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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 // This file defines helper routines for XLA compilation.
     18 #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_helpers.h"
     19 #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/util.h"
     21 #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/literal_util.h"
     22 #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/type_util.h"
     23 #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_context.h"
     24 #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_op_kernel.h"
     25 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/computation_builder.h"
     26 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
     27 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
     28 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h"
     30 namespace tensorflow {
     32 namespace {
     34 Status ArgMinMax(xla::ComputationBuilder* builder, XlaOpKernelContext* ctx,
     35                  const xla::ComputationDataHandle& input,
     36                  const TensorShape& input_shape, DataType input_type,
     37                  DataType output_type, int axis, bool is_min,
     38                  xla::ComputationDataHandle* argminmax) {
     39   xla::ComputationDataHandle init_value;
     40   const xla::Computation* reducer;
     41   if (is_min) {
     42     init_value = XlaHelpers::MaxValue(builder, input_type);
     43     reducer = ctx->GetOrCreateMin(input_type);
     44   } else {
     45     init_value = XlaHelpers::MinValue(builder, input_type);
     46     reducer = ctx->GetOrCreateMax(input_type);
     47   }
     49   xla::PrimitiveType xla_output_type;
     50   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DataTypeToPrimitiveType(output_type, &xla_output_type));
     52   xla::ComputationDataHandle input_max = builder->Reduce(
     53       input, init_value, *reducer, /*dimensions_to_reduce=*/{axis});
     54   std::vector<int64> broadcast_dims(input_shape.dims() - 1);
     55   std::iota(broadcast_dims.begin(), broadcast_dims.begin() + axis, 0);
     56   std::iota(broadcast_dims.begin() + axis, broadcast_dims.end(), axis + 1);
     57   // Compute a mask that has 1s for elements equal to the maximum.
     58   xla::ComputationDataHandle partial_mask = builder->ConvertElementType(
     59       builder->Eq(input, input_max, broadcast_dims), xla_output_type);
     61   // In order to make identity elements for a bitwise And, we:
     62   //   Left shift the 1 to the leftmost bit, yielding 0x10...0
     63   //   Arithmetic right shift the 1 back to the rightmost bit, yielding
     64   //   0xFF...F
     65   int32 bits_in_type =
     66       xla::ShapeUtil::ByteSizeOfPrimitiveType(xla_output_type) * 8 - 1;
     67   xla::ComputationDataHandle shift_amount =
     68       XlaHelpers::IntegerLiteral(builder, output_type, bits_in_type);
     69   xla::ComputationDataHandle full_mask = builder->ShiftRightArithmetic(
     70       builder->ShiftLeft(partial_mask, shift_amount), shift_amount);
     72   // And with the vector [0, 1, 2, ...] to convert each 0xFF...F into its
     73   // index.
     74   xla::ComputationDataHandle iota;
     76   const int64 axis_size = input_shape.dim_size(axis);
     77   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(XlaHelpers::Iota(builder, output_type, axis_size, &iota));
     78   xla::ComputationDataHandle product =
     79       builder->And(full_mask, iota, /*broadcast_dimensions=*/{axis});
     81   // If there are multiple maximum elements, choose the one with the highest
     82   // index.
