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      1 # Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 # ==============================================================================
     15 """Functions for summarizing and describing TensorFlow graphs.
     17 This contains functions that generate string descriptions from
     18 TensorFlow graphs, for debugging, testing, and model size
     19 estimation.
     20 """
     21 from __future__ import absolute_import
     22 from __future__ import division
     23 from __future__ import print_function
     25 import re
     26 from tensorflow.contrib.specs.python import specs
     27 from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
     28 from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
     29 from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
     31 # These are short abbreviations for common TensorFlow operations used
     32 # in test cases with tf_structure to verify that specs_lib generates a
     33 # graph structure with the right operations. Operations outside the
     34 # scope of specs (e.g., Const and Placeholder) are just assigned "_"
     35 # since they are not relevant to testing.
     37 SHORT_NAMES_SRC = """
     38 BiasAdd biasadd
     39 Const _
     40 Conv2D conv
     41 MatMul dot
     42 Placeholder _
     43 Sigmoid sig
     44 Variable var
     45 """.split()
     47 SHORT_NAMES = {
     48     x: y
     49     for x, y in zip(SHORT_NAMES_SRC[::2], SHORT_NAMES_SRC[1::2])
     50 }
     53 def _truncate_structure(x):
     54   """A helper function that disables recursion in tf_structure.
     56   Some constructs (e.g., HorizontalLstm) are complex unrolled
     57   structures and don't need to be represented in the output
     58   of tf_structure or tf_print. This helper function defines
     59   which tree branches should be pruned. This is a very imperfect
     60   way of dealing with unrolled LSTM's (since it truncates
     61   useful information as well), but it's not worth doing something
     62   better until the new fused and unrolled ops are ready.
     64   Args:
     65       x: a Tensor or Op
     67   Returns:
     68       A bool indicating whether the subtree should be pruned.
     69   """
     70   if "/HorizontalLstm/" in x.name:
     71     return True
     72   return False
     75 def tf_structure(x, include_shapes=False, finished=None):
     76   """A postfix expression summarizing the TF graph.
     78   This is intended to be used as part of test cases to
     79   check for gross differences in the structure of the graph.
     80   The resulting string is not invertible or unabiguous
     81   and cannot be used to reconstruct the graph accurately.
     83   Args:
     84       x: a tf.Tensor or tf.Operation
     85       include_shapes: include shapes in the output string
     86       finished: a set of ops that have already been output
     88   Returns:
     89       A string representing the structure as a string of
     90       postfix operations.
     91   """
     92   if finished is None:
     93     finished = set()
     94   if isinstance(x, ops.Tensor):
     95     shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
     96     x = x.op
     97   else:
     98     shape = []
     99   if x in finished:
    100     return " <>"
    101   finished |= {x}
    102   result = ""
    103   if not _truncate_structure(x):
    104     for y in x.inputs:
    105       result += tf_structure(y, include_shapes, finished)
    106   if include_shapes:
    107     result += " %s" % (shape,)
    108   if x.type != "Identity":
    109     name = SHORT_NAMES.get(x.type, x.type.lower())
    110     result += " " + name
    111   return result
    114 def tf_print(x, depth=0, finished=None, printer=print):
    115   """A simple print function for a TensorFlow graph.
    117   Args:
    118       x: a tf.Tensor or tf.Operation
    119       depth: current printing depth
    120       finished: set of nodes already output
    121       printer: print function to use
    123   Returns:
    124       Total number of parameters found in the
    125       subtree.
    126   """
    128   if finished is None:
    129     finished = set()
    130   if isinstance(x, ops.Tensor):
    131     shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
    132     x = x.op
    133   else:
    134     shape = ""
    135   if x.type == "Identity":
    136     x = x.inputs[0].op
    137   if x in finished:
    138     printer("%s<%s> %s %s" % ("  " * depth, x.name, x.type, shape))
    139     return
    140   finished |= {x}
    141   printer("%s%s %s %s" % ("  " * depth, x.name, x.type, shape))
    142   if not _truncate_structure(x):
    143     for y in x.inputs:
    144       tf_print(y, depth + 1, finished, printer=printer)
    147 def tf_num_params(x):
    148   """Number of parameters in a TensorFlow subgraph.
    150   Args:
    151       x: root of the subgraph (Tensor, Operation)
    153   Returns:
    154       Total number of elements found in all Variables
    155       in the subgraph.
