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      1 // Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 #include "ValidateLimitations.h"
     16 #include "InfoSink.h"
     17 #include "InitializeParseContext.h"
     18 #include "ParseHelper.h"
     20 namespace {
     21 bool IsLoopIndex(const TIntermSymbol* symbol, const TLoopStack& stack) {
     22 	for (TLoopStack::const_iterator i = stack.begin(); i != stack.end(); ++i) {
     23 		if (i->index.id == symbol->getId())
     24 			return true;
     25 	}
     26 	return false;
     27 }
     29 void MarkLoopForUnroll(const TIntermSymbol* symbol, TLoopStack& stack) {
     30 	for (TLoopStack::iterator i = stack.begin(); i != stack.end(); ++i) {
     31 		if (i->index.id == symbol->getId()) {
     32 			ASSERT(i->loop);
     33 			i->loop->setUnrollFlag(true);
     34 			return;
     35 		}
     36 	}
     37 	UNREACHABLE(0);
     38 }
     40 // Traverses a node to check if it represents a constant index expression.
     41 // Definition:
     42 // constant-index-expressions are a superset of constant-expressions.
     43 // Constant-index-expressions can include loop indices as defined in
     44 // GLSL ES 1.0 spec, Appendix A, section 4.
     45 // The following are constant-index-expressions:
     46 // - Constant expressions
     47 // - Loop indices as defined in section 4
     48 // - Expressions composed of both of the above
     49 class ValidateConstIndexExpr : public TIntermTraverser {
     50 public:
     51 	ValidateConstIndexExpr(const TLoopStack& stack)
     52 		: mValid(true), mLoopStack(stack) {}
     54 	// Returns true if the parsed node represents a constant index expression.
     55 	bool isValid() const { return mValid; }
     57 	virtual void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol* symbol) {
     58 		// Only constants and loop indices are allowed in a
     59 		// constant index expression.
     60 		if (mValid) {
     61 			mValid = (symbol->getQualifier() == EvqConstExpr) ||
     62 			         IsLoopIndex(symbol, mLoopStack);
     63 		}
     64 	}
     66 private:
     67 	bool mValid;
     68 	const TLoopStack& mLoopStack;
     69 };
     71 // Traverses a node to check if it uses a loop index.
     72 // If an int loop index is used in its body as a sampler array index,
     73 // mark the loop for unroll.
     74 class ValidateLoopIndexExpr : public TIntermTraverser {
     75 public:
     76 	ValidateLoopIndexExpr(TLoopStack& stack)
     77 		: mUsesFloatLoopIndex(false),
     78 		  mUsesIntLoopIndex(false),
     79 		  mLoopStack(stack) {}
     81 	bool usesFloatLoopIndex() const { return mUsesFloatLoopIndex; }
     82 	bool usesIntLoopIndex() const { return mUsesIntLoopIndex; }
     84 	virtual void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol* symbol) {
     85 		if (IsLoopIndex(symbol, mLoopStack)) {
     86 			switch (symbol->getBasicType()) {
     87 			case EbtFloat:
     88 				mUsesFloatLoopIndex = true;
     89 				break;
     90 			case EbtUInt:
     91 				mUsesIntLoopIndex = true;
     92 				MarkLoopForUnroll(symbol, mLoopStack);
     93 				break;
     94 			case EbtInt:
     95 				mUsesIntLoopIndex = true;
     96 				MarkLoopForUnroll(symbol, mLoopStack);
     97 				break;
     98 			default:
     99 				UNREACHABLE(symbol->getBasicType());
    100 			}
    101 		}
    102 	}
    104 private:
    105 	bool mUsesFloatLoopIndex;
    106 	bool mUsesIntLoopIndex;
    107 	TLoopStack& mLoopStack;
    108 };
    109 }  // namespace
    111 ValidateLimitations::ValidateLimitations(GLenum shaderType,
    112                                          TInfoSinkBase& sink)
    113 	: mShaderType(shaderType),
    114 	  mSink(sink),
    115 	  mNumErrors(0)
    116 {
    117 }
    119 bool ValidateLimitations::visitBinary(Visit, TIntermBinary* node)
    120 {
    121 	// Check if loop index is modified in the loop body.
    122 	validateOperation(node, node->getLeft());
    124 	// Check indexing.
