Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in default
      1 # Platform-specific build configurations.
      3 load("@protobuf_archive//:protobuf.bzl", "proto_gen")
      4 load("@protobuf_archive//:protobuf.bzl", "py_proto_library")
      5 load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "if_not_mobile")
      6 load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "if_windows")
      7 load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "if_not_windows")
      8 load("//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl", "if_static")
      9 load("@local_config_cuda//cuda:build_defs.bzl", "if_cuda")
     10 load(
     11     "//third_party/mkl:build_defs.bzl",
     12     "if_mkl",
     13 )
     15 # Appends a suffix to a list of deps.
     16 def tf_deps(deps, suffix):
     17   tf_deps = []
     19   # If the package name is in shorthand form (ie: does not contain a ':'),
     20   # expand it to the full name.
     21   for dep in deps:
     22     tf_dep = dep
     24     if not ":" in dep:
     25       dep_pieces = dep.split("/")
     26       tf_dep += ":" + dep_pieces[len(dep_pieces) - 1]
     28     tf_deps += [tf_dep + suffix]
     30   return tf_deps
     32 # Modified from @cython//:Tools/rules.bzl
     33 def pyx_library(
     34     name,
     35     deps=[],
     36     py_deps=[],
     37     srcs=[],
     38     **kwargs):
     39   """Compiles a group of .pyx / .pxd / .py files.
     41   First runs Cython to create .cpp files for each input .pyx or .py + .pxd
     42   pair. Then builds a shared object for each, passing "deps" to each cc_binary
     43   rule (includes Python headers by default). Finally, creates a py_library rule
     44   with the shared objects and any pure Python "srcs", with py_deps as its
     45   dependencies; the shared objects can be imported like normal Python files.
     47   Args:
     48     name: Name for the rule.
     49     deps: C/C++ dependencies of the Cython (e.g. Numpy headers).
     50     py_deps: Pure Python dependencies of the final library.
     51     srcs: .py, .pyx, or .pxd files to either compile or pass through.
     52     **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments passed to the py_library.
     53   """
     54   # First filter out files that should be run compiled vs. passed through.
     55   py_srcs = []
     56   pyx_srcs = []
     57   pxd_srcs = []
     58   for src in srcs:
     59     if src.endswith(".pyx") or (src.endswith(".py")
     60                                 and src[:-3] + ".pxd" in srcs):
     61       pyx_srcs.append(src)
     62     elif src.endswith(".py"):
     63       py_srcs.append(src)
     64     else:
     65       pxd_srcs.append(src)
     66     if src.endswith("__init__.py"):
     67       pxd_srcs.append(src)
     69   # Invoke cython to produce the shared object libraries.
     70   for filename in pyx_srcs:
     71     native.genrule(
     72         name = filename + "_cython_translation",
     73         srcs = [filename],
     74         outs = [filename.split(".")[0] + ".cpp"],
     75         cmd = "PYTHONHASHSEED=0 $(location @cython//:cython_binary) --cplus $(SRCS) --output-file $(OUTS)",
     76         tools = ["@cython//:cython_binary"] + pxd_srcs,
     77     )
     79   shared_objects = []
     80   for src in pyx_srcs:
     81     stem = src.split(".")[0]
     82     shared_object_name = stem + ".so"
     83     native.cc_binary(
     84         name=shared_object_name,
     85         srcs=[stem + ".cpp"],
     86         deps=deps + ["//util/python:python_headers"],
     87         linkshared = 1,
     88     )
     89     shared_objects.append(shared_object_name)
     91   # Now create a py_library with these shared objects as data.
     92   native.py_library(
     93       name=name,
     94       srcs=py_srcs,
     95       deps=py_deps,
     96       srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
     97       data=shared_objects,
     98       **kwargs
     99   )
    101 def _proto_cc_hdrs(srcs, use_grpc_plugin=False):
    102   ret = [s[:-len(".proto")] + ".pb.h" for s in srcs]
    103   if use_grpc_plugin:
    104     ret += [s[:-len(".proto")] + ".grpc.pb.h" for s in srcs]
    105   return ret
    107 def _proto_cc_srcs(srcs, use_grpc_plugin=False):
    108   ret = [s[:-len(".proto")] + ".pb.cc" for s in srcs]
    109   if use_grpc_plugin:
    110     ret += [s[:-len(".proto")] + ".grpc.pb.cc" for s in srcs]
    111   return ret
    113 # Re-defined protocol buffer rule to allow building "header only" protocol
    114 # buffers, to avoid duplicate registrations. Also allows non-iterable cc_libs
    115 # containing select() statements.
