Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in compile.expected
      1 [
      2   {
      3     "cmd": [
      4       "python",
      5       "-u",
      6       "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
      7       "--json-output",
      8       "/path/to/tmp/json",
      9       "ensure-directory",
     10       "--mode",
     11       "0777",
     12       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]"
     13     ],
     14     "infra_step": true,
     15     "name": "makedirs checkout_path"
     16   },
     17   {
     18     "cmd": [
     19       "python",
     20       "-u",
     21       "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
     22       "--json-output",
     23       "/path/to/tmp/json",
     24       "remove",
     25       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/.gclient_entries"
     26     ],
     27     "infra_step": true,
     28     "name": "remove [CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/.gclient_entries"
     29   },
     30   {
     31     "cmd": [
     32       "python",
     33       "-u",
     34       "RECIPE_MODULE[depot_tools::git]/resources/git_setup.py",
     35       "--path",
     36       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools",
     37       "--url",
     38       "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git"
     39     ],
     40     "name": "git setup"
     41   },
     42   {
     43     "cmd": [
     44       "git",
     45       "retry",
     46       "fetch",
     47       "origin",
     48       "master",
     49       "--progress"
     50     ],
     51     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools",
     52     "env": {
     53       "PATH": "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]:<PATH>"
     54     },
     55     "infra_step": true,
     56     "name": "git fetch"
     57   },
     58   {
     59     "cmd": [
     60       "git",
     61       "checkout",
     62       "-f",
     63       "FETCH_HEAD"
     64     ],
     65     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools",
     66     "infra_step": true,
     67     "name": "git checkout"
     68   },
     69   {
     70     "cmd": [
     71       "git",
     72       "rev-parse",
     73       "HEAD"
     74     ],
     75     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools",
     76     "infra_step": true,
     77     "name": "read revision",
     78     "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/",
     79     "~followup_annotations": [
     80       "@@@STEP_TEXT@<br/>checked out 'deadbeef'<br/>@@@"
     81     ]
     82   },
     83   {
     84     "cmd": [
     85       "git",
     86       "clean",
     87       "-f",
     88       "-d",
     89       "-x"
     90     ],
     91     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools",
     92     "infra_step": true,
     93     "name": "git clean"
     94   },
     95   {
     96     "cmd": [
     97       "git",
     98       "submodule",
     99       "sync"
    100     ],
    101     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools",
    102     "infra_step": true,
    103     "name": "submodule sync"
    104   },
    105   {
    106     "cmd": [
    107       "git",
    108       "submodule",
    109       "update",
    110       "--init",
    111       "--recursive"
    112     ],
    113     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools",
    114     "infra_step": true,
    115     "name": "submodule update"
    116   },
    117   {
    118     "cmd": [
    119       "python",
    120       "-u",
    121       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools/recipes/recipe_modules/bot_update/resources/bot_update.py",
    122       "--spec-path",
    123       "cache_dir = '[CUSTOM_/_B_CACHE]'\nsolutions = [{'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', 'managed': False, 'name': 'skia', 'url': 'https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git'}, {'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', 'managed': False, 'name': 'src', 'url': 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git'}]",
    124       "--patch_root",
    125       "skia",
    126       "--revision_mapping_file",
    127       "{\"got_revision\": \"skia\"}",
    128       "--git-cache-dir",
    129       "[CUSTOM_/_B_CACHE]",
    130       "--cleanup-dir",
    131       "[CLEANUP]/bot_update",
    132       "--output_json",
    133       "/path/to/tmp/json",
    134       "--revision",
    135       "skia@abc123",
    136       "--revision",
    137       "src@origin/lkcr"
    138     ],
    139     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]",
    140     "env_prefixes": {
    141       "PATH": [
    142         "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]"
    143       ]
    144     },
    145     "infra_step": true,
    146     "name": "bot_update",
    147     "~followup_annotations": [
    148       "@@@STEP_TEXT@Some step text@@@",
    149       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@{@@@",
    150       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"did_run\": true, @@@",
    151       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"fixed_revisions\": {@@@",
    152       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    \"skia\": \"abc123\", @@@",