    125 	switch (node->getOp()) {
    126 	case EOpIndexDirect:
    127 		validateIndexing(node);
    128 		break;
    129 	case EOpIndexIndirect:
    130 		validateIndexing(node);
    131 		break;
    132 	default: break;
    133 	}
    134 	return true;
    135 }
    137 bool ValidateLimitations::visitUnary(Visit, TIntermUnary* node)
    138 {
    139 	// Check if loop index is modified in the loop body.
    140 	validateOperation(node, node->getOperand());
    142 	return true;
    143 }
    145 bool ValidateLimitations::visitAggregate(Visit, TIntermAggregate* node)
    146 {
    147 	switch (node->getOp()) {
    148 	case EOpFunctionCall:
    149 		validateFunctionCall(node);
    150 		break;
    151 	default:
    152 		break;
    153 	}
    154 	return true;
    155 }
    157 bool ValidateLimitations::visitLoop(Visit, TIntermLoop* node)
    158 {
    159 	if (!validateLoopType(node))
    160 		return false;
    162 	TLoopInfo info;
    163 	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(TLoopInfo));
    164 	info.loop = node;
    165 	if (!validateForLoopHeader(node, &info))
    166 		return false;
    168 	TIntermNode* body = node->getBody();
    169 	if (body) {
    170 		mLoopStack.push_back(info);
    171 		body->traverse(this);
    172 		mLoopStack.pop_back();
    173 	}
    175 	// The loop is fully processed - no need to visit children.
    176 	return false;
    177 }
    179 void ValidateLimitations::error(TSourceLoc loc,
    180                                 const char *reason, const char* token)
    181 {
    182 	mSink.prefix(EPrefixError);
    183 	mSink.location(loc);
    184 	mSink << "'" << token << "' : " << reason << "\n";
    185 	++mNumErrors;
    186 }
    188 bool ValidateLimitations::withinLoopBody() const
    189 {
    190 	return !mLoopStack.empty();
    191 }
    193 bool ValidateLimitations::isLoopIndex(const TIntermSymbol* symbol) const
    194 {
    195 	return IsLoopIndex(symbol, mLoopStack);
    196 }
    198 bool ValidateLimitations::validateLoopType(TIntermLoop* node) {
    199 	TLoopType type = node->getType();
    200 	if (type == ELoopFor)
    201 		return true;
    203 	// Reject while and do-while loops.
    204 	error(node->getLine(),
    205 		  "This type of loop is not allowed",
    206 		  type == ELoopWhile ? "while" : "do");
    207 	return false;
    208 }
    210 bool ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopHeader(TIntermLoop* node,
    211                                                 TLoopInfo* info)
    212 {
    213 	ASSERT(node->getType() == ELoopFor);
    215 	//
    216 	// The for statement has the form:
    217 	//    for ( init-declaration ; condition ; expression ) statement
    218 	//
    219 	if (!validateForLoopInit(node, info))
    220 		return false;
    221 	if (!validateForLoopCond(node, info))
    222 		return false;
    223 	if (!validateForLoopExpr(node, info))
    224 		return false;
    226 	return true;
    227 }
    229 bool ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopInit(TIntermLoop* node,
    230                                               TLoopInfo* info)
    231 {
    232 	TIntermNode* init = node->getInit();
    233 	if (!init) {
    234 		error(node->getLine(), "Missing init declaration", "for");
    235 		return false;
    236 	}
    238 	//
    239 	// init-declaration has the form:
    240 	//     type-specifier identifier = constant-expression
    241 	//
    242 	TIntermAggregate* decl = init->getAsAggregate();
    243 	if (!decl || (decl->getOp() != EOpDeclaration)) {
    244 		error(init->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
    245 		return false;
    246 	}
    247 	// To keep things simple do not allow declaration list.
    248 	TIntermSequence& declSeq = decl->getSequence();
    249 	if (declSeq.size() != 1) {
    250 		error(decl->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
    251 		return false;
    252 	}
    253 	TIntermBinary* declInit = declSeq[0]->getAsBinaryNode();
    254 	if (!declInit || (declInit->getOp() != EOpInitialize)) {
    255 		error(decl->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
    256 		return false;
    257 	}
    258 	TIntermSymbol* symbol = declInit->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode();
    259 	if (!symbol) {
    260 		error(declInit->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
    261 		return false;
    262 	}
    263 	// The loop index has type int or float.
    264 	TBasicType type = symbol->getBasicType();
    265 	if (!IsInteger(type) && (type != EbtFloat)) {
    266 		error(symbol->getLine(),
    267 			  "Invalid type for loop index", getBasicString(type));
    268 		return false;
    269 	}
    270 	// The loop index is initialized with constant expression.
