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      1 # Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 import default_flavor
      7 """GN flavor utils, used for building Skia with GN."""
      8 class GNFlavorUtils(default_flavor.DefaultFlavorUtils):
      9   def _run(self, title, cmd, infra_step=False, **kwargs):
     10     return self.m.run(self.m.step, title, cmd=cmd,
     11                infra_step=infra_step, **kwargs)
     13   def _py(self, title, script, infra_step=True, args=()):
     14     return self.m.run(self.m.python, title, script=script, args=args,
     15                infra_step=infra_step)
     17   def build_command_buffer(self):
     18     self.m.run(self.m.python, 'build command_buffer',
     19         script=self.m.vars.skia_dir.join('tools', 'build_command_buffer.py'),
     20         args=[
     21           '--chrome-dir', self.m.vars.checkout_root,
     22           '--output-dir', self.m.vars.skia_out.join(self.m.vars.configuration),
     23           '--no-sync', '--make-output-dir'])
     25   def _get_goma_json(self):
     26     json_key = 'jwt_service_account_goma-client'
     27     json_filename = json_key + '.json'
     29     # Ensure that the tmp_dir exists.
     30     self.m.run.run_once(self.m.file.ensure_directory,
     31                         'makedirs tmp_dir',
     32                         self.m.vars.tmp_dir)
     34     json_file = self.m.vars.tmp_dir.join(json_filename)
     35     self.m.python.inline(
     36         'download ' + json_filename,
     37         """
     38 import os
     39 import sys
     40 import urllib2
     42 TOKEN_URL = (
     43     'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/project/attributes/%s')
     45 req = urllib2.Request(TOKEN_URL, headers={'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'})
     46 contents = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
     48 with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:
     49   f.write(contents)
     50 """ % json_key,
     51         args=[json_file],
     52         infra_step=True)
     53     return json_file
     55   def compile(self, unused_target):
     56     """Build Skia with GN."""
     57     compiler      = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('compiler',      '')
     58     configuration = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('configuration', '')
     59     extra_tokens  = self.m.vars.extra_tokens
     60     os            = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('os',            '')
     61     target_arch   = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('target_arch',   '')
     63     goma_dir           = None
     64     clang_linux        = str(self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('clang_linux'))
     65     emscripten_sdk     = str(self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('emscripten_sdk'))
     66     linux_vulkan_sdk   = str(self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('linux_vulkan_sdk'))
     67     win_toolchain = str(self.m.vars.slave_dir.join(
     68       't', 'depot_tools', 'win_toolchain', 'vs_files',
     69       'a9e1098bba66d2acccc377d5ee81265910f29272'))
     70     win_vulkan_sdk = str(self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('win_vulkan_sdk'))
     72     cc, cxx = None, None
     73     extra_cflags = []
     74     extra_ldflags = []
     76     if compiler == 'Clang' and self.m.vars.is_linux:
     77       cc  = clang_linux + '/bin/clang'
     78       cxx = clang_linux + '/bin/clang++'
     79       extra_cflags .append('-B%s/bin' % clang_linux)
     80       extra_ldflags.append('-B%s/bin' % clang_linux)
     81       extra_ldflags.append('-fuse-ld=lld')
     82     elif compiler == 'Clang':
     83       cc, cxx = 'clang', 'clang++'
     84     elif compiler == 'GCC' and os == "Ubuntu14":
     85       cc, cxx = 'gcc-4.8', 'g++-4.8'
     86     elif compiler == 'GCC':
     87       cc, cxx = 'gcc', 'g++'
     88     elif compiler == 'EMCC':
     89       cc   = emscripten_sdk + '/emscripten/incoming/emcc'
     90       cxx  = emscripten_sdk + '/emscripten/incoming/em++'
     91       extra_cflags.append('-Wno-unknown-warning-option')
     93     if 'Coverage' in extra_tokens:
     94       # See https://clang.llvm.org/docs/SourceBasedCodeCoverage.html for
     95       # more info on using llvm to gather coverage information.
