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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     15 // Unit test for TFLite Sequential LSTM op.
     17 #include <iomanip>
     18 #include <memory>
     19 #include <vector>
     21 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
     22 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
     23 #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/interpreter.h"
     24 #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels/register.h"
     25 #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels/test_util.h"
     26 #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/model.h"
     28 namespace tflite {
     29 namespace {
     31 using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
     33 class UnidirectionalLSTMOpModel : public SingleOpModel {
     34  public:
     35   UnidirectionalLSTMOpModel(int n_batch, int n_input, int n_cell, int n_output,
     36                             int sequence_length, bool use_cifg,
     37                             bool use_peephole, bool use_projection_weights,
     38                             bool use_projection_bias, float cell_clip,
     39                             float proj_clip,
     40                             const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& input_shapes)
     41       : n_batch_(n_batch),
     42         n_input_(n_input),
     43         n_cell_(n_cell),
     44         n_output_(n_output),
     45         sequence_length_(sequence_length) {
     46     input_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     48     if (use_cifg) {
     49       input_to_input_weights_ = AddNullInput();
     50     } else {
     51       input_to_input_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     52     }
     54     input_to_forget_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     55     input_to_cell_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     56     input_to_output_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     58     if (use_cifg) {
     59       recurrent_to_input_weights_ = AddNullInput();
     60     } else {
     61       recurrent_to_input_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     62     }
     64     recurrent_to_forget_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     65     recurrent_to_cell_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     66     recurrent_to_output_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     68     if (use_peephole) {
     69       if (use_cifg) {
     70         cell_to_input_weights_ = AddNullInput();
     71       } else {
     72         cell_to_input_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     73       }
     74       cell_to_forget_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     75       cell_to_output_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     76     } else {
     77       cell_to_input_weights_ = AddNullInput();
     78       cell_to_forget_weights_ = AddNullInput();
     79       cell_to_output_weights_ = AddNullInput();
     80     }
     82     if (use_cifg) {
     83       input_gate_bias_ = AddNullInput();
     84     } else {
     85       input_gate_bias_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     86     }
     87     forget_gate_bias_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     88     cell_bias_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     89     output_gate_bias_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     91     if (use_projection_weights) {
     92       projection_weights_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     93       if (use_projection_bias) {
     94         projection_bias_ = AddInput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
     95       } else {
     96         projection_bias_ = AddNullInput();
     97       }
     98     } else {
     99       projection_weights_ = AddNullInput();
    100       projection_bias_ = AddNullInput();
    101     }
    103     scratch_buffer_ = AddOutput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
    104     // TODO(ghodrat): Modify these states when we have a permanent solution for
    105     // persistent buffer.
    106     output_state_ = AddOutput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
    107     cell_state_ = AddOutput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
    108     output_ = AddOutput(TensorType_FLOAT32);
    110     SetBuiltinOp(BuiltinOperator_UNIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM,
    111                  BuiltinOptions_LSTMOptions,
    112                  CreateLSTMOptions(builder_, ActivationFunctionType_TANH,
    113                                    cell_clip, proj_clip)
    114                      .Union());
    115     BuildInterpreter(input_shapes);
    116   }
    118   void SetInputToInputWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    119     PopulateTensor(input_to_input_weights_, f);
    120   }
    122   void SetInputToForgetWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    123     PopulateTensor(input_to_forget_weights_, f);
    124   }
    126   void SetInputToCellWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    127     PopulateTensor(input_to_cell_weights_, f);
    128   }
    130   void SetInputToOutputWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    131     PopulateTensor(input_to_output_weights_, f);
    132   }
    134   void SetRecurrentToInputWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    135     PopulateTensor(recurrent_to_input_weights_, f);
    136   }
    138   void SetRecurrentToForgetWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    139     PopulateTensor(recurrent_to_forget_weights_, f);
    140   }
    142   void SetRecurrentToCellWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    143     PopulateTensor(recurrent_to_cell_weights_, f);
    144   }
    146   void SetRecurrentToOutputWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    147     PopulateTensor(recurrent_to_output_weights_, f);
    148   }
    150   void SetCellToInputWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    151     PopulateTensor(cell_to_input_weights_, f);
    152   }
    154   void SetCellToForgetWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    155     PopulateTensor(cell_to_forget_weights_, f);
    156   }
    158   void SetCellToOutputWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    159     PopulateTensor(cell_to_output_weights_, f);
    160   }
    162   void SetInputGateBias(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    163     PopulateTensor(input_gate_bias_, f);
    164   }
    166   void SetForgetGateBias(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    167     PopulateTensor(forget_gate_bias_, f);
    168   }
    170   void SetCellBias(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    171     PopulateTensor(cell_bias_, f);
    172   }
    174   void SetOutputGateBias(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    175     PopulateTensor(output_gate_bias_, f);
    176   }
    178   void SetProjectionWeights(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    179     PopulateTensor(projection_weights_, f);
    180   }
    182   void SetProjectionBias(std::initializer_list<float> f) {
    183     PopulateTensor(projection_bias_, f);
    184   }
    186   void ResetOutputState() {
    187     const int zero_buffer_size = n_cell_ * n_batch_;
    188     std::unique_ptr<float[]> zero_buffer(new float[zero_buffer_size]);
    189     memset(zero_buffer.get(), 0, zero_buffer_size * sizeof(float));
    190     PopulateTensor(output_state_, 0, zero_buffer.get(),
    191                    zero_buffer.get() + zero_buffer_size);
    192   }
    194   void ResetCellState() {
    195     const int zero_buffer_size = n_cell_ * n_batch_;
    196     std::unique_ptr<float[]> zero_buffer(new float[zero_buffer_size]);
    197     memset(zero_buffer.get(), 0, zero_buffer_size * sizeof(float));
    198     PopulateTensor(cell_state_, 0, zero_buffer.get(),
    199                    zero_buffer.get() + zero_buffer_size);
    200   }
    202   void SetInput(int offset, float* begin, float* end) {
    203     PopulateTensor(input_, offset, begin, end);
    204   }
    206   std::vector<float> GetOutput() { return ExtractVector<float>(output_); }
    208   int num_inputs() { return n_input_; }
    209   int num_outputs() { return n_output_; }
    210   int num_cells() { return n_cell_; }
    211   int num_batches() { return n_batch_; }
    212   int sequence_length() { return sequence_length_; }
    214  private:
    215   int input_;
    216   int input_to_input_weights_;
    217   int input_to_forget_weights_;
    218   int input_to_cell_weights_;
    219   int input_to_output_weights_;
    221   int recurrent_to_input_weights_;
    222   int recurrent_to_forget_weights_;
    223   int recurrent_to_cell_weights_;
    224   int recurrent_to_output_weights_;
    226   int cell_to_input_weights_;
    227   int cell_to_forget_weights_;
    228   int cell_to_output_weights_;
    230   int input_gate_bias_;
    231   int forget_gate_bias_;
    232   int cell_bias_;
    233   int output_gate_bias_;
    235   int projection_weights_;
    236   int projection_bias_;
    238   int output_;
    239   int output_state_;
    240   int cell_state_;
    241   int scratch_buffer_;
    243   int n_batch_;
    244   int n_input_;
    245   int n_cell_;
    246   int n_output_;
    247   int sequence_length_;
    248 };
    250 TEST(LSTMOpTest, BlackBoxTestNoCifgNoPeepholeNoProjectionNoClipping) {
    251   const int n_batch = 1;
    252   const int n_input = 2;
    253   // n_cell and n_output have the same size when there is no projection.
