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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_sharding.h"
     18 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
     19 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/str_util.h"
     21 namespace xla {
     23 using ::tensorflow::strings::StrCat;
     25 HloSharding HloSharding::AssignDevice(int64 device_id) {
     26   return HloSharding(device_id);
     27 }
     29 HloSharding HloSharding::Tile1D(const Shape& input_shape, int64 num_tiles) {
     30   CHECK_EQ(1, ShapeUtil::Rank(input_shape));
     31   CHECK_GT(num_tiles, 1);
     32   std::vector<int64> dimensions(1, num_tiles);
     33   Shape tile_shape = input_shape;
     34   auto& tile_dimension = (*tile_shape.mutable_dimensions())[0];
     35   tile_dimension = CeilOfRatio(static_cast<int64>(tile_dimension), num_tiles);
     36   Array<int64> assignment(dimensions);
     37   std::iota(assignment.begin(), assignment.end(), 0);
     38   return HloSharding(tile_shape, assignment);
     39 }
     41 string HloSharding::ToString() const {
     42   if (IsTuple()) {
     43     std::vector<string> parts;
     44     parts.reserve(tuple_elements_.size());
     45     for (const HloSharding& element : tuple_elements_) {
     46       parts.push_back(element.ToString());
     47     }
     48     return StrCat("{", tensorflow::str_util::Join(parts, ", "), "}");
     49   }
     51   string result = StrCat("{", (replicated_ ? " replicated" : ""),
     52                          (maximal_ ? " maximal" : ""));
     54   if (replicated_) {
     55     return "{replicated}";
     56   } else if (maximal_) {
     57     return StrCat(
     58         "{maximal device=", static_cast<int64>(*tile_assignment_.begin()), "}");
     59   } else {
     60     return StrCat("{", ShapeUtil::HumanString(tile_shape_), " ",
     61                   "devices=", VectorString(tile_assignment_), "}");
     62   }
     63 }
     65 bool HloSharding::UsesDevice(int64 device) const {
     66   if (IsTuple()) {
     67     return std::any_of(
     68         tuple_elements_.begin(), tuple_elements_.end(),
     69         [&](const HloSharding& s) { return s.UsesDevice(device); });
     70   }
     71   const auto& devices = tile_assignment_;
     72   return replicated_ ||
     73          std::find(devices.begin(), devices.end(), device) != devices.end();
     74 }
     76 std::vector<int64> HloSharding::TileIndexForDevice(int64 device) const {
     77   CHECK(!ShapeUtil::IsTuple(tile_shape_));
     78   CHECK(!maximal_);
     79   CHECK(!IsTuple());
     80   std::vector<int64> ret_index;
     81   tile_assignment_.Each([&](tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> index, int64 d) {
     82     if (d == device) {
     83       ret_index = {index.begin(), index.end()};
     84     }
     85   });
     86   CHECK(!ret_index.empty());
     87   return ret_index;
     88 }
     90 int64 HloSharding::DeviceForTileIndex(
     91     tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> index) const {
     92   CHECK(!replicated_);
     93   CHECK(!IsTuple());
     94   if (maximal_) {
     95     return *tile_assignment_.begin();
     96   }
     97   CHECK_EQ(ShapeUtil::Rank(tile_shape_), tile_assignment_.dimensions().size());
     98   return tile_assignment_(index);
     99 }
    101 std::vector<int64> HloSharding::TileOffsetForDevice(int64 device) const {
    102   CHECK(!IsTuple());
    104   std::vector<int64> index = TileIndexForDevice(device);
    105   if (maximal_) {
    106     // Index will always be all zeroes if we're maximal, and tile_shape_ is not
    107     // valid.
    108     return index;
    109   }
    110   for (int64 i = 0; i < index.size(); ++i) {
    111     index[i] *= tile_shape_.dimensions(i);
    112   }
    113   return index;