     96       extra_cflags.append('-fprofile-instr-generate')
     97       extra_cflags.append('-fcoverage-mapping')
     98       extra_ldflags.append('-fprofile-instr-generate')
     99       extra_ldflags.append('-fcoverage-mapping')
    101     if compiler != 'MSVC' and configuration == 'Debug':
    102       extra_cflags.append('-O1')
    104     if 'Exceptions' in extra_tokens:
    105       extra_cflags.append('/EHsc')
    106     if 'Fast' in extra_tokens:
    107       extra_cflags.extend(['-march=native', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-O3',
    108                            '-ffp-contract=off'])
    110     # TODO(benjaminwagner): Same appears in compile.py to set CPPFLAGS. Are
    111     # both needed?
    112     if len(extra_tokens) == 1 and extra_tokens[0].startswith('SK'):
    113       extra_cflags.append('-D' + extra_tokens[0])
    115     if 'MSAN' in extra_tokens:
    116       extra_ldflags.append('-L' + clang_linux + '/msan')
    118     args = {}
    119     ninja_args = ['-k', '0', '-C', self.out_dir]
    120     env = {}
    122     if configuration != 'Debug':
    123       args['is_debug'] = 'false'
    124     if 'ANGLE' in extra_tokens:
    125       args['skia_use_angle'] = 'true'
    126     if 'CommandBuffer' in extra_tokens:
    127       self.m.run.run_once(self.build_command_buffer)
    128     if 'MSAN' in extra_tokens:
    129       args['skia_enable_gpu']     = 'false'
    130       args['skia_use_fontconfig'] = 'false'
    131     if 'ASAN' in extra_tokens or 'UBSAN' in extra_tokens:
    132       args['skia_enable_spirv_validation'] = 'false'
    133     if 'Mini' in extra_tokens:
    134       args.update({
    135         'is_component_build':     'true',   # Proves we can link a coherent .so.
    136         'is_official_build':      'true',   # No debug symbols, no tools.
    137         'skia_enable_effects':    'false',
    138         'skia_enable_gpu':        'true',
    139         'skia_enable_pdf':        'false',
    140         'skia_use_expat':         'false',
    141         'skia_use_libjpeg_turbo': 'false',
    142         'skia_use_libpng':        'false',
    143         'skia_use_libwebp':       'false',
    144         'skia_use_zlib':          'false',
    145       })
    146     if 'NoGPU' in extra_tokens:
    147       args['skia_enable_gpu'] = 'false'
    148     if 'EmbededResouces' in extra_tokens:
    149       args['skia_embed_resoucres'] = 'true'
    150     if 'Shared' in extra_tokens:
    151       args['is_component_build'] = 'true'
    152     if 'Vulkan' in extra_tokens and not 'Android' in extra_tokens:
    153       args['skia_enable_vulkan_debug_layers'] = 'false'
    154       if self.m.vars.is_linux:
    155         args['skia_vulkan_sdk'] = '"%s"' % linux_vulkan_sdk
    156       if 'Win' in os:
    157         args['skia_vulkan_sdk'] = '"%s"' % win_vulkan_sdk
    158     if 'Metal' in extra_tokens:
    159       args['skia_use_metal'] = 'true'
    160     if 'iOS' in extra_tokens:
    161       # Bots use Chromium signing cert.
    162       args['skia_ios_identity'] = '".*GS9WA.*"'
    163       args['skia_ios_profile'] = '"Upstream Testing Provisioning Profile"'
    164     if 'CheckGeneratedFiles' in extra_tokens:
    165       args['skia_compile_processors'] = 'true'
    166     if compiler == 'Clang' and 'Win' in os:
    167       args['clang_win'] = '"%s"' % self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('clang_win')
    168     if target_arch == 'wasm':
    169       args.update({
    170         'skia_use_freetype':   'false',
    171         'skia_use_fontconfig': 'false',
    172         'skia_use_dng_sdk':    'false',
    173         'skia_use_icu':        'false',
    174         'skia_enable_gpu':     'false',
    175       })
    176     if 'Goma' in extra_tokens or 'GomaNoFallback' in extra_tokens:
    177       json_file = self._get_goma_json()
    178       self.m.cipd.set_service_account_credentials(json_file)
    179       goma_package = ('infra_internal/goma/client/%s' %
    180                       self.m.cipd.platform_suffix())
    181       goma_dir = self.m.path['cache'].join('goma')
    182       self.m.cipd.ensure(goma_dir, {goma_package: 'release'})
    183       env['GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE'] = json_file
    184       if 'GomaNoFallback' in extra_tokens:
    185         env['GOMA_HERMETIC'] = 'error'
    186         env['GOMA_USE_LOCAL'] = '0'
    187         env['GOMA_FALLBACK'] = '0'
    188       with self.m.context(cwd=goma_dir, env=env):
    189         self._py('start goma', 'goma_ctl.py', args=['ensure_start'])
    190       args['cc_wrapper'] = '"%s"' % goma_dir.join('gomacc')
    191       if 'ANGLE' in extra_tokens and 'Win' in os:
    192         # ANGLE uses case-insensitive include paths in D3D code. Not sure why
    193         # only Goma warns about this.