    271 	if (!isConstExpr(declInit->getRight())) {
    272 		error(declInit->getLine(),
    273 			  "Loop index cannot be initialized with non-constant expression",
    274 			  symbol->getSymbol().c_str());
    275 		return false;
    276 	}
    278 	info->index.id = symbol->getId();
    279 	return true;
    280 }
    282 bool ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopCond(TIntermLoop* node,
    283                                               TLoopInfo* info)
    284 {
    285 	TIntermNode* cond = node->getCondition();
    286 	if (!cond) {
    287 		error(node->getLine(), "Missing condition", "for");
    288 		return false;
    289 	}
    290 	//
    291 	// condition has the form:
    292 	//     loop_index relational_operator constant_expression
    293 	//
    294 	TIntermBinary* binOp = cond->getAsBinaryNode();
    295 	if (!binOp) {
    296 		error(node->getLine(), "Invalid condition", "for");
    297 		return false;
    298 	}
    299 	// Loop index should be to the left of relational operator.
    300 	TIntermSymbol* symbol = binOp->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode();
    301 	if (!symbol) {
    302 		error(binOp->getLine(), "Invalid condition", "for");
    303 		return false;
    304 	}
    305 	if (symbol->getId() != info->index.id) {
    306 		error(symbol->getLine(),
    307 			  "Expected loop index", symbol->getSymbol().c_str());
    308 		return false;
    309 	}
    310 	// Relational operator is one of: > >= < <= == or !=.
    311 	switch (binOp->getOp()) {
    312 	case EOpEqual:
    313 	case EOpNotEqual:
    314 	case EOpLessThan:
    315 	case EOpGreaterThan:
    316 	case EOpLessThanEqual:
    317 	case EOpGreaterThanEqual:
    318 		break;
    319 	default:
    320 		error(binOp->getLine(),
    321 			  "Invalid relational operator",
    322 			  getOperatorString(binOp->getOp()));
    323 		break;
    324 	}
    325 	// Loop index must be compared with a constant.
    326 	if (!isConstExpr(binOp->getRight())) {
    327 		error(binOp->getLine(),
    328 			  "Loop index cannot be compared with non-constant expression",
    329 			  symbol->getSymbol().c_str());
    330 		return false;
    331 	}
    333 	return true;
    334 }
    336 bool ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopExpr(TIntermLoop* node,
    337                                               TLoopInfo* info)
    338 {
    339 	TIntermNode* expr = node->getExpression();
    340 	if (!expr) {
    341 		error(node->getLine(), "Missing expression", "for");
    342 		return false;
    343 	}
    345 	// for expression has one of the following forms:
    346 	//     loop_index++
    347 	//     loop_index--
    348 	//     loop_index += constant_expression
    349 	//     loop_index -= constant_expression
    350 	//     ++loop_index
    351 	//     --loop_index
    352 	// The last two forms are not specified in the spec, but I am assuming
    353 	// its an oversight.
    354 	TIntermUnary* unOp = expr->getAsUnaryNode();
    355 	TIntermBinary* binOp = unOp ? nullptr : expr->getAsBinaryNode();
    357 	TOperator op = EOpNull;
    358 	TIntermSymbol* symbol = nullptr;
    359 	if (unOp) {
    360 		op = unOp->getOp();
    361 		symbol = unOp->getOperand()->getAsSymbolNode();
    362 	} else if (binOp) {
    363 		op = binOp->getOp();
    364 		symbol = binOp->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode();
    365 	}
    367 	// The operand must be loop index.
    368 	if (!symbol) {
    369 		error(expr->getLine(), "Invalid expression", "for");
    370 		return false;
    371 	}
    372 	if (symbol->getId() != info->index.id) {
    373 		error(symbol->getLine(),
    374 			  "Expected loop index", symbol->getSymbol().c_str());
    375 		return false;
    376 	}
    378 	// The operator is one of: ++ -- += -=.
    379 	switch (op) {
    380 		case EOpPostIncrement:
    381 		case EOpPostDecrement:
    382 		case EOpPreIncrement:
    383 		case EOpPreDecrement:
    384 			ASSERT((unOp != NULL) && (binOp == NULL));
    385 			break;
    386 		case EOpAddAssign:
    387 		case EOpSubAssign:
    388 			ASSERT((unOp == NULL) && (binOp != NULL));
    389 			break;
    390 		default:
    391 			error(expr->getLine(), "Invalid operator", getOperatorString(op));
    392 			return false;
    393 	}
    395 	// Loop index must be incremented/decremented with a constant.
