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      1 package org.robolectric.shadows;
      3 import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2;
      4 import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;
      5 import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
      6 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
      7 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
      8 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
      9 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
     11 import android.os.SystemClock;
     12 import android.text.format.Time;
     13 import android.util.TimeFormatException;
     14 import java.util.Arrays;
     15 import java.util.TimeZone;
     16 import org.junit.After;
     17 import org.junit.Test;
     18 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
     19 import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner;
     20 import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
     22 @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class)
     23 @Config(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
     24 public class ShadowTimeTest {
     25   private static final TimeZone DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = TimeZone.getDefault();
     27   @After
     28   public void tearDown() {
     29     // Just in case any of the tests mess with the system-wide
     30     // default time zone, make sure we've set it back to what
     31     // it should be.
     32     TimeZone.setDefault(DEFAULT_TIMEZONE);
     33   }
     35   @Test
     36   public void shouldSetToNow() throws Exception {
     37     Time t = new Time();
     38     SystemClock.setCurrentTimeMillis(1000);
     39     t.setToNow();
     40     assertThat(t.toMillis(false)).isEqualTo(1000);
     41   }
     43   @Test
     44   public void shouldHaveNoArgsConstructor() throws Exception {
     45     Time t = new Time();
     46     assertNotNull(t.timezone);
     47   }
     49   @Test
     50   public void shouldHaveCopyConstructor() throws Exception {
     51     Time t = new Time();
     52     t.setToNow();
     53     Time t2 = new Time(t);
     54     assertEquals(t.timezone, t2.timezone);
     55     assertEquals(t.year, t2.year);
     56     assertEquals(t.month, t2.month);
     57     assertEquals(t.monthDay, t2.monthDay);
     58     assertEquals(t.hour, t2.hour);
     59     assertEquals(t.minute, t2.minute);
     60     assertEquals(t.second, t2.second);
     61   }
     63   @Test
     64   public void shouldHaveSetTime() throws Exception {
     65     Time t = new Time();
     66     t.setToNow();
     67     Time t2 = new Time();
     68     t2.set(t);
     69     assertEquals(t.timezone, t2.timezone);
     70     assertEquals(t.year, t2.year);
     71     assertEquals(t.month, t2.month);
     72     assertEquals(t.monthDay, t2.monthDay);
     73     assertEquals(t.hour, t2.hour);
     74     assertEquals(t.minute, t2.minute);
     75     assertEquals(t.second, t2.second);
     76   }
     78   @Test
     79   public void shouldHaveSet3Args() throws Exception {
     80     Time t = new Time();
     81     t.set(1, 1, 2000);
     82     assertEquals(t.year, 2000);
     83     assertEquals(t.month, 1);
     84     assertEquals(t.monthDay, 1);
     85   }
     87   @Test
     88   public void shouldHaveSet6Args() throws Exception {
     89     Time t = new Time();
     90     t.set(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2000);
     91     assertEquals(t.year, 2000);
     92     assertEquals(t.month, 1);
     93     assertEquals(t.monthDay, 1);
     94     assertEquals(t.second, 1);
     95     assertEquals(t.minute, 1);
     96     assertEquals(t.hour, 1);
     97   }
     99   @Test
    100   public void shouldHaveTimeZoneConstructor() throws Exception {
    101     Time t = new Time("UTC");
    102     assertEquals(t.timezone, "UTC");
    103   }
    105   @Test
    106   public void shouldClear() throws Exception {
    107     Time t = new Time();
    108     t.setToNow();
    109     t.clear("UTC");
    110     assertEquals("UTC", t.timezone);
    111     assertEquals(0, t.year);
    112     assertEquals(0, t.month);
    113     assertEquals(0, t.monthDay);
    114     assertEquals(0, t.hour);
    115     assertEquals(0, t.minute);
    116     assertEquals(0, t.second);
    117     assertEquals(0, t.weekDay);
    118     assertEquals(0, t.yearDay);
