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      1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 import math
      9 DEPS = [
     10   'core',
     11   'ct',
     12   'flavor',
     13   'recipe_engine/context',
     14   'recipe_engine/file',
     15   'recipe_engine/json',
     16   'recipe_engine/path',
     17   'recipe_engine/properties',
     18   'recipe_engine/step',
     19   'recipe_engine/time',
     20   'run',
     21   'skia_swarming',
     22   'vars',
     23 ]
     26 SKPS_VERSION_FILE = 'skps_version'
     27 CT_SKPS_ISOLATE = 'ct_skps.isolate'
     29 # Do not batch archive more slaves than this value. This is used to prevent
     30 # no output timeouts in the 'isolate tests' step.
     34     'dm': 10000,
     35     'nanobench': 1000,
     36     'get_images_from_skps': 10000,
     37 }
     39 # The SKP repository to use.
     40 DEFAULT_SKPS_CHROMIUM_BUILD = '2b7e85eb251dc7-a3cf3659ed2c08'
     43 def RunSteps(api):
     44   # Figure out which repository to use.
     45   buildername = api.properties['buildername']
     46   if '1k' in buildername:
     47     ct_page_type = 'All'
     48     num_pages = 1000
     49   elif '10k' in buildername:
     50     ct_page_type = 'All'
     51     num_pages = 10000
     52   elif '100k' in buildername:
     53     ct_page_type = 'All'
     54     num_pages = 100000
     55   elif '1m' in buildername:
     56     ct_page_type = 'All'
     57     num_pages = 1000000
     58   else:
     59     raise Exception('Do not recognise the buildername %s.' % buildername)
     61   # Figure out which tool to use.
     62   if 'DM' in buildername:
     63     skia_tool = 'dm'
     64     build_target = 'dm'
     65   elif 'BENCH' in buildername:
     66     skia_tool = 'nanobench'
     67     build_target = 'nanobench'
     68   elif 'IMG_DECODE' in buildername:
     69     skia_tool = 'get_images_from_skps'
     70     build_target = 'tools'
     71   else:
     72     raise Exception('Do not recognise the buildername %s.' % buildername)
     74   api.core.setup()
     75   api.flavor.compile(build_target)
     77   # Required paths.
     78   infrabots_dir = api.vars.skia_dir.join('infra', 'bots')
     79   isolate_dir = infrabots_dir.join('ct')
     80   isolate_path = isolate_dir.join(CT_SKPS_ISOLATE)
     82   api.run.copy_build_products(
     83       api.flavor.out_dir,
     84       isolate_dir)
     85   api.skia_swarming.setup(
     86       infrabots_dir.join('tools', 'luci-go'),
     87       swarming_rev='')
     89   skps_chromium_build = api.properties.get(
     90       'skps_chromium_build', DEFAULT_SKPS_CHROMIUM_BUILD)
     92   # Set build properties to make finding SKPs convenient.
     93   webpage_rankings_link = (
     94       'https://storage.cloud.google.com/%s/csv/top-1m.csv'
     95           % api.ct.CT_GS_BUCKET)
     96   api.step.active_result.presentation.properties['Webpage rankings'] = (
     97       webpage_rankings_link)
     98   download_skps_link = (
     99       'https://pantheon.corp.google.com/storage/browser/%s/swarming/skps/%s/%s/'
    100           % (api.ct.CT_GS_BUCKET, ct_page_type, skps_chromium_build))
    101   api.step.active_result.presentation.properties['Download SKPs by rank'] = (
    102       download_skps_link)
    104   # Delete swarming_temp_dir to ensure it starts from a clean slate.
    105   api.run.rmtree(api.skia_swarming.swarming_temp_dir)
    107   num_per_slave = api.properties.get(
    108       'num_per_slave',
    109       min(TOOL_TO_DEFAULT_SKPS_PER_SLAVE[skia_tool], num_pages))
    110   ct_num_slaves = api.properties.get(
    111       'ct_num_slaves',
    112       int(math.ceil(float(num_pages) / num_per_slave)))
    114   # Try to figure out if the SKPs we are going to isolate already exist
    115   # locally by reading the SKPS_VERSION_FILE.
