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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 import argparse
      7 import json
      8 import os
      9 import shutil
     10 import sys
     11 import tempfile
     12 import traceback
     14 from common import gtest_utils
     15 from slave import annotation_utils
     16 from slave import slave_utils
     19 MISSING_SHARDS_MSG = r"""Missing results from the following shard(s): %s
     21 This can happen in following cases:
     22   * Test failed to start (missing *.dll/*.so dependency for example)
     23   * Test crashed or hung
     24   * Task expired because there are not enough bots available and are all used
     25   * Swarming service experienced problems
     27 Please examine logs to figure out what happened.
     28 """
     31 def emit_warning(title, log=None):
     32   print '@@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@'
     33   print title
     34   if log:
     35     slave_utils.WriteLogLines(title, log.split('\n'))
     38 def merge_shard_results(summary_json, jsons_to_merge):
     39   """Reads JSON test output from all shards and combines them into one.
     41   Returns dict with merged test output on success or None on failure. Emits
     42   annotations.
     43   """
     44   # summary.json is produced by swarming.py itself. We are mostly interested
     45   # in the number of shards.
     46   try:
     47     with open(summary_json) as f:
     48       summary = json.load(f)
     49   except (IOError, ValueError):
     50     emit_warning(
     51         'summary.json is missing or can not be read',
     52         'Something is seriously wrong with swarming_client/ or the bot.')
     53     return None
     55   # Merge all JSON files together. Keep track of missing shards.
     56   merged = {
     57     'all_tests': set(),
     58     'disabled_tests': set(),
     59     'global_tags': set(),
     60     'missing_shards': [],
     61     'per_iteration_data': [],
     62     'swarming_summary': summary,
     63   }
     64   for index, result in enumerate(summary['shards']):
     65     if result is not None:
     66       # Author note: this code path doesn't trigger convert_to_old_format() in
     67       # client/swarming.py, which means the state enum is saved in its string
     68       # name form, not in the number form.
     69       state = result.get('state')
     70       if state == u'BOT_DIED':
     71         emit_warning('Shard #%d had a Swarming internal failure' % index)
     72       elif state == u'EXPIRED':
     73         emit_warning('There wasn\'t enough capacity to run your test')
     74       elif state == u'TIMED_OUT':
     75         emit_warning(
     76             'Test runtime exceeded allocated time',
     77             'Either it ran for too long (hard timeout) or it didn\'t produce '
     78             'I/O for an extended period of time (I/O timeout)')
     79       elif state == u'COMPLETED':
     80         json_data, err_msg = load_shard_json(index, jsons_to_merge)
     81         if json_data:
     82           # Set-like fields.
     83           for key in ('all_tests', 'disabled_tests', 'global_tags'):
     84             merged[key].update(json_data.get(key), [])
     86           # 'per_iteration_data' is a list of dicts. Dicts should be merged
     87           # together, not the 'per_iteration_data' list itself.
     88           merged['per_iteration_data'] = merge_list_of_dicts(
     89               merged['per_iteration_data'],
     90               json_data.get('per_iteration_data', []))
     91           continue
     92         else:
     93           emit_warning('Task ran but no result was found: %s' % err_msg)
     94       else:
     95         emit_warning('Invalid Swarming task state: %s' % state)
     96     merged['missing_shards'].append(index)
     98   # If some shards are missing, make it known. Continue parsing anyway. Step
     99   # should be red anyway, since swarming.py return non-zero exit code in that
    100   # case.
    101   if merged['missing_shards']:
    102     as_str = ', '.join(map(str, merged['missing_shards']))
    103     emit_warning(
    104         'some shards did not complete: %s' % as_str,
    105         MISSING_SHARDS_MSG % as_str)
    106     # Not all tests run, combined JSON summary can not be trusted.
    107     merged['global_tags'].add('UNRELIABLE_RESULTS')
    109   # Convert to jsonish dict.
    110   for key in ('all_tests', 'disabled_tests', 'global_tags'):
    111     merged[key] = sorted(merged[key])
    112   return merged
    115 OUTPUT_JSON_SIZE_LIMIT = 100 * 1024 * 1024  # 100 MB
    118 def load_shard_json(index, jsons_to_merge):
    119   """Reads JSON output of the specified shard.
    121   Args:
    122     output_dir: The directory in which to look for the JSON output to load.
    123     index: The index of the shard to load data for.
    125   Returns: A tuple containing:
    126     * The contents of path, deserialized into a python object.
    127     * An error string.
    128     (exactly one of the tuple elements will be non-None).
    129   """
    130   # 'output.json' is set in swarming/api.py, gtest_task method.
    131   matching_json_files = [
    132       j for j in jsons_to_merge
    133       if (os.path.basename(j) == 'output.json'
    134           and os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(j)) == str(index))]
    136   if not matching_json_files:
    137     print >> sys.stderr, 'shard %s test output missing' % index
    138     return (None, 'shard %s test output was missing' % index)
    139   elif len(matching_json_files) > 1:
    140     print >> sys.stderr, 'duplicate test output for shard %s' % index
    141     return (None, 'shard %s test output was duplicated' % index)
    143   path = matching_json_files[0]
    145   try:
    146     filesize = os.stat(path).st_size
    147     if filesize > OUTPUT_JSON_SIZE_LIMIT:
    148       print >> sys.stderr, 'output.json is %d bytes. Max size is %d' % (
    149            filesize, OUTPUT_JSON_SIZE_LIMIT)
    150       return (None, 'shard %s test output exceeded the size limit' % index)
    152     with open(path) as f:
    153       return (json.load(f), None)
    154   except (IOError, ValueError, OSError) as e:
    155     print >> sys.stderr, 'Missing or invalid gtest JSON file: %s' % path
    156     print >> sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, e)
    158     return (None, 'shard %s test output was missing or invalid' % index)
    161 def merge_list_of_dicts(left, right):
    162   """Merges dicts left[0] with right[0], left[1] with right[1], etc."""
    163   output = []
    164   for i in xrange(max(len(left), len(right))):
    165     left_dict = left[i] if i < len(left) else {}
    166     right_dict = right[i] if i < len(right) else {}
    167     merged_dict = left_dict.copy()
    168     merged_dict.update(right_dict)
    169     output.append(merged_dict)
    170   return output
    173 def standard_gtest_merge(
    174     output_json, summary_json, jsons_to_merge):
    176   output = merge_shard_results(summary_json, jsons_to_merge)
    177   with open(output_json, 'wb') as f:
    178     json.dump(output, f)
    180   return 0
    183 def main(raw_args):
    185   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    186   parser.add_argument('--build-properties')
    187   parser.add_argument('--summary-json')
    188   parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-json', required=True)
    189   parser.add_argument('jsons_to_merge', nargs='*')
    191   args = parser.parse_args(raw_args)
    193   return standard_gtest_merge(
    194       args.output_json, args.summary_json, args.jsons_to_merge)
    197 if __name__ == '__main__':
    198   sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))