    116 def cc_proto_library(
    117     name,
    118     srcs=[],
    119     deps=[],
    120     cc_libs=[],
    121     include=None,
    122     protoc="@protobuf_archive//:protoc",
    123     internal_bootstrap_hack=False,
    124     use_grpc_plugin=False,
    125     default_header=False,
    126     **kargs):
    127   """Bazel rule to create a C++ protobuf library from proto source files.
    129   Args:
    130     name: the name of the cc_proto_library.
    131     srcs: the .proto files of the cc_proto_library.
    132     deps: a list of dependency labels; must be cc_proto_library.
    133     cc_libs: a list of other cc_library targets depended by the generated
    134         cc_library.
    135     include: a string indicating the include path of the .proto files.
    136     protoc: the label of the protocol compiler to generate the sources.
    137     internal_bootstrap_hack: a flag indicate the cc_proto_library is used only
    138         for bootstraping. When it is set to True, no files will be generated.
    139         The rule will simply be a provider for .proto files, so that other
    140         cc_proto_library can depend on it.
    141     use_grpc_plugin: a flag to indicate whether to call the grpc C++ plugin
    142         when processing the proto files.
    143     default_header: Controls the naming of generated rules. If True, the `name`
    144         rule will be header-only, and an _impl rule will contain the
    145         implementation. Otherwise the header-only rule (name + "_headers_only")
    146         must be referred to explicitly.
    147     **kargs: other keyword arguments that are passed to cc_library.
    148   """
    150   includes = []
    151   if include != None:
    152     includes = [include]
    154   if internal_bootstrap_hack:
    155     # For pre-checked-in generated files, we add the internal_bootstrap_hack
    156     # which will skip the codegen action.
    157     proto_gen(
    158         name=name + "_genproto",
    159         srcs=srcs,
    160         deps=[s + "_genproto" for s in deps],
    161         includes=includes,
    162         protoc=protoc,
    163         visibility=["//visibility:public"],
    164     )
    165     # An empty cc_library to make rule dependency consistent.
    166     native.cc_library(
    167         name=name,
    168         **kargs)
    169     return
    171   grpc_cpp_plugin = None
    172   if use_grpc_plugin:
    173     grpc_cpp_plugin = "//external:grpc_cpp_plugin"
    175   gen_srcs = _proto_cc_srcs(srcs, use_grpc_plugin)
    176   gen_hdrs = _proto_cc_hdrs(srcs, use_grpc_plugin)
    177   outs = gen_srcs + gen_hdrs
    179   proto_gen(
    180       name=name + "_genproto",
    181       srcs=srcs,
    182       deps=[s + "_genproto" for s in deps],
    183       includes=includes,
    184       protoc=protoc,
    185       plugin=grpc_cpp_plugin,
    186       plugin_language="grpc",
    187       gen_cc=1,
    188       outs=outs,
    189       visibility=["//visibility:public"],
    190   )
    192   if use_grpc_plugin:
    193     cc_libs += ["//external:grpc_lib"]
    195   if default_header:
    196     header_only_name = name
    197     impl_name = name + "_impl"
    198   else:
    199     header_only_name = name + "_headers_only"
    200     impl_name = name
    202   native.cc_library(
    203       name=impl_name,
    204       srcs=gen_srcs,
    205       hdrs=gen_hdrs,
    206       deps=cc_libs + deps,
    207       includes=includes,
    208       **kargs)
    209   native.cc_library(
    210       name=header_only_name,
    211       deps=["@protobuf_archive//:protobuf_headers"] + if_static([impl_name]),
    212       hdrs=gen_hdrs,
    213       **kargs)
    215 def tf_proto_library_cc(name, srcs = [], has_services = None,
    216                         protodeps = [],
    217                         visibility = [], testonly = 0,
    218                         cc_libs = [],
    219                         cc_stubby_versions = None,
    220                         cc_grpc_version = None,
    221                         j2objc_api_version = 1,
    222                         cc_api_version = 2, go_api_version = 2,
