Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in debug
      1 # Description:
      2 # TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg).
      3 #
      4 # Public target(s):
      5 #
      6 # ":debug" - Depending on this target causes a concrete implementation of
      7 #    DebuggerState to be constructed at initialization time, enabling
      8 #    TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg) support. For details, please see
      9 #    core/common_runtime/debugger_state_interface.h.
     10 # ":debug_callback_registry" - Depending on this target exposes a global
     11 #    callback registry that will be used to record any observed tensors matching
     12 #    a watch state.
     13 # ":debug_node_key" - Defines a struct used for tracking tensors.
     15 package(
     16     default_visibility = ["//tensorflow:internal"],
     17 )
     19 licenses(["notice"])  # Apache 2.0
     21 load(
     22     "//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl",
     23     "check_deps",
     24     "tf_copts",
     25     "tf_cc_test",
     26     "tf_cuda_library",
     27 )
     29 # For platform specific build config
     30 load(
     31     "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config.bzl",
     32     "tf_kernel_tests_linkstatic",
     33     "tf_proto_library",
     34     "tf_proto_library_cc",
     35     "tf_additional_all_protos",
     36 )
     37 load(
     38     "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
     39     "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
     40 )
     42 # Check that tensorflow/core:tensorflow does not depend on grpc.
     43 check_deps(
     44     name = "core_tensorflow_check_deps",
     45     disallowed_deps = ["@grpc//:grpc++_unsecure"],
     46     deps = ["//tensorflow/core:tensorflow"],
     47 )
     49 tf_proto_library(
     50     name = "debug_service_proto",
     51     srcs = [
     52         "debug_service.proto",
     53     ],
     54     has_services = 1,
     55     cc_api_version = 2,
     56     cc_grpc_version = 1,
     57     protodeps = [
     58         ":debugger_event_metadata_proto",
     59         "//tensorflow/core/profiler:protos_all",
     60     ] + tf_additional_all_protos(),
     61     visibility = ["//tensorflow:__subpackages__"],
     62 )
     64 tf_proto_library(
     65     name = "debugger_event_metadata_proto",
     66     srcs = ["debugger_event_metadata.proto"],
     67     cc_api_version = 2,
     68 )
     70 cc_library(
     71     name = "debug",
     72     srcs = ["debug.cc"],
     73     copts = tf_copts(),
     74     linkstatic = 1,
     75     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
     76     deps = [
     77         ":debugger_state_impl",
     78         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
     79         "//tensorflow/core:debug_ops_op_lib",
     80     ],
     81     alwayslink = 1,
     82 )
     84 tf_cuda_library(
     85     name = "debug_gateway_internal",
     86     srcs = ["debug_gateway.cc"],
     87     hdrs = ["debug_gateway.h"],
     88     copts = tf_copts(),
     89     linkstatic = 1,
     90     deps = [
     91         ":debug",
     92         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
     93         "//tensorflow/core:device_tracer",
     94         "//tensorflow/core:direct_session_internal",
     95         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
     96         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
     97         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
     98         "//tensorflow/core:proto_text",
     99         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    100     ],
    101     alwayslink = 1,
    102 )
    104 tf_cuda_library(
    105     name = "debugger_state_impl",
    106     srcs = ["debugger_state_impl.cc"],
    107     hdrs = ["debugger_state_impl.h"],
    108     copts = tf_copts(),
    109     linkstatic = 1,
    110     deps = [
    111         ":debug_graph_utils",
    112         ":debug_io_utils",
    113         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
    114     ],
    115     alwayslink = 1,
    116 )
    118 tf_cuda_library(
    119     name = "debug_graph_utils",
    120     srcs = ["debug_graph_utils.cc"],
    121     hdrs = ["debug_graph_utils.h"],
    122     copts = tf_copts(),
    123     linkstatic = 1,
    124     deps = [
    125         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
    126         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
    127         "//tensorflow/core:graph",
    128         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    129         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
    130         "//tensorflow/core:proto_text",
    131         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    132     ],
    133     alwayslink = 1,
    134 )
    136 tf_cuda_library(
    137     name = "debug_io_utils",
    138     srcs = ["debug_io_utils.cc"],
    139     hdrs = ["debug_io_utils.h"],
    140     copts = tf_copts(),
    141     linkstatic = 1,
    142     deps = [
    143         ":debug_callback_registry",
    144         ":debug_node_key",
    145         ":debug_service_proto_cc",
    146         ":debugger_event_metadata_proto_cc",
    147         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
    148         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
    149         "//tensorflow/core:graph",
    150         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    151         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
    152         "//tensorflow/core:proto_text",
    153         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    154         "@grpc//:grpc++_unsecure",
    155     ],
    156     alwayslink = 1,
    157 )
    159 tf_cuda_library(
    160     name = "debug_grpc_testlib",
    161     srcs = ["debug_grpc_testlib.cc"],
    162     hdrs = ["debug_grpc_testlib.h"],
    163     copts = tf_copts(),
    164     linkstatic = 1,
    165     deps = [
    166         ":debug_graph_utils",
    167         ":debug_io_utils",
    168         ":debug_service_proto_cc",
    169         ":debugger_event_metadata_proto_cc",
    170         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
    171         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    172         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
    173         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    174         "@grpc//:grpc++_unsecure",
    175     ],
    176     alwayslink = 1,
    177 )
    179 tf_cuda_library(
    180     name = "debug_node_key",
    181     srcs = ["debug_node_key.cc"],
    182     hdrs = ["debug_node_key.h"],
    183     copts = tf_copts(),
    184     linkstatic = 1,
    185     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    186     deps = [
    187         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    188     ],
    189 )
    191 # TODO(cais): Fix flakiness on GPU and change this back to a tf_cc_test_gpu.
