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      1 import builtins
      2 import copyreg
      3 import gc
      4 import itertools
      5 import math
      6 import pickle
      7 import sys
      8 import types
      9 import unittest
     10 import warnings
     11 import weakref
     13 from copy import deepcopy
     14 from test import support
     17 class OperatorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
     19     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     20         unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     21         self.binops = {
     22             'add': '+',
     23             'sub': '-',
     24             'mul': '*',
     25             'matmul': '@',
     26             'truediv': '/',
     27             'floordiv': '//',
     28             'divmod': 'divmod',
     29             'pow': '**',
     30             'lshift': '<<',
     31             'rshift': '>>',
     32             'and': '&',
     33             'xor': '^',
     34             'or': '|',
     35             'cmp': 'cmp',
     36             'lt': '<',
     37             'le': '<=',
     38             'eq': '==',
     39             'ne': '!=',
     40             'gt': '>',
     41             'ge': '>=',
     42         }
     44         for name, expr in list(self.binops.items()):
     45             if expr.islower():
     46                 expr = expr + "(a, b)"
     47             else:
     48                 expr = 'a %s b' % expr
     49             self.binops[name] = expr
     51         self.unops = {
     52             'pos': '+',
     53             'neg': '-',
     54             'abs': 'abs',
     55             'invert': '~',
     56             'int': 'int',
     57             'float': 'float',
     58         }
     60         for name, expr in list(self.unops.items()):
     61             if expr.islower():
     62                 expr = expr + "(a)"
     63             else:
     64                 expr = '%s a' % expr
     65             self.unops[name] = expr
     67     def unop_test(self, a, res, expr="len(a)", meth="__len__"):
     68         d = {'a': a}
     69         self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
     70         t = type(a)
     71         m = getattr(t, meth)
     73         # Find method in parent class
     74         while meth not in t.__dict__:
     75             t = t.__bases__[0]
     76         # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
     77         # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
     78         self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
     79         self.assertEqual(m(a), res)
     80         bm = getattr(a, meth)
     81         self.assertEqual(bm(), res)
     83     def binop_test(self, a, b, res, expr="a+b", meth="__add__"):
     84         d = {'a': a, 'b': b}
     86         self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
     87         t = type(a)
     88         m = getattr(t, meth)
     89         while meth not in t.__dict__:
     90             t = t.__bases__[0]
     91         # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
     92         # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
     93         self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
     94         self.assertEqual(m(a, b), res)
     95         bm = getattr(a, meth)
     96         self.assertEqual(bm(b), res)
     98     def sliceop_test(self, a, b, c, res, expr="a[b:c]", meth="__getitem__"):
     99         d = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}
    100         self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
    101         t = type(a)
    102         m = getattr(t, meth)
    103         while meth not in t.__dict__:
    104             t = t.__bases__[0]
    105         # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
    106         # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
    107         self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
    108         self.assertEqual(m(a, slice(b, c)), res)
    109         bm = getattr(a, meth)
    110         self.assertEqual(bm(slice(b, c)), res)
    112     def setop_test(self, a, b, res, stmt="a+=b", meth="__iadd__"):
    113         d = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b}
    114         exec(stmt, d)
    115         self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
    116         t = type(a)
    117         m = getattr(t, meth)
    118         while meth not in t.__dict__:
    119             t = t.__bases__[0]
    120         # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
    121         # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
    122         self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
    123         d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
    124         m(d['a'], b)
    125         self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
    126         d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
    127         bm = getattr(d['a'], meth)
    128         bm(b)
    129         self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
    131     def set2op_test(self, a, b, c, res, stmt="a[b]=c", meth="__setitem__"):
    132         d = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c}
    133         exec(stmt, d)
    134         self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
    135         t = type(a)
    136         m = getattr(t, meth)
    137         while meth not in t.__dict__:
    138             t = t.__bases__[0]
    139         # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
    140         # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
    141         self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
    142         d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
    143         m(d['a'], b, c)
    144         self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
    145         d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
    146         bm = getattr(d['a'], meth)
    147         bm(b, c)
    148         self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
    150     def setsliceop_test(self, a, b, c, d, res, stmt="a[b:c]=d", meth="__setitem__"):
    151         dictionary = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d}
    152         exec(stmt, dictionary)
    153         self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
    154         t = type(a)
    155         while meth not in t.__dict__:
    156             t = t.__bases__[0]
    157         m = getattr(t, meth)
    158         # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
    159         # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
    160         self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
    161         dictionary['a'] = deepcopy(a)
    162         m(dictionary['a'], slice(b, c), d)
    163         self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
    164         dictionary['a'] = deepcopy(a)
    165         bm = getattr(dictionary['a'], meth)
    166         bm(slice(b, c), d)
    167         self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
    169     def test_lists(self):
    170         # Testing list operations...
    171         # Asserts are within individual test methods
    172         self.binop_test([1], [2], [1,2], "a+b", "__add__")
    173         self.binop_test([1,2,3], 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    174         self.binop_test([1,2,3], 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    175         self.binop_test([1,2,3], 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    176         self.sliceop_test([1,2,3], 0, 2, [1,2], "a[b:c]", "__getitem__")
    177         self.setop_test([1], [2], [1,2], "a+=b", "__iadd__")
    178         self.setop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*=b", "__imul__")
    179         self.unop_test([1,2,3], 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
    180         self.binop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*b", "__mul__")
    181         self.binop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "b*a", "__rmul__")
    182         self.set2op_test([1,2], 1, 3, [1,3], "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    183         self.setsliceop_test([1,2,3,4], 1, 3, [5,6], [1,5,6,4], "a[b:c]=d",
    184                         "__setitem__")
    186     def test_dicts(self):
    187         # Testing dict operations...
    188         self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    189         self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    190         self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    192         d = {1:2, 3:4}
    193         l1 = []
    194         for i in list(d.keys()):
    195             l1.append(i)
    196         l = []
    197         for i in iter(d):
    198             l.append(i)
    199         self.assertEqual(l, l1)
    200         l = []
    201         for i in d.__iter__():
    202             l.append(i)
    203         self.assertEqual(l, l1)
    204         l = []
    205         for i in dict.__iter__(d):
    206             l.append(i)
    207         self.assertEqual(l, l1)
    208         d = {1:2, 3:4}
    209         self.unop_test(d, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
    210         self.assertEqual(eval(repr(d), {}), d)
    211         self.assertEqual(eval(d.__repr__(), {}), d)
    212         self.set2op_test({1:2,3:4}, 2, 3, {1:2,2:3,3:4}, "a[b]=c",
    213                         "__setitem__")
    215     # Tests for unary and binary operators
    216     def number_operators(self, a, b, skip=[]):
    217         dict = {'a': a, 'b': b}
    219         for name, expr in self.binops.items():
    220             if name not in skip:
    221                 name = "__%s__" % name
    222                 if hasattr(a, name):
    223                     res = eval(expr, dict)
    224                     self.binop_test(a, b, res, expr, name)
    226         for name, expr in list(self.unops.items()):
    227             if name not in skip:
    228                 name = "__%s__" % name
    229                 if hasattr(a, name):
    230                     res = eval(expr, dict)
    231                     self.unop_test(a, res, expr, name)
    233     def test_ints(self):
    234         # Testing int operations...
    235         self.number_operators(100, 3)
    236         # The following crashes in Python 2.2
    237         self.assertEqual((1).__bool__(), 1)
    238         self.assertEqual((0).__bool__(), 0)
    239         # This returns 'NotImplemented' in Python 2.2
    240         class C(int):
    241             def __add__(self, other):
    242                 return NotImplemented
    243         self.assertEqual(C(5), 5)
    244         try:
    245             C() + ""
    246         except TypeError:
    247             pass
    248         else:
    249             self.fail("NotImplemented should have caused TypeError")
    251     def test_floats(self):
    252         # Testing float operations...
    253         self.number_operators(100.0, 3.0)
    255     def test_complexes(self):
    256         # Testing complex operations...
    257         self.number_operators(100.0j, 3.0j, skip=['lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge',
    258                                                   'int', 'float',
    259                                                   'floordiv', 'divmod', 'mod'])
    261         class Number(complex):
    262             __slots__ = ['prec']
    263             def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
    264                 result = complex.__new__(cls, *args)
    265                 result.prec = kwds.get('prec', 12)
    266                 return result
    267             def __repr__(self):
    268                 prec = self.prec
    269                 if self.imag == 0.0:
    270                     return "%.*g" % (prec, self.real)
    271                 if self.real == 0.0:
    272                     return "%.*gj" % (prec, self.imag)
    273                 return "(%.*g+%.*gj)" % (prec, self.real, prec, self.imag)
    274             __str__ = __repr__
    276         a = Number(3.14, prec=6)
    277         self.assertEqual(repr(a), "3.14")
    278         self.assertEqual(a.prec, 6)
    280         a = Number(a, prec=2)
    281         self.assertEqual(repr(a), "3.1")
    282         self.assertEqual(a.prec, 2)
    284         a = Number(234.5)
    285         self.assertEqual(repr(a), "234.5")
    286         self.assertEqual(a.prec, 12)
    288     def test_explicit_reverse_methods(self):
    289         # see issue 9930
    290         self.assertEqual(complex.__radd__(3j, 4.0), complex(4.0, 3.0))
    291         self.assertEqual(float.__rsub__(3.0, 1), -2.0)
    293     @support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
    294     def test_spam_lists(self):
    295         # Testing spamlist operations...
    296         import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    298         def spamlist(l, memo=None):
    299             import xxsubtype as spam
    300             return spam.spamlist(l)
    302         # This is an ugly hack:
    303         copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist
    305         self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
    306                        "__add__")
    307         self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    308         self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    309         self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    310         self.sliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
    311                           "__getitem__")
    312         self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
    313                         "__iadd__")
    314         self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
    315                         "__imul__")
    316         self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
    317         self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
    318                         "__mul__")
    319         self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
    320                         "__rmul__")
    321         self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
    322                          "__setitem__")
    323         self.setsliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
    324                              spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setitem__")
    325         # Test subclassing
    326         class C(spam.spamlist):
    327             def foo(self): return 1
    328         a = C()
    329         self.assertEqual(a, [])
    330         self.assertEqual(a.foo(), 1)
    331         a.append(100)
    332         self.assertEqual(a, [100])
    333         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
    334         a.setstate(42)
    335         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42)
    337     @support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
    338     def test_spam_dicts(self):
    339         # Testing spamdict operations...
    340         import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    341         def spamdict(d, memo=None):
    342             import xxsubtype as spam
    343             sd = spam.spamdict()
    344             for k, v in list(d.items()):
    345                 sd[k] = v
    346             return sd
    347         # This is an ugly hack:
    348         copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict
    350         self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    351         self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    352         self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    353         d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
    354         l1 = []
    355         for i in list(d.keys()):
    356             l1.append(i)
    357         l = []
    358         for i in iter(d):
    359             l.append(i)
    360         self.assertEqual(l, l1)
    361         l = []
    362         for i in d.__iter__():
    363             l.append(i)
    364         self.assertEqual(l, l1)
    365         l = []
    366         for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
    367             l.append(i)
    368         self.assertEqual(l, l1)
    369         straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
    370         spamd = spamdict(straightd)
    371         self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
    372         self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
    373         self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
    374                    "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    375         # Test subclassing
    376         class C(spam.spamdict):
    377             def foo(self): return 1
    378         a = C()
    379         self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [])
    380         self.assertEqual(a.foo(), 1)
    381         a['foo'] = 'bar'
    382         self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [('foo', 'bar')])
    383         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
    384         a.setstate(100)
    385         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100)
    387 class ClassPropertiesAndMethods(unittest.TestCase):
    389     def assertHasAttr(self, obj, name):
    390         self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, name),
    391                         '%r has no attribute %r' % (obj, name))
    393     def assertNotHasAttr(self, obj, name):
    394         self.assertFalse(hasattr(obj, name),
    395                          '%r has unexpected attribute %r' % (obj, name))
    397     def test_python_dicts(self):
    398         # Testing Python subclass of dict...
    399         self.assertTrue(issubclass(dict, dict))
    400         self.assertIsInstance({}, dict)
    401         d = dict()
    402         self.assertEqual(d, {})
    403         self.assertIs(d.__class__, dict)
    404         self.assertIsInstance(d, dict)
    405         class C(dict):
    406             state = -1
    407             def __init__(self_local, *a, **kw):
    408                 if a:
    409                     self.assertEqual(len(a), 1)
    410                     self_local.state = a[0]
    411                 if kw:
    412                     for k, v in list(kw.items()):
    413                         self_local[v] = k
    414             def __getitem__(self, key):
    415                 return self.get(key, 0)
    416             def __setitem__(self_local, key, value):
    417                 self.assertIsInstance(key, type(0))
    418                 dict.__setitem__(self_local, key, value)
    419             def setstate(self, state):
    420                 self.state = state
    421             def getstate(self):
    422                 return self.state
    423         self.assertTrue(issubclass(C, dict))
    424         a1 = C(12)
    425         self.assertEqual(a1.state, 12)
    426         a2 = C(foo=1, bar=2)
    427         self.assertEqual(a2[1] == 'foo' and a2[2], 'bar')
    428         a = C()
    429         self.assertEqual(a.state, -1)
    430         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), -1)
    431         a.setstate(0)
    432         self.assertEqual(a.state, 0)
    433         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
    434         a.setstate(10)
    435         self.assertEqual(a.state, 10)
    436         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 10)
    437         self.assertEqual(a[42], 0)
    438         a[42] = 24
    439         self.assertEqual(a[42], 24)
    440         N = 50
    441         for i in range(N):
    442             a[i] = C()
    443             for j in range(N):
    444                 a[i][j] = i*j
    445         for i in range(N):
    446             for j in range(N):
    447                 self.assertEqual(a[i][j], i*j)
    449     def test_python_lists(self):
    450         # Testing Python subclass of list...
    451         class C(list):
    452             def __getitem__(self, i):
    453                 if isinstance(i, slice):
    454                     return i.start, i.stop
    455                 return list.__getitem__(self, i) + 100
    456         a = C()
    457         a.extend([0,1,2])
    458         self.assertEqual(a[0], 100)
    459         self.assertEqual(a[1], 101)
    460         self.assertEqual(a[2], 102)
    461         self.assertEqual(a[100:200], (100,200))
    463     def test_metaclass(self):
    464         # Testing metaclasses...
    465         class C(metaclass=type):
    466             def __init__(self):
    467                 self.__state = 0
    468             def getstate(self):
    469                 return self.__state
    470             def setstate(self, state):
    471                 self.__state = state
    472         a = C()
    473         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
    474         a.setstate(10)
    475         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 10)
    476         class _metaclass(type):
    477             def myself(cls): return cls
    478         class D(metaclass=_metaclass):
    479             pass
    480         self.assertEqual(D.myself(), D)
    481         d = D()
    482         self.assertEqual(d.__class__, D)
    483         class M1(type):
    484             def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
    485                 dict['__spam__'] = 1
    486                 return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)
    487         class C(metaclass=M1):
    488             pass
    489         self.assertEqual(C.__spam__, 1)
    490         c = C()
    491         self.assertEqual(c.__spam__, 1)
    493         class _instance(object):
    494             pass
    495         class M2(object):
    496             @staticmethod
    497             def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
    498                 self = object.__new__(cls)
    499                 self.name = name
    500                 self.bases = bases
    501                 self.dict = dict
    502                 return self
    503             def __call__(self):
    504                 it = _instance()
    505                 # Early binding of methods
    506                 for key in self.dict:
    507                     if key.startswith("__"):
    508                         continue
    509                     setattr(it, key, self.dict[key].__get__(it, self))
    510                 return it
    511         class C(metaclass=M2):
    512             def spam(self):
    513                 return 42
    514         self.assertEqual(C.name, 'C')
    515         self.assertEqual(C.bases, ())
    516         self.assertIn('spam', C.dict)
    517         c = C()
    518         self.assertEqual(c.spam(), 42)
    520         # More metaclass examples
    522         class autosuper(type):
    523             # Automatically add __super to the class
    524             # This trick only works for dynamic classes
    525             def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict):
    526                 cls = super(autosuper, metaclass).__new__(metaclass,
    527                                                           name, bases, dict)
    528                 # Name mangling for __super removes leading underscores
    529                 while name[:1] == "_":
    530                     name = name[1:]
    531                 if name:
    532                     name = "_%s__super" % name
    533                 else:
    534                     name = "__super"
    535                 setattr(cls, name, super(cls))
    536                 return cls
    537         class A(metaclass=autosuper):
    538             def meth(self):
    539                 return "A"
    540         class B(A):
    541             def meth(self):
    542                 return "B" + self.__super.meth()
    543         class C(A):
    544             def meth(self):
    545                 return "C" + self.__super.meth()
    546         class D(C, B):
    547             def meth(self):
    548                 return "D" + self.__super.meth()
    549         self.assertEqual(D().meth(), "DCBA")
    550         class E(B, C):
    551             def meth(self):
    552                 return "E" + self.__super.meth()
    553         self.assertEqual(E().meth(), "EBCA")
    555         class autoproperty(type):
    556             # Automatically create property attributes when methods
    557             # named _get_x and/or _set_x are found
    558             def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict):
    559                 hits = {}
    560                 for key, val in dict.items():
    561                     if key.startswith("_get_"):
    562                         key = key[5:]
    563                         get, set = hits.get(key, (None, None))
    564                         get = val
    565                         hits[key] = get, set
    566                     elif key.startswith("_set_"):
    567                         key = key[5:]
    568                         get, set = hits.get(key, (None, None))
    569                         set = val
    570                         hits[key] = get, set
    571                 for key, (get, set) in hits.items():
    572                     dict[key] = property(get, set)
    573                 return super(autoproperty, metaclass).__new__(metaclass,
    574                                                             name, bases, dict)
    575         class A(metaclass=autoproperty):
    576             def _get_x(self):
    577                 return -self.__x
    578             def _set_x(self, x):
    579                 self.__x = -x
    580         a = A()
    581         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
    582         a.x = 12
    583         self.assertEqual(a.x, 12)
    584         self.assertEqual(a._A__x, -12)
    586         class multimetaclass(autoproperty, autosuper):
    587             # Merge of multiple cooperating metaclasses
    588             pass
    589         class A(metaclass=multimetaclass):
    590             def _get_x(self):
    591                 return "A"
    592         class B(A):
    593             def _get_x(self):
    594                 return "B" + self.__super._get_x()
    595         class C(A):
    596             def _get_x(self):
    597                 return "C" + self.__super._get_x()
    598         class D(C, B):
    599             def _get_x(self):
    600                 return "D" + self.__super._get_x()
    601         self.assertEqual(D().x, "DCBA")
    603         # Make sure type(x) doesn't call x.__class__.__init__
    604         class T(type):
    605             counter = 0
    606             def __init__(self, *args):
    607                 T.counter += 1
    608         class C(metaclass=T):
    609             pass
    610         self.assertEqual(T.counter, 1)
    611         a = C()
    612         self.assertEqual(type(a), C)
    613         self.assertEqual(T.counter, 1)
    615         class C(object): pass
    616         c = C()
    617         try: c()
    618         except TypeError: pass
    619         else: self.fail("calling object w/o call method should raise "
    620                         "TypeError")
    622         # Testing code to find most derived baseclass
    623         class A(type):
    624             def __new__(*args, **kwargs):
    625                 return type.__new__(*args, **kwargs)
    627         class B(object):
    628             pass
    630         class C(object, metaclass=A):
    631             pass
    633         # The most derived metaclass of D is A rather than type.
    634         class D(B, C):
    635             pass
    636         self.assertIs(A, type(D))
    638         # issue1294232: correct metaclass calculation
    639         new_calls = []  # to check the order of __new__ calls
    640         class AMeta(type):
    641             @staticmethod
    642             def __new__(mcls, name, bases, ns):
    643                 new_calls.append('AMeta')
    644                 return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, ns)
    645             @classmethod
    646             def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases):
    647                 return {}
    649         class BMeta(AMeta):
    650             @staticmethod
    651             def __new__(mcls, name, bases, ns):
    652                 new_calls.append('BMeta')
    653                 return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, ns)
    654             @classmethod
    655             def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases):
    656                 ns = super().__prepare__(name, bases)
    657                 ns['BMeta_was_here'] = True
    658                 return ns
    660         class A(metaclass=AMeta):
    661             pass
    662         self.assertEqual(['AMeta'], new_calls)
    663         new_calls.clear()
    665         class B(metaclass=BMeta):
    666             pass
    667         # BMeta.__new__ calls AMeta.__new__ with super:
    668         self.assertEqual(['BMeta', 'AMeta'], new_calls)
    669         new_calls.clear()
    671         class C(A, B):
    672             pass
    673         # The most derived metaclass is BMeta:
    674         self.assertEqual(['BMeta', 'AMeta'], new_calls)
    675         new_calls.clear()
    676         # BMeta.__prepare__ should've been called:
    677         self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', C.__dict__)
    679         # The order of the bases shouldn't matter:
    680         class C2(B, A):
    681             pass
    682         self.assertEqual(['BMeta', 'AMeta'], new_calls)
    683         new_calls.clear()
    684         self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', C2.__dict__)
    686         # Check correct metaclass calculation when a metaclass is declared:
    687         class D(C, metaclass=type):
    688             pass
    689         self.assertEqual(['BMeta', 'AMeta'], new_calls)
    690         new_calls.clear()
    691         self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', D.__dict__)
    693         class E(C, metaclass=AMeta):
    694             pass
    695         self.assertEqual(['BMeta', 'AMeta'], new_calls)
    696         new_calls.clear()
    697         self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', E.__dict__)
    699         # Special case: the given metaclass isn't a class,
    700         # so there is no metaclass calculation.
    701         marker = object()
    702         def func(*args, **kwargs):
    703             return marker
    704         class X(metaclass=func):
    705             pass
    706         class Y(object, metaclass=func):
    707             pass
    708         class Z(D, metaclass=func):
    709             pass
    710         self.assertIs(marker, X)
    711         self.assertIs(marker, Y)
    712         self.assertIs(marker, Z)
    714         # The given metaclass is a class,
    715         # but not a descendant of type.
    716         prepare_calls = []  # to track __prepare__ calls
    717         class ANotMeta:
    718             def __new__(mcls, *args, **kwargs):
    719                 new_calls.append('ANotMeta')
    720                 return super().__new__(mcls)
    721             @classmethod
    722             def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases):
    723                 prepare_calls.append('ANotMeta')
    724                 return {}
    725         class BNotMeta(ANotMeta):
    726             def __new__(mcls, *args, **kwargs):
    727                 new_calls.append('BNotMeta')
    728                 return super().__new__(mcls)
    729             @classmethod
    730             def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases):
    731                 prepare_calls.append('BNotMeta')
    732                 return super().__prepare__(name, bases)
    734         class A(metaclass=ANotMeta):
    735             pass
    736         self.assertIs(ANotMeta, type(A))
    737         self.assertEqual(['ANotMeta'], prepare_calls)
    738         prepare_calls.clear()
    739         self.assertEqual(['ANotMeta'], new_calls)
    740         new_calls.clear()
    742         class B(metaclass=BNotMeta):
    743             pass
    744         self.assertIs(BNotMeta, type(B))
    745         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], prepare_calls)
    746         prepare_calls.clear()
    747         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], new_calls)
    748         new_calls.clear()
    750         class C(A, B):
    751             pass
    752         self.assertIs(BNotMeta, type(C))
    753         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], new_calls)
    754         new_calls.clear()
    755         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], prepare_calls)
    756         prepare_calls.clear()
    758         class C2(B, A):
    759             pass
    760         self.assertIs(BNotMeta, type(C2))
    761         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], new_calls)
    762         new_calls.clear()
    763         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], prepare_calls)
    764         prepare_calls.clear()
    766         # This is a TypeError, because of a metaclass conflict:
    767         # BNotMeta is neither a subclass, nor a superclass of type
    768         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
    769             class D(C, metaclass=type):
    770                 pass
    772         class E(C, metaclass=ANotMeta):
    773             pass
    774         self.assertIs(BNotMeta, type(E))
    775         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], new_calls)
    776         new_calls.clear()
    777         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], prepare_calls)
    778         prepare_calls.clear()
    780         class F(object(), C):
    781             pass
    782         self.assertIs(BNotMeta, type(F))
    783         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], new_calls)
    784         new_calls.clear()
    785         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], prepare_calls)
    786         prepare_calls.clear()
    788         class F2(C, object()):
    789             pass
    790         self.assertIs(BNotMeta, type(F2))
    791         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], new_calls)
    792         new_calls.clear()
    793         self.assertEqual(['BNotMeta', 'ANotMeta'], prepare_calls)
    794         prepare_calls.clear()
    796         # TypeError: BNotMeta is neither a
    797         # subclass, nor a superclass of int
    798         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
    799             class X(C, int()):
    800                 pass
    801         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
    802             class X(int(), C):
    803                 pass
    805     def test_module_subclasses(self):
    806         # Testing Python subclass of module...
