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      1 // Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 // Revision History
     16 // Version 0: Initial version.
     17 // Version 1: Add subgraphs to schema.
     18 // Version 2: Rename operators to conform to NN API.
     19 // Version 3: Move buffer data from Model.Subgraph.Tensors to Model.Buffers.
     21 namespace tflite;
     23 // This corresponds to the version (4).
     24 file_identifier "TFL3";
     25 // File extension of any written files.
     26 file_extension "tflite";
     28 // The type of data stored in a tensor.
     29 enum TensorType : byte {
     30   FLOAT32 = 0,
     31   FLOAT16 = 1,
     32   INT32 = 2,
     33   UINT8 = 3,
     34   INT64 = 4,
     35   STRING = 5,
     36 }
     38 // Parameters for converting a quantized tensor back to float. Given a
     39 // quantized value q, the corresponding float value f should be:
     40 //   f = scale * (q - zero_point)
     41 table QuantizationParameters {
     42   min:[float];  // For importing back into tensorflow.
     43   max:[float];  // For importing back into tensorflow.
     44   scale:[float];
     45   zero_point:[long];
     46 }
     48 table Tensor {
     49   // The tensor shape. The meaning of each entry is operator-specific but
     50   // builtin ops use: [batch size, number of channels, height, width] (That's
     51   // Tensorflow's NCHW).
     52   shape:[int];
     53   type:TensorType;
     54   // An index that refers to the buffers table at the root of the model. Or,
     55   // if there is no data buffer associated (i.e. intermediate results), then
     56   // this is 0 (which refers to an always existant empty buffer).
     57   //
     58   // The data_buffer itself is an opaque container, with the assumption that the
     59   // target device is little-endian. In addition, all builtin operators assume
     60   // the memory is ordered such that if `shape` is [4, 3, 2], then index
     61   // [i, j, k] maps to data_buffer[i*3*2 + j*3 + k].
     62   buffer:uint;
     63   name:string;  // For debugging and importing back into tensorflow.
     64   quantization:QuantizationParameters;  // Optional.
     65 }
     67 // A list of builtin operators. Builtin operators a slighlty faster than custom
     68 // ones, but not by much. Moreover, while custom operators accept an opaque
     69 // object containing configuration parameters, builtins have a predetermined
     70 // set of acceptable options.
     71 enum BuiltinOperator : byte {
     72   ADD = 0,
     73   AVERAGE_POOL_2D = 1,
     74   CONCATENATION = 2,
     75   CONV_2D = 3,
     76   DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D = 4,
     77   // DEPTH_TO_SPACE = 5,
     78   // DEQUANTIZE = 6,
     79   EMBEDDING_LOOKUP = 7,
     80   // FLOOR = 8,
     81   FULLY_CONNECTED = 9,
     82   HASHTABLE_LOOKUP = 10,
     83   L2_NORMALIZATION = 11,
     84   L2_POOL_2D = 12,
     86   LOGISTIC = 14,
     87   LSH_PROJECTION = 15,
     88   LSTM = 16,
     89   MAX_POOL_2D = 17,
     90   // MUL = 18,
     91   RELU = 19,
     92   // RELU1=20,
     93   RELU6 = 21,
     94   RESHAPE = 22,
     95   RESIZE_BILINEAR = 23,
     96   RNN = 24,
     97   SOFTMAX = 25,
     98   SPACE_TO_DEPTH = 26,
     99   SVDF = 27,
    100   TANH = 28,
    101   // TODO(aselle): Consider rename to CONCATENATE_EMBEDDINGS
    102   CONCAT_EMBEDDINGS = 29,
    103   SKIP_GRAM = 30,
    104   CALL = 31,
    105   CUSTOM = 32,
    107 }
    109 // Options for the builtin operators.
    110 union BuiltinOptions {
    111   Conv2DOptions,
    112   DepthwiseConv2DOptions,
    113   ConcatEmbeddingsOptions,
    114   LSHProjectionOptions,
    115   Pool2DOptions,
    116   SVDFOptions,
    117   RNNOptions,
    118   FullyConnectedOptions,
    119   SoftmaxOptions,
    120   ConcatenationOptions,
    121   AddOptions,
    122   L2NormOptions,
    123   LocalResponseNormalizationOptions,
    124   LSTMOptions,
    125   ResizeBilinearOptions,
    126   CallOptions,
    127   ReshapeOptions,
    128   SkipGramOptions,
    129   SpaceToDepthOptions,
    130 }
    132 enum Padding : byte { SAME, VALID }
    134 enum ActivationFunctionType : byte {
    135   NONE = 0,
    136   RELU = 1,
    137   RELU1 = 2,
    138   RELU6 = 3,
    139   TANH = 4,
    140   SIGN_BIT = 5,
    141 }
    143 table Conv2DOptions {
    144   padding:Padding;
    145   stride_w:int;
    146   stride_h:int;
    147   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    148 }
    150 table Pool2DOptions {
    151   padding:Padding;
    152   stride_w:int;
    153   stride_h:int;
    154   filter_width:int;
    155   filter_height:int;
    156   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    157 }
    159 table DepthwiseConv2DOptions {
    160   padding:Padding;
    161   stride_w:int;
    162   stride_h:int;
    163   depth_multiplier:int;
    164   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    165 }
    167 table ConcatEmbeddingsOptions {
    168   num_channels:int;
    169   num_columns_per_channel:[int];
    170   embedding_dim_per_channel:[int]; // This could be inferred from parameters.
