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      1 /* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 #include "tensorflow/core/debug/debug_graph_utils.h"
     17 #include "tensorflow/core/debug/debug_grpc_testlib.h"
     18 #include "tensorflow/core/debug/debug_io_utils.h"
     19 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/notification.h"
     20 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status_test_util.h"
     21 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/threadpool.h"
     22 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h"
     23 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/str_util.h"
     24 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/stringprintf.h"
     25 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
     26 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/tracing.h"
     28 namespace tensorflow {
     30 class GrpcDebugTest : public ::testing::Test {
     31  protected:
     32   struct ServerData {
     33     int port;
     34     string url;
     35     std::unique_ptr<test::TestEventListenerImpl> server;
     36     std::unique_ptr<thread::ThreadPool> thread_pool;
     37   };
     39   void SetUp() override {
     40     ClearEnabledWatchKeys();
     41     SetUpInProcessServer(&server_data_, 0);
     42   }
     44   void TearDown() override { TearDownInProcessServer(&server_data_); }
     46   void SetUpInProcessServer(ServerData* server_data,
     47                             int64 server_start_delay_micros) {
     48     server_data->port = testing::PickUnusedPortOrDie();
     49     server_data->url = strings::StrCat("grpc://localhost:", server_data->port);
     50     server_data->server.reset(new test::TestEventListenerImpl());
     52     server_data->thread_pool.reset(
     53         new thread::ThreadPool(Env::Default(), "test_server", 1));
     54     server_data->thread_pool->Schedule(
     55         [server_data, server_start_delay_micros]() {
     56           Env::Default()->SleepForMicroseconds(server_start_delay_micros);
     57           server_data->server->RunServer(server_data->port);
     58         });
     59   }
     61   void TearDownInProcessServer(ServerData* server_data) {
     62     server_data->server->StopServer();
     63     server_data->thread_pool.reset();
     64   }
     66   void ClearEnabledWatchKeys() { DebugGrpcIO::ClearEnabledWatchKeys(); }
     68   const int64 GetChannelConnectionTimeoutMicros() {
     69     return DebugGrpcIO::channel_connection_timeout_micros;
     70   }
     72   void SetChannelConnectionTimeoutMicros(const int64 timeout) {
     73     DebugGrpcIO::channel_connection_timeout_micros = timeout;
     74   }
     76   ServerData server_data_;
     77 };
     79 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, ConnectionTimeoutWorks) {
     80   // Use a short timeout so the test won't take too long.
     81   const int64 kOriginalTimeoutMicros = GetChannelConnectionTimeoutMicros();
     82   const int64 kShortTimeoutMicros = 500 * 1000;
     83   SetChannelConnectionTimeoutMicros(kShortTimeoutMicros);
     84   ASSERT_EQ(kShortTimeoutMicros, GetChannelConnectionTimeoutMicros());
     86   const string& kInvalidGrpcUrl =
     87       strings::StrCat("grpc://localhost:", testing::PickUnusedPortOrDie());
     88   Tensor tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1, 1}));
     89   tensor.flat<float>()(0) = 42.0;
     90   Status publish_status = DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(
     91       DebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0", "foo_tensor", 0,
     92                    "DebugIdentity"),
     93       tensor, Env::Default()->NowMicros(), {kInvalidGrpcUrl});
     94   SetChannelConnectionTimeoutMicros(kOriginalTimeoutMicros);
     95   TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(kInvalidGrpcUrl));
     97   ASSERT_FALSE(publish_status.ok());
     98   const string expected_error_msg = strings::StrCat(
     99       "Failed to connect to gRPC channel at ", kInvalidGrpcUrl.substr(7),
    100       " within a timeout of ", kShortTimeoutMicros / 1e6, " s");
    101   ASSERT_NE(string::npos,
    102             publish_status.error_message().find(expected_error_msg));
    103 }
    105 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, ConnectionToDelayedStartingServerWorks) {
    106   ServerData server_data;
    107   // Server start will be delayed for 1 second.