    254   const int n_cell = 4;
    255   const int n_output = 4;
    256   const int sequence_length = 3;
    258   UnidirectionalLSTMOpModel lstm(
    259       n_batch, n_input, n_cell, n_output, sequence_length, /*use_cifg=*/false,
    260       /*use_peephole=*/false, /*use_projection_weights=*/false,
    261       /*use_projection_bias=*/false, /*cell_clip=*/0.0, /*proj_clip=*/0.0,
    262       {
    263           {sequence_length, n_batch, n_input},  // input tensor
    265           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_input_weight tensor
    266           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_forget_weight tensor
    267           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_cell_weight tensor
    268           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_output_weight tensor
    270           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_input_weight tensor
    271           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_forget_weight tensor
    272           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_cell_weight tensor
    273           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_output_weight tensor
    275           {0},  // cell_to_input_weight tensor
    276           {0},  // cell_to_forget_weight tensor
    277           {0},  // cell_to_output_weight tensor
    279           {n_cell},  // input_gate_bias tensor
    280           {n_cell},  // forget_gate_bias tensor
    281           {n_cell},  // cell_bias tensor
    282           {n_cell},  // output_gate_bias tensor
    284           {0, 0},  // projection_weight tensor
    285           {0},     // projection_bias tensor
    286       });
    288   lstm.SetInputToInputWeights({-0.45018822, -0.02338299, -0.0870589,
    289                                -0.34550029, 0.04266912, -0.15680569,
    290                                -0.34856534, 0.43890524});
    292   lstm.SetInputToCellWeights({-0.50013041, 0.1370284, 0.11810488, 0.2013163,
    293                               -0.20583314, 0.44344562, 0.22077113,
    294                               -0.29909778});
    296   lstm.SetInputToForgetWeights({0.09701663, 0.20334584, -0.50592935,
    297                                 -0.31343272, -0.40032279, 0.44781327,
    298                                 0.01387155, -0.35593212});
    300   lstm.SetInputToOutputWeights({-0.25065863, -0.28290087, 0.04613829,
    301                                 0.40525138, 0.44272184, 0.03897077, -0.1556896,
    302                                 0.19487578});
    304   lstm.SetInputGateBias({0., 0., 0., 0.});
    306   lstm.SetCellBias({0., 0., 0., 0.});
    308   lstm.SetForgetGateBias({1., 1., 1., 1.});
    310   lstm.SetOutputGateBias({0., 0., 0., 0.});
    312   lstm.SetRecurrentToInputWeights(
    313       {-0.0063535, -0.2042388, 0.31454784, -0.35746509, 0.28902304, 0.08183324,
    314        -0.16555229, 0.02286911, -0.13566875, 0.03034258, 0.48091322,
    315        -0.12528998, 0.24077177, -0.51332325, -0.33502164, 0.10629296});
    317   lstm.SetRecurrentToCellWeights(
    318       {-0.3407414, 0.24443203, -0.2078532, 0.26320225, 0.05695659, -0.00123841,
    319        -0.4744786, -0.35869038, -0.06418842, -0.13502428, -0.501764, 0.22830659,
    320        -0.46367589, 0.26016325, -0.03894562, -0.16368064});
    322   lstm.SetRecurrentToForgetWeights(
    323       {-0.48684245, -0.06655136, 0.42224967, 0.2112639, 0.27654213, 0.20864892,
    324        -0.07646349, 0.45877004, 0.00141793, -0.14609534, 0.36447752, 0.09196436,
    325        0.28053468, 0.01560611, -0.20127171, -0.01140004});
    327   lstm.SetRecurrentToOutputWeights(
    328       {0.43385774, -0.17194885, 0.2718237, 0.09215671, 0.24107647, -0.39835793,
    329        0.18212086, 0.01301402, 0.48572797, -0.50656658, 0.20047462, -0.20607421,
    330        -0.51818722, -0.15390486, 0.0468148, 0.39922136});
    332   // Input should have n_input * sequence_length many values.
    333   static float lstm_input[] = {2., 3., 3., 4., 1., 1.};
    334   static float lstm_golden_output[] = {-0.02973187, 0.1229473,   0.20885126,
    335                                        -0.15358765, -0.03716109, 0.12507336,
    336                                        0.41193449,  -0.20860538, -0.15053082,
    337                                        0.09120187,  0.24278517,  -0.12222792};
    339   // Resetting cell_state and output_state
    340   lstm.ResetCellState();
    341   lstm.ResetOutputState();
    343   float* batch0_start = lstm_input;
    344   float* batch0_end = batch0_start + lstm.num_inputs() * lstm.sequence_length();
    346   lstm.SetInput(0, batch0_start, batch0_end);
    348   lstm.Invoke();
    350   float* golden_start = lstm_golden_output;
    351   float* golden_end =
    352       golden_start + lstm.num_outputs() * lstm.sequence_length();
    353   std::vector<float> expected;
    354   expected.insert(expected.end(), golden_start, golden_end);
    355   EXPECT_THAT(lstm.GetOutput(), ElementsAreArray(ArrayFloatNear(expected)));
    356 }
    358 TEST(LSTMOpTest, BlackBoxTestWithCifgWithPeepholeNoProjectionNoClipping) {
    359   const int n_batch = 1;
    360   const int n_input = 2;
    361   // n_cell and n_output have the same size when there is no projection.
    362   const int n_cell = 4;
    363   const int n_output = 4;
    364   const int sequence_length = 3;
    366   UnidirectionalLSTMOpModel lstm(
    367       n_batch, n_input, n_cell, n_output, sequence_length, /*use_cifg=*/true,
    368       /*use_peephole=*/true, /*use_projection_weights=*/false,
    369       /*use_projection_bias=*/false, /*cell_clip=*/0.0, /*proj_clip=*/0.0,
    370       {
    371           {sequence_length, n_batch, n_input},  // input tensor
    373           {0, 0},             // input_to_input_weight tensor
    374           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_forget_weight tensor
    375           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_cell_weight tensor
    376           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_output_weight tensor
    378           {0, 0},              // recurrent_to_input_weight tensor
    379           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_forget_weight tensor
    380           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_cell_weight tensor
    381           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_output_weight tensor
    383           {0},       // cell_to_input_weight tensor
    384           {n_cell},  // cell_to_forget_weight tensor
    385           {n_cell},  // cell_to_output_weight tensor
    387           {0},       // input_gate_bias tensor
    388           {n_cell},  // forget_gate_bias tensor
    389           {n_cell},  // cell_bias tensor
    390           {n_cell},  // output_gate_bias tensor
    392           {0, 0},  // projection_weight tensor
    393           {0},     // projection_bias tensor
    394       });
    396   lstm.SetInputToCellWeights({-0.49770179, -0.27711356, -0.09624726, 0.05100781,
    397                               0.04717243, 0.48944736, -0.38535351,
    398                               -0.17212132});
    400   lstm.SetInputToForgetWeights({-0.55291498, -0.42866567, 0.13056988,
    401                                 -0.3633365, -0.22755712, 0.28253698, 0.24407166,
    402                                 0.33826375});
    404   lstm.SetInputToOutputWeights({0.10725588, -0.02335852, -0.55932593,
    405                                 -0.09426838, -0.44257352, 0.54939759,
    406                                 0.01533556, 0.42751634});
    408   lstm.SetCellBias({0., 0., 0., 0.});
    410   lstm.SetForgetGateBias({1., 1., 1., 1.});
    412   lstm.SetOutputGateBias({0., 0., 0., 0.});
    414   lstm.SetRecurrentToCellWeights(
