict_b = {'b':1}
    479         keywords = ["a", "b"]
    481         for i in range(32, 127):
    482             c = chr(i)
    484             # skip parentheses, the error reporting is inconsistent about them
    485             # skip 'e', it's always a two-character code
    486             # skip '|' and '$', they don't represent arguments anyway
    487             if c in '()e|$':
    488                 continue
    490             # test the format unit when not skipped
    491             format = c + "i"
    492             try:
    493                 # (note: the format string must be bytes!)
    494                 _testcapi.parse_tuple_and_keywords(tuple_1, dict_b,
    495                     format.encode("ascii"), keywords)
    496                 when_not_skipped = False
    497             except SystemError as e:
    498                 s = "argument 1 (impossible<bad format char>)"
    499                 when_not_skipped = (str(e) == s)
    500             except TypeError:
    501                 when_not_skipped = False
    503             # test the format unit when skipped
    504             optional_format = "|" + format
    505             try:
    506                 _testcapi.parse_tuple_and_keywords(empty_tuple, dict_b,
    507                     optional_format.encode("ascii"), keywords)
    508                 when_skipped = False
    509             except SystemError as e:
    510                 s = "impossible<bad format char>: '{}'".format(format)
    511                 when_skipped = (str(e) == s)
    513             message = ("test_skipitem_parity: "
    514                 "detected mismatch between convertsimple and skipitem "
    515                 "for format unit '{}' ({}), not skipped {}, skipped {}".format(
    516                     c, i, when_skipped, when_not_skipped))
    517             self.assertIs(when_skipped, when_not_skipped, message)
    519     def test_parse_tuple_and_keywords(self):
    520         # parse_tuple_and_keywords error handling tests
    521         self.assertRaises(TypeError, _testcapi.parse_tuple_and_keywords,
    522                           (), {}, 42, [])
    523         self.assertRaises(ValueError, _testcapi.parse_tuple_and_keywords,
    524                           (), {}, b'', 42)
    525         self.assertRaises(ValueError, _testcapi.parse_tuple_and_keywords,
    526                           (), {}, b'', [''] * 42)
    527         self.assertRaises(ValueError, _testcapi.parse_tuple_and_keywords,
    528                           (), {}, b'', [42])
    530     def test_positional_only(self):
    531         parse = _testcapi.parse_tuple_and_keywords
    533         parse((1, 2, 3), {}, b'OOO', ['', '', 'a'])
    534         parse((1, 2), {'a': 3}, b'OOO', ['', '', 'a'])
    535         with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
    536                r'Function takes at least 2 positional arguments \(1 given\)'):
    537             parse((1,), {'a': 3}, b'OOO', ['', '', 'a'])
    538         parse((1,), {}, b'O|OO', ['', '', 'a'])
    539         with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
    540                r'Function takes at least 1 positional arguments \(0 given\)'):
    541             parse((), {}, b'O|OO', ['', '', 'a'])
    542         parse((1, 2), {'a': 3}, b'OO$O', ['', '', 'a'])
    543         with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
    544                r'Function takes exactly 2 positional arguments \(1 given\)'):
    545             parse((1,), {'a': 3}, b'OO$O', ['', '', 'a'])
    546         parse((1,), {}, b'O|O$O', ['', '', 'a'])
    547         with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
    548                r'Function takes at least 1 positional arguments \(0 given\)'):
    549             parse((), {}, b'O|O$O', ['', '', 'a'])
    550         with self.assertRaisesRegex(SystemError, r'Empty parameter name after \$'):
    551             parse((1,), {}, b'O|$OO', ['', '', 'a'])
    552         with self.assertRaisesRegex(SystemError, 'Empty keyword'):
    553             parse((1,), {}, b'O|OO', ['', 'a', ''])
    556 @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
    557 class TestThreadState(unittest.TestCase):
    559     @support.reap_threads
    560     def test_thread_state(self):
    561         # some extra thread-state tests driven via _testcapi
    562         def target():
    563             idents = []
    565             def callback():
    566                 idents.append(threading.get_ident())
    568             _testcapi._test_thread_state(callback)
    569             a = b = callback
    570             time.sleep(1)
    571             # Check our main thread is in the list exactly 3 times.