    119     assertEquals(0, t.gmtoff);
    120     assertEquals(-1, t.isDst);
    121   }
    123   @Test
    124   public void shouldHaveToMillis() throws Exception {
    125     Time t = new Time();
    126     t.set(86400 * 1000);
    127     assertEquals(86400 * 1000, t.toMillis(false));
    128   }
    130   @Test
    131   public void shouldHaveCurrentTimeZone() throws Exception {
    132     assertNotNull(Time.getCurrentTimezone());
    133   }
    135   @Test
    136   public void shouldSwitchTimeZones() throws Exception {
    137     Time t = new Time("UTC");
    139     t.set(1414213562373L);
    140     assertThat(t.timezone).isEqualTo("UTC");
    141     assertThat(t.gmtoff).isEqualTo(0);
    142     assertThat(t.format3339(false)).isEqualTo("2014-10-25T05:06:02.000Z");
    144     t.switchTimezone("America/New_York");
    145     assertThat(t.format3339(false)).isEqualTo("2014-10-25T01:06:02.000-04:00");
    146     assertThat(t.timezone).isEqualTo("America/New_York");
    147     assertThat(t.gmtoff).isEqualTo(-14400L);
    148     assertThat(t.toMillis(true)).isEqualTo(1414213562000L);
    149   }
    151   @Test
    152   public void shouldHaveCompareAndBeforeAfter() throws Exception {
    153     Time a = new Time();
    154     Time b = new Time();
    156     assertThat(Time.compare(a, b)).isEqualTo(0);
    157     assertThat(a.before(b)).isFalse();
    158     assertThat(a.after(b)).isFalse();
    160     a.year = 2000;
    161     assertThat(Time.compare(a, b)).isPositive();
    162     assertThat(a.after(b)).isTrue();
    163     assertThat(b.before(a)).isTrue();
    165     b.year = 2001;
    166     assertThat(Time.compare(a, b)).isNegative();
    167     assertThat(b.after(a)).isTrue();
    168     assertThat(a.before(b)).isTrue();
    169   }
    171   @Test
    172   public void shouldHaveParse() throws Exception {
    173     Time t = new Time("Europe/Berlin");
    174     assertFalse(t.parse("20081013T160000"));
    175     assertEquals(2008, t.year);
    176     assertEquals(9, t.month);
    177     assertEquals(13, t.monthDay);
    178     assertEquals(16, t.hour);
    179     assertEquals(0, t.minute);
    180     assertEquals(0, t.second);
    182     assertTrue(t.parse("20081013T160000Z"));
    183     assertEquals(2008, t.year);
    184     assertEquals(9, t.month);
    185     assertEquals(13, t.monthDay);
    186     assertEquals(16, t.hour);
    187     assertEquals(0, t.minute);
    188     assertEquals(0, t.second);
    189   }
    191   @Test
    192   public void shouldParseRfc3339() {
    193     for (String tz : Arrays.asList("Europe/Berlin", "America/Los Angeles", "Australia/Adelaide")) {
    194       String desc = "Eval when local timezone is " + tz;
    195       TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz));
    197       Time t = new Time("Europe/Berlin");
    198       assertTrue(desc, t.parse3339("2008-10-13T16:30:50Z"));
    199       assertEquals(desc, 2008, t.year);
    200       assertEquals(desc, 9, t.month);
    201       assertEquals(desc, 13, t.monthDay);
    202       assertEquals(desc, 16, t.hour);
    203       assertEquals(desc, 30, t.minute);
    204       assertEquals(desc, 50, t.second);
    205       assertEquals(desc, "UTC", t.timezone);
    206       assertFalse(desc, t.allDay);
    208       t = new Time("Europe/Berlin");
    209       assertTrue(desc, t.parse3339("2008-10-13T16:30:50.000+07:00"));
    210       assertEquals(desc, 2008, t.year);
    211       assertEquals(desc, 9, t.month);
    212       assertEquals(desc, 13, t.monthDay);
    213       assertEquals(desc, 9, t.hour);
    214       assertEquals(desc, 30, t.minute);
    215       assertEquals(desc, 50, t.second);
    216       assertEquals(desc, "UTC", t.timezone);
    217       assertFalse(desc, t.allDay);
    219       t = new Time("Europe/Berlin");
    220       assertFalse(desc, t.parse3339("2008-10-13"));
    221       assertEquals(desc, 2008, t.year);
    222       assertEquals(desc, 9, t.month);
    223       assertEquals(desc, 13, t.monthDay);
    224       assertEquals(desc, 0, t.hour);
    225       assertEquals(desc, 0, t.minute);
    226       assertEquals(desc, 0, t.second);
    227       assertEquals(desc, "Europe/Berlin", t.timezone);
    228       assertTrue(desc, t.allDay);
    229     }
    230   }
    232   @Test
    233   @Config(maxSdk = KITKAT)
    234   // this fails on LOLLIPOP+; is the shadow impl of parse3339 correct for pre-LOLLIPOP?