    171 }
    173 enum LSHProjectionType: byte {
    174   UNKNOWN = 0,
    175   SPARSE = 1,
    176   DENSE = 2,
    177 }
    179 table LSHProjectionOptions {
    180   type: LSHProjectionType;
    181 }
    183 table SVDFOptions {
    184   rank:int;
    185   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    186 }
    188 // An implementation of TensorFlow RNNCell.
    189 table RNNOptions {
    190   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    191 }
    193 // An implementation of TensorFlow fully_connected (a.k.a Dense) layer.
    194 table FullyConnectedOptions {
    195   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    196 }
    198 table SoftmaxOptions {
    199   beta: float;
    200 }
    202 // An implementation of TensorFlow concat.
    203 table ConcatenationOptions {
    204   axis:int;
    205   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    206 }
    208 table AddOptions {
    209   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    210 }
    212 table L2NormOptions {
    213   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    214 }
    216 table LocalResponseNormalizationOptions {
    217   radius:int;
    218   bias:float;
    219   alpha:float;
    220   beta:float;
    221 }
    223 // An implementation of TensorFlow LSTMCell and CoupledInputForgetGateLSTMCell
    224 table LSTMOptions {
    225   fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
    226   cell_clip: float; // Optional, 0.0 means no clipping
    227   proj_clip: float; // Optional, 0.0 means no clipping
    228 }
    230 table ResizeBilinearOptions {
    231   new_height:int;
    232   new_width:int;
    233 }
    235 // A call operation options
    236 table CallOptions {
    237   // The subgraph index that needs to be called.
    238   subgraph:uint;
    239 }
    241 table ReshapeOptions {
    242   new_shape:[int];
    243 }
    245 table SkipGramOptions {
    246   ngram_size: int;
    247   max_skip_size: int;
    248   include_all_ngrams: bool;
    249 }
    251 table SpaceToDepthOptions {
    252   block_size: int;
    253 }
    255 // An OperatorCode can be an enum value (BuiltinOperator) if the operator is a
    256 // builtin, or a string if the operator is custom.
    257 table OperatorCode {
    258   builtin_code:BuiltinOperator;
    259   custom_code:string;
    260 }
    262 // An operator takes tensors as inputs and outputs. The type of operation being
    263 // performed is determined by an index into the list of valid OperatorCodes,
    264 // while the specifics of each operations is configured using builtin_options
    265 // or custom_options.
    266 table Operator {
    267   // Index into the operator_codes array. Using an integer here avoids
    268   // complicate map lookups.
    269   opcode_index:uint;
    271   inputs:[int];
    272   outputs:[int];
    274   builtin_options:BuiltinOptions;
    275   custom_options:[ubyte];
    276 }
    278 // The root type, defining a model.
    279 table SubGraph {
    280   // A list of all tensors used in this model.
    281   tensors:[Tensor];
    283   // Indices of the input tensors.
    284   inputs:[int];
    286   // Indices of the output tensors.
    287   outputs:[int];
    289   // All operators, in execution order.
    290   operators:[Operator];
    292   // Name of subgraph (used for debugging).
    293   name:string;
    294 }
    296 // Table of raw data buffers (used for constant tensors). Referenced by tensors
    297 // by index.
    298 table Buffer {
    299   data:[ubyte];
    300 }
    302 table Model {
    303   // Version of the schema.
    304   version:uint;
    306   // A list of all operator codes used in this model. This is
    307   // kept in order because operators carry an index into this
    308   // vector.
    309   operator_codes:[OperatorCode];
    311   // All the subgraphs of the model. The 0th is assumed to be the main
    312   // model.
    313   subgraphs:[SubGraph];
    315   // A description of the model.
    316   description:string;
    318   // Buffers of the model.
    319   // NOTE: It is required that the first entry in here is always an empty
    320   // buffer. This is so that the default buffer index of zero in Tensor
    321   // will always refer to a valid empty buffer.
    322   buffers:[Buffer];
    324 }
    326 root_type Model;