    572             self.assertEqual(idents.count(threading.get_ident()), 3,
    573                              "Couldn't find main thread correctly in the list")
    575         target()
    576         t = threading.Thread(target=target)
    577         t.start()
    578         t.join()
    581 class Test_testcapi(unittest.TestCase):
    582     def test__testcapi(self):
    583         for name in dir(_testcapi):
    584             if name.startswith('test_'):
    585                 with self.subTest("internal", name=name):
    586                     test = getattr(_testcapi, name)
    587                     test()
    590 class PyMemDebugTests(unittest.TestCase):
    591     PYTHONMALLOC = 'debug'
    592     # '0x04c06e0' or '04C06E0'
    593     PTR_REGEX = r'(?:0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+'
    595     def check(self, code):
    596         with support.SuppressCrashReport():
    597             out = assert_python_failure('-c', code,
    598                                         PYTHONMALLOC=self.PYTHONMALLOC)
    599         stderr = out.err
    600         return stderr.decode('ascii', 'replace')
    602     def test_buffer_overflow(self):
    603         out = self.check('import _testcapi; _testcapi.pymem_buffer_overflow()')
    604         regex = (r"Debug memory block at address p={ptr}: API 'm'\n"
    605                  r"    16 bytes originally requested\n"
    606                  r"    The [0-9] pad bytes at p-[0-9] are FORBIDDENBYTE, as expected.\n"
    607                  r"    The [0-9] pad bytes at tail={ptr} are not all FORBIDDENBYTE \(0x[0-9a-f]{{2}}\):\n"
    608                  r"        at tail\+0: 0x78 \*\*\* OUCH\n"
    609                  r"        at tail\+1: 0xfb\n"
    610                  r"        at tail\+2: 0xfb\n"
    611                  r"        .*\n"
    612                  r"    The block was made by call #[0-9]+ to debug malloc/realloc.\n"
    613                  r"    Data at p: cb cb cb .*\n"
    614                  r"\n"
    615                  r"Fatal Python error: bad trailing pad byte")
    616         regex = regex.format(ptr=self.PTR_REGEX)
    617         regex = re.compile(regex, flags=re.DOTALL)
    618         self.assertRegex(out, regex)
    620     def test_api_misuse(self):
    621         out = self.check('import _testcapi; _testcapi.pymem_api_misuse()')
    622         regex = (r"Debug memory block at address p={ptr}: API 'm'\n"
    623                  r"    16 bytes originally requested\n"
    624                  r"    The [0-9] pad bytes at p-[0-9] are FORBIDDENBYTE, as expected.\n"
    625                  r"    The [0-9] pad bytes at tail={ptr} are FORBIDDENBYTE, as expected.\n"
    626                  r"    The block was made by call #[0-9]+ to debug malloc/realloc.\n"
    627                  r"    Data at p: cb cb cb .*\n"
    628                  r"\n"
    629                  r"Fatal Python error: bad ID: Allocated using API 'm', verified using API 'r'\n")
    630         regex = regex.format(ptr=self.PTR_REGEX)
    631         self.assertRegex(out, regex)
    633     @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Test requires a GIL (multithreading)')
    634     def check_malloc_without_gil(self, code):
    635         out = self.check(code)
    636         expected = ('Fatal Python error: Python memory allocator called '
    637                     'without holding the GIL')
    638         self.assertIn(expected, out)
    640     def test_pymem_malloc_without_gil(self):
    641         # Debug hooks must raise an error if PyMem_Malloc() is called
    642         # without holding the GIL
    643         code = 'import _testcapi; _testcapi.pymem_malloc_without_gil()'
    644         self.check_malloc_without_gil(code)
    646     def test_pyobject_malloc_without_gil(self):
    647         # Debug hooks must raise an error if PyObject_Malloc() is called
    648         # without holding the GIL
    649         code = 'import _testcapi; _testcapi.pyobject_malloc_without_gil()'
    650         self.check_malloc_without_gil(code)
    653 class PyMemMallocDebugTests(PyMemDebugTests):
    654     PYTHONMALLOC = 'malloc_debug'
    657 @unittest.skipUnless(sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_PYMALLOC') == 1,
    658                      'need pymalloc')
    659 class PyMemPymallocDebugTests(PyMemDebugTests):
    660     PYTHONMALLOC = 'pymalloc_debug'
    663 @unittest.skipUnless(Py_DEBUG, 'need Py_DEBUG')
    664 class PyMemDefaultTests(PyMemDebugTests):
    665     # test default allocator of Python compiled in debug mode
    666     PYTHONMALLOC = ''
    669 if __name__ == "__main__":
    670     unittest.main()