     83   xla::ComputationDataHandle output =
     84       builder->Reduce(product, XlaHelpers::MinValue(builder, output_type),
     85                       *ctx->GetOrCreateMax(output_type),
     86                       /*dimensions_to_reduce=*/{axis});
     87   *argminmax = output;
     88   return Status::OK();
     89 }
     91 }  // namespace
     93 xla::ComputationDataHandle XlaHelpers::MinValue(xla::ComputationBuilder* b,
     94                                                 DataType data_type) {
     95   xla::PrimitiveType type;
     96   TF_CHECK_OK(DataTypeToPrimitiveType(data_type, &type));
     97   return b->ConstantLiteral(xla::Literal::MinValue(type));
     98 }
    100 xla::ComputationDataHandle XlaHelpers::MaxValue(xla::ComputationBuilder* b,
    101                                                 DataType data_type) {
    102   xla::PrimitiveType type;
    103   TF_CHECK_OK(DataTypeToPrimitiveType(data_type, &type));
    104   return b->ConstantLiteral(xla::Literal::MaxValue(type));
    105 }
    107 xla::ComputationDataHandle XlaHelpers::Zero(xla::ComputationBuilder* b,
    108                                             DataType data_type) {
    109   xla::PrimitiveType type;
    110   TF_CHECK_OK(DataTypeToPrimitiveType(data_type, &type));
    111   return b->ConstantLiteral(xla::Literal::Zero(type));
    112 }
    114 xla::ComputationDataHandle XlaHelpers::One(xla::ComputationBuilder* b,
    115                                            DataType data_type) {
    116   xla::PrimitiveType type;
    117   TF_CHECK_OK(DataTypeToPrimitiveType(data_type, &type));
    118   return b->ConstantLiteral(xla::Literal::One(type));
    119 }
    121 xla::ComputationDataHandle XlaHelpers::Epsilon(xla::ComputationBuilder* b,
    122                                                DataType data_type) {
    123   switch (data_type) {
    124     case DT_BFLOAT16:
    125       return b->ConstantR0<bfloat16>(bfloat16::epsilon());
    126     case DT_FLOAT:
    127       return b->ConstantR0<float>(std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
    128     case DT_DOUBLE:
    129       return b->ConstantR0<double>(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
    130     default:
    131       LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported type in XlaHelpers::Epsilon: "
    132                  << DataTypeString(data_type);
    133   }
    134 }
    136 xla::ComputationDataHandle XlaHelpers::IntegerLiteral(
    137     xla::ComputationBuilder* b, DataType data_type, int64 value) {
    138   xla::PrimitiveType type;
    139   TF_CHECK_OK(DataTypeToPrimitiveType(data_type, &type));
    140   return ::tensorflow::IntegerLiteral(b, type, value);
    141 }
    143 xla::ComputationDataHandle XlaHelpers::FloatLiteral(xla::ComputationBuilder* b,
    144                                                     DataType data_type,
    145                                                     double value) {
    146   xla::PrimitiveType type;
    147   TF_CHECK_OK(DataTypeToPrimitiveType(data_type, &type));
    148   return ::tensorflow::FloatLiteral(b, type, value);
    149 }
    151 /* static */ Status XlaHelpers::ReshapeLiteral(
    152     const xla::Literal& input, gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
    153     xla::Literal* output) {
    154   if (xla::ShapeUtil::IsTuple(input.shape())) {
    155     return errors::InvalidArgument("ReshapeLiteral does not support tuples.");
    156   }
    157   xla::Shape shape =
    158       xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(input.shape().element_type(), dimensions);
    159   int64 elements_before = xla::ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(input.shape());
    160   int64 elements_after = xla::ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(shape);
    161   if (elements_before != elements_after) {
    162     return errors::InvalidArgument(
    163         "Shapes before and after ReshapeLiteral have different numbers of "
    164         "elements.");
    165   }
    167   *output = input.Clone();
    168   output->mutable_shape_do_not_use()->Swap(&shape);
    169   return Status::OK();
    170 }
    172 template <typename T>
    173 static Tensor MakeLinspaceTensor(const TensorShape& shape, int64 depth) {
    174   Tensor linspace(DataTypeToEnum<T>::v(), shape);
    175   auto linspace_flat = linspace.flat<T>();
    176   for (int64 i = 0; i < depth; ++i) {
    177     linspace_flat(i) = i;
    178   }
    179   return linspace;
    180 }
    182 Status XlaHelpers::ArgMax(xla::ComputationBuilder* builder,
    183                           XlaOpKernelContext* ctx,
