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      1 //===- subzero/src/IceClFlags.def - Cl Flags for translation ----*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                        The Subzero Code Generator
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 ///
     10 /// \file
     11 /// \brief Declares the command line flags used by Subzero.
     12 ///
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     18 namespace Ice {
     19 // cl_detail defines tags (i.e., structs) for specifying the type of a flag
     20 // (either single-, or multi-value), and whether or not the flag is available in
     21 // non-LLVM_CL build.
     22 namespace cl_detail {
     24 // Single-value flag, available in a non-LLVM_CL build.
     25 struct release_opt_flag {};
     26 // Single-value flag, not available in a non-LLVM_CL build.
     27 struct dev_opt_flag {};
     28 // Multi-value flag, not available in a non-LLVM_CL build.
     29 struct dev_list_flag {};
     31 } // end of namespace detail
     33 #define COMMAND_LINE_FLAGS                                                     \
     34   /* Name, Type, ClType, <<flag declaration ctor arguments>> */                \
     35   X(IRFilename, std::string, release_opt_flag, cl::Positional,                 \
     36     cl::desc("IR File"), cl::init("-"))                                        \
     37                                                                                \
     38   X(NumTranslationThreads, uint32_t, release_opt_flag, "threads",              \
     39     cl::desc("Number of translation threads (0 for purely sequential)"),       \
     40     cl::init(2))                                                               \
     41                                                                                \
     42   X(OptLevel, Ice::OptLevel, release_opt_flag, cl::desc("Optimization level"), \
     43     cl::init(Ice::Opt_m1), cl::value_desc("level"),                            \
     44     cl::values(clEnumValN(Ice::Opt_m1, "Om1", "-1"),                           \
     45                clEnumValN(Ice::Opt_m1, "O-1", "-1"),                           \
     46                clEnumValN(Ice::Opt_0, "O0", "0"),                              \
     47                clEnumValN(Ice::Opt_1, "O1", "1"),                              \
     48                clEnumValN(Ice::Opt_2, "O2", "2") CLENUMVALEND))                \
     49                                                                                \
     50   X(OutputFilename, std::string, release_opt_flag, "o",                        \
     51     cl::desc("Override output filename"), cl::init("-"),                       \
     52     cl::value_desc("filename"))                                                \
     53                                                                                \
     54   X(TargetArch, Ice::TargetArch, release_opt_flag, "target",                   \
     55     cl::desc("Target architecture:"), cl::init(Ice::Target_X8632),             \
     56     cl::values(                                                                \
     57         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_X8632, "x8632", "x86-32"),                      \
     58         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_X8632, "x86-32", "x86-32 (same as x8632)"),     \
     59         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_X8632, "x86_32", "x86-32 (same as x8632)"),     \
     60         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_X8664, "x8664", "x86-64"),                      \
     61         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_X8664, "x86-64", "x86-64 (same as x8664)"),     \
     62         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_X8664, "x86_64", "x86-64 (same as x8664)"),     \
     63         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_ARM32, "arm", "arm32"),                         \
     64         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_ARM32, "arm32", "arm32 (same as arm)"),         \
     65         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_ARM64, "arm64", "arm64"),                       \
     66         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_MIPS32, "mips", "mips32"),                      \
     67         clEnumValN(Ice::Target_MIPS32, "mips32", "mips32 (same as mips)")      \
     68         CLENUMVALEND))                                                         \
     69                                                                                \
     70   /* The following are development flags, and ideally should not appear in a   \
     71    * release build. */                                                         \
     72                                                                                \
     73   X(AllowErrorRecovery, bool, dev_opt_flag,                                    \
     74     "allow-pnacl-reader-error-recovery",                                       \
     75     cl::desc("Allow error recovery when reading PNaCl bitcode."),              \
     76     cl::init(false))                                                           \
     77                                                                                \
     78   X(AllowExternDefinedSymbols, bool, dev_opt_flag,                             \
     79     "allow-externally-defined-symbols",                                        \
     80     cl::desc(                                                                  \
     81         "Allow global symbols to be externally defined (other than _start "    \
     82         "and __pnacl_pso_root)."),                                             \