    807         log = []
    808         MT = type(sys)
    809         class MM(MT):
    810             def __init__(self, name):
    811                 MT.__init__(self, name)
    812             def __getattribute__(self, name):
    813                 log.append(("getattr", name))
    814                 return MT.__getattribute__(self, name)
    815             def __setattr__(self, name, value):
    816                 log.append(("setattr", name, value))
    817                 MT.__setattr__(self, name, value)
    818             def __delattr__(self, name):
    819                 log.append(("delattr", name))
    820                 MT.__delattr__(self, name)
    821         a = MM("a")
    822         a.foo = 12
    823         x = a.foo
    824         del a.foo
    825         self.assertEqual(log, [("setattr", "foo", 12),
    826                                ("getattr", "foo"),
    827                                ("delattr", "foo")])
    829         # http://python.org/sf/1174712
    830         try:
    831             class Module(types.ModuleType, str):
    832                 pass
    833         except TypeError:
    834             pass
    835         else:
    836             self.fail("inheriting from ModuleType and str at the same time "
    837                       "should fail")
    839     def test_multiple_inheritance(self):
    840         # Testing multiple inheritance...
    841         class C(object):
    842             def __init__(self):
    843                 self.__state = 0
    844             def getstate(self):
    845                 return self.__state
    846             def setstate(self, state):
    847                 self.__state = state
    848         a = C()
    849         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
    850         a.setstate(10)
    851         self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 10)
    852         class D(dict, C):
    853             def __init__(self):
    854                 type({}).__init__(self)
    855                 C.__init__(self)
    856         d = D()
    857         self.assertEqual(list(d.keys()), [])
    858         d["hello"] = "world"
    859         self.assertEqual(list(d.items()), [("hello", "world")])
    860         self.assertEqual(d["hello"], "world")
    861         self.assertEqual(d.getstate(), 0)
    862         d.setstate(10)
    863         self.assertEqual(d.getstate(), 10)
    864         self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, (D, dict, C, object))
    866         # SF bug #442833
    867         class Node(object):
    868             def __int__(self):
    869                 return int(self.foo())
    870             def foo(self):
    871                 return "23"
    872         class Frag(Node, list):
    873             def foo(self):
    874                 return "42"
    875         self.assertEqual(Node().__int__(), 23)
    876         self.assertEqual(int(Node()), 23)
    877         self.assertEqual(Frag().__int__(), 42)
    878         self.assertEqual(int(Frag()), 42)
    880     def test_diamond_inheritance(self):
    881         # Testing multiple inheritance special cases...
    882         class A(object):
    883             def spam(self): return "A"
    884         self.assertEqual(A().spam(), "A")
    885         class B(A):
    886             def boo(self): return "B"
    887             def spam(self): return "B"
    888         self.assertEqual(B().spam(), "B")
    889         self.assertEqual(B().boo(), "B")
    890         class C(A):
    891             def boo(self): return "C"
    892         self.assertEqual(C().spam(), "A")
    893         self.assertEqual(C().boo(), "C")
    894         class D(B, C): pass
    895         self.assertEqual(D().spam(), "B")
    896         self.assertEqual(D().boo(), "B")
    897         self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, (D, B, C, A, object))
    898         class E(C, B): pass
    899         self.assertEqual(E().spam(), "B")
    900         self.assertEqual(E().boo(), "C")
    901         self.assertEqual(E.__mro__, (E, C, B, A, object))
    902         # MRO order disagreement
    903         try:
    904             class F(D, E): pass
    905         except TypeError:
    906             pass
    907         else:
    908             self.fail("expected MRO order disagreement (F)")
    909         try:
    910             class G(E, D): pass
    911         except TypeError:
    912             pass
    913         else:
    914             self.fail("expected MRO order disagreement (G)")
    916     # see thread python-dev/2002-October/029035.html
    917     def test_ex5_from_c3_switch(self):
    918         # Testing ex5 from C3 switch discussion...
    919         class A(object): pass
    920         class B(object): pass
    921         class C(object): pass
    922         class X(A): pass
    923         class Y(A): pass
    924         class Z(X,B,Y,C): pass
    925         self.assertEqual(Z.__mro__, (Z, X, B, Y, A, C, object))
    927     # see "A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan",
    928     # by Kim Barrett et al. (OOPSLA 1996)
    929     def test_monotonicity(self):
    930         # Testing MRO monotonicity...
    931         class Boat(object): pass
    932         class DayBoat(Boat): pass
    933         class WheelBoat(Boat): pass
    934         class EngineLess(DayBoat): pass
    935         class SmallMultihull(DayBoat): pass
    936         class PedalWheelBoat(EngineLess,WheelBoat): pass
    937         class SmallCatamaran(SmallMultihull): pass
    938         class Pedalo(PedalWheelBoat,SmallCatamaran): pass
    940         self.assertEqual(PedalWheelBoat.__mro__,
    941               (PedalWheelBoat, EngineLess, DayBoat, WheelBoat, Boat, object))
    942         self.assertEqual(SmallCatamaran.__mro__,
    943               (SmallCatamaran, SmallMultihull, DayBoat, Boat, object))
    944         self.assertEqual(Pedalo.__mro__,
    945               (Pedalo, PedalWheelBoat, EngineLess, SmallCatamaran,
    946                SmallMultihull, DayBoat, WheelBoat, Boat, object))
    948     # see "A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan",
    949     # by Kim Barrett et al. (OOPSLA 1996)
    950     def test_consistency_with_epg(self):
    951         # Testing consistency with EPG...
    952         class Pane(object): pass
    953         class ScrollingMixin(object): pass
    954         class EditingMixin(object): pass
    955         class ScrollablePane(Pane,ScrollingMixin): pass
    956         class EditablePane(Pane,EditingMixin): pass
    957         class EditableScrollablePane(ScrollablePane,EditablePane): pass
    959         self.assertEqual(EditableScrollablePane.__mro__,
    960               (EditableScrollablePane, ScrollablePane, EditablePane, Pane,
    961                 ScrollingMixin, EditingMixin, object))
    963     def test_mro_disagreement(self):
    964         # Testing error messages for MRO disagreement...
    965         mro_err_msg = """Cannot create a consistent method resolution
    966 order (MRO) for bases """
    968         def raises(exc, expected, callable, *args):
    969             try:
    970                 callable(*args)
    971             except exc as msg:
    972                 # the exact msg is generally considered an impl detail
    973                 if support.check_impl_detail():
    974                     if not str(msg).startswith(expected):
    975                         self.fail("Message %r, expected %r" %
    976                                   (str(msg), expected))
    977             else:
    978                 self.fail("Expected %s" % exc)
    980         class A(object): pass
    981         class B(A): pass
    982         class C(object): pass
    984         # Test some very simple errors
    985         raises(TypeError, "duplicate base class A",
    986                type, "X", (A, A), {})
    987         raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg,
    988                type, "X", (A, B), {})
    989         raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg,
    990                type, "X", (A, C, B), {})
    991         # Test a slightly more complex error
    992         class GridLayout(object): pass
    993         class HorizontalGrid(GridLayout): pass
    994         class VerticalGrid(GridLayout): pass
    995         class HVGrid(HorizontalGrid, VerticalGrid): pass
    996         class VHGrid(VerticalGrid, HorizontalGrid): pass
    997         raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg,
    998                type, "ConfusedGrid", (HVGrid, VHGrid), {})
   1000     def test_object_class(self):
   1001         # Testing object class...
   1002         a = object()
   1003         self.assertEqual(a.__class__, object)
   1004         self.assertEqual(type(a), object)
   1005         b = object()
   1006         self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
   1007         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "foo")
   1008         try:
   1009             a.foo = 12
   1010         except (AttributeError, TypeError):
   1011             pass
   1012         else:
   1013             self.fail("object() should not allow setting a foo attribute")
   1014         self.assertNotHasAttr(object(), "__dict__")
   1016         class Cdict(object):
   1017             pass
   1018         x = Cdict()
   1019         self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, {})
   1020         x.foo = 1
   1021         self.assertEqual(x.foo, 1)
   1022         self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, {'foo': 1})
   1024     def test_object_class_assignment_between_heaptypes_and_nonheaptypes(self):
   1025         class SubType(types.ModuleType):
   1026             a = 1
   1028         m = types.ModuleType("m")
   1029         self.assertTrue(m.__class__ is types.ModuleType)
   1030         self.assertFalse(hasattr(m, "a"))
   1032         m.__class__ = SubType
   1033         self.assertTrue(m.__class__ is SubType)
   1034         self.assertTrue(hasattr(m, "a"))
   1036         m.__class__ = types.ModuleType
   1037         self.assertTrue(m.__class__ is types.ModuleType)
   1038         self.assertFalse(hasattr(m, "a"))
   1040         # Make sure that builtin immutable objects don't support __class__
   1041         # assignment, because the object instances may be interned.
   1042         # We set __slots__ = () to ensure that the subclasses are
   1043         # memory-layout compatible, and thus otherwise reasonable candidates
   1044         # for __class__ assignment.
   1046         # The following types have immutable instances, but are not
   1047         # subclassable and thus don't need to be checked:
   1048         #   NoneType, bool
   1050         class MyInt(int):
   1051             __slots__ = ()
   1052         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1053             (1).__class__ = MyInt
   1055         class MyFloat(float):
   1056             __slots__ = ()
   1057         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1058             (1.0).__class__ = MyFloat
   1060         class MyComplex(complex):
   1061             __slots__ = ()
   1062         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1063             (1 + 2j).__class__ = MyComplex
   1065         class MyStr(str):
   1066             __slots__ = ()
   1067         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1068             "a".__class__ = MyStr
   1070         class MyBytes(bytes):
   1071             __slots__ = ()
   1072         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1073             b"a".__class__ = MyBytes
   1075         class MyTuple(tuple):
   1076             __slots__ = ()
   1077         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1078             ().__class__ = MyTuple
   1080         class MyFrozenSet(frozenset):
   1081             __slots__ = ()
   1082         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1083             frozenset().__class__ = MyFrozenSet
   1085     def test_slots(self):
   1086         # Testing __slots__...
   1087         class C0(object):
   1088             __slots__ = []
   1089         x = C0()
   1090         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "__dict__")
   1091         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "foo")
   1093         class C1(object):
   1094             __slots__ = ['a']
   1095         x = C1()
   1096         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "__dict__")
   1097         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "a")
   1098         x.a = 1
   1099         self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
   1100         x.a = None
   1101         self.assertEqual(x.a, None)
   1102         del x.a
   1103         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "a")
   1105         class C3(object):
   1106             __slots__ = ['a', 'b', 'c']
   1107         x = C3()
   1108         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "__dict__")
   1109         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, 'a')
   1110         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, 'b')
   1111         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, 'c')
   1112         x.a = 1
   1113         x.b = 2
   1114         x.c = 3
   1115         self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
   1116         self.assertEqual(x.b, 2)
   1117         self.assertEqual(x.c, 3)
   1119         class C4(object):
   1120             """Validate name mangling"""
   1121             __slots__ = ['__a']
   1122             def __init__(self, value):
   1123                 self.__a = value
   1124             def get(self):
   1125                 return self.__a
   1126         x = C4(5)
   1127         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, '__dict__')
   1128         self.assertNotHasAttr(x, '__a')
   1129         self.assertEqual(x.get(), 5)
   1130         try:
   1131             x.__a = 6
   1132         except AttributeError:
   1133             pass
   1134         else:
   1135             self.fail("Double underscored names not mangled")
   1137         # Make sure slot names are proper identifiers
   1138         try:
   1139             class C(object):
   1140                 __slots__ = [None]
   1141         except TypeError:
   1142             pass
   1143         else:
   1144             self.fail("[None] slots not caught")
   1145         try:
   1146             class C(object):
   1147                 __slots__ = ["foo bar"]
   1148         except TypeError:
   1149             pass
   1150         else:
   1151             self.fail("['foo bar'] slots not caught")
   1152         try:
   1153             class C(object):
   1154                 __slots__ = ["foo\0bar"]
   1155         except TypeError:
   1156             pass
   1157         else:
   1158             self.fail("['foo\\0bar'] slots not caught")
   1159         try:
   1160             class C(object):
   1161                 __slots__ = ["1"]
   1162         except TypeError:
   1163             pass
   1164         else:
   1165             self.fail("['1'] slots not caught")
   1166         try:
   1167             class C(object):
   1168                 __slots__ = [""]
   1169         except TypeError:
   1170             pass
   1171         else:
   1172             self.fail("[''] slots not caught")
   1173         class C(object):
   1174             __slots__ = ["a", "a_b", "_a", "A0123456789Z"]
   1175         # XXX(nnorwitz): was there supposed to be something tested
   1176         # from the class above?
   1178         # Test a single string is not expanded as a sequence.
   1179         class C(object):
   1180             __slots__ = "abc"
   1181         c = C()
   1182         c.abc = 5
   1183         self.assertEqual(c.abc, 5)
   1185         # Test unicode slot names
   1186         # Test a single unicode string is not expanded as a sequence.
   1187         class C(object):
   1188             __slots__ = "abc"
   1189         c = C()
   1190         c.abc = 5
   1191         self.assertEqual(c.abc, 5)
   1193         # _unicode_to_string used to modify slots in certain circumstances
   1194         slots = ("foo", "bar")
   1195         class C(object):
   1196             __slots__ = slots
   1197         x = C()
   1198         x.foo = 5
   1199         self.assertEqual(x.foo, 5)
   1200         self.assertIs(type(slots[0]), str)
   1201         # this used to leak references
   1202         try:
   1203             class C(object):
   1204                 __slots__ = [chr(128)]
   1205         except (TypeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
   1206             pass
   1207         else:
   1208             self.fail("[chr(128)] slots not caught")
   1210         # Test leaks
   1211         class Counted(object):
   1212             counter = 0    # counts the number of instances alive
   1213             def __init__(self):
   1214                 Counted.counter += 1
   1215             def __del__(self):
   1216                 Counted.counter -= 1
   1217         class C(object):
   1218             __slots__ = ['a', 'b', 'c']
   1219         x = C()
   1220         x.a = Counted()
   1221         x.b = Counted()
   1222         x.c = Counted()
   1223         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 3)
   1224         del x
   1225         support.gc_collect()
   1226         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
   1227         class D(C):
   1228             pass
   1229         x = D()
   1230         x.a = Counted()
   1231         x.z = Counted()
   1232         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 2)
   1233         del x
   1234         support.gc_collect()
   1235         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
   1236         class E(D):
   1237             __slots__ = ['e']
   1238         x = E()
   1239         x.a = Counted()
   1240         x.z = Counted()
   1241         x.e = Counted()
   1242         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 3)
   1243         del x
   1244         support.gc_collect()
   1245         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
   1247         # Test cyclical leaks [SF bug 519621]
   1248         class F(object):
   1249             __slots__ = ['a', 'b']
   1250         s = F()
   1251         s.a = [Counted(), s]
   1252         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 1)
   1253         s = None
   1254         support.gc_collect()
   1255         self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
   1257         # Test lookup leaks [SF bug 572567]
   1258         if hasattr(gc, 'get_objects'):
   1259             class G(object):
   1260                 def __eq__(self, other):
   1261                     return False
   1262             g = G()
   1263             orig_objects = len(gc.get_objects())
   1264             for i in range(10):
   1265                 g==g
   1266             new_objects = len(gc.get_objects())
   1267             self.assertEqual(orig_objects, new_objects)
   1269         class H(object):
   1270             __slots__ = ['a', 'b']
   1271             def __init__(self):
   1272                 self.a = 1
   1273                 self.b = 2
   1274             def __del__(self_):
   1275                 self.assertEqual(self_.a, 1)
   1276                 self.assertEqual(self_.b, 2)
   1277         with support.captured_output('stderr') as s:
   1278             h = H()
   1279             del h
   1280         self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '')
   1282         class X(object):
   1283             __slots__ = "a"
   1284         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
   1285             del X().a
   1287     def test_slots_special(self):
   1288         # Testing __dict__ and __weakref__ in __slots__...
   1289         class D(object):
   1290             __slots__ = ["__dict__"]
   1291         a = D()
   1292         self.assertHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
   1293         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
   1294         a.foo = 42
   1295         self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42})
   1297         class W(object):
   1298             __slots__ = ["__weakref__"]
   1299         a = W()
   1300         self.assertHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
   1301         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
   1302         try:
   1303             a.foo = 42
   1304         except AttributeError:
   1305             pass
   1306         else:
   1307             self.fail("shouldn't be allowed to set a.foo")
   1309         class C1(W, D):
   1310             __slots__ = []
   1311         a = C1()
   1312         self.assertHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
   1313         self.assertHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
   1314         a.foo = 42
   1315         self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42})
   1317         class C2(D, W):
   1318             __slots__ = []
   1319         a = C2()
   1320         self.assertHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
   1321         self.assertHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
   1322         a.foo = 42
   1323         self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42})
   1325     def test_slots_descriptor(self):
   1326         # Issue2115: slot descriptors did not correctly check
   1327         # the type of the given object
   1328         import abc
   1329         class MyABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
   1330             __slots__ = "a"
   1332         class Unrelated(object):
   1333             pass
   1334         MyABC.register(Unrelated)
   1336         u = Unrelated()
   1337         self.assertIsInstance(u, MyABC)
   1339         # This used to crash
   1340         self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyABC.a.__set__, u, 3)
   1342     def test_dynamics(self):
   1343         # Testing class attribute propagation...
   1344         class D(object):
   1345             pass
   1346         class E(D):
   1347             pass
   1348         class F(D):
   1349             pass
   1350         D.foo = 1
   1351         self.assertEqual(D.foo, 1)
   1352         # Test that dynamic attributes are inherited
   1353         self.assertEqual(E.foo, 1)
   1354         self.assertEqual(F.foo, 1)
   1355         # Test dynamic instances
   1356         class C(object):
   1357             pass
   1358         a = C()
   1359         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "foobar")
   1360         C.foobar = 2
   1361         self.assertEqual(a.foobar, 2)
   1362         C.method = lambda self: 42
   1363         self.assertEqual(a.method(), 42)
   1364         C.__repr__ = lambda self: "C()"
   1365         self.assertEqual(repr(a), "C()")
   1366         C.__int__ = lambda self: 100
   1367         self.assertEqual(int(a), 100)
   1368         self.assertEqual(a.foobar, 2)
   1369         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "spam")
   1370         def mygetattr(self, name):
   1371             if name == "spam":
   1372                 return "spam"
   1373             raise AttributeError
   1374         C.__getattr__ = mygetattr
   1375         self.assertEqual(a.spam, "spam")
   1376         a.new = 12
   1377         self.assertEqual(a.new, 12)
   1378         def mysetattr(self, name, value):
   1379             if name == "spam":
   1380                 raise AttributeError
   1381             return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
   1382         C.__setattr__ = mysetattr
   1383         try:
   1384             a.spam = "not spam"
   1385         except AttributeError:
   1386             pass
   1387         else:
   1388             self.fail("expected AttributeError")
   1389         self.assertEqual(a.spam, "spam")
   1390         class D(C):
   1391             pass
   1392         d = D()
   1393         d.foo = 1
   1394         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 1)
   1396         # Test handling of int*seq and seq*int
   1397         class I(int):
   1398             pass
   1399         self.assertEqual("a"*I(2), "aa")
   1400         self.assertEqual(I(2)*"a", "aa")
   1401         self.assertEqual(2*I(3), 6)
   1402         self.assertEqual(I(3)*2, 6)
   1403         self.assertEqual(I(3)*I(2), 6)
   1405         # Test comparison of classes with dynamic metaclasses
   1406         class dynamicmetaclass(type):
   1407             pass
   1408         class someclass(metaclass=dynamicmetaclass):
   1409             pass
   1410         self.assertNotEqual(someclass, object)
   1412     def test_errors(self):
   1413         # Testing errors...
   1414         try:
   1415             class C(list, dict):
   1416                 pass
   1417         except TypeError:
   1418             pass
   1419         else:
   1420             self.fail("inheritance from both list and dict should be illegal")
   1422         try:
   1423             class C(object, None):
   1424                 pass
   1425         except TypeError:
   1426             pass
   1427         else:
   1428             self.fail("inheritance from non-type should be illegal")
   1429         class Classic:
   1430             pass
   1432         try:
   1433             class C(type(len)):
   1434                 pass
   1435         except TypeError:
   1436             pass
   1437         else:
   1438             self.fail("inheritance from CFunction should be illegal")
   1440         try:
   1441             class C(object):
   1442                 __slots__ = 1
   1443         except TypeError:
   1444             pass
   1445         else:
   1446             self.fail("__slots__ = 1 should be illegal")
   1448         try:
   1449             class C(object):
   1450                 __slots__ = [1]
   1451         except TypeError:
   1452             pass
   1453         else:
   1454             self.fail("__slots__ = [1] should be illegal")
   1456         class M1(type):
   1457             pass
   1458         class M2(type):
   1459             pass
   1460         class A1(object, metaclass=M1):
   1461             pass
   1462         class A2(object, metaclass=M2):
   1463             pass
   1464         try:
   1465             class B(A1, A2):
   1466                 pass
   1467         except TypeError:
   1468             pass
   1469         else:
   1470             self.fail("finding the most derived metaclass should have failed")
   1472     def test_classmethods(self):
   1473         # Testing class methods...
   1474         class C(object):
   1475             def foo(*a): return a
   1476             goo = classmethod(foo)
   1477         c = C()
   1478         self.assertEqual(C.goo(1), (C, 1))
   1479         self.assertEqual(c.goo(1), (C, 1))
   1480         self.assertEqual(c.foo(1), (c, 1))
   1481         class D(C):
   1482             pass
   1483         d = D()
   1484         self.assertEqual(D.goo(1), (D, 1))
   1485         self.assertEqual(d.goo(1), (D, 1))
   1486         self.assertEqual(d.foo(1), (d, 1))
   1487         self.assertEqual(D.foo(d, 1), (d, 1))
   1488         # Test for a specific crash (SF bug 528132)
   1489         def f(cls, arg): return (cls, arg)
   1490         ff = classmethod(f)
   1491         self.assertEqual(ff.__get__(0, int)(42), (int, 42))
   1492         self.assertEqual(ff.__get__(0)(42), (int, 42))
   1494         # Test super() with classmethods (SF bug 535444)
   1495         self.assertEqual(C.goo.__self__, C)
   1496         self.assertEqual(D.goo.__self__, D)
   1497         self.assertEqual(super(D,D).goo.__self__, D)
   1498         self.assertEqual(super(D,d).goo.__self__, D)
   1499         self.assertEqual(super(D,D).goo(), (D,))
   1500         self.assertEqual(super(D,d).goo(), (D,))
   1502         # Verify that a non-callable will raise
   1503         meth = classmethod(1).__get__(1)
   1504         self.assertRaises(TypeError, meth)
   1506         # Verify that classmethod() doesn't allow keyword args
   1507         try:
   1508             classmethod(f, kw=1)
   1509         except TypeError:
   1510             pass
   1511         else:
   1512             self.fail("classmethod shouldn't accept keyword args")
   1514         cm = classmethod(f)
   1515         self.assertEqual(cm.__dict__, {})
   1516         cm.x = 42
   1517         self.assertEqual(cm.x, 42)
   1518         self.assertEqual(cm.__dict__, {"x" : 42})
   1519         del cm.x
   1520         self.assertNotHasAttr(cm, "x")
   1522     @support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
   1523     def test_classmethods_in_c(self):
   1524         # Testing C-based class methods...
