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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #ifndef GrAllocator_DEFINED
      9 #define GrAllocator_DEFINED
     11 #include "GrConfig.h"
     12 #include "GrTypes.h"
     13 #include "SkTArray.h"
     14 #include "SkTypes.h"
     16 class GrAllocator : SkNoncopyable {
     17 public:
     18     ~GrAllocator() { this->reset(); }
     20     /**
     21      * Create an allocator
     22      *
     23      * @param   itemSize        the size of each item to allocate
     24      * @param   itemsPerBlock   the number of items to allocate at once
     25      * @param   initialBlock    optional memory to use for the first block.
     26      *                          Must be at least itemSize*itemsPerBlock sized.
     27      *                          Caller is responsible for freeing this memory.
     28      */
     29     GrAllocator(size_t itemSize, int itemsPerBlock, void* initialBlock)
     30         : fItemSize(itemSize)
     31         , fItemsPerBlock(itemsPerBlock)
     32         , fOwnFirstBlock(nullptr == initialBlock)
     33         , fCount(0)
     34         , fInsertionIndexInBlock(0) {
     35         SkASSERT(itemsPerBlock > 0);
     36         fBlockSize = fItemSize * fItemsPerBlock;
     37         if (fOwnFirstBlock) {
     38             // This force us to allocate a new block on push_back().
     39             fInsertionIndexInBlock = fItemsPerBlock;
     40         } else {
     41             fBlocks.push_back() = initialBlock;
     42             fInsertionIndexInBlock = 0;
     43         }
     44     }
     46     /**
     47      * Adds an item and returns pointer to it.
     48      *
     49      * @return pointer to the added item.
     50      */
     51     void* push_back() {
     52         // we always have at least one block
     53         if (fItemsPerBlock == fInsertionIndexInBlock) {
     54             fBlocks.push_back() = sk_malloc_throw(fBlockSize);
     55             fInsertionIndexInBlock = 0;
     56         }
     57         void* ret = (char*)fBlocks.back() + fItemSize * fInsertionIndexInBlock;
     58         ++fCount;
     59         ++fInsertionIndexInBlock;
     60         return ret;
     61     }
     63     /**
     64      * Remove the last item, only call if count() != 0
     65      */
     66     void pop_back() {
     67         SkASSERT(fCount);
     68         SkASSERT(fInsertionIndexInBlock > 0);
     69         --fInsertionIndexInBlock;
     70         --fCount;
     71         if (0 == fInsertionIndexInBlock) {
     72             // Never delete the first block
     73             if (fBlocks.count() > 1) {
     74                 sk_free(fBlocks.back());
     75                 fBlocks.pop_back();
     76                 fInsertionIndexInBlock = fItemsPerBlock;
     77             }
     78         }
     79     }
     81     /**
     82      * Removes all added items.
     83      */
     84     void reset() {
     85         int firstBlockToFree = fOwnFirstBlock ? 0 : 1;
     86         for (int i = firstBlockToFree; i < fBlocks.count(); ++i) {
     87             sk_free(fBlocks[i]);
     88         }
     89         if (fOwnFirstBlock) {
     90             fBlocks.reset();
     91             // This force us to allocate a new block on push_back().
     92             fInsertionIndexInBlock = fItemsPerBlock;
     93         } else {
     94             fBlocks.pop_back_n(fBlocks.count() - 1);
     95             fInsertionIndexInBlock = 0;
     96         }
     97         fCount = 0;
     98     }
    100     /**
    101      * Returns the item count.
    102      */
    103     int count() const {
    104         return fCount;
    105     }
    107     /**
    108      * Is the count 0?
    109      */
    110     bool empty() const { return 0 == fCount; }
    112     /**
    113      * Access last item, only call if count() != 0
    114      */
    115     void* back() {
    116         SkASSERT(fCount);
    117         SkASSERT(fInsertionIndexInBlock > 0);
    118         return (char*)(fBlocks.back()) + (fInsertionIndexInBlock - 1) * fItemSize;
    119     }
    121     /**
    122      * Access last item, only call if count() != 0
    123      */
    124     const void* back() const {
    125         SkASSERT(fCount);
    126         SkASSERT(fInsertionIndexInBlock > 0);
    127         return (const char*)(fBlocks.back()) + (fInsertionIndexInBlock - 1) * fItemSize;
    128     }
    130     /**
    131      * Iterates through the allocator. This is faster than using operator[] when walking linearly
    132      * through the allocator.