     83     cl::init(false))                                                           \
     84                                                                                \
     85   X(AllowIacaMarks, bool, dev_opt_flag, "allow-iaca-marks",                    \
     86     cl::desc("Allow IACA (Intel Architecture Code Analyzer) marks to be "      \
     87              "inserted. These binaries are not executable."),                  \
     88     cl::init(false))                                                           \
     89                                                                                \
     90   X(AllowUninitializedGlobals, bool, dev_opt_flag,                             \
     91     "allow-uninitialized-globals",                                             \
     92     cl::desc("Allow global variables to be uninitialized"))                    \
     93                                                                                \
     94   X(AlwaysExitSuccess, bool, dev_opt_flag, "exit-success",                     \
     95     cl::desc("Exit with success status, even if errors found"),                \
     96     cl::init(false))                                                           \
     97                                                                                \
     98   X(AggressiveLea, bool, dev_opt_flag, "aggressive-lea",                       \
     99     cl::desc("Convert additions to lea when it reduces code size"),            \
    100     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    101                                                                                \
    102   X(BitcodeAsText, bool, dev_opt_flag, "bitcode-as-text",                      \
    103     cl::desc("Accept textual form of PNaCl bitcode "                           \
    104              "records (i.e. not .ll assembly)"),                               \
    105     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    106                                                                                \
    107   X(BuildOnRead, bool, dev_opt_flag, "build-on-read",                          \
    108     cl::desc("Build ICE instructions when reading bitcode"), cl::init(true))   \
    109                                                                                \
    110   X(DataSections, bool, dev_opt_flag, "fdata-sections",                        \
    111     cl::desc("Emit (global) data into separate sections"))                     \
    112                                                                                \
    113   X(DecorateAsm, bool, dev_opt_flag, "asm-verbose",                            \
    114     cl::desc("Decorate textual asm output with register liveness info"))       \
    115                                                                                \
    116   X(DefaultFunctionPrefix, std::string, dev_opt_flag,                          \
    117     "default-function-prefix",                                                 \
    118     cl::desc("Define default function prefix for naming unnamed functions"),   \
    119     cl::init("Function"))                                                      \
    120                                                                                \
    121   X(DefaultGlobalPrefix, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "default-global-prefix",   \
    122     cl::desc("Define default global prefix for naming unnamed globals"),       \
    123     cl::init("Global"))                                                        \
    124                                                                                \
    125   X(DisableHybridAssembly, bool, dev_opt_flag, "no-hybrid-asm",                \
    126     cl::desc("Disable hybrid assembly when -filetype=iasm"), cl::init(false))  \
    127                                                                                \
    128   X(DisableInternal, bool, dev_opt_flag, "externalize",                        \
    129     cl::desc("Externalize all symbols"))                                       \
    130                                                                                \
    131   X(DisableTranslation, bool, dev_opt_flag, "notranslate",                     \
    132     cl::desc("Disable Subzero translation"))                                   \
    133                                                                                \
    134   X(DumpStats, bool, dev_opt_flag, "szstats",                                  \
    135     cl::desc("Print statistics after translating each function"))              \
    136                                                                                \
    137   X(DumpStrings, bool, dev_opt_flag,                                           \
    138     "dump-strings",                                                            \
    139     cl::desc("Dump string pools during compilation"),                          \
    140     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    141                                                                                \
    142   X(EnableBlockProfile, bool, dev_opt_flag, "enable-block-profile",            \
    143     cl::desc("Instrument basic blocks, and output profiling "                  \
    144              "information to stdout at the end of program execution."),        \
    145     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    146                                                                                \
    147   X(LocalCSE, Ice::LCSEOptions, dev_opt_flag, "lcse",                          \
    148     cl::desc("Local common subexpression elimination"),                        \
