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      1 /* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     19 #include <map>
     20 #include <memory>
     22 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/summary.pb.h"
     23 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
     24 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/monitoring/collected_metrics.h"
     25 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/monitoring/metric_def.h"
     26 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
     27 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
     28 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
     29 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/mutex.h"
     30 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/thread_annotations.h"
     32 namespace tensorflow {
     33 namespace monitoring {
     35 namespace test_util {
     36 class CollectionRegistryTestAccess;
     37 }  // namespace test_util
     39 namespace internal {
     40 class Collector;
     41 }  // namespace internal
     43 // Metric implementations would get an instance of this class using the
     44 // MetricCollectorGetter in the collection-function lambda, so that their values
     45 // can be collected.
     46 //
     47 // Read the documentation on CollectionRegistry::Register() for more details.
     48 //
     49 // For example:
     50 //   auto metric_collector = metric_collector_getter->Get(&metric_def);
     51 //   metric_collector.CollectValue(some_labels, some_value);
     52 //   metric_collector.CollectValue(others_labels, other_value);
     53 //
     54 // This class is NOT thread-safe.
     55 template <MetricKind metric_kind, typename Value, int NumLabels>
     56 class MetricCollector {
     57  public:
     58   ~MetricCollector() = default;
     60   // Collects the value with these labels.
     61   void CollectValue(const std::array<string, NumLabels>& labels,
     62                     const Value& value);
     64  private:
     65   friend class internal::Collector;
     67   MetricCollector(
     68       const MetricDef<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels>* const metric_def,
     69       const uint64 registration_time_millis,
     70       internal::Collector* const collector, PointSet* const point_set)
     71       : metric_def_(metric_def),
     72         registration_time_millis_(registration_time_millis),
     73         collector_(collector),
     74         point_set_(point_set) {
     75     point_set_->metric_name = metric_def->name().ToString();
     76   }
     78   const MetricDef<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels>* const metric_def_;
     79   const uint64 registration_time_millis_;
     80   internal::Collector* const collector_;
     81   PointSet* const point_set_;
     83   // This is made copyable because we can't hand out references of this class
     84   // from MetricCollectorGetter because this class is templatized, and we need
     85   // MetricCollectorGetter not to be templatized and hence MetricCollectorGetter
     86   // can't own an instance of this class.
     87 };
     89 // Returns a MetricCollector with the same template parameters as the
     90 // metric-definition, so that the values of a metric can be collected.
     91 //
     92 // The collection-function defined by a metric takes this as a parameter.
     93 //
     94 // Read the documentation on CollectionRegistry::Register() for more details.
     95 class MetricCollectorGetter {
     96  public:
     97   // Returns the MetricCollector with the same template parameters as the
     98   // metric_def.
     99   template <MetricKind metric_kind, typename Value, int NumLabels>
    100   MetricCollector<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels> Get(
    101       const MetricDef<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels>* const metric_def);
    103  private:
    104   friend class internal::Collector;
    106   MetricCollectorGetter(internal::Collector* const collector,
    107                         const AbstractMetricDef* const allowed_metric_def,
    108                         const uint64 registration_time_millis)
    109       : collector_(collector),
    110         allowed_metric_def_(allowed_metric_def),
    111         registration_time_millis_(registration_time_millis) {}
    113   internal::Collector* const collector_;
    114   const AbstractMetricDef* const allowed_metric_def_;
    115   const uint64 registration_time_millis_;
    116 };
    118 // A collection registry for metrics.
    119 //
    120 // Metrics are registered here so that their state can be collected later and
    121 // exported.
    122 //
    123 // This class is thread-safe.
    124 class CollectionRegistry {
    125  public:
    126   ~CollectionRegistry() = default;
    128   // Returns the default registry for the process.
    129   //
    130   // This registry belongs to this library and should never be deleted.
    131   static CollectionRegistry* Default();
    133   using CollectionFunction = std::function<void(MetricCollectorGetter getter)>;
    135   // Registers the metric and the collection-function which can be used to
    136   // collect its values. Returns a Registration object, which when upon
    137   // destruction would cause the metric to be unregistered from this registry.