    415       {0.54066205, -0.32668582, -0.43562764, -0.56094903, 0.42957711,
    416        0.01841056, -0.32764608, -0.33027974, -0.10826075, 0.20675004,
    417        0.19069612, -0.03026325, -0.54532051, 0.33003211, 0.44901288,
    418        0.21193194});
    420   lstm.SetRecurrentToForgetWeights(
    421       {-0.13832897, -0.0515101, -0.2359007, -0.16661474, -0.14340827,
    422        0.36986142, 0.23414481, 0.55899, 0.10798943, -0.41174671, 0.17751795,
    423        -0.34484994, -0.35874045, -0.11352962, 0.27268326, 0.54058349});
    425   lstm.SetRecurrentToOutputWeights(
    426       {0.41613156, 0.42610586, -0.16495961, -0.5663873, 0.30579174, -0.05115908,
    427        -0.33941799, 0.23364776, 0.11178309, 0.09481031, -0.26424935, 0.46261835,
    428        0.50248802, 0.26114327, -0.43736315, 0.33149987});
    430   lstm.SetCellToForgetWeights(
    431       {0.47485286, -0.51955009, -0.24458408, 0.31544167});
    432   lstm.SetCellToOutputWeights(
    433       {-0.17135078, 0.82760304, 0.85573703, -0.77109635});
    435   static float lstm_input[] = {2., 3., 3., 4., 1., 1.};
    436   static float lstm_golden_output[] = {-0.36444446, -0.00352185, 0.12886585,
    437                                        -0.05163646, -0.42312205, -0.01218222,
    438                                        0.24201041,  -0.08124574, -0.358325,
    439                                        -0.04621704, 0.21641694,  -0.06471302};
    441   // Resetting cell_state and output_state
    442   lstm.ResetCellState();
    443   lstm.ResetOutputState();
    445   float* batch0_start = lstm_input;
    446   float* batch0_end = batch0_start + lstm.num_inputs() * lstm.sequence_length();
    448   lstm.SetInput(0, batch0_start, batch0_end);
    450   lstm.Invoke();
    452   float* golden_start = lstm_golden_output;
    453   float* golden_end =
    454       golden_start + lstm.num_outputs() * lstm.sequence_length();
    455   std::vector<float> expected;
    456   expected.insert(expected.end(), golden_start, golden_end);
    457   EXPECT_THAT(lstm.GetOutput(), ElementsAreArray(ArrayFloatNear(expected)));
    458 }
    460 TEST(LSTMOpTest, BlackBoxTestWithPeepholeWithProjectionNoClipping) {
    461   const int n_batch = 2;
    462   const int n_input = 5;
    463   const int n_cell = 20;
    464   const int n_output = 16;
    465   const int sequence_length = 4;
    467   UnidirectionalLSTMOpModel lstm(
    468       n_batch, n_input, n_cell, n_output, sequence_length, /*use_cifg=*/false,
    469       /*use_peephole=*/true, /*use_projection_weights=*/true,
    470       /*use_projection_bias=*/false,
    471       /*cell_clip=*/0.0, /*proj_clip=*/0.0,
    472       {
    473           {sequence_length, n_batch, n_input},  // input tensor
    475           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_input_weight tensor
    476           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_forget_weight tensor
    477           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_cell_weight tensor
    478           {n_cell, n_input},  // input_to_output_weight tensor
    480           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_input_weight tensor
    481           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_forget_weight tensor
    482           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_cell_weight tensor
    483           {n_cell, n_output},  // recurrent_to_output_weight tensor
    485           {n_cell},  // cell_to_input_weight tensor
    486           {n_cell},  // cell_to_forget_weight tensor
    487           {n_cell},  // cell_to_output_weight tensor
    489           {n_cell},  // input_gate_bias tensor
    490           {n_cell},  // forget_gate_bias tensor
    491           {n_cell},  // cell_bias tensor
    492           {n_cell},  // output_gate_bias tensor
    494           {n_output, n_cell},  // projection_weight tensor
    495           {0},                 // projection_bias tensor
    496       });
    498   lstm.SetInputToInputWeights(
    499       {0.021393683,  0.06124551,    0.046905167,  -0.014657677,  -0.03149463,
    500        0.09171803,   0.14647801,    0.10797193,   -0.0057968358, 0.0019193048,
    501        -0.2726754,   0.10154029,    -0.018539885, 0.080349885,   -0.10262385,
    502        -0.022599787, -0.09121155,   -0.008675967, -0.045206103,  -0.0821282,
    503        -0.008045952, 0.015478081,   0.055217247,  0.038719587,   0.044153627,
    504        -0.06453243,  0.05031825,    -0.046935108, -0.008164439,  0.014574226,
    505        -0.1671009,   -0.15519552,   -0.16819797,  -0.13971269,   -0.11953059,
    506        0.25005487,   -0.22790983,   0.009855087,  -0.028140958,  -0.11200698,
    507        0.11295408,   -0.0035217577, 0.054485075,  0.05184695,    0.064711206,
    508        0.10989193,   0.11674786,    0.03490607,   0.07727357,    0.11390585,
    509        -0.1863375,   -0.1034451,    -0.13945189,  -0.049401227,  -0.18767063,
    510        0.042483903,  0.14233552,    0.13832581,   0.18350165,    0.14545603,
    511        -0.028545704, 0.024939531,   0.050929718,  0.0076203286,  -0.0029723682,
    512        -0.042484224, -0.11827596,   -0.09171104,  -0.10808628,   -0.16327988,
    513        -0.2273378,   -0.0993647,    -0.017155107, 0.0023917493,  0.049272764,
    514        0.0038534778, 0.054764505,   0.089753784,  0.06947234,    0.08014476,
    515        -0.04544234,  -0.0497073,    -0.07135631,  -0.048929106,  -0.004042012,
    516        -0.009284026, 0.018042054,   0.0036860977, -0.07427302,   -0.11434604,
    517        -0.018995456, 0.031487543,   0.012834908,  0.019977754,   0.044256654,
    518        -0.39292613,  -0.18519334,   -0.11651281,  -0.06809892,   0.011373677});
    520   lstm.SetInputToForgetWeights(
    521       {-0.0018401089, -0.004852237,  0.03698424,   0.014181704,   0.028273236,
    522        -0.016726194,  -0.05249759,   -0.10204261,  0.00861066,    -0.040979505,
    523        -0.009899187,  0.01923892,    -0.028177269, -0.08535103,   -0.14585495,
    524        0.10662567,    -0.01909731,   -0.017883534, -0.0047269356, -0.045103323,
    525        0.0030784295,  0.076784775,   0.07463696,   0.094531395,   0.0814421,
    526        -0.12257899,   -0.033945758,  -0.031303465, 0.045630626,   0.06843887,
    527        -0.13492945,   -0.012480007,  -0.0811829,   -0.07224499,   -0.09628791,
    528        0.045100946,   0.0012300825,  0.013964662,  0.099372394,   0.02543059,
    529        0.06958324,    0.034257296,   0.0482646,    0.06267997,    0.052625068,
    530        0.12784666,    0.07077897,    0.025725935,  0.04165009,    0.07241905,
    531        0.018668644,   -0.037377294,  -0.06277783,  -0.08833636,   -0.040120605,
    532        -0.011405586,  -0.007808335,  -0.010301386, -0.005102167,  0.027717464,
    533        0.05483423,    0.11449111,    0.11289652,   0.10939839,    0.13396506,
    534        -0.08402166,   -0.01901462,   -0.044678304, -0.07720565,   0.014350063,
    535        -0.11757958,   -0.0652038,    -0.08185733,  -0.076754324,  -0.092614375,
    536        0.10405491,    0.052960336,   0.035755895,  0.035839386,   -0.012540553,
    537        0.036881298,   0.02913376,    0.03420159,   0.05448447,    -0.054523353,
    538        0.02582715,    0.02327355,    -0.011857179, -0.0011980024, -0.034641717,
    539        -0.026125094,  -0.17582615,   -0.15923657,  -0.27486774,   -0.0006143371,
    540        0.0001771948,  -8.470171e-05, 0.02651807,   0.045790765,   0.06956496});
    542   lstm.SetInputToCellWeights(
    543       {-0.04580283,   -0.09549462,   -0.032418985,  -0.06454633,
    544        -0.043528453,  0.043018587,   -0.049152344,  -0.12418144,
    545        -0.078985475,  -0.07596889,   0.019484362,   -0.11434962,
    546        -0.0074034138, -0.06314844,   -0.092981495,  0.0062155537,
    547        -0.025034338,  -0.0028890965, 0.048929527,   0.06235075,