    133      */
    134     class Iter {
    135     public:
    136         /**
    137          * Initializes the iterator. next() must be called before get().
    138          */
    139         Iter(const GrAllocator* allocator)
    140             : fAllocator(allocator)
    141             , fBlockIndex(-1)
    142             , fIndexInBlock(allocator->fItemsPerBlock - 1)
    143             , fItemIndex(-1) {}
    145         /**
    146          * Advances the iterator. Iteration is finished when next() returns false.
    147          */
    148         bool next() {
    149             ++fIndexInBlock;
    150             ++fItemIndex;
    151             if (fIndexInBlock == fAllocator->fItemsPerBlock) {
    152                 ++fBlockIndex;
    153                 fIndexInBlock = 0;
    154             }
    155             return fItemIndex < fAllocator->fCount;
    156         }
    158         /**
    159          * Gets the current iterator value. Call next() at least once before calling. Don't call
    160          * after next() returns false.
    161          */
    162         void* get() const {
    163             SkASSERT(fItemIndex >= 0 && fItemIndex < fAllocator->fCount);
    164             return (char*) fAllocator->fBlocks[fBlockIndex] + fIndexInBlock * fAllocator->fItemSize;
    165         }
    167     private:
    168         const GrAllocator* fAllocator;
    169         int                fBlockIndex;
    170         int                fIndexInBlock;
    171         int                fItemIndex;
    172     };
    174     /**
    175      * Access item by index.
    176      */
    177     void* operator[] (int i) {
    178         SkASSERT(i >= 0 && i < fCount);
    179         return (char*)fBlocks[i / fItemsPerBlock] +
    180                fItemSize * (i % fItemsPerBlock);
    181     }
    183     /**
    184      * Access item by index.
    185      */
    186     const void* operator[] (int i) const {
    187         SkASSERT(i >= 0 && i < fCount);
    188         return (const char*)fBlocks[i / fItemsPerBlock] +
    189                fItemSize * (i % fItemsPerBlock);
    190     }
    192 protected:
    193     /**
    194      * Set first block of memory to write into.  Must be called before any other methods.
    195      * This requires that you have passed nullptr in the constructor.
    196      *
    197      * @param   initialBlock    optional memory to use for the first block.
    198      *                          Must be at least itemSize*itemsPerBlock sized.
    199      *                          Caller is responsible for freeing this memory.
    200      */
    201     void setInitialBlock(void* initialBlock) {
    202         SkASSERT(0 == fCount);
    203         SkASSERT(0 == fBlocks.count());
    204         SkASSERT(fItemsPerBlock == fInsertionIndexInBlock);
    205         fOwnFirstBlock = false;
    206         fBlocks.push_back() = initialBlock;
    207         fInsertionIndexInBlock = 0;
    208     }
    210     // For access to above function.
    211     template <typename T> friend class GrTAllocator;
    213 private:
    214     static const int NUM_INIT_BLOCK_PTRS = 8;
    216     SkSTArray<NUM_INIT_BLOCK_PTRS, void*, true>   fBlocks;
    217     size_t                                        fBlockSize;
    218     size_t                                        fItemSize;
    219     int                                           fItemsPerBlock;
    220     bool                                          fOwnFirstBlock;
    221     int                                           fCount;
    222     int                                           fInsertionIndexInBlock;
    224     typedef SkNoncopyable INHERITED;
    225 };
    227 template <typename T> class GrTAllocator;
    228 template <typename T> void* operator new(size_t, GrTAllocator<T>*);
    230 template <typename T> class GrTAllocator : SkNoncopyable {
    231 public:
    232     virtual ~GrTAllocator() { this->reset(); }
    234     /**
    235      * Create an allocator
    236      *
    237      * @param   itemsPerBlock   the number of items to allocate at once
    238      */
    239     explicit GrTAllocator(int itemsPerBlock)
    240         : fAllocator(sizeof(T), itemsPerBlock, nullptr) {}
    242     /**
    243      * Adds an item and returns it.
    244      *
    245      * @return the added item.
