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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      3 # Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
      4 #
      5 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      6 # found in the LICENSE file.
      8 from __future__ import print_function
      9 from _adb import Adb
     10 from _benchresult import BenchResult
     11 from _hardware import HardwareException, Hardware
     12 from argparse import ArgumentParser
     13 from multiprocessing import Queue
     14 from threading import Thread, Timer
     15 import collections
     16 import glob
     17 import math
     18 import re
     19 import subprocess
     20 import sys
     21 import time
     23 __argparse = ArgumentParser(description="""
     25 Executes the skpbench binary with various configs and skps.
     27 Also monitors the output in order to filter out and re-run results that have an
     28 unacceptable stddev.
     30 """)
     32 __argparse.add_argument('skpbench',
     33   help="path to the skpbench binary")
     34 __argparse.add_argument('--adb',
     35   action='store_true', help="execute skpbench over adb")
     36 __argparse.add_argument('--adb_binary', default='adb',
     37   help="The name of the adb binary to use.")
     38 __argparse.add_argument('-s', '--device-serial',
     39   help="if using adb, ID of the specific device to target "
     40        "(only required if more than 1 device is attached)")
     41 __argparse.add_argument('-m', '--max-stddev',
     42   type=float, default=4,
     43   help="initial max allowable relative standard deviation")
     44 __argparse.add_argument('-x', '--suffix',
     45   help="suffix to append on config (e.g. '_before', '_after')")
     46 __argparse.add_argument('-w','--write-path',
     47   help="directory to save .png proofs to disk.")
     48 __argparse.add_argument('-v','--verbosity',
     49   type=int, default=1, help="level of verbosity (0=none to 5=debug)")
     50 __argparse.add_argument('-d', '--duration',
     51   type=int, help="number of milliseconds to run each benchmark")
     52 __argparse.add_argument('-l', '--sample-ms',
     53   type=int, help="duration of a sample (minimum)")
     54 __argparse.add_argument('--gpu',
     55   action='store_true',
     56   help="perform timing on the gpu clock instead of cpu (gpu work only)")
     57 __argparse.add_argument('--fps',
     58   action='store_true', help="use fps instead of ms")
     59 __argparse.add_argument('--pr',
     60   help="comma- or space-separated list of GPU path renderers, including: "
     61        "[[~]all [~]default [~]dashline [~]nvpr [~]msaa [~]aaconvex "
     62        "[~]aalinearizing [~]small [~]tess]")
     63 __argparse.add_argument('--nocache',
     64   action='store_true', help="disable caching of path mask textures")
     65 __argparse.add_argument('-c', '--config',
     66   default='gl', help="comma- or space-separated list of GPU configs")
     67 __argparse.add_argument('-a', '--resultsfile',
     68   help="optional file to append results into")
     69 __argparse.add_argument('skps',
     70   nargs='+',
     71   help=".skp files or directories to expand for .skp files")
     73 FLAGS = __argparse.parse_args()
     74 if FLAGS.adb:
     75   import _adb_path as _path
     76   _path.init(FLAGS.device_serial, FLAGS.adb_binary)
     77 else:
     78   import _os_path as _path
     80 def dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline):
     81   if FLAGS.verbosity >= 5:
     82     quoted = ['\'%s\'' % re.sub(r'([\\\'])', r'\\\1', x) for x in commandline]
     83     print(' '.join(quoted), file=sys.stderr)
     86 class StddevException(Exception):
     87   pass
     89 class Message:
     90   READLINE = 0,
     91   POLL_HARDWARE = 1,
     92   EXIT = 2
     93   def __init__(self, message, value=None):
     94     self.message = message
     95     self.value = value
     97 class SubprocessMonitor(Thread):
     98   def __init__(self, queue, proc):
     99     self._queue = queue
    100     self._proc = proc
    101     Thread.__init__(self)
    103   def run(self):
    104     """Runs on the background thread."""