    548        0.10665918,    -0.032036792,  -0.08505916,   -0.10843358,
    549        -0.13002433,   -0.036816437,  -0.02130134,   -0.016518239,
    550        0.0047691227,  -0.0025825808, 0.066017866,   0.029991534,
    551        -0.10652836,   -0.1037554,    -0.13056071,   -0.03266643,
    552        -0.033702414,  -0.006473424,  -0.04611692,   0.014419339,
    553        -0.025174323,  0.0396852,     0.081777506,   0.06157468,
    554        0.10210095,    -0.009658194,  0.046511717,   0.03603906,
    555        0.0069369148,  0.015960095,   -0.06507666,   0.09551598,
    556        0.053568836,   0.06408714,    0.12835667,    -0.008714329,
    557        -0.20211966,   -0.12093674,   0.029450472,   0.2849013,
    558        -0.029227901,  0.1164364,     -0.08560263,   0.09941786,
    559        -0.036999565,  -0.028842626,  -0.0033637602, -0.017012902,
    560        -0.09720865,   -0.11193351,   -0.029155117,  -0.017936034,
    561        -0.009768936,  -0.04223324,   -0.036159635,  0.06505112,
    562        -0.021742892,  -0.023377212,  -0.07221364,   -0.06430552,
    563        0.05453865,    0.091149814,   0.06387331,    0.007518393,
    564        0.055960953,   0.069779344,   0.046411168,   0.10509911,
    565        0.07463894,    0.0075130584,  0.012850982,   0.04555431,
    566        0.056955688,   0.06555285,    0.050801456,   -0.009862683,
    567        0.00826772,    -0.026555609,  -0.0073611983, -0.0014897042});
    569   lstm.SetInputToOutputWeights(
    570       {-0.0998932,   -0.07201956,  -0.052803773,  -0.15629593,  -0.15001918,
    571        -0.07650751,  0.02359855,   -0.075155355,  -0.08037709,  -0.15093534,
    572        0.029517552,  -0.04751393,  0.010350531,   -0.02664851,  -0.016839722,
    573        -0.023121163, 0.0077019283, 0.012851257,   -0.05040649,  -0.0129761,
    574        -0.021737747, -0.038305793, -0.06870586,   -0.01481247,  -0.001285394,
    575        0.10124236,   0.083122835,  0.053313006,   -0.062235646, -0.075637154,
    576        -0.027833903, 0.029774971,  0.1130802,     0.09218906,   0.09506135,
    577        -0.086665764, -0.037162706, -0.038880914,  -0.035832845, -0.014481564,
    578        -0.09825003,  -0.12048569,  -0.097665586,  -0.05287633,  -0.0964047,
    579        -0.11366429,  0.035777505,  0.13568819,    0.052451383,  0.050649304,
    580        0.05798951,   -0.021852335, -0.099848844,  0.014740475,  -0.078897946,
    581        0.04974699,   0.014160473,  0.06973932,    0.04964942,   0.033364646,
    582        0.08190124,   0.025535367,  0.050893165,   0.048514254,  0.06945813,
    583        -0.078907564, -0.06707616,  -0.11844508,   -0.09986688,  -0.07509403,
    584        0.06263226,   0.14925587,   0.20188436,    0.12098451,   0.14639415,
    585        0.0015017595, -0.014267382, -0.03417257,   0.012711468,  0.0028300495,
    586        -0.024758482, -0.05098548,  -0.0821182,    0.014225672,  0.021544158,
    587        0.08949725,   0.07505268,   -0.0020780868, 0.04908258,   0.06476295,
    588        -0.022907063, 0.027562456,  0.040185735,   0.019567577,  -0.015598739,
    589        -0.049097303, -0.017121866, -0.083368234,  -0.02332002,  -0.0840956});
    591   lstm.SetInputGateBias(
    592       {0.02234832,  0.14757581,   0.18176508,  0.10380666,  0.053110216,
    593        -0.06928846, -0.13942584,  -0.11816189, 0.19483899,  0.03652339,
    594        -0.10250295, 0.036714908,  -0.18426876, 0.036065217, 0.21810818,
    595        0.02383196,  -0.043370757, 0.08690144,  -0.04444982, 0.00030581196});
    597   lstm.SetForgetGateBias({0.035185695, -0.042891346, -0.03032477, 0.23027696,
    598                           0.11098921,  0.15378423,   0.09263801,  0.09790885,
    599                           0.09508917,  0.061199076,  0.07665568,  -0.015443159,
    600                           -0.03499149, 0.046190713,  0.08895977,  0.10899629,
    601                           0.40694186,  0.06030037,   0.012413437, -0.06108739});
    603   lstm.SetCellBias({-0.024379363, 0.0055531194, 0.23377132,   0.033463873,
    604                     -0.1483596,   -0.10639995,  -0.091433935, 0.058573797,
    605                     -0.06809782,  -0.07889636,  -0.043246906, -0.09829136,
    606                     -0.4279842,   0.034901652,  0.18797937,   0.0075234566,
    607                     0.016178843,  0.1749513,    0.13975595,   0.92058027});
    609   lstm.SetOutputGateBias(
    610       {0.046159424,  -0.0012809046, 0.03563469,   0.12648113, 0.027195795,
    611        0.35373217,   -0.018957434,  0.008907322,  -0.0762701, 0.12018895,
    612        0.04216877,   0.0022856654,  0.040952638,  0.3147856,  0.08225149,
    613        -0.057416286, -0.14995944,   -0.008040261, 0.13208859, 0.029760877});
    615   lstm.SetRecurrentToInputWeights(
    616       {-0.001374326,   -0.078856036,   0.10672688,    0.029162422,
    617        -0.11585556,    0.02557986,     -0.13446963,   -0.035785314,
    618        -0.01244275,    0.025961924,    -0.02337298,   -0.044228926,
    619        -0.055839065,   -0.046598054,   -0.010546039,  -0.06900766,
    620        0.027239809,    0.022582639,    -0.013296484,  -0.05459212,
    621        0.08981,        -0.045407712,   0.08682226,    -0.06867011,
    622        -0.14390695,    -0.02916037,    0.000996957,   0.091420636,
    623        0.14283475,     -0.07390571,    -0.06402044,   0.062524505,
    624        -0.093129106,   0.04860203,     -0.08364217,   -0.08119002,
    625        0.009352075,    0.22920375,     0.0016303885,  0.11583097,
    626        -0.13732095,    0.012405723,    -0.07551853,   0.06343048,
    627        0.12162708,     -0.031923793,   -0.014335606,  0.01790974,
    628        -0.10650317,    -0.0724401,     0.08554849,    -0.05727212,
    629        0.06556731,     -0.042729504,   -0.043227166,  0.011683251,
    630        -0.013082158,   -0.029302018,   -0.010899579,  -0.062036745,
    631        -0.022509435,   -0.00964907,    -0.01567329,   0.04260106,
    632        -0.07787477,    -0.11576462,    0.017356863,   0.048673786,
    633        -0.017577527,   -0.05527947,    -0.082487635,  -0.040137455,
    634        -0.10820036,    -0.04666372,    0.022746278,   -0.07851417,
    635        0.01068115,     0.032956902,    0.022433773,   0.0026891115,
    636        0.08944216,     -0.0685835,     0.010513544,   0.07228705,
    637        0.02032331,     -0.059686817,   -0.0005566496, -0.086984694,
    638        0.040414046,    -0.1380399,     0.094208956,   -0.05722982,
    639        0.012092817,    -0.04989123,    -0.086576,     -0.003399834,
    640        -0.04696032,    -0.045747425,   0.10091314,    0.048676282,
    641        -0.029037097,   0.031399418,    -0.0040285117, 0.047237843,
    642        0.09504992,     0.041799378,    -0.049185462,  -0.031518843,
    643        -0.10516937,    0.026374253,    0.10058866,    -0.0033195973,
    644        -0.041975245,   0.0073591834,   0.0033782164,  -0.004325073,
    645        -0.10167381,    0.042500053,    -0.01447153,   0.06464186,
    646        -0.017142897,   0.03312627,     0.009205989,   0.024138335,
    647        -0.011337001,   0.035530265,    -0.010912711,  0.0706555,
    648        -0.005894094,   0.051841937,    -0.1401738,    -0.02351249,
    649        0.0365468,      0.07590991,     0.08838724,    0.021681072,
    650        -0.10086113,    0.019608743,    -0.06195883,   0.077335775,
    651        0.023646897,    -0.095322326,   0.02233014,    0.09756986,
    652        -0.048691444,   -0.009579111,   0.07595467,    0.11480546,
    653        -0.09801813,    0.019894179,    0.08502348,    0.004032281,
    654        0.037211012,    0.068537936,    -0.048005626,  -0.091520436,
    655        -0.028379958,   -0.01556313,    0.06554592,    -0.045599163,
    656        -0.01672207,    -0.020169014,   -0.011877351,  -0.20212261,