    192 #   See b/34081273.
    193 tf_cc_test(
    194     name = "debug_gateway_test",
    195     size = "small",
    196     srcs = ["debug_gateway_test.cc"],
    197     args = ["--heap_check=local"],
    198     linkstatic = tf_kernel_tests_linkstatic(),
    199     tags = [
    200         "no_cuda_on_cpu_tap",
    201         "no_gpu",
    202     ],
    203     deps = [
    204         ":debug",
    205         ":debug_gateway_internal",
    206         ":debug_graph_utils",
    207         "//tensorflow/cc:cc_ops",
    208         "//tensorflow/core:all_kernels",
    209         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu",
    210         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
    211         "//tensorflow/core:direct_session",
    212         "//tensorflow/core:direct_session_internal",
    213         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
    214         "//tensorflow/core:framework_internal",
    215         "//tensorflow/core:gpu_runtime",
    216         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    217         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
    218         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    219         "//tensorflow/core:test",
    220         "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
    221         "//tensorflow/core:testlib",
    222         "//tensorflow/core/kernels:debug_ops",
    223         "//tensorflow/core/kernels:ops_util",
    224     ],
    225 )
    227 tf_cc_test(
    228     name = "debug_io_utils_test",
    229     size = "small",
    230     srcs = ["debug_io_utils_test.cc"],
    231     linkstatic = tf_kernel_tests_linkstatic(),
    232     deps = [
    233         ":debug_callback_registry",
    234         ":debug_grpc_testlib",
    235         ":debug_io_utils",
    236         ":debug_node_key",
    237         ":debug_service_proto_cc",
    238         ":debugger_event_metadata_proto_cc",
    239         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu",
    240         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
    241         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
    242         "//tensorflow/core:framework_internal",
    243         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    244         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
    245         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    246         "//tensorflow/core:test",
    247         "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
    248         "//tensorflow/core:testlib",
    249         "//tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config:platformlib",
    250     ],
    251 )
    253 tf_cc_test(
    254     name = "debug_graph_utils_test",
    255     size = "small",
    256     srcs = ["debug_graph_utils_test.cc"],
    257     linkstatic = tf_kernel_tests_linkstatic(),
    258     deps = [
    259         ":debug_graph_utils",
    260         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    261         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
    262         "//tensorflow/core:test",
    263         "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
    264         "//tensorflow/core:testlib",
    265     ],
    266 )
    268 tf_cc_test(
    269     name = "grpc_session_debug_test",
    270     size = "medium",
    271     srcs = ["grpc_session_debug_test.cc"],
    272     linkstatic = tf_kernel_tests_linkstatic(),
    273     tags = [
    274         "no_oss",  # b/62956105: port conflicts.
    275         "nomac",  # b/38276817
    276     ],
    277     deps = [
    278         ":debug_grpc_testlib",
    279         ":debug_io_utils",
    280         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu",
    281         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
    282         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    283         "//tensorflow/core:master_proto_cc",
    284         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    285         "//tensorflow/core:test",
    286         "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
    287         "//tensorflow/core:testlib",
    288         "//tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_server_lib",
    289         "//tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_session",
    290         "//tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_testlib",
    291         "//tensorflow/core/kernels:constant_op",
    292         "//tensorflow/core/kernels:matmul_op",
    293     ],
    294 )
    296 tf_cc_test(
    297     name = "debug_grpc_io_utils_test",
    298     size = "small",
    299     srcs = ["debug_grpc_io_utils_test.cc"],
    300     linkstatic = tf_kernel_tests_linkstatic(),
    301     deps = [
    302         ":debug_graph_utils",
    303         ":debug_grpc_testlib",
    304         ":debug_io_utils",
    305         "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu_internal",
    306         "//tensorflow/core:framework_internal",
    307         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    308         "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal",
    309         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    310         "//tensorflow/core:test",
    311         "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
    312     ],
    313 )
    315 cc_library(
    316     name = "debug_callback_registry",
    317     srcs = ["debug_callback_registry.cc"],
    318     hdrs = ["debug_callback_registry.h"],
    319     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    320     deps = [
    321         ":debug_node_key",
    322         "//tensorflow/core:framework",
    323         "//tensorflow/core:lib",
    324         "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc",
    325     ],
    326 )
    328 # TODO(cais): Add the following back in when tfdbg is supported on Android.
    329 # filegroup(
    330 #     name = "android_srcs",
    331 #     srcs = [
    332 #         "debug_graph_utils.cc",
    333 #         "debug_graph_utils.h",
    334 #         "debug_io_utils.cc",
    335 #         "debug_io_utils.h",
    336 #     ],
    337 #     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    338 # )
    340 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    341 # Google-internal targets.  These must be at the end for syncrepo.
    343 filegroup(
    344     name = "all_files",
    345     srcs = glob(
    346         ["**/*"],
    347         exclude = [
    348             "**/METADATA",
    349             "**/OWNERS",
    350         ],
    351     ),
    352     visibility = ["//tensorflow:__subpackages__"],
    353 )