    149     cl::init(Ice::LCSE_EnabledSSA),                                            \
    150     cl::values(                                                                \
    151       clEnumValN(Ice::LCSE_Disabled, "0", "disabled"),                         \
    152       clEnumValN(Ice::LCSE_EnabledSSA, "enabled", "assume-ssa"),               \
    153       clEnumValN(Ice::LCSE_EnabledNoSSA, "no-ssa", "no-assume-ssa")            \
    154       CLENUMVALEND))                                                           \
    155                                                                                \
    156   X(EmitRevision, bool, dev_opt_flag, "emit-revision",                         \
    157     cl::desc("Emit Subzero revision string into the output"), cl::init(true))  \
    158                                                                                \
    159   X(EnablePhiEdgeSplit, bool, dev_opt_flag, "phi-edge-split",                  \
    160     cl::desc("Enable edge splitting for Phi lowering"), cl::init(true))        \
    161                                                                                \
    162   X(EnableShortCircuit, bool, dev_opt_flag, "enable-sc",                       \
    163     cl::desc("Split Nodes for short circuit evaluation"), cl::init(false))     \
    164                                                                                \
    165   X(ExcludedRegisters, std::string, dev_list_flag, "reg-exclude",              \
    166     cl::CommaSeparated, cl::desc("Don't use specified registers"))             \
    167                                                                                \
    168   X(ForceMemIntrinOpt, bool, dev_opt_flag, "fmem-intrin-opt",                  \
    169     cl::desc("Force optimization of memory intrinsics."))                      \
    170                                                                                \
    171   X(ForceO2String, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "force-O2",                      \
    172     cl::desc("Force -O2 for certain functions (assumes -Om1)"), cl::init(""))  \
    173                                                                                \
    174   X(SplitInstString, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "split-inst",                  \
    175     cl::desc("Restrict local var splitting to specific insts"), cl::init(":")) \
    176                                                                                \
    177   X(FunctionSections, bool, dev_opt_flag, "ffunction-sections",                \
    178     cl::desc("Emit functions into separate sections"))                         \
    179                                                                                \
    180   X(GenerateBuildAtts, bool, release_opt_flag, "build-atts",                   \
    181     cl::desc("Generate list of build attributes associated with "              \
    182              "this executable."),                                              \
    183     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    184                                                                                \
    185   X(SplitGlobalVars, bool, dev_opt_flag, "split-global-vars",                  \
    186     cl::desc("Global live range splitting"),                                   \
    187     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    188                                                                                \
    189   X(InputFileFormat, llvm::NaClFileFormat, dev_opt_flag, "bitcode-format",     \
    190     cl::desc("Define format of input file:"),                                  \
    191     cl::values(clEnumValN(llvm::LLVMFormat, "llvm", "LLVM file (default)"),    \
    192                clEnumValN(llvm::PNaClFormat, "pnacl", "PNaCl bitcode file")    \
    193                CLENUMVALEND),                                                  \
    194     cl::init(llvm::LLVMFormat))                                                \
    195                                                                                \
    196   X(KeepDeletedInsts, bool, dev_opt_flag, "keep-deleted-insts",                \
    197     cl::desc("Retain deleted instructions in the Cfg"),                        \
    198     cl::init(Ice::BuildDefs::dump()))                                          \
    199                                                                                \
    200   X(LLVMVerboseErrors, bool, dev_opt_flag, "verbose-llvm-parse-errors",        \
    201     cl::desc("Print out more descriptive PNaCl bitcode parse errors when "     \
    202              "building LLVM IR first"),                                        \
    203     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    204                                                                                \
    205    X(LocalCseMaxIterations, uint32_t, dev_opt_flag, "lcse-max-iters",          \
    206     cl::desc("Number of times local-cse is run on a block"), cl::init(1))      \
    207                                                                                \
    208   X(LoopInvariantCodeMotion, bool, dev_opt_flag, "licm",                       \
    209     cl::desc("Hoist loop invariant arithmetic operations"), cl::init(false))   \
    210                                                                                \
    211   X(LogFilename, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "log",                             \
    212     cl::desc("Set log filename"), cl::init("-"), cl::value_desc("filename"))   \
    213                                                                                \