    657        0.010889619,    0.0047078193,   0.038385306,   0.08540671,
    658        -0.017140968,   -0.0035865551,  0.016678626,   0.005633034,
    659        0.015963363,    0.00871737,     0.060130805,   0.028611384,
    660        0.10109069,     -0.015060172,   -0.07894427,   0.06401885,
    661        0.011584063,    -0.024466386,   0.0047652307,  -0.09041358,
    662        0.030737216,    -0.0046374933,  0.14215417,    -0.11823516,
    663        0.019899689,    0.006106124,    -0.027092824,  0.0786356,
    664        0.05052217,     -0.058925,      -0.011402121,  -0.024987547,
    665        -0.0013661642,  -0.06832946,    -0.015667673,  -0.1083353,
    666        -0.00096863037, -0.06988685,    -0.053350925,  -0.027275559,
    667        -0.033664223,   -0.07978348,    -0.025200296,  -0.017207067,
    668        -0.058403496,   -0.055697463,   0.005798788,   0.12965427,
    669        -0.062582195,   0.0013350133,   -0.10482091,   0.0379771,
    670        0.072521195,    -0.0029455067,  -0.13797039,   -0.03628521,
    671        0.013806405,    -0.017858358,   -0.01008298,   -0.07700066,
    672        -0.017081132,   0.019358726,    0.0027079724,  0.004635139,
    673        0.062634714,    -0.02338735,    -0.039547626,  -0.02050681,
    674        0.03385117,     -0.083611414,   0.002862572,   -0.09421313,
    675        0.058618143,    -0.08598433,    0.00972939,    0.023867095,
    676        -0.053934585,   -0.023203006,   0.07452513,    -0.048767887,
    677        -0.07314807,    -0.056307215,   -0.10433547,   -0.06440842,
    678        0.04328182,     0.04389765,     -0.020006588,  -0.09076438,
    679        -0.11652589,    -0.021705797,   0.03345259,    -0.010329105,
    680        -0.025767034,   0.013057034,    -0.07316461,   -0.10145612,
    681        0.06358255,     0.18531723,     0.07759293,    0.12006465,
    682        0.1305557,      0.058638252,    -0.03393652,   0.09622831,
    683        -0.16253184,    -2.4580743e-06, 0.079869635,   -0.070196845,
    684        -0.005644518,   0.06857898,     -0.12598175,   -0.035084512,
    685        0.03156317,     -0.12794146,    -0.031963028,  0.04692781,
    686        0.030070418,    0.0071660685,   -0.095516115,  -0.004643372,
    687        0.040170413,    -0.062104587,   -0.0037324072, 0.0554317,
    688        0.08184801,     -0.019164372,   0.06791302,    0.034257166,
    689        -0.10307039,    0.021943003,    0.046745934,   0.0790918,
    690        -0.0265588,     -0.007824208,   0.042546265,   -0.00977924,
    691        -0.0002440307,  -0.017384544,   -0.017990116,  0.12252321,
    692        -0.014512694,   -0.08251313,    0.08861942,    0.13589665,
    693        0.026351685,    0.012641483,    0.07466548,    0.044301085,
    694        -0.045414884,   -0.051112458,   0.03444247,    -0.08502782,
    695        -0.04106223,    -0.028126027,   0.028473156,   0.10467447});
    697   lstm.SetRecurrentToForgetWeights(
    698       {-0.057784554,  -0.026057621,  -0.068447545,   -0.022581743,
    699        0.14811787,    0.10826372,    0.09471067,     0.03987225,
    700        -0.0039523416, 0.00030638507, 0.053185795,    0.10572994,
    701        0.08414449,    -0.022036452,  -0.00066928595, -0.09203576,
    702        0.032950465,   -0.10985798,   -0.023809856,   0.0021431844,
    703        -0.02196096,   -0.00326074,   0.00058621005,  -0.074678116,
    704        -0.06193199,   0.055729095,   0.03736828,     0.020123724,
    705        0.061878487,   -0.04729229,   0.034919553,    -0.07585433,
    706        -0.04421272,   -0.044019096,  0.085488975,    0.04058006,
    707        -0.06890133,   -0.030951202,  -0.024628663,   -0.07672815,
    708        0.034293607,   0.08556707,    -0.05293577,    -0.033561368,
    709        -0.04899627,   0.0241671,     0.015736353,    -0.095442444,
    710        -0.029564252,  0.016493602,   -0.035026584,   0.022337519,
    711        -0.026871363,  0.004780428,   0.0077918363,   -0.03601621,
    712        0.016435321,   -0.03263031,   -0.09543275,    -0.047392778,
    713        0.013454138,   0.028934088,   0.01685226,     -0.086110644,
    714        -0.046250615,  -0.01847454,   0.047608484,    0.07339695,
    715        0.034546845,   -0.04881143,   0.009128804,    -0.08802852,
    716        0.03761666,    0.008096139,   -0.014454086,   0.014361001,
    717        -0.023502491,  -0.0011840804, -0.07607001,    0.001856849,
    718        -0.06509276,   -0.006021153,  -0.08570962,    -0.1451793,
    719        0.060212336,   0.055259194,   0.06974018,     0.049454916,
    720        -0.027794661,  -0.08077226,   -0.016179763,   0.1169753,
    721        0.17213494,    -0.0056326236, -0.053934924,   -0.0124349,
    722        -0.11520337,   0.05409887,    0.088759385,    0.0019655675,
    723        0.0042065294,  0.03881498,    0.019844765,    0.041858196,
    724        -0.05695512,   0.047233116,   0.038937137,    -0.06542224,
    725        0.014429736,   -0.09719407,   0.13908425,     -0.05379757,
    726        0.012321099,   0.082840554,   -0.029899208,   0.044217527,
    727        0.059855383,   0.07711018,    -0.045319796,   0.0948846,
    728        -0.011724666,  -0.0033288454, -0.033542685,   -0.04764985,
    729        -0.13873616,   0.040668588,   0.034832682,    -0.015319203,
    730        -0.018715994,  0.046002675,   0.0599172,      -0.043107376,
    731        0.0294216,     -0.002314414,  -0.022424703,   0.0030315618,
    732        0.0014641669,  0.0029166266,  -0.11878115,    0.013738511,
    733        0.12375372,    -0.0006038222, 0.029104086,    0.087442465,
    734        0.052958444,   0.07558703,    0.04817258,     0.044462286,
    735        -0.015213451,  -0.08783778,   -0.0561384,     -0.003008196,
    736        0.047060397,   -0.002058388,  0.03429439,     -0.018839769,
    737        0.024734668,   0.024614193,   -0.042046934,   0.09597743,
    738        -0.0043254104, 0.04320769,    0.0064070094,   -0.0019131786,
    739        -0.02558259,   -0.022822596,  -0.023273505,   -0.02464396,
    740        -0.10991725,   -0.006240552,  0.0074488563,   0.024044557,
    741        0.04383914,    -0.046476185,  0.028658995,    0.060410924,
    742        0.050786525,   0.009452605,   -0.0073054377,  -0.024810238,
    743        0.0052906186,  0.0066939713,  -0.0020913032,  0.014515517,
    744        0.015898481,   0.021362653,   -0.030262267,   0.016587038,
    745        -0.011442813,  0.041154444,   -0.007631438,   -0.03423484,
    746        -0.010977775,  0.036152758,   0.0066366293,   0.11915515,
    747        0.02318443,    -0.041350313,  0.021485701,    -0.10906167,
    748        -0.028218046,  -0.00954771,   0.020531068,    -0.11995105,
    749        -0.03672871,   0.024019798,   0.014255957,    -0.05221243,
    750        -0.00661567,   -0.04630967,   0.033188973,    0.10107534,
    751        -0.014027541,  0.030796422,   -0.10270911,    -0.035999842,
    752        0.15443139,    0.07684145,    0.036571592,    -0.035900835,
    753        -0.0034699554, 0.06209149,    0.015920248,    -0.031122351,
    754        -0.03858649,   0.01849943,    0.13872518,     0.01503974,
    755        0.069941424,   -0.06948533,   -0.0088794185,  0.061282158,
    756        -0.047401894,  0.03100163,    -0.041533746,   -0.10430945,
    757        0.044574402,   -0.01425562,   -0.024290353,   0.034563623,
    758        0.05866852,    0.023947537,   -0.09445152,    0.035450947,
    759        0.02247216,    -0.0042998926, 0.061146557,    -0.10250651,
    760        0.020881841,   -0.06747029,   0.10062043,     -0.0023941975,
    761        0.03532124,    -0.016341697,  0.09685456,     -0.016764693,
    762        0.051808182,   0.05875331,    -0.04536488,    0.001626336,
    763        -0.028892258,  -0.01048663,   -0.009793449,   -0.017093895,
    764        0.010987891,   0.02357273,    -0.00010856845, 0.0099760275,
