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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/cpu/cpu_runtime.h"
     18 #include <functional>
     20 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/llvm_util.h"
     21 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
     22 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
     23 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
     25 namespace xla {
     26 namespace cpu {
     27 namespace runtime {
     29 XfeedManager* GetXfeedManager() {
     30   static XfeedManager* manager = new XfeedManager;
     31   return manager;
     32 }
     34 extern const char* const kEigenMatMulF32SymbolName =
     35     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenMatMulF32";
     36 extern const char* const kEigenMatMulF64SymbolName =
     37     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenMatMulF64";
     38 extern const char* const kEigenConvF16SymbolName =
     39     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenConvF16";
     40 extern const char* const kEigenConvF32SymbolName =
     41     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenConvF32";
     42 extern const char* const kEigenFftSymbolName = "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenFft";
     43 extern const char* const kEigenSingleThreadedMatMulF32SymbolName =
     44     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenSingleThreadedMatMulF32";
     45 extern const char* const kEigenSingleThreadedMatMulF64SymbolName =
     46     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenSingleThreadedMatMulF64";
     47 extern const char* const kEigenSingleThreadedConvF16SymbolName =
     48     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenSingleThreadedConvF16";
     49 extern const char* const kEigenSingleThreadedConvF32SymbolName =
     50     "__xla_cpu_runtime_EigenSingleThreadedConvF32";
     51 extern const char* const kAcquireInfeedBufferForDequeueSymbolName =
     52     "__xla_cpu_runtime_AcquireInfeedBufferForDequeue";
     53 extern const char* const kReleaseInfeedBufferAfterDequeueSymbolName =
     54     "__xla_cpu_runtime_ReleaseInfeedBufferAfterDequeue";
     55 extern const char* const kAcquireOutfeedBufferForPopulationSymbolName =
     56     "__xla_cpu_runtime_AcquireOutfeedBufferForPopulation";
     57 extern const char* const kReleaseOutfeedBufferAfterPopulationSymbolName =
     58     "__xla_cpu_runtime_ReleaseOutfeedBufferAfterPopulation";
     59 extern const char* const kParallelForkJoinSymbolName =
     60     "__xla_cpu_runtime_ParallelForkJoin";
     62 extern const char* const kXlaCpuRuntimeSymbolNamePrefix = "__xla_cpu_runtime_";
     63 }  // namespace runtime
     64 }  // namespace cpu
     65 }  // namespace xla
     67 namespace {
     69 tensorflow::string ShapeString(const void* shape_ptr, xla::int32 shape_length) {
     70   xla::StatusOr<xla::Shape> shape =
     71       xla::llvm_ir::DecodeSelfDescribingShapeConstant(shape_ptr, shape_length);
     72   if (shape.ok()) {
     73     return xla::ShapeUtil::HumanStringWithLayout(shape.ValueOrDie());
     74   }
     75   return "<invalid shape>";
     76 }
     78 }  // namespace
     80 void* __xla_cpu_runtime_AcquireInfeedBufferForDequeue(xla::int32 buffer_length,
     81                                                       const void* shape,
     82                                                       xla::int32 shape_length) {
     83   if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
     84     LOG(INFO) << "AcquireInfeedBufferForDequeue: "
     85               << ShapeString(shape, shape_length);
     86   }
     87   xla::cpu::runtime::XfeedManager* xfeed = xla::cpu::runtime::GetXfeedManager();
     88   // Wait until there's a buffer to dequeue.
     89   xla::cpu::runtime::XfeedBuffer* buffer =
     90       xfeed->infeed()->BlockingDequeueBuffer();
     91   CHECK_EQ(buffer->length(), buffer_length)
     92       << "XLA program infeed request buffer size " << buffer_length
     93       << " did not match the runtime's infed buffer length " << buffer->length()
     94       << "; program reports desired shape: "
     95       << ShapeString(shape, shape_length);
     96   return buffer->data();
     97 }
     99 void __xla_cpu_runtime_ReleaseInfeedBufferAfterDequeue(
    100     xla::int32 buffer_length, void* buffer_ptr, const void* shape_ptr,
    101     xla::int32 shape_length) {
    102   if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
    103     LOG(INFO) << "ReleaseInfeedBufferAfterDeque: "
    104               << ShapeString(shape_ptr, shape_length);
    105   }
    106   xla::cpu::runtime::XfeedManager* xfeed = xla::cpu::runtime::GetXfeedManager();
    107   xla::StatusOr<xla::Shape> shape =
    108       xla::llvm_ir::DecodeSelfDescribingShapeConstant(shape_ptr, shape_length);
    109   xfeed->infeed()->ReleaseCurrentBuffer(buffer_length, buffer_ptr,
    110                                         std::move(shape));
    111 }
    113 void* __xla_cpu_runtime_AcquireOutfeedBufferForPopulation(
    114     xla::int32 buffer_length, const void* shape_ptr, xla::int32 shape_length) {
    115   if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
    116     LOG(INFO) << "AcquireOutfeedBufferForPopulation: "
    117               << ShapeString(shape_ptr, shape_length);
    118   }
    119   xla::cpu::runtime::XfeedManager* xfeed = xla::cpu::runtime::GetXfeedManager();
    120   // Wait until there's a buffer to dequeue.
    121   xla::cpu::runtime::XfeedBuffer* buffer =
    122       xfeed->outfeed()->BlockingDequeueBuffer();
    123   CHECK_EQ(buffer->length(), buffer_length)
    124       << "XLA program outfeed request buffer size " << buffer_length
    125       << " did not match the runtime's outfeed buffer length "
    126       << buffer->length() << "; program reports outfed shape: "
    127       << ShapeString(shape_ptr, shape_length);
    128   return buffer->data();
    129 }
    131 void __xla_cpu_runtime_ReleaseOutfeedBufferAfterPopulation(
    132     xla::int32 buffer_length, void* buffer_ptr, const void* shape_ptr,
    133     xla::int32 shape_length) {
    134   if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
    135     LOG(INFO) << "ReleaseOutfeedBufferAfterPopulation: "
    136               << ShapeString(shape_ptr, shape_length);
    137   }
    138   xla::cpu::runtime::XfeedManager* xfeed = xla::cpu::runtime::GetXfeedManager();
    139   xla::StatusOr<xla::Shape> shape =
    140       xla::llvm_ir::DecodeSelfDescribingShapeConstant(shape_ptr, shape_length);
    141   xfeed->outfeed()->ReleaseCurrentBuffer(buffer_length, buffer_ptr,
    142                                          std::move(shape));
    143 }