    108   SetUpInProcessServer(&server_data, 1 * 1000 * 1000);
    110   Tensor tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1, 1}));
    111   tensor.flat<float>()(0) = 42.0;
    112   const DebugNodeKey kDebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0",
    113                                    "foo_tensor", 0, "DebugIdentity");
    114   Status publish_status = DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(
    115       kDebugNodeKey, tensor, Env::Default()->NowMicros(), {server_data.url});
    116   ASSERT_TRUE(publish_status.ok());
    117   TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(server_data.url));
    119   ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data.server->node_names.size());
    120   ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data.server->output_slots.size());
    121   ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data.server->debug_ops.size());
    122   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.device_name, server_data.server->device_names[0]);
    123   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.node_name, server_data.server->node_names[0]);
    124   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.output_slot, server_data.server->output_slots[0]);
    125   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.debug_op, server_data.server->debug_ops[0]);
    126   TearDownInProcessServer(&server_data);
    127 }
    129 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, SendSingleDebugTensorViaGrpcTest) {
    130   Tensor tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1, 1}));
    131   tensor.flat<float>()(0) = 42.0;
    132   const DebugNodeKey kDebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0",
    133                                    "foo_tensor", 0, "DebugIdentity");
    134   TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(
    135       kDebugNodeKey, tensor, Env::Default()->NowMicros(), {server_data_.url}));
    136   TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(server_data_.url));
    138   // Verify that the expected debug tensor sending happened.
    139   ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->node_names.size());
    140   ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->output_slots.size());
    141   ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->debug_ops.size());
    142   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.device_name, server_data_.server->device_names[0]);
    143   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.node_name, server_data_.server->node_names[0]);
    144   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.output_slot, server_data_.server->output_slots[0]);
    145   EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.debug_op, server_data_.server->debug_ops[0]);
    146 }
    148 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, SendDebugTensorWithLargeStringAtIndex0ViaGrpcTest) {
    149   Tensor tensor(DT_STRING, TensorShape({1, 1}));
    150   tensor.flat<string>()(0) = string(5000 * 1024, 'A');
    151   const DebugNodeKey kDebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0",
    152                                    "foo_tensor", 0, "DebugIdentity");
    153   const Status status = DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(
    154       kDebugNodeKey, tensor, Env::Default()->NowMicros(), {server_data_.url});
    155   ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
    156   ASSERT_NE(status.error_message().find("string value at index 0 from debug "
    157                                         "node foo_tensor:0:DebugIdentity does "
    158                                         "not fit gRPC message size limit"),
    159             string::npos);
    160   TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(server_data_.url));
    161 }
    163 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, SendDebugTensorWithLargeStringAtIndex1ViaGrpcTest) {
    164   Tensor tensor(DT_STRING, TensorShape({1, 2}));
    165   tensor.flat<string>()(0) = "A";
    166   tensor.flat<string>()(1) = string(5000 * 1024, 'A');
    167   const DebugNodeKey kDebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0",
    168                                    "foo_tensor", 0, "DebugIdentity");
    169   const Status status = DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(
    170       kDebugNodeKey, tensor, Env::Default()->NowMicros(), {server_data_.url});
    171   ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
    172   ASSERT_NE(status.error_message().find("string value at index 1 from debug "
    173                                         "node foo_tensor:0:DebugIdentity does "
    174                                         "not fit gRPC message size limit"),
    175             string::npos);
    176   TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(server_data_.url));
    177 }
    179 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, SendMultipleDebugTensorsSynchronizedViaGrpcTest) {
    180   const int32 kSends = 4;
    182   // Prepare the tensors to sent.
    183   std::vector<Tensor> tensors;
    184   for (int i = 0; i < kSends; ++i) {
    185     Tensor tensor(DT_INT32, TensorShape({1, 1}));
    186     tensor.flat<int>()(0) = i * i;
    187     tensors.push_back(tensor);
    188   }
    190   thread::ThreadPool* tp =
    191       new thread::ThreadPool(Env::Default(), "grpc_debug_test", kSends);
    193   mutex mu;
    194   Notification all_done;
    195   int tensor_count GUARDED_BY(mu) = 0;
    196   std::vector<Status> statuses GUARDED_BY(mu);
    198   const std::vector<string> urls({server_data_.url});
    200   // Set up the concurrent tasks of sending Tensors via an Event stream to the
    201   // server.