    116   download_skps = True
    117   expected_version_contents = {
    118       "chromium_build": skps_chromium_build,
    119       "page_type": ct_page_type,
    120       "num_slaves": ct_num_slaves,
    121   }
    122   # Note: If this directory is changed, the corresponding places it is
    123   # referenced also needs to change. As of 8/8/17 the other places are:
    124   # * infra/bots/ct/ct_skps.isolate
    125   # * infra/bots/ct/run_ct_skps.py
    126   skps_dir = api.vars.checkout_root.join('skps', skps_chromium_build,
    127                                          ct_page_type, str(ct_num_slaves))
    128   version_file = skps_dir.join(SKPS_VERSION_FILE)
    129   if api.path.exists(version_file):  # pragma: nocover
    130     version_file_contents = api.file.read_text(
    131         "Read %s" % version_file,
    132         version_file,
    133         test_data=expected_version_contents)
    134     actual_version_contents = api.json.loads(version_file_contents)
    135     differences = (set(expected_version_contents.items()) ^
    136                    set(actual_version_contents.items()))
    137     download_skps = len(differences) != 0
    138     if download_skps:
    139       # Delete and recreate the skps dir.
    140       api.run.rmtree(skps_dir)
    141       api.file.ensure_directory(
    142           'makedirs %s' % api.path.basename(skps_dir), skps_dir)
    144   # If a blacklist file exists then specify SKPs to be blacklisted.
    145   blacklists_dir = api.vars.skia_dir.join('infra', 'bots', 'ct', 'blacklists')
    146   blacklist_file = blacklists_dir.join(
    147       '%s_%s_%s.json' % (skia_tool, ct_page_type, skps_chromium_build))
    148   blacklist_skps = []
    149   if api.path.exists(blacklist_file):  # pragma: nocover
    150     blacklist_file_contents = api.file.read_text(
    151         "Read %s" % blacklist_file,
    152         blacklist_file)
    153     blacklist_skps = api.json.loads(blacklist_file_contents)['blacklisted_skps']
    155   for slave_num in range(1, ct_num_slaves + 1):
    156     if download_skps:
    157       # Download SKPs.
    158       api.ct.download_swarming_skps(
    159           ct_page_type, slave_num, skps_chromium_build,
    160           skps_dir,
    161           start_range=((slave_num-1)*num_per_slave) + 1,
    162           num_skps=num_per_slave)
    164     # Create this slave's isolated.gen.json file to use for batcharchiving.
    165     extra_variables = {
    166         'SLAVE_NUM': str(slave_num),
    167         'TOOL_NAME': skia_tool,
    168         'GIT_HASH': api.vars.got_revision,
    169         'CONFIGURATION': api.vars.configuration,
    170         'BUILDER': buildername,
    171         'CHROMIUM_BUILD': skps_chromium_build,
    172         'PAGE_TYPE': ct_page_type,
    173         'NUM_SLAVES': str(ct_num_slaves),
    174     }
    175     api.skia_swarming.create_isolated_gen_json(
    176         isolate_path, isolate_dir, 'linux', 'ct-%s-%s' % (skia_tool, slave_num),
    177         extra_variables, blacklist=blacklist_skps)
    179   if download_skps:
    180     # Since we had to download SKPs create an updated version file.
    181     api.file.write_text("Create %s" % version_file,
    182                         version_file,
    183                         api.json.dumps(expected_version_contents))
    185   # Batcharchive everything on the isolate server for efficiency.
    186   max_slaves_to_batcharchive = MAX_SLAVES_TO_BATCHARCHIVE
    187   if '1m' in buildername:
    188     # Break up the "isolate tests" step into batches with <100k files due to
    189     # https://github.com/luci/luci-go/issues/9
    190     max_slaves_to_batcharchive = 5
    191   tasks_to_swarm_hashes = []
    192   for slave_start_num in xrange(1, ct_num_slaves+1, max_slaves_to_batcharchive):
    193     m = min(max_slaves_to_batcharchive, ct_num_slaves)
    194     batcharchive_output = api.skia_swarming.batcharchive(
    195         targets=['ct-' + skia_tool + '-%s' % num for num in range(
    196             slave_start_num, slave_start_num + m)])
    197     tasks_to_swarm_hashes.extend(batcharchive_output)
    198   # Sort the list to go through tasks in order.