    114 }
    116 std::vector<int64> HloSharding::TileLimitForDevice(int64 device) const {
    117   CHECK(!IsTuple());
    118   CHECK(!maximal_);  // Maximal shardings do not have a valid tile shape.
    120   std::vector<int64> index = TileIndexForDevice(device);
    121   for (int64 i = 0; i < index.size(); ++i) {
    122     index[i] = (index[i] + 1) * tile_shape_.dimensions(i);
    123   }
    124   return index;
    125 }
    127 StatusOr<int64> HloSharding::UniqueDevice() const {
    128   if (IsTuple()) {
    129     if (tuple_elements_.empty()) {
    130       return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    131           "UniqueDevice() called on empty tuple");
    132     }
    133     std::vector<StatusOr<int64>> results;
    134     std::transform(tuple_elements_.begin(), tuple_elements_.end(),
    135                    std::back_inserter(results),
    136                    [](const HloSharding& s) { return s.UniqueDevice(); });
    137     if (std::all_of(results.begin(), results.end(),
    138                     [&](const StatusOr<int64>& s) {
    139                       return s.ok() && results[0].ok() &&
    140                              s.ValueOrDie() == results[0].ValueOrDie();
    141                     })) {
    142       return results[0];
    143     } else {
    144       return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    145           "Tuple did not contain a unique device");
    146     }
    147   }
    148   if (!replicated_ && maximal_ && !IsTuple()) {
    149     return static_cast<int64>(*tile_assignment_.begin());
    150   }
    151   return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    152       "UniqueDevice() called on sharding that executes on multiple devices");
    153 }
    155 bool HloSharding::HasUniqueDevice() const {
    156   if (IsTuple()) {
    157     return UniqueDevice().status().ok();
    158   } else {
    159     return !IsReplicated() && IsTileMaximal();
    160   }
    161 }
    163 Status HloSharding::ValidateTuple(const Shape& shape, int64 num_devices) const {
    164   if (!ShapeUtil::IsTuple(shape)) {
    165     return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    166         StrCat("Sharding is tuple-shaped but validation shape is not."));
    167   }
    168   // The easiest way to get the number of elements in a nested tuple is just to
    169   // create a shape tree. We could call GetAsShapeTree, but that will try and
    170   // apply our tuple_shardings_ to the shape tree, and that might cause a crash
    171   // at this point as we haven't validated them.
    172   ShapeTree<bool> bool_shape_tree(shape, false);
    173   int64 num_leaves =
    174       std::distance(bool_shape_tree.leaf_begin(), bool_shape_tree.leaf_end());
    175   if (num_leaves != tuple_elements_.size()) {
    176     return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    177         StrCat("Validation tuple shape has ", num_leaves,
    178                " leaf elements, but this sharding contains ",
    179                tuple_elements_.size(), " elements."));
    180   }
    182   // Now we've validated the number of tuple elements, it's safe to request a
    183   // shape tree.
    184   ShapeTree<HloSharding> shape_tree = GetAsShapeTree(shape);
    185   for (const auto& index_to_sharding : shape_tree.leaves()) {
    186     Status status = index_to_sharding.second.ValidateNonTuple(
    187         ShapeUtil::GetSubshape(shape, index_to_sharding.first), num_devices);
    188     if (!status.ok()) {
    189       tensorflow::errors::AppendToMessage(
    190           &status, StrCat("Note: While validating sharding tuple element ",
    191                           index_to_sharding.first.ToString(), " which is ",
    192                           index_to_sharding.second.ToString()));
    193       return status;
    194     }
    195   }
    196   return Status::OK();
    197 }
    199 Status HloSharding::Validate(const Shape& shape, int64 num_devices) const {
    200   Status status = IsTuple() ? ValidateTuple(shape, num_devices)
    201                             : ValidateNonTuple(shape, num_devices);
    202   if (!status.ok()) {
    203     tensorflow::errors::AppendToMessage(
    204         &status, StrCat("Note: While validating sharding ", ToString(),
    205                         " against shape ", ShapeUtil::HumanString(shape)));
    206   }
    207   return status;
    208 }
    210 Status HloSharding::ValidateNonTuple(const Shape& shape,
    211                                      int64 num_devices) const {
    212   if (ShapeUtil::IsTuple(shape)) {
    213     return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    214         StrCat("Validation shape is a tuple but sharding is not."));
    215   }
    216   if (replicated_) {
    217     return Status::OK();
    218   }
    220   // All tile assignments must be less than the number of available cores and
    221   // unique.
    222   Status status = Status::OK();
    223   std::set<int64> seen_cores;
    224   tile_assignment_.Each(
    225       [&](tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indices, uint32 core) {
    226         // Don't overwrite a bad status, so we report the first error.
    227         if (status.ok()) {
    228           if (core >= num_devices) {
    229             status = tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(StrCat(
    230                 "core ", core, " > ", num_devices, " in tile assignment"));
    231           } else if (seen_cores.count(core) != 0) {
    232             status = tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    233                 StrCat("core ", core, " is not unique in tile assignment"));
    234           }
    235         }
    236         seen_cores.insert(core);
    237       });
    238   if (!status.ok()) {
    239     return status;
    240   }
    242   if (IsTileMaximal()) {
    243     return Status::OK();
    244   }
    246   // The tile rank must be the same as the input rank.