   1525         import xxsubtype as spam
   1526         a = (1, 2, 3)
   1527         d = {'abc': 123}
   1528         x, a1, d1 = spam.spamlist.classmeth(*a, **d)
   1529         self.assertEqual(x, spam.spamlist)
   1530         self.assertEqual(a, a1)
   1531         self.assertEqual(d, d1)
   1532         x, a1, d1 = spam.spamlist().classmeth(*a, **d)
   1533         self.assertEqual(x, spam.spamlist)
   1534         self.assertEqual(a, a1)
   1535         self.assertEqual(d, d1)
   1536         spam_cm = spam.spamlist.__dict__['classmeth']
   1537         x2, a2, d2 = spam_cm(spam.spamlist, *a, **d)
   1538         self.assertEqual(x2, spam.spamlist)
   1539         self.assertEqual(a2, a1)
   1540         self.assertEqual(d2, d1)
   1541         class SubSpam(spam.spamlist): pass
   1542         x2, a2, d2 = spam_cm(SubSpam, *a, **d)
   1543         self.assertEqual(x2, SubSpam)
   1544         self.assertEqual(a2, a1)
   1545         self.assertEqual(d2, d1)
   1546         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1547             spam_cm()
   1548         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1549             spam_cm(spam.spamlist())
   1550         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   1551             spam_cm(list)
   1553     def test_staticmethods(self):
   1554         # Testing static methods...
   1555         class C(object):
   1556             def foo(*a): return a
   1557             goo = staticmethod(foo)
   1558         c = C()
   1559         self.assertEqual(C.goo(1), (1,))
   1560         self.assertEqual(c.goo(1), (1,))
   1561         self.assertEqual(c.foo(1), (c, 1,))
   1562         class D(C):
   1563             pass
   1564         d = D()
   1565         self.assertEqual(D.goo(1), (1,))
   1566         self.assertEqual(d.goo(1), (1,))
   1567         self.assertEqual(d.foo(1), (d, 1))
   1568         self.assertEqual(D.foo(d, 1), (d, 1))
   1569         sm = staticmethod(None)
   1570         self.assertEqual(sm.__dict__, {})
   1571         sm.x = 42
   1572         self.assertEqual(sm.x, 42)
   1573         self.assertEqual(sm.__dict__, {"x" : 42})
   1574         del sm.x
   1575         self.assertNotHasAttr(sm, "x")
   1577     @support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
   1578     def test_staticmethods_in_c(self):
   1579         # Testing C-based static methods...
   1580         import xxsubtype as spam
   1581         a = (1, 2, 3)
   1582         d = {"abc": 123}
   1583         x, a1, d1 = spam.spamlist.staticmeth(*a, **d)
   1584         self.assertEqual(x, None)
   1585         self.assertEqual(a, a1)
   1586         self.assertEqual(d, d1)
   1587         x, a1, d2 = spam.spamlist().staticmeth(*a, **d)
   1588         self.assertEqual(x, None)
   1589         self.assertEqual(a, a1)
   1590         self.assertEqual(d, d1)
   1592     def test_classic(self):
   1593         # Testing classic classes...
   1594         class C:
   1595             def foo(*a): return a
   1596             goo = classmethod(foo)
   1597         c = C()
   1598         self.assertEqual(C.goo(1), (C, 1))
   1599         self.assertEqual(c.goo(1), (C, 1))
   1600         self.assertEqual(c.foo(1), (c, 1))
   1601         class D(C):
   1602             pass
   1603         d = D()
   1604         self.assertEqual(D.goo(1), (D, 1))
   1605         self.assertEqual(d.goo(1), (D, 1))
   1606         self.assertEqual(d.foo(1), (d, 1))
   1607         self.assertEqual(D.foo(d, 1), (d, 1))
   1608         class E: # *not* subclassing from C
   1609             foo = C.foo
   1610         self.assertEqual(E().foo.__func__, C.foo) # i.e., unbound
   1611         self.assertTrue(repr(C.foo.__get__(C())).startswith("<bound method "))
   1613     def test_compattr(self):
   1614         # Testing computed attributes...
   1615         class C(object):
   1616             class computed_attribute(object):
   1617                 def __init__(self, get, set=None, delete=None):
   1618                     self.__get = get
   1619                     self.__set = set
   1620                     self.__delete = delete
   1621                 def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
   1622                     return self.__get(obj)
   1623                 def __set__(self, obj, value):
   1624                     return self.__set(obj, value)
   1625                 def __delete__(self, obj):
   1626                     return self.__delete(obj)
   1627             def __init__(self):
   1628                 self.__x = 0
   1629             def __get_x(self):
   1630                 x = self.__x
   1631                 self.__x = x+1
   1632                 return x
   1633             def __set_x(self, x):
   1634                 self.__x = x
   1635             def __delete_x(self):
   1636                 del self.__x
   1637             x = computed_attribute(__get_x, __set_x, __delete_x)
   1638         a = C()
   1639         self.assertEqual(a.x, 0)
   1640         self.assertEqual(a.x, 1)
   1641         a.x = 10
   1642         self.assertEqual(a.x, 10)
   1643         self.assertEqual(a.x, 11)
   1644         del a.x
   1645         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, 'x')
   1647     def test_newslots(self):
   1648         # Testing __new__ slot override...
   1649         class C(list):
   1650             def __new__(cls):
   1651                 self = list.__new__(cls)
   1652                 self.foo = 1
   1653                 return self
   1654             def __init__(self):
   1655                 self.foo = self.foo + 2
   1656         a = C()
   1657         self.assertEqual(a.foo, 3)
   1658         self.assertEqual(a.__class__, C)
   1659         class D(C):
   1660             pass
   1661         b = D()
   1662         self.assertEqual(b.foo, 3)
   1663         self.assertEqual(b.__class__, D)
   1665     @unittest.expectedFailure
   1666     def test_bad_new(self):
   1667         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__)
   1668         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, '')
   1669         self.assertRaises(TypeError, list.__new__, object)
   1670         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, list)
   1671         class C(object):
   1672             __new__ = list.__new__
   1673         self.assertRaises(TypeError, C)
   1674         class C(list):
   1675             __new__ = object.__new__
   1676         self.assertRaises(TypeError, C)
   1678     def test_object_new(self):
   1679         class A(object):
   1680             pass
   1681         object.__new__(A)
   1682         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, A, 5)
   1683         object.__init__(A())
   1684         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__init__, A(), 5)
   1686         class A(object):
   1687             def __init__(self, foo):
   1688                 self.foo = foo
   1689         object.__new__(A)
   1690         object.__new__(A, 5)
   1691         object.__init__(A(3))
   1692         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__init__, A(3), 5)
   1694         class A(object):
   1695             def __new__(cls, foo):
   1696                 return object.__new__(cls)
   1697         object.__new__(A)
   1698         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, A, 5)
   1699         object.__init__(A(3))
   1700         object.__init__(A(3), 5)
   1702         class A(object):
   1703             def __new__(cls, foo):
   1704                 return object.__new__(cls)
   1705             def __init__(self, foo):
   1706                 self.foo = foo
   1707         object.__new__(A)
   1708         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, A, 5)
   1709         object.__init__(A(3))
   1710         self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__init__, A(3), 5)
   1712     @unittest.expectedFailure
   1713     def test_restored_object_new(self):
   1714         class A(object):
   1715             def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
   1716                 raise AssertionError
   1717         self.assertRaises(AssertionError, A)
   1718         class B(A):
   1719             __new__ = object.__new__
   1720             def __init__(self, foo):
   1721                 self.foo = foo
   1722         with warnings.catch_warnings():
   1723             warnings.simplefilter('error', DeprecationWarning)
   1724             b = B(3)
   1725         self.assertEqual(b.foo, 3)
   1726         self.assertEqual(b.__class__, B)
   1727         del B.__new__
   1728         self.assertRaises(AssertionError, B)
   1729         del A.__new__
   1730         with warnings.catch_warnings():
   1731             warnings.simplefilter('error', DeprecationWarning)
   1732             b = B(3)
   1733         self.assertEqual(b.foo, 3)
   1734         self.assertEqual(b.__class__, B)
   1736     def test_altmro(self):
   1737         # Testing mro() and overriding it...
   1738         class A(object):
   1739             def f(self): return "A"
   1740         class B(A):
   1741             pass
   1742         class C(A):
   1743             def f(self): return "C"
   1744         class D(B, C):
   1745             pass
   1746         self.assertEqual(D.mro(), [D, B, C, A, object])
   1747         self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, (D, B, C, A, object))
   1748         self.assertEqual(D().f(), "C")
   1750         class PerverseMetaType(type):
   1751             def mro(cls):
   1752                 L = type.mro(cls)
   1753                 L.reverse()
   1754                 return L
   1755         class X(D,B,C,A, metaclass=PerverseMetaType):
   1756             pass
   1757         self.assertEqual(X.__mro__, (object, A, C, B, D, X))
   1758         self.assertEqual(X().f(), "A")
   1760         try:
   1761             class _metaclass(type):
   1762                 def mro(self):
   1763                     return [self, dict, object]
   1764             class X(object, metaclass=_metaclass):
   1765                 pass
   1766             # In CPython, the class creation above already raises
   1767             # TypeError, as a protection against the fact that
   1768             # instances of X would segfault it.  In other Python
   1769             # implementations it would be ok to let the class X
   1770             # be created, but instead get a clean TypeError on the
   1771             # __setitem__ below.
   1772             x = object.__new__(X)
   1773             x[5] = 6
   1774         except TypeError:
   1775             pass
   1776         else:
   1777             self.fail("devious mro() return not caught")
   1779         try:
   1780             class _metaclass(type):
   1781                 def mro(self):
   1782                     return [1]
   1783             class X(object, metaclass=_metaclass):
   1784                 pass
   1785         except TypeError:
   1786             pass
   1787         else:
   1788             self.fail("non-class mro() return not caught")
   1790         try:
   1791             class _metaclass(type):
   1792                 def mro(self):
   1793                     return 1
   1794             class X(object, metaclass=_metaclass):
   1795                 pass
   1796         except TypeError:
   1797             pass
   1798         else:
   1799             self.fail("non-sequence mro() return not caught")
   1801     def test_overloading(self):
   1802         # Testing operator overloading...
   1804         class B(object):
   1805             "Intermediate class because object doesn't have a __setattr__"
   1807         class C(B):
   1808             def __getattr__(self, name):
   1809                 if name == "foo":
   1810                     return ("getattr", name)
   1811                 else:
   1812                     raise AttributeError
   1813             def __setattr__(self, name, value):
   1814                 if name == "foo":
   1815                     self.setattr = (name, value)
   1816                 else:
   1817                     return B.__setattr__(self, name, value)
   1818             def __delattr__(self, name):
   1819                 if name == "foo":
   1820                     self.delattr = name
   1821                 else:
   1822                     return B.__delattr__(self, name)
   1824             def __getitem__(self, key):
   1825                 return ("getitem", key)
   1826             def __setitem__(self, key, value):
   1827                 self.setitem = (key, value)
   1828             def __delitem__(self, key):
   1829                 self.delitem = key
   1831         a = C()
   1832         self.assertEqual(a.foo, ("getattr", "foo"))
   1833         a.foo = 12
   1834         self.assertEqual(a.setattr, ("foo", 12))
   1835         del a.foo
   1836         self.assertEqual(a.delattr, "foo")
   1838         self.assertEqual(a[12], ("getitem", 12))
   1839         a[12] = 21
   1840         self.assertEqual(a.setitem, (12, 21))
   1841         del a[12]
   1842         self.assertEqual(a.delitem, 12)
   1844         self.assertEqual(a[0:10], ("getitem", slice(0, 10)))
   1845         a[0:10] = "foo"
   1846         self.assertEqual(a.setitem, (slice(0, 10), "foo"))
   1847         del a[0:10]
   1848         self.assertEqual(a.delitem, (slice(0, 10)))
   1850     def test_methods(self):
   1851         # Testing methods...
   1852         class C(object):
   1853             def __init__(self, x):
   1854                 self.x = x
   1855             def foo(self):
   1856                 return self.x
   1857         c1 = C(1)
   1858         self.assertEqual(c1.foo(), 1)
   1859         class D(C):
   1860             boo = C.foo
   1861             goo = c1.foo
   1862         d2 = D(2)
   1863         self.assertEqual(d2.foo(), 2)
   1864         self.assertEqual(d2.boo(), 2)
   1865         self.assertEqual(d2.goo(), 1)
   1866         class E(object):
   1867             foo = C.foo
   1868         self.assertEqual(E().foo.__func__, C.foo) # i.e., unbound
   1869         self.assertTrue(repr(C.foo.__get__(C(1))).startswith("<bound method "))
   1871     def test_special_method_lookup(self):
   1872         # The lookup of special methods bypasses __getattr__ and
   1873         # __getattribute__, but they still can be descriptors.
   1875         def run_context(manager):
   1876             with manager:
   1877                 pass
   1878         def iden(self):
   1879             return self
   1880         def hello(self):
   1881             return b"hello"
   1882         def empty_seq(self):
   1883             return []
   1884         def zero(self):
   1885             return 0
   1886         def complex_num(self):
   1887             return 1j
   1888         def stop(self):
   1889             raise StopIteration
   1890         def return_true(self, thing=None):
   1891             return True
   1892         def do_isinstance(obj):
   1893             return isinstance(int, obj)
   1894         def do_issubclass(obj):
   1895             return issubclass(int, obj)
   1896         def do_dict_missing(checker):
   1897             class DictSub(checker.__class__, dict):
   1898                 pass
   1899             self.assertEqual(DictSub()["hi"], 4)
   1900         def some_number(self_, key):
   1901             self.assertEqual(key, "hi")
   1902             return 4
   1903         def swallow(*args): pass
   1904         def format_impl(self, spec):
   1905             return "hello"
   1907         # It would be nice to have every special method tested here, but I'm
   1908         # only listing the ones I can remember outside of typeobject.c, since it
   1909         # does it right.
   1910         specials = [
   1911             ("__bytes__", bytes, hello, set(), {}),
   1912             ("__reversed__", reversed, empty_seq, set(), {}),
   1913             ("__length_hint__", list, zero, set(),
   1914              {"__iter__" : iden, "__next__" : stop}),
   1915             ("__sizeof__", sys.getsizeof, zero, set(), {}),
   1916             ("__instancecheck__", do_isinstance, return_true, set(), {}),
   1917             ("__missing__", do_dict_missing, some_number,
   1918              set(("__class__",)), {}),
   1919             ("__subclasscheck__", do_issubclass, return_true,
   1920              set(("__bases__",)), {}),
   1921             ("__enter__", run_context, iden, set(), {"__exit__" : swallow}),
   1922             ("__exit__", run_context, swallow, set(), {"__enter__" : iden}),
   1923             ("__complex__", complex, complex_num, set(), {}),
   1924             ("__format__", format, format_impl, set(), {}),
   1925             ("__floor__", math.floor, zero, set(), {}),
   1926             ("__trunc__", math.trunc, zero, set(), {}),
   1927             ("__trunc__", int, zero, set(), {}),
   1928             ("__ceil__", math.ceil, zero, set(), {}),
   1929             ("__dir__", dir, empty_seq, set(), {}),
   1930             ("__round__", round, zero, set(), {}),
   1931             ]
   1933         class Checker(object):
   1934             def __getattr__(self, attr, test=self):
   1935                 test.fail("__getattr__ called with {0}".format(attr))
   1936             def __getattribute__(self, attr, test=self):
   1937                 if attr not in ok:
   1938                     test.fail("__getattribute__ called with {0}".format(attr))
   1939                 return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
   1940         class SpecialDescr(object):
   1941             def __init__(self, impl):
   1942                 self.impl = impl
   1943             def __get__(self, obj, owner):
   1944                 record.append(1)
   1945                 return self.impl.__get__(obj, owner)
   1946         class MyException(Exception):
   1947             pass
   1948         class ErrDescr(object):
   1949             def __get__(self, obj, owner):
   1950                 raise MyException
   1952         for name, runner, meth_impl, ok, env in specials:
   1953             class X(Checker):
   1954                 pass
   1955             for attr, obj in env.items():
   1956                 setattr(X, attr, obj)
   1957             setattr(X, name, meth_impl)
   1958             runner(X())
   1960             record = []
   1961             class X(Checker):
   1962                 pass
   1963             for attr, obj in env.items():
   1964                 setattr(X, attr, obj)
   1965             setattr(X, name, SpecialDescr(meth_impl))
   1966             runner(X())
   1967             self.assertEqual(record, [1], name)
   1969             class X(Checker):
   1970                 pass
   1971             for attr, obj in env.items():
   1972                 setattr(X, attr, obj)
   1973             setattr(X, name, ErrDescr())
   1974             self.assertRaises(MyException, runner, X())
   1976     def test_specials(self):
   1977         # Testing special operators...
   1978         # Test operators like __hash__ for which a built-in default exists
   1980         # Test the default behavior for static classes
   1981         class C(object):
   1982             def __getitem__(self, i):
   1983                 if 0 <= i < 10: return i
   1984                 raise IndexError
   1985         c1 = C()
   1986         c2 = C()
   1987         self.assertFalse(not c1)
   1988         self.assertNotEqual(id(c1), id(c2))
   1989         hash(c1)
   1990         hash(c2)
   1991         self.assertEqual(c1, c1)
   1992         self.assertTrue(c1 != c2)
   1993         self.assertFalse(c1 != c1)
   1994         self.assertFalse(c1 == c2)
   1995         # Note that the module name appears in str/repr, and that varies
   1996         # depending on whether this test is run standalone or from a framework.
   1997         self.assertGreaterEqual(str(c1).find('C object at '), 0)
   1998         self.assertEqual(str(c1), repr(c1))
   1999         self.assertNotIn(-1, c1)
   2000         for i in range(10):
   2001             self.assertIn(i, c1)
   2002         self.assertNotIn(10, c1)
   2003         # Test the default behavior for dynamic classes
   2004         class D(object):
   2005             def __getitem__(self, i):
   2006                 if 0 <= i < 10: return i
   2007                 raise IndexError
   2008         d1 = D()
   2009         d2 = D()
   2010         self.assertFalse(not d1)
   2011         self.assertNotEqual(id(d1), id(d2))
   2012         hash(d1)
   2013         hash(d2)
   2014         self.assertEqual(d1, d1)
   2015         self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
   2016         self.assertFalse(d1 != d1)
   2017         self.assertFalse(d1 == d2)
   2018         # Note that the module name appears in str/repr, and that varies
   2019         # depending on whether this test is run standalone or from a framework.
   2020         self.assertGreaterEqual(str(d1).find('D object at '), 0)
   2021         self.assertEqual(str(d1), repr(d1))
   2022         self.assertNotIn(-1, d1)
   2023         for i in range(10):
   2024             self.assertIn(i, d1)
   2025         self.assertNotIn(10, d1)
   2026         # Test overridden behavior
   2027         class Proxy(object):
   2028             def __init__(self, x):
   2029                 self.x = x
   2030             def __bool__(self):
   2031                 return not not self.x
   2032             def __hash__(self):
   2033                 return hash(self.x)
   2034             def __eq__(self, other):
   2035                 return self.x == other
   2036             def __ne__(self, other):
   2037                 return self.x != other
   2038             def __ge__(self, other):
   2039                 return self.x >= other
   2040             def __gt__(self, other):
   2041                 return self.x > other
   2042             def __le__(self, other):
   2043                 return self.x <= other
   2044             def __lt__(self, other):
   2045                 return self.x < other
   2046             def __str__(self):
   2047                 return "Proxy:%s" % self.x
   2048             def __repr__(self):
   2049                 return "Proxy(%r)" % self.x
   2050             def __contains__(self, value):
   2051                 return value in self.x
   2052         p0 = Proxy(0)
   2053         p1 = Proxy(1)
   2054         p_1 = Proxy(-1)
   2055         self.assertFalse(p0)
   2056         self.assertFalse(not p1)
   2057         self.assertEqual(hash(p0), hash(0))
   2058         self.assertEqual(p0, p0)
   2059         self.assertNotEqual(p0, p1)
   2060         self.assertFalse(p0 != p0)
   2061         self.assertEqual(not p0, p1)
   2062         self.assertTrue(p0 < p1)
   2063         self.assertTrue(p0 <= p1)
   2064         self.assertTrue(p1 > p0)
   2065         self.assertTrue(p1 >= p0)
   2066         self.assertEqual(str(p0), "Proxy:0")
   2067         self.assertEqual(repr(p0), "Proxy(0)")
   2068         p10 = Proxy(range(10))
   2069         self.assertNotIn(-1, p10)
   2070         for i in range(10):
   2071             self.assertIn(i, p10)
   2072         self.assertNotIn(10, p10)
   2074     def test_weakrefs(self):
   2075         # Testing weak references...
   2076         import weakref
   2077         class C(object):
   2078             pass
   2079         c = C()
   2080         r = weakref.ref(c)
   2081         self.assertEqual(r(), c)
   2082         del c
   2083         support.gc_collect()
   2084         self.assertEqual(r(), None)
   2085         del r
   2086         class NoWeak(object):
   2087             __slots__ = ['foo']
   2088         no = NoWeak()
   2089         try:
   2090             weakref.ref(no)
   2091         except TypeError as msg:
   2092             self.assertIn("weak reference", str(msg))
   2093         else:
   2094             self.fail("weakref.ref(no) should be illegal")
   2095         class Weak(object):
   2096             __slots__ = ['foo', '__weakref__']
   2097         yes = Weak()
   2098         r = weakref.ref(yes)
   2099         self.assertEqual(r(), yes)
   2100         del yes
   2101         support.gc_collect()
   2102         self.assertEqual(r(), None)
   2103         del r
   2105     def test_properties(self):
   2106         # Testing property...
   2107         class C(object):
   2108             def getx(self):
   2109                 return self.__x
   2110             def setx(self, value):
   2111                 self.__x = value
   2112             def delx(self):
   2113                 del self.__x
   2114             x = property(getx, setx, delx, doc="I'm the x property.")
   2115         a = C()
   2116         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
   2117         a.x = 42
   2118         self.assertEqual(a._C__x, 42)
   2119         self.assertEqual(a.x, 42)
   2120         del a.x
   2121         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
   2122         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "_C__x")
   2123         C.x.__set__(a, 100)
   2124         self.assertEqual(C.x.__get__(a), 100)
   2125         C.x.__delete__(a)
   2126         self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
   2128         raw = C.__dict__['x']
   2129         self.assertIsInstance(raw, property)
   2131         attrs = dir(raw)
   2132         self.assertIn("__doc__", attrs)
   2133         self.assertIn("fget", attrs)
   2134         self.assertIn("fset", attrs)
   2135         self.assertIn("fdel", attrs)
   2137         self.assertEqual(raw.__doc__, "I'm the x property.")