    138   //
    139   // IMPORTANT: Delete the handle before the metric-def is deleted.
    140   //
    141   // Example usage;
    142   // CollectionRegistry::Default()->Register(
    143   //   &metric_def,
    144   //   [&](MetricCollectorGetter getter) {
    145   //     auto metric_collector = getter.Get(&metric_def);
    146   //     for (const auto& cell : cells) {
    147   //       metric_collector.CollectValue(cell.labels(), cell.value());
    148   //     }
    149   //   });
    150   class RegistrationHandle;
    151   std::unique_ptr<RegistrationHandle> Register(
    152       const AbstractMetricDef* metric_def,
    153       const CollectionFunction& collection_function)
    156   // Options for collecting metrics.
    157   struct CollectMetricsOptions {
    158     CollectMetricsOptions() {}
    159     bool collect_metric_descriptors = true;
    160   };
    161   // Goes through all the registered metrics, collects their definitions
    162   // (optionally) and current values and returns them in a standard format.
    163   std::unique_ptr<CollectedMetrics> CollectMetrics(
    164       const CollectMetricsOptions& options) const;
    166  private:
    167   friend class test_util::CollectionRegistryTestAccess;
    168   friend class internal::Collector;
    170   CollectionRegistry(Env* env);
    172   // Unregisters the metric from this registry. This is private because the
    173   // public interface provides a Registration handle which automatically calls
    174   // this upon destruction.
    175   void Unregister(const AbstractMetricDef* metric_def) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mu_);
    177   // TF environment, mainly used for timestamping.
    178   Env* const env_;
    180   mutable mutex mu_;
    182   // Information required for collection.
    183   struct CollectionInfo {
    184     const AbstractMetricDef* const metric_def;
    185     CollectionFunction collection_function;
    186     uint64 registration_time_millis;
    187   };
    188   std::map<StringPiece, CollectionInfo> registry_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
    190   TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CollectionRegistry);
    191 };
    193 ////
    194 // Implementation details follow. API readers may skip.
    195 ////
    197 class CollectionRegistry::RegistrationHandle {
    198  public:
    199   RegistrationHandle(CollectionRegistry* const export_registry,
    200                      const AbstractMetricDef* const metric_def)
    201       : export_registry_(export_registry), metric_def_(metric_def) {}
    203   ~RegistrationHandle() { export_registry_->Unregister(metric_def_); }
    205  private:
    206   CollectionRegistry* const export_registry_;
    207   const AbstractMetricDef* const metric_def_;
    208 };
    210 namespace internal {
    212 template <typename Value>
    213 void CollectValue(const Value& value, Point* point);
    215 template <>
    216 inline void CollectValue(const int64& value, Point* const point) {
    217   point->value_type = ValueType::kInt64;
    218   point->int64_value = value;
    219 }
    221 template <>
    222 inline void CollectValue(const string& value, Point* const point) {
    223   point->value_type = ValueType::kString;
    224   point->string_value = value;
    225 }
    227 template <>
    228 inline void CollectValue(const bool& value, Point* const point) {
    229   point->value_type = ValueType::kBool;
    230   point->bool_value = value;
    231 }
    233 template <>
    234 inline void CollectValue(const HistogramProto& value, Point* const point) {
    235   point->value_type = ValueType::kHistogram;
    236   // This is inefficient. If and when we hit snags, we can change the API to do
    237   // this more efficiently.
    238   point->histogram_value = value;
    239 }
    241 // Used by the CollectionRegistry class to collect all the values of all the
    242 // metrics in the registry. This is an implementation detail of the
    243 // CollectionRegistry class, please do not depend on this.
    244 //
    245 // This cannot be a private nested class because we need to forward declare this
    246 // so that the MetricCollector and MetricCollectorGetter classes can be friends
    247 // with it.
    248 //
    249 // This class is thread-safe.