    153       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    \"src\": \"origin/lkcr\"@@@",
    154       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  }, @@@",
    155       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"manifest\": {@@@",
    156       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    \"skia\": {@@@",
    157       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@      \"repository\": \"https://fake.org/skia.git\", @@@",
    158       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@      \"revision\": \"9046e2e693bb92a76e972b694580e5d17ad10748\"@@@",
    159       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    }@@@",
    160       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  }, @@@",
    161       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"patch_failure\": false, @@@",
    162       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"patch_root\": \"skia\", @@@",
    163       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"properties\": {@@@",
    164       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    \"got_revision\": \"9046e2e693bb92a76e972b694580e5d17ad10748\", @@@",
    165       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    \"got_revision_cp\": \"refs/heads/master@{#164710}\"@@@",
    166       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  }, @@@",
    167       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"root\": \"skia\", @@@",
    168       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"source_manifest\": {@@@",
    169       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    \"directories\": {@@@",
    170       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@      \"skia\": {@@@",
    171       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@        \"git_checkout\": {@@@",
    172       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@          \"repo_url\": \"https://fake.org/skia.git\", @@@",
    173       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@          \"revision\": \"9046e2e693bb92a76e972b694580e5d17ad10748\"@@@",
    174       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@        }@@@",
    175       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@      }@@@",
    176       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    }, @@@",
    177       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@    \"version\": 0@@@",
    178       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  }, @@@",
    179       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@  \"step_text\": \"Some step text\"@@@",
    180       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] json.output@}@@@",
    181       "@@@STEP_LOG_END (a] json.output@@@",
    182       "@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@got_revision@\"9046e2e693bb92a76e972b694580e5d17ad10748\"@@@",
    183       "@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@got_revision_cp@\"refs/heads/master@{#164710}\"@@@"
    184     ]
    185   },
    186   {
    187     "cmd": [
    188       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/depot_tools/gclient",
    189       "runhooks"
    190     ],
    191     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]",
    192     "env": {
    193       "BUILDTYPE": "Debug",
    194       "CHROME_HEADLESS": "1",
    195       "GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION": "0",
    196       "PATH": "<PATH>:RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]",
    197       "SKIA_OUT": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer"
    198     },
    199     "name": "gclient runhooks"
    200   },
    201   {
    202     "cmd": [
    203       "python",
    204       "-u",
    205       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/tools/build_command_buffer.py",
    206       "--chrome-dir",
    207       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]",
    208       "--output-dir",
    209       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer/Debug",
    210       "--no-sync",
    211       "--no-hooks",
    212       "--make-output-dir"
    213     ],
    214     "env": {
    215       "BUILDTYPE": "Debug",
    216       "CC": "/usr/bin/clang",
    217       "CHROME_HEADLESS": "1",
    218       "CXX": "/usr/bin/clang++",
    219       "PATH": "<PATH>:RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]",
    220       "SKIA_OUT": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer"
    221     },
    222     "name": "build command_buffer"
    223   },
    224   {
    225     "cmd": [
    226       "python",
    227       "-u",
    228       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/bin/fetch-gn"
    229     ],
    230     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia",
    231     "env": {
    232       "BUILDTYPE": "Debug",
    233       "CC": "/usr/bin/clang",
    234       "CHROME_HEADLESS": "1",
    235       "CXX": "/usr/bin/clang++",
    236       "PATH": "<PATH>:RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]",
    237       "SKIA_OUT": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer"
    238     },
    239     "infra_step": true,
    240     "name": "fetch-gn"
    241   },
    242   {
    243     "cmd": [
    244       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/bin/gn",
