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      1 //===- AliasAnalysisEvaluator.cpp - Alias Analysis Accuracy Evaluator -----===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file implements a simple N^2 alias analysis accuracy evaluator.
     11 // Basically, for each function in the program, it simply queries to see how the
     12 // alias analysis implementation answers alias queries between each pair of
     13 // pointers in the function.
     14 //
     15 // This is inspired and adapted from code by: Naveen Neelakantam, Francesco
     16 // Spadini, and Wojciech Stryjewski.
     17 //
     18 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     20 #include "llvm/Constants.h"
     21 #include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Function.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Instructions.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
     25 #include "llvm/Analysis/Passes.h"
     26 #include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
     27 #include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
     28 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
     29 #include "llvm/Support/InstIterator.h"
     30 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
     31 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     32 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
     33 using namespace llvm;
     35 static cl::opt<bool> PrintAll("print-all-alias-modref-info", cl::ReallyHidden);
     37 static cl::opt<bool> PrintNoAlias("print-no-aliases", cl::ReallyHidden);
     38 static cl::opt<bool> PrintMayAlias("print-may-aliases", cl::ReallyHidden);
     39 static cl::opt<bool> PrintPartialAlias("print-partial-aliases", cl::ReallyHidden);
     40 static cl::opt<bool> PrintMustAlias("print-must-aliases", cl::ReallyHidden);
     42 static cl::opt<bool> PrintNoModRef("print-no-modref", cl::ReallyHidden);
     43 static cl::opt<bool> PrintMod("print-mod", cl::ReallyHidden);
     44 static cl::opt<bool> PrintRef("print-ref", cl::ReallyHidden);
     45 static cl::opt<bool> PrintModRef("print-modref", cl::ReallyHidden);
     47 namespace {
     48   class AAEval : public FunctionPass {
     49     unsigned NoAlias, MayAlias, PartialAlias, MustAlias;
     50     unsigned NoModRef, Mod, Ref, ModRef;
     52   public:
     53     static char ID; // Pass identification, replacement for typeid
     54     AAEval() : FunctionPass(ID) {
     55       initializeAAEvalPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
     56     }
     58     virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
     59       AU.addRequired<AliasAnalysis>();
     60       AU.setPreservesAll();
     61     }
     63     bool doInitialization(Module &M) {
     64       NoAlias = MayAlias = PartialAlias = MustAlias = 0;
     65       NoModRef = Mod = Ref = ModRef = 0;
     67       if (PrintAll) {
     68         PrintNoAlias = PrintMayAlias = true;
     69         PrintPartialAlias = PrintMustAlias = true;
     70         PrintNoModRef = PrintMod = PrintRef = PrintModRef = true;
     71       }
     72       return false;
     73     }
     75     bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
     76     bool doFinalization(Module &M);
     77   };
     78 }
     80 char AAEval::ID = 0;
     81 INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(AAEval, "aa-eval",
     82                 "Exhaustive Alias Analysis Precision Evaluator", false, true)
     84 INITIALIZE_PASS_END(AAEval, "aa-eval",
     85                 "Exhaustive Alias Analysis Precision Evaluator", false, true)
     87 FunctionPass *llvm::createAAEvalPass() { return new AAEval(); }
     89 static void PrintResults(const char *Msg, bool P, const Value *V1,
     90                          const Value *V2, const Module *M) {
     91   if (P) {
     92     std::string o1, o2;
     93     {
     94       raw_string_ostream os1(o1), os2(o2);
     95       WriteAsOperand(os1, V1, true, M);
     96       WriteAsOperand(os2, V2, true, M);
     97     }
     99     if (o2 < o1)
    100       std::swap(o1, o2);
    101     errs() << "  " << Msg << ":\t"
    102            << o1 << ", "
    103            << o2 << "\n";
    104   }
    105 }
    107 static inline void
    108 PrintModRefResults(const char *Msg, bool P, Instruction *I, Value *Ptr,
    109                    Module *M) {
    110   if (P) {
    111     errs() << "  " << Msg << ":  Ptr: ";
    112     WriteAsOperand(errs(), Ptr, true, M);
    113     errs() << "\t<->" << *I << '\n';
    114   }
    115 }
    117 static inline void
    118 PrintModRefResults(const char *Msg, bool P, CallSite CSA, CallSite CSB,
    119                    Module *M) {
    120   if (P) {
    121     errs() << "  " << Msg << ": " << *CSA.getInstruction()
    122            << " <-> " << *CSB.getInstruction() << '\n';
    123   }
    124 }
    126 static inline bool isInterestingPointer(Value *V) {
    127   return V->getType()->isPointerTy()
    128       && !isa<ConstantPointerNull>(V);
    129 }
    131 bool AAEval::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
    132   AliasAnalysis &AA = getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>();
    134   SetVector<Value *> Pointers;
    135   SetVector<CallSite> CallSites;
    137   for (Function::arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
    138     if (I->getType()->isPointerTy())    // Add all pointer arguments.