    184                           const xla::ComputationDataHandle& input,
    185                           const TensorShape& input_shape, DataType input_type,
    186                           DataType output_type, int axis,
    187                           xla::ComputationDataHandle* argmax) {
    188   return ArgMinMax(builder, ctx, input, input_shape, input_type, output_type,
    189                    axis, /*is_min=*/false, argmax);
    190 }
    192 Status XlaHelpers::ArgMin(xla::ComputationBuilder* builder,
    193                           XlaOpKernelContext* ctx,
    194                           const xla::ComputationDataHandle& input,
    195                           const TensorShape& input_shape, DataType input_type,
    196                           DataType output_type, int axis,
    197                           xla::ComputationDataHandle* argmin) {
    198   return ArgMinMax(builder, ctx, input, input_shape, input_type, output_type,
    199                    axis, /*is_min=*/true, argmin);
    200 }
    202 Status XlaHelpers::Iota(xla::ComputationBuilder* builder, DataType dtype,
    203                         int64 size, xla::ComputationDataHandle* iota) {
    204   TensorShape linspace_shape({size});
    205   Tensor linspace;
    206   switch (dtype) {
    207     case DT_UINT8:
    208       linspace = MakeLinspaceTensor<uint8>(linspace_shape, size);
    209       break;
    210     case DT_INT32:
    211       linspace = MakeLinspaceTensor<int32>(linspace_shape, size);
    212       break;
    213     case DT_INT64:
    214       linspace = MakeLinspaceTensor<int64>(linspace_shape, size);
    215       break;
    216     default:
    217       return errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid argument type ",
    218                                      DataTypeString(dtype));
    219   }
    220   xla::Literal linspace_literal;
    221   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(HostTensorToLiteral(linspace, &linspace_literal));
    222   *iota = builder->ConstantLiteral(linspace_literal);
    223   return Status::OK();
    224 }
    226 Status XlaHelpers::OneHot(xla::ComputationBuilder* builder, int64 depth,
    227                           int axis, DataType index_type,
    228                           const TensorShape& indices_shape,
    229                           const xla::ComputationDataHandle& indices,
    230                           const xla::ComputationDataHandle& on_value,
    231                           const xla::ComputationDataHandle& off_value,
    232                           xla::ComputationDataHandle* one_hot) {
    233   const int indices_dims = indices_shape.dims();
    234   const int output_dims = indices_dims + 1;
    236   TensorShape output_shape = indices_shape;
    237   output_shape.InsertDim(axis, depth);
    239   // Build a Tensor populated with values 0, 1, 2, ... depth.
    240   std::vector<int64> linspace_dims(output_dims, 1);
    241   linspace_dims[axis] = depth;
    242   TensorShape linspace_shape(linspace_dims);
    243   Tensor linspace;
    244   switch (index_type) {
    245     case DT_UINT8:
    246       linspace = MakeLinspaceTensor<uint8>(linspace_shape, depth);
    247       break;
    248     case DT_INT32:
    249       linspace = MakeLinspaceTensor<int32>(linspace_shape, depth);
    250       break;
    251     case DT_INT64:
    252       linspace = MakeLinspaceTensor<int64>(linspace_shape, depth);
    253       break;
    254     default:
    255       return errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid argument type ",
    256                                      DataTypeString(index_type));
    257   }
    258   xla::Literal linspace_literal;
    259   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(HostTensorToLiteral(linspace, &linspace_literal));
    261   // Broadcast the linspace constant across the indices along the new axis,
    262   // and test equality at each position.
    263   std::vector<int64> broadcast_dims(indices_shape.dims());
    264   std::iota(broadcast_dims.begin(), broadcast_dims.begin() + axis, 0);
    265   std::iota(broadcast_dims.begin() + axis, broadcast_dims.end(), axis + 1);
    266   xla::ComputationDataHandle one_hot_bool = builder->Eq(
    267       indices, builder->ConstantLiteral(linspace_literal), broadcast_dims);
    269   // Selects the user-provided off_value and on_value values.
    270   *one_hot = builder->Select(
    271       one_hot_bool, builder->Broadcast(on_value, output_shape.dim_sizes()),
    272       builder->Broadcast(off_value, output_shape.dim_sizes()));
    273   return Status::OK();
    274 }
    276 }  // end namespace tensorflow