    194         extra_cflags.append('-Wno-nonportable-include-path')
    195       ninja_args.extend(['-j', '2000'])
    197     sanitize = ''
    198     for t in extra_tokens:
    199       if t.endswith('SAN'):
    200         sanitize = t
    201     if 'SafeStack' in extra_tokens:
    202       assert sanitize == ''
    203       sanitize = 'safe-stack'
    205     for (k,v) in {
    206       'cc':  cc,
    207       'cxx': cxx,
    208       'sanitize': sanitize,
    209       'target_cpu': target_arch,
    210       'target_os': 'ios' if 'iOS' in extra_tokens else '',
    211       'win_sdk': win_toolchain + '/win_sdk' if 'Win' in os else '',
    212       'win_vc': win_toolchain + '/VC' if 'Win' in os else '',
    213     }.iteritems():
    214       if v:
    215         args[k] = '"%s"' % v
    216     if extra_cflags:
    217       args['extra_cflags'] = repr(extra_cflags).replace("'", '"')
    218     if extra_ldflags:
    219       args['extra_ldflags'] = repr(extra_ldflags).replace("'", '"')
    221     gn_args = ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k,v) for (k,v) in sorted(args.iteritems()))
    223     gn    = 'gn.exe'    if 'Win' in os else 'gn'
    224     ninja = 'ninja.exe' if 'Win' in os else 'ninja'
    225     gn = self.m.vars.skia_dir.join('bin', gn)
    227     try:
    228       with self.m.context(cwd=self.m.vars.skia_dir):
    229         self._py('fetch-gn', self.m.vars.skia_dir.join('bin', 'fetch-gn'))
    230         if 'CheckGeneratedFiles' in extra_tokens:
    231           env['PATH'] = '%s:%%(PATH)s' % self.m.vars.skia_dir.join('bin')
    232           self._py(
    233               'fetch-clang-format',
    234               self.m.vars.skia_dir.join('bin', 'fetch-clang-format'))
    235         if target_arch == 'wasm':
    236           fastcomp = emscripten_sdk + '/clang/fastcomp/build_incoming_64/bin'
    237           env['PATH'] = '%s:%%(PATH)s' % fastcomp
    239         with self.m.env(env):
    240           self._run('gn gen', [gn, 'gen', self.out_dir, '--args=' + gn_args])
    241           self._run('ninja', [ninja] + ninja_args)
    242     finally:
    243       if goma_dir:
    244         with self.m.context(cwd=goma_dir, env=env):
    245           self.m.run(self.m.python, 'print goma stats',
    246                      script='goma_ctl.py', args=['stat'], infra_step=True,
    247                      abort_on_failure=False, fail_build_on_failure=False)
    248           self.m.run(self.m.python, 'stop goma',
    249                      script='goma_ctl.py', args=['stop'], infra_step=True,
    250                      abort_on_failure=False, fail_build_on_failure=False)
    251           # Hack: goma_ctl stop is asynchronous, so the process often does not
    252           # stop before the recipe exits, which causes Swarming to freak out.
    253           # Wait a couple seconds for it to exit normally.
    254           # TODO(dogben): Remove after internal b/72128121 is resolved.