    199   tasks_to_swarm_hashes.sort()
    201   # Trigger all swarming tasks.
    202   dimensions={'os': 'Ubuntu-14.04'}
    203   if 'GPU' in buildername:
    204     dimensions['cpu'] = 'x86-64-E3-1230_v5'
    205     dimensions['gpu'] = '10de:1cb3-384.90'
    206     # See crbug.com/700053
    207     dimensions['pool'] = 'Chrome-GPU'
    208   else:
    209     dimensions['cpu'] = 'x86-64-Broadwell_GCE'
    210     dimensions['pool'] = 'Chrome'
    211   tasks = api.skia_swarming.trigger_swarming_tasks(
    212       tasks_to_swarm_hashes, dimensions=dimensions, io_timeout=40*60)
    214   # Now collect all tasks.
    215   env = {'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE': None, 'BOTO_CONFIG': None}
    216   failed_tasks = []
    217   for task in tasks:
    218     try:
    219       api.skia_swarming.collect_swarming_task(task)
    221       if skia_tool == 'nanobench':
    222         output_dir = api.skia_swarming.tasks_output_dir.join(
    223             task.title).join('0')
    224         utc = api.time.utcnow()
    225         gs_dest_dir = 'gs://skia-perf/ct/%s/%d/%02d/%02d/%02d/' % (
    226             ct_page_type, utc.year, utc.month, utc.day, utc.hour)
    227         for json_output in api.file.listdir(
    228             'listdir output dir', output_dir, test_data=['file 1', 'file 2']):
    229           with api.context(env=env):
    230             cmd = ['gsutil', 'cp', '-R', json_output, gs_dest_dir]
    231             api.step('upload json output', cmd=cmd, infra_step=True)
    233     except api.step.StepFailure as e:
    234       # Add SKP links for convenience.
    235       api.step.active_result.presentation.links['Webpage rankings'] = (
    236           webpage_rankings_link)
    237       api.step.active_result.presentation.links['Download SKPs by rank'] = (
    238           download_skps_link)
    239       failed_tasks.append(e)
    241   if failed_tasks:
    242     raise api.step.StepFailure(
    243         'Failed steps: %s' % ', '.join([f.name for f in failed_tasks]))
    246 def GenTests(api):
    247   ct_num_slaves = 5
    248   num_per_slave = 10
    249   skia_revision = 'abc123'
    250   path_config = 'kitchen'
    252   yield(
    253     api.test('CT_DM_10k_SKPs') +
    254     api.properties(
    255         buildername=('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-' +
    256                      'CT_DM_10k_SKPs'),
    257         path_config=path_config,
    258         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    259         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    260         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    261         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    262         revision=skia_revision,
    263     )
    264   )
    266   yield(
    267     api.test('CT_IMG_DECODE_10k_SKPs') +
    268     api.properties(
    269         buildername='Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-'
    270                     'CT_IMG_DECODE_10k_SKPs',
    271         path_config=path_config,
    272         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    273         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    274         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    275         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    276         revision=skia_revision,
    277     )
    278   )
    280   yield(
    281     api.test('CT_DM_100k_SKPs') +
    282     api.properties(
    283         buildername=('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-' +
    284                      'CT_DM_100k_SKPs'),
    285         path_config=path_config,
    286         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    287         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    288         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    289         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    290         revision=skia_revision,
    291     )
    292   )
    294   yield(
    295     api.test('CT_IMG_DECODE_100k_SKPs') +
    296     api.properties(
    297         buildername='Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-'
    298                     'CT_IMG_DECODE_100k_SKPs',
    299         path_config=path_config,
    300         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    301         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    302         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    303         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    304         revision=skia_revision,
    305     )
    306   )
    308   yield(
    309     api.test('CT_GPU_BENCH_1k_SKPs') +
    310     api.properties(
    311         buildername=('Perf-Ubuntu14-GCC-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All-'
    312                      'CT_BENCH_1k_SKPs'),
    313         path_config=path_config,
    314         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    315         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    316         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    317         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    318         revision=skia_revision,
    319     ) +
    320     api.path.exists(
    321         api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'),
    322         api.path['start_dir'].join('src')
    323     )
    324   )
    326   yield(
    327     api.test('CT_CPU_BENCH_10k_SKPs') +
    328     api.properties(
    329         buildername=('Perf-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-All-'
    330                      'CT_BENCH_10k_SKPs'),
    331         path_config=path_config,
    332         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    333         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    334         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    335         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    336         revision=skia_revision,