    223                         java_api_version = 2, py_api_version = 2,
    224                         js_api_version = 2, js_codegen = "jspb",
    225                         default_header = False):
    226   js_codegen = js_codegen  # unused argument
    227   js_api_version = js_api_version  # unused argument
    228   native.filegroup(
    229       name = name + "_proto_srcs",
    230       srcs = srcs + tf_deps(protodeps, "_proto_srcs"),
    231       testonly = testonly,
    232       visibility = visibility,
    233   )
    235   use_grpc_plugin = None
    236   if cc_grpc_version:
    237     use_grpc_plugin = True
    238   cc_proto_library(
    239       name = name + "_cc",
    240       srcs = srcs,
    241       deps = tf_deps(protodeps, "_cc") + ["@protobuf_archive//:cc_wkt_protos"],
    242       cc_libs = cc_libs + if_static(
    243           ["@protobuf_archive//:protobuf"],
    244           ["@protobuf_archive//:protobuf_headers"]
    245       ),
    246       copts = if_not_windows([
    247           "-Wno-unknown-warning-option",
    248           "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable",
    249           "-Wno-sign-compare",
    250       ]),
    251       protoc = "@protobuf_archive//:protoc",
    252       use_grpc_plugin = use_grpc_plugin,
    253       testonly = testonly,
    254       visibility = visibility,
    255       default_header = default_header,
    256   )
    258 def tf_proto_library_py(name, srcs=[], protodeps=[], deps=[], visibility=[],
    259                         testonly=0,
    260                         srcs_version="PY2AND3"):
    261   py_proto_library(
    262       name = name + "_py",
    263       srcs = srcs,
    264       srcs_version = srcs_version,
    265       deps = deps + tf_deps(protodeps, "_py") + ["@protobuf_archive//:protobuf_python"],
    266       protoc = "@protobuf_archive//:protoc",
    267       default_runtime = "@protobuf_archive//:protobuf_python",
    268       visibility = visibility,
    269       testonly = testonly,
    270   )
    272 def tf_jspb_proto_library(**kwargs):
    273   pass
    275 def tf_nano_proto_library(**kwargs):
    276   pass
    278 def tf_proto_library(name, srcs = [], has_services = None,
    279                      protodeps = [],
    280                      visibility = [], testonly = 0,
    281                      cc_libs = [],
    282                      cc_api_version = 2, cc_grpc_version = None,
    283                      go_api_version = 2,
    284                      j2objc_api_version = 1,
    285                      java_api_version = 2, py_api_version = 2,
    286                      js_api_version = 2, js_codegen = "jspb",
    287                      default_header = False):
    288   """Make a proto library, possibly depending on other proto libraries."""
    289   js_api_version = js_api_version  # unused argument
    290   js_codegen = js_codegen  # unused argument
    291   tf_proto_library_cc(
    292       name = name,
    293       srcs = srcs,
    294       protodeps = protodeps,
    295       cc_grpc_version = cc_grpc_version,
    296       cc_libs = cc_libs,
    297       testonly = testonly,
    298       visibility = visibility,
    299       default_header = default_header,
    300   )
    302   tf_proto_library_py(
    303       name = name,
    304       srcs = srcs,
    305       protodeps = protodeps,
    306       srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
    307       testonly = testonly,
    308       visibility = visibility,
    309   )
    311 def tf_additional_lib_hdrs(exclude = []):
    312   windows_hdrs = native.glob([
    313       "platform/default/*.h",
    314       "platform/windows/*.h",
    315       "platform/posix/error.h",
    316   ], exclude = exclude)
    317   return select({
    318     "//tensorflow:windows" : windows_hdrs,
    319     "//tensorflow:windows_msvc" : windows_hdrs,
    320     "//conditions:default" : native.glob([
    321         "platform/default/*.h",
    322         "platform/posix/*.h",
    323       ], exclude = exclude),
    324   })
    326 def tf_additional_lib_srcs(exclude = []):
    327   windows_srcs = native.glob([
    328       "platform/default/*.cc",
    329       "platform/windows/*.cc",
