Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in full.expected
      1 [
      2   {
      3     "cmd": [
      4       "python",
      5       "-u",
      6       "RECIPE_MODULE[depot_tools::git]/resources/git_setup.py",
      7       "--path",
      8       "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
      9       "--url",
     10       "https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/swarming.client.git"
     11     ],
     12     "name": "git setup (swarming_client)"
     13   },
     14   {
     15     "cmd": [
     16       "git",
     17       "retry",
     18       "fetch",
     19       "origin",
     20       "master",
     21       "--progress"
     22     ],
     23     "cwd": "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
     24     "env": {
     25       "PATH": "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]:<PATH>"
     26     },
     27     "infra_step": true,
     28     "name": "git fetch (swarming_client)"
     29   },
     30   {
     31     "cmd": [
     32       "git",
     33       "checkout",
     34       "-f",
     35       "FETCH_HEAD"
     36     ],
     37     "cwd": "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
     38     "infra_step": true,
     39     "name": "git checkout (swarming_client)"
     40   },
     41   {
     42     "cmd": [
     43       "git",
     44       "rev-parse",
     45       "HEAD"
     46     ],
     47     "cwd": "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
     48     "infra_step": true,
     49     "name": "read revision",
     50     "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/",
     51     "~followup_annotations": [
     52       "@@@STEP_TEXT@<br/>checked out 'deadbeef'<br/>@@@"
     53     ]
     54   },
     55   {
     56     "cmd": [
     57       "git",
     58       "clean",
     59       "-f",
     60       "-d",
     61       "-x"
     62     ],
     63     "cwd": "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
     64     "infra_step": true,
     65     "name": "git clean (swarming_client)"
     66   },
     67   {
     68     "cmd": [
     69       "git",
     70       "submodule",
     71       "sync"
     72     ],
     73     "cwd": "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
     74     "infra_step": true,
     75     "name": "submodule sync (swarming_client)"
     76   },
     77   {
     78     "cmd": [
     79       "git",
     80       "submodule",
     81       "update",
     82       "--init",
     83       "--recursive"
     84     ],
     85     "cwd": "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
     86     "infra_step": true,
     87     "name": "submodule update (swarming_client)"
     88   },
     89   {
     90     "cmd": [
     91       "cat"
     92     ],
     93     "name": "read test spec",
     94     "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/json",
     95     "~followup_annotations": [
     96       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@[@@@",
     97       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test1\", @@@",
     98       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test2\", @@@",
     99       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test_exparchive\"@@@",
    100       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@]@@@",
    101       "@@@STEP_LOG_END (a] json.output@@@"
    102     ]
    103   },
    104   {
    105     "cmd": [
    106       "python",
    107       "-u",
    108       "RECIPE_MODULE[skia::isolate]/resources/find_isolated_tests.py",
    109       "--build-dir",
    110       "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[skia]",
    111       "--output-json",
    112       "/path/to/tmp/json"
    113     ],
    114     "name": "find isolated tests",
    115     "~followup_annotations": [
    116       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@{@@@",
    117       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test1\": \"[dummy hash for test1]\", @@@",
    118       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test_exparchive\": \"[dummy hash for test_exparchive]\"@@@",
    119       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@}@@@",
    120       "@@@STEP_LOG_END (a] json.output@@@",
    121       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] missing.isolates@Failed to find *.isolated files:@@@",
    122       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] missing.isolates@test2@@@",
    123       "@@@STEP_LOG_END (a] missing.isolates@@@",
    124       "@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@",
    125       "@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@swarm_hashes@{\"test1\": \"[dummy hash for test1]\", \"test_exparchive\": \"[dummy hash for test_exparchive]\"}@@@"
    126     ]
    127   },
    128   {
    129     "cmd": [
    130       "python",
    131       "-u",
    132       "RECIPE_MODULE[skia::isolate]/resources/isolate.py",
    133       "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
    134       "exparchive",
    135       "--dump-json",
    136       "/path/to/tmp/json",
    137       "--isolate-server",
    138       "https://isolateserver-dev.appspot.com",
    139       "--eventlog-endpoint",
    140       "prod",
    141       "--isolate",
    142       "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[skia]/test_exparchive.isolate",
    143       "--isolated",
    144       "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[skia]/test_exparchive.isolated"
    145     ],
    146     "name": "isolate test_exparchive",
    147     "~followup_annotations": [
    148       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@{@@@",
    149       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test_exparchive\": \"[dummy hash for test_exparchive]\"@@@",
    150       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@}@@@",
    151       "@@@STEP_LOG_END (a] json.output@@@"
    152     ]
    153   },
    154   {
    155     "cmd": [
    156       "python",
    157       "-u",
    158       "RECIPE_MODULE[skia::isolate]/resources/isolate.py",
    159       "[START_DIR]/swarming.client",
    160       "batcharchive",
    161       "--dump-json",
    162       "/path/to/tmp/json",
    163       "--isolate-server",
    164       "https://isolateserver-dev.appspot.com",
    165       "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[skia]/test1.isolated.gen.json",
    166       "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[skia]/test2.isolated.gen.json"
    167     ],
    168     "name": "isolate tests",
    169     "~followup_annotations": [
    170       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@{@@@",
    171       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test1\": \"[dummy hash for test1]\", @@@",
    172       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"test2\": null@@@",
    173       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@}@@@",
    174       "@@@STEP_LOG_END (a] json.output@@@",
    175       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@failed to isolate@Failed to isolate following targets:@@@",
    176       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@failed to isolate@test2@@@",
    177       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@failed to isolate@@@@",
    178       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@failed to isolate@See logs for more information.@@@",
    179       "@@@STEP_LOG_END@failed to isolate@@@",
    180       "@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@swarm_hashes@{\"test1\": \"[dummy hash for test1]\", \"test_exparchive\": \"[dummy hash for test_exparchive]\"}@@@"
    181     ]
    182   },
    183   {
    184     "name": "$result",
    185     "recipe_result": null,
    186     "status_code": 0
    187   }
    188 ]