    235   public void shouldParseRfc3339_withQuestionableFormat() {
    236     for (String tz : Arrays.asList("Europe/Berlin", "America/Los Angeles", "Australia/Adelaide")) {
    237       String desc = "Eval when local timezone is " + tz;
    238       TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz));
    240       Time t = new Time("Europe/Berlin");
    241       assertTrue(desc, t.parse3339("2008-10-13T16:30:50.999-03"));
    242       assertEquals(desc, 2008, t.year);
    243       assertEquals(desc, 9, t.month);
    244       assertEquals(desc, 13, t.monthDay);
    245       assertEquals(desc, 19, t.hour);
    246       assertEquals(desc, 30, t.minute);
    247       assertEquals(desc, 50, t.second);
    248       assertEquals(desc, "UTC", t.timezone);
    249       assertFalse(desc, t.allDay);
    250     }
    251   }
    253   @Test(expected = TimeFormatException.class)
    254   public void shouldThrowTimeFormatException() throws Exception {
    255     Time t = new Time();
    256     t.parse("BLARGH");
    257   }
    259   @Test
    260   public void shouldHaveParseShort() throws Exception {
    261     Time t = new Time();
    262     t.parse("20081013");
    263     assertEquals(2008, t.year);
    264     assertEquals(9, t.month);
    265     assertEquals(13, t.monthDay);
    266     assertEquals(0, t.hour);
    267     assertEquals(0, t.minute);
    268     assertEquals(0, t.second);
    269   }
    271   @Test
    272   public void shouldFormat() throws Exception {
    273     Time t = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
    274     t.set(3600000L);
    276     assertEquals("Hello epoch 01 1970 01", t.format("Hello epoch %d %Y %d"));
    277     assertEquals("Hello epoch  1:00 AM", t.format("Hello epoch %l:%M %p"));
    278   }
    280   @Test
    281   public void shouldFormatAndroidStrings() throws Exception {
    282     Time t = new Time("UTC");
    283     // NOTE: month is zero-based.
    284     t.set(12, 13, 14, 8, 8, 1987);
    286     assertEquals(1987, t.year);
    287     assertEquals(8, t.month);
    288     assertEquals(8, t.monthDay);
    289     assertEquals(14, t.hour);
    290     assertEquals(13, t.minute);
    291     assertEquals(12, t.second);
    293     // ICS
    295     // date_and_time
    296     assertEquals(
    297         "Sep 8, 1987, 2:13:12 PM",
    298         t.format("%b %-e, %Y, %-l:%M:%S %p"));
    300     // hour_minute_cap_ampm
    301     assertEquals(
    302         "2:13PM",
    303         t.format("%-l:%M%^p"));
    304   }
    306   @Test
    307   public void shouldFormatAllFormats() throws Exception {
    308     Time t = new Time("Asia/Tokyo");
    309     t.set(1407496560000L);
    311     // Don't check for %c (the docs state not to use it, and it doesn't work correctly).