    250 class Collector {
    251  public:
    252   Collector(const uint64 collection_time_millis)
    253       : collected_metrics_(new CollectedMetrics()),
    254         collection_time_millis_(collection_time_millis) {}
    256   template <MetricKind metric_kind, typename Value, int NumLabels>
    257   MetricCollector<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels> GetMetricCollector(
    258       const MetricDef<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels>* const metric_def,
    259       const uint64 registration_time_millis,
    260       internal::Collector* const collector) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mu_) {
    261     auto* const point_set = [&]() {
    262       mutex_lock l(mu_);
    263       return collected_metrics_->point_set_map
    264           .insert(std::make_pair(metric_def->name().ToString(),
    265                                  std::unique_ptr<PointSet>(new PointSet())))
    266           .first->second.get();
    267     }();
    268     return MetricCollector<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels>(
    269         metric_def, registration_time_millis, collector, point_set);
    270   }
    272   uint64 collection_time_millis() const { return collection_time_millis_; }
    274   void CollectMetricDescriptor(const AbstractMetricDef* const metric_def)
    275       LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mu_);
    277   void CollectMetricValues(
    278       const CollectionRegistry::CollectionInfo& collection_info);
    280   std::unique_ptr<CollectedMetrics> ConsumeCollectedMetrics()
    281       LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mu_);
    283  private:
    284   mutable mutex mu_;
    285   std::unique_ptr<CollectedMetrics> collected_metrics_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
    286   const uint64 collection_time_millis_;
    288   TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Collector);
    289 };
    291 // Write the timestamps for the point based on the MetricKind.
    292 //
    293 // Gauge metrics will have start and end timestamps set to the collection time.
    294 //
    295 // Cumulative metrics will have the start timestamp set to the time when the
    296 // collection function was registered, while the end timestamp will be set to
    297 // the collection time.
    298 template <MetricKind kind>
    299 void WriteTimestamps(const uint64 registration_time_millis,
    300                      const uint64 collection_time_millis, Point* const point);
    302 template <>
    303 inline void WriteTimestamps<MetricKind::kGauge>(
    304     const uint64 registration_time_millis, const uint64 collection_time_millis,
    305     Point* const point) {
    306   point->start_timestamp_millis = collection_time_millis;
    307   point->end_timestamp_millis = collection_time_millis;
    308 }
    310 template <>
    311 inline void WriteTimestamps<MetricKind::kCumulative>(
    312     const uint64 registration_time_millis, const uint64 collection_time_millis,
    313     Point* const point) {
    314   point->start_timestamp_millis = registration_time_millis;
    315   // There's a chance that the clock goes backwards on the same machine, so we
    316   // protect ourselves against that.
    317   point->end_timestamp_millis =
    318       registration_time_millis < collection_time_millis
    319           ? collection_time_millis
    320           : registration_time_millis;
    321 }
    323 }  // namespace internal
    325 template <MetricKind metric_kind, typename Value, int NumLabels>
    326 void MetricCollector<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels>::CollectValue(
    327     const std::array<string, NumLabels>& labels, const Value& value) {
    328   point_set_->points.emplace_back(new Point());
    329   auto* const point = point_set_->points.back().get();
    330   const std::vector<string> label_descriptions =
    331       metric_def_->label_descriptions();
    332   point->labels.reserve(NumLabels);
    333   for (int i = 0; i < NumLabels; ++i) {
    334     point->labels.push_back({});
    335     auto* const label = &point->labels.back();
    336     label->name = label_descriptions[i];
    337     label->value = labels[i];
    338   }
    339   internal::CollectValue(value, point);
    340   internal::WriteTimestamps<metric_kind>(
    341       registration_time_millis_, collector_->collection_time_millis(), point);
    342 }
    344 template <MetricKind metric_kind, typename Value, int NumLabels>
    345 MetricCollector<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels> MetricCollectorGetter::Get(
    346     const MetricDef<metric_kind, Value, NumLabels>* const metric_def) {
    347   if (allowed_metric_def_ != metric_def) {
    348     LOG(FATAL) << "Expected collection for: " << allowed_metric_def_->name()
    349                << " but instead got: " << metric_def->name();
    350   }
    352   return collector_->GetMetricCollector(metric_def, registration_time_millis_,
    353                                         collector_);
    354 }
    356 }  // namespace monitoring
    357 }  // namespace tensorflow