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      1 ;; Maintainer:  The LLVM team, http://llvm.org/
      2 ;; Description: Major mode for the LLVM assembler language.
      3 ;; Updated:     2007-09-19
      5 ;; Create mode-specific tables.
      6 (defvar llvm-mode-syntax-table nil
      7   "Syntax table used while in LLVM mode.")
      9 (defvar llvm-font-lock-keywords
     10   (list
     11    ;; Comments
     12    '(";.*" . font-lock-comment-face)
     13    ;; Variables
     14    '("%[-a-zA-Z$\._][-a-zA-Z$\._0-9]*" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
     15    ;; Labels
     16    '("[-a-zA-Z$\._0-9]+:" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
     17    ;; Strings
     18    '("\"[^\"]+\"" . font-lock-string-face)
     19    ;; Unnamed variable slots
     20    '("%[-]?[0-9]+" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
     21    ;; Types
     22    `(,(regexp-opt '("void" "i[0-9]+" "float" "double" "type" "label" "opaque") 'words) . font-lock-type-face)
     23    ;; Integer literals
     24    '("\\b[-]?[0-9]+\\b" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
     25    ;; Floating point constants
     26    '("\\b[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]*\([eE][-+]?[0-9]+\)?\\b" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
     27    ;; Hex constants
     28    '("\\b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\b" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
     29    ;; Keywords
     30    `(,(regexp-opt '("begin" "end" "true" "false" "zeroinitializer" "declare"
     31                     "define" "global" "constant" "const" "internal" "linkonce" "linkonce_odr"
     32                     "weak" "weak_odr" "appending" "uninitialized" "implementation" "..."
     33                     "null" "undef" "to" "except" "not" "target" "endian" "little" "big"
     34                     "pointersize" "deplibs" "volatile" "fastcc" "coldcc" "cc") 'words) . font-lock-keyword-face)
     35    ;; Arithmetic and Logical Operators
     36    `(,(regexp-opt '("add" "sub" "mul" "div" "rem" "and" "or" "xor"
     37                     "setne" "seteq" "setlt" "setgt" "setle" "setge") 'words) . font-lock-keyword-face)
     38    ;; Special instructions
     39    `(,(regexp-opt '("phi" "tail" "call" "cast" "select" "to" "shl" "shr" "vaarg" "vanext") 'words) . font-lock-keyword-face)
     40    ;; Control instructions
     41    `(,(regexp-opt '("ret" "br" "switch" "invoke" "unwind" "unreachable") 'words) . font-lock-keyword-face)
     42    ;; Memory operators
     43    `(,(regexp-opt '("malloc" "alloca" "free" "load" "store" "getelementptr") 'words) . font-lock-keyword-face)
     44    )
     45   "Syntax highlighting for LLVM"
     46   )
     48 ;; ---------------------- Syntax table ---------------------------
     49 ;; Shamelessly ripped from jasmin.el
     50 ;; URL: http://www.neilvandyke.org/jasmin-emacs/jasmin.el.html
     52 (if (not llvm-mode-syntax-table)
     53     (progn
     54       (setq llvm-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
     55       (mapcar (function (lambda (n)
     56                           (modify-syntax-entry (aref n 0)
     57                                                (aref n 1)
     58                                                llvm-mode-syntax-table)))
     59               '(
     60                 ;; whitespace (` ')
     61                 [?\^m " "]
     62                 [?\f  " "]
     63                 [?\n  " "]
     64                 [?\t  " "]
     65                 [?\   " "]
     66                 ;; word constituents (`w')
     67                 ;;[?<  "w"]
     68                 ;;[?>  "w"]
     69                 [?\%  "w"]
     70                 ;;[?_  "w  "]
     71                 ;; comments
     72                 [?\;  "< "]
     73                 [?\n  "> "]
     74                 ;;[?\r  "> "]
     75                 ;;[?\^m "> "]
     76                 ;; symbol constituents (`_')
     77                 ;; punctuation (`.')
     78                 ;; open paren (`(')
     79                 [?\( "("]
     80                 [?\[ "("]
     81                 [?\{ "("]
     82                 ;; close paren (`)')
     83                 [?\) ")"]
     84                 [?\] ")"]
     85                 [?\} ")"]
     86                 ;; string quote ('"')
     87                 [?\" "\""]
     88                 ))))
     90 ;; --------------------- Abbrev table -----------------------------
     92 (defvar llvm-mode-abbrev-table nil
     93   "Abbrev table used while in LLVM mode.")
     94 (define-abbrev-table 'llvm-mode-abbrev-table ())
     96 (defvar llvm-mode-hook nil)
     97 (defvar llvm-mode-map nil)   ; Create a mode-specific keymap.
     99 (if (not llvm-mode-map)
    100     ()  ; Do not change the keymap if it is already set up.
    101   (setq llvm-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
    102   (define-key llvm-mode-map "\t" 'tab-to-tab-stop)
    103   (define-key llvm-mode-map "\es" 'center-line)
    104   (define-key llvm-mode-map "\eS" 'center-paragraph))
    107 (defun llvm-mode ()
    108   "Major mode for editing LLVM source files.
    109   \\{llvm-mode-map}
    110   Runs llvm-mode-hook on startup."
    111   (interactive)
    112   (kill-all-local-variables)
    113   (use-local-map llvm-mode-map)         ; Provides the local keymap.
    114   (setq major-mode 'llvm-mode)
    116   (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
    117   (setq major-mode 'llvm-mode           ; This is how describe-mode
    118                                         ;   finds the doc string to print.
    119   mode-name "LLVM"                      ; This name goes into the modeline.
    120   font-lock-defaults `(llvm-font-lock-keywords))
    122   (setq local-abbrev-table llvm-mode-abbrev-table)
    123   (set-syntax-table llvm-mode-syntax-table)
    124   (setq comment-start ";")
    125   (run-hooks 'llvm-mode-hook))          ; Finally, this permits the user to
    126                                         ;   customize the mode with a hook.
    128 ;; Associate .ll files with llvm-mode
    129 (setq auto-mode-alist
    130    (append '(("\\.ll$" . llvm-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
    132 (provide 'llvm-mode)
    133 ;; end of llvm-mode.el