    330       "platform/posix/error.cc",
    331   ], exclude = exclude)
    332   return select({
    333     "//tensorflow:windows" : windows_srcs,
    334     "//tensorflow:windows_msvc" : windows_srcs,
    335     "//conditions:default" : native.glob([
    336         "platform/default/*.cc",
    337         "platform/posix/*.cc",
    338       ], exclude = exclude),
    339   })
    341 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    342 def tf_additional_framework_hdrs(exclude = []):
    343   return []
    345 def tf_additional_framework_srcs(exclude = []):
    346   return []
    347 # pylint: enable=unused-argument
    349 def tf_additional_minimal_lib_srcs():
    350   return [
    351       "platform/default/integral_types.h",
    352       "platform/default/mutex.h",
    353   ]
    355 def tf_additional_proto_hdrs():
    356   return [
    357       "platform/default/integral_types.h",
    358       "platform/default/logging.h",
    359       "platform/default/protobuf.h"
    360   ] + if_windows([
    361       "platform/windows/integral_types.h",
    362   ])
    364 def tf_additional_proto_srcs():
    365   return [
    366       "platform/default/logging.cc",
    367       "platform/default/protobuf.cc",
    368   ]
    370 def tf_additional_all_protos():
    371   return ["//tensorflow/core:protos_all"]
    373 def tf_protos_all_impl():
    374   return ["//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc_impl"]
    376 def tf_protos_all():
    377   return if_static(
    378       extra_deps=tf_protos_all_impl(),
    379       otherwise=["//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc"])
    381 def tf_protos_grappler_impl():
    382   return ["//tensorflow/core/grappler/costs:op_performance_data_cc_impl"]
    384 def tf_protos_grappler():
    385   return if_static(
    386       extra_deps=tf_protos_grappler_impl(),
    387       otherwise=["//tensorflow/core/grappler/costs:op_performance_data_cc"])
    389 def tf_env_time_hdrs():
    390   return [
    391       "platform/env_time.h",
    392   ]
    394 def tf_env_time_srcs():
    395   win_env_time = native.glob([
    396     "platform/windows/env_time.cc",
    397     "platform/env_time.cc",
    398   ], exclude = [])
    399   return select({
    400     "//tensorflow:windows" : win_env_time,
    401     "//tensorflow:windows_msvc" : win_env_time,
    402     "//conditions:default" : native.glob([
    403         "platform/posix/env_time.cc",
    404         "platform/env_time.cc",
    405       ], exclude = []),
    406   })
    408 def tf_additional_cupti_wrapper_deps():
    409   return ["//tensorflow/core/platform/default/gpu:cupti_wrapper"]
    411 def tf_additional_device_tracer_srcs():
    412   return ["platform/default/device_tracer.cc"]
    414 def tf_additional_device_tracer_cuda_deps():
    415   return []
    417 def tf_additional_device_tracer_deps():
    418   return []
    420 def tf_additional_libdevice_data():
    421   return []
    423 def tf_additional_libdevice_deps():
    424   return ["@local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda_headers"]
    426 def tf_additional_libdevice_srcs():
    427   return ["platform/default/cuda_libdevice_path.cc"]
    429 def tf_additional_test_deps():
    430   return []
    432 def tf_additional_test_srcs():
    433   return [
    434       "platform/default/test_benchmark.cc",
    435   ] + select({
    436       "//tensorflow:windows" : [
    437           "platform/windows/test.cc"
    438         ],
    439       "//conditions:default" : [
    440           "platform/posix/test.cc",
    441         ],
    442     })
    444 def tf_kernel_tests_linkstatic():
    445   return 0
    447 def tf_additional_lib_defines():
    448   """Additional defines needed to build TF libraries."""
    449   return select({
    450       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_x86_64": ["TENSORFLOW_USE_JEMALLOC"],
    451       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_ppc64le":["TENSORFLOW_USE_JEMALLOC"],
    452       "//conditions:default": [],
    453   }) + if_not_mobile(["TENSORFLOW_USE_ABSL"])
    455 def tf_additional_lib_deps():
    456   """Additional dependencies needed to build TF libraries."""