    312     assertEquals("Fri", t.format("%a"));
    313     assertEquals("Friday", t.format("%A"));
    314     assertEquals("Aug", t.format("%b"));
    315     assertEquals("August", t.format("%B"));
    316     assertEquals("20", t.format("%C"));
    317     assertEquals("08", t.format("%d"));
    318     assertEquals("08/08/14", t.format("%D"));
    319     assertEquals(" 8", t.format("%e"));
    320     assertEquals("2014-08-08", t.format("%F"));
    321     assertEquals("14", t.format("%g"));
    322     assertEquals("2014", t.format("%G"));
    323     assertEquals("Aug", t.format("%h"));
    324     assertEquals("20", t.format("%H"));
    325     assertEquals("08", t.format("%I"));
    326     assertEquals("220", t.format("%j"));
    327     assertEquals("20", t.format("%k"));
    328     assertEquals(" 8", t.format("%l"));
    329     assertEquals("08", t.format("%m"));
    330     assertEquals("16", t.format("%M"));
    331     assertEquals("\n", t.format("%n"));
    332     assertEquals("PM", t.format("%p"));
    333     assertEquals("pm", t.format("%P"));
    334     assertEquals("08:16:00 PM", t.format("%r"));
    335     assertEquals("20:16", t.format("%R"));
    336     assertEquals("1407496560", t.format("%s"));
    337     assertEquals("00", t.format("%S"));
    338     assertEquals("\t", t.format("%t"));
    339     assertEquals("20:16:00", t.format("%T"));
    340     assertEquals("5", t.format("%u"));
    341     assertEquals("32", t.format("%V"));
    342     assertEquals("5", t.format("%w"));
    343     assertEquals("14", t.format("%y"));
    344     assertEquals("2014", t.format("%Y"));
    345     assertEquals("+0900", t.format("%z"));
    346     assertEquals("JST", t.format("%Z"));
    348     // Padding.
    349     assertEquals("8", t.format("%-l"));
    350     assertEquals(" 8", t.format("%_l"));
    351     assertEquals("08", t.format("%0l"));
    353     // Escape.
    354     assertEquals("%", t.format("%%"));
    355   }
    357   @Test
    358   @Config(maxSdk = KITKAT)
    359   // these fail on LOLLIPOP+; is the shadow impl of format correct for pre-LOLLIPOP?
    360   public void shouldFormatAllFormats_withQuestionableResults() throws Exception {
    361     Time t = new Time("Asia/Tokyo");
    362     t.set(1407496560000L);
    364     assertEquals("08/08/2014", t.format("%x"));
    365     assertEquals("08:16:00 PM", t.format("%X"));
    367     // Case.
    368     assertEquals("PM", t.format("%^P"));
    369     assertEquals("PM", t.format("%#P"));
    370   }
    372   @Test
    373   public void shouldFormat2445() throws Exception {
    374     Time t = new Time();
    375     t.timezone = "PST";
    376     assertEquals("19700101T000000", t.format2445());
    378     t.timezone = Time.TIMEZONE_UTC;
    379     //2445 formatted date should hava a Z postfix
    380     assertEquals("19700101T000000Z",t.format2445());
    381   }
    383   @Test
    384   public void shouldFormat3339() throws Exception {
    385     Time t = new Time("Europe/Berlin");
    386     assertEquals("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00", t.format3339(false));
    387     assertEquals("1970-01-01", t.format3339(true));
    388   }
    390   @Test
    391   public void testIsEpoch() throws Exception {
    392     Time t = new Time();
    393     boolean isEpoch = Time.isEpoch(t);
    394     assertEquals(true, isEpoch);
    395   }
    397   @Test
    398   public void testGetJulianDay() throws Exception {
    399     Time time = new Time();
    401     time.set(0, 0, 0, 12, 5, 2008);
    402     time.timezone = "Australia/Sydney";
    403     long millis = time.normalize(true);
    405     // This is the Julian day for 12am for this day of the year
    406     int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(millis, time.gmtoff);
    408     // Change the time during the day and check that we get the same
    409     // Julian day.
    410     for (int hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
    411       for (int minute = 0; minute < 60; minute += 15) {
    412         time.set(0, minute, hour, 12, 5, 2008);
    413         millis = time.normalize(true);
    414         int day = Time.getJulianDay(millis, time.gmtoff);
    416         assertEquals(day, julianDay);
    417       }
    418     }
    419   }
    421   @Test
    422   public void testSetJulianDay() throws Exception {
    423     Time time = new Time();
    424     time.set(0, 0, 0, 12, 5, 2008);
    425     time.timezone = "Australia/Sydney";
    426     long millis = time.normalize(true);
    428     int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(millis, time.gmtoff);
    429     time.setJulianDay(julianDay);
    431     assertTrue(time.hour == 0 || time.hour == 1);
    432     assertEquals(0, time.minute);
    433     assertEquals(0, time.second);
    435     millis = time.toMillis(false);
    436     int day = Time.getJulianDay(millis, time.gmtoff);
    438     assertEquals(day, julianDay);
    439   }
    440 }