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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter.h"
      9 #include "SkBitmap.h"
     10 #include "SkColorData.h"
     11 #include "SkColorSpaceXformer.h"
     12 #include "SkImageFilterPriv.h"
     13 #include "SkReadBuffer.h"
     14 #include "SkSpecialImage.h"
     15 #include "SkWriteBuffer.h"
     16 #include "SkRect.h"
     17 #include "SkUnPreMultiply.h"
     19 #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU
     20 #include "GrContext.h"
     21 #include "GrTextureProxy.h"
     22 #include "effects/GrMatrixConvolutionEffect.h"
     23 #endif
     25 // We need to be able to read at most SK_MaxS32 bytes, so divide that
     26 // by the size of a scalar to know how many scalars we can read.
     27 static const int32_t gMaxKernelSize = SK_MaxS32 / sizeof(SkScalar);
     29 SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter(const SkISize& kernelSize,
     30                                                                const SkScalar* kernel,
     31                                                                SkScalar gain,
     32                                                                SkScalar bias,
     33                                                                const SkIPoint& kernelOffset,
     34                                                                TileMode tileMode,
     35                                                                bool convolveAlpha,
     36                                                                sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
     37                                                                const CropRect* cropRect)
     38     : INHERITED(&input, 1, cropRect)
     39     , fKernelSize(kernelSize)
     40     , fGain(gain)
     41     , fBias(bias)
     42     , fKernelOffset(kernelOffset)
     43     , fTileMode(tileMode)
     44     , fConvolveAlpha(convolveAlpha) {
     45     size_t size = (size_t) sk_64_mul(fKernelSize.width(), fKernelSize.height());
     46     fKernel = new SkScalar[size];
     47     memcpy(fKernel, kernel, size * sizeof(SkScalar));
     48     SkASSERT(kernelSize.fWidth >= 1 && kernelSize.fHeight >= 1);
     49     SkASSERT(kernelOffset.fX >= 0 && kernelOffset.fX < kernelSize.fWidth);
     50     SkASSERT(kernelOffset.fY >= 0 && kernelOffset.fY < kernelSize.fHeight);
     51 }
     53 sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::Make(const SkISize& kernelSize,
     54                                                           const SkScalar* kernel,
     55                                                           SkScalar gain,
     56                                                           SkScalar bias,
     57                                                           const SkIPoint& kernelOffset,
     58                                                           TileMode tileMode,
     59                                                           bool convolveAlpha,
     60                                                           sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
     61                                                           const CropRect* cropRect) {
     62     if (kernelSize.width() < 1 || kernelSize.height() < 1) {
     63         return nullptr;
     64     }
     65     if (gMaxKernelSize / kernelSize.fWidth < kernelSize.fHeight) {
     66         return nullptr;
     67     }
     68     if (!kernel) {
     69         return nullptr;
     70     }
     71     if ((kernelOffset.fX < 0) || (kernelOffset.fX >= kernelSize.fWidth) ||
     72         (kernelOffset.fY < 0) || (kernelOffset.fY >= kernelSize.fHeight)) {
     73         return nullptr;
     74     }
     75     return sk_sp<SkImageFilter>(new SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter(kernelSize, kernel, gain,
     76                                                                    bias, kernelOffset,
     77                                                                    tileMode, convolveAlpha,
     78                                                                    std::move(input), cropRect));
     79 }
     81 sk_sp<SkFlattenable> SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
     84     SkISize kernelSize;
     85     kernelSize.fWidth = buffer.readInt();
     86     kernelSize.fHeight = buffer.readInt();
     87     const int count = buffer.getArrayCount();
     89     const int64_t kernelArea = sk_64_mul(kernelSize.width(), kernelSize.height());
     90     if (!buffer.validate(kernelArea == count)) {
     91         return nullptr;
     92     }
     93     SkAutoSTArray<16, SkScalar> kernel(count);
     94     if (!buffer.readScalarArray(kernel.get(), count)) {
     95         return nullptr;
     96     }
     97     SkScalar gain = buffer.readScalar();
     98     SkScalar bias = buffer.readScalar();
     99     SkIPoint kernelOffset;
    100     kernelOffset.fX = buffer.readInt();
    101     kernelOffset.fY = buffer.readInt();
    103     TileMode tileMode = buffer.read32LE(kLast_TileMode);
    104     bool convolveAlpha = buffer.readBool();