    765        -0.001845119,  -0.03551521,   0.0018358806,   0.05763657,
    766        -0.01769146,   0.040995963,   0.02235177,     -0.060430344,
    767        0.11475477,    -0.023854522,  0.10071741,     0.0686208,
    768        -0.014250481,  0.034261297,   0.047418304,    0.08562733,
    769        -0.030519066,  0.0060542435,  0.014653856,    -0.038836084,
    770        0.04096551,    0.032249358,   -0.08355519,    -0.026823482,
    771        0.056386515,   -0.010401743,  -0.028396193,   0.08507674,
    772        0.014410365,   0.020995233,   0.17040324,     0.11511526,
    773        0.02459721,    0.0066619175,  0.025853224,    -0.023133837,
    774        -0.081302024,  0.017264642,   -0.009585969,   0.09491168,
    775        -0.051313367,  0.054532815,   -0.014298593,   0.10657464,
    776        0.007076659,   0.10964551,    0.0409152,      0.008275321,
    777        -0.07283536,   0.07937492,    0.04192024,     -0.1075027});
    779   lstm.SetRecurrentToCellWeights(
    780       {-0.037322544,   0.018592842,   0.0056175636,  -0.06253426,
    781        0.055647098,    -0.05713207,   -0.05626563,   0.005559383,
    782        0.03375411,     -0.025757805,  -0.088049285,  0.06017052,
    783        -0.06570978,    0.007384076,   0.035123326,   -0.07920549,
    784        0.053676967,    0.044480428,   -0.07663568,   0.0071805613,
    785        0.08089997,     0.05143358,    0.038261272,   0.03339287,
    786        -0.027673481,   0.044746667,   0.028349208,   0.020090483,
    787        -0.019443132,   -0.030755889,  -0.0040000007, 0.04465846,
    788        -0.021585021,   0.0031670958,  0.0053199246,  -0.056117613,
    789        -0.10893326,    0.076739706,   -0.08509834,   -0.027997585,
    790        0.037871376,    0.01449768,    -0.09002357,   -0.06111149,
    791        -0.046195522,   0.0422062,     -0.005683705,  -0.1253618,
    792        -0.012925729,   -0.04890792,   0.06985068,    0.037654128,
    793        0.03398274,     -0.004781977,  0.007032333,   -0.031787455,
    794        0.010868644,    -0.031489216,  0.09525667,    0.013939797,
    795        0.0058680447,   0.0167067,     0.02668468,    -0.04797466,
    796        -0.048885044,   -0.12722108,   0.035304096,   0.06554885,
    797        0.00972396,     -0.039238118,  -0.05159735,   -0.11329045,
    798        0.1613692,      -0.03750952,   0.06529313,    -0.071974665,
    799        -0.11769596,    0.015524369,   -0.0013754242, -0.12446318,
    800        0.02786344,     -0.014179351,  0.005264273,   0.14376344,
    801        0.015983658,    0.03406988,    -0.06939408,   0.040699873,
    802        0.02111075,     0.09669095,    0.041345075,   -0.08316494,
    803        -0.07684199,    -0.045768797,  0.032298047,   -0.041805092,
    804        0.0119405,      0.0061010392,  0.12652606,    0.0064572375,
    805        -0.024950314,   0.11574242,    0.04508852,    -0.04335324,
    806        0.06760663,     -0.027437469,  0.07216407,    0.06977076,
    807        -0.05438599,    0.034033038,   -0.028602652,  0.05346137,
    808        0.043184172,    -0.037189785,  0.10420091,    0.00882477,
    809        -0.054019816,   -0.074273005,  -0.030617684,  -0.0028467078,
    810        0.024302477,    -0.0038869337, 0.005332455,   0.0013399826,
    811        0.04361412,     -0.007001822,  0.09631092,    -0.06702025,
    812        -0.042049985,   -0.035070654,  -0.04103342,   -0.10273396,
    813        0.0544271,      0.037184782,   -0.13150354,   -0.0058036847,
    814        -0.008264958,   0.042035464,   0.05891794,    0.029673764,
    815        0.0063542654,   0.044788733,   0.054816857,   0.062257513,
    816        -0.00093483756, 0.048938446,   -0.004952862,  -0.007730018,
    817        -0.04043371,    -0.017094059,  0.07229206,    -0.023670016,
    818        -0.052195564,   -0.025616996,  -0.01520939,   0.045104615,
    819        -0.007376126,   0.003533447,   0.006570588,   0.056037236,
    820        0.12436656,     0.051817212,   0.028532185,   -0.08686856,
    821        0.11868599,     0.07663395,    -0.07323171,   0.03463402,
    822        -0.050708205,   -0.04458982,   -0.11590894,   0.021273347,
    823        0.1251325,      -0.15313013,   -0.12224372,   0.17228661,
    824        0.023029093,    0.086124025,   0.006445803,   -0.03496501,
    825        0.028332196,    0.04449512,    -0.042436164,  -0.026587414,
    826        -0.006041347,   -0.09292539,   -0.05678812,   0.03897832,
    827        0.09465633,     0.008115513,   -0.02171956,   0.08304309,
    828        0.071401566,    0.019622514,   0.032163795,   -0.004167056,
    829        0.02295182,     0.030739572,   0.056506045,   0.004612461,
    830        0.06524936,     0.059999723,   0.046395954,   -0.0045512207,
    831        -0.1335546,     -0.030136576,  0.11584653,    -0.014678886,
    832        0.0020118146,   -0.09688814,   -0.0790206,    0.039770417,
    833        -0.0329582,     0.07922767,    0.029322514,   0.026405897,
    834        0.04207835,     -0.07073373,   0.063781224,   0.0859677,
    835        -0.10925287,    -0.07011058,   0.048005477,   0.03438226,
    836        -0.09606514,    -0.006669445,  -0.043381985,  0.04240257,
    837        -0.06955775,    -0.06769346,   0.043903265,   -0.026784198,
    838        -0.017840602,   0.024307009,   -0.040079936,  -0.019946516,
    839        0.045318738,    -0.12233574,   0.026170589,   0.0074471775,
    840        0.15978073,     0.10185836,    0.10298046,    -0.015476589,
    841        -0.039390966,   -0.072174534,  0.0739445,     -0.1211869,
    842        -0.0347889,     -0.07943156,   0.014809798,   -0.12412325,
    843        -0.0030663363,  0.039695457,   0.0647603,     -0.08291318,
    844        -0.018529687,   -0.004423833,  0.0037507233,  0.084633216,
    845        -0.01514876,    -0.056505352,  -0.012800942,  -0.06994386,
    846        0.012962922,    -0.031234352,  0.07029052,    0.016418684,
    847        0.03618972,     0.055686004,   -0.08663945,   -0.017404709,
    848        -0.054761406,   0.029065743,   0.052404847,   0.020238016,
    849        0.0048197987,   -0.0214882,    0.07078733,    0.013016777,
    850        0.06262858,     0.009184685,   0.020785125,   -0.043904778,
    851        -0.0270329,     -0.03299152,   -0.060088247,  -0.015162964,
    852        -0.001828936,   0.12642565,    -0.056757294,  0.013586685,
    853        0.09232601,     -0.035886683,  0.06000002,    0.05229691,
    854        -0.052580316,   -0.082029596,  -0.010794592,  0.012947712,
    855        -0.036429964,   -0.085508935,  -0.13127148,   -0.017744139,
    856        0.031502828,    0.036232427,   -0.031581745,  0.023051167,
    857        -0.05325106,    -0.03421577,   0.028793324,   -0.034633752,
    858        -0.009881397,   -0.043551125,  -0.018609839,  0.0019097115,
    859        -0.008799762,   0.056595087,   0.0022273948,  0.055752404});
    861   lstm.SetRecurrentToOutputWeights({
    862       0.025825322,   -0.05813119,  0.09495884,   -0.045984812,   -0.01255415,
    863       -0.0026479573, -0.08196161,  -0.054914974, -0.0046604523,  -0.029587349,
    864       -0.044576716,  -0.07480124,  -0.082868785, 0.023254942,    0.027502948,
    865       -0.0039728214, -0.08683098,  -0.08116779,  -0.014675607,   -0.037924774,
    866       -0.023314456,  -0.007401714, -0.09255757,  0.029460307,    -0.08829125,
    867       -0.005139627,  -0.08989442,  -0.0555066,   0.13596267,     -0.025062224,
    868       -0.048351806,  -0.03850004,  0.07266485,   -0.022414139,   0.05940088,
    869       0.075114764,   0.09597592,   -0.010211725, -0.0049794707,  -0.011523867,
    870       -0.025980417,  0.072999895,  0.11091378,   -0.081685916,   0.014416728,
    871       0.043229222,   0.034178585,  -0.07530371,  0.035837382,    -0.085607,
    872       -0.007721233,  -0.03287832,  -0.043848954, -0.06404588,    -0.06632928,