    396 	if (binOp != NULL) {
    397 		if (!isConstExpr(binOp->getRight())) {
    398 			error(binOp->getLine(),
    399 				  "Loop index cannot be modified by non-constant expression",
    400 				  symbol->getSymbol().c_str());
    401 			return false;
    402 		}
    403 	}
    405 	return true;
    406 }
    408 bool ValidateLimitations::validateFunctionCall(TIntermAggregate* node)
    409 {
    410 	ASSERT(node->getOp() == EOpFunctionCall);
    412 	// If not within loop body, there is nothing to check.
    413 	if (!withinLoopBody())
    414 		return true;
    416 	// List of param indices for which loop indices are used as argument.
    417 	typedef std::vector<int> ParamIndex;
    418 	ParamIndex pIndex;
    419 	TIntermSequence& params = node->getSequence();
    420 	for (TIntermSequence::size_type i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
    421 		TIntermSymbol* symbol = params[i]->getAsSymbolNode();
    422 		if (symbol && isLoopIndex(symbol))
    423 			pIndex.push_back(i);
    424 	}
    425 	// If none of the loop indices are used as arguments,
    426 	// there is nothing to check.
    427 	if (pIndex.empty())
    428 		return true;
    430 	bool valid = true;
    431 	TSymbolTable& symbolTable = GetGlobalParseContext()->symbolTable;
    432 	TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(node->getName(), GetGlobalParseContext()->getShaderVersion());
    433 	ASSERT(symbol && symbol->isFunction());
    434 	TFunction* function = static_cast<TFunction*>(symbol);
    435 	for (ParamIndex::const_iterator i = pIndex.begin();
    436 		 i != pIndex.end(); ++i) {
    437 		const TParameter& param = function->getParam(*i);
    438 		TQualifier qual = param.type->getQualifier();
    439 		if ((qual == EvqOut) || (qual == EvqInOut)) {
    440 			error(params[*i]->getLine(),
    441 				  "Loop index cannot be used as argument to a function out or inout parameter",
    442 				  params[*i]->getAsSymbolNode()->getSymbol().c_str());
    443 			valid = false;
    444 		}
    445 	}
    447 	return valid;
    448 }
    450 bool ValidateLimitations::validateOperation(TIntermOperator* node,
    451                                             TIntermNode* operand) {
    452 	// Check if loop index is modified in the loop body.
    453 	if (!withinLoopBody() || !node->modifiesState())
    454 		return true;
    456 	const TIntermSymbol* symbol = operand->getAsSymbolNode();
    457 	if (symbol && isLoopIndex(symbol)) {
    458 		error(node->getLine(),
    459 			  "Loop index cannot be statically assigned to within the body of the loop",
    460 			  symbol->getSymbol().c_str());
    461 	}
    462 	return true;
    463 }
    465 bool ValidateLimitations::isConstExpr(TIntermNode* node)
    466 {
    467 	ASSERT(node);
    468 	return node->getAsConstantUnion() != nullptr;
    469 }
    471 bool ValidateLimitations::isConstIndexExpr(TIntermNode* node)
    472 {
    473 	ASSERT(node);
    475 	ValidateConstIndexExpr validate(mLoopStack);
    476 	node->traverse(&validate);
    477 	return validate.isValid();
    478 }
    480 bool ValidateLimitations::validateIndexing(TIntermBinary* node)
    481 {
    482 	ASSERT((node->getOp() == EOpIndexDirect) ||
    483 	       (node->getOp() == EOpIndexIndirect));
    485 	bool valid = true;
    486 	TIntermTyped* index = node->getRight();
    487 	// The index expression must have integral type.
    488 	if (!index->isScalarInt()) {
    489 		error(index->getLine(),
    490 		      "Index expression must have integral type",
    491 		      index->getCompleteString().c_str());
    492 		valid = false;
    493 	}
    494 	// The index expession must be a constant-index-expression unless
    495 	// the operand is a uniform in a vertex shader.
    496 	TIntermTyped* operand = node->getLeft();
    497 	bool skip = (mShaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) &&
    498 	            (operand->getQualifier() == EvqUniform);
    499 	if (!skip && !isConstIndexExpr(index)) {
    500 		error(index->getLine(), "Index expression must be constant", "[]");
    501 		valid = false;
    502 	}
    503 	return valid;
    504 }