    106     return Make(kernelSize, kernel.get(), gain, bias, kernelOffset, tileMode,
    107                 convolveAlpha, common.getInput(0), &common.cropRect());
    108 }
    110 void SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
    111     this->INHERITED::flatten(buffer);
    112     buffer.writeInt(fKernelSize.fWidth);
    113     buffer.writeInt(fKernelSize.fHeight);
    114     buffer.writeScalarArray(fKernel, fKernelSize.fWidth * fKernelSize.fHeight);
    115     buffer.writeScalar(fGain);
    116     buffer.writeScalar(fBias);
    117     buffer.writeInt(fKernelOffset.fX);
    118     buffer.writeInt(fKernelOffset.fY);
    119     buffer.writeInt((int) fTileMode);
    120     buffer.writeBool(fConvolveAlpha);
    121 }
    123 SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::~SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter() {
    124     delete[] fKernel;
    125 }
    127 class UncheckedPixelFetcher {
    128 public:
    129     static inline SkPMColor fetch(const SkBitmap& src, int x, int y, const SkIRect& bounds) {
    130         return *src.getAddr32(x, y);
    131     }
    132 };
    134 class ClampPixelFetcher {
    135 public:
    136     static inline SkPMColor fetch(const SkBitmap& src, int x, int y, const SkIRect& bounds) {
    137         x = SkTPin(x, bounds.fLeft, bounds.fRight - 1);
    138         y = SkTPin(y, bounds.fTop, bounds.fBottom - 1);
    139         return *src.getAddr32(x, y);
    140     }
    141 };
    143 class RepeatPixelFetcher {
    144 public:
    145     static inline SkPMColor fetch(const SkBitmap& src, int x, int y, const SkIRect& bounds) {
    146         x = (x - bounds.left()) % bounds.width() + bounds.left();
    147         y = (y - bounds.top()) % bounds.height() + bounds.top();
    148         if (x < bounds.left()) {
    149             x += bounds.width();
    150         }
    151         if (y < bounds.top()) {
    152             y += bounds.height();
    153         }
    154         return *src.getAddr32(x, y);
    155     }
    156 };
    158 class ClampToBlackPixelFetcher {
    159 public:
    160     static inline SkPMColor fetch(const SkBitmap& src, int x, int y, const SkIRect& bounds) {
    161         if (x < bounds.fLeft || x >= bounds.fRight || y < bounds.fTop || y >= bounds.fBottom) {
    162             return 0;
    163         } else {
    164             return *src.getAddr32(x, y);
    165         }
    166     }
    167 };
    169 template<class PixelFetcher, bool convolveAlpha>
    170 void SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::filterPixels(const SkBitmap& src,
    171                                                   SkBitmap* result,
    172                                                   const SkIRect& r,
    173                                                   const SkIRect& bounds) const {
    174     SkIRect rect(r);
    175     if (!rect.intersect(bounds)) {
    176         return;
    177     }
    178     for (int y = rect.fTop; y < rect.fBottom; ++y) {
    179         SkPMColor* dptr = result->getAddr32(rect.fLeft - bounds.fLeft, y - bounds.fTop);
    180         for (int x = rect.fLeft; x < rect.fRight; ++x) {
    181             SkScalar sumA = 0, sumR = 0, sumG = 0, sumB = 0;
    182             for (int cy = 0; cy < fKernelSize.fHeight; cy++) {
    183                 for (int cx = 0; cx < fKernelSize.fWidth; cx++) {
    184                     SkPMColor s = PixelFetcher::fetch(src,
    185                                                       x + cx - fKernelOffset.fX,
    186                                                       y + cy - fKernelOffset.fY,
    187                                                       bounds);
    188                     SkScalar k = fKernel[cy * fKernelSize.fWidth + cx];
    189                     if (convolveAlpha) {
    190                         sumA += SkGetPackedA32(s) * k;
    191                     }
    192                     sumR += SkGetPackedR32(s) * k;
    193                     sumG += SkGetPackedG32(s) * k;
    194                     sumB += SkGetPackedB32(s) * k;
    195                 }
    196             }
    197             int a = convolveAlpha
    198                   ? SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(sumA * fGain + fBias), 255)
    199                   : 255;
    200             int r = SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(sumR * fGain + fBias), a);
    201             int g = SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(sumG * fGain + fBias), a);
    202             int b = SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(sumB * fGain + fBias), a);
    203             if (!convolveAlpha) {
    204                 a = SkGetPackedA32(PixelFetcher::fetch(src, x, y, bounds));
    205                 *dptr++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(a, r, g, b);
    206             } else {
    207                 *dptr++ = SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b);
    208             }
    209         }
    210     }
    211 }
    213 template<class PixelFetcher>