    202   auto fn = [this, &mu, &tensor_count, &tensors, &statuses, &all_done,
    203              &urls]() {
    204     int this_count;
    205     {
    206       mutex_lock l(mu);
    207       this_count = tensor_count++;
    208     }
    210     // Different concurrent tasks will send different tensors.
    211     const uint64 wall_time = Env::Default()->NowMicros();
    212     Status publish_status = DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(
    213         DebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0",
    214                      strings::StrCat("synchronized_node_", this_count), 0,
    215                      "DebugIdentity"),
    216         tensors[this_count], wall_time, urls);
    218     {
    219       mutex_lock l(mu);
    220       statuses.push_back(publish_status);
    221       if (this_count == kSends - 1 && !all_done.HasBeenNotified()) {
    222         all_done.Notify();
    223       }
    224     }
    225   };
    227   // Schedule the concurrent tasks.
    228   for (int i = 0; i < kSends; ++i) {
    229     tp->Schedule(fn);
    230   }
    232   // Wait for all client tasks to finish.
    233   all_done.WaitForNotification();
    234   delete tp;
    236   // Close the debug gRPC stream.
    237   Status close_status = DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(server_data_.url);
    238   ASSERT_TRUE(close_status.ok());
    240   // Check all statuses from the PublishDebugTensor calls().
    241   for (const Status& status : statuses) {
    242     TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
    243   }
    245   // One prep tensor plus kSends concurrent tensors are expected.
    246   ASSERT_EQ(kSends, server_data_.server->node_names.size());
    247   for (size_t i = 0; i < server_data_.server->node_names.size(); ++i) {
    248     std::vector<string> items =
    249         str_util::Split(server_data_.server->node_names[i], '_');
    250     int tensor_index;
    251     strings::safe_strto32(items[2], &tensor_index);
    253     ASSERT_EQ(TensorShape({1, 1}),
    254               server_data_.server->debug_tensors[i].shape());
    255     ASSERT_EQ(tensor_index * tensor_index,
    256               server_data_.server->debug_tensors[i].flat<int>()(0));
    257   }
    258 }
    260 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, SendDebugTensorsThroughMultipleRoundsUsingGrpcGating) {
    261   // Prepare the tensor to send.
    262   const DebugNodeKey kDebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0",
    263                                    "test_namescope/test_node", 0,
    264                                    "DebugIdentity");
    265   Tensor tensor(DT_INT32, TensorShape({1, 1}));
    266   tensor.flat<int>()(0) = 42;
    268   const std::vector<string> urls({server_data_.url});
    269   for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    270     server_data_.server->ClearReceivedDebugData();
    271     const uint64 wall_time = Env::Default()->NowMicros();
    273     // On the 1st send (i == 0), gating is disabled, so data should be sent.
    274     // On the 2nd send (i == 1), gating is enabled, and the server has enabled
    275     //   the watch key in the previous send, so data should be sent.
    276     // On the 3rd send (i == 2), gating is enabled, but the server has disabled
    277     //   the watch key in the previous send, so data should not be sent.
    278     const bool enable_gated_grpc = (i != 0);
    279     TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(kDebugNodeKey, tensor, wall_time,
    280                                              urls, enable_gated_grpc));
    282     server_data_.server->RequestDebugOpStateChangeAtNextStream(
    283         i == 0 ? EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_ONLY
    284                : EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::DISABLED,
    285         kDebugNodeKey);
    287     // Close the debug gRPC stream.
    288     Status close_status = DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(server_data_.url);
    289     ASSERT_TRUE(close_status.ok());
    291     // Check dumped files according to the expected gating results.