    337     ) +
    338     api.path.exists(
    339         api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'),
    340         api.path['start_dir'].join('src')
    341     )
    342   )
    344   yield(
    345     api.test('CT_GPU_BENCH_10k_SKPs') +
    346     api.properties(
    347         buildername=('Perf-Ubuntu14-GCC-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All-'
    348                      'CT_BENCH_10k_SKPs'),
    349         path_config=path_config,
    350         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    351         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    352         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    353         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    354         revision=skia_revision,
    355     ) +
    356     api.path.exists(
    357         api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'),
    358         api.path['start_dir'].join('src')
    359     )
    360   )
    362   yield(
    363     api.test('CT_DM_1m_SKPs') +
    364     api.properties(
    365         buildername=('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-'
    366                      'CT_DM_1m_SKPs'),
    367         path_config=path_config,
    368         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    369         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    370         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    371         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    372         revision=skia_revision,
    373     )
    374   )
    376   yield (
    377     api.test('CT_DM_SKPs_UnknownBuilder') +
    378     api.properties(
    379         buildername=('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-' +
    380                      'CT_DM_UnknownRepo_SKPs'),
    381         path_config=path_config,
    382         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    383         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    384         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    385         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    386         revision=skia_revision,
    387     ) +
    388     api.expect_exception('Exception')
    389   )
    391   yield (
    392     api.test('CT_10k_SKPs_UnknownBuilder') +
    393     api.properties(
    394         buildername=('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-' +
    395                      'CT_UnknownTool_10k_SKPs'),
    396         path_config=path_config,
    397         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    398         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    399         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    400         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    401         revision=skia_revision,
    402     ) +
    403     api.expect_exception('Exception')
    404   )
    406   yield(
    407     api.test('CT_DM_1m_SKPs_slave3_failure') +
    408     api.step_data('ct-dm-3', retcode=1) +
    409     api.properties(
    410         buildername=('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-' +
    411                      'CT_DM_1m_SKPs'),
    412         path_config=path_config,
    413         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    414         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    415         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    416         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    417         revision=skia_revision,
    418     )
    419   )
    421   yield(
    422     api.test('CT_DM_1m_SKPs_2slaves_failure') +
    423     api.step_data('ct-dm-1', retcode=1) +
    424     api.step_data('ct-dm-3', retcode=1) +
    425     api.properties(
    426         buildername=('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All'+
    427                      '-CT_DM_1m_SKPs'),
    428         path_config=path_config,
    429         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    430         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    431         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    432         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    433         revision=skia_revision,
    434     )
    435   )
    437   builder = 'Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-CT_DM_10k_SKPs'
    438   yield(
    439     api.test('CT_DM_10k_SKPs_Trybot') +
    440     api.properties(
    441         buildername=builder,
    442         path_config=path_config,
    443         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    444         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    445         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    446         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    447         patch_storage='gerrit') +
    448     api.properties.tryserver(
    449         buildername=builder,
    450         gerrit_project='skia',
    451         gerrit_url='https://skia-review.googlesource.com/',
    452     )
    453   )
    455   builder = ('Test-Ubuntu14-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-'
    456              'CT_IMG_DECODE_10k_SKPs')
    457   yield(
    458     api.test('CT_IMG_DECODE_10k_SKPs_Trybot') +
    459     api.properties(
    460         buildername=builder,
    461         path_config=path_config,
    462         swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]',
    463         ct_num_slaves=ct_num_slaves,
    464         num_per_slave=num_per_slave,
    465         repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git',
    466         revision=skia_revision,
    467         patch_storage='gerrit') +
    468     api.properties.tryserver(
    469         buildername=builder,
    470         gerrit_project='skia',
    471         gerrit_url='https://skia-review.googlesource.com/',
    472     )
    473   )