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      1 // Generated by tfcompile, the TensorFlow graph compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
      2 //
      3 // This header was generated via ahead-of-time compilation of a TensorFlow
      4 // graph.  An object file corresponding to this header was also generated.
      5 // This header gives access to the functionality in that object file.
      6 //
      7 // clang-format off
      9 #ifndef TFCOMPILE_GENERATED_entry_point_H_  // NOLINT(build/header_guard)
     10 #define TFCOMPILE_GENERATED_entry_point_H_  // NOLINT(build/header_guard)
     12 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
     13 #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_compiled_cpu_function.h"
     14 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
     16 namespace Eigen { struct ThreadPoolDevice; }
     17 namespace xla { class ExecutableRunOptions; }
     19 // (Implementation detail) Entry point to the function in the object file.
     20 extern "C" void entry_point(
     21     void* result, const xla::ExecutableRunOptions* run_options,
     22     const void** args, void** temps, tensorflow::int64* profile_counters);
     24 extern "C" char __tfcompile_foo_bar_MyClass_ProgramShape_protobuf_array_contents[];
     26 namespace foo {
     27 namespace bar {
     29 // MyClass represents a computation previously specified in a
     30 // TensorFlow graph, now compiled into executable code. This extends the generic
     31 // XlaCompiledCpuFunction class with statically type-safe arg and result
     32 // methods. Usage example:
     33 //
     34 //   MyClass computation;
     35 //   // ...set args using computation.argN methods
     36 //   CHECK(computation.Run());
     37 //   // ...inspect results using computation.resultN methods
     38 //
     39 // The Run method invokes the actual computation, with inputs read from arg
     40 // buffers, and outputs written to result buffers. Each Run call may also use
     41 // a set of temporary buffers for the computation.
     42 //
     43 // By default each instance of this class manages its own arg, result and temp
     44 // buffers. The AllocMode constructor parameter may be used to modify the
     45 // buffer allocation strategy.
     46 //
     47 // Under the default allocation strategy, this class is thread-compatible:
     48 // o Calls to non-const methods require exclusive access to the object.
     49 // o Concurrent calls to const methods are OK, if those calls are made while it
     50 //   is guaranteed that no thread may call a non-const method.
     51 //
     52 // The logical function signature is:
     53 //   ((unknown): f32[1,2], (unknown): s64[3,4]) -> (u32[5,6])
     54 //
     55 // Memory stats:
     56 //   arg bytes total:    104
     57 //   arg bytes aligned:  128
     58 //   temp bytes total:   126
     59 //   temp bytes aligned: 224
     60 class MyClass : public tensorflow::XlaCompiledCpuFunction {
     61  public:
     62   // Number of input arguments for the compiled computation.
     63   static constexpr size_t kNumArgs = 2;
     65   // Byte size of each argument buffer. There are kNumArgs entries.
     66   static const intptr_t* ArgSizes() {
     67     static constexpr intptr_t kArgSizes[kNumArgs] = {8, 96};
     68     return kArgSizes;
     69   }
     71   // Returns static data used to create an XlaCompiledCpuFunction.
     72   static const tensorflow::XlaCompiledCpuFunction::StaticData& StaticData() {
     73     static XlaCompiledCpuFunction::StaticData* kStaticData = [](){
     74       XlaCompiledCpuFunction::StaticData* data =
     75         new XlaCompiledCpuFunction::StaticData;
     76       data->raw_function = entry_point;
     77       data->arg_sizes = ArgSizes();
     78       data->num_args = kNumArgs;
     79       data->temp_sizes = TempSizes();
     80       data->num_temps = kNumTemps;
     81       data->result_index = kResultIndex;
     82       data->arg_names = StaticArgNames();
     83       data->result_names = StaticResultNames();
     84       data->program_shape = StaticProgramShape();
     85       return data;
     86     }();
     87     return *kStaticData;
     88   }
     90   MyClass(AllocMode alloc_mode = AllocMode::ARGS_RESULTS_PROFILES_AND_TEMPS)
     91       : XlaCompiledCpuFunction(StaticData(), alloc_mode) {}
     93   MyClass(const MyClass&) = delete;
     94   MyClass& operator=(const MyClass&) = delete;
     96   // Arg methods for managing input buffers. Buffers are in row-major order.
     97   // There is a set of methods for each positional argument, with the following
     98   // general form:
     99   //
    100   // void set_argN_data(void* data)
    101   //   Sets the buffer of type T for positional argument N. May be called in
    102   //   any AllocMode. Must be called before Run to have an affect. Must be
    103   //   called in AllocMode::RESULTS_PROFILES_AND_TEMPS_ONLY for each positional
    104   //   argument, to set the argument buffers.
    105   //
    106   // T* argN_data()
    107   //   Returns the buffer of type T for positional argument N.
    108   //
    109   // T& argN(...dim indices...)
    110   //   Returns a reference to the value of type T for positional argument N,
    111   //   with dim indices specifying which value. No bounds checking is performed
    112   //   on dim indices.