    139       Pointers.insert(I);
    141   for (inst_iterator I = inst_begin(F), E = inst_end(F); I != E; ++I) {
    142     if (I->getType()->isPointerTy()) // Add all pointer instructions.
    143       Pointers.insert(&*I);
    144     Instruction &Inst = *I;
    145     if (CallSite CS = cast<Value>(&Inst)) {
    146       Value *Callee = CS.getCalledValue();
    147       // Skip actual functions for direct function calls.
    148       if (!isa<Function>(Callee) && isInterestingPointer(Callee))
    149         Pointers.insert(Callee);
    150       // Consider formals.
    151       for (CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin(), AE = CS.arg_end();
    152            AI != AE; ++AI)
    153         if (isInterestingPointer(*AI))
    154           Pointers.insert(*AI);
    155       CallSites.insert(CS);
    156     } else {
    157       // Consider all operands.
    158       for (Instruction::op_iterator OI = Inst.op_begin(), OE = Inst.op_end();
    159            OI != OE; ++OI)
    160         if (isInterestingPointer(*OI))
    161           Pointers.insert(*OI);
    162     }
    163   }
    165   if (PrintNoAlias || PrintMayAlias || PrintPartialAlias || PrintMustAlias ||
    166       PrintNoModRef || PrintMod || PrintRef || PrintModRef)
    167     errs() << "Function: " << F.getName() << ": " << Pointers.size()
    168            << " pointers, " << CallSites.size() << " call sites\n";
    170   // iterate over the worklist, and run the full (n^2)/2 disambiguations
    171   for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I1 = Pointers.begin(), E = Pointers.end();
    172        I1 != E; ++I1) {
    173     uint64_t I1Size = AliasAnalysis::UnknownSize;
    174     Type *I1ElTy = cast<PointerType>((*I1)->getType())->getElementType();
    175     if (I1ElTy->isSized()) I1Size = AA.getTypeStoreSize(I1ElTy);
    177     for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I2 = Pointers.begin(); I2 != I1; ++I2) {
    178       uint64_t I2Size = AliasAnalysis::UnknownSize;
    179       Type *I2ElTy =cast<PointerType>((*I2)->getType())->getElementType();
    180       if (I2ElTy->isSized()) I2Size = AA.getTypeStoreSize(I2ElTy);
    182       switch (AA.alias(*I1, I1Size, *I2, I2Size)) {
    183       case AliasAnalysis::NoAlias:
    184         PrintResults("NoAlias", PrintNoAlias, *I1, *I2, F.getParent());
    185         ++NoAlias; break;
    186       case AliasAnalysis::MayAlias:
    187         PrintResults("MayAlias", PrintMayAlias, *I1, *I2, F.getParent());
    188         ++MayAlias; break;
    189       case AliasAnalysis::PartialAlias:
    190         PrintResults("PartialAlias", PrintPartialAlias, *I1, *I2,
    191                      F.getParent());
    192         ++PartialAlias; break;
    193       case AliasAnalysis::MustAlias:
    194         PrintResults("MustAlias", PrintMustAlias, *I1, *I2, F.getParent());
    195         ++MustAlias; break;
    196       default:
    197         errs() << "Unknown alias query result!\n";
    198       }
    199     }
    200   }
    202   // Mod/ref alias analysis: compare all pairs of calls and values
    203   for (SetVector<CallSite>::iterator C = CallSites.begin(),
    204          Ce = CallSites.end(); C != Ce; ++C) {
    205     Instruction *I = C->getInstruction();
    207     for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator V = Pointers.begin(), Ve = Pointers.end();
    208          V != Ve; ++V) {
    209       uint64_t Size = AliasAnalysis::UnknownSize;
    210       Type *ElTy = cast<PointerType>((*V)->getType())->getElementType();
    211       if (ElTy->isSized()) Size = AA.getTypeStoreSize(ElTy);
    213       switch (AA.getModRefInfo(*C, *V, Size)) {
    214       case AliasAnalysis::NoModRef:
    215         PrintModRefResults("NoModRef", PrintNoModRef, I, *V, F.getParent());
    216         ++NoModRef; break;
    217       case AliasAnalysis::Mod:
