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      1 /******************************************************************************
      3  @File         PVRTStringHash.cpp
      5  @Title        String Hash
      7  @Version
      9  @Copyright    Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
     11  @Platform     All
     13  @Description  Inherits from PVRTString to include PVRTHash functionality for
     14                quick string compares.
     16 ******************************************************************************/
     17 #include "PVRTGlobal.h"
     18 #include "PVRTStringHash.h"
     20 /*!***********************************************************************
     21 @Function			CPVRTString
     22 @Input				_Ptr	A string
     23 @Input				_Count	Length of _Ptr
     24 @Description		Constructor
     25 ************************************************************************/
     26 CPVRTStringHash::CPVRTStringHash(const char* _Ptr, size_t _Count) :
     27 	m_String(_Ptr, _Count)
     28 {
     29 	m_Hash = CPVRTHash::MakeHash(m_String);
     30 }
     32 /*!***********************************************************************
     33 @Function			CPVRTString
     34 @Input				_Right	A string
     35 @Description		Constructor
     36 ************************************************************************/
     37 CPVRTStringHash::CPVRTStringHash(const CPVRTString& _Right) :
     38 	m_String(_Right)
     39 {
     40 	m_Hash = CPVRTHash::MakeHash(m_String);
     41 }
     43 /*!***********************************************************************
     44 @Function			CPVRTString
     45 @Description		Constructor
     46 ************************************************************************/
     47 CPVRTStringHash::CPVRTStringHash()
     48 {
     49 }
     51 /*!***********************************************************************
     52 @Function			append
     53 @Input				_Ptr	A string
     54 @Returns			Updated string
     55 @Description		Appends a string
     56 *************************************************************************/
     57 CPVRTStringHash& CPVRTStringHash::append(const char* _Ptr)
     58 {
     59 	m_String.append(_Ptr);
     60 	m_Hash = CPVRTHash::MakeHash(m_String);
     61 	return *this;
     62 }
     64 /*!***********************************************************************
     65 @Function			append
     66 @Input				_Str	A string
     67 @Returns			Updated string
     68 @Description		Appends a string
     69 *************************************************************************/
     70 CPVRTStringHash& CPVRTStringHash::append(const CPVRTString& _Str)
     71 {
     72 	m_String.append(_Str);
     73 	m_Hash = CPVRTHash::MakeHash(m_String);
     74 	return *this;
     75 }
     77 /*!***********************************************************************
     78 @Function			assign
     79 @Input				_Ptr A string
     80 @Returns			Updated string
     81 @Description		Assigns the string to the string _Ptr
     82 *************************************************************************/
     83 CPVRTStringHash& CPVRTStringHash::assign(const char* _Ptr)
     84 {
     85 	m_String.assign(_Ptr);
     86 	m_Hash = CPVRTHash::MakeHash(m_String);
     87 	return *this;
     88 }
     90 /*!***********************************************************************
     91 @Function			assign
     92 @Input				_Str A string
     93 @Returns			Updated string
     94 @Description		Assigns the string to the string _Str
     95 *************************************************************************/
     96 CPVRTStringHash& CPVRTStringHash::assign(const CPVRTString& _Str)
     97 {
     98 	m_String.assign(_Str);
     99 	m_Hash = CPVRTHash::MakeHash(m_String);
    100 	return *this;
    101 }
    103 /*!***********************************************************************
    104 @Function		==
    105 @Input			_Str 	A string to compare with
    106 @Returns		True if they match
    107 @Description	== Operator
    108 *************************************************************************/
    109 bool CPVRTStringHash::operator==(const CPVRTStringHash& _Str) const
    110 {
    111 	return (m_Hash == _Str.Hash());
    112 }
    114 /*!***********************************************************************
    115 @Function		==
    116 @Input			Hash 	A hash to compare with
    117 @Returns		True if they match
    118 @Description	== Operator
    119 *************************************************************************/
    120 bool CPVRTStringHash::operator==(const CPVRTHash& Hash) const
    121 {
    122 	return (m_Hash == Hash);
    123 }
    125 /*!***********************************************************************
    126 @Function		==
    127 @Input			_Str 	A string to compare with
    128 @Returns		True if they match
    129 @Description	== Operator. This function performs a strcmp()
    130 				as it's more efficient to strcmp than to hash the string
    131 				for every comparison.
    132 *************************************************************************/
    133 bool CPVRTStringHash::operator==(const char* _Str) const
    134 {
    135 	return (m_String.compare(_Str) == 0);
    136 }
    138 /*!***********************************************************************
    139 @Function		==
    140 @Input			_Str 	A string to compare with
    141 @Returns		True if they match
    142 @Description	== Operator. This function performs a strcmp()
    143 				as it's more efficient to strcmp than to hash the string
    144 				for every comparison.
    145 *************************************************************************/
    146 bool CPVRTStringHash::operator==(const CPVRTString& _Str) const
    147 {
    148 	return (m_String.compare(_Str) == 0);
    149 }
    151 /*!***********************************************************************
    152 @Function			!=
    153 @Input				_Str 	A string to compare with
    154 @Returns			True if they don't match
    155 @Description		!= Operator
    156 *************************************************************************/
    157 bool CPVRTStringHash::operator!=(const CPVRTStringHash& _Str) const
    158 {
    159 	return (m_Hash != _Str.Hash());
    160 }
    162 /*!***********************************************************************
    163 @Function		!=
    164 @Input			Hash 	A hash to compare with
    165 @Returns		True if they match
    166 @Description	!= Operator
    167 *************************************************************************/
    168 bool CPVRTStringHash::operator!=(const CPVRTHash& Hash) const
    169 {
    170 	return (m_Hash != Hash);
    171 }
    173 /*!***********************************************************************
    174 @Function			String
    175 @Returns			The original string
    176 @Description		Returns the original, base string.
    177 *************************************************************************/
    178 const CPVRTString& CPVRTStringHash::String() const
    179 {
    180 	return m_String;
    181 }
    183 /*!***********************************************************************
    184 @Function			Hash
    185 @Returns			The hash
    186 @Description		Returns the hash of the base string
    187 *************************************************************************/
    188 const CPVRTHash& CPVRTStringHash::Hash() const
    189 {
    190 	return m_Hash;
    191 }
    193 /*!***************************************************************************
    194 @Function		c_str
    195 @Return			The original string.
    196 @Description	Returns the base string as a const char*.
    197 *****************************************************************************/
    198 const char* CPVRTStringHash::c_str() const
    199 {
    200 	return m_String.c_str();
    201 }