    246      */
    247     T& push_back() {
    248         void* item = fAllocator.push_back();
    249         SkASSERT(item);
    250         new (item) T;
    251         return *(T*)item;
    252     }
    254     T& push_back(const T& t) {
    255         void* item = fAllocator.push_back();
    256         SkASSERT(item);
    257         new (item) T(t);
    258         return *(T*)item;
    259     }
    261     template <typename... Args> T& emplace_back(Args&&... args) {
    262         void* item = fAllocator.push_back();
    263         SkASSERT(item);
    264         new (item) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    265         return *(T*)item;
    266     }
    268     /**
    269      * Remove the last item, only call if count() != 0
    270      */
    271     void pop_back() {
    272         this->back().~T();
    273         fAllocator.pop_back();
    274     }
    276     /**
    277      * Removes all added items.
    278      */
    279     void reset() {
    280         int c = fAllocator.count();
    281         for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
    282             ((T*)fAllocator[i])->~T();
    283         }
    284         fAllocator.reset();
    285     }
    287     /**
    288      * Returns the item count.
    289      */
    290     int count() const {
    291         return fAllocator.count();
    292     }
    294     /**
    295      * Is the count 0?
    296      */
    297     bool empty() const { return fAllocator.empty(); }
    299     /**
    300      * Access last item, only call if count() != 0
    301      */
    302     T& back() {
    303         return *(T*)fAllocator.back();
    304     }
    306     /**
    307      * Access last item, only call if count() != 0
    308      */
    309     const T& back() const {
    310         return *(const T*)fAllocator.back();
    311     }
    313     /**
    314      * Iterates through the allocator. This is faster than using operator[] when walking linearly
    315      * through the allocator.
    316      */
    317     class Iter {
    318     public:
    319         /**
    320          * Initializes the iterator. next() must be called before get() or ops * and ->.
    321          */
    322         Iter(const GrTAllocator* allocator) : fImpl(&allocator->fAllocator) {}
    324         /**
    325          * Advances the iterator. Iteration is finished when next() returns false.
    326          */
    327         bool next() { return fImpl.next(); }
    329         /**
    330          * Gets the current iterator value. Call next() at least once before calling. Don't call
    331          * after next() returns false.
    332          */
    333         T* get() const { return (T*) fImpl.get(); }
    335         /**
    336          * Convenience operators. Same rules for calling apply as get().
    337          */
    338         T& operator*() const { return *this->get(); }
    339         T* operator->() const { return this->get(); }
    341     private:
    342         GrAllocator::Iter fImpl;
    343     };
    345     /**
    346      * Access item by index.
    347      */
    348     T& operator[] (int i) {
    349         return *(T*)(fAllocator[i]);
    350     }
    352     /**
    353      * Access item by index.
    354      */
    355     const T& operator[] (int i) const {
    356         return *(const T*)(fAllocator[i]);
    357     }
    359 protected:
    360     /*
    361      * Set first block of memory to write into.  Must be called before any other methods.
    362      *
    363      * @param   initialBlock    optional memory to use for the first block.
    364      *                          Must be at least size(T)*itemsPerBlock sized.
    365      *                          Caller is responsible for freeing this memory.
    366      */
    367     void setInitialBlock(void* initialBlock) {
    368         fAllocator.setInitialBlock(initialBlock);
    369     }
    371 private:
    372     friend void* operator new<T>(size_t, GrTAllocator*);
    374     GrAllocator fAllocator;
    375     typedef SkNoncopyable INHERITED;
    376 };
    378 template <int N, typename T> class GrSTAllocator : public GrTAllocator<T> {
    379 private:
    380     typedef GrTAllocator<T> INHERITED;
    382 public:
    383     GrSTAllocator() : INHERITED(N) {
    384         this->setInitialBlock(fStorage.get());
    385     }
    387 private:
    388     SkAlignedSTStorage<N, T> fStorage;
    389 };
    391 template <typename T> void* operator new(size_t size, GrTAllocator<T>* allocator) {
    392     return allocator->fAllocator.push_back();
    393 }
    395 // Skia doesn't use C++ exceptions but it may be compiled with them enabled. Having an op delete
    396 // to match the op new silences warnings about missing op delete when a constructor throws an
    397 // exception.
    398 template <typename T> void operator delete(void*, GrTAllocator<T>*) {
    399     SK_ABORT("Invalid Operation");
    400 }
    402 #define GrNEW_APPEND_TO_ALLOCATOR(allocator_ptr, type_name, args) \
    403     new (allocator_ptr) type_name args
    405 #endif