   2138         self.assertIs(raw.fget, C.__dict__['getx'])
   2139         self.assertIs(raw.fset, C.__dict__['setx'])
   2140         self.assertIs(raw.fdel, C.__dict__['delx'])
   2142         for attr in "fget", "fset", "fdel":
   2143             try:
   2144                 setattr(raw, attr, 42)
   2145             except AttributeError as msg:
   2146                 if str(msg).find('readonly') < 0:
   2147                     self.fail("when setting readonly attr %r on a property, "
   2148                               "got unexpected AttributeError msg %r" % (attr, str(msg)))
   2149             else:
   2150                 self.fail("expected AttributeError from trying to set readonly %r "
   2151                           "attr on a property" % attr)
   2153         raw.__doc__ = 42
   2154         self.assertEqual(raw.__doc__, 42)
   2156         class D(object):
   2157             __getitem__ = property(lambda s: 1/0)
   2159         d = D()
   2160         try:
   2161             for i in d:
   2162                 str(i)
   2163         except ZeroDivisionError:
   2164             pass
   2165         else:
   2166             self.fail("expected ZeroDivisionError from bad property")
   2168     @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
   2169                      "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
   2170     def test_properties_doc_attrib(self):
   2171         class E(object):
   2172             def getter(self):
   2173                 "getter method"
   2174                 return 0
   2175             def setter(self_, value):
   2176                 "setter method"
   2177                 pass
   2178             prop = property(getter)
   2179             self.assertEqual(prop.__doc__, "getter method")
   2180             prop2 = property(fset=setter)
   2181             self.assertEqual(prop2.__doc__, None)
   2183     @support.cpython_only
   2184     def test_testcapi_no_segfault(self):
   2185         # this segfaulted in 2.5b2
   2186         try:
   2187             import _testcapi
   2188         except ImportError:
   2189             pass
   2190         else:
   2191             class X(object):
   2192                 p = property(_testcapi.test_with_docstring)
   2194     def test_properties_plus(self):
   2195         class C(object):
   2196             foo = property(doc="hello")
   2197             @foo.getter
   2198             def foo(self):
   2199                 return self._foo
   2200             @foo.setter
   2201             def foo(self, value):
   2202                 self._foo = abs(value)
   2203             @foo.deleter
   2204             def foo(self):
   2205                 del self._foo
   2206         c = C()
   2207         self.assertEqual(C.foo.__doc__, "hello")
   2208         self.assertNotHasAttr(c, "foo")
   2209         c.foo = -42
   2210         self.assertHasAttr(c, '_foo')
   2211         self.assertEqual(c._foo, 42)
   2212         self.assertEqual(c.foo, 42)
   2213         del c.foo
   2214         self.assertNotHasAttr(c, '_foo')
   2215         self.assertNotHasAttr(c, "foo")
   2217         class D(C):
   2218             @C.foo.deleter
   2219             def foo(self):
   2220                 try:
   2221                     del self._foo
   2222                 except AttributeError:
   2223                     pass
   2224         d = D()
   2225         d.foo = 24
   2226         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 24)
   2227         del d.foo
   2228         del d.foo
   2230         class E(object):
   2231             @property
   2232             def foo(self):
   2233                 return self._foo
   2234             @foo.setter
   2235             def foo(self, value):
   2236                 raise RuntimeError
   2237             @foo.setter
   2238             def foo(self, value):
   2239                 self._foo = abs(value)
   2240             @foo.deleter
   2241             def foo(self, value=None):
   2242                 del self._foo
   2244         e = E()
   2245         e.foo = -42
   2246         self.assertEqual(e.foo, 42)
   2247         del e.foo
   2249         class F(E):
   2250             @E.foo.deleter
   2251             def foo(self):
   2252                 del self._foo
   2253             @foo.setter
   2254             def foo(self, value):
   2255                 self._foo = max(0, value)
   2256         f = F()
   2257         f.foo = -10
   2258         self.assertEqual(f.foo, 0)
   2259         del f.foo
   2261     def test_dict_constructors(self):
   2262         # Testing dict constructor ...
   2263         d = dict()
   2264         self.assertEqual(d, {})
   2265         d = dict({})
   2266         self.assertEqual(d, {})
   2267         d = dict({1: 2, 'a': 'b'})
   2268         self.assertEqual(d, {1: 2, 'a': 'b'})
   2269         self.assertEqual(d, dict(list(d.items())))
   2270         self.assertEqual(d, dict(iter(d.items())))
   2271         d = dict({'one':1, 'two':2})
   2272         self.assertEqual(d, dict(one=1, two=2))
   2273         self.assertEqual(d, dict(**d))
   2274         self.assertEqual(d, dict({"one": 1}, two=2))
   2275         self.assertEqual(d, dict([("two", 2)], one=1))
   2276         self.assertEqual(d, dict([("one", 100), ("two", 200)], **d))
   2277         self.assertEqual(d, dict(**d))
   2279         for badarg in 0, 0, 0j, "0", [0], (0,):
   2280             try:
   2281                 dict(badarg)
   2282             except TypeError:
   2283                 pass
   2284             except ValueError:
   2285                 if badarg == "0":
   2286                     # It's a sequence, and its elements are also sequences (gotta
   2287                     # love strings <wink>), but they aren't of length 2, so this
   2288                     # one seemed better as a ValueError than a TypeError.
   2289                     pass
   2290                 else:
   2291                     self.fail("no TypeError from dict(%r)" % badarg)
   2292             else:
   2293                 self.fail("no TypeError from dict(%r)" % badarg)
   2295         try:
   2296             dict({}, {})
   2297         except TypeError:
   2298             pass
   2299         else:
   2300             self.fail("no TypeError from dict({}, {})")
   2302         class Mapping:
   2303             # Lacks a .keys() method; will be added later.
   2304             dict = {1:2, 3:4, 'a':1j}
   2306         try:
   2307             dict(Mapping())
   2308         except TypeError:
   2309             pass
   2310         else:
   2311             self.fail("no TypeError from dict(incomplete mapping)")
   2313         Mapping.keys = lambda self: list(self.dict.keys())
   2314         Mapping.__getitem__ = lambda self, i: self.dict[i]
   2315         d = dict(Mapping())
   2316         self.assertEqual(d, Mapping.dict)
   2318         # Init from sequence of iterable objects, each producing a 2-sequence.
   2319         class AddressBookEntry:
   2320             def __init__(self, first, last):
   2321                 self.first = first
   2322                 self.last = last
   2323             def __iter__(self):
   2324                 return iter([self.first, self.last])
   2326         d = dict([AddressBookEntry('Tim', 'Warsaw'),
   2327                   AddressBookEntry('Barry', 'Peters'),
   2328                   AddressBookEntry('Tim', 'Peters'),
   2329                   AddressBookEntry('Barry', 'Warsaw')])
   2330         self.assertEqual(d, {'Barry': 'Warsaw', 'Tim': 'Peters'})
   2332         d = dict(zip(range(4), range(1, 5)))
   2333         self.assertEqual(d, dict([(i, i+1) for i in range(4)]))
   2335         # Bad sequence lengths.
   2336         for bad in [('tooshort',)], [('too', 'long', 'by 1')]:
   2337             try:
   2338                 dict(bad)
   2339             except ValueError:
   2340                 pass
   2341             else:
   2342                 self.fail("no ValueError from dict(%r)" % bad)
   2344     def test_dir(self):
   2345         # Testing dir() ...
   2346         junk = 12
   2347         self.assertEqual(dir(), ['junk', 'self'])
   2348         del junk
   2350         # Just make sure these don't blow up!
   2351         for arg in 2, 2, 2j, 2e0, [2], "2", b"2", (2,), {2:2}, type, self.test_dir:
   2352             dir(arg)
   2354         # Test dir on new-style classes.  Since these have object as a
   2355         # base class, a lot more gets sucked in.
   2356         def interesting(strings):
   2357             return [s for s in strings if not s.startswith('_')]
   2359         class C(object):
   2360             Cdata = 1
   2361             def Cmethod(self): pass
   2363         cstuff = ['Cdata', 'Cmethod']
   2364         self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(C)), cstuff)
   2366         c = C()
   2367         self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(c)), cstuff)
   2368         ## self.assertIn('__self__', dir(C.Cmethod))
   2370         c.cdata = 2
   2371         c.cmethod = lambda self: 0
   2372         self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(c)), cstuff + ['cdata', 'cmethod'])
   2373         ## self.assertIn('__self__', dir(c.Cmethod))
   2375         class A(C):
   2376             Adata = 1
   2377             def Amethod(self): pass
   2379         astuff = ['Adata', 'Amethod'] + cstuff
   2380         self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(A)), astuff)
   2381         ## self.assertIn('__self__', dir(A.Amethod))
   2382         a = A()
   2383         self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(a)), astuff)
   2384         a.adata = 42
   2385         a.amethod = lambda self: 3
   2386         self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(a)), astuff + ['adata', 'amethod'])
   2387         ## self.assertIn('__self__', dir(a.Amethod))
   2389         # Try a module subclass.
   2390         class M(type(sys)):
   2391             pass
   2392         minstance = M("m")
   2393         minstance.b = 2
   2394         minstance.a = 1
   2395         default_attributes = ['__name__', '__doc__', '__package__',
   2396                               '__loader__', '__spec__']
   2397         names = [x for x in dir(minstance) if x not in default_attributes]
   2398         self.assertEqual(names, ['a', 'b'])
   2400         class M2(M):
   2401             def getdict(self):
   2402                 return "Not a dict!"
   2403             __dict__ = property(getdict)
   2405         m2instance = M2("m2")
   2406         m2instance.b = 2
   2407         m2instance.a = 1
   2408         self.assertEqual(m2instance.__dict__, "Not a dict!")
   2409         try:
   2410             dir(m2instance)
   2411         except TypeError:
   2412             pass
   2414         # Two essentially featureless objects, just inheriting stuff from
   2415         # object.
   2416         self.assertEqual(dir(NotImplemented), dir(Ellipsis))
   2418         # Nasty test case for proxied objects
   2419         class Wrapper(object):
   2420             def __init__(self, obj):
   2421                 self.__obj = obj
   2422             def __repr__(self):
   2423                 return "Wrapper(%s)" % repr(self.__obj)
   2424             def __getitem__(self, key):
   2425                 return Wrapper(self.__obj[key])
   2426             def __len__(self):
   2427                 return len(self.__obj)
   2428             def __getattr__(self, name):
   2429                 return Wrapper(getattr(self.__obj, name))
   2431         class C(object):
   2432             def __getclass(self):
   2433                 return Wrapper(type(self))
   2434             __class__ = property(__getclass)
   2436         dir(C()) # This used to segfault
   2438     def test_supers(self):
   2439         # Testing super...
   2441         class A(object):
   2442             def meth(self, a):
   2443                 return "A(%r)" % a
   2445         self.assertEqual(A().meth(1), "A(1)")
   2447         class B(A):
   2448             def __init__(self):
   2449                 self.__super = super(B, self)
   2450             def meth(self, a):
   2451                 return "B(%r)" % a + self.__super.meth(a)
   2453         self.assertEqual(B().meth(2), "B(2)A(2)")
   2455         class C(A):
   2456             def meth(self, a):
   2457                 return "C(%r)" % a + self.__super.meth(a)
   2458         C._C__super = super(C)
   2460         self.assertEqual(C().meth(3), "C(3)A(3)")
   2462         class D(C, B):
   2463             def meth(self, a):
   2464                 return "D(%r)" % a + super(D, self).meth(a)
   2466         self.assertEqual(D().meth(4), "D(4)C(4)B(4)A(4)")
   2468         # Test for subclassing super
   2470         class mysuper(super):
   2471             def __init__(self, *args):
   2472                 return super(mysuper, self).__init__(*args)
   2474         class E(D):
   2475             def meth(self, a):
   2476                 return "E(%r)" % a + mysuper(E, self).meth(a)
   2478         self.assertEqual(E().meth(5), "E(5)D(5)C(5)B(5)A(5)")
   2480         class F(E):
   2481             def meth(self, a):
   2482                 s = self.__super # == mysuper(F, self)
   2483                 return "F(%r)[%s]" % (a, s.__class__.__name__) + s.meth(a)
   2484         F._F__super = mysuper(F)
   2486         self.assertEqual(F().meth(6), "F(6)[mysuper]E(6)D(6)C(6)B(6)A(6)")
   2488         # Make sure certain errors are raised
   2490         try:
   2491             super(D, 42)
   2492         except TypeError:
   2493             pass
   2494         else:
   2495             self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D, 42)")
   2497         try:
   2498             super(D, C())
   2499         except TypeError:
   2500             pass
   2501         else:
   2502             self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D, C())")
   2504         try:
   2505             super(D).__get__(12)
   2506         except TypeError:
   2507             pass
   2508         else:
   2509             self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D).__get__(12)")
   2511         try:
   2512             super(D).__get__(C())
   2513         except TypeError:
   2514             pass
   2515         else:
   2516             self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D).__get__(C())")
   2518         # Make sure data descriptors can be overridden and accessed via super
   2519         # (new feature in Python 2.3)
   2521         class DDbase(object):
   2522             def getx(self): return 42
   2523             x = property(getx)
   2525         class DDsub(DDbase):
   2526             def getx(self): return "hello"
   2527             x = property(getx)
   2529         dd = DDsub()
   2530         self.assertEqual(dd.x, "hello")
   2531         self.assertEqual(super(DDsub, dd).x, 42)
   2533         # Ensure that super() lookup of descriptor from classmethod
   2534         # works (SF ID# 743627)
   2536         class Base(object):
   2537             aProp = property(lambda self: "foo")
   2539         class Sub(Base):
   2540             @classmethod
   2541             def test(klass):
   2542                 return super(Sub,klass).aProp
   2544         self.assertEqual(Sub.test(), Base.aProp)
   2546         # Verify that super() doesn't allow keyword args
   2547         try:
   2548             super(Base, kw=1)
   2549         except TypeError:
   2550             pass
   2551         else:
   2552             self.assertEqual("super shouldn't accept keyword args")
   2554     def test_basic_inheritance(self):
   2555         # Testing inheritance from basic types...
   2557         class hexint(int):
   2558             def __repr__(self):
   2559                 return hex(self)
   2560             def __add__(self, other):
   2561                 return hexint(int.__add__(self, other))
   2562             # (Note that overriding __radd__ doesn't work,
   2563             # because the int type gets first dibs.)
   2564         self.assertEqual(repr(hexint(7) + 9), "0x10")
   2565         self.assertEqual(repr(hexint(1000) + 7), "0x3ef")
   2566         a = hexint(12345)
   2567         self.assertEqual(a, 12345)
   2568         self.assertEqual(int(a), 12345)
   2569         self.assertIs(int(a).__class__, int)
   2570         self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(12345))
   2571         self.assertIs((+a).__class__, int)
   2572         self.assertIs((a >> 0).__class__, int)
   2573         self.assertIs((a << 0).__class__, int)
   2574         self.assertIs((hexint(0) << 12).__class__, int)
   2575         self.assertIs((hexint(0) >> 12).__class__, int)
   2577         class octlong(int):
   2578             __slots__ = []
   2579             def __str__(self):
   2580                 return oct(self)
   2581             def __add__(self, other):
   2582                 return self.__class__(super(octlong, self).__add__(other))
   2583             __radd__ = __add__
   2584         self.assertEqual(str(octlong(3) + 5), "0o10")
   2585         # (Note that overriding __radd__ here only seems to work
   2586         # because the example uses a short int left argument.)
   2587         self.assertEqual(str(5 + octlong(3000)), "0o5675")
   2588         a = octlong(12345)
   2589         self.assertEqual(a, 12345)
   2590         self.assertEqual(int(a), 12345)
   2591         self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(12345))
   2592         self.assertIs(int(a).__class__, int)
   2593         self.assertIs((+a).__class__, int)
   2594         self.assertIs((-a).__class__, int)
   2595         self.assertIs((-octlong(0)).__class__, int)
   2596         self.assertIs((a >> 0).__class__, int)
   2597         self.assertIs((a << 0).__class__, int)
   2598         self.assertIs((a - 0).__class__, int)
   2599         self.assertIs((a * 1).__class__, int)
   2600         self.assertIs((a ** 1).__class__, int)
   2601         self.assertIs((a // 1).__class__, int)
   2602         self.assertIs((1 * a).__class__, int)
   2603         self.assertIs((a | 0).__class__, int)
   2604         self.assertIs((a ^ 0).__class__, int)
   2605         self.assertIs((a & -1).__class__, int)
   2606         self.assertIs((octlong(0) << 12).__class__, int)
   2607         self.assertIs((octlong(0) >> 12).__class__, int)
   2608         self.assertIs(abs(octlong(0)).__class__, int)
   2610         # Because octlong overrides __add__, we can't check the absence of +0
   2611         # optimizations using octlong.
   2612         class longclone(int):
   2613             pass
   2614         a = longclone(1)
   2615         self.assertIs((a + 0).__class__, int)
   2616         self.assertIs((0 + a).__class__, int)
   2618         # Check that negative clones don't segfault
   2619         a = longclone(-1)
   2620         self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {})
   2621         self.assertEqual(int(a), -1)  # self.assertTrue PyNumber_Long() copies the sign bit
   2623         class precfloat(float):
   2624             __slots__ = ['prec']
   2625             def __init__(self, value=0.0, prec=12):
   2626                 self.prec = int(prec)
   2627             def __repr__(self):
   2628                 return "%.*g" % (self.prec, self)
   2629         self.assertEqual(repr(precfloat(1.1)), "1.1")
   2630         a = precfloat(12345)
   2631         self.assertEqual(a, 12345.0)
   2632         self.assertEqual(float(a), 12345.0)
   2633         self.assertIs(float(a).__class__, float)
   2634         self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(12345.0))
   2635         self.assertIs((+a).__class__, float)
   2637         class madcomplex(complex):
   2638             def __repr__(self):
   2639                 return "%.17gj%+.17g" % (self.imag, self.real)
   2640         a = madcomplex(-3, 4)
   2641         self.assertEqual(repr(a), "4j-3")
   2642         base = complex(-3, 4)
   2643         self.assertEqual(base.__class__, complex)
   2644         self.assertEqual(a, base)
   2645         self.assertEqual(complex(a), base)
   2646         self.assertEqual(complex(a).__class__, complex)
   2647         a = madcomplex(a)  # just trying another form of the constructor
   2648         self.assertEqual(repr(a), "4j-3")
   2649         self.assertEqual(a, base)
   2650         self.assertEqual(complex(a), base)
   2651         self.assertEqual(complex(a).__class__, complex)
   2652         self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(base))
   2653         self.assertEqual((+a).__class__, complex)
   2654         self.assertEqual((a + 0).__class__, complex)
   2655         self.assertEqual(a + 0, base)
   2656         self.assertEqual((a - 0).__class__, complex)
   2657         self.assertEqual(a - 0, base)
   2658         self.assertEqual((a * 1).__class__, complex)
   2659         self.assertEqual(a * 1, base)
   2660         self.assertEqual((a / 1).__class__, complex)
   2661         self.assertEqual(a / 1, base)
   2663         class madtuple(tuple):
   2664             _rev = None
   2665             def rev(self):
   2666                 if self._rev is not None:
   2667                     return self._rev
   2668                 L = list(self)
   2669                 L.reverse()
   2670                 self._rev = self.__class__(L)
   2671                 return self._rev
   2672         a = madtuple((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0))
   2673         self.assertEqual(a, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0))
   2674         self.assertEqual(a.rev(), madtuple((0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)))
   2675         self.assertEqual(a.rev().rev(), madtuple((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)))
   2676         for i in range(512):
   2677             t = madtuple(range(i))
   2678             u = t.rev()
   2679             v = u.rev()
   2680             self.assertEqual(v, t)
   2681         a = madtuple((1,2,3,4,5))
   2682         self.assertEqual(tuple(a), (1,2,3,4,5))
   2683         self.assertIs(tuple(a).__class__, tuple)
   2684         self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash((1,2,3,4,5)))
   2685         self.assertIs(a[:].__class__, tuple)
   2686         self.assertIs((a * 1).__class__, tuple)
   2687         self.assertIs((a * 0).__class__, tuple)
   2688         self.assertIs((a + ()).__class__, tuple)
   2689         a = madtuple(())
   2690         self.assertEqual(tuple(a), ())
   2691         self.assertIs(tuple(a).__class__, tuple)
   2692         self.assertIs((a + a).__class__, tuple)
   2693         self.assertIs((a * 0).__class__, tuple)
   2694         self.assertIs((a * 1).__class__, tuple)
   2695         self.assertIs((a * 2).__class__, tuple)
   2696         self.assertIs(a[:].__class__, tuple)
   2698         class madstring(str):
   2699             _rev = None
   2700             def rev(self):
   2701                 if self._rev is not None:
   2702                     return self._rev
   2703                 L = list(self)
   2704                 L.reverse()
   2705                 self._rev = self.__class__("".join(L))
   2706                 return self._rev
   2707         s = madstring("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
   2708         self.assertEqual(s, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
   2709         self.assertEqual(s.rev(), madstring("zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"))
   2710         self.assertEqual(s.rev().rev(), madstring("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
   2711         for i in range(256):
   2712             s = madstring("".join(map(chr, range(i))))
   2713             t = s.rev()
   2714             u = t.rev()
   2715             self.assertEqual(u, s)
   2716         s = madstring("12345")
   2717         self.assertEqual(str(s), "12345")
   2718         self.assertIs(str(s).__class__, str)
   2720         base = "\x00" * 5
   2721         s = madstring(base)
   2722         self.assertEqual(s, base)
   2723         self.assertEqual(str(s), base)
   2724         self.assertIs(str(s).__class__, str)
   2725         self.assertEqual(hash(s), hash(base))
   2726         self.assertEqual({s: 1}[base], 1)
   2727         self.assertEqual({base: 1}[s], 1)
   2728         self.assertIs((s + "").__class__, str)
   2729         self.assertEqual(s + "", base)
   2730         self.assertIs(("" + s).__class__, str)
   2731         self.assertEqual("" + s, base)
   2732         self.assertIs((s * 0).__class__, str)
   2733         self.assertEqual(s * 0, "")
   2734         self.assertIs((s * 1).__class__, str)
   2735         self.assertEqual(s * 1, base)
   2736         self.assertIs((s * 2).__class__, str)
   2737         self.assertEqual(s * 2, base + base)
   2738         self.assertIs(s[:].__class__, str)
   2739         self.assertEqual(s[:], base)
   2740         self.assertIs(s[0:0].__class__, str)
   2741         self.assertEqual(s[0:0], "")
   2742         self.assertIs(s.strip().__class__, str)
   2743         self.assertEqual(s.strip(), base)
   2744         self.assertIs(s.lstrip().__class__, str)
   2745         self.assertEqual(s.lstrip(), base)
   2746         self.assertIs(s.rstrip().__class__, str)
   2747         self.assertEqual(s.rstrip(), base)
   2748         identitytab = {}
   2749         self.assertIs(s.translate(identitytab).__class__, str)
   2750         self.assertEqual(s.translate(identitytab), base)
   2751         self.assertIs(s.replace("x", "x").__class__, str)
   2752         self.assertEqual(s.replace("x", "x"), base)
   2753         self.assertIs(s.ljust(len(s)).__class__, str)
   2754         self.assertEqual(s.ljust(len(s)), base)
   2755         self.assertIs(s.rjust(len(s)).__class__, str)
   2756         self.assertEqual(s.rjust(len(s)), base)
   2757         self.assertIs(s.center(len(s)).__class__, str)
   2758         self.assertEqual(s.center(len(s)), base)
   2759         self.assertIs(s.lower().__class__, str)
   2760         self.assertEqual(s.lower(), base)
   2762         class madunicode(str):
   2763             _rev = None
   2764             def rev(self):
   2765                 if self._rev is not None:
   2766                     return self._rev
   2767                 L = list(self)
   2768                 L.reverse()
   2769                 self._rev = self.__class__("".join(L))
   2770                 return self._rev
   2771         u = madunicode("ABCDEF")
   2772         self.assertEqual(u, "ABCDEF")
   2773         self.assertEqual(u.rev(), madunicode("FEDCBA"))
   2774         self.assertEqual(u.rev().rev(), madunicode("ABCDEF"))
   2775         base = "12345"
   2776         u = madunicode(base)
   2777         self.assertEqual(str(u), base)
   2778         self.assertIs(str(u).__class__, str)
   2779         self.assertEqual(hash(u), hash(base))
   2780         self.assertEqual({u: 1}[base], 1)
   2781         self.assertEqual({base: 1}[u], 1)
   2782         self.assertIs(u.strip().__class__, str)
   2783         self.assertEqual(u.strip(), base)
   2784         self.assertIs(u.lstrip().__class__, str)
   2785         self.assertEqual(u.lstrip(), base)
   2786         self.assertIs(u.rstrip().__class__, str)
   2787         self.assertEqual(u.rstrip(), base)
   2788         self.assertIs(u.replace("x", "x").__class__, str)
   2789         self.assertEqual(u.replace("x", "x"), base)
   2790         self.assertIs(u.replace("xy", "xy").__class__, str)
   2791         self.assertEqual(u.replace("xy", "xy"), base)
   2792         self.assertIs(u.center(len(u)).__class__, str)
   2793         self.assertEqual(u.center(len(u)), base)
   2794         self.assertIs(u.ljust(len(u)).__class__, str)
   2795         self.assertEqual(u.ljust(len(u)), base)
   2796         self.assertIs(u.rjust(len(u)).__class__, str)
   2797         self.assertEqual(u.rjust(len(u)), base)
   2798         self.assertIs(u.lower().__class__, str)
   2799         self.assertEqual(u.lower(), base)
   2800         self.assertIs(u.upper().__class__, str)
   2801         self.assertEqual(u.upper(), base)
   2802         self.assertIs(u.capitalize().__class__, str)
   2803         self.assertEqual(u.capitalize(), base)
   2804         self.assertIs(u.title().__class__, str)
   2805         self.assertEqual(u.title(), base)
   2806         self.assertIs((u + "").__class__, str)
   2807         self.assertEqual(u + "", base)
   2808         self.assertIs(("" + u).__class__, str)
   2809         self.assertEqual("" + u, base)
   2810         self.assertIs((u * 0).__class__, str)
   2811         self.assertEqual(u * 0, "")
   2812         self.assertIs((u * 1).__class__, str)
   2813         self.assertEqual(u * 1, base)
   2814         self.assertIs((u * 2).__class__, str)
   2815         self.assertEqual(u * 2, base + base)
   2816         self.assertIs(u[:].__class__, str)
   2817         self.assertEqual(u[:], base)
   2818         self.assertIs(u[0:0].__class__, str)
   2819         self.assertEqual(u[0:0], "")
   2821         class sublist(list):
   2822             pass
   2823         a = sublist(range(5))
   2824         self.assertEqual(a, list(range(5)))
   2825         a.append("hello")
   2826         self.assertEqual(a, list(range(5)) + ["hello"])
   2827         a[5] = 5
   2828         self.assertEqual(a, list(range(6)))
   2829         a.extend(range(6, 20))
   2830         self.assertEqual(a, list(range(20)))
   2831         a[-5:] = []
   2832         self.assertEqual(a, list(range(15)))
   2833         del a[10:15]
   2834         self.assertEqual(len(a), 10)
   2835         self.assertEqual(a, list(range(10)))
   2836         self.assertEqual(list(a), list(range(10)))
   2837         self.assertEqual(a[0], 0)
   2838         self.assertEqual(a[9], 9)
   2839         self.assertEqual(a[-10], 0)
   2840         self.assertEqual(a[-1], 9)
   2841         self.assertEqual(a[:5], list(range(5)))
   2843         ## class CountedInput(file):
   2844         ##    """Counts lines read by self.readline().