    873       -0.073643476,  0.008214239,  -0.045984086, 0.039764922,    0.03474462,
    874       0.060612556,   -0.080590084, 0.049127717,  0.04151091,     -0.030063879,
    875       0.008801774,   -0.023021035, -0.019558564, 0.05158114,     -0.010947698,
    876       -0.011825728,  0.0075720972, 0.0699727,    -0.0039981045,  0.069350146,
    877       0.08799282,    0.016156472,  0.035502106,  0.11695009,     0.006217345,
    878       0.13392477,    -0.037875112, 0.025745004,  0.08940699,     -0.00924166,
    879       0.0046702605,  -0.036598757, -0.08811812,  0.10522024,     -0.032441203,
    880       0.008176899,   -0.04454919,  0.07058152,   0.0067963637,   0.039206743,
    881       0.03259838,    0.03725492,   -0.09515802,  0.013326398,    -0.052055415,
    882       -0.025676316,  0.03198509,   -0.015951829, -0.058556724,   0.036879618,
    883       0.043357447,   0.028362012,  -0.05908629,  0.0059240665,   -0.04995891,
    884       -0.019187413,  0.0276265,    -0.01628143,  0.0025863599,   0.08800015,
    885       0.035250366,   -0.022165963, -0.07328642,  -0.009415526,   -0.07455109,
    886       0.11690406,    0.0363299,    0.07411125,   0.042103454,    -0.009660886,
    887       0.019076364,   0.018299393,  -0.046004917, 0.08891175,     0.0431396,
    888       -0.026327137,  -0.051502608, 0.08979574,   -0.051670972,   0.04940282,
    889       -0.07491107,   -0.021240504, 0.022596184,  -0.034280192,   0.060163025,
    890       -0.058211457,  -0.051837247, -0.01349775,  -0.04639988,    -0.035936575,
    891       -0.011681591,  0.064818054,  0.0073146066, -0.021745546,   -0.043124277,
    892       -0.06471268,   -0.07053354,  -0.029321948, -0.05330136,    0.016933719,
    893       -0.053782392,  0.13747959,   -0.1361751,   -0.11569455,    0.0033329215,
    894       0.05693899,    -0.053219706, 0.063698,     0.07977434,     -0.07924483,
    895       0.06936997,    0.0034815092, -0.007305279, -0.037325785,   -0.07251102,
    896       -0.033633437,  -0.08677009,  0.091591336,  -0.14165086,    0.021752775,
    897       0.019683983,   0.0011612234, -0.058154266, 0.049996935,    0.0288841,
    898       -0.0024567875, -0.14345716,  0.010955264,  -0.10234828,    0.1183656,
    899       -0.0010731248, -0.023590032, -0.072285876, -0.0724771,     -0.026382286,
    900       -0.0014920527, 0.042667855,  0.0018776858, 0.02986552,     0.009814309,
    901       0.0733756,     0.12289186,   0.018043943,  -0.0458958,     0.049412545,
    902       0.033632483,   0.05495232,   0.036686596,  -0.013781798,   -0.010036754,
    903       0.02576849,    -0.08307328,  0.010112348,  0.042521734,    -0.05869831,
    904       -0.071689695,  0.03876447,   -0.13275425,  -0.0352966,     -0.023077697,
    905       0.10285965,    0.084736146,  0.15568255,   -0.00040734606, 0.027835453,
    906       -0.10292561,   -0.032401145, 0.10053256,   -0.026142767,   -0.08271222,
    907       -0.0030240538, -0.016368777, 0.1070414,    0.042672627,    0.013456989,
    908       -0.0437609,    -0.022309763, 0.11576483,   0.04108048,     0.061026827,
    909       -0.0190714,    -0.0869359,   0.037901703,  0.0610107,      0.07202949,
    910       0.01675338,    0.086139716,  -0.08795751,  -0.014898893,   -0.023771819,
    911       -0.01965048,   0.007955471,  -0.043740474, 0.03346837,     -0.10549954,
    912       0.090567775,   0.042013682,  -0.03176985,  0.12569028,     -0.02421228,
    913       -0.029526481,  0.023851605,  0.031539805,  0.05292009,     -0.02344001,
    914       -0.07811758,   -0.08834428,  0.10094801,   0.16594367,     -0.06861939,
    915       -0.021256343,  -0.041093912, -0.06669611,  0.035498552,    0.021757556,
    916       -0.09302526,   -0.015403468, -0.06614931,  -0.051798206,   -0.013874718,
    917       0.03630673,    0.010412845,  -0.08077351,  0.046185967,    0.0035662893,
    918       0.03541868,    -0.094149634, -0.034814864, 0.003128424,    -0.020674974,
    919       -0.03944324,   -0.008110165, -0.11113267,  0.08484226,     0.043586485,
    920       0.040582247,   0.0968012,    -0.065249965, -0.028036479,   0.0050708856,
    921       0.0017462453,  0.0326779,    0.041296225,  0.09164146,     -0.047743853,
    922       -0.015952192,  -0.034451712, 0.084197424,  -0.05347844,    -0.11768019,
    923       0.085926116,   -0.08251791,  -0.045081906, 0.0948852,      0.068401024,
    924       0.024856757,   0.06978981,   -0.057309967, -0.012775832,   -0.0032452994,
    925       0.01977615,    -0.041040014, -0.024264973, 0.063464895,    0.05431621,
    926   });
    928   lstm.SetCellToInputWeights(
    929       {0.040369894, 0.030746894,  0.24704495,  0.018586371,  -0.037586458,
    930        -0.15312155, -0.11812848,  -0.11465643, 0.20259799,   0.11418174,
    931        -0.10116027, -0.011334949, 0.12411352,  -0.076769054, -0.052169047,
    932        0.21198851,  -0.38871562,  -0.09061183, -0.09683246,  -0.21929175});
    934   lstm.SetCellToForgetWeights(
    935       {-0.01998659,  -0.15568835,  -0.24248174,   -0.012770197, 0.041331276,
    936        -0.072311886, -0.052123554, -0.0066330447, -0.043891653, 0.036225766,
    937        -0.047248036, 0.021479502,  0.033189066,   0.11952997,   -0.020432774,
    938        0.64658105,   -0.06650122,  -0.03467612,   0.095340036,  0.23647355});
    940   lstm.SetCellToOutputWeights(
    941       {0.08286371,  -0.08261836, -0.51210177, 0.002913762, 0.17764764,
    942        -0.5495371,  -0.08460716, -0.24552552, 0.030037103, 0.04123544,
    943        -0.11940523, 0.007358328, 0.1890978,   0.4833202,   -0.34441817,
    944        0.36312827,  -0.26375428, 0.1457655,   -0.19724406, 0.15548733});
    946   lstm.SetProjectionWeights(
    947       {-0.009802181,  0.09401916,    0.0717386,     -0.13895074,  0.09641832,
    948        0.060420845,   0.08539281,    0.054285463,   0.061395317,  0.034448683,
    949        -0.042991187,  0.019801661,   -0.16840284,   -0.015726732, -0.23041931,
    950        -0.024478018,  -0.10959692,   -0.013875541,  0.18600968,   -0.061274476,
    951        0.0138165,     -0.08160894,   -0.07661644,   0.032372914,  0.16169067,
    952        0.22465782,    -0.03993472,   -0.004017731,  0.08633481,   -0.28869787,
    953        0.08682067,    0.17240396,    0.014975425,   0.056431185,  0.031037588,
    954        0.16702051,    0.0077946745,  0.15140012,    0.29405436,   0.120285,
    955        -0.188994,     -0.027265169,  0.043389652,   -0.022061434, 0.014777949,
    956        -0.20203483,   0.094781205,   0.19100232,    0.13987629,   -0.036132768,
    957        -0.06426278,   -0.05108664,   0.13221376,    0.009441198,  -0.16715929,
    958        0.15859416,    -0.040437475,  0.050779544,   -0.022187516, 0.012166504,
    959        0.027685808,   -0.07675938,   -0.0055694645, -0.09444123,  0.0046453946,
    960        0.050794356,   0.10770313,    -0.20790008,   -0.07149004,  -0.11425117,
    961        0.008225835,   -0.035802525,  0.14374903,    0.15262283,   0.048710253,
    962        0.1847461,     -0.007487823,  0.11000021,    -0.09542012,  0.22619456,
    963        -0.029149994,  0.08527916,    0.009043713,   0.0042746216, 0.016261552,
    964        0.022461696,   0.12689082,    -0.043589946,  -0.12035478,  -0.08361797,
    965        -0.050666027,  -0.1248618,    -0.1275799,    -0.071875185, 0.07377272,
    966        0.09944291,    -0.18897448,   -0.1593054,    -0.06526116,  -0.040107165,
    967        -0.004618631,  -0.067624845,  -0.007576253,  0.10727444,   0.041546922,
    968        -0.20424393,   0.06907816,    0.050412357,   0.00724631,   0.039827548,
    969        0.12449835,    0.10747581,    0.13708383,    0.09134148,   -0.12617786,
    970        -0.06428341,   0.09956831,    0.1208086,     -0.14676677,  -0.0727722,
    971        0.1126304,     0.010139365,   0.015571211,   -0.038128063, 0.022913318,