    214   X(MaxNopsPerInstruction, int, dev_opt_flag, "max-nops-per-instruction",      \
    215     cl::desc("Max number of nops to insert per instruction"), cl::init(1))     \
    216                                                                                \
    217   X(MockBoundsCheck, bool, dev_opt_flag, "mock-bounds-check",                  \
    218     cl::desc("Mock bounds checking on loads/stores"))                          \
    219                                                                                \
    220   X(NopProbabilityAsPercentage, int, dev_opt_flag, "nop-insertion-percentage", \
    221     cl::desc("Nop insertion probability as percentage"), cl::init(10))         \
    222                                                                                \
    223   X(OutFileType, Ice::FileType, dev_opt_flag, "filetype",                      \
    224     cl::desc("Output file type"), cl::init(Ice::FT_Iasm),                      \
    225     cl::values(                                                                \
    226         clEnumValN(Ice::FT_Elf, "obj", "Native ELF object ('.o') file"),       \
    227         clEnumValN(Ice::FT_Asm, "asm", "Assembly ('.s') file"),                \
    228         clEnumValN(Ice::FT_Iasm, "iasm",                                       \
    229                    "Low-level integrated assembly ('.s') file")                \
    230         CLENUMVALEND))                                                         \
    231                                                                                \
    232   X(ApplicationBinaryInterface, Ice::ABI, dev_opt_flag, "abi",                 \
    233     cl::desc("ABI type"), cl::init(Ice::ABI_PNaCl),                            \
    234     cl::values(                                                                \
    235         clEnumValN(Ice::ABI_PNaCl, "pnacl", "x32 for unsandboxed 64-bit x86"), \
    236         clEnumValN(Ice::ABI_Platform, "platform", "Native executable ABI")     \
    237         CLENUMVALEND))                                                         \
    238                                                                                \
    239   X(ParseParallel, bool, dev_opt_flag, "parse-parallel",                       \
    240     cl::desc("Parse function blocks in parallel"), cl::init(true))             \
    241                                                                                \
    242   X(RandomizeAndPoolImmediatesOption, Ice::RandomizeAndPoolImmediatesEnum,     \
    243     dev_opt_flag, "randomize-pool-immediates",                                 \
    244     cl::desc("Randomize or pooling the representation of immediates"),         \
    245     cl::init(Ice::RPI_None),                                                   \
    246     cl::values(clEnumValN(Ice::RPI_None, "none",                               \
    247                           "Do not randomize or pooling immediates (default)"), \
    248                clEnumValN(Ice::RPI_Randomize, "randomize",                     \
    249                           "Turn on immediate constants blinding"),             \
    250                clEnumValN(Ice::RPI_Pool, "pool",                               \
    251                           "Turn on immediate constants pooling")               \
    252                CLENUMVALEND))                                                  \
    253                                                                                \
    254   X(RandomizeAndPoolImmediatesThreshold, uint32_t, dev_opt_flag,               \
    255     "randomize-pool-threshold",                                                \
    256     cl::desc("The threshold for immediates randomization and pooling"),        \
    257     cl::init(0xffff))                                                          \
    258                                                                                \
    259   X(RandomizeRegisterAllocation, bool, dev_opt_flag, "randomize-regalloc",     \
    260     cl::desc("Randomize register allocation"), cl::init(false))                \
    261                                                                                \
    262   X(SplitLocalVars, bool, dev_opt_flag, "split-local-vars", cl::init(true),    \
    263     cl::desc("Block-local variable splitting (O2 only)"))                      \
    264                                                                                \
    265   X(RandomSeed, unsigned long long, dev_opt_flag, "sz-seed",                   \
    266     cl::desc("Seed the random number generator"), cl::init(1))                 \
    267                                                                                \
    268   X(RegAllocReserve, bool, dev_opt_flag, "reg-reserve",                        \
    269     cl::desc("Let register allocation use reserve registers"),                 \
    270     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    271                                                                                \
    272   X(ReorderBasicBlocks, bool, dev_opt_flag, "reorder-basic-blocks",            \
    273     cl::desc("Shuffle the layout of basic blocks in each function"),           \
    274     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    275                                                                                \
    276   X(ReorderFunctions, bool, dev_opt_flag, "reorder-functions",                 \
    277     cl::desc("Randomize function ordering"), cl::init(false))                  \
    278                                                                                \