   2845         ##
   2846         ##     self.lineno is the 0-based ordinal of the last line read, up to
   2847         ##     a maximum of one greater than the number of lines in the file.
   2848         ##
   2849         ##     self.ateof is true if and only if the final "" line has been read,
   2850         ##     at which point self.lineno stops incrementing, and further calls
   2851         ##     to readline() continue to return "".
   2852         ##     """
   2853         ##
   2854         ##     lineno = 0
   2855         ##     ateof = 0
   2856         ##     def readline(self):
   2857         ##         if self.ateof:
   2858         ##             return ""
   2859         ##         s = file.readline(self)
   2860         ##         # Next line works too.
   2861         ##         # s = super(CountedInput, self).readline()
   2862         ##         self.lineno += 1
   2863         ##         if s == "":
   2864         ##             self.ateof = 1
   2865         ##        return s
   2866         ##
   2867         ## f = file(name=support.TESTFN, mode='w')
   2868         ## lines = ['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n']
   2869         ## try:
   2870         ##     f.writelines(lines)
   2871         ##     f.close()
   2872         ##     f = CountedInput(support.TESTFN)
   2873         ##     for (i, expected) in zip(range(1, 5) + [4], lines + 2 * [""]):
   2874         ##         got = f.readline()
   2875         ##         self.assertEqual(expected, got)
   2876         ##         self.assertEqual(f.lineno, i)
   2877         ##         self.assertEqual(f.ateof, (i > len(lines)))
   2878         ##     f.close()
   2879         ## finally:
   2880         ##     try:
   2881         ##         f.close()
   2882         ##     except:
   2883         ##         pass
   2884         ##     support.unlink(support.TESTFN)
   2886     def test_keywords(self):
   2887         # Testing keyword args to basic type constructors ...
   2888         self.assertEqual(int(x=1), 1)
   2889         self.assertEqual(float(x=2), 2.0)
   2890         self.assertEqual(int(x=3), 3)
   2891         self.assertEqual(complex(imag=42, real=666), complex(666, 42))
   2892         self.assertEqual(str(object=500), '500')
   2893         self.assertEqual(str(object=b'abc', errors='strict'), 'abc')
   2894         self.assertEqual(tuple(sequence=range(3)), (0, 1, 2))
   2895         self.assertEqual(list(sequence=(0, 1, 2)), list(range(3)))
   2896         # note: as of Python 2.3, dict() no longer has an "items" keyword arg
   2898         for constructor in (int, float, int, complex, str, str,
   2899                             tuple, list):
   2900             try:
   2901                 constructor(bogus_keyword_arg=1)
   2902             except TypeError:
   2903                 pass
   2904             else:
   2905                 self.fail("expected TypeError from bogus keyword argument to %r"
   2906                             % constructor)
   2908     def test_str_subclass_as_dict_key(self):
   2909         # Testing a str subclass used as dict key ..
   2911         class cistr(str):
   2912             """Sublcass of str that computes __eq__ case-insensitively.
   2914             Also computes a hash code of the string in canonical form.
   2915             """
   2917             def __init__(self, value):
   2918                 self.canonical = value.lower()
   2919                 self.hashcode = hash(self.canonical)
   2921             def __eq__(self, other):
   2922                 if not isinstance(other, cistr):
   2923                     other = cistr(other)
   2924                 return self.canonical == other.canonical
   2926             def __hash__(self):
   2927                 return self.hashcode
   2929         self.assertEqual(cistr('ABC'), 'abc')
   2930         self.assertEqual('aBc', cistr('ABC'))
   2931         self.assertEqual(str(cistr('ABC')), 'ABC')
   2933         d = {cistr('one'): 1, cistr('two'): 2, cistr('tHree'): 3}
   2934         self.assertEqual(d[cistr('one')], 1)
   2935         self.assertEqual(d[cistr('tWo')], 2)
   2936         self.assertEqual(d[cistr('THrEE')], 3)
   2937         self.assertIn(cistr('ONe'), d)
   2938         self.assertEqual(d.get(cistr('thrEE')), 3)
   2940     def test_classic_comparisons(self):
   2941         # Testing classic comparisons...
   2942         class classic:
   2943             pass
   2945         for base in (classic, int, object):
   2946             class C(base):
   2947                 def __init__(self, value):
   2948                     self.value = int(value)
   2949                 def __eq__(self, other):
   2950                     if isinstance(other, C):
   2951                         return self.value == other.value
   2952                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   2953                         return self.value == other
   2954                     return NotImplemented
   2955                 def __ne__(self, other):
   2956                     if isinstance(other, C):
   2957                         return self.value != other.value
   2958                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   2959                         return self.value != other
   2960                     return NotImplemented
   2961                 def __lt__(self, other):
   2962                     if isinstance(other, C):
   2963                         return self.value < other.value
   2964                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   2965                         return self.value < other
   2966                     return NotImplemented
   2967                 def __le__(self, other):
   2968                     if isinstance(other, C):
   2969                         return self.value <= other.value
   2970                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   2971                         return self.value <= other
   2972                     return NotImplemented
   2973                 def __gt__(self, other):
   2974                     if isinstance(other, C):
   2975                         return self.value > other.value
   2976                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   2977                         return self.value > other
   2978                     return NotImplemented
   2979                 def __ge__(self, other):
   2980                     if isinstance(other, C):
   2981                         return self.value >= other.value
   2982                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   2983                         return self.value >= other
   2984                     return NotImplemented
   2986             c1 = C(1)
   2987             c2 = C(2)
   2988             c3 = C(3)
   2989             self.assertEqual(c1, 1)
   2990             c = {1: c1, 2: c2, 3: c3}
   2991             for x in 1, 2, 3:
   2992                 for y in 1, 2, 3:
   2993                     for op in "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">=":
   2994                         self.assertEqual(eval("c[x] %s c[y]" % op),
   2995                                      eval("x %s y" % op),
   2996                                      "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
   2997                         self.assertEqual(eval("c[x] %s y" % op),
   2998                                      eval("x %s y" % op),
   2999                                      "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
   3000                         self.assertEqual(eval("x %s c[y]" % op),
   3001                                      eval("x %s y" % op),
   3002                                      "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
   3004     def test_rich_comparisons(self):
   3005         # Testing rich comparisons...
   3006         class Z(complex):
   3007             pass
   3008         z = Z(1)
   3009         self.assertEqual(z, 1+0j)
   3010         self.assertEqual(1+0j, z)
   3011         class ZZ(complex):
   3012             def __eq__(self, other):
   3013                 try:
   3014                     return abs(self - other) <= 1e-6
   3015                 except:
   3016                     return NotImplemented
   3017         zz = ZZ(1.0000003)
   3018         self.assertEqual(zz, 1+0j)
   3019         self.assertEqual(1+0j, zz)
   3021         class classic:
   3022             pass
   3023         for base in (classic, int, object, list):
   3024             class C(base):
   3025                 def __init__(self, value):
   3026                     self.value = int(value)
   3027                 def __cmp__(self_, other):
   3028                     self.fail("shouldn't call __cmp__")
   3029                 def __eq__(self, other):
   3030                     if isinstance(other, C):
   3031                         return self.value == other.value
   3032                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   3033                         return self.value == other
   3034                     return NotImplemented
   3035                 def __ne__(self, other):
   3036                     if isinstance(other, C):
   3037                         return self.value != other.value
   3038                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   3039                         return self.value != other
   3040                     return NotImplemented
   3041                 def __lt__(self, other):
   3042                     if isinstance(other, C):
   3043                         return self.value < other.value
   3044                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   3045                         return self.value < other
   3046                     return NotImplemented
   3047                 def __le__(self, other):
   3048                     if isinstance(other, C):
   3049                         return self.value <= other.value
   3050                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   3051                         return self.value <= other
   3052                     return NotImplemented
   3053                 def __gt__(self, other):
   3054                     if isinstance(other, C):
   3055                         return self.value > other.value
   3056                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   3057                         return self.value > other
   3058                     return NotImplemented
   3059                 def __ge__(self, other):
   3060                     if isinstance(other, C):
   3061                         return self.value >= other.value
   3062                     if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, int):
   3063                         return self.value >= other
   3064                     return NotImplemented
   3065             c1 = C(1)
   3066             c2 = C(2)
   3067             c3 = C(3)
   3068             self.assertEqual(c1, 1)
   3069             c = {1: c1, 2: c2, 3: c3}
   3070             for x in 1, 2, 3:
   3071                 for y in 1, 2, 3:
   3072                     for op in "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">=":
   3073                         self.assertEqual(eval("c[x] %s c[y]" % op),
   3074                                          eval("x %s y" % op),
   3075                                          "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
   3076                         self.assertEqual(eval("c[x] %s y" % op),
   3077                                          eval("x %s y" % op),
   3078                                          "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
   3079                         self.assertEqual(eval("x %s c[y]" % op),
   3080                                          eval("x %s y" % op),
   3081                                          "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
   3083     def test_descrdoc(self):
   3084         # Testing descriptor doc strings...
   3085         from _io import FileIO
   3086         def check(descr, what):
   3087             self.assertEqual(descr.__doc__, what)
   3088         check(FileIO.closed, "True if the file is closed") # getset descriptor
   3089         check(complex.real, "the real part of a complex number") # member descriptor
   3091     def test_doc_descriptor(self):
   3092         # Testing __doc__ descriptor...
   3093         # SF bug 542984
   3094         class DocDescr(object):
   3095             def __get__(self, object, otype):
   3096                 if object:
   3097                     object = object.__class__.__name__ + ' instance'
   3098                 if otype:
   3099                     otype = otype.__name__
   3100                 return 'object=%s; type=%s' % (object, otype)
   3101         class OldClass:
   3102             __doc__ = DocDescr()
   3103         class NewClass(object):
   3104             __doc__ = DocDescr()
   3105         self.assertEqual(OldClass.__doc__, 'object=None; type=OldClass')
   3106         self.assertEqual(OldClass().__doc__, 'object=OldClass instance; type=OldClass')
   3107         self.assertEqual(NewClass.__doc__, 'object=None; type=NewClass')
   3108         self.assertEqual(NewClass().__doc__, 'object=NewClass instance; type=NewClass')
   3110     def test_set_class(self):
   3111         # Testing __class__ assignment...
   3112         class C(object): pass
   3113         class D(object): pass
   3114         class E(object): pass
   3115         class F(D, E): pass
   3116         for cls in C, D, E, F:
   3117             for cls2 in C, D, E, F:
   3118                 x = cls()
   3119                 x.__class__ = cls2
   3120                 self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls2)
   3121                 x.__class__ = cls
   3122                 self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls)
   3123         def cant(x, C):
   3124             try:
   3125                 x.__class__ = C
   3126             except TypeError:
   3127                 pass
   3128             else:
   3129                 self.fail("shouldn't allow %r.__class__ = %r" % (x, C))
   3130             try:
   3131                 delattr(x, "__class__")
   3132             except (TypeError, AttributeError):
   3133                 pass
   3134             else:
   3135                 self.fail("shouldn't allow del %r.__class__" % x)
   3136         cant(C(), list)
   3137         cant(list(), C)
   3138         cant(C(), 1)
   3139         cant(C(), object)
   3140         cant(object(), list)
   3141         cant(list(), object)
   3142         class Int(int): __slots__ = []
   3143         cant(True, int)
   3144         cant(2, bool)
   3145         o = object()
   3146         cant(o, type(1))
   3147         cant(o, type(None))
   3148         del o
   3149         class G(object):
   3150             __slots__ = ["a", "b"]
   3151         class H(object):
   3152             __slots__ = ["b", "a"]
   3153         class I(object):
   3154             __slots__ = ["a", "b"]
   3155         class J(object):
   3156             __slots__ = ["c", "b"]
   3157         class K(object):
   3158             __slots__ = ["a", "b", "d"]
   3159         class L(H):
   3160             __slots__ = ["e"]
   3161         class M(I):
   3162             __slots__ = ["e"]
   3163         class N(J):
   3164             __slots__ = ["__weakref__"]
   3165         class P(J):
   3166             __slots__ = ["__dict__"]
   3167         class Q(J):
   3168             pass
   3169         class R(J):
   3170             __slots__ = ["__dict__", "__weakref__"]
   3172         for cls, cls2 in ((G, H), (G, I), (I, H), (Q, R), (R, Q)):
   3173             x = cls()
   3174             x.a = 1
   3175             x.__class__ = cls2
   3176             self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls2,
   3177                    "assigning %r as __class__ for %r silently failed" % (cls2, x))
   3178             self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
   3179             x.__class__ = cls
   3180             self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls,
   3181                    "assigning %r as __class__ for %r silently failed" % (cls, x))
   3182             self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
   3183         for cls in G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, list, Int:
   3184             for cls2 in G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, list, Int:
   3185                 if cls is cls2:
   3186                     continue
   3187                 cant(cls(), cls2)
   3189         # Issue5283: when __class__ changes in __del__, the wrong
   3190         # type gets DECREF'd.
   3191         class O(object):
   3192             pass
   3193         class A(object):
   3194             def __del__(self):
   3195                 self.__class__ = O
   3196         l = [A() for x in range(100)]
   3197         del l
   3199     def test_set_dict(self):
   3200         # Testing __dict__ assignment...
   3201         class C(object): pass
   3202         a = C()
   3203         a.__dict__ = {'b': 1}
   3204         self.assertEqual(a.b, 1)
   3205         def cant(x, dict):
   3206             try:
   3207                 x.__dict__ = dict
   3208             except (AttributeError, TypeError):
   3209                 pass
   3210             else:
   3211                 self.fail("shouldn't allow %r.__dict__ = %r" % (x, dict))
   3212         cant(a, None)
   3213         cant(a, [])
   3214         cant(a, 1)
   3215         del a.__dict__ # Deleting __dict__ is allowed
   3217         class Base(object):
   3218             pass
   3219         def verify_dict_readonly(x):
   3220             """
   3221             x has to be an instance of a class inheriting from Base.
   3222             """
   3223             cant(x, {})
   3224             try:
   3225                 del x.__dict__
   3226             except (AttributeError, TypeError):
   3227                 pass
   3228             else:
   3229                 self.fail("shouldn't allow del %r.__dict__" % x)
   3230             dict_descr = Base.__dict__["__dict__"]
   3231             try:
   3232                 dict_descr.__set__(x, {})
   3233             except (AttributeError, TypeError):
   3234                 pass
   3235             else:
   3236                 self.fail("dict_descr allowed access to %r's dict" % x)
   3238         # Classes don't allow __dict__ assignment and have readonly dicts
   3239         class Meta1(type, Base):
   3240             pass
   3241         class Meta2(Base, type):
   3242             pass
   3243         class D(object, metaclass=Meta1):
   3244             pass
   3245         class E(object, metaclass=Meta2):
   3246             pass
   3247         for cls in C, D, E:
   3248             verify_dict_readonly(cls)
   3249             class_dict = cls.__dict__
   3250             try:
   3251                 class_dict["spam"] = "eggs"
   3252             except TypeError:
   3253                 pass
   3254             else:
   3255                 self.fail("%r's __dict__ can be modified" % cls)
   3257         # Modules also disallow __dict__ assignment
   3258         class Module1(types.ModuleType, Base):
   3259             pass
   3260         class Module2(Base, types.ModuleType):
   3261             pass
   3262         for ModuleType in Module1, Module2:
   3263             mod = ModuleType("spam")
   3264             verify_dict_readonly(mod)
   3265             mod.__dict__["spam"] = "eggs"
   3267         # Exception's __dict__ can be replaced, but not deleted
   3268         # (at least not any more than regular exception's __dict__ can
   3269         # be deleted; on CPython it is not the case, whereas on PyPy they
   3270         # can, just like any other new-style instance's __dict__.)
   3271         def can_delete_dict(e):
   3272             try:
   3273                 del e.__dict__
   3274             except (TypeError, AttributeError):
   3275                 return False
   3276             else:
   3277                 return True
   3278         class Exception1(Exception, Base):
   3279             pass
   3280         class Exception2(Base, Exception):
   3281             pass
   3282         for ExceptionType in Exception, Exception1, Exception2:
   3283             e = ExceptionType()
   3284             e.__dict__ = {"a": 1}
   3285             self.assertEqual(e.a, 1)
   3286             self.assertEqual(can_delete_dict(e), can_delete_dict(ValueError()))
   3288     def test_binary_operator_override(self):
   3289         # Testing overrides of binary operations...
   3290         class I(int):
   3291             def __repr__(self):
   3292                 return "I(%r)" % int(self)
   3293             def __add__(self, other):
   3294                 return I(int(self) + int(other))
   3295             __radd__ = __add__
   3296             def __pow__(self, other, mod=None):
   3297                 if mod is None:
   3298                     return I(pow(int(self), int(other)))
   3299                 else:
   3300                     return I(pow(int(self), int(other), int(mod)))
   3301             def __rpow__(self, other, mod=None):
   3302                 if mod is None:
   3303                     return I(pow(int(other), int(self), mod))
   3304                 else:
   3305                     return I(pow(int(other), int(self), int(mod)))
   3307         self.assertEqual(repr(I(1) + I(2)), "I(3)")
   3308         self.assertEqual(repr(I(1) + 2), "I(3)")
   3309         self.assertEqual(repr(1 + I(2)), "I(3)")
   3310         self.assertEqual(repr(I(2) ** I(3)), "I(8)")
   3311         self.assertEqual(repr(2 ** I(3)), "I(8)")
   3312         self.assertEqual(repr(I(2) ** 3), "I(8)")
   3313         self.assertEqual(repr(pow(I(2), I(3), I(5))), "I(3)")
   3314         class S(str):
   3315             def __eq__(self, other):
   3316                 return self.lower() == other.lower()
   3318     def test_subclass_propagation(self):
   3319         # Testing propagation of slot functions to subclasses...
   3320         class A(object):
   3321             pass
   3322         class B(A):
   3323             pass
   3324         class C(A):
   3325             pass
   3326         class D(B, C):
   3327             pass
   3328         d = D()
   3329         orig_hash = hash(d) # related to id(d) in platform-dependent ways
   3330         A.__hash__ = lambda self: 42
   3331         self.assertEqual(hash(d), 42)
   3332         C.__hash__ = lambda self: 314
   3333         self.assertEqual(hash(d), 314)
   3334         B.__hash__ = lambda self: 144
   3335         self.assertEqual(hash(d), 144)
   3336         D.__hash__ = lambda self: 100
   3337         self.assertEqual(hash(d), 100)
   3338         D.__hash__ = None
   3339         self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
   3340         del D.__hash__
   3341         self.assertEqual(hash(d), 144)
   3342         B.__hash__ = None
   3343         self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
   3344         del B.__hash__
   3345         self.assertEqual(hash(d), 314)
   3346         C.__hash__ = None
   3347         self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
   3348         del C.__hash__
   3349         self.assertEqual(hash(d), 42)
   3350         A.__hash__ = None
   3351         self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
   3352         del A.__hash__
   3353         self.assertEqual(hash(d), orig_hash)
   3354         d.foo = 42
   3355         d.bar = 42
   3356         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 42)
   3357         self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
   3358         def __getattribute__(self, name):
   3359             if name == "foo":
   3360                 return 24
   3361             return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
   3362         A.__getattribute__ = __getattribute__
   3363         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 24)
   3364         self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
   3365         def __getattr__(self, name):
   3366             if name in ("spam", "foo", "bar"):
   3367                 return "hello"
   3368             raise AttributeError(name)
   3369         B.__getattr__ = __getattr__
   3370         self.assertEqual(d.spam, "hello")
   3371         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 24)
   3372         self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
   3373         del A.__getattribute__
   3374         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 42)
   3375         del d.foo
   3376         self.assertEqual(d.foo, "hello")
   3377         self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
   3378         del B.__getattr__
   3379         try:
   3380             d.foo
   3381         except AttributeError:
   3382             pass
   3383         else:
   3384             self.fail("d.foo should be undefined now")
   3386         # Test a nasty bug in recurse_down_subclasses()
   3387         class A(object):
   3388             pass
   3389         class B(A):
   3390             pass
   3391         del B
   3392         support.gc_collect()
   3393         A.__setitem__ = lambda *a: None # crash
   3395     def test_buffer_inheritance(self):
   3396         # Testing that buffer interface is inherited ...