    214 void SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::filterPixels(const SkBitmap& src,
    215                                                   SkBitmap* result,
    216                                                   const SkIRect& rect,
    217                                                   const SkIRect& bounds) const {
    218     if (fConvolveAlpha) {
    219         filterPixels<PixelFetcher, true>(src, result, rect, bounds);
    220     } else {
    221         filterPixels<PixelFetcher, false>(src, result, rect, bounds);
    222     }
    223 }
    225 void SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::filterInteriorPixels(const SkBitmap& src,
    226                                                           SkBitmap* result,
    227                                                           const SkIRect& rect,
    228                                                           const SkIRect& bounds) const {
    229     filterPixels<UncheckedPixelFetcher>(src, result, rect, bounds);
    230 }
    232 void SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::filterBorderPixels(const SkBitmap& src,
    233                                                         SkBitmap* result,
    234                                                         const SkIRect& rect,
    235                                                         const SkIRect& bounds) const {
    236     switch (fTileMode) {
    237         case kClamp_TileMode:
    238             filterPixels<ClampPixelFetcher>(src, result, rect, bounds);
    239             break;
    240         case kRepeat_TileMode:
    241             filterPixels<RepeatPixelFetcher>(src, result, rect, bounds);
    242             break;
    243         case kClampToBlack_TileMode:
    244             filterPixels<ClampToBlackPixelFetcher>(src, result, rect, bounds);
    245             break;
    246     }
    247 }
    249 // FIXME:  This should be refactored to SkImageFilterUtils for
    250 // use by other filters.  For now, we assume the input is always
    251 // premultiplied and unpremultiply it
    252 static SkBitmap unpremultiply_bitmap(const SkBitmap& src) {
    253     if (!src.getPixels()) {
    254         return SkBitmap();
    255     }
    257     const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(src.width(), src.height(), src.alphaType());
    258     SkBitmap result;
    259     if (!result.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
    260         return SkBitmap();
    261     }
    262     for (int y = 0; y < src.height(); ++y) {
    263         const uint32_t* srcRow = src.getAddr32(0, y);
    264         uint32_t* dstRow = result.getAddr32(0, y);
    265         for (int x = 0; x < src.width(); ++x) {
    266             dstRow[x] = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(srcRow[x]);
    267         }
    268     }
    269     return result;
    270 }
    272 #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU
    274 static GrTextureDomain::Mode convert_tilemodes(SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::TileMode tileMode) {
    275     switch (tileMode) {
    276     case SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::kClamp_TileMode:
    277         return GrTextureDomain::kClamp_Mode;
    278     case SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::kRepeat_TileMode:
    279         return GrTextureDomain::kRepeat_Mode;
    280     case SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::kClampToBlack_TileMode:
    281         return GrTextureDomain::kDecal_Mode;
    282     default:
    283         SkASSERT(false);
    284     }
    285     return GrTextureDomain::kIgnore_Mode;
    286 }
    287 #endif
    289 sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
    290                                                                     const Context& ctx,
    291                                                                     SkIPoint* offset) const {
    292     SkIPoint inputOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    293     sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> input(this->filterInput(0, source, ctx, &inputOffset));
    294     if (!input) {
    295         return nullptr;
    296     }
    298     SkIRect bounds;
    299     input = this->applyCropRect(this->mapContext(ctx), input.get(), &inputOffset, &bounds);
    300     if (!input) {
    301         return nullptr;
    302     }
    304 #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU
    305     // Note: if the kernel is too big, the GPU path falls back to SW
    306     if (source->isTextureBacked() &&
    307         fKernelSize.width() * fKernelSize.height() <= MAX_KERNEL_SIZE) {
    308         GrContext* context = source->getContext();
    310         // Ensure the input is in the destination color space. Typically applyCropRect will have
    311         // called pad_image to account for our dilation of bounds, so the result will already be
    312         // moved to the destination color space. If a filter DAG avoids that, then we use this
    313         // fall-back, which saves us from having to do the xform during the filter itself.