    292     if (i < 2) {
    293       ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->node_names.size());
    294       ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->output_slots.size());
    295       ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->debug_ops.size());
    296       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.device_name,
    297                 server_data_.server->device_names[0]);
    298       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.node_name, server_data_.server->node_names[0]);
    299       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.output_slot,
    300                 server_data_.server->output_slots[0]);
    301       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.debug_op, server_data_.server->debug_ops[0]);
    302     } else {
    303       ASSERT_EQ(0, server_data_.server->node_names.size());
    304     }
    305   }
    306 }
    308 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, SendDebugTensorsThroughMultipleRoundsUnderReadWriteMode) {
    309   // Prepare the tensor to send.
    310   const DebugNodeKey kDebugNodeKey("/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0",
    311                                    "test_namescope/test_node", 0,
    312                                    "DebugIdentity");
    313   Tensor tensor(DT_INT32, TensorShape({1, 1}));
    314   tensor.flat<int>()(0) = 42;
    316   const std::vector<string> urls({server_data_.url});
    317   for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    318     server_data_.server->ClearReceivedDebugData();
    319     const uint64 wall_time = Env::Default()->NowMicros();
    321     // On the 1st send (i == 0), gating is disabled, so data should be sent.
    322     // On the 2nd send (i == 1), gating is enabled, and the server has enabled
    323     //   the watch key in the previous send (READ_WRITE), so data should be
    324     //   sent. In this iteration, the server response with a EventReply proto to
    325     //   unblock the debug node.
    326     // On the 3rd send (i == 2), gating is enabled, but the server has disabled
    327     //   the watch key in the previous send, so data should not be sent.
    328     const bool enable_gated_grpc = (i != 0);
    329     TF_ASSERT_OK(DebugIO::PublishDebugTensor(kDebugNodeKey, tensor, wall_time,
    330                                              urls, enable_gated_grpc));
    332     server_data_.server->RequestDebugOpStateChangeAtNextStream(
    333         i == 0 ? EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_WRITE
    334                : EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::DISABLED,
    335         kDebugNodeKey);
    337     // Close the debug gRPC stream.
    338     Status close_status = DebugIO::CloseDebugURL(server_data_.url);
    339     ASSERT_TRUE(close_status.ok());
    341     // Check dumped files according to the expected gating results.
    342     if (i < 2) {
    343       ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->node_names.size());
    344       ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->output_slots.size());
    345       ASSERT_EQ(1, server_data_.server->debug_ops.size());
    346       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.device_name,
    347                 server_data_.server->device_names[0]);
    348       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.node_name, server_data_.server->node_names[0]);
    349       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.output_slot,
    350                 server_data_.server->output_slots[0]);
    351       EXPECT_EQ(kDebugNodeKey.debug_op, server_data_.server->debug_ops[0]);
    352     } else {
    353       ASSERT_EQ(0, server_data_.server->node_names.size());
    354     }
    355   }
    356 }
    358 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, TestGateDebugNodeOnEmptyEnabledSet) {
    359   ASSERT_FALSE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity",
    360                                             {"grpc://localhost:3333"}));
    362   // file:// debug URLs are not subject to grpc gating.
    363   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen(
    364       "foo:0:DebugIdentity", {"grpc://localhost:3333", "file:///tmp/tfdbg_1"}));
    365 }
    367 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, TestGateDebugNodeOnNonEmptyEnabledSet) {
    368   const string kGrpcUrl1 = "grpc://localhost:3333";
    369   const string kGrpcUrl2 = "grpc://localhost:3334";
    371   DebugGrpcIO::SetDebugNodeKeyGrpcState(
    372       kGrpcUrl1, "foo:0:DebugIdentity",
    373       EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_ONLY);
    374   DebugGrpcIO::SetDebugNodeKeyGrpcState(
    375       kGrpcUrl1, "bar:0:DebugIdentity",
    376       EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_ONLY);
    378   ASSERT_FALSE(
    379       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:1:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl1}));
    380   ASSERT_FALSE(
    381       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:1:DebugNumericSummary", {kGrpcUrl1}));
    382   ASSERT_FALSE(
    383       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("qux:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl1}));
    384   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl1}));
    385   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("bar:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl1}));
    387   // Wrong grpc:// debug URLs.
    388   ASSERT_FALSE(
    389       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl2}));
    390   ASSERT_FALSE(
    391       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("bar:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl2}));
    393   // file:// debug URLs are not subject to grpc gating.