   3398         import binascii
   3399         # SF bug [#470040] ParseTuple t# vs subclasses.
   3401         class MyBytes(bytes):
   3402             pass
   3403         base = b'abc'
   3404         m = MyBytes(base)
   3405         # b2a_hex uses the buffer interface to get its argument's value, via
   3406         # PyArg_ParseTuple 't#' code.
   3407         self.assertEqual(binascii.b2a_hex(m), binascii.b2a_hex(base))
   3409         class MyInt(int):
   3410             pass
   3411         m = MyInt(42)
   3412         try:
   3413             binascii.b2a_hex(m)
   3414             self.fail('subclass of int should not have a buffer interface')
   3415         except TypeError:
   3416             pass
   3418     def test_str_of_str_subclass(self):
   3419         # Testing __str__ defined in subclass of str ...
   3420         import binascii
   3421         import io
   3423         class octetstring(str):
   3424             def __str__(self):
   3425                 return binascii.b2a_hex(self.encode('ascii')).decode("ascii")
   3426             def __repr__(self):
   3427                 return self + " repr"
   3429         o = octetstring('A')
   3430         self.assertEqual(type(o), octetstring)
   3431         self.assertEqual(type(str(o)), str)
   3432         self.assertEqual(type(repr(o)), str)
   3433         self.assertEqual(ord(o), 0x41)
   3434         self.assertEqual(str(o), '41')
   3435         self.assertEqual(repr(o), 'A repr')
   3436         self.assertEqual(o.__str__(), '41')
   3437         self.assertEqual(o.__repr__(), 'A repr')
   3439         capture = io.StringIO()
   3440         # Calling str() or not exercises different internal paths.
   3441         print(o, file=capture)
   3442         print(str(o), file=capture)
   3443         self.assertEqual(capture.getvalue(), '41\n41\n')
   3444         capture.close()
   3446     def test_keyword_arguments(self):
   3447         # Testing keyword arguments to __init__, __call__...
   3448         def f(a): return a
   3449         self.assertEqual(f.__call__(a=42), 42)
   3450         a = []
   3451         list.__init__(a, sequence=[0, 1, 2])
   3452         self.assertEqual(a, [0, 1, 2])
   3454     def test_recursive_call(self):
   3455         # Testing recursive __call__() by setting to instance of class...
   3456         class A(object):
   3457             pass
   3459         A.__call__ = A()
   3460         try:
   3461             A()()
   3462         except RecursionError:
   3463             pass
   3464         else:
   3465             self.fail("Recursion limit should have been reached for __call__()")
   3467     def test_delete_hook(self):
   3468         # Testing __del__ hook...
   3469         log = []
   3470         class C(object):
   3471             def __del__(self):
   3472                 log.append(1)
   3473         c = C()
   3474         self.assertEqual(log, [])
   3475         del c
   3476         support.gc_collect()
   3477         self.assertEqual(log, [1])
   3479         class D(object): pass
   3480         d = D()
   3481         try: del d[0]
   3482         except TypeError: pass
   3483         else: self.fail("invalid del() didn't raise TypeError")
   3485     def test_hash_inheritance(self):
   3486         # Testing hash of mutable subclasses...
   3488         class mydict(dict):
   3489             pass
   3490         d = mydict()
   3491         try:
   3492             hash(d)
   3493         except TypeError:
   3494             pass
   3495         else:
   3496             self.fail("hash() of dict subclass should fail")
   3498         class mylist(list):
   3499             pass
   3500         d = mylist()
   3501         try:
   3502             hash(d)
   3503         except TypeError:
   3504             pass
   3505         else:
   3506             self.fail("hash() of list subclass should fail")
   3508     def test_str_operations(self):
   3509         try: 'a' + 5
   3510         except TypeError: pass
   3511         else: self.fail("'' + 5 doesn't raise TypeError")
   3513         try: ''.split('')
   3514         except ValueError: pass
   3515         else: self.fail("''.split('') doesn't raise ValueError")
   3517         try: ''.join([0])
   3518         except TypeError: pass
   3519         else: self.fail("''.join([0]) doesn't raise TypeError")
   3521         try: ''.rindex('5')
   3522         except ValueError: pass
   3523         else: self.fail("''.rindex('5') doesn't raise ValueError")
   3525         try: '%(n)s' % None
   3526         except TypeError: pass
   3527         else: self.fail("'%(n)s' % None doesn't raise TypeError")
   3529         try: '%(n' % {}
   3530         except ValueError: pass
   3531         else: self.fail("'%(n' % {} '' doesn't raise ValueError")
   3533         try: '%*s' % ('abc')
   3534         except TypeError: pass
   3535         else: self.fail("'%*s' % ('abc') doesn't raise TypeError")
   3537         try: '%*.*s' % ('abc', 5)
   3538         except TypeError: pass
   3539         else: self.fail("'%*.*s' % ('abc', 5) doesn't raise TypeError")
   3541         try: '%s' % (1, 2)
   3542         except TypeError: pass
   3543         else: self.fail("'%s' % (1, 2) doesn't raise TypeError")
   3545         try: '%' % None
   3546         except ValueError: pass
   3547         else: self.fail("'%' % None doesn't raise ValueError")
   3549         self.assertEqual('534253'.isdigit(), 1)
   3550         self.assertEqual('534253x'.isdigit(), 0)
   3551         self.assertEqual('%c' % 5, '\x05')
   3552         self.assertEqual('%c' % '5', '5')
   3554     def test_deepcopy_recursive(self):
   3555         # Testing deepcopy of recursive objects...
   3556         class Node:
   3557             pass
   3558         a = Node()
   3559         b = Node()
   3560         a.b = b
   3561         b.a = a
   3562         z = deepcopy(a) # This blew up before
   3564     def test_uninitialized_modules(self):
   3565         # Testing uninitialized module objects...
   3566         from types import ModuleType as M
   3567         m = M.__new__(M)
   3568         str(m)
   3569         self.assertNotHasAttr(m, "__name__")
   3570         self.assertNotHasAttr(m, "__file__")
   3571         self.assertNotHasAttr(m, "foo")
   3572         self.assertFalse(m.__dict__)   # None or {} are both reasonable answers
   3573         m.foo = 1
   3574         self.assertEqual(m.__dict__, {"foo": 1})
   3576     def test_funny_new(self):
   3577         # Testing __new__ returning something unexpected...
   3578         class C(object):
   3579             def __new__(cls, arg):
   3580                 if isinstance(arg, str): return [1, 2, 3]
   3581                 elif isinstance(arg, int): return object.__new__(D)
   3582                 else: return object.__new__(cls)
   3583         class D(C):
   3584             def __init__(self, arg):
   3585                 self.foo = arg
   3586         self.assertEqual(C("1"), [1, 2, 3])
   3587         self.assertEqual(D("1"), [1, 2, 3])
   3588         d = D(None)
   3589         self.assertEqual(d.foo, None)
   3590         d = C(1)
   3591         self.assertIsInstance(d, D)
   3592         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 1)
   3593         d = D(1)
   3594         self.assertIsInstance(d, D)
   3595         self.assertEqual(d.foo, 1)
   3597         class C(object):
   3598             @staticmethod
   3599             def __new__(*args):
   3600                 return args
   3601         self.assertEqual(C(1, 2), (C, 1, 2))
   3602         class D(C):
   3603             pass
   3604         self.assertEqual(D(1, 2), (D, 1, 2))
   3606         class C(object):
   3607             @classmethod
   3608             def __new__(*args):
   3609                 return args
   3610         self.assertEqual(C(1, 2), (C, C, 1, 2))
   3611         class D(C):
   3612             pass
   3613         self.assertEqual(D(1, 2), (D, D, 1, 2))
   3615     def test_imul_bug(self):
   3616         # Testing for __imul__ problems...
   3617         # SF bug 544647
   3618         class C(object):
   3619             def __imul__(self, other):
   3620                 return (self, other)
   3621         x = C()
   3622         y = x
   3623         y *= 1.0
   3624         self.assertEqual(y, (x, 1.0))
   3625         y = x
   3626         y *= 2
   3627         self.assertEqual(y, (x, 2))
   3628         y = x
   3629         y *= 3
   3630         self.assertEqual(y, (x, 3))
   3631         y = x
   3632         y *= 1<<100
   3633         self.assertEqual(y, (x, 1<<100))
   3634         y = x
   3635         y *= None
   3636         self.assertEqual(y, (x, None))
   3637         y = x
   3638         y *= "foo"
   3639         self.assertEqual(y, (x, "foo"))
   3641     def test_copy_setstate(self):
   3642         # Testing that copy.*copy() correctly uses __setstate__...
   3643         import copy
   3644         class C(object):
   3645             def __init__(self, foo=None):
   3646                 self.foo = foo
   3647                 self.__foo = foo
   3648             def setfoo(self, foo=None):
   3649                 self.foo = foo
   3650             def getfoo(self):
   3651                 return self.__foo
   3652             def __getstate__(self):
   3653                 return [self.foo]
   3654             def __setstate__(self_, lst):
   3655                 self.assertEqual(len(lst), 1)
   3656                 self_.__foo = self_.foo = lst[0]
   3657         a = C(42)
   3658         a.setfoo(24)
   3659         self.assertEqual(a.foo, 24)
   3660         self.assertEqual(a.getfoo(), 42)
   3661         b = copy.copy(a)
   3662         self.assertEqual(b.foo, 24)
   3663         self.assertEqual(b.getfoo(), 24)
   3664         b = copy.deepcopy(a)
   3665         self.assertEqual(b.foo, 24)
   3666         self.assertEqual(b.getfoo(), 24)
   3668     def test_slices(self):
   3669         # Testing cases with slices and overridden __getitem__ ...
   3671         # Strings
   3672         self.assertEqual("hello"[:4], "hell")
   3673         self.assertEqual("hello"[slice(4)], "hell")
   3674         self.assertEqual(str.__getitem__("hello", slice(4)), "hell")
   3675         class S(str):
   3676             def __getitem__(self, x):
   3677                 return str.__getitem__(self, x)
   3678         self.assertEqual(S("hello")[:4], "hell")
   3679         self.assertEqual(S("hello")[slice(4)], "hell")
   3680         self.assertEqual(S("hello").__getitem__(slice(4)), "hell")
   3681         # Tuples
   3682         self.assertEqual((1,2,3)[:2], (1,2))
   3683         self.assertEqual((1,2,3)[slice(2)], (1,2))
   3684         self.assertEqual(tuple.__getitem__((1,2,3), slice(2)), (1,2))
   3685         class T(tuple):
   3686             def __getitem__(self, x):
   3687                 return tuple.__getitem__(self, x)
   3688         self.assertEqual(T((1,2,3))[:2], (1,2))
   3689         self.assertEqual(T((1,2,3))[slice(2)], (1,2))
   3690         self.assertEqual(T((1,2,3)).__getitem__(slice(2)), (1,2))
   3691         # Lists
   3692         self.assertEqual([1,2,3][:2], [1,2])
   3693         self.assertEqual([1,2,3][slice(2)], [1,2])
   3694         self.assertEqual(list.__getitem__([1,2,3], slice(2)), [1,2])
   3695         class L(list):
   3696             def __getitem__(self, x):
   3697                 return list.__getitem__(self, x)
   3698         self.assertEqual(L([1,2,3])[:2], [1,2])
   3699         self.assertEqual(L([1,2,3])[slice(2)], [1,2])
   3700         self.assertEqual(L([1,2,3]).__getitem__(slice(2)), [1,2])
   3701         # Now do lists and __setitem__
   3702         a = L([1,2,3])
   3703         a[slice(1, 3)] = [3,2]
   3704         self.assertEqual(a, [1,3,2])
   3705         a[slice(0, 2, 1)] = [3,1]
   3706         self.assertEqual(a, [3,1,2])
   3707         a.__setitem__(slice(1, 3), [2,1])
   3708         self.assertEqual(a, [3,2,1])
   3709         a.__setitem__(slice(0, 2, 1), [2,3])
   3710         self.assertEqual(a, [2,3,1])
   3712     def test_subtype_resurrection(self):
   3713         # Testing resurrection of new-style instance...
   3715         class C(object):
   3716             container = []
   3718             def __del__(self):
   3719                 # resurrect the instance
   3720                 C.container.append(self)
   3722         c = C()
   3723         c.attr = 42
   3725         # The most interesting thing here is whether this blows up, due to
   3726         # flawed GC tracking logic in typeobject.c's call_finalizer() (a 2.2.1
   3727         # bug).
   3728         del c
   3730         support.gc_collect()
   3731         self.assertEqual(len(C.container), 1)
   3733         # Make c mortal again, so that the test framework with -l doesn't report
   3734         # it as a leak.
   3735         del C.__del__
   3737     def test_slots_trash(self):
   3738         # Testing slot trash...
   3739         # Deallocating deeply nested slotted trash caused stack overflows
   3740         class trash(object):
   3741             __slots__ = ['x']
   3742             def __init__(self, x):
   3743                 self.x = x
   3744         o = None
   3745         for i in range(50000):
   3746             o = trash(o)
   3747         del o
   3749     def test_slots_multiple_inheritance(self):
   3750         # SF bug 575229, multiple inheritance w/ slots dumps core
   3751         class A(object):
   3752             __slots__=()
   3753         class B(object):
   3754             pass
   3755         class C(A,B) :
   3756             __slots__=()
   3757         if support.check_impl_detail():
   3758             self.assertEqual(C.__basicsize__, B.__basicsize__)
   3759         self.assertHasAttr(C, '__dict__')
   3760         self.assertHasAttr(C, '__weakref__')
   3761         C().x = 2
   3763     def test_rmul(self):
   3764         # Testing correct invocation of __rmul__...
   3765         # SF patch 592646
   3766         class C(object):
   3767             def __mul__(self, other):
   3768                 return "mul"
   3769             def __rmul__(self, other):
   3770                 return "rmul"
   3771         a = C()
   3772         self.assertEqual(a*2, "mul")
   3773         self.assertEqual(a*2.2, "mul")
   3774         self.assertEqual(2*a, "rmul")
   3775         self.assertEqual(2.2*a, "rmul")
   3777     def test_ipow(self):
   3778         # Testing correct invocation of __ipow__...
   3779         # [SF bug 620179]
   3780         class C(object):
   3781             def __ipow__(self, other):
   3782                 pass
   3783         a = C()
   3784         a **= 2
   3786     def test_mutable_bases(self):
   3787         # Testing mutable bases...
   3789         # stuff that should work:
   3790         class C(object):
   3791             pass
   3792         class C2(object):
   3793             def __getattribute__(self, attr):
   3794                 if attr == 'a':
   3795                     return 2
   3796                 else:
   3797                     return super(C2, self).__getattribute__(attr)
   3798             def meth(self):
   3799                 return 1
   3800         class D(C):
   3801             pass
   3802         class E(D):
   3803             pass
   3804         d = D()
   3805         e = E()
   3806         D.__bases__ = (C,)
   3807         D.__bases__ = (C2,)
   3808         self.assertEqual(d.meth(), 1)
   3809         self.assertEqual(e.meth(), 1)
   3810         self.assertEqual(d.a, 2)
   3811         self.assertEqual(e.a, 2)
   3812         self.assertEqual(C2.__subclasses__(), [D])
   3814         try:
   3815             del D.__bases__
   3816         except (TypeError, AttributeError):
   3817             pass
   3818         else:
   3819             self.fail("shouldn't be able to delete .__bases__")
   3821         try:
   3822             D.__bases__ = ()
   3823         except TypeError as msg:
   3824             if str(msg) == "a new-style class can't have only classic bases":
   3825                 self.fail("wrong error message for .__bases__ = ()")
   3826         else:
   3827             self.fail("shouldn't be able to set .__bases__ to ()")
   3829         try:
   3830             D.__bases__ = (D,)
   3831         except TypeError:
   3832             pass
   3833         else:
   3834             # actually, we'll have crashed by here...
   3835             self.fail("shouldn't be able to create inheritance cycles")
   3837         try:
   3838             D.__bases__ = (C, C)
   3839         except TypeError:
   3840             pass
   3841         else:
   3842             self.fail("didn't detect repeated base classes")
   3844         try:
   3845             D.__bases__ = (E,)
   3846         except TypeError:
   3847             pass
   3848         else:
   3849             self.fail("shouldn't be able to create inheritance cycles")
   3851     def test_builtin_bases(self):
   3852         # Make sure all the builtin types can have their base queried without
   3853         # segfaulting. See issue #5787.
   3854         builtin_types = [tp for tp in builtins.__dict__.values()
   3855                          if isinstance(tp, type)]
   3856         for tp in builtin_types:
   3857             object.__getattribute__(tp, "__bases__")
   3858             if tp is not object:
   3859                 self.assertEqual(len(tp.__bases__), 1, tp)
   3861         class L(list):
   3862             pass
   3864         class C(object):
   3865             pass
   3867         class D(C):
   3868             pass
   3870         try:
   3871             L.__bases__ = (dict,)
   3872         except TypeError:
   3873             pass
   3874         else:
   3875             self.fail("shouldn't turn list subclass into dict subclass")
   3877         try:
   3878             list.__bases__ = (dict,)
   3879         except TypeError:
   3880             pass
   3881         else:
   3882             self.fail("shouldn't be able to assign to list.__bases__")
   3884         try:
   3885             D.__bases__ = (C, list)
   3886         except TypeError:
   3887             pass
   3888         else:
   3889             assert 0, "best_base calculation found wanting"
   3891     def test_unsubclassable_types(self):
   3892         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3893             class X(type(None)):
   3894                 pass
   3895         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3896             class X(object, type(None)):
   3897                 pass
   3898         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3899             class X(type(None), object):
   3900                 pass
   3901         class O(object):
   3902             pass
   3903         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3904             class X(O, type(None)):
   3905                 pass
   3906         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3907             class X(type(None), O):
   3908                 pass
   3910         class X(object):
   3911             pass
   3912         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3913             X.__bases__ = type(None),
   3914         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3915             X.__bases__ = object, type(None)
   3916         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3917             X.__bases__ = type(None), object
   3918         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3919             X.__bases__ = O, type(None)
   3920         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   3921             X.__bases__ = type(None), O
   3923     def test_mutable_bases_with_failing_mro(self):
   3924         # Testing mutable bases with failing mro...
   3925         class WorkOnce(type):
   3926             def __new__(self, name, bases, ns):
   3927                 self.flag = 0
   3928                 return super(WorkOnce, self).__new__(WorkOnce, name, bases, ns)
   3929             def mro(self):
   3930                 if self.flag > 0:
   3931                     raise RuntimeError("bozo")
   3932                 else:
   3933                     self.flag += 1
   3934                     return type.mro(self)
   3936         class WorkAlways(type):
   3937             def mro(self):
   3938                 # this is here to make sure that .mro()s aren't called
   3939                 # with an exception set (which was possible at one point).
   3940                 # An error message will be printed in a debug build.
   3941                 # What's a good way to test for this?
   3942                 return type.mro(self)
   3944         class C(object):
   3945             pass
   3947         class C2(object):
   3948             pass
   3950         class D(C):
   3951             pass
   3953         class E(D):
   3954             pass
   3956         class F(D, metaclass=WorkOnce):
   3957             pass
   3959         class G(D, metaclass=WorkAlways):
   3960             pass
   3962         # Immediate subclasses have their mro's adjusted in alphabetical
   3963         # order, so E's will get adjusted before adjusting F's fails.  We
   3964         # check here that E's gets restored.
   3966         E_mro_before = E.__mro__
   3967         D_mro_before = D.__mro__
   3969         try:
   3970             D.__bases__ = (C2,)
   3971         except RuntimeError:
   3972             self.assertEqual(E.__mro__, E_mro_before)
   3973             self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, D_mro_before)
   3974         else:
   3975             self.fail("exception not propagated")
   3977     def test_mutable_bases_catch_mro_conflict(self):
   3978         # Testing mutable bases catch mro conflict...
   3979         class A(object):
   3980             pass
   3982         class B(object):
   3983             pass
   3985         class C(A, B):
   3986             pass
   3988         class D(A, B):
   3989             pass
   3991         class E(C, D):
   3992             pass
   3994         try:
   3995             C.__bases__ = (B, A)
   3996         except TypeError:
   3997             pass
   3998         else:
   3999             self.fail("didn't catch MRO conflict")
   4001     def test_mutable_names(self):
   4002         # Testing mutable names...
   4003         class C(object):
   4004             pass
   4006         # C.__module__ could be 'test_descr' or '__main__'
   4007         mod = C.__module__
   4009         C.__name__ = 'D'
   4010         self.assertEqual((C.__module__, C.__name__), (mod, 'D'))
   4012         C.__name__ = 'D.E'
   4013         self.assertEqual((C.__module__, C.__name__), (mod, 'D.E'))
   4015     def test_evil_type_name(self):
   4016         # A badly placed Py_DECREF in type_set_name led to arbitrary code
   4017         # execution while the type structure was not in a sane state, and a
   4018         # possible segmentation fault as a result.  See bug #16447.
   4019         class Nasty(str):
   4020             def __del__(self):
   4021                 C.__name__ = "other"
   4023         class C:
   4024             pass
   4026         C.__name__ = Nasty("abc")
   4027         C.__name__ = "normal"
   4029     def test_subclass_right_op(self):
   4030         # Testing correct dispatch of subclass overloading __r<op>__...
   4032         # This code tests various cases where right-dispatch of a subclass
   4033         # should be preferred over left-dispatch of a base class.
   4035         # Case 1: subclass of int; this tests code in abstract.c::binary_op1()
   4037         class B(int):
   4038             def __floordiv__(self, other):
   4039                 return "B.__floordiv__"
   4040             def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
   4041                 return "B.__rfloordiv__"
   4043         self.assertEqual(B(1) // 1, "B.__floordiv__")
   4044         self.assertEqual(1 // B(1), "B.__rfloordiv__")
   4046         # Case 2: subclass of object; this is just the baseline for case 3
   4048         class C(object):
   4049             def __floordiv__(self, other):
   4050                 return "C.__floordiv__"
   4051             def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
   4052                 return "C.__rfloordiv__"
   4054         self.assertEqual(C() // 1, "C.__floordiv__")
   4055         self.assertEqual(1 // C(), "C.__rfloordiv__")
   4057         # Case 3: subclass of new-style class; here it gets interesting
   4059         class D(C):
   4060             def __floordiv__(self, other):
   4061                 return "D.__floordiv__"
   4062             def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
   4063                 return "D.__rfloordiv__"
   4065         self.assertEqual(D() // C(), "D.__floordiv__")
   4066         self.assertEqual(C() // D(), "D.__rfloordiv__")
   4068         # Case 4: this didn't work right in 2.2.2 and 2.3a1
   4070         class E(C):
   4071             pass
   4073         self.assertEqual(E.__rfloordiv__, C.__rfloordiv__)
   4075         self.assertEqual(E() // 1, "C.__floordiv__")
   4076         self.assertEqual(1 // E(), "C.__rfloordiv__")
   4077         self.assertEqual(E() // C(), "C.__floordiv__")
   4078         self.assertEqual(C() // E(), "C.__floordiv__") # This one would fail
   4080     @support.impl_detail("testing an internal kind of method object")
   4081     def test_meth_class_get(self):
   4082         # Testing __get__ method of METH_CLASS C methods...