    457   return if_not_mobile(["@com_google_absl//absl/base:base"]) + if_static(
    458       ["@nsync//:nsync_cpp"],
    459       ["@nsync//:nsync_headers"]
    460   ) + select({
    461       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_x86_64_dynamic": ["@jemalloc//:jemalloc_headers"],
    462       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_ppc64le_dynamic": ["@jemalloc//:jemalloc_headers"],
    463       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_x86_64": ["@jemalloc//:jemalloc_impl"],
    464       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_ppc64le": ["@jemalloc//:jemalloc_impl"],
    465       "//conditions:default": [],
    466   })
    468 def tf_additional_core_deps():
    469   return select({
    470       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_android_override": [],
    471       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_ios_override": [],
    472       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support": [
    473           "//tensorflow/core/platform/cloud:gcs_file_system",
    474       ],
    475       "//conditions:default": [],
    476   }) + select({
    477       "//tensorflow:with_hdfs_support_windows_override": [],
    478       "//tensorflow:with_hdfs_support_android_override": [],
    479       "//tensorflow:with_hdfs_support_ios_override": [],
    480       "//tensorflow:with_hdfs_support": [
    481           "//tensorflow/core/platform/hadoop:hadoop_file_system",
    482       ],
    483       "//conditions:default": [],
    484   }) + select({
    485       "//tensorflow:with_s3_support_windows_override": [],
    486       "//tensorflow:with_s3_support_android_override": [],
    487       "//tensorflow:with_s3_support_ios_override": [],
    488       "//tensorflow:with_s3_support": [
    489           "//tensorflow/core/platform/s3:s3_file_system",
    490       ],
    491       "//conditions:default": [],
    492   })
    494 # TODO(jart, jhseu): Delete when GCP is default on.
    495 def tf_additional_cloud_op_deps():
    496   return select({
    497       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_windows_override": [],
    498       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_android_override": [],
    499       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_ios_override": [],
    500       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support": [
    501         "//tensorflow/contrib/cloud:bigquery_reader_ops_op_lib",
    502       ],
    503       "//conditions:default": [],
    504   })
    506 # TODO(jart, jhseu): Delete when GCP is default on.
    507 def tf_additional_cloud_kernel_deps():
    508   return select({
    509       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_windows_override": [],
    510       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_android_override": [],
    511       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support_ios_override": [],
    512       "//tensorflow:with_gcp_support": [
    513         "//tensorflow/contrib/cloud/kernels:bigquery_reader_ops",
    514       ],
    515       "//conditions:default": [],
    516   })
    518 def tf_lib_proto_parsing_deps():
    519   return [
    520       ":protos_all_cc",
    521       "//third_party/eigen3",
    522       "//tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config:proto_parsing",
    523   ]
    525 def tf_additional_verbs_lib_defines():
    526   return select({
    527       "//tensorflow:with_verbs_support": ["TENSORFLOW_USE_VERBS"],
    528       "//conditions:default": [],
    529   })
    531 def tf_additional_mpi_lib_defines():
    532   return select({
    533       "//tensorflow:with_mpi_support": ["TENSORFLOW_USE_MPI"],
    534       "//conditions:default": [],
    535   })
    537 def tf_additional_gdr_lib_defines():
    538   return select({
    539       "//tensorflow:with_gdr_support": ["TENSORFLOW_USE_GDR"],
    540       "//conditions:default": [],
    541   })
    543 def tf_py_clif_cc(name, visibility=None, **kwargs):
    544   pass
    546 def tf_pyclif_proto_library(name, proto_lib, proto_srcfile="", visibility=None,
    547                             **kwargs):
    548   pass
    550 def tf_additional_binary_deps():
    551   return ["@nsync//:nsync_cpp"] + if_cuda(
    552       [
    553           "//tensorflow/stream_executor:cuda_platform",
    554           "//tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config:cuda",
    555       ],
    556   ) + select({
    557       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_x86_64": ["@jemalloc//:jemalloc_impl"],
    558       "//tensorflow:with_jemalloc_linux_ppc64le": ["@jemalloc//:jemalloc_impl"],
    559       "//conditions:default": [],
    560   })  + [
    561       # TODO(allenl): Split these out into their own shared objects (they are
    562       # here because they are shared between contrib/ op shared objects and
    563       # core).
    564       "//tensorflow/core/kernels:lookup_util",
    565       "//tensorflow/core/util/tensor_bundle",
    566   ] + if_mkl(
    567       [
    568           "//third_party/mkl:intel_binary_blob",
    569       ],
    570   )