    314         input = ImageToColorSpace(input.get(), ctx.outputProperties());
    316         sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> inputProxy(input->asTextureProxyRef(context));
    317         SkASSERT(inputProxy);
    319         offset->fX = bounds.left();
    320         offset->fY = bounds.top();
    321         bounds.offset(-inputOffset);
    323         auto fp = GrMatrixConvolutionEffect::Make(std::move(inputProxy),
    324                                                   bounds,
    325                                                   fKernelSize,
    326                                                   fKernel,
    327                                                   fGain,
    328                                                   fBias,
    329                                                   fKernelOffset,
    330                                                   convert_tilemodes(fTileMode),
    331                                                   fConvolveAlpha);
    332         if (!fp) {
    333             return nullptr;
    334         }
    336         return DrawWithFP(context, std::move(fp), bounds, ctx.outputProperties());
    337     }
    338 #endif
    340     SkBitmap inputBM;
    342     if (!input->getROPixels(&inputBM)) {
    343         return nullptr;
    344     }
    346     if (inputBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
    347         return nullptr;
    348     }
    350     if (!fConvolveAlpha && !inputBM.isOpaque()) {
    351         inputBM = unpremultiply_bitmap(inputBM);
    352     }
    354     if (!inputBM.getPixels()) {
    355         return nullptr;
    356     }
    358     const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(bounds.width(), bounds.height(),
    359                                                   inputBM.alphaType());
    361     SkBitmap dst;
    362     if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
    363         return nullptr;
    364     }
    366     offset->fX = bounds.fLeft;
    367     offset->fY = bounds.fTop;
    368     bounds.offset(-inputOffset);
    369     SkIRect interior = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(bounds.left() + fKernelOffset.fX,
    370                                          bounds.top() + fKernelOffset.fY,
    371                                          bounds.width() - fKernelSize.fWidth + 1,
    372                                          bounds.height() - fKernelSize.fHeight + 1);
    373     SkIRect top = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(bounds.left(), bounds.top(), bounds.right(), interior.top());
    374     SkIRect bottom = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(bounds.left(), interior.bottom(),
    375                                        bounds.right(), bounds.bottom());
    376     SkIRect left = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(bounds.left(), interior.top(),
    377                                      interior.left(), interior.bottom());
    378     SkIRect right = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(interior.right(), interior.top(),
    379                                       bounds.right(), interior.bottom());
    380     this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, top, bounds);
    381     this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, left, bounds);
    382     this->filterInteriorPixels(inputBM, &dst, interior, bounds);
    383     this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, right, bounds);
    384     this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, bottom, bounds);
    385     return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(SkIRect::MakeWH(bounds.width(), bounds.height()),
    386                                           dst);
    387 }
    389 sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::onMakeColorSpace(SkColorSpaceXformer* xformer)
    390 const {
    391     SkASSERT(1 == this->countInputs());
    393     sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input = xformer->apply(this->getInput(0));
    394     if (input.get() != this->getInput(0)) {
    395         return SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::Make(fKernelSize, fKernel, fGain, fBias,
    396                                                     fKernelOffset, fTileMode, fConvolveAlpha,
    397                                                     std::move(input), this->getCropRectIfSet());
    398     }
    399     return this->refMe();
    400 }
    402 SkIRect SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::onFilterNodeBounds(const SkIRect& src, const SkMatrix& ctm,
    403                                                            MapDirection direction) const {
    404     SkIRect dst = src;
    405     int w = fKernelSize.width() - 1, h = fKernelSize.height() - 1;
    406     dst.fRight = Sk32_sat_add(dst.fRight, w);
    407     dst.fBottom = Sk32_sat_add(dst.fBottom, h);
    408     if (kReverse_MapDirection == direction) {
    409         dst.offset(-fKernelOffset);
    410     } else {
    411         dst.offset(fKernelOffset - SkIPoint::Make(w, h));
    412     }
    413     return dst;
    414 }
    416 bool SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::affectsTransparentBlack() const {
    417     // Because the kernel is applied in device-space, we have no idea what
    418     // pixels it will affect in object-space.
    419     return true;
    420 }
    422 #ifndef SK_IGNORE_TO_STRING
    423 void SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::toString(SkString* str) const {
    424     str->appendf("SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter: (");
    425     str->appendf("size: (%d,%d) kernel: (", fKernelSize.width(), fKernelSize.height());
    426     for (int y = 0; y < fKernelSize.height(); y++) {
    427         for (int x = 0; x < fKernelSize.width(); x++) {
    428             str->appendf("%f ", fKernel[y * fKernelSize.width() + x]);
    429         }
    430     }
    431     str->appendf(")");
    432     str->appendf("gain: %f bias: %f ", fGain, fBias);
    433     str->appendf("offset: (%d, %d) ", fKernelOffset.fX, fKernelOffset.fY);
    434     str->appendf("convolveAlpha: %s", fConvolveAlpha ? "true" : "false");
    435     str->append(")");
    436 }
    437 #endif