   4083         # Full coverage of descrobject.c::classmethod_get()
   4085         # Baseline
   4086         arg = [1, 2, 3]
   4087         res = {1: None, 2: None, 3: None}
   4088         self.assertEqual(dict.fromkeys(arg), res)
   4089         self.assertEqual({}.fromkeys(arg), res)
   4091         # Now get the descriptor
   4092         descr = dict.__dict__["fromkeys"]
   4094         # More baseline using the descriptor directly
   4095         self.assertEqual(descr.__get__(None, dict)(arg), res)
   4096         self.assertEqual(descr.__get__({})(arg), res)
   4098         # Now check various error cases
   4099         try:
   4100             descr.__get__(None, None)
   4101         except TypeError:
   4102             pass
   4103         else:
   4104             self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, None)")
   4105         try:
   4106             descr.__get__(42)
   4107         except TypeError:
   4108             pass
   4109         else:
   4110             self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(42)")
   4111         try:
   4112             descr.__get__(None, 42)
   4113         except TypeError:
   4114             pass
   4115         else:
   4116             self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, 42)")
   4117         try:
   4118             descr.__get__(None, int)
   4119         except TypeError:
   4120             pass
   4121         else:
   4122             self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, int)")
   4124     def test_isinst_isclass(self):
   4125         # Testing proxy isinstance() and isclass()...
   4126         class Proxy(object):
   4127             def __init__(self, obj):
   4128                 self.__obj = obj
   4129             def __getattribute__(self, name):
   4130                 if name.startswith("_Proxy__"):
   4131                     return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
   4132                 else:
   4133                     return getattr(self.__obj, name)
   4134         # Test with a classic class
   4135         class C:
   4136             pass
   4137         a = C()
   4138         pa = Proxy(a)
   4139         self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
   4140         self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
   4141         # Test with a classic subclass
   4142         class D(C):
   4143             pass
   4144         a = D()
   4145         pa = Proxy(a)
   4146         self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
   4147         self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
   4148         # Test with a new-style class
   4149         class C(object):
   4150             pass
   4151         a = C()
   4152         pa = Proxy(a)
   4153         self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
   4154         self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
   4155         # Test with a new-style subclass
   4156         class D(C):
   4157             pass
   4158         a = D()
   4159         pa = Proxy(a)
   4160         self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
   4161         self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
   4163     def test_proxy_super(self):
   4164         # Testing super() for a proxy object...
   4165         class Proxy(object):
   4166             def __init__(self, obj):
   4167                 self.__obj = obj
   4168             def __getattribute__(self, name):
   4169                 if name.startswith("_Proxy__"):
   4170                     return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
   4171                 else:
   4172                     return getattr(self.__obj, name)
   4174         class B(object):
   4175             def f(self):
   4176                 return "B.f"
   4178         class C(B):
   4179             def f(self):
   4180                 return super(C, self).f() + "->C.f"
   4182         obj = C()
   4183         p = Proxy(obj)
   4184         self.assertEqual(C.__dict__["f"](p), "B.f->C.f")
   4186     def test_carloverre(self):
   4187         # Testing prohibition of Carlo Verre's hack...
   4188         try:
   4189             object.__setattr__(str, "foo", 42)
   4190         except TypeError:
   4191             pass
   4192         else:
   4193             self.fail("Carlo Verre __setattr__ succeeded!")
   4194         try:
   4195             object.__delattr__(str, "lower")
   4196         except TypeError:
   4197             pass
   4198         else:
   4199             self.fail("Carlo Verre __delattr__ succeeded!")
   4201     def test_weakref_segfault(self):
   4202         # Testing weakref segfault...
   4203         # SF 742911
   4204         import weakref
   4206         class Provoker:
   4207             def __init__(self, referrent):
   4208                 self.ref = weakref.ref(referrent)
   4210             def __del__(self):
   4211                 x = self.ref()
   4213         class Oops(object):
   4214             pass
   4216         o = Oops()
   4217         o.whatever = Provoker(o)
   4218         del o
   4220     def test_wrapper_segfault(self):
   4221         # SF 927248: deeply nested wrappers could cause stack overflow
   4222         f = lambda:None
   4223         for i in range(1000000):
   4224             f = f.__call__
   4225         f = None
   4227     def test_file_fault(self):
   4228         # Testing sys.stdout is changed in getattr...
   4229         test_stdout = sys.stdout
   4230         class StdoutGuard:
   4231             def __getattr__(self, attr):
   4232                 sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
   4233                 raise RuntimeError("Premature access to sys.stdout.%s" % attr)
   4234         sys.stdout = StdoutGuard()
   4235         try:
   4236             print("Oops!")
   4237         except RuntimeError:
   4238             pass
   4239         finally:
   4240             sys.stdout = test_stdout
   4242     def test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense(self):
   4243         # Testing vicious_descriptor_nonsense...
   4245         # A potential segfault spotted by Thomas Wouters in mail to
   4246         # python-dev 2003-04-17, turned into an example & fixed by Michael
   4247         # Hudson just less than four months later...
   4249         class Evil(object):
   4250             def __hash__(self):
   4251                 return hash('attr')
   4252             def __eq__(self, other):
   4253                 del C.attr
   4254                 return 0
   4256         class Descr(object):
   4257             def __get__(self, ob, type=None):
   4258                 return 1
   4260         class C(object):
   4261             attr = Descr()
   4263         c = C()
   4264         c.__dict__[Evil()] = 0
   4266         self.assertEqual(c.attr, 1)
   4267         # this makes a crash more likely:
   4268         support.gc_collect()
   4269         self.assertNotHasAttr(c, 'attr')
   4271     def test_init(self):
   4272         # SF 1155938
   4273         class Foo(object):
   4274             def __init__(self):
   4275                 return 10
   4276         try:
   4277             Foo()
   4278         except TypeError:
   4279             pass
   4280         else:
   4281             self.fail("did not test __init__() for None return")
   4283     def test_method_wrapper(self):
   4284         # Testing method-wrapper objects...
   4285         # <type 'method-wrapper'> did not support any reflection before 2.5
   4287         # XXX should methods really support __eq__?
   4289         l = []
   4290         self.assertEqual(l.__add__, l.__add__)
   4291         self.assertEqual(l.__add__, [].__add__)
   4292         self.assertNotEqual(l.__add__, [5].__add__)
   4293         self.assertNotEqual(l.__add__, l.__mul__)
   4294         self.assertEqual(l.__add__.__name__, '__add__')
   4295         if hasattr(l.__add__, '__self__'):
   4296             # CPython
   4297             self.assertIs(l.__add__.__self__, l)
   4298             self.assertIs(l.__add__.__objclass__, list)
   4299         else:
   4300             # Python implementations where [].__add__ is a normal bound method
   4301             self.assertIs(l.__add__.im_self, l)
   4302             self.assertIs(l.__add__.im_class, list)
   4303         self.assertEqual(l.__add__.__doc__, list.__add__.__doc__)
   4304         try:
   4305             hash(l.__add__)
   4306         except TypeError:
   4307             pass
   4308         else:
   4309             self.fail("no TypeError from hash([].__add__)")
   4311         t = ()
   4312         t += (7,)
   4313         self.assertEqual(t.__add__, (7,).__add__)
   4314         self.assertEqual(hash(t.__add__), hash((7,).__add__))
   4316     def test_not_implemented(self):
   4317         # Testing NotImplemented...
   4318         # all binary methods should be able to return a NotImplemented
   4319         import operator
   4321         def specialmethod(self, other):
   4322             return NotImplemented
   4324         def check(expr, x, y):
   4325             try:
   4326                 exec(expr, {'x': x, 'y': y, 'operator': operator})
   4327             except TypeError:
   4328                 pass
   4329             else:
   4330                 self.fail("no TypeError from %r" % (expr,))
   4332         N1 = sys.maxsize + 1    # might trigger OverflowErrors instead of
   4333                                 # TypeErrors
   4334         N2 = sys.maxsize         # if sizeof(int) < sizeof(long), might trigger
   4335                                 #   ValueErrors instead of TypeErrors
   4336         for name, expr, iexpr in [
   4337                 ('__add__',      'x + y',                   'x += y'),
   4338                 ('__sub__',      'x - y',                   'x -= y'),
   4339                 ('__mul__',      'x * y',                   'x *= y'),
   4340                 ('__matmul__',   'x @ y',                   'x @= y'),
   4341                 ('__truediv__',  'x / y',                   'x /= y'),
   4342                 ('__floordiv__', 'x // y',                  'x //= y'),
   4343                 ('__mod__',      'x % y',                   'x %= y'),
   4344                 ('__divmod__',   'divmod(x, y)',            None),
   4345                 ('__pow__',      'x ** y',                  'x **= y'),
   4346                 ('__lshift__',   'x << y',                  'x <<= y'),
   4347                 ('__rshift__',   'x >> y',                  'x >>= y'),
   4348                 ('__and__',      'x & y',                   'x &= y'),
   4349                 ('__or__',       'x | y',                   'x |= y'),
   4350                 ('__xor__',      'x ^ y',                   'x ^= y')]:
   4351             rname = '__r' + name[2:]
   4352             A = type('A', (), {name: specialmethod})
   4353             a = A()
   4354             check(expr, a, a)
   4355             check(expr, a, N1)
   4356             check(expr, a, N2)
   4357             if iexpr:
   4358                 check(iexpr, a, a)
   4359                 check(iexpr, a, N1)
   4360                 check(iexpr, a, N2)
   4361                 iname = '__i' + name[2:]
   4362                 C = type('C', (), {iname: specialmethod})
   4363                 c = C()
   4364                 check(iexpr, c, a)
   4365                 check(iexpr, c, N1)
   4366                 check(iexpr, c, N2)
   4368     def test_assign_slice(self):
   4369         # ceval.c's assign_slice used to check for
   4370         # tp->tp_as_sequence->sq_slice instead of
   4371         # tp->tp_as_sequence->sq_ass_slice
   4373         class C(object):
   4374             def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
   4375                 self.value = value
   4377         c = C()
   4378         c[1:2] = 3
   4379         self.assertEqual(c.value, 3)
   4381     def test_set_and_no_get(self):
   4382         # See
   4383         # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-January/095637.html
   4384         class Descr(object):
   4386             def __init__(self, name):
   4387                 self.name = name
   4389             def __set__(self, obj, value):
   4390                 obj.__dict__[self.name] = value
   4391         descr = Descr("a")
   4393         class X(object):
   4394             a = descr
   4396         x = X()
   4397         self.assertIs(x.a, descr)
   4398         x.a = 42
   4399         self.assertEqual(x.a, 42)
   4401         # Also check type_getattro for correctness.
   4402         class Meta(type):
   4403             pass
   4404         class X(metaclass=Meta):
   4405             pass
   4406         X.a = 42
   4407         Meta.a = Descr("a")
   4408         self.assertEqual(X.a, 42)
   4410     def test_getattr_hooks(self):
   4411         # issue 4230
   4413         class Descriptor(object):
   4414             counter = 0
   4415             def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
   4416                 def getter(name):
   4417                     self.counter += 1
   4418                     raise AttributeError(name)
   4419                 return getter
   4421         descr = Descriptor()
   4422         class A(object):
   4423             __getattribute__ = descr
   4424         class B(object):
   4425             __getattr__ = descr
   4426         class C(object):
   4427             __getattribute__ = descr
   4428             __getattr__ = descr
   4430         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, A(), "attr")
   4431         self.assertEqual(descr.counter, 1)
   4432         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, B(), "attr")
   4433         self.assertEqual(descr.counter, 2)
   4434         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, C(), "attr")
   4435         self.assertEqual(descr.counter, 4)
   4437         class EvilGetattribute(object):
   4438             # This used to segfault
   4439             def __getattr__(self, name):
   4440                 raise AttributeError(name)
   4441             def __getattribute__(self, name):
   4442                 del EvilGetattribute.__getattr__
   4443                 for i in range(5):
   4444                     gc.collect()
   4445                 raise AttributeError(name)
   4447         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, EvilGetattribute(), "attr")
   4449     def test_type___getattribute__(self):
   4450         self.assertRaises(TypeError, type.__getattribute__, list, type)
   4452     def test_abstractmethods(self):
   4453         # type pretends not to have __abstractmethods__.
   4454         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, type, "__abstractmethods__")
   4455         class meta(type):
   4456             pass
   4457         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, meta, "__abstractmethods__")
   4458         class X(object):
   4459             pass
   4460         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
   4461             del X.__abstractmethods__
   4463     def test_proxy_call(self):
   4464         class FakeStr:
   4465             __class__ = str
   4467         fake_str = FakeStr()
   4468         # isinstance() reads __class__
   4469         self.assertIsInstance(fake_str, str)
   4471         # call a method descriptor
   4472         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   4473             str.split(fake_str)
   4475         # call a slot wrapper descriptor
   4476         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   4477             str.__add__(fake_str, "abc")
   4479     def test_repr_as_str(self):
   4480         # Issue #11603: crash or infinite loop when rebinding __str__ as
   4481         # __repr__.
   4482         class Foo:
   4483             pass
   4484         Foo.__repr__ = Foo.__str__
   4485         foo = Foo()
   4486         self.assertRaises(RecursionError, str, foo)
   4487         self.assertRaises(RecursionError, repr, foo)
   4489     def test_mixing_slot_wrappers(self):
   4490         class X(dict):
   4491             __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
   4492         x = X()
   4493         x.y = 42
   4494         self.assertEqual(x["y"], 42)
   4496     def test_slot_shadows_class_variable(self):
   4497         with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
   4498             class X:
   4499                 __slots__ = ["foo"]
   4500                 foo = None
   4501         m = str(cm.exception)
   4502         self.assertEqual("'foo' in __slots__ conflicts with class variable", m)
   4504     def test_set_doc(self):
   4505         class X:
   4506             "elephant"
   4507         X.__doc__ = "banana"
   4508         self.assertEqual(X.__doc__, "banana")
   4509         with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
   4510             type(list).__dict__["__doc__"].__set__(list, "blah")
   4511         self.assertIn("can't set list.__doc__", str(cm.exception))
   4512         with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
   4513             type(X).__dict__["__doc__"].__delete__(X)
   4514         self.assertIn("can't delete X.__doc__", str(cm.exception))
   4515         self.assertEqual(X.__doc__, "banana")
   4517     def test_qualname(self):
   4518         descriptors = [str.lower, complex.real, float.real, int.__add__]
   4519         types = ['method', 'member', 'getset', 'wrapper']
   4521         # make sure we have an example of each type of descriptor
   4522         for d, n in zip(descriptors, types):
   4523             self.assertEqual(type(d).__name__, n + '_descriptor')
   4525         for d in descriptors:
   4526             qualname = d.__objclass__.__qualname__ + '.' + d.__name__
   4527             self.assertEqual(d.__qualname__, qualname)
   4529         self.assertEqual(str.lower.__qualname__, 'str.lower')
   4530         self.assertEqual(complex.real.__qualname__, 'complex.real')
   4531         self.assertEqual(float.real.__qualname__, 'float.real')
   4532         self.assertEqual(int.__add__.__qualname__, 'int.__add__')
   4534         class X:
   4535             pass
   4536         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   4537             del X.__qualname__
   4539         self.assertRaises(TypeError, type.__dict__['__qualname__'].__set__,
   4540                           str, 'Oink')
   4542         global Y
   4543         class Y:
   4544             class Inside:
   4545                 pass
   4546         self.assertEqual(Y.__qualname__, 'Y')
   4547         self.assertEqual(Y.Inside.__qualname__, 'Y.Inside')
   4549     def test_qualname_dict(self):
   4550         ns = {'__qualname__': 'some.name'}
   4551         tp = type('Foo', (), ns)
   4552         self.assertEqual(tp.__qualname__, 'some.name')
   4553         self.assertNotIn('__qualname__', tp.__dict__)
   4554         self.assertEqual(ns, {'__qualname__': 'some.name'})
   4556         ns = {'__qualname__': 1}
   4557         self.assertRaises(TypeError, type, 'Foo', (), ns)
   4559     def test_cycle_through_dict(self):
   4560         # See bug #1469629
   4561         class X(dict):
   4562             def __init__(self):
   4563                 dict.__init__(self)
   4564                 self.__dict__ = self
   4565         x = X()
   4566         x.attr = 42
   4567         wr = weakref.ref(x)
   4568         del x
   4569         support.gc_collect()
   4570         self.assertIsNone(wr())
   4571         for o in gc.get_objects():
   4572             self.assertIsNot(type(o), X)
   4574     def test_object_new_and_init_with_parameters(self):
   4575         # See issue #1683368
   4576         class OverrideNeither:
   4577             pass
   4578         self.assertRaises(TypeError, OverrideNeither, 1)
   4579         self.assertRaises(TypeError, OverrideNeither, kw=1)
   4580         class OverrideNew:
   4581             def __new__(cls, foo, kw=0, *args, **kwds):
   4582                 return object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwds)
   4583         class OverrideInit:
   4584             def __init__(self, foo, kw=0, *args, **kwargs):
   4585                 return object.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   4586         class OverrideBoth(OverrideNew, OverrideInit):
   4587             pass
   4588         for case in OverrideNew, OverrideInit, OverrideBoth:
   4589             case(1)
   4590             case(1, kw=2)
   4591             self.assertRaises(TypeError, case, 1, 2, 3)
   4592             self.assertRaises(TypeError, case, 1, 2, foo=3)
   4594     def test_subclassing_does_not_duplicate_dict_descriptors(self):
   4595         class Base:
   4596             pass
   4597         class Sub(Base):
   4598             pass
   4599         self.assertIn("__dict__", Base.__dict__)
   4600         self.assertNotIn("__dict__", Sub.__dict__)
   4602     def test_bound_method_repr(self):
   4603         class Foo:
   4604             def method(self):
   4605                 pass
   4606         self.assertRegex(repr(Foo().method),
   4607             r"<bound method .*Foo\.method of <.*Foo object at .*>>")
   4610         class Base:
   4611             def method(self):
   4612                 pass
   4613         class Derived1(Base):
   4614             pass
   4615         class Derived2(Base):
   4616             def method(self):
   4617                 pass
   4618         base = Base()
   4619         derived1 = Derived1()
   4620         derived2 = Derived2()
   4621         super_d2 = super(Derived2, derived2)
   4622         self.assertRegex(repr(base.method),
   4623             r"<bound method .*Base\.method of <.*Base object at .*>>")
   4624         self.assertRegex(repr(derived1.method),
   4625             r"<bound method .*Base\.method of <.*Derived1 object at .*>>")
   4626         self.assertRegex(repr(derived2.method),
   4627             r"<bound method .*Derived2\.method of <.*Derived2 object at .*>>")
   4628         self.assertRegex(repr(super_d2.method),
   4629             r"<bound method .*Base\.method of <.*Derived2 object at .*>>")
   4631         class Foo:
   4632             @classmethod
   4633             def method(cls):
   4634                 pass
   4635         foo = Foo()
   4636         self.assertRegex(repr(foo.method), # access via instance
   4637             r"<bound method .*Foo\.method of <class '.*Foo'>>")
   4638         self.assertRegex(repr(Foo.method), # access via the class
   4639             r"<bound method .*Foo\.method of <class '.*Foo'>>")
   4642         class MyCallable:
   4643             def __call__(self, arg):
   4644                 pass
   4645         func = MyCallable() # func has no __name__ or __qualname__ attributes
   4646         instance = object()
   4647         method = types.MethodType(func, instance)
   4648         self.assertRegex(repr(method),
   4649             r"<bound method \? of <object object at .*>>")
   4650         func.__name__ = "name"
   4651         self.assertRegex(repr(method),
   4652             r"<bound method name of <object object at .*>>")
   4653         func.__qualname__ = "qualname"
   4654         self.assertRegex(repr(method),
   4655             r"<bound method qualname of <object object at .*>>")
   4658 class DictProxyTests(unittest.TestCase):
   4659     def setUp(self):
   4660         class C(object):
   4661             def meth(self):
   4662                 pass
   4663         self.C = C
   4665     @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
   4666                         'trace function introduces __local__')
   4667     def test_iter_keys(self):
   4668         # Testing dict-proxy keys...
   4669         it = self.C.__dict__.keys()
   4670         self.assertNotIsInstance(it, list)
   4671         keys = list(it)
   4672         keys.sort()
   4673         self.assertEqual(keys, ['__dict__', '__doc__', '__module__',
   4674                                 '__weakref__', 'meth'])
   4676     @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
   4677                         'trace function introduces __local__')
   4678     def test_iter_values(self):
   4679         # Testing dict-proxy values...
   4680         it = self.C.__dict__.values()
   4681         self.assertNotIsInstance(it, list)
   4682         values = list(it)
   4683         self.assertEqual(len(values), 5)
   4685     @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
   4686                         'trace function introduces __local__')
   4687     def test_iter_items(self):
   4688         # Testing dict-proxy iteritems...
   4689         it = self.C.__dict__.items()
   4690         self.assertNotIsInstance(it, list)
   4691         keys = [item[0] for item in it]
   4692         keys.sort()
   4693         self.assertEqual(keys, ['__dict__', '__doc__', '__module__',
   4694                                 '__weakref__', 'meth'])
   4696     def test_dict_type_with_metaclass(self):
   4697         # Testing type of __dict__ when metaclass set...
   4698         class B(object):
   4699             pass
   4700         class M(type):
   4701             pass
   4702         class C(metaclass=M):
   4703             # In 2.3a1, C.__dict__ was a real dict rather than a dict proxy
   4704             pass
   4705         self.assertEqual(type(C.__dict__), type(B.__dict__))
   4707     def test_repr(self):
   4708         # Testing mappingproxy.__repr__.
   4709         # We can't blindly compare with the repr of another dict as ordering
   4710         # of keys and values is arbitrary and may differ.
   4711         r = repr(self.C.__dict__)
   4712         self.assertTrue(r.startswith('mappingproxy('), r)
   4713         self.assertTrue(r.endswith(')'), r)
   4714         for k, v in self.C.__dict__.items():
   4715             self.assertIn('{!r}: {!r}'.format(k, v), r)
   4718 class PTypesLongInitTest(unittest.TestCase):
   4719     # This is in its own TestCase so that it can be run before any other tests.
   4720     def test_pytype_long_ready(self):
   4721         # Testing SF bug 551412 ...
   4723         # This dumps core when SF bug 551412 isn't fixed --
   4724         # but only when test_descr.py is run separately.
   4725         # (That can't be helped -- as soon as PyType_Ready()
   4726         # is called for PyLong_Type, the bug is gone.)
   4727         class UserLong(object):
   4728             def __pow__(self, *args):
   4729                 pass
   4730         try:
   4731             pow(0, UserLong(), 0)
   4732         except:
   4733             pass
   4735         # Another segfault only when run early
   4736         # (before PyType_Ready(tuple) is called)
   4737         type.mro(tuple)
   4740 class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase):
   4741     def test_type_lookup_mro_reference(self):
   4742         # Issue #14199: _PyType_Lookup() has to keep a strong reference to
   4743         # the type MRO because it may be modified during the lookup, if
   4744         # __bases__ is set during the lookup for example.