    156   """
    158   if isinstance(x, ops.Tensor):
    159     shape = x.get_shape()
    160     x = x.op
    161   if x.type in ["Variable", "VariableV2"]:
    162     return shape.num_elements()
    163   totals = [tf_num_params(y) for y in x.inputs]
    164   return sum(totals)
    167 def tf_left_split(op):
    168   """Split the parameters of op for left recursion.
    170   Args:
    171     op: tf.Operation
    173   Returns:
    174     A tuple of the leftmost input tensor and a list of the
    175     remaining arguments.
    176   """
    178   if len(op.inputs) < 1:
    179     return None, []
    180   if op.type == "Concat":
    181     return op.inputs[1], op.inputs[2:]
    182   return op.inputs[0], op.inputs[1:]
    185 def tf_parameter_iter(x):
    186   """Iterate over the left branches of a graph and yield sizes.
    188   Args:
    189       x: root of the subgraph (Tensor, Operation)
    191   Yields:
    192       A triple of name, number of params, and shape.
    193   """
    195   while 1:
    196     if isinstance(x, ops.Tensor):
    197       shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
    198       x = x.op
    199     else:
    200       shape = ""
    201     left, right = tf_left_split(x)
    202     totals = [tf_num_params(y) for y in right]
    203     total = sum(totals)
    204     yield x.name, total, shape
    205     if left is None:
    206       break
    207     x = left
    210 def _combine_filter(x):
    211   """A filter for combining successive layers with similar names."""
    212   last_name = None
    213   last_total = 0
    214   last_shape = None
    215   for name, total, shape in x:
    216     name = re.sub("/.*", "", name)
    217     if name == last_name:
    218       last_total += total
    219       continue
    220     if last_name is not None:
    221       yield last_name, last_total, last_shape
    222     last_name = name
    223     last_total = total
    224     last_shape = shape
    225   if last_name is not None:
    226     yield last_name, last_total, last_shape
    229 def tf_parameter_summary(x, printer=print, combine=True):
    230   """Summarize parameters by depth.
    232   Args:
    233       x: root of the subgraph (Tensor, Operation)
    234       printer: print function for output
    235       combine: combine layers by top-level scope
    236   """
    237   seq = tf_parameter_iter(x)
    238   if combine:
    239     seq = _combine_filter(seq)
    240   seq = reversed(list(seq))
    241   for name, total, shape in seq:
    242     printer("%10d %-20s %s" % (total, name, shape))
    245 def tf_spec_structure(spec,
    246                       inputs=None,
    247                       input_shape=None,
    248                       input_type=dtypes.float32):
    249   """Return a postfix representation of the specification.
    251   This is intended to be used as part of test cases to
    252   check for gross differences in the structure of the graph.
    253   The resulting string is not invertible or unabiguous
    254   and cannot be used to reconstruct the graph accurately.
    256   Args:
    257       spec: specification
    258       inputs: input to the spec construction (usually a Tensor)
    259       input_shape: tensor shape (in lieu of inputs)
    260       input_type: type of the input tensor
    262   Returns:
    263       A string with a postfix representation of the
    264       specification.
    265   """
    267   if inputs is None:
    268     inputs = array_ops.placeholder(input_type, input_shape)
    269   outputs = specs.create_net(spec, inputs)
    270   return str(tf_structure(outputs).strip())
    273 def tf_spec_summary(spec,
    274                     inputs=None,
    275                     input_shape=None,
    276                     input_type=dtypes.float32):
    277   """Output a summary of the specification.
    279   This prints a list of left-most tensor operations and summarized the
    280   variables found in the right branches. This kind of representation
    281   is particularly useful for networks that are generally structured
    282   like pipelines.
    284   Args:
    285       spec: specification
    286       inputs: input to the spec construction (usually a Tensor)
    287       input_shape: optional shape of input
    288       input_type: type of the input tensor
    289   """
    291   if inputs is None:
    292     inputs = array_ops.placeholder(input_type, input_shape)
    293   outputs = specs.create_net(spec, inputs)
    294   tf_parameter_summary(outputs)
    297 def tf_spec_print(spec,
    298                   inputs=None,
    299                   input_shape=None,
    300                   input_type=dtypes.float32):
    301   """Print a tree representing the spec.
    303   Args:
    304       spec: specification
    305       inputs: input to the spec construction (usually a Tensor)
    306       input_shape: optional shape of input
    307       input_type: type of the input tensor
    308   """
    310   if inputs is None:
    311     inputs = array_ops.placeholder(input_type, input_shape)
    312   outputs = specs.create_net(spec, inputs)
    313   tf_print(outputs)