    105     for line in iter(self._proc.stdout.readline, b''):
    106       self._queue.put(Message(Message.READLINE, line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()))
    107     self._queue.put(Message(Message.EXIT))
    109 class SKPBench:
    110   ARGV = [FLAGS.skpbench, '--verbosity', str(FLAGS.verbosity)]
    111   if FLAGS.duration:
    112     ARGV.extend(['--duration', str(FLAGS.duration)])
    113   if FLAGS.sample_ms:
    114     ARGV.extend(['--sampleMs', str(FLAGS.sample_ms)])
    115   if FLAGS.gpu:
    116     ARGV.extend(['--gpuClock', 'true'])
    117   if FLAGS.fps:
    118     ARGV.extend(['--fps', 'true'])
    119   if FLAGS.pr:
    120     ARGV.extend(['--pr'] + re.split(r'[ ,]', FLAGS.pr))
    121   if FLAGS.nocache:
    122     ARGV.extend(['--cachePathMasks', 'false'])
    123   if FLAGS.adb:
    124     if FLAGS.device_serial is None:
    125       ARGV[:0] = [FLAGS.adb_binary, 'shell']
    126     else:
    127       ARGV[:0] = [FLAGS.adb_binary, '-s', FLAGS.device_serial, 'shell']
    129   @classmethod
    130   def get_header(cls, outfile=sys.stdout):
    131     commandline = cls.ARGV + ['--duration', '0']
    132     dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline)
    133     out = subprocess.check_output(commandline, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    134     return out.rstrip()
    136   @classmethod
    137   def run_warmup(cls, warmup_time, config):
    138     if not warmup_time:
    139       return
    140     print('running %i second warmup...' % warmup_time, file=sys.stderr)
    141     commandline = cls.ARGV + ['--duration', str(warmup_time * 1000),
    142                               '--config', config,
    143                               '--skp', 'warmup']
    144     dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline)
    145     output = subprocess.check_output(commandline, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    147     # validate the warmup run output.
    148     for line in output.decode('utf-8').split('\n'):
    149       match = BenchResult.match(line.rstrip())
    150       if match and match.bench == 'warmup':
    151         return
    152     raise Exception('Invalid warmup output:\n%s' % output)
    154   def __init__(self, skp, config, max_stddev, best_result=None):
    155     self.skp = skp
    156     self.config = config
    157     self.max_stddev = max_stddev
    158     self.best_result = best_result
    159     self._queue = Queue()
    160     self._proc = None
    161     self._monitor = None
    162     self._hw_poll_timer = None
    164   def __enter__(self):
    165     return self
    167   def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
    168     if self._proc:
    169       self.terminate()
    170     if self._hw_poll_timer:
    171       self._hw_poll_timer.cancel()
    173   def execute(self, hardware):
    174     hardware.sanity_check()
    175     self._schedule_hardware_poll()
    177     commandline = self.ARGV + ['--config', self.config,
    178                                '--skp', self.skp,
    179                                '--suppressHeader', 'true']
    180     if FLAGS.write_path:
    181       pngfile = _path.join(FLAGS.write_path, self.config,
    182                            _path.basename(self.skp) + '.png')
    183       commandline.extend(['--png', pngfile])
    184     dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline)
    185     self._proc = subprocess.Popen(commandline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    186                                   stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    187     self._monitor = SubprocessMonitor(self._queue, self._proc)
    188     self._monitor.start()
    190     while True:
    191       message = self._queue.get()
    192       if message.message == Message.READLINE:
    193         result = BenchResult.match(message.value)
    194         if result:
    195           hardware.sanity_check()
    196           self._process_result(result)
    197         elif hardware.filter_line(message.value):
    198           print(message.value, file=sys.stderr)
    199         continue
    200       if message.message == Message.POLL_HARDWARE:
    201         hardware.sanity_check()
    202         self._schedule_hardware_poll()
    203         continue
    204       if message.message == Message.EXIT:
    205         self._monitor.join()
    206         self._proc.wait()
    207         if self._proc.returncode != 0:
    208           raise Exception("skpbench exited with nonzero exit code %i" %
    209                           self._proc.returncode)
    210         self._proc = None
    211         break
    213   def _schedule_hardware_poll(self):
    214     if self._hw_poll_timer:
    215       self._hw_poll_timer.cancel()
    216     self._hw_poll_timer = \
    217       Timer(1, lambda: self._queue.put(Message(Message.POLL_HARDWARE)))
    218     self._hw_poll_timer.start()