    255           self.m.run(self.m.python.inline, 'wait for goma_ctl stop',
    256                      program="""import time; time.sleep(2)""",
    257                      infra_step=True,
    258                      abort_on_failure=False, fail_build_on_failure=False)
    260   def copy_extra_build_products(self, swarming_out_dir):
    261     configuration = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('configuration', '')
    262     extra_tokens  = self.m.vars.extra_tokens
    263     os            = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('os',            '')
    265     win_vulkan_sdk = str(self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('win_vulkan_sdk'))
    266     if 'Win' in os and 'Vulkan' in extra_tokens:
    267       self.m.run.copy_build_products(
    268           win_vulkan_sdk,
    269           swarming_out_dir.join('out', configuration + '_x64'))
    271   def step(self, name, cmd):
    272     app = self.m.vars.skia_out.join(self.m.vars.configuration, cmd[0])
    273     cmd = [app] + cmd[1:]
    274     env = self.m.context.env
    275     path = []
    276     ld_library_path = []
    278     slave_dir = self.m.vars.slave_dir
    279     clang_linux = str(slave_dir.join('clang_linux'))
    280     extra_tokens = self.m.vars.extra_tokens
    282     if self.m.vars.is_linux:
    283       if (self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu', '') == 'GPU'
    284           and 'Intel' in self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu_value', '')):
    285         # The vulkan in this asset name simply means that the graphics driver
    286         # supports Vulkan. It is also the driver used for GL code.
    287         dri_path = slave_dir.join('linux_vulkan_intel_driver_release')
    288         if self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('configuration', '') == 'Debug':
    289           dri_path = slave_dir.join('linux_vulkan_intel_driver_debug')
    290         ld_library_path.append(dri_path)
    291         env['LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH'] = str(dri_path)
    292         env['VK_ICD_FILENAMES'] = str(dri_path.join('intel_icd.x86_64.json'))
    294       if 'Vulkan' in extra_tokens:
    295         path.append(slave_dir.join('linux_vulkan_sdk', 'bin'))
    296         ld_library_path.append(slave_dir.join('linux_vulkan_sdk', 'lib'))
    298     if any('SAN' in t for t in extra_tokens):
    299       # Sanitized binaries may want to run clang_linux/bin/llvm-symbolizer.
    300       path.append(clang_linux + '/bin')
    301     elif self.m.vars.is_linux:
    302       cmd = ['catchsegv'] + cmd
    304     if 'ASAN' in extra_tokens or 'UBSAN' in extra_tokens:
    305       env[ 'ASAN_OPTIONS'] = 'symbolize=1 detect_leaks=1'
    306       env[ 'LSAN_OPTIONS'] = 'symbolize=1 print_suppressions=1'
    307       env['UBSAN_OPTIONS'] = 'symbolize=1 print_stacktrace=1'
    309     if 'MSAN' in extra_tokens:
    310       # Find the MSAN-built libc++.
    311       ld_library_path.append(clang_linux + '/msan')
    313     if 'TSAN' in extra_tokens:
    314       # We don't care about malloc(), fprintf, etc. used in signal handlers.
    315       # If we're in a signal handler, we're already crashing...
    316       env['TSAN_OPTIONS'] = 'report_signal_unsafe=0'
    318     if 'Coverage' in extra_tokens:
    319       # This is the output file for the coverage data. Just running the binary
    320       # will produce the output. The output_file is in the swarming_out_dir and
    321       # thus will be an isolated output of the Test step.
    322       profname = '%s.profraw' % self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('test_filter','o')
    323       env['LLVM_PROFILE_FILE'] = self.m.path.join(self.m.vars.swarming_out_dir,
    324                                                   profname)
    326     if path:
    327       env['PATH'] = '%%(PATH)s:%s' % ':'.join('%s' % p for p in path)
    328     if ld_library_path:
    329       env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join('%s' % p for p in ld_library_path)
    331     to_symbolize = ['dm', 'nanobench']
    332     if name in to_symbolize and self.m.vars.is_linux:
    333       # Convert path objects or placeholders into strings such that they can
    334       # be passed to symbolize_stack_trace.py
    335       args = [slave_dir] + [str(x) for x in cmd]
    336       with self.m.context(cwd=self.m.vars.skia_dir, env=env):
    337         self._py('symbolized %s' % name,
    338                  self.module.resource('symbolize_stack_trace.py'),
    339                  args=args,
    340                  infra_step=False)
    342     else:
    343       with self.m.context(env=env):
    344         self._run(name, cmd)