   4745         class MyKey(object):
   4746             def __hash__(self):
   4747                 return hash('mykey')
   4749             def __eq__(self, other):
   4750                 X.__bases__ = (Base2,)
   4752         class Base(object):
   4753             mykey = 'from Base'
   4754             mykey2 = 'from Base'
   4756         class Base2(object):
   4757             mykey = 'from Base2'
   4758             mykey2 = 'from Base2'
   4760         X = type('X', (Base,), {MyKey(): 5})
   4761         # mykey is read from Base
   4762         self.assertEqual(X.mykey, 'from Base')
   4763         # mykey2 is read from Base2 because MyKey.__eq__ has set __bases__
   4764         self.assertEqual(X.mykey2, 'from Base2')
   4767 class PicklingTests(unittest.TestCase):
   4769     def _check_reduce(self, proto, obj, args=(), kwargs={}, state=None,
   4770                       listitems=None, dictitems=None):
   4771         if proto >= 2:
   4772             reduce_value = obj.__reduce_ex__(proto)
   4773             if kwargs:
   4774                 self.assertEqual(reduce_value[0], copyreg.__newobj_ex__)
   4775                 self.assertEqual(reduce_value[1], (type(obj), args, kwargs))
   4776             else:
   4777                 self.assertEqual(reduce_value[0], copyreg.__newobj__)
   4778                 self.assertEqual(reduce_value[1], (type(obj),) + args)
   4779             self.assertEqual(reduce_value[2], state)
   4780             if listitems is not None:
   4781                 self.assertListEqual(list(reduce_value[3]), listitems)
   4782             else:
   4783                 self.assertIsNone(reduce_value[3])
   4784             if dictitems is not None:
   4785                 self.assertDictEqual(dict(reduce_value[4]), dictitems)
   4786             else:
   4787                 self.assertIsNone(reduce_value[4])
   4788         else:
   4789             base_type = type(obj).__base__
   4790             reduce_value = (copyreg._reconstructor,
   4791                             (type(obj),
   4792                              base_type,
   4793                              None if base_type is object else base_type(obj)))
   4794             if state is not None:
   4795                 reduce_value += (state,)
   4796             self.assertEqual(obj.__reduce_ex__(proto), reduce_value)
   4797             self.assertEqual(obj.__reduce__(), reduce_value)
   4799     def test_reduce(self):
   4800         protocols = range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1)
   4801         args = (-101, "spam")
   4802         kwargs = {'bacon': -201, 'fish': -301}
   4803         state = {'cheese': -401}
   4805         class C1:
   4806             def __getnewargs__(self):
   4807                 return args
   4808         obj = C1()
   4809         for proto in protocols:
   4810             self._check_reduce(proto, obj, args)
   4812         for name, value in state.items():
   4813             setattr(obj, name, value)
   4814         for proto in protocols:
   4815             self._check_reduce(proto, obj, args, state=state)
   4817         class C2:
   4818             def __getnewargs__(self):
   4819                 return "bad args"
   4820         obj = C2()
   4821         for proto in protocols:
   4822             if proto >= 2:
   4823                 with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   4824                     obj.__reduce_ex__(proto)
   4826         class C3:
   4827             def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
   4828                 return (args, kwargs)
   4829         obj = C3()
   4830         for proto in protocols:
   4831             if proto >= 2:
   4832                 self._check_reduce(proto, obj, args, kwargs)
   4834         class C4:
   4835             def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
   4836                 return (args, "bad dict")
   4837         class C5:
   4838             def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
   4839                 return ("bad tuple", kwargs)
   4840         class C6:
   4841             def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
   4842                 return ()
   4843         class C7:
   4844             def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
   4845                 return "bad args"
   4846         for proto in protocols:
   4847             for cls in C4, C5, C6, C7:
   4848                 obj = cls()
   4849                 if proto >= 2:
   4850                     with self.assertRaises((TypeError, ValueError)):
   4851                         obj.__reduce_ex__(proto)
   4853         class C9:
   4854             def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
   4855                 return (args, {})
   4856         obj = C9()
   4857         for proto in protocols:
   4858             self._check_reduce(proto, obj, args)
   4860         class C10:
   4861             def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
   4862                 raise IndexError
   4863         obj = C10()
   4864         for proto in protocols:
   4865             if proto >= 2:
   4866                 with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
   4867                     obj.__reduce_ex__(proto)
   4869         class C11:
   4870             def __getstate__(self):
   4871                 return state
   4872         obj = C11()
   4873         for proto in protocols:
   4874             self._check_reduce(proto, obj, state=state)
   4876         class C12:
   4877             def __getstate__(self):
   4878                 return "not dict"
   4879         obj = C12()
   4880         for proto in protocols:
   4881             self._check_reduce(proto, obj, state="not dict")
   4883         class C13:
   4884             def __getstate__(self):
   4885                 raise IndexError
   4886         obj = C13()
   4887         for proto in protocols:
   4888             with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
   4889                 obj.__reduce_ex__(proto)
   4890             if proto < 2:
   4891                 with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
   4892                     obj.__reduce__()
   4894         class C14:
   4895             __slots__ = tuple(state)
   4896             def __init__(self):
   4897                 for name, value in state.items():
   4898                     setattr(self, name, value)
   4900         obj = C14()
   4901         for proto in protocols:
   4902             if proto >= 2:
   4903                 self._check_reduce(proto, obj, state=(None, state))
   4904             else:
   4905                 with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   4906                     obj.__reduce_ex__(proto)
   4907                 with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   4908                     obj.__reduce__()
   4910         class C15(dict):
   4911             pass
   4912         obj = C15({"quebec": -601})
   4913         for proto in protocols:
   4914             self._check_reduce(proto, obj, dictitems=dict(obj))
   4916         class C16(list):
   4917             pass
   4918         obj = C16(["yukon"])
   4919         for proto in protocols:
   4920             self._check_reduce(proto, obj, listitems=list(obj))
   4922     def test_special_method_lookup(self):
   4923         protocols = range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1)
   4924         class Picky:
   4925             def __getstate__(self):
   4926                 return {}
   4928             def __getattr__(self, attr):
   4929                 if attr in ("__getnewargs__", "__getnewargs_ex__"):
   4930                     raise AssertionError(attr)
   4931                 return None
   4932         for protocol in protocols:
   4933             state = {} if protocol >= 2 else None
   4934             self._check_reduce(protocol, Picky(), state=state)
   4936     def _assert_is_copy(self, obj, objcopy, msg=None):
   4937         """Utility method to verify if two objects are copies of each others.
   4938         """
   4939         if msg is None:
   4940             msg = "{!r} is not a copy of {!r}".format(obj, objcopy)
   4941         if type(obj).__repr__ is object.__repr__:
   4942             # We have this limitation for now because we use the object's repr
   4943             # to help us verify that the two objects are copies. This allows
   4944             # us to delegate the non-generic verification logic to the objects
   4945             # themselves.
   4946             raise ValueError("object passed to _assert_is_copy must " +
   4947                              "override the __repr__ method.")
   4948         self.assertIsNot(obj, objcopy, msg=msg)
   4949         self.assertIs(type(obj), type(objcopy), msg=msg)
   4950         if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'):
   4951             self.assertDictEqual(obj.__dict__, objcopy.__dict__, msg=msg)
   4952             self.assertIsNot(obj.__dict__, objcopy.__dict__, msg=msg)
   4953         if hasattr(obj, '__slots__'):
   4954             self.assertListEqual(obj.__slots__, objcopy.__slots__, msg=msg)
   4955             for slot in obj.__slots__:
   4956                 self.assertEqual(
   4957                     hasattr(obj, slot), hasattr(objcopy, slot), msg=msg)
   4958                 self.assertEqual(getattr(obj, slot, None),
   4959                                  getattr(objcopy, slot, None), msg=msg)
   4960         self.assertEqual(repr(obj), repr(objcopy), msg=msg)
   4962     @staticmethod
   4963     def _generate_pickle_copiers():
   4964         """Utility method to generate the many possible pickle configurations.
   4965         """
   4966         class PickleCopier:
   4967             "This class copies object using pickle."
   4968             def __init__(self, proto, dumps, loads):
   4969                 self.proto = proto
   4970                 self.dumps = dumps
   4971                 self.loads = loads
   4972             def copy(self, obj):
   4973                 return self.loads(self.dumps(obj, self.proto))
   4974             def __repr__(self):
   4975                 # We try to be as descriptive as possible here since this is
   4976                 # the string which we will allow us to tell the pickle
   4977                 # configuration we are using during debugging.
   4978                 return ("PickleCopier(proto={}, dumps={}.{}, loads={}.{})"
   4979                         .format(self.proto,
   4980                                 self.dumps.__module__, self.dumps.__qualname__,
   4981                                 self.loads.__module__, self.loads.__qualname__))
   4982         return (PickleCopier(*args) for args in
   4983                    itertools.product(range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1),
   4984                                      {pickle.dumps, pickle._dumps},
   4985                                      {pickle.loads, pickle._loads}))
   4987     def test_pickle_slots(self):
   4988         # Tests pickling of classes with __slots__.
   4990         # Pickling of classes with __slots__ but without __getstate__ should
   4991         # fail (if using protocol 0 or 1)
   4992         global C
   4993         class C:
   4994             __slots__ = ['a']
   4995         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   4996             pickle.dumps(C(), 0)
   4998         global D
   4999         class D(C):
   5000             pass
   5001         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   5002             pickle.dumps(D(), 0)
   5004         class C:
   5005             "A class with __getstate__ and __setstate__ implemented."
   5006             __slots__ = ['a']
   5007             def __getstate__(self):
   5008                 state = getattr(self, '__dict__', {}).copy()
   5009                 for cls in type(self).__mro__:
   5010                     for slot in cls.__dict__.get('__slots__', ()):
   5011                         try:
   5012                             state[slot] = getattr(self, slot)
   5013                         except AttributeError:
   5014                             pass
   5015                 return state
   5016             def __setstate__(self, state):
   5017                 for k, v in state.items():
   5018                     setattr(self, k, v)
   5019             def __repr__(self):
   5020                 return "%s()<%r>" % (type(self).__name__, self.__getstate__())
   5022         class D(C):
   5023             "A subclass of a class with slots."
   5024             pass
   5026         global E
   5027         class E(C):
   5028             "A subclass with an extra slot."
   5029             __slots__ = ['b']
   5031         # Now it should work
   5032         for pickle_copier in self._generate_pickle_copiers():
   5033             with self.subTest(pickle_copier=pickle_copier):
   5034                 x = C()
   5035                 y = pickle_copier.copy(x)
   5036                 self._assert_is_copy(x, y)
   5038                 x.a = 42
   5039                 y = pickle_copier.copy(x)
   5040                 self._assert_is_copy(x, y)
   5042                 x = D()
   5043                 x.a = 42
   5044                 x.b = 100
   5045                 y = pickle_copier.copy(x)
   5046                 self._assert_is_copy(x, y)
   5048                 x = E()
   5049                 x.a = 42
   5050                 x.b = "foo"
   5051                 y = pickle_copier.copy(x)
   5052                 self._assert_is_copy(x, y)
   5054     def test_reduce_copying(self):
   5055         # Tests pickling and copying new-style classes and objects.
   5056         global C1
   5057         class C1:
   5058             "The state of this class is copyable via its instance dict."
   5059             ARGS = (1, 2)
   5060             NEED_DICT_COPYING = True
   5061             def __init__(self, a, b):
   5062                 super().__init__()
   5063                 self.a = a
   5064                 self.b = b
   5065             def __repr__(self):
   5066                 return "C1(%r, %r)" % (self.a, self.b)
   5068         global C2
   5069         class C2(list):
   5070             "A list subclass copyable via __getnewargs__."
   5071             ARGS = (1, 2)
   5072             NEED_DICT_COPYING = False
   5073             def __new__(cls, a, b):
   5074                 self = super().__new__(cls)
   5075                 self.a = a
   5076                 self.b = b
   5077                 return self
   5078             def __init__(self, *args):
   5079                 super().__init__()
   5080                 # This helps testing that __init__ is not called during the
   5081                 # unpickling process, which would cause extra appends.
   5082                 self.append("cheese")
   5083             @classmethod
   5084             def __getnewargs__(cls):
   5085                 return cls.ARGS
   5086             def __repr__(self):
   5087                 return "C2(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, list(self))
   5089         global C3
   5090         class C3(list):
   5091             "A list subclass copyable via __getstate__."
   5092             ARGS = (1, 2)
   5093             NEED_DICT_COPYING = False
   5094             def __init__(self, a, b):
   5095                 self.a = a
   5096                 self.b = b
   5097                 # This helps testing that __init__ is not called during the
   5098                 # unpickling process, which would cause extra appends.
   5099                 self.append("cheese")
   5100             @classmethod
   5101             def __getstate__(cls):
   5102                 return cls.ARGS
   5103             def __setstate__(self, state):
   5104                 a, b = state
   5105                 self.a = a
   5106                 self.b = b
   5107             def __repr__(self):
   5108                 return "C3(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, list(self))
   5110         global C4
   5111         class C4(int):
   5112             "An int subclass copyable via __getnewargs__."
   5113             ARGS = ("hello", "world", 1)
   5114             NEED_DICT_COPYING = False
   5115             def __new__(cls, a, b, value):
   5116                 self = super().__new__(cls, value)
   5117                 self.a = a
   5118                 self.b = b
   5119                 return self
   5120             @classmethod
   5121             def __getnewargs__(cls):
   5122                 return cls.ARGS
   5123             def __repr__(self):
   5124                 return "C4(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, int(self))
   5126         global C5
   5127         class C5(int):
   5128             "An int subclass copyable via __getnewargs_ex__."
   5129             ARGS = (1, 2)
   5130             KWARGS = {'value': 3}
   5131             NEED_DICT_COPYING = False
   5132             def __new__(cls, a, b, *, value=0):
   5133                 self = super().__new__(cls, value)
   5134                 self.a = a
   5135                 self.b = b
   5136                 return self
   5137             @classmethod
   5138             def __getnewargs_ex__(cls):
   5139                 return (cls.ARGS, cls.KWARGS)
   5140             def __repr__(self):
   5141                 return "C5(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, int(self))
   5143         test_classes = (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5)
   5144         # Testing copying through pickle
   5145         pickle_copiers = self._generate_pickle_copiers()
   5146         for cls, pickle_copier in itertools.product(test_classes, pickle_copiers):
   5147             with self.subTest(cls=cls, pickle_copier=pickle_copier):
   5148                 kwargs = getattr(cls, 'KWARGS', {})
   5149                 obj = cls(*cls.ARGS, **kwargs)
   5150                 proto = pickle_copier.proto
   5151                 objcopy = pickle_copier.copy(obj)
   5152                 self._assert_is_copy(obj, objcopy)
   5153                 # For test classes that supports this, make sure we didn't go
   5154                 # around the reduce protocol by simply copying the attribute
   5155                 # dictionary. We clear attributes using the previous copy to
   5156                 # not mutate the original argument.
   5157                 if proto >= 2 and not cls.NEED_DICT_COPYING:
   5158                     objcopy.__dict__.clear()
   5159                     objcopy2 = pickle_copier.copy(objcopy)
   5160                     self._assert_is_copy(obj, objcopy2)
   5162         # Testing copying through copy.deepcopy()
   5163         for cls in test_classes:
   5164             with self.subTest(cls=cls):
   5165                 kwargs = getattr(cls, 'KWARGS', {})
   5166                 obj = cls(*cls.ARGS, **kwargs)
   5167                 objcopy = deepcopy(obj)
   5168                 self._assert_is_copy(obj, objcopy)
   5169                 # For test classes that supports this, make sure we didn't go
   5170                 # around the reduce protocol by simply copying the attribute
   5171                 # dictionary. We clear attributes using the previous copy to
   5172                 # not mutate the original argument.
   5173                 if not cls.NEED_DICT_COPYING:
   5174                     objcopy.__dict__.clear()
   5175                     objcopy2 = deepcopy(objcopy)
   5176                     self._assert_is_copy(obj, objcopy2)
   5178     def test_issue24097(self):
   5179         # Slot name is freed inside __getattr__ and is later used.
   5180         class S(str):  # Not interned
   5181             pass
   5182         class A:
   5183             __slotnames__ = [S('spam')]
   5184             def __getattr__(self, attr):
   5185                 if attr == 'spam':
   5186                     A.__slotnames__[:] = [S('spam')]
   5187                     return 42
   5188                 else:
   5189                     raise AttributeError
   5191         import copyreg
   5192         expected = (copyreg.__newobj__, (A,), (None, {'spam': 42}), None, None)
   5193         self.assertEqual(A().__reduce__(2), expected)  # Shouldn't crash
   5196 class SharedKeyTests(unittest.TestCase):
   5198     @support.cpython_only
   5199     def test_subclasses(self):
   5200         # Verify that subclasses can share keys (per PEP 412)
   5201         class A:
   5202             pass
   5203         class B(A):
   5204             pass
   5206         a, b = A(), B()
   5207         self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(vars(a)), sys.getsizeof(vars(b)))
   5208         self.assertLess(sys.getsizeof(vars(a)), sys.getsizeof({}))
   5209         # Initial hash table can contain at most 5 elements.
   5210         # Set 6 attributes to cause internal resizing.
   5211         a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w, a.v, a.u = range(6)
   5212         self.assertNotEqual(sys.getsizeof(vars(a)), sys.getsizeof(vars(b)))
   5213         a2 = A()
   5214         self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(vars(a)), sys.getsizeof(vars(a2)))
   5215         self.assertLess(sys.getsizeof(vars(a)), sys.getsizeof({}))
   5216         b.u, b.v, b.w, b.t, b.s, b.r = range(6)
   5217         self.assertLess(sys.getsizeof(vars(b)), sys.getsizeof({}))
   5220 class DebugHelperMeta(type):
   5221     """
   5222     Sets default __doc__ and simplifies repr() output.
   5223     """
   5224     def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):
   5225         if attrs.get('__doc__') is None:
   5226             attrs['__doc__'] = name  # helps when debugging with gdb
   5227         return type.__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)
   5228     def __repr__(cls):
   5229         return repr(cls.__name__)
   5232 class MroTest(unittest.TestCase):
   5233     """
   5234     Regressions for some bugs revealed through
   5235     mcsl.mro() customization (typeobject.c: mro_internal()) and
   5236     cls.__bases__ assignment (typeobject.c: type_set_bases()).
   5237     """
   5239     def setUp(self):
   5240         self.step = 0
   5241         self.ready = False
   5243     def step_until(self, limit):
   5244         ret = (self.step < limit)
   5245         if ret:
   5246             self.step += 1
   5247         return ret
   5249     def test_incomplete_set_bases_on_self(self):
   5250         """
   5251         type_set_bases must be aware that type->tp_mro can be NULL.
   5252         """
   5253         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5254             def mro(cls):
   5255                 if self.step_until(1):
   5256                     assert cls.__mro__ is None
   5257                     cls.__bases__ += ()
   5259                 return type.mro(cls)
   5261         class A(metaclass=M):
   5262             pass
   5264     def test_reent_set_bases_on_base(self):
   5265         """
   5266         Deep reentrancy must not over-decref old_mro.
   5267         """
   5268         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5269             def mro(cls):
   5270                 if cls.__mro__ is not None and cls.__name__ == 'B':
   5271                     # 4-5 steps are usually enough to make it crash somewhere
   5272                     if self.step_until(10):
   5273                         A.__bases__ += ()
   5275                 return type.mro(cls)
   5277         class A(metaclass=M):
   5278             pass
   5279         class B(A):
   5280             pass
   5281         B.__bases__ += ()
   5283     def test_reent_set_bases_on_direct_base(self):
   5284         """
   5285         Similar to test_reent_set_bases_on_base, but may crash differently.
   5286         """
   5287         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5288             def mro(cls):
   5289                 base = cls.__bases__[0]
   5290                 if base is not object:
   5291                     if self.step_until(5):
   5292                         base.__bases__ += ()
   5294                 return type.mro(cls)
   5296         class A(metaclass=M):
   5297             pass
   5298         class B(A):
   5299             pass
   5300         class C(B):
   5301             pass
   5303     def test_reent_set_bases_tp_base_cycle(self):
   5304         """
   5305         type_set_bases must check for an inheritance cycle not only through
   5306         MRO of the type, which may be not yet updated in case of reentrance,
   5307         but also through tp_base chain, which is assigned before diving into
   5308         inner calls to mro().
   5310         Otherwise, the following snippet can loop forever:
   5311             do {
   5312                 // ...
   5313                 type = type->tp_base;
   5314             } while (type != NULL);
   5316         Functions that rely on tp_base (like solid_base and PyType_IsSubtype)
   5317         would not be happy in that case, causing a stack overflow.
   5318         """
   5319         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5320             def mro(cls):
   5321                 if self.ready:
   5322                     if cls.__name__ == 'B1':
   5323                         B2.__bases__ = (B1,)
   5324                     if cls.__name__ == 'B2':
   5325                         B1.__bases__ = (B2,)
   5326                 return type.mro(cls)
   5328         class A(metaclass=M):
   5329             pass
   5330         class B1(A):
   5331             pass
   5332         class B2(A):
   5333             pass
   5335         self.ready = True
   5336         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   5337             B1.__bases__ += ()
   5339     def test_tp_subclasses_cycle_in_update_slots(self):
   5340         """
   5341         type_set_bases must check for reentrancy upon finishing its job
   5342         by updating tp_subclasses of old/new bases of the type.
   5343         Otherwise, an implicit inheritance cycle through tp_subclasses
   5344         can break functions that recurse on elements of that field
   5345         (like recurse_down_subclasses and mro_hierarchy) eventually
   5346         leading to a stack overflow.
   5347         """
   5348         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5349             def mro(cls):
   5350                 if self.ready and cls.__name__ == 'C':
   5351                     self.ready = False
   5352                     C.__bases__ = (B2,)
   5353                 return type.mro(cls)
   5355         class A(metaclass=M):
   5356             pass
   5357         class B1(A):
   5358             pass
   5359         class B2(A):
   5360             pass
   5361         class C(A):
   5362             pass
   5364         self.ready = True
   5365         C.__bases__ = (B1,)
   5366         B1.__bases__ = (C,)
   5368         self.assertEqual(C.__bases__, (B2,))
   5369         self.assertEqual(B2.__subclasses__(), [C])
   5370         self.assertEqual(B1.__subclasses__(), [])
   5372         self.assertEqual(B1.__bases__, (C,))
   5373         self.assertEqual(C.__subclasses__(), [B1])
   5375     def test_tp_subclasses_cycle_error_return_path(self):
   5376         """
   5377         The same as test_tp_subclasses_cycle_in_update_slots, but tests
   5378         a code path executed on error (goto bail).
   5379         """
   5380         class E(Exception):
   5381             pass
   5382         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5383             def mro(cls):
   5384                 if self.ready and cls.__name__ == 'C':
   5385                     if C.__bases__ == (B2,):
   5386                         self.ready = False
   5387                     else:
   5388                         C.__bases__ = (B2,)
   5389                         raise E
   5390                 return type.mro(cls)
   5392         class A(metaclass=M):
   5393             pass
   5394         class B1(A):
   5395             pass
   5396         class B2(A):
   5397             pass
   5398         class C(A):
   5399             pass
   5401         self.ready = True
   5402         with self.assertRaises(E):
   5403             C.__bases__ = (B1,)
   5404         B1.__bases__ = (C,)
   5406         self.assertEqual(C.__bases__, (B2,))
   5407         self.assertEqual(C.__mro__, tuple(type.mro(C)))
   5409     def test_incomplete_extend(self):
   5410         """
   5411         Extending an unitialized type with type->tp_mro == NULL must
   5412         throw a reasonable TypeError exception, instead of failing
   5413         with PyErr_BadInternalCall.
   5414         """
   5415         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5416             def mro(cls):
   5417                 if cls.__mro__ is None and cls.__name__ != 'X':
   5418                     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
   5419                         class X(cls):
   5420                             pass
   5422                 return type.mro(cls)
   5424         class A(metaclass=M):
   5425             pass
   5427     def test_incomplete_super(self):
   5428         """
   5429         Attrubute lookup on a super object must be aware that
   5430         its target type can be uninitialized (type->tp_mro == NULL).
   5431         """
   5432         class M(DebugHelperMeta):
   5433             def mro(cls):
   5434                 if cls.__mro__ is None:
   5435                     with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
   5436                         super(cls, cls).xxx
   5438                 return type.mro(cls)
   5440         class A(metaclass=M):
   5441             pass
   5444 def test_main():
   5445     # Run all local test cases, with PTypesLongInitTest first.
   5446     support.run_unittest(PTypesLongInitTest, OperatorsTest,
   5447                          ClassPropertiesAndMethods, DictProxyTests,
   5448                          MiscTests, PicklingTests, SharedKeyTests,
   5449                          MroTest)
   5451 if __name__ == "__main__":
   5452     test_main()