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      1 //===- subzero/src/IceStringPool.h - String pooling -------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                        The Subzero Code Generator
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 ///
     10 /// \file
     11 /// \brief Defines unique pooled strings with short unique IDs.  This makes
     12 /// hashing, equality testing, and ordered comparison faster, and avoids a lot
     13 /// of memory allocation compared to directly using std::string.
     14 ///
     15 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     20 #include "IceDefs.h" // Ostream
     22 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     24 #include <cstdint> // uintptr_t
     25 #include <string>
     27 namespace Ice {
     29 class StringPool {
     30   StringPool(const StringPool &) = delete;
     31   StringPool &operator=(const StringPool &) = delete;
     33 public:
     34   using IDType = uintptr_t;
     36   StringPool() = default;
     37   ~StringPool() = default;
     38   IDType getNewID() {
     39     // TODO(stichnot): Make it so that the GlobalString ctor doesn't have to
     40     // grab the lock, and instead does an atomic increment of NextID.
     41     auto NewID = NextID;
     42     NextID += IDIncrement;
     43     return NewID;
     44   }
     45   IDType getOrAddString(const std::string &Value) {
     46     auto Iter = StringToId.find(Value);
     47     if (Iter == StringToId.end()) {
     48       auto *NewStr = new std::string(Value);
     49       auto ID = reinterpret_cast<IDType>(NewStr);
     50       StringToId[Value].reset(NewStr);
     51       return ID;
     52     }
     53     return reinterpret_cast<IDType>(Iter->second.get());
     54   }
     55   void dump(Ostream &Str) const {
     56     if (StringToId.empty())
     57       return;
     58     Str << "String pool (NumStrings=" << StringToId.size()
     59         << " NumIDs=" << ((NextID - FirstID) / IDIncrement) << "):";
     60     for (const auto &Tuple : StringToId) {
     61       Str << " " << Tuple.first;
     62     }
     63     Str << "\n";
     64   }
     66 private:
     67   static constexpr IDType FirstID = 1;
     68   static constexpr IDType IDIncrement = 2;
     69   IDType NextID = FirstID;
     70   std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<std::string>> StringToId;
     71 };
     73 template <typename Traits> class StringID {
     74 public:
     75   using IDType = StringPool::IDType;
     77   StringID() = default; // Create a default, invalid StringID.
     78   StringID(const StringID &) = default;
     79   StringID &operator=(const StringID &) = default;
     81   /// Create a unique StringID without an actual string, by grabbing the next
     82   /// unique integral ID from the Owner.
     83   static StringID createWithoutString(const typename Traits::OwnerType *Owner) {
     84     return StringID(Owner);
     85   }
     86   /// Create a unique StringID that holds an actual string, by fetching or
     87   /// adding the string from the Owner's pool.
     88   static StringID createWithString(const typename Traits::OwnerType *Owner,
     89                                    const std::string &Value) {
     90     return StringID(Owner, Value);
     91   }
     93   /// Tests whether the StringID was initialized with respect to an actual
     94   /// std::string value, i.e. via StringID::createWithString().
     95   bool hasStdString() const { return isValid() && ((ID & 0x1) == 0); }
     97   IDType getID() const {
     98     assert(isValid());
     99     return ID;
    100   }
    101   const std::string &toString() const {
    102     if (!hasStdString())
    103       llvm::report_fatal_error(
    104           "toString() called when hasStdString() is false");
    105     return *reinterpret_cast<std::string *>(ID);
    106   }
    107   std::string toStringOrEmpty() const {
    108     if (hasStdString())
    109       return toString();
    110     return "";
    111   }
    113   bool operator==(const StringID &Other) const { return ID == Other.ID; }
    114   bool operator!=(const StringID &Other) const { return !(*this == Other); }
    115   bool operator<(const StringID &Other) const {
    116     const bool ThisHasString = hasStdString();
    117     const bool OtherHasString = Other.hasStdString();
    118     // Do a normal string comparison if both have strings.
    119     if (ThisHasString && OtherHasString)
    120       return this->toString() < Other.toString();
    121     // Use the ID as a tiebreaker if neither has a string.
    122     if (!ThisHasString && !OtherHasString)
    123       return ID < Other.ID;
    124     // If exactly one has a string, then that one comes first.
    125     assert(ThisHasString != OtherHasString);
    126     return ThisHasString;
    127   }
    129 private:
    130   static constexpr IDType InvalidID = 0;
    131   IDType ID = InvalidID;
    133   explicit StringID(const typename Traits::OwnerType *Owner)
    134       : ID(Traits::getStrings(Owner)->getNewID()) {}
    135   StringID(const typename Traits::OwnerType *Owner, const std::string &Value)
    136       : ID(Traits::getStrings(Owner)->getOrAddString(Value)) {
    137     assert(hasStdString());
    138   }
    139   bool isValid() const { return ID != InvalidID; }
    140 };
    142 // TODO(stichnot, jpp): Move GlobalStringPoolTraits definition into
    143 // IceGlobalContext.h, once the include order issues are solved.
    144 struct GlobalStringPoolTraits {
    145   using OwnerType = GlobalContext;
    146   static LockedPtr<StringPool> getStrings(const OwnerType *Owner);
    147 };
    149 using GlobalString = StringID<struct GlobalStringPoolTraits>;
    151 template <typename T>
    152 Ostream &operator<<(Ostream &Str, const StringID<T> &Name) {
    153   return Str << Name.toString();
    154 }
    156 template <typename T>
    157 std::string operator+(const std::string &A, const StringID<T> &B) {
    158   return A + B.toString();
    159 }
    161 template <typename T>
    162 std::string operator+(const StringID<T> &A, const std::string &B) {
    163   return A.toString() + B;
    164 }
    166 } // end of namespace Ice
    168 namespace std {
    169 template <typename T> struct hash<Ice::StringID<T>> {
    170   size_t operator()(const Ice::StringID<T> &Key) const {
    171     if (Key.hasStdString())
    172       return hash<std::string>()(Key.toString());
    173     return hash<Ice::StringPool::IDType>()(Key.getID());
    174   }
    175 };
    176 } // end of namespace std