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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 #if GOOGLE_CUDA
     18 #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.h"
     20 #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_init.h"
     21 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
     22 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
     23 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status_test_util.h"
     24 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/test.h"
     26 namespace tensorflow {
     27 namespace {
     28 const char* kDeviceNamePrefix = "/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0";
     30 static SessionOptions MakeSessionOptions(
     31     const string& visible_device_list = "",
     32     double per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0, int gpu_device_count = 1,
     33     const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& memory_limit_mb = {}) {
     34   SessionOptions options;
     35   ConfigProto* config = &options.config;
     36   (*config->mutable_device_count())["GPU"] = gpu_device_count;
     37   GPUOptions* gpu_options = config->mutable_gpu_options();
     38   gpu_options->set_visible_device_list(visible_device_list);
     39   gpu_options->set_per_process_gpu_memory_fraction(
     40       per_process_gpu_memory_fraction);
     41   for (const auto& v : memory_limit_mb) {
     42     auto virtual_devices =
     43         gpu_options->mutable_experimental()->add_virtual_devices();
     44     for (float mb : v) {
     45       virtual_devices->add_memory_limit_mb(mb);
     46     }
     47   }
     48   return options;
     49 }
     51 static bool StartsWith(const string& lhs, const string& rhs) {
     52   if (rhs.length() > lhs.length()) return false;
     53   return lhs.substr(0, rhs.length()) == rhs;
     54 }
     56 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, FailedToParseVisibleDeviceList) {
     57   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0,abc");
     58   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
     59   Status status = DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
     60       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices);
     61   EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     62   EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWith(status.error_message(), "Could not parse entry"))
     63       << status;
     64 }
     66 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, InvalidGpuId) {
     67   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("100");
     68   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
     69   Status status = DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
     70       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices);
     71   EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     72   EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWith(status.error_message(),
     73                          "'visible_device_list' listed an invalid GPU id"))
     74       << status;
     75 }
     77 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, DuplicateEntryInVisibleDeviceList) {
     78   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0,0");
     79   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
     80   Status status = DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
     81       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices);
     82   EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     83   EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWith(status.error_message(),
     84                          "visible_device_list contained a duplicate entry"))
     85       << status;
     86 }
     88 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, VirtualDeviceConfigConflictsWithMemoryFractionSettings) {
     89   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0", 0.1, 1, {{}});
     90   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
     91   Status status = DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
     92       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices);
     93   EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     94   EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWith(status.error_message(),
     95                          "It's invalid to set per_process_gpu_memory_fraction"))
     96       << status;
     97 }
     99 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, GpuDeviceCountTooSmall) {
    100   // device_count is 0, but with one entry in visible_device_list and one
    101   // (empty) VirtualDevices messages.
    102   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0", 0, 0, {{}});
    103   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
    104   Status status = DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
    105       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices);
    106   EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::UNKNOWN);
    107   EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWith(status.error_message(),
    108                          "Not enough GPUs to create virtual devices."))
    109       << status;
    110 }
    112 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, NotEnoughGpuInVisibleDeviceList) {
    113   // Single entry in visible_device_list with two (empty) VirtualDevices
    114   // messages.
    115   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0", 0, 8, {{}, {}});
    116   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
    117   Status status = DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
    118       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices);
    119   EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::UNKNOWN);
    120   EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWith(status.error_message(),
    121                          "Not enough GPUs to create virtual devices."))
    122       << status;
    123 }
    125 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, VirtualDeviceConfigConflictsWithVisibleDeviceList) {
    126   // This test requires at least two visible GPU hardware.
    127   if (GPUMachineManager()->VisibleDeviceCount() < 2) return;
    128   // Three entries in visible_device_list with two (empty) VirtualDevices
    129   // messages.
    130   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0,1", 0, 8, {{}});
    131   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
    132   Status status = DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
    133       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices);
    134   EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
    135   EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWith(status.error_message(),
    136                          "The number of GPUs in visible_device_list doesn't "
    137                          "match the number of elements in the virtual_devices "
    138                          "list."))
    139       << status;
    140 }
    142 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, EmptyVirtualDeviceConfig) {
    143   // It'll create single virtual device when the virtual device config is empty.
    144   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0");
    145   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
    146   TF_CHECK_OK(DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
    147       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices));
    148   EXPECT_EQ(1, devices.size());
    149   EXPECT_GE(devices[0]->attributes().memory_limit(), 0);
    150   for (auto d : devices) delete d;
    151 }
    153 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, SingleVirtualDeviceWithNoMemoryLimit) {
    154   // It'll create single virtual device for the gpu in question when
    155   // memory_limit_mb is unset.
    156   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0", 0, 1, {{}});
    157   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
    158   TF_CHECK_OK(DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
    159       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices));
    160   EXPECT_EQ(1, devices.size());
    161   EXPECT_GE(devices[0]->attributes().memory_limit(), 0);
    162   for (auto d : devices) delete d;
    163 }
    165 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, SingleVirtualDeviceWithMemoryLimit) {
    166   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0", 0, 1, {{123}});
    167   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
    168   TF_CHECK_OK(DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
    169       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices));
    170   EXPECT_EQ(1, devices.size());
    171   EXPECT_EQ(123 << 20, devices[0]->attributes().memory_limit());
    172   for (auto d : devices) delete d;
    173 }
    175 TEST(GPUDeviceTest, MultipleVirtualDevices) {
    176   SessionOptions opts = MakeSessionOptions("0", 0, 1, {{123, 456}});
    177   std::vector<tensorflow::Device*> devices;
    178   TF_CHECK_OK(DeviceFactory::GetFactory("GPU")->CreateDevices(
    179       opts, kDeviceNamePrefix, &devices));
    180   EXPECT_EQ(2, devices.size());
    181   EXPECT_EQ(123 << 20, devices[0]->attributes().memory_limit());
    182   EXPECT_EQ(456 << 20, devices[1]->attributes().memory_limit());
    183   ASSERT_EQ(1, devices[0]->attributes().locality().links().link_size());
    184   ASSERT_EQ(1, devices[1]->attributes().locality().links().link_size());
    185   EXPECT_EQ(1, devices[0]->attributes().locality().links().link(0).device_id());
    187             devices[0]->attributes().locality().links().link(0).type());
    188   EXPECT_EQ(BaseGPUDeviceFactory::InterconnectMap::kSameDeviceStrength,
    189             devices[0]->attributes().locality().links().link(0).strength());
    190   EXPECT_EQ(0, devices[1]->attributes().locality().links().link(0).device_id());
    192             devices[1]->attributes().locality().links().link(0).type());
    193   EXPECT_EQ(BaseGPUDeviceFactory::InterconnectMap::kSameDeviceStrength,
    194             devices[1]->attributes().locality().links().link(0).strength());
    195   for (auto d : devices) delete d;
    196 }
    198 }  // namespace
    199 }  // namespace tensorflow
    201 #endif