    218         PrintModRefResults("Just Mod", PrintMod, I, *V, F.getParent());
    219         ++Mod; break;
    220       case AliasAnalysis::Ref:
    221         PrintModRefResults("Just Ref", PrintRef, I, *V, F.getParent());
    222         ++Ref; break;
    223       case AliasAnalysis::ModRef:
    224         PrintModRefResults("Both ModRef", PrintModRef, I, *V, F.getParent());
    225         ++ModRef; break;
    226       default:
    227         errs() << "Unknown alias query result!\n";
    228       }
    229     }
    230   }
    232   // Mod/ref alias analysis: compare all pairs of calls
    233   for (SetVector<CallSite>::iterator C = CallSites.begin(),
    234          Ce = CallSites.end(); C != Ce; ++C) {
    235     for (SetVector<CallSite>::iterator D = CallSites.begin(); D != Ce; ++D) {
    236       if (D == C)
    237         continue;
    238       switch (AA.getModRefInfo(*C, *D)) {
    239       case AliasAnalysis::NoModRef:
    240         PrintModRefResults("NoModRef", PrintNoModRef, *C, *D, F.getParent());
    241         ++NoModRef; break;
    242       case AliasAnalysis::Mod:
    243         PrintModRefResults("Just Mod", PrintMod, *C, *D, F.getParent());
    244         ++Mod; break;
    245       case AliasAnalysis::Ref:
    246         PrintModRefResults("Just Ref", PrintRef, *C, *D, F.getParent());
    247         ++Ref; break;
    248       case AliasAnalysis::ModRef:
    249         PrintModRefResults("Both ModRef", PrintModRef, *C, *D, F.getParent());
    250         ++ModRef; break;
    251       }
    252     }
    253   }
    255   return false;
    256 }
    258 static void PrintPercent(unsigned Num, unsigned Sum) {
    259   errs() << "(" << Num*100ULL/Sum << "."
    260          << ((Num*1000ULL/Sum) % 10) << "%)\n";
    261 }
    263 bool AAEval::doFinalization(Module &M) {
    264   unsigned AliasSum = NoAlias + MayAlias + PartialAlias + MustAlias;
    265   errs() << "===== Alias Analysis Evaluator Report =====\n";
    266   if (AliasSum == 0) {
    267     errs() << "  Alias Analysis Evaluator Summary: No pointers!\n";
    268   } else {
    269     errs() << "  " << AliasSum << " Total Alias Queries Performed\n";
    270     errs() << "  " << NoAlias << " no alias responses ";
    271     PrintPercent(NoAlias, AliasSum);
    272     errs() << "  " << MayAlias << " may alias responses ";
    273     PrintPercent(MayAlias, AliasSum);
    274     errs() << "  " << PartialAlias << " partial alias responses ";
    275     PrintPercent(PartialAlias, AliasSum);
    276     errs() << "  " << MustAlias << " must alias responses ";
    277     PrintPercent(MustAlias, AliasSum);
    278     errs() << "  Alias Analysis Evaluator Pointer Alias Summary: "
    279            << NoAlias*100/AliasSum  << "%/" << MayAlias*100/AliasSum << "%/"
    280            << PartialAlias*100/AliasSum << "%/"
    281            << MustAlias*100/AliasSum << "%\n";
    282   }
    284   // Display the summary for mod/ref analysis
    285   unsigned ModRefSum = NoModRef + Mod + Ref + ModRef;
    286   if (ModRefSum == 0) {
    287     errs() << "  Alias Analysis Mod/Ref Evaluator Summary: no mod/ref!\n";
    288   } else {
    289     errs() << "  " << ModRefSum << " Total ModRef Queries Performed\n";
    290     errs() << "  " << NoModRef << " no mod/ref responses ";
    291     PrintPercent(NoModRef, ModRefSum);
    292     errs() << "  " << Mod << " mod responses ";
    293     PrintPercent(Mod, ModRefSum);
    294     errs() << "  " << Ref << " ref responses ";
    295     PrintPercent(Ref, ModRefSum);
    296     errs() << "  " << ModRef << " mod & ref responses ";
    297     PrintPercent(ModRef, ModRefSum);
    298     errs() << "  Alias Analysis Evaluator Mod/Ref Summary: "
    299            << NoModRef*100/ModRefSum  << "%/" << Mod*100/ModRefSum << "%/"
    300            << Ref*100/ModRefSum << "%/" << ModRef*100/ModRefSum << "%\n";
    301   }
    303   return false;
    304 }