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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     19 #include <iosfwd>
     20 #include <string>
     21 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
     22 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
     24 namespace xla {
     26 // High-level optimizer instruction opcodes -- these are linear-algebra level
     27 // opcodes. They are a flattened form of the UnaryOp, BinaryOp, ... opcodes
     28 // present in the XLA service protobuf.
     29 //
     30 // See the XLA documentation for the semantics of each opcode.
     31 //
     32 // Each entry has the format:
     33 // (enum_name, opcode_name)
     34 // or
     35 // (enum_name, opcode_name, p1 | p2 | ...)
     36 //
     37 // with p1, p2, ... are members of HloOpcodeProperty. They are combined
     38 // using bitwise-or.
     39 //
     40 // Note: Do not use ':' in opcode names. It is used as a special character
     41 // in these places:
     42 // - In extended opcode strings (HloInstruction::ExtendedOpcodeString()), to
     43 //   separate the opcode from the fusion kind
     44 // - In fully qualified names (HloInstruction::FullyQualifiedName()), to
     45 //   separate the qualifiers (name of the computation and potentially the
     46 //   fusion instruction) from the name
     47 #define HLO_OPCODE_LIST(V)                                   \
     48   V(kAbs, "abs")                                             \
     49   V(kAdd, "add")                                             \
     50   V(kAtan2, "atan2")                                         \
     51   V(kBatchNormGrad, "batch-norm-grad")                       \
     52   V(kBatchNormInference, "batch-norm-inference")             \
     53   V(kBatchNormTraining, "batch-norm-training")               \
     54   V(kBitcast, "bitcast")                                     \
     55   V(kBitcastConvert, "bitcast-convert")                      \
     56   V(kBroadcast, "broadcast")                                 \
     57   V(kCall, "call", kHloOpcodeIsVariadic)                     \
     58   V(kCeil, "ceil")                                           \
     59   V(kClamp, "clamp")                                         \
     60   V(kComplex, "complex")                                     \
     61   V(kConcatenate, "concatenate", kHloOpcodeIsVariadic)       \
     62   V(kConditional, "conditional")                             \
     63   V(kConstant, "constant")                                   \
     64   V(kConvert, "convert")                                     \
     65   V(kConvolution, "convolution")                             \
     66   V(kCopy, "copy")                                           \
     67   V(kCos, "cosine")                                          \
     68   V(kCrossReplicaSum, "cross-replica-sum")                   \
     69   V(kCustomCall, "custom-call")                              \
     70   V(kDivide, "divide")                                       \
     71   V(kDot, "dot")                                             \
     72   V(kDynamicSlice, "dynamic-slice")                          \
     73   V(kDynamicUpdateSlice, "dynamic-update-slice")             \
     74   V(kEq, "equal-to", kHloOpcodeIsComparison)                 \
     75   V(kExp, "exponential")                                     \
     76   V(kFft, "fft")                                             \
     77   V(kFloor, "floor")                                         \
     78   V(kFusion, "fusion", kHloOpcodeIsVariadic)                 \
     79   V(kGather, "gather")                                       \
     80   V(kGe, "greater-than-or-equal-to", kHloOpcodeIsComparison) \
     81   V(kGetTupleElement, "get-tuple-element")                   \
     82   V(kGt, "greater-than", kHloOpcodeIsComparison)             \
     83   V(kHostCompute, "host-compute")                            \
     84   V(kImag, "imag")                                           \
     85   V(kInfeed, "infeed")                                       \
     86   V(kIsFinite, "is-finite")                                  \
     87   V(kLe, "less-than-or-equal-to", kHloOpcodeIsComparison)    \
     88   V(kLog, "log")                                             \
     89   V(kAnd, "and")                                             \
     90   V(kNot, "not")                                             \
     91   V(kOr, "or")                                               \
     92   V(kLt, "less-than", kHloOpcodeIsComparison)                \
     93   V(kMap, "map", kHloOpcodeIsVariadic)                       \
     94   V(kMaximum, "maximum")                                     \
     95   V(kMinimum, "minimum")                                     \
     96   V(kMultiply, "multiply")                                   \
     97   V(kNe, "not-equal-to", kHloOpcodeIsComparison)             \
     98   V(kNegate, "negate")                                       \
     99   V(kOutfeed, "outfeed")                                     \
    100   V(kPad, "pad")                                             \
    101   V(kParameter, "parameter")                                 \
    102   V(kPower, "power")                                         \
    103   V(kReal, "real")                                           \
    104   V(kRecv, "recv")                                           \
    105   V(kRecvDone, "recv-done")                                  \
    106   V(kReduce, "reduce")                                       \
    107   V(kReducePrecision, "reduce-precision")                    \
    108   V(kReduceWindow, "reduce-window")                          \
    109   V(kRemainder, "remainder")                                 \
    110   V(kReshape, "reshape")                                     \
    111   V(kReverse, "reverse")                                     \
    112   V(kRng, "rng")                                             \
    113   V(kRoundNearestAfz, "round-nearest-afz")                   \
    114   V(kSelect, "select")                                       \
    115   V(kSelectAndScatter, "select-and-scatter")                 \
    116   V(kSend, "send")                                           \
    117   V(kSendDone, "send-done")                                  \
    118   V(kShiftLeft, "shift-left")                                \
    119   V(kShiftRightArithmetic, "shift-right-arithmetic")         \
    120   V(kShiftRightLogical, "shift-right-logical")               \
    121   V(kSign, "sign")                                           \
    122   V(kSin, "sine")                                            \
    123   V(kSlice, "slice")                                         \
    124   V(kSort, "sort")                                           \
    125   V(kSubtract, "subtract")                                   \
    126   V(kTanh, "tanh")                                           \
    127   V(kTrace, "trace")                                         \
    128   V(kTranspose, "transpose")                                 \
    129   V(kTuple, "tuple", kHloOpcodeIsVariadic)                   \
    130   V(kWhile, "while")
    132 enum class HloOpcode {
    133 #define DECLARE_ENUM(enum_name, opcode_name, ...) enum_name,
    135 #undef DECLARE_ENUM
    136 };
    138 // List of properties associated with opcodes.
    139 // Properties are defined as increasing powers of two, so that we can use
    140 // bitwise-or to combine properties, and bitwise-and to test for them.
    141 enum HloOpcodeProperty {
    142   kHloOpcodeIsComparison = 1 << 0,
    143   kHloOpcodeIsVariadic = 1 << 1,
    144 };
    146 // Returns a string representation of the opcode.
    147 string HloOpcodeString(HloOpcode opcode);
    149 // Returns a string representation of the opcode.
    150 StatusOr<HloOpcode> StringToHloOpcode(const string& opcode_name);
    152 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, HloOpcode opcode) {
    153   return os << HloOpcodeString(opcode);
    154 }
    156 // Returns true iff the given opcode is a comparison operation.
    157 bool HloOpcodeIsComparison(HloOpcode opcode);
    159 // Returns true iff the given opcode has variadic operands.
    160 bool HloOpcodeIsVariadic(HloOpcode opcode);
    162 // Returns the number of HloOpcode values.
    163 inline const uint32_t HloOpcodeCount() {
    164 #define HLO_COUNT_ONE(...) +1
    165 #define HLO_XLIST_LENGTH(list) list(HLO_COUNT_ONE)
    167 }
    169 }  // namespace xla