    972        -0.042050496,  0.16842307,    -0.060597885,  0.10531834,   -0.06411776,
    973        -0.07451711,   -0.03410368,   -0.13393489,   0.06534304,   0.003620307,
    974        0.04490757,    0.05970546,    0.05197996,    0.02839995,   0.10434969,
    975        -0.013699693,  -0.028353551,  -0.07260381,   0.047201227,  -0.024575593,
    976        -0.036445823,  0.07155557,    0.009672501,   -0.02328883,  0.009533515,
    977        -0.03606021,   -0.07421458,   -0.028082801,  -0.2678904,   -0.13221288,
    978        0.18419984,    -0.13012612,   -0.014588381,  -0.035059117, -0.04824723,
    979        0.07830115,    -0.056184657,  0.03277091,    0.025466874,  0.14494097,
    980        -0.12522776,   -0.098633975,  -0.10766018,   -0.08317623,  0.08594209,
    981        0.07749552,    0.039474737,   0.1776665,     -0.07409566,  -0.0477268,
    982        0.29323658,    0.10801441,    0.1154011,     0.013952499,  0.10739139,
    983        0.10708251,    -0.051456142,  0.0074137426,  -0.10430189,  0.10034707,
    984        0.045594677,   0.0635285,     -0.0715442,    -0.089667566, -0.10811871,
    985        0.00026344223, 0.08298446,    -0.009525053,  0.006585689,  -0.24567553,
    986        -0.09450807,   0.09648481,    0.026996298,   -0.06419476,  -0.04752702,
    987        -0.11063944,   -0.23441927,   -0.17608605,   -0.052156363, 0.067035615,
    988        0.19271925,    -0.0032889997, -0.043264326,  0.09663576,   -0.057112187,
    989        -0.10100678,   0.0628376,     0.04447668,    0.017961001,  -0.10094388,
    990        -0.10190601,   0.18335468,    0.10494553,    -0.052095775, -0.0026118709,
    991        0.10539724,    -0.04383912,   -0.042349473,  0.08438151,   -0.1947263,
    992        0.02251204,    0.11216432,    -0.10307853,   0.17351969,   -0.039091777,
    993        0.08066188,    -0.00561982,   0.12633002,    0.11335965,   -0.0088127935,
    994        -0.019777594,  0.06864014,    -0.059751723,  0.016233567,  -0.06894641,
    995        -0.28651384,   -0.004228674,  0.019708522,   -0.16305895,  -0.07468996,
    996        -0.0855457,    0.099339016,   -0.07580735,   -0.13775392,  0.08434318,
    997        0.08330512,    -0.12131499,   0.031935584,   0.09180414,   -0.08876437,
    998        -0.08049874,   0.008753825,   0.03498998,    0.030215185,  0.03907079,
    999        0.089751154,   0.029194152,   -0.03337423,   -0.019092513, 0.04331237,
   1000        0.04299654,    -0.036394123,  -0.12915532,   0.09793732,   0.07512415,
   1001        -0.11319543,   -0.032502122,  0.15661901,    0.07671967,   -0.005491124,
   1002        -0.19379048,   -0.218606,     0.21448623,    0.017840758,  0.1416943,
   1003        -0.07051762,   0.19488361,    0.02664691,    -0.18104725,  -0.09334311,
   1004        0.15026465,    -0.15493552,   -0.057762887,  -0.11604192,  -0.262013,
   1005        -0.01391798,   0.012185008,   0.11156489,    -0.07483202,  0.06693364,
   1006        -0.26151478,   0.046425626,   0.036540434,   -0.16435726,  0.17338543,
   1007        -0.21401681,   -0.11385144,   -0.08283257,   -0.069031075, 0.030635102,
   1008        0.010969227,   0.11109743,    0.010919218,   0.027526086,  0.13519906,
   1009        0.01891392,    -0.046839405,  -0.040167913,  0.017953383,  -0.09700955,
   1010        0.0061885654,  -0.07000971,   0.026893595,   -0.038844477, 0.14543656});
   1012   static float lstm_input[][20] = {
   1013       {// Batch0: 4 (input_sequence_size) * 5 (n_input)
   1014        0.787926, 0.151646, 0.071352, 0.118426, 0.458058, 0.596268, 0.998386,
   1015        0.568695, 0.864524, 0.571277, 0.073204, 0.296072, 0.743333, 0.069199,
   1016        0.045348, 0.867394, 0.291279, 0.013714, 0.482521, 0.626339},
   1018       {// Batch1: 4 (input_sequence_size) * 5 (n_input)
   1019        0.295743, 0.544053, 0.690064, 0.858138, 0.497181, 0.642421, 0.524260,
   1020        0.134799, 0.003639, 0.162482, 0.640394, 0.930399, 0.050782, 0.432485,
   1021        0.988078, 0.082922, 0.563329, 0.865614, 0.333232, 0.259916}};
   1023   static float lstm_golden_output[][64] = {
   1024       {// Batch0: 4 (input_sequence_size) * 16 (n_output)
   1025        -0.00396806, 0.029352,     -0.00279226, 0.0159977,   -0.00835576,
   1026        -0.0211779,  0.0283512,    -0.0114597,  0.00907307,  -0.0244004,
   1027        -0.0152191,  -0.0259063,   0.00914318,  0.00415118,  0.017147,
   1028        0.0134203,   -0.0166936,   0.0381209,   0.000889694, 0.0143363,
   1029        -0.0328911,  -0.0234288,   0.0333051,   -0.012229,   0.0110322,
   1030        -0.0457725,  -0.000832209, -0.0202817,  0.0327257,   0.0121308,
   1031        0.0155969,   0.0312091,    -0.0213783,  0.0350169,   0.000324794,
   1032        0.0276012,   -0.0263374,   -0.0371449,  0.0446149,   -0.0205474,
   1033        0.0103729,   -0.0576349,   -0.0150052,  -0.0292043,  0.0376827,
   1034        0.0136115,   0.0243435,    0.0354492,   -0.0189322,  0.0464512,
   1035        -0.00251373, 0.0225745,    -0.0308346,  -0.0317124,  0.0460407,
   1036        -0.0189395,  0.0149363,    -0.0530162,  -0.0150767,  -0.0340193,
   1037        0.0286833,   0.00824207,   0.0264887,   0.0305169},
   1038       {// Batch1: 4 (input_sequence_size) * 16 (n_output)
   1039        -0.013869,    0.0287268,   -0.00334693, 0.00733398,  -0.0287926,
   1040        -0.0186926,   0.0193662,   -0.0115437,  0.00422612,  -0.0345232,
   1041        0.00223253,   -0.00957321, 0.0210624,   0.013331,    0.0150954,
   1042        0.02168,      -0.0141913,  0.0322082,   0.00227024,  0.0260507,
   1043        -0.0188721,   -0.0296489,  0.0399134,   -0.0160509,  0.0116039,
   1044        -0.0447318,   -0.0150515,  -0.0277406,  0.0316596,   0.0118233,
   1045        0.0214762,    0.0293641,   -0.0204549,  0.0450315,   -0.00117378,
   1046        0.0167673,    -0.0375007,  -0.0238314,  0.038784,    -0.0174034,
   1047        0.0131743,    -0.0506589,  -0.0048447,  -0.0240239,  0.0325789,
   1048        0.00790065,   0.0220157,   0.0333314,   -0.0264787,  0.0387855,
   1049        -0.000764675, 0.0217599,   -0.037537,   -0.0335206,  0.0431679,
   1050        -0.0211424,   0.010203,    -0.062785,   -0.00832363, -0.025181,
   1051        0.0412031,    0.0118723,   0.0239643,   0.0394009}};
   1053   // Resetting cell_state and output_state
   1054   lstm.ResetCellState();
   1055   lstm.ResetOutputState();
   1057   for (int i = 0; i < lstm.sequence_length(); i++) {
   1058     float* batch0_start = lstm_input[0] + i * lstm.num_inputs();
   1059     float* batch0_end = batch0_start + lstm.num_inputs();
   1061     lstm.SetInput(2 * i * lstm.num_inputs(), batch0_start, batch0_end);
   1063     float* batch1_start = lstm_input[1] + i * lstm.num_inputs();
   1064     float* batch1_end = batch1_start + lstm.num_inputs();
   1065     lstm.SetInput((2 * i + 1) * lstm.num_inputs(), batch1_start, batch1_end);
   1066   }
   1068   lstm.Invoke();
   1070   std::vector<float> expected;
   1071   for (int i = 0; i < lstm.sequence_length(); i++) {
   1072     float* golden_start_batch0 = lstm_golden_output[0] + i * lstm.num_outputs();
   1073     float* golden_end_batch0 = golden_start_batch0 + lstm.num_outputs();
   1074     float* golden_start_batch1 = lstm_golden_output[1] + i * lstm.num_outputs();
   1075     float* golden_end_batch1 = golden_start_batch1 + lstm.num_outputs();
   1076     expected.insert(expected.end(), golden_start_batch0, golden_end_batch0);
   1077     expected.insert(expected.end(), golden_start_batch1, golden_end_batch1);
   1078   }
   1079   EXPECT_THAT(lstm.GetOutput(), ElementsAreArray(ArrayFloatNear(expected)));
   1080 }
   1082 }  // namespace
   1083 }  // namespace tflite
   1085 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   1086   ::tflite::LogToStderr();
   1087   ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
   1088   return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
   1089 }