    245       "gen",
    246       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer/Debug",
    247       "--args=cc=\"clang\" cxx=\"clang++\" extra_cflags=[\"-O1\"] target_cpu=\"x86_64\""
    248     ],
    249     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia",
    250     "env": {
    251       "BUILDTYPE": "Debug",
    252       "CC": "/usr/bin/clang",
    253       "CHROME_HEADLESS": "1",
    254       "CXX": "/usr/bin/clang++",
    255       "PATH": "<PATH>:RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]",
    256       "SKIA_OUT": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer"
    257     },
    258     "name": "gn gen"
    259   },
    260   {
    261     "cmd": [
    262       "ninja",
    263       "-k",
    264       "0",
    265       "-C",
    266       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer/Debug"
    267     ],
    268     "cwd": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia",
    269     "env": {
    270       "BUILDTYPE": "Debug",
    271       "CC": "/usr/bin/clang",
    272       "CHROME_HEADLESS": "1",
    273       "CXX": "/usr/bin/clang++",
    274       "PATH": "<PATH>:RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]",
    275       "SKIA_OUT": "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer"
    276     },
    277     "name": "ninja"
    278   },
    279   {
    280     "cmd": [
    281       "python",
    282       "-u",
    283       "import errno\nimport glob\nimport os\nimport shutil\nimport sys\n\nsrc = sys.argv[1]\ndst = sys.argv[2]\nbuild_products_whitelist = ['bookmaker', 'dm', 'dm.exe', 'dm.app', 'nanobench.app', 'get_images_from_skps', 'get_images_from_skps.exe', 'nanobench', 'nanobench.exe', 'skpbench', '*.so', '*.dll', '*.dylib', 'skia_launcher', 'skiaserve', 'lib/*.so']\n\ntry:\n  os.makedirs(dst)\nexcept OSError as e:\n  if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:\n    raise\n\nfor pattern in build_products_whitelist:\n  path = os.path.join(src, pattern)\n  for f in glob.glob(path):\n    dst_path = os.path.join(dst, os.path.relpath(f, src))\n    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst_path)):\n      os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_path))\n    print 'Copying build product %s to %s' % (f, dst_path)\n    shutil.move(f, dst_path)\n",
    284       "[CUSTOM_/_B_WORK]/skia/out/Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Debug-CommandBuffer/Debug",
    285       "[CUSTOM_[SWARM_OUT_DIR]]/out/Debug"
    286     ],
    287     "infra_step": true,
    288     "name": "copy build products",
    289     "~followup_annotations": [
    290       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@import errno@@@",
    291       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@import glob@@@",
    292       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@import os@@@",
    293       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@import shutil@@@",
    294       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@import sys@@@",
    295       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@@@@",
    296       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@src = sys.argv[1]@@@",
    297       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@dst = sys.argv[2]@@@",
    298       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@build_products_whitelist = ['bookmaker', 'dm', 'dm.exe', 'dm.app', 'nanobench.app', 'get_images_from_skps', 'get_images_from_skps.exe', 'nanobench', 'nanobench.exe', 'skpbench', '*.so', '*.dll', '*.dylib', 'skia_launcher', 'skiaserve', 'lib/*.so']@@@",
    299       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@@@@",
    300       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@try:@@@",
    301       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@  os.makedirs(dst)@@@",
    302       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@except OSError as e:@@@",
    303       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@  if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:@@@",
    304       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@    raise@@@",
    305       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@@@@",
    306       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@for pattern in build_products_whitelist:@@@",
    307       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@  path = os.path.join(src, pattern)@@@",
    308       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@  for f in glob.glob(path):@@@",
    309       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@    dst_path = os.path.join(dst, os.path.relpath(f, src))@@@",
    310       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst_path)):@@@",
    311       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@      os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_path))@@@",
    312       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@    print 'Copying build product %s to %s' % (f, dst_path)@@@",
    313       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE (a] python.inline@    shutil.move(f, dst_path)@@@",
    314       "@@@STEP_LOG_END (a] python.inline@@@"
    315     ]
    316   },
    317   {
    318     "name": "$result",
    319     "recipe_result": null,
    320     "status_code": 0
    321   }
    322 ]