    220   def _process_result(self, result):
    221     if not self.best_result or result.stddev <= self.best_result.stddev:
    222       self.best_result = result
    223     elif FLAGS.verbosity >= 2:
    224       print("reusing previous result for %s/%s with lower stddev "
    225             "(%s%% instead of %s%%)." %
    226             (result.config, result.bench, self.best_result.stddev,
    227              result.stddev), file=sys.stderr)
    228     if self.max_stddev and self.best_result.stddev > self.max_stddev:
    229       raise StddevException()
    231   def terminate(self):
    232     if self._proc:
    233       self._proc.terminate()
    234       self._monitor.join()
    235       self._proc.wait()
    236       self._proc = None
    238 def emit_result(line, resultsfile=None):
    239   print(line)
    240   sys.stdout.flush()
    241   if resultsfile:
    242     print(line, file=resultsfile)
    243     resultsfile.flush()
    245 def run_benchmarks(configs, skps, hardware, resultsfile=None):
    246   hasheader = False
    247   benches = collections.deque([(skp, config, FLAGS.max_stddev)
    248                                for skp in skps
    249                                for config in configs])
    250   while benches:
    251     try:
    252       with hardware:
    253         SKPBench.run_warmup(hardware.warmup_time, configs[0])
    254         if not hasheader:
    255           emit_result(SKPBench.get_header(), resultsfile)
    256           hasheader = True
    257         while benches:
    258           benchargs = benches.popleft()
    259           with SKPBench(*benchargs) as skpbench:
    260             try:
    261               skpbench.execute(hardware)
    262               if skpbench.best_result:
    263                 emit_result(skpbench.best_result.format(FLAGS.suffix),
    264                             resultsfile)
    265               else:
    266                 print("WARNING: no result for %s with config %s" %
    267                       (skpbench.skp, skpbench.config), file=sys.stderr)
    269             except StddevException:
    270               retry_max_stddev = skpbench.max_stddev * math.sqrt(2)
    271               if FLAGS.verbosity >= 1:
    272                 print("stddev is too high for %s/%s (%s%%, max=%.2f%%), "
    273                       "re-queuing with max=%.2f%%." %
    274                       (skpbench.best_result.config, skpbench.best_result.bench,
    275                        skpbench.best_result.stddev, skpbench.max_stddev,
    276                        retry_max_stddev),
    277                       file=sys.stderr)
    278               benches.append((skpbench.skp, skpbench.config, retry_max_stddev,
    279                               skpbench.best_result))
    281             except HardwareException as exception:
    282               skpbench.terminate()
    283               if FLAGS.verbosity >= 4:
    284                 hardware.print_debug_diagnostics()
    285               if FLAGS.verbosity >= 1:
    286                 print("%s; rebooting and taking a %i second nap..." %
    287                       (exception.message, exception.sleeptime), file=sys.stderr)
    288               benches.appendleft(benchargs) # retry the same bench next time.
    289               raise # wake hw up from benchmarking mode before the nap.
    291     except HardwareException as exception:
    292       time.sleep(exception.sleeptime)
    294 def main():
    295   # Delimiter is ',' or ' ', skip if nested inside parens (e.g. gpu(a=b,c=d)).
    296   DELIMITER = r'[, ](?!(?:[^(]*\([^)]*\))*[^()]*\))'
    297   configs = re.split(DELIMITER, FLAGS.config)
    298   skps = _path.find_skps(FLAGS.skps)
    300   if FLAGS.adb:
    301     adb = Adb(FLAGS.device_serial, FLAGS.adb_binary,
    302               echo=(FLAGS.verbosity >= 5))
    303     model = adb.check('getprop ro.product.model').strip()
    304     if model == 'Pixel C':
    305       from _hardware_pixel_c import HardwarePixelC
    306       hardware = HardwarePixelC(adb)
    307     elif model == 'Pixel':
    308       from _hardware_pixel import HardwarePixel
    309       hardware = HardwarePixel(adb)
    310     elif model == 'Nexus 6P':
    311       from _hardware_nexus_6p import HardwareNexus6P
    312       hardware = HardwareNexus6P(adb)
    313     else:
    314       from _hardware_android import HardwareAndroid
    315       print("WARNING: %s: don't know how to monitor this hardware; results "
    316             "may be unreliable." % model, file=sys.stderr)
    317       hardware = HardwareAndroid(adb)
    318   else:
    319     hardware = Hardware()
    321   if FLAGS.resultsfile:
    322     with open(FLAGS.resultsfile, mode='a+') as resultsfile:
    323       run_benchmarks(configs, skps, hardware, resultsfile=resultsfile)
    324   else:
    325     run_benchmarks(configs, skps, hardware)
    328 if __name__ == '__main__':
    329   main()