    279   X(ReorderFunctionsWindowSize, uint32_t, dev_opt_flag,                        \
    280     "reorder-functions-window-size",                                           \
    281     cl::desc(                                                                  \
    282         "The shuffling window size for function reordering. 1 or 0 means "     \
    283         "no effective shuffling."),                                            \
    284     cl::init(8))                                                               \
    285                                                                                \
    286   X(ReorderGlobalVariables, bool, dev_opt_flag, "reorder-global-variables",    \
    287     cl::desc("Randomize global data ordering"), cl::init(false))               \
    288                                                                                \
    289   X(ReorderPooledConstants, bool, dev_opt_flag, "reorder-pooled-constants",    \
    290     cl::desc("Randomize constant pool entry ordering"), cl::init(false))       \
    291                                                                                \
    292   X(RepeatRegAlloc, bool, dev_opt_flag, "regalloc-repeat",                     \
    293     cl::desc("Repeat register allocation until convergence"), cl::init(true))  \
    294                                                                                \
    295   /* TODO(tlively): Generalize this to handle more sanitizers */               \
    296   X(SanitizeAddresses, bool, dev_opt_flag, "fsanitize-address",                \
    297     cl::desc("Instrument compiled code with Address Sanitizer"),               \
    298     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    299                                                                                \
    300   X(ShouldDoNopInsertion, bool, dev_opt_flag, "nop-insertion",                 \
    301     cl::desc("Randomly insert NOPs"), cl::init(false))                         \
    302                                                                                \
    303   X(SkipUnimplemented, bool, dev_opt_flag, "skip-unimplemented",               \
    304     cl::desc("Skip through unimplemented lowering code instead of aborting."), \
    305     cl::init(false))                                                           \
    306                                                                                \
    307   X(SubzeroTimingEnabled, bool, dev_opt_flag, "timing",                        \
    308     cl::desc("Enable breakdown timing of Subzero translation"))                \
    309                                                                                \
    310   X(TargetInstructionSet, Ice::TargetInstructionSet, dev_opt_flag, "mattr",    \
    311     cl::desc("Target architecture attributes"),                                \
    312     cl::init(Ice::BaseInstructionSet),                                         \
    313     cl::values(                                                                \
    314         clEnumValN(Ice::BaseInstructionSet, "base",                            \
    315                    "Target chooses baseline instruction set (default)"),       \
    316         clEnumValN(Ice::X86InstructionSet_SSE2, "sse2",                        \
    317                    "Enable X86 SSE2 instructions"),                            \
    318         clEnumValN(Ice::X86InstructionSet_SSE4_1, "sse4.1",                    \
    319                    "Enable X86 SSE 4.1 instructions"),                         \
    320         clEnumValN(Ice::ARM32InstructionSet_Neon, "neon",                      \
    321                    "Enable ARM Neon instructions"),                            \
    322         clEnumValN(Ice::ARM32InstructionSet_HWDivArm, "hwdiv-arm",             \
    323                    "Enable ARM integer divide instructions in ARM mode")       \
    324         CLENUMVALEND))                                                         \
    325                                                                                \
    326   X(TestPrefix, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "prefix",                           \
    327     cl::desc("Prepend a prefix to symbol names for testing"), cl::init(""),    \
    328     cl::value_desc("prefix"))                                                  \
    329                                                                                \
    330   X(TestStackExtra, uint32_t, dev_opt_flag, "test-stack-extra",                \
    331     cl::desc("Extra amount of stack to add to the "                            \
    332              "frame in bytes (for testing)."),                                 \
    333     cl::init(0))                                                               \
    334                                                                                \
    335   X(TestStatusString, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "test-status",                \
    336     cl::desc("Testing flag for -verbose=status"), cl::init(":"))               \
    337                                                                                \
    338   X(TimeEachFunction, bool, dev_opt_flag, "timing-funcs",                      \
    339     cl::desc("Print total translation time for each function"))                \
    340                                                                                \
    341   X(TimingFocusOnString, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "timing-focus",            \
    342     cl::desc("Break down timing for specific functions (use ':' for all)"),    \
    343     cl::init(""))                                                              \