    114   void set_arg0_data(void* data) {
    115     set_arg_data(0, data);
    116   }
    117   float* arg0_data() {
    118     return static_cast<float*>(arg_data(0));
    119   }
    120   float& arg0(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
    121     return (*static_cast<float(*)[1][2]>(
    122         arg_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    123   }
    124   const float* arg0_data() const {
    125     return static_cast<const float*>(arg_data(0));
    126   }
    127   const float& arg0(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) const {
    128     return (*static_cast<const float(*)[1][2]>(
    129         arg_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    130   }
    132   void set_arg_myfeed_data(void* data) {
    133     set_arg_data(0, data);
    134   }
    135   float* arg_myfeed_data() {
    136     return static_cast<float*>(arg_data(0));
    137   }
    138   float& arg_myfeed(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
    139     return (*static_cast<float(*)[1][2]>(
    140         arg_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    141   }
    142   const float* arg_myfeed_data() const {
    143     return static_cast<const float*>(arg_data(0));
    144   }
    145   const float& arg_myfeed(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) const {
    146     return (*static_cast<const float(*)[1][2]>(
    147         arg_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    148   }
    150   void set_arg1_data(void* data) {
    151     set_arg_data(1, data);
    152   }
    153   tensorflow::int64* arg1_data() {
    154     return static_cast<tensorflow::int64*>(arg_data(1));
    155   }
    156   tensorflow::int64& arg1(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
    157     return (*static_cast<tensorflow::int64(*)[3][4]>(
    158         arg_data(1)))[dim0][dim1];
    159   }
    160   const tensorflow::int64* arg1_data() const {
    161     return static_cast<const tensorflow::int64*>(arg_data(1));
    162   }
    163   const tensorflow::int64& arg1(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) const {
    164     return (*static_cast<const tensorflow::int64(*)[3][4]>(
    165         arg_data(1)))[dim0][dim1];
    166   }
    168   // Result methods for managing output buffers. Buffers are in row-major order.
    169   // Must only be called after a successful Run call. There is a set of methods
    170   // for each positional result, with the following general form:
    171   //
    172   // T* resultN_data()
    173   //   Returns the buffer of type T for positional result N.
    174   //
    175   // T& resultN(...dim indices...)
    176   //   Returns a reference to the value of type T for positional result N,
    177   //   with dim indices specifying which value. No bounds checking is performed
    178   //   on dim indices.
    179   //
    180   // Unlike the arg methods, there is no set_resultN_data method. The result
    181   // buffers are managed internally, and may change after each call to Run.
    183   tensorflow::uint32* result0_data() {
    184     return static_cast<tensorflow::uint32*>(result_data(0));
    185   }
    186   tensorflow::uint32& result0(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
    187     return (*static_cast<tensorflow::uint32(*)[5][6]>(
    188         result_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    189   }
    190   const tensorflow::uint32* result0_data() const {
    191     return static_cast<const tensorflow::uint32*>(result_data(0));
    192   }
    193   const tensorflow::uint32& result0(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) const {
    194     return (*static_cast<const tensorflow::uint32(*)[5][6]>(
    195         result_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    196   }
    198   tensorflow::uint32* result_myfetch_data() {
    199     return static_cast<tensorflow::uint32*>(result_data(0));
    200   }
    201   tensorflow::uint32& result_myfetch(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
    202     return (*static_cast<tensorflow::uint32(*)[5][6]>(
    203         result_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    204   }
    205   const tensorflow::uint32* result_myfetch_data() const {
    206     return static_cast<const tensorflow::uint32*>(result_data(0));
    207   }
    208   const tensorflow::uint32& result_myfetch(size_t dim0, size_t dim1) const {
    209     return (*static_cast<const tensorflow::uint32(*)[5][6]>(
    210         result_data(0)))[dim0][dim1];
    211   }
    213  private:
    214   // Number of result and temporary buffers for the compiled computation.
    215   static constexpr size_t kNumTemps = 6;
    216   // The 0-based index of the result tuple in the temporary buffers.
    217   static constexpr size_t kResultIndex = 5;
    219   // Byte size of each result / temporary buffer. There are kNumTemps entries.
    220   static const intptr_t* TempSizes() {
    221     static constexpr intptr_t kTempSizes[kNumTemps] = {1, -1, 2, -1, 3, 120};
    222     return kTempSizes;
    223   }
    225   // Array of names of each positional argument, terminated by nullptr.
    226   static const char** StaticArgNames() {
    227     static const char* kNames[] = {"myfeed", nullptr};
    228     return kNames;
    229   }
    231   // Array of names of each positional result, terminated by nullptr.
    232   static const char** StaticResultNames() {
    233     static const char* kNames[] = {"myfetch", nullptr};
    234     return kNames;
    235   }
    237   // Shape of the args and results.
    238   static const xla::ProgramShape* StaticProgramShape() {
    239     static const xla::ProgramShape* kShape = []() {
    240     xla::ProgramShape* proto = new xla::ProgramShape;
    241     proto->ParseFromArray(&__tfcompile_foo_bar_MyClass_ProgramShape_protobuf_array_contents[0], 52);
    242     return proto;
    243   }();
    244     return kShape;
    245   }
    246 };
    248 }  // end namespace bar
    249 }  // end namespace foo
    251 #endif  // TFCOMPILE_GENERATED_entry_point_H_
    253 // clang-format on