    247   if (ShapeUtil::Rank(shape) != ShapeUtil::Rank(tile_shape_)) {
    248     return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    249         "Tile rank is different to the input rank. sharding=", ToString(),
    250         ", input_shape=", ShapeUtil::HumanString(shape));
    251   }
    253   // The tile shape must not be the same as the input shape without maximal_
    254   // also set. If this is the case, we're not actually sharded and the correct
    255   // constructor should have been used.
    256   if (ShapeUtil::Equal(shape, tile_shape_)) {
    257     return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    258         "Tile shape is the same as the input shape. If a replicated sharding "
    259         "was intended, use HloSharding::Replicated(). If a device placement "
    260         "was intended, use HloSharding::AssignDevice()");
    261   }
    263   // The tile shape must not be greater than the input shape in any dimension.
    264   for (int64 i = 0, e = ShapeUtil::Rank(shape); i != e; ++i) {
    265     auto tile_dim = tile_shape_.dimensions(i);
    266     auto shape_dim = shape.dimensions(i);
    267     if (tile_dim > shape_dim) {
    268       return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    269           StrCat("Tile is larger than input shape (dimension ", i, ", ",
    270                  tile_dim, " > ", shape_dim));
    271     }
    272   }
    274   // The tile assignment tensor must be exactly dimensioned to ceil(shape[dim]
    275   // tile[dim]) for every dimension contained within tile.
    276   for (int64 i = 0, e = tile_assignment_.dimensions().size(); i != e; ++i) {
    277     int64 expected_dim =
    278         CeilOfRatio(shape.dimensions(i), tile_shape_.dimensions(i));
    279     if (tile_assignment_.dimensions()[i] != expected_dim) {
    280       return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
    281           StrCat("Tile assignment tensor has incorrect shape. Dimension ", i,
    282                  " expected ", expected_dim, " but got ",
    283                  tile_assignment_.dimensions()[i]));
    284     }
    285   }
    287   return Status::OK();
    288 }
    290 /*static*/ StatusOr<HloSharding> HloSharding::FromProto(
    291     const OpSharding& proto) {
    292   if (proto.type() == OpSharding::Type::OpSharding_Type_TUPLE) {
    293     std::vector<HloSharding> tuple_shardings;
    294     tuple_shardings.reserve(proto.tuple_shardings().size());
    295     for (const OpSharding& tuple_sharding_proto : proto.tuple_shardings()) {
    296       TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(HloSharding sharding,
    297                           HloSharding::FromProto(tuple_sharding_proto));
    298       tuple_shardings.push_back(sharding);
    299     }
    300     return HloSharding(tuple_shardings);
    301   } else if (proto.type() == OpSharding::Type::OpSharding_Type_REPLICATED) {
    302     return Replicate();
    303   } else if (proto.type() == OpSharding::Type::OpSharding_Type_MAXIMAL ||
    304              proto.tile_assignment_devices().size() == 1) {
    305     return HloSharding(proto.tile_assignment_devices(0));
    306   }
    307   // Some versions of gcc cannot infer the TileAssignment constructor from a
    308   // braced initializer-list, so create one manually.
    309   std::vector<int64> devices(proto.tile_assignment_devices().begin(),
    310                              proto.tile_assignment_devices().end());
    311   Array<int64> tile_assignment(
    312       std::vector<int64>(proto.tile_assignment_dimensions().begin(),
    313                          proto.tile_assignment_dimensions().end()));
    314   std::copy(proto.tile_assignment_devices().begin(),
    315             proto.tile_assignment_devices().end(), tile_assignment.begin());
    316   return HloSharding(proto.tile_shape(), tile_assignment);
    317 }
    319 OpSharding HloSharding::ToProto() const {
    320   OpSharding result;
    322   if (IsTuple()) {
    323     for (const HloSharding& element : tuple_elements_) {
    324       *result.add_tuple_shardings() = element.ToProto();
    325     }
    326     result.set_type(OpSharding::Type::OpSharding_Type_TUPLE);
    327     return result;
    328   }
    330   *result.mutable_tile_shape() = tile_shape_;
    331   for (int64 dim : tile_assignment_.dimensions()) {
    332     result.add_tile_assignment_dimensions(dim);
    333   }
    334   for (auto device : tile_assignment_) {
    335     result.add_tile_assignment_devices(device);
    336   }
    337   if (IsReplicated()) {
    338     result.set_type(OpSharding::Type::OpSharding_Type_REPLICATED);
    339   } else if (IsTileMaximal()) {
    340     result.set_type(OpSharding::Type::OpSharding_Type_MAXIMAL);
    341   } else {
    342     result.set_type(OpSharding::Type::OpSharding_Type_OTHER);
    343   }
    344   return result;
    345 }
    347 }  // namespace xla