    344                                                                                \
    345   X(TranslateOnlyString, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "translate-only",          \
    346     cl::desc("Translate only the given functions"), cl::init(":"))             \
    347                                                                                \
    348   X(UseNonsfi, bool, dev_opt_flag, "nonsfi", cl::desc("Enable Non-SFI mode"))  \
    349                                                                                \
    350   X(UseRestrictedRegisters, std::string, dev_list_flag, "reg-use",             \
    351     cl::CommaSeparated,                                                        \
    352     cl::desc("Only use specified registers for corresponding register "        \
    353              "classes"))                                                       \
    354                                                                                \
    355   X(UseSandboxing, bool, dev_opt_flag, "sandbox", cl::desc("Use sandboxing"))  \
    356                                                                                \
    357   X(Verbose, Ice::VerboseItem, dev_list_flag, "verbose", cl::CommaSeparated,   \
    358     cl::desc("Verbose options (can be comma-separated):"),                     \
    359     cl::values(                                                                \
    360         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Instructions, "inst",                             \
    361                    "Print basic instructions"),                                \
    362         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Deleted, "del", "Include deleted instructions"),  \
    363         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_InstNumbers, "instnum",                           \
    364                    "Print instruction numbers"),                               \
    365         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Preds, "pred", "Show predecessors"),              \
    366         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Succs, "succ", "Show successors"),                \
    367         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Liveness, "live", "Liveness information"),        \
    368         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_RegOrigins, "orig", "Physical register origins"), \
    369         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_LinearScan, "regalloc", "Linear scan details"),   \
    370         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Frame, "frame", "Stack frame layout details"),    \
    371         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_AddrOpt, "addropt", "Address mode optimization"), \
    372         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Random, "random", "Randomization details"),       \
    373         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Folding, "fold", "Instruction folding details"),  \
    374         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_RMW, "rmw", "ReadModifyWrite optimization"),      \
    375         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Loop, "loop", "Loop nest depth analysis"),        \
    376         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Mem, "mem", "Memory usage details"),              \
    377         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_ShufMat, "shufvec",                               \
    378                    "Shufflevector rematerialization"),                         \
    379         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Status, "status",                                 \
    380                    "Print the name of the function being translated"),         \
    381         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_AvailableRegs, "registers",                       \
    382                    "Show available registers for register allocation"),        \
    383         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_GlobalInit, "global_init",                        \
    384                    "Global initializers"),                                     \
    385         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_ConstPoolStats, "cpool",                          \
    386                    "Constant pool counters"),                                  \
    387         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Wasm, "wasm", "WebAssembly builder"),             \
    388         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_All, "all", "Use all verbose options"),           \
    389         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_Most, "most",                                     \
    390                    "Use all verbose options except 'regalloc,global_init'"),   \
    391         clEnumValN(Ice::IceV_None, "none", "No verbosity") CLENUMVALEND))      \
    392                                                                                \
    393   X(VerboseFocusOnString, std::string, dev_opt_flag, "verbose-focus",          \
    394     cl::desc("Override with -verbose=none except for specified functions"),    \
    395     cl::init(":"))                                                             \
    396                                                                                \
    397   X(WasmBoundsCheck, bool, dev_opt_flag, "wasm-bounds-check",                  \
    398     cl::desc("Add bounds checking code in WASM frontend"),                     \
    399     cl::init(true))
    401 //#define X(Name, Type, ClType, ...)
    403 } // end of namespace Ice