    394   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("qux:0:DebugIdentity",
    395                                            {"file:///tmp/tfdbg_1", kGrpcUrl1}));
    396 }
    398 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, TestGateDebugNodeOnMultipleEmptyEnabledSets) {
    399   const string kGrpcUrl1 = "grpc://localhost:3333";
    400   const string kGrpcUrl2 = "grpc://localhost:3334";
    401   const string kGrpcUrl3 = "grpc://localhost:3335";
    403   DebugGrpcIO::SetDebugNodeKeyGrpcState(
    404       kGrpcUrl1, "foo:0:DebugIdentity",
    405       EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_ONLY);
    406   DebugGrpcIO::SetDebugNodeKeyGrpcState(
    407       kGrpcUrl2, "bar:0:DebugIdentity",
    408       EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_ONLY);
    410   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl1}));
    411   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("bar:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl2}));
    412   ASSERT_FALSE(
    413       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl2}));
    414   ASSERT_FALSE(
    415       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("bar:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl1}));
    416   ASSERT_FALSE(
    417       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl3}));
    418   ASSERT_FALSE(
    419       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("bar:0:DebugIdentity", {kGrpcUrl3}));
    420   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity",
    421                                            {kGrpcUrl1, kGrpcUrl2}));
    422   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("bar:0:DebugIdentity",
    423                                            {kGrpcUrl1, kGrpcUrl2}));
    424   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:0:DebugIdentity",
    425                                            {kGrpcUrl1, kGrpcUrl3}));
    426   ASSERT_FALSE(DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("bar:0:DebugIdentity",
    427                                             {kGrpcUrl1, kGrpcUrl3}));
    428 }
    430 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, TestGateDebugNodeOnNonEmptyEnabledSetAndEmptyURLs) {
    431   DebugGrpcIO::SetDebugNodeKeyGrpcState(
    432       "grpc://localhost:3333", "foo:0:DebugIdentity",
    433       EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_ONLY);
    435   std::vector<string> debug_urls_1;
    436   ASSERT_FALSE(
    437       DebugIO::IsDebugNodeGateOpen("foo:1:DebugIdentity", debug_urls_1));
    438 }
    440 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, TestGateCopyNodeOnEmptyEnabledSet) {
    441   const string kGrpcUrl1 = "grpc://localhost:3333";
    442   const string kWatch1 = "foo:0:DebugIdentity";
    444   ASSERT_FALSE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    445       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl1, true)}));
    446   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    447       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl1, false)}));
    449   // file:// debug URLs are not subject to grpc gating.
    450   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    451       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec("foo:0:DebugIdentity", kGrpcUrl1, true),
    452        DebugWatchAndURLSpec("foo:0:DebugIdentity", "file:///tmp/tfdbg_1",
    453                             false)}));
    454 }
    456 TEST_F(GrpcDebugTest, TestGateCopyNodeOnNonEmptyEnabledSet) {
    457   const string kGrpcUrl1 = "grpc://localhost:3333";
    458   const string kGrpcUrl2 = "grpc://localhost:3334";
    459   const string kWatch1 = "foo:0:DebugIdentity";
    460   const string kWatch2 = "foo:1:DebugIdentity";
    461   DebugGrpcIO::SetDebugNodeKeyGrpcState(
    462       kGrpcUrl1, kWatch1, EventReply::DebugOpStateChange::READ_ONLY);
    464   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    465       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl1, true)}));
    467   ASSERT_FALSE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    468       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl2, true)}));
    469   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    470       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl2, false)}));
    472   ASSERT_FALSE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    473       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch2, kGrpcUrl1, true)}));
    474   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    475       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch2, kGrpcUrl1, false)}));
    477   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    478       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl1, true),
    479        DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl2, true)}));
    480   ASSERT_TRUE(DebugIO::IsCopyNodeGateOpen(
    481       {DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch1, kGrpcUrl1, true),
    482        DebugWatchAndURLSpec(kWatch2, kGrpcUrl2, true